ECO@COP15 Delegation List

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Environmental Challenge Organization


Delegation Profile
Photo Profile

Name: Wilson Ang (Team Leader)

Having seen the state of the environment in many developed and

developing nations after the World Summit in 2002, Wilson believes
that the only way to create a better planet for human survivability is
for every individual to take responsibility of their own action by being
more conscious about their daily choices in consumption habits as
global citizens. He left his job as an Officer in the Air Force to start
ECO Singapore in 2006 and since reached out to over 2,000 youth
leaders and 310,000 members of the public both in Singapore and
the region. More recently, an office in Indonesia was being setup to
further the cause in the region.

He strongly believes that environment plays a very vital role in

society that his life mission can simply be phased into one
sentence, “To create and maintain a sustainable lifestyle and
culture”. At current, apart from bringing ECO international, he is also
building several small green businesses to be able to create green
jobs with the goal of creating 10,000 green jobs by the age of 35.

He is also the UNFCCC Youth Constituency (YOUNGO) Primary

Focal Point.

Name: Agathe Cavicchioli

Agathe is a French student in Politics and International Relations.
She’s been concerned with the stake of our Mother Earth from a
tender age and is striving to lead a meaningful existence dedicated
to the preservation of our environment. Small contributions make
great changes thus one should always ponder between what is
easy and what is right…
Photo Profile

Name: Amira Karim

Amira is a rainforest enthusiast and foreign policy geek. She has

always been a keen advocate of the UNFCCC’s philosophy of
“common but differentiated responsibilities.” She believes in seeking
sensible solutions to climate change through creating common
ground with the private sector, governments, youth and
communities. Her aim for attending the COP 15 conference is to
garner deeper insights on the UNFCCC negotiation process, to
foster meaningful dialogue between youth and other stakeholders
and to expand her knowledge in climate change issues. Her dream
is to carve out a career in the area of sustainable development. In
her free time, Amira enjoys sailing, salsa dancing, shoestring travel
and working on international development issues as a World Bank
Youth Fellow.

Name: Eleina Ailmchandani

An undergraduate student, Eleina has interest in intercultural

communications, social movements and rural development. An
active volunteer, she has been involved in reconstructing tsunami
affected areas in Aceh and has taken active part in several
overseas projects dealing with education and development.
Pumped up with the prospect of working with other youths at the
Copenhagen Conference this year, she hopes to push for stronger
legislation that will curb greenhouse gas emissions by bringing to
the forefront the future of island nations and developing nations
which will suffer the most with climate change.
Photo Profile

Name: Hu Ching

As a secondary school student, Hu Ching’s first introduction to

climate change came from the movie – ‘An Inconvenient Truth’.
Ever since, he has grown an avid interest in global environmental
issues, and was chairman of his Junior College’s Earth Club,
rallying friends and schoolmates together for his green crusade. His
main interest lies in understanding and overcoming the economic
and social inequalities that contribute to, and result from
environmental change.

Having attended regional conferences, Hu Ching believes that this

delegation can be a model of leadership to the other Asian nations,
bridge the gap between participatory nations of varying wealth, as
well as relay key environmental messages back to fellow

Hu Ching is currently reading Geography at the University of

Oxford, and is organizing the inaugural Oxford Climate Forum 2010.

Name: Leong Chia Jang

Born in Europe, raised in Singapore, educated in Australia & USA,

worked in Asia and the Middle East; Leong Chia Jang a.k.a. LJ is a
water treatment engineer who is interested in investigating global
“green technologies” that improve the quality of life without adverse
impact on the environment.
Photo Profile

Name: Eileen Lee

A love for backpacking in Southeast Asia, coupled with a keen

interest in the feminization of poverty and food security, has led
Eileen to realise how vulnerable the poor are to the effects of
climate change. This has spurred the acquirement of relevant
knowledge, resulting in much enthusiasm on the language and
psychology of climate change. Being actively involved in
volunteerism, Eileen wishes to spread the climate change message
through grassroots activities. As a Political Science and Corporate
Communications major, she will be putting her knowledge to use as
a writer with the COP15 youth media team, G-1 Billion, and will be
providing non-negotiations content to international media.

Name: Lee Zhe Yu

Zhe Yu has been a passionate greenie (and humanitarian) since

young. Concerned with the current ills of global (economic)
development especially with regards to the massive inequity that
exists in the world. Realizes that climate change is the most severe
global issue affecting mankind and yearns to find solutions that will
promote true sustainable development for all. Desires for a new age
of multilateralism, internationalism and global citizenship to solve
the many interrelated global problems ranging from biodiversity
conservation to chronic poverty, overfishing, deforestation, hunger
and fair trade.
Photo Profile

Name: Loo Yong Ping

Yong Ping’s creative journey started with the doodling in his school
books, and continued throughout Mass Communication studies at
Ngee Polytechnic, and extended to the running of a Campus
Television Station, to the creation of his own T-shirt company, then
onto becoming an Officer in the Army, to being put in charge of the
National Day Parade website and he is now pursuing a BA (Hons) in
Graphic Media Design at the London College of Communication.
Yong Ping staunchly believes that a designer’s job is not just about
making things look good, but to be the creative mind in the market
place. Amongst his freelance work, personal projects and
internships, he has strong beliefs in using his creative skills and
knowledge to help the under represented and less fortunate.

As an Asian Team Leader for Project Survival Media, Yong Ping co-
ordinates media teams in China, the Fiji Islands, Vietnam, Indonesia
and Singapore in reporting from the front lines of the climate crisis.
In his second year as an International Youth Delegate for the
UNFCCC, Yong Ping hopes to use his creative abilities for the
greater good. More about Yong Ping and his work can be found @

Name: Loy Syeyuet

Sye Yuet loves to sip on a cuppacino, tasting the bitter-sweet

aftertaste of it and fingering the edges of her holiday read while
lounging in a little cafe. She has traded her holiday read for
environmental textbooks, because she knows that she has to learn
about change to create it.
Photo Profile

Name: Melissa Low Yu Xing

Melissa majors in Geography and has a keen interest urban civility

and sustainability. She took part in this year’s Universitas 21
Climate Change Adaptation Summer School Program held at the
University of Queensland, Brisbane which involved youths from
around the world engaging in climate change debate. She hopes to
again work with passionate youths in Copenhagen and to achieve
greater heights in climate awareness. Melissa hopes to make a
difference with the support of fellow youths to push for climate
action TODAY.

Name: Ng Zhi Kai

Zhi Kai is an adventurer who challenges his limits whenever

possible. Starting at the young age of 15, he has been actively
involved in volunteering for the environment in and outside of
school. He firmly believes that youths can be a catalyst in pushing
for changes, especially in the field of environment. He hopes to use
his passion and dedication to inspire more youths to step up and
lead their fellow peers in environment efforts, and hence creating a
more environment conscious Singapore.
Photo Profile

Name: Gabriel Teo

Many 18 year olds have strong aspirations and interests in a

diversified range of fields. So does Gabriel. His interest revolves
around reshaping his fellow friends and peers into developing an
interest and personal conviction in the aspect of climate change.
Through this conference, Gabriel endeavors to develop a deeper
insight into the climate change policies and impact a change on
governmental determination. He hopes to bring back these
experiences from Copenhagen and share it amongst his friends, to
enthuse them on this green movement.

Danchi's interest in the United Nations process attracted her to go

for a summer course at the United Nations University to better
understand the system and its workflow. Wanting to learn more
about the clean development mechanism and carbon trading, this
path led her to look into the climate negotiations in more depth. She
believes that the business sector can use market forces to drive
change for policy and a low carbon future.

Graduated recently from the singapore Management University,

Danchi holds a degree in accountancy and joined one of the big four
accounting firm, KPMG.
Photo Profile

Zhang Yi Tao

Yi Tao has been involved in the environment scene since he was

14. He began with just encouraging those around him to recycle and
do their part for the Earth. As he grew up, his passion pushed him to
aspire higher and take his dedication for the environmental cause to
a deeper level. Now, at the age of 18, Yi Tao has organized a series
of nation wide events to spread the environmental cause to the
general public. He has also initiated and chaired the inaugural
World Leadership Conference on Environment and Economics in
Singapore, which drew over 150 international and 70 local
participants. Yi Tao hopes to bring the dreams and aspirations
expressed by the youths who took part in the conference to
Copenhagen, and ensure the youth voice is heard as governments
around the world decide the fate of our future environment.

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