Lab 4

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ENGG1203: Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Second Semester, 201213

Lab 4
To connect the abstract digital logic world to the physical world that
interacts with voltage, current and resistance.
To complete the ball counter with the photo detector and state machine
implemented in FPGA.

Equipment youll need in this lab:

(a) Multi-meter

(b) Wire Kit

(e) Tunnel Connector

(f) FPGA Cable


(d) Tunnel

(g) FPGA Connector

(h) Breadboard

Figure 1: Materials for this lab

1 Finding your lab partner
You will be working with a randomly assigned partner for this lab. To find your assigned lab
partner and the assigned table,
1. Log in to Moodle.
2. Select the assignment Lab 4 Partner
Please proceed to your assigned table.
2 Getting the files
Download the files for this lab from

ENGG1203: Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Lab 4
3 Safety First
Read the lab safety notes from
4 Breaking the Digital Logic Abstraction
In digital logic design, signals take the abstract value TRUE/FALSE, HIGH/LOW, 1/0.
Such definition is useful to abstract the low level details of the circuit such that very complex
systems can be composed easily.
In reality, physical values such as voltage and current are used to represent such discrete logical
values. In particular, any physical values that do not overlap may be used to represent TRUE
and FALSE.
4.1 Interfacing with the FPGA board We will start with determining I/O voltage that are
being used by the FPGA on the Basys2 board to represent the logical value of TRUE and
FALSE. In order to do that, a simple design is created to route several internal signals to I/O
connectors of the Basys2 board.
Load the file testio.xise. Take a look at file testio.sch. At the top part of the schematic, it
has a simple design that directly connects button 1 to the output testout. At the bottom, it has
another signal testin that connects to LED4. The signals testin and testout are connected
to the I/O connector JA on the Basys2 board with the following connection:

I/O Location

These connections are specified by a user constraint file (ucf).

Open the file lab4.ucf and verify the connection of testin and testout.

Figure 2: Internal connections on a breadboard

4.2 Breadboard A breadboard is a handy tool for constructing simple circuits. Circuit components, such as resistors and integrated circuits (ICs), can be inserted into one of the many tiny
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ENGG1203: Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Lab 4

sockets, or holes, in the breadboard. The holes are internally connected according to Figure 2.
All the holes in each of the top and bottom two rows are connected. The holes in the middle are
connected vertically in a group of five.
When constructing circuits, the two rows in the top and bottom should be used for distributing
power and ground. Integrated circuits should be inserted in the middle gap. When inserting
wires into the holes, make sure they are securely pushed all the way down. Try to use wires of
appropriate length so there is no loose wire left hanging.












Pin 1

Before you can obtain the FPGA board from our TAs, first make the following connection on
the breadboard:

The FPGA is connected to the breadboard using an FPGA Cable. On each end of the cable
there is an extra dot (See Figure 3(a)) that helps identify the location of Pin 1. When using
the FPGA Cable, make sure it is connected with the correct orientation.

(a) Pin 1 on an FPGA cable

(b) I/O Connector JA on Basys2 Board

Figure 3: FPGA Connections

4.3 Checkoff 1 The other end of the FPGA cable should be connected to the connector JA on
the Basys2 board. The connector is located at the corner of the board as shown in Figure 3(b).
Pin 1 of the FPGA cable should be connected to VCC of connector JA. As a result, Pin 6 will
be connected to the pin labeled as B2 on the same connector.
From the picture in Figure 3(b), answer the following questions before asking your TA/LA to
give you a board.

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ENGG1203: Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Lab 4

Once you connect the FPGA board to the breadboard, which holes are connected
to VCC of the FPGA board?
Similarly, which holes are connected to testout? Which holes are connected to
On the breadboard, how do you measure the voltage value of VCC, testout,
and testin?

4.4 Using the FPGA Cable, connect from the I/O connector JA from the Basys2 board to
the breadboard. Also connect the FPGA board to the computer. Turn on the power switch on
the FPGA board.
Measure the voltage of VCC on the breadboard using a DMM. It is the main power source for
the breadboard. What is the value of VCC?

Vcc =

4.5 Output from FPGA Implement the design in testio.xise and download the implemented
testio.bit to the FPGA board. Once downloaded, the value of button 1 will be reflected at
the output testout. Measure the voltage of testout on the breadboard. What is the voltage
(VL ) when button 1 is not pressed? What is the voltage when button 1 is pressed (VH )?

VL =

VH =

4.6 Using a POT Now that we know what voltage level the FPGA outputs to represent TRUE
and FALSE, we want to know what the board expects the outside to put in its input pin to
represent TRUE and FALSE. In other word, we want to determine the threshold voltage that
the FPGA uses to differentiate a TRUE signal from a FALSE signal.
For that, we will use a potentiometer (POT). A POT is a device that allows a user to adjust
its resistance by turning a knob. The POT we are using in this lab can be represented by the
following diagram:

Pin 2
Pin 1

Pin 3

(a) Circuit Diagram

(b) Pin Location

Figure 4: Potentiometer
As can be seen from the diagram above, the resistance between pin 1 and 3 (R13 ) is constant
regardless of the dial position of the POT. The resistance between pin 1 and 2 (R12 ), and pin 2
and 3 (R23 ) varies when the dial of the POT is turned, with R12 + R23 = R13 .
Using a DMM (with the dial switched to measuring resistance, start with 2000), measure R13 .
Also, verify that R12 and R23 varies as the dial is turned. When you have finished, turn the dial
until R12 = R13 /2.

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ENGG1203: Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Lab 4

R13 =

4.7 Input to FPGA Disconnect the FPGA before you change the circuit on the breadboard. Then, construct the following circuit on the breadboard.


Pin 1



It can be achieved simply by inserting the POT into the FPGA. Make sure the 3 pins of the
POT are inserted on different columns of the board. Your breadboard should look similar to the
following diagram:

Connect pin 2 of the POT to pin 6 on the FPGA connector. Once you have finished constructing
the circuit, double check all the connections are correct. (At the minimum, you should check
if there is any short circuit between the two power rails.) After you have double checked
your connection, reconnect the FPGA, power it on, and configure it with testio.bit again.
4.8 Finding the input threshold Assuming you have set your POT above such that R12 =
R13 /2, read the voltage Vtestin using the DMM, what is the voltage?

Vtestin =

Now slowly turn the dial on the POT. It should change the value Vtestin depending on the
direction you are turning. When Vtestin drops below certain value (VT ), you will find that LED
4 will be turned off. What is the value VT ?

VT =

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ENGG1203: Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Lab 4

To define a logical interface for input to FPGA, we usually define two values: VIL and VIH .
VIL is the maximum input voltage that the FPGA will regard as logical FALSE, and VIH is the
minimum input voltage that the FPGA will regard as logical TRUE.
Based on the above measurements, make suggestion on the values of VIL and VIH .



4.9 Checkoff 2
Demonstrate your working connection between the FPGA and the breadboard and
answer the following questions:
What are the values of VL , VH and VT ? What do these values represent?
What happens to the LED when Vtestin VT ?
Explain your choice of VIL and VIH . Can we set VIL = VIH = VT ?.
5 Light at the end of the Tunnel
Last week you have constructed a simple ball counter using digital logic circuits. A button on
the Basys2 board was used to mimic the effect of a ball rolling through a detector. This week,
you will construct the ball detector and connect to the ball counter from last week. This ball
counter will eventually become part of your final project of this class.
5.1 A ball detection tunnel has been constructed using a laser diode and a photo detector.
When a ball rolls through the tunnel, it blocks the laser, thereby changing the resistance of the
photo detector. Your circuit should use this change in resistance to signal if a ball is detected.
When there is a ball blocking the laser, it should produce a logical HIGH signal. When there is
no ball, it should produce a logical LOW signal.
Figure 5(a) shows the internal circuit of the ball tunnel. It should be connected to the breadboard
using the Tunnel Cable, which has a 5 2 pin connector. Pin 1 of the cable is aligned with the
RED wire. Note that every other pins (i.e. 1 & 2, 3 & 4, etc) are connected together for sake of
Cable Connector


Tunnel Cable

Ball Tunnel Internal

Rof f Ron

not connected

9 10

(a) Tunnel Connection

(b) Pin Numbers

Figure 5: Ball Tunnel Connections

The first step is to determine the characteristics of the photodetector. A photodetector is simply
a resistor with a variable resistance that depends on the amount of light shining on it. When
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ENGG1203: Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Lab 4

light is shining on the photodetector, it has resistance Ron . When there is no light shining on the
photodetector, it has resistance Rof f . Take a ball tunnel and measure the values Ron and Rof f .
You need to supply power to the laser diode in the tunnel using the FPGA board. Connect L+
to VCC and L to GND.

Rof f =

Ron =

5.2 Potential Divider Design a potential divider circuit in the following space that produces a voltage (Vdin ) to represent the presence/absence of ball through the tunnel. The voltage
signal Vdin will be connected to the din input of the ball counter implemented on the FPGA
board. Your circuit has the following design criteria:
When there is no ball blocking the photodetector, Vdin is at a voltage that represents logic
When the ball is blocking the photodetector, Vdin should be at a voltage that represents
logic HIGH.
Your potential divider circuit should contain only 2 resistors: (i) the variable resistor representing
the photodetector; and (ii) a reference resistor Rref . Determine the value of Rref using the values
of Rof f , Ron and the input threshold voltage VT obtained above,

5.3 Finding Rref What is the range of valid values for Rref ? What value have you picked?

Rref =

5.4 Achieving Rref using a POT When using only Pin 1 and 2 of a potentiometer, you can
obtain a resistor with variable resistance. Tune your POT such that the resistance between Pin
1 and 2 is the chosen value of Rref above.
5.5 The following diagram will guide you in constructing the circuit in the breadboard. The left
hand side represent the FPGA Cable connection, and the right hand side represent the Tunnel
Cable connection. Connect the dots to implement your potential divider circuit.

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ENGG1203: Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Engineering


Lab 4

1 2





9 10

5.6 Connect Them All Construct your circuit above on the breadboard. Connect the FPGA
and the Tunnel using the FPGA Cable and the Tunnel Cable respectively. You should keep your
wire straight, and only in vertical and horizontal orientation.
Finally, load the file cnt3.xise, which contains a sample implementation of the ball counter
from the last lab. Implement the design and download the resulting cnt3.bit to the FPGA.
If all things work, you should now be able to count the number of balls rolling through the
5.7 Checkoff 3
Show to your TA a completed circuit connecting the Tunnel to the FPGA. Demonstrate the function of the tunnel.
What happens if the ball rolls too fast? How can you avoid that problem?
What happens if the ball rolls too slowly?

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