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Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2009 16:00:35 +0800

Subject: URGENT : Application to primary school for US National boys Christopher Ko

and William Ko through MOE
To whom it may concern,

I have spoken to Ms Eliza Wang and have been advised to write to you. I need to
check with the MOE if there had been any recent application for two US National
twin boys Christopher Ko and William Ko (birthdate: 7 March 2000) between 31 Aug
2009 to current if not later dates. If there is such application, the twins' father (Mr.
Andrew Ko ~ copied in this email with contact details furnished within) will be
greatly grateful if you will immediately inform him or his lawyer in Singapore Mr.
Foo Say Tun (Wee Tay & Lim) at +65 6533 2228. We will need the contact details
(Name, telephone numbers, address) of the person who has registered/applied
Christopher and William with any schools in Singapore and with records retained
with the MOE to urgently locate the whereabouts of these twin boys.

The background is such that Andrew Ko is the legal and physical custodian for
Christopher and William Ko. However, both boys have been missing from their home
in LA since 31 Aug 2009 (attached file shows picture of twin boys). Andrew has
since reported this issue with the police locally who have recently confirmed that
their natural mother (Mdm Wang YuXin Mei) has travelled with both Christopher and
William Ko out of USA and is currently physically in Singapore. Andrew believes that
their mother have registered the boys for school in Singapore and hence this
request is made. I am writing to you to appeal for help on his behalf out of urgency
and anxiety of this matter to take advantage of the time difference between
Singapore and LA. We understand that there are confidentiality issues involved and
Andrew will be most willing to prove authenticity of this matter and furnish all
necessary authorised documents for your release of information (if any) from MOE.
Will greatly appreciate your kind attention by a suitable person in MOE on this
matter and swift cooperation. I will be available for clarification if needed as well.

Kind regards,

Subject: RE: URGENT : Application to primary school for US National boys
Christopher Ko and William Ko through MOE (Ref: 2009/09/980697)
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2009 11:23:01 +0800

Dear Mr Ko,

We refer to your email dated 11/09/2009.

As shared with Mr Chua, in order for our officers to verify the identities, please
provide us with the following information:

a) Parents' full names

b) Parents' identification numbers
c) Parents' contact information
d) Children's full names
e) Children's identification numbers
f) Any other information (e.g. Divorce & Custody Papers etc)

Should you have any further enquiries, please quote the following reference number
: 2009/09/980697 when you email me at Alternatively, you
may also speak with our Customer Service Executives at 6872-2220.

Thank you.

Best Regards,

Freddy Loke (Mr)

Customer Services Branch, MOE

Andrew Ko <>
14 Sep, 2009 11:47 AM

Mr. Loke,

Thank you for your email. I am providing the information requested below and
including a copy of the US Custody Order and a Locate and Retrieve Order. The
Custody Order dated July 8 2008 specifically prohibits the children being taken
outside the United States.

- Father- Andrew Yan-Sau KO

- Mother- Yuxin Mei Wang @ Siew Mee Wong, US Permanent Resident No. A55 170
469, SG NRIC S1721788G

Contact Information:
- Father , San Marino CA 91108 USA

- Mother 33 Jalan Hikayat, Sembawang, S 769877

Children (Birth Cert and US Embassy Registration documents attached)

- Christopher Andrew Yau-Tak Ko, Birthdate March 7 2000, US Passport
039044860,Birth Cert T0007003Z
-William Leonard Yau-Wei Ko, Birthdate March 7, 2000, US Passport 039033861,SG
Birth Cert T0007006B

The boys have US Passports and entered the US with US Passports. Sg passports
were obtained under suspicious circumstances. The Court Order prohibits Yuxin Mei
Wang from applying for passports for the children.

Custody Order and "Locate and Retrieve" Court Order attached. The children are
being sought by police and are to be returned to the father's custody at the earliest.

Please let me know what other documents you require. My lawyer in Singapore is
Mr. Foo Say Tun with Wee, Tay and Lim, 6533-2228. Thank you for your assistance
in locating the abducted children. Regards, Andrew.

----Original Message-----
From: MOE Mail <>

Date: Tue, 15 Sep 2009 02:41:51

To: <>
Subject: RE: URGENT : (Ref: 2009/09/981252)

Dear Mr Ko,

Thank you for writing to us again on 14/09/2009.

We have shared your email with the relevant department concerned. Our officers
will be responding to you directly should they require further clarifications.

We hope the above clarifies. Should you have any further enquiries, please quote
the following reference number : 2009/09/981252 when you email me at Alternatively, you may also speak with our Customer Service
Executives at 6872-2220.

Thank you.

Best Regards,

Freddy Loke (Mr)

Customer Services Branch, MOE

> Subject: URGENT : Application to primary school for US National boys Christopher Ko and
William Ko through MOE
> To:
> CC:
> From:
> Date: Thu, 8 Oct 2009 17:26:35 +0800
> Dear Mr Ko,
> Reference: 2009/09/981252
> We refer to your email dated 14 Sep 2009.
> We have carefully considered the request to see how we could assist.
> However, I regret to inform you that we are unable to accede to the
> request.
> Thank you.
> Best Regards,
> Hui Ching QUEK
> Ministry of Education
> CONFIDENTIALITY: If this email has been sent to you by mistake, please
> notify the sender and delete it immediately. As it may contain
> confidential information, the retention or dissemination of its contents
> may be an offence under the Official Secrets Act.
>> Subject: RE: URGENT : Application to primary school for US National boys Christopher
Ko and William Ko through MOE (2009/09/981252)
> To:
> From:
> Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2009 14:31:18 +0800
> Dear Mr Ko,
> Reference: 2009/09/981252
> We refer to your email dated 02 Nov 2009.
> We have carefully considered your request to see how we could assist but
> regret that we are unable to release any information to you. We also note
> that you have already logged a case with the Singapore Police Force on 14
> Sep 2009.
> Thank you.
> Best Regards,
> Hui Ching QUEK
> Ministry of Education
> ----- Forwarded by Hui Ching QUEK/MOE/SINGOV on 02/11/2009 02:36 PM -----
> Andrew Ko
> <ko_andrew@hotm
>> To
> 02 Nov, 2009 cc
> 02:30 PM
> Subject
> RE: URGENT : Application to primary
> school for US National boys
> Christopher Ko and William Ko through
> Mr. QUEK,
> I am the father of Christopher Ko and William Ko. Attached is their birth
> certificate and US Citizenship registration for your reference.
> Attached is the JOINT LEGAL AND PHYSICAL Custody Order for the children.
> You will note on the last page item 2a that enrollment in any private or
> public school requires authorization from BOTH parents. I have not given
> my authorization for the children to enroll in any school in Singapore.
> Any enrollment is in violation of a legal Court Order.
> I suggest you re-consider your response to my request. Regards, Andrew Ko

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