Decision Table Tree Englishstructure 1

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Assignment : Process Specification and Structured Decision


1. The base ticket price for MAS Airlines is determined by distance traveled and the day of the
week a passenger is travelling. In addition, the airline adjusts it ticket prices based on a number
of categories. If the seats remaining are greater than 50 percent of capacity and the number of
days before the flight is less than 7, the price is deeply discounted with a special web offer for
the flight. If the seats remaining are greater than 50 percent and the flight date from 7 to 21
days in the future, there is a medium price discount. If the seats remaining are greater than 50
percent and the number of days before travel are greater than 21, there is only a small discount.
If the seats remaining are from 30 to 50 percent and the days before the flight are fewer than 7,
the ticket has a medium discount. If the seats remaining are from 20 to 50 percent and the fight
date is from 7 to 21 days in the future, there is a low discount for prices. If the seats remaining
are from 20 to 50 percent and the number of days before travel are greater than 21, there is no
If the seats remaining are less than 20 percent and the number od days before the flight is less
than 7, the ticket has the highest increase in price. If the seats remaining are less than 20
percent and the flight date is from 7 to 21 days in the future, there is a large increase in price. If
the seat remaining are less than 20 percent and number of days before travel are greater than
21, there is a small increase in price. Draw the decision tree.

Decision Tree

Days < 7
7 to 22 Days
< 21 Days

Days < 7
7 to 22 Days
< 21 Days

Days < 7
7 to 22 Days
< 21 Days

Assignment : Process Specification and Structured Decision


2. Nurhanzs Healthy (NH) is a popular fitness center in Johor Bahru. It also has many branches all over
the country, with different type of arrangement for the membership. However, for Johor Bahru, NH has
categorized their membership based on the age because they will conduct a different course for a
difference type of age. Basically the membership categorization is as follow. If the age is greater than 40,
eligible for senior membership, if the age is between 25 and 40, eligible for junior membership, if the
age less than 25, eligible for youth membership.

Structured English

IF age > 40
Senior Membership
ELSE IF age >=25 <=40
Junior membership
ELSE IF age < 25
Youth membership

Decision Tree

Assignment : Process Specification and Structured Decision


Decision table
Senior Membership
Junior Membership
Youth Membership

> 40

25 - 40



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