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Xcon 2004 Philip Corso, Jr The Legacy of Colonel Philip J. Corso UFOs Pt 1 | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?

Xcon 2004 Philip Corso, Jr The Legacy of Colonel Philip J.

Corso UFOs Pt 1
Posted on November 20, 2014

Bradley Loves shares: Disclaimer Phil Corso, is greatly aware of some aspects of
the Secret Programs, and Unaware of many others. Just like RIchard Hoagland
talked about: the lie is different at every level.

Published on Jul 6, 2012

THE LEGACY OF COLONEL PHILIP J. CORSO: PART 1, with Philip Corso, Jr. One of the most
important milestones since the disclosure process began in earnest after the dissolution of the
Soviet empire in 1991 was the publishing in 1997 of The Day After Roswell by Lt. Col. Philip J.
Corso with William Birnes (also a speaker). The allegations in this book rocked the foundations of
the cover-up. To this day the neither the Army nor the Department of Defense nor any agency
of government has formally responded to these allegations. The Washington Post would not
even dare write an obituary for this noted Washington insider rather than mention the book.
The life story of Col. Corso, who died on July 16, 1998 at 83, is extraordinary. Col. Corso was a
decorated officer and a patriot who believed the public should know the truth about the
extraterrestrial reality. His son shares this belief and is determined to defend his fathers legacy.



Xcon 2004 Philip Corso, Jr The Legacy of Colonel Philip J. Corso UFOs Pt 1 | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?

Paradigm Research Group is pleased to announce Philip Corso, Jr. will come to Washington to
talk about his father and the familys experience in the aftermath of one of the most
controversial books ever published. In his lecture and workshop he will present information
never before revealed to the public. The story of Col. Philip J. Corso is not over. It has only just
This entry was posted in Financial/economic information, Illuminati/Terrorism/Corruption, Political. Bookmark thepermalink.
The medical shadow government, by Jon Rappoport
November 19, 2014

The Oracle Report, Thursday, November 20, 2014 . . .

MUST READ, a very important day!!!

4 Responses to Xcon 2004 Philip Corso, Jr The Legacy of Colonel

Philip J. Corso UFOs Pt 1
Spud says:
November 24, 2014 at 7:58 pm

Youtube: UFO Sightings Share This Before Washington Shuts This Down!! Disclosure Is
Now! (Congress men and women acutally commenting on UFO situation.)




Xcon 2004 Philip Corso, Jr The Legacy of Colonel Philip J. Corso UFOs Pt 1 | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?

Jean says:
November 24, 2014 at 8:58 pm

This is a hopeful sign. Thanks, Spud!

Hugs, ~Jean


Nora says:
November 20, 2014 at 7:20 pm

Hi Jean,.. Let me just say how much this revelation means to me!.. It seems like a life
time a go, when I was very.. very ill. I really dont know how to describe it. I was in my
early forties, I was functioning, but barely able. My body mind and soul was giving up. I
felt I was dead, but walking around, except I wasnt walking. In fact I could not walk
on and off for many years, and was mostly bedridden for six years. In that time.. of my
intermittent functioning, I came across a magazine here in the UK, out of Yorkshire
called UFO Magazine just that! It was an absolutely brilliant publication, who`s
editor Graham W, Birdshall. had he lived, I feel would have taken us to the stars. He
was a man of great understanding of the machinations of the behind the scenes agenda,
(we are talking the early 90s here) but was guiding his readers to see the bigger picture,
step by step, that was at that time beyond MY scope of understanding. But it was his
inspiration, and that of my dearly loved life partner.. who has also passed on now, that
has kept me keeping on, on this journey of understanding. At that time of my disability,
I came across Lt Col Corso`s book.. The Day After Roswell I read it, but my limited
cognitive functioning has allowed me only to remember bits and parts of it. It still stands
on my book shelve as one of my most important and treasured books. This presentation
by his Son Phillip Corso Jr has allowed me to jump up a step from my stagnated
understanding. I most sincerely thank him for that. We are indeed all on a journey
not only of understanding, but of remembrance. I dearly thank him.


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