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List of Indian mathematicians

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Indian mathematicianKomaravolu Chandrasekharan in Vienna, 1987.

The chronology of spans from the Indus valley civilization and the Vedas to Modern times.
Indian mathematicians have made a number of contributions to mathematics that have
significantly influenced scientists and mathematicians in the modern era. These include placevalue arithmetical notations, the ruler, the concept of zero, and most importantly, the ArabicHindu numerals predominantly used today and which can be used in the future also.

1 Ancient
2 Classical
3 Medieval to Mughal period (1200-1800)
4 Born in 1800s
5 Born in 1900s
6 External links


Baudhayana ((fl. c. 800 BCE))

Post-Vedic Sanskrit to Pala period mathematicians (5th century BCE to 11th century CE)

Panini (4th century BCE)

Pingala (post-Panini)
Aryabhata Astronomer who gave accurate calculations for astronomical constants, 476
520 CE

Varahamihira (505 587 CE)

Yativabha A 6th-century mathematician and writer of the book Tiloyapannatti which gives
various units for measuring distances and time and postulated different concepts about
Brahmagupta (598670 CE) Helped bring the concept of zero into arithmetic
Bhaskara I (600680 CE)
Shridhara (between 650850) Gave a rule for finding the volume of a sphere
Mahavira (9th century CE)
Pavuluri Mallana the first Telugu Mathematician
Hemachandra (1087 - 1172 CE)
Bhaskara II (1114 1185 CE)

Medieval to Mughal period (1200-1800)[edit]

Narayana Pandit
Madhava of Sangamagrama
Parameshvara, (13601455), discovered drk-ganita, a mode of astronomy based on
Nilakantha Somayaji,(14441545), Mathematician and Astronomer
Raghunatha Siromani, (14751550), Logician
Mahendra Suri (14th century)
Shankara Variyar (c. 1530)
Jyeshtadeva, (15001610), Author of Yuktibh
Achyuta Pisharati, (15501621), Mathematician and Astronomer
Munishvara (17th century)
Kamalakara (1657)
Jagannatha Samrat (1730)

Born in 1800s[edit]

Radhanath Sikdar (18131870)

Ramchandra (18211880)
Ashutosh Mukherjee (1864-1924)
Ganesh Prasad (18761935)
Srinivasa Ramanujan (18871920)
A. A. Krishnaswami Ayyangar (18921953)
Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis (1893-1972)
Satyendra Nath Bose (1894-1974)

Born in 1900s[edit]

Raj Chandra Bose (1901-1987)

Tirukkannapuram Vijayaraghavan (19021955)
Dattaraya Ramchandra Kaprekar (19051986)
Samarendra Nath Roy (1906-1964)
Sarvadaman Chowla (19071995)
Lakkoju Sanjeevaraya Sharma (19071998)
Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (19101995)
S. S. Shrikhande (born 1917)
Calyampudi Radhakrishna Rao (born 1920)
Mathukumalli V. Subbarao (19212006)

P. K. Srinivasan (19242005)
Shreeram Shankar Abhyankar (1930-2012)
M. S. Narasimhan (born 1932)
C. S. Seshadri (born 1932)
K. S. S. Nambooripad (born 1935)
Ramaiyengar Sridharan (born 1935)
Vinod Johri (1935-2014)
S. Ramanan (born 1937)
Pranab K. Sen (born 1937)
C. P. Ramanujam (19381974)
V. N. Bhat (19382009)
S. R. Srinivasa Varadhan (born 1940)
M. S. Raghunathan (born 1941)
Gopal Prasad (born 1945)
Vijay Kumar Patodi (19451976)
S. G. Dani (born 1947)
Raman Parimala (born 1948)
Navin M. Singhi (born 1949)
Sujatha Ramdorai
M. Ram Murty (born 1953)
Narendra Karmarkar (born 1957)
Dinesh Thakur (mathematician) (born 1961)
Manindra Agrawal (born 1966)
Madhu Sudan (born 1966)
Chandrashekhar Khare (born 1968)
Manjul Bhargava (Indian origin American) (born 1974)
Amit Garg (born 1978)
Akshay Venkatesh (Indian origin Australian) (born 1981)
U. S. R. Murty
Vijay Vazirani (born 1957)
Umesh Vazirani
Santosh Vempala
Kannan Soundararajan
L. Mahadevan

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