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Palo mayombe orginated from the African Congo and is said to be the world's

most powerful and feared form of black magic. In santeria religion there exists a
dark side called Palo mayombe. Individuals who practice this dark aspect are
called Palero. Palo Mayombe has a very long and historical history. This magic
was transported to the Caribbean during Spanish slave trade to Cuba and Puerto
Rico in the 1500.
The influence of Palo Mayombe can be found in Central America.Brazil and
Mexico. Palo Mayombe in Brazil is Quimbanda. Quimbanda is a mixture of
traditional Congo, indigenous in India and Latin American spiritualism.
The differences between Palo Mayombe and Santeria is the religion of Santeria
uses the forces of light and the members of Palo Mayombe use ther forces of
darkness to achieve their goals and magic spells. Palero practice extemely strong
and powerful black magic. Many members of Santeria avoid being associated with
Palo Mayombe. Palo Mayombe has its own priesthood and set of rules and
regulations. Rules and regulations will vary according to the Palo Mayombe house
to which an individual has been initiated into.
Palo Mayombe was integrated as part of the Santeria religion. It is an entirely
different world, when having an experience outside of the Latin American
spiritualism. It is rare to find a sincere individual in remote villages throughout
Latin America and in the United States. There are several famous Palero priests
as well as secret societies dedicated to the Palo Mayombe.
Paleros' do not advertise their powers and will only perform spiritual work for an
individual by referral. Palero priest's power is so strong that they can take a man
of obscure origin and turn him into a very powerfual world figure in a relatively
short period of time. Many political leaders have been linked to an involvement
with the practice of Palo Mayombe in order to keep them in power and control
over the people. It is believed that a Palero can also bring death unto an
individual within 24 hours. Palero can make and break you by saying just a few
incantations and by performing a few minor rituals.
The lack of understanding and ignorance has always brought fear to people. In
many cases this ignorance has brought extinction to entire races of people and
Palo Mayombe is a very fascinating and exciting aspect of Santeria and it should
not be taken lightly or ignored. I am thankful to have had the opportunity to have
become a part of an ancient form of magic. With great honor and pride,. I salute
my family and ahijados in Palo Mayombe

The house of the dead is where the Palero spirits reside. Because the forces and
powers of the dark are so fierce, they can not be kept with Santeros Santos or
other spiritual guides. Traditionally a Palero will keep his spirts in a special house
outside. This special house must always be locked to keep people away. The
house must be large enough to conduct your dark magic or misa. If you live in an
apartment you must keep your spirits in a seperate room or closet large enough
for the spirit of Palo Mayombe. A basement is the perfect place for working the
spirits of Palo Mayombe. When you recieve other spirits of Palo Mayombe, they
can all stay together. There should be a minimum amount of light and at least
one candle burning in honor of the spirits at all times. Palero priest must be stock
with supplies for the
When you decide to take a step into the spiritual of Palo Mayombe, it is a life long
commitment, dedication and service to our ancestors and spiritual guides A
Palero priests' function is more important to serve and protect the community.
When an individual is initiated into Palo Mayome, they are baptized into
mysteries and secrets of the spirit. Paleros say that they are born of fire and in
the end will die of fire. When becoming a Palero priest, a light in darkness will
attract the blessings of the spirits. In death, a Palero's life is extingushed in
death. They become an elevated spiritual guide of the eternal living darkness.

Before you can become a part of Palo Mayombe, they must first consult an
experienced Palo Priest. The Palero will determine through direct contact with the
spiritual world and the persons ancestors, if they will be able to practice Palo
Mayombe. Most times the spirit will reject an individual because Palo Mayombe is
not for that individuals spritual path . The spirits may also deny access to an
indivdual because they may not yet be ready to handle or understand the
responsibities of being a palero.

If the spirits respond favorably to your request, the next step is to receive a
spiritual cauldron-spritual pot. After the invocation ceremony, the spiritual
cauldron contains the secrets of powerful spirits. In Central America, Cuba and
the Carribeans, this cauldron is called a Nganga-Prenda because the culture of
modern day and the influence of Latin American's spiritualism in Palo Mayombe.
It is not uncommon to find paleros whose spirits are the living dead. Muertos are
kept inside of a large clay pot instead of traditional large iron cauldron. It
depends on the palero priest in which form you will recieve your spirit pot and
who will assist and teach you the secrets of palo mayombe.

Receiving the initiation and the spirits of Palo Mayombe is only the first step in a
long journey into the world of spirits.

Palos primary purpose is to cure illness. It is important to note that illness is not
defined the same way in the Western world as it is among Palo practitioners. Aside
from illnesses that require aspirin for instance, illness can include loss of property,
work, love and lack of success. In short, categories of illness and medicine in
English and Kikongo overlap but do not coincide. The Palo practictioner cures such
illnesses by creating bilongo which literally means medicine.
So what is considered good and evil in Palo? This all depends on whether the
motivation for the work being done is for social benefit or personal benefit. That
which is motivated by a desire to support the community (the supreme virtue in
Congo ethics) is good while that which is done for personal gain (and hence in
opposition to the common good) is evil. Are there initiates that claim to practice
black magic within Palo? Yes. However to quote my elder Tata Nsasi Masongo
Quimbisa, just because there are people who do not live up to the highest
spiritual principles of any faith does not invalidate that faiths claim to spiritual
elevation. There are priests in every tradition who use their position to do harm.
There are numerous reasons people may label Palo Black Magic. To begin with
the earliest published books in English that mention Palo and attempt to describe
and define it did a poor job in doing so. Second of all, from a purely aesthetic
point of view Palo shrines are purposefully meant to create awe in order to make
the ritual objects convey the strength they contain. People may easily confuse this
look with something evil. Third, these shrines are foreign to most people. When
people see something they dont understand they oftentimes label it as evil.

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