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How to use the Administrative macro

The Administrative macro command looks at all storage pools that are designated as primary
storage pools, calculates the number of TB in each pool, and sums up the results.

The Administrative macro is executed using a Tivoli Storage Manager command line
administrative client. To execute the administrative macro, do the following:
1. Download the appropriate Administrative macro. The tsm_db_cap_v5.macro is used to
measure capacity for a version 5 server and the tsm_db_cap_v6.macro is used to measure
capacity for a version 6.1 or 6.2 server. And the macro tsm_db_cap_v63.macro is used to
measure capacity for a version 6.3 server.
2. The macro should be run from a Microsoft Windows, Unix, or Linux workstation where the
Tivoli Storage Manager command line administrative client is installed.
3. Open a command window on the machine where the macro will be run.
For Microsoft Windows, open a "Command Prompt" command window. For example, this can
typically be found from Start Programs->Accessories->Command Window.
For Unix or Linux, there are many ways to accomplish this. For example, if you are using
telnet or scp through Putty to access the machine, you can run the command in step 4 from
there. Alternatively, you could start an xTerm or other terminal window and run it from there
as well.
4. From an operating system command window such as a Windows "Command Prompt" or an
xTerm, invoke the Tivoli Storage Manager command line administrative client as follows:
dsmadmc -id=<yourid> -password=<yourpassword> -dataonly=yes outfile=<capacity_file_name> macro <macro_name>
The input parameters that must be specified by the administrator when this is executed are
the items enclosed in '<' and '>' respectively. The specific input parameters are:
<yourid> - This is the administrative user id that will be used to connect to the server.
<yourpassword> - This is the password for the administrative user id that will be used to
connect to the server.
<capacity_file_name> - The results from the macro will be stored to this file. Select an
appropriate file name use. For example, consider using the server name such as
<macro_name> - The name of the macro to be run, this is either the tsm_db_cap_v5.macro
or tsm_db_cap_v6.macro depending upon which version server you are collecting capacity
5. Repeat step 2 for each server. To run this for other servers, update <yourid>,
<yourpassword>, <capacity_file_name>, and <macro_name> accordingly. Also consider
using the "-server=<servername>" parameter when invoking dsmadmc and use that to control
which server this is being run against.
Notes about use and running of the capacity measurement macro:
Run the macro as described in step 4.
The macro is a command macro intended to be run from the TSM command line
administrative client as shown.
Do not try to run this as a TSM script, such as using the "RUN <name here>"
Do not start the command line administrative client and try to invoke it from within a
running client. The output formatting as controlled by the "-dataonly=yes" flag is
important to how this is run. Running the macro differently than as shown can result
in failures or a capacity report that is difficult to read because it is not formatted

How data is measured

The Administrative macro commands use the following rules when measuring data:
Measures the amount of deduplicated data in a deduplicated primary storage pool, where
Tivoli Storage Manager has deduplicated data. This measurement shows the cost efficiency
of using Tivoli Storage Manager data deduplication when the number of TB in primary storage
pools is reduced.
Excludes copy pool and active data pools. These are copies of primary storage pools and
not measured for capacity reporting purposes.
Excludes data from Tivoli Storage Manager HSM for Windows and Tivoli Storage Manager
for SharePoint. These OEM products are sold on a Processor Value Unit (PVU) basis and are
not included in the Tivoli Storage Manager Suite for Unified Recovery.
Measures virtual volume source data (excluding target data). TSM allows a server (a source
server) to store the results of database backups, export operations, storage pool operations,
and a DRM PREPARE command on another TSM server (a target server). The data is stored
asvirtual volumes. When querying TSM, virtual volume data appears in primary storage pools
in both the target and the source server. The data that is stored on the target server is a
Disaster Recovery (DR) copy of data and is not measured.
Excludes data replicated by FastBack to Tivoli Storage Manager, and excludes data that
was backed up from a FastBack server using a Tivoli Storage Manager client. This data
represents a copy of data on the FastBack server that is already measured.
Excludes other duplicated data. Other duplicated data represents data that is reported in
primary storage pools, which is a copy of data that is already stored by other means. For
example, the table of contents for a backup set is stored in a primary storage pool. The table
of contents is metadata that describes the data on a backup set so this data is excluded from
the measurement.
Excludes data from client nodes configured as REPL_MODE of RECEIVE or
SYNCRECEIVE on the target server where TSM is configured to perform server to server
NOTE: The Administrative macro command will not run on TSM Server Version The
SQL support for server level was affected by APAR IC68102 which affects the
SELECT statement used by the TSM administrative macro. This is fixed by APAR IC71586
that was delivered in server levels and above.
NOTE: TSM Version 6 server users that have enabled server deduplication or client
deduplication may be affected by code defects that cause the occupancy values to be
incorrect. The following two APAR's (below) should be reviewed to determine if these apply to
your environment. If one or the other does apply to your environment, apply the
corresponding server fix-pack or patch containing the fix for this APAR along with performing
any additional corrective actions described in the APAR's or any corresponding techdocs that
reference these APARs. After these fixes have been applied and corrective actions
performed, the capacity values used for the measurement will no longer be affected by these.
IC73005 - Available, or targeted to be available, in fix pack level 6.2.3
IC73592 Available, or targeted to be available, in fix packs 6.1.5, 6.2.3 and patch level
Tip: The Administrative macro command is designed to report the in-use primary storage
pool capacity on the TSM server. The results from the Tivoli Storage Manager administrative
macro commands might differ from other QUERY command output, in particular the output
from the QUERY AUDITOCC command. The differences in reported values between different
commands is expected and is caused by differences in the data from the database being
reported on and differences in the algorithms being used to derive this data.

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