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Routes and mechanisms towards self healing behavior in engineering materials

Physical or chemical mechanisms were used to obtain autonomous or stimulated healing. All
healing actions were due to physico-chemical reactions, not involving intermediate agents to
control or accelerate the healing reaction. However, in one route the use of calcium carbonateproducing bacteria, as agent to control the healing action in concrete, has been demonstrated
Efficient sealing of surface cracks by mineral precipitation was observed when bacteria-based
solutions where externally applied by spraying onto damaged surfaces or by direct injection into
cracks. These treatments resulted in regained material strength and reduction of surface
To create autogenous self healing behaviour, at the JNTU Hyderabad, bacteria as a matrixembedded healing agent was explored. Major challenge in this approach was to identify bacteria
and their needed metabolic components which are not only sustainable, but which also do not
negatively influence other concrete characteristics. Moreover, this biological system must also
feature a long-term self healing functionality, preferably in agreement with the constructions
service life.
From the conducted studies a specialized group of alkali resistant spore-forming bacteria
affiliated to the genus Bacillus was identified as an ideal self healing agent as the spores of these
bacteria appeared particularly resistant to concrete. Furthermore, once incorporated in concrete,
these bacteria appeared able to convert various natural organic substances to copious amounts of
large, over 100-m sized, calcium carbonate-based crystalline precipitates.
Such a bacteria-based self-healing mechanism thus appears to be a promising alternative to nonsustainable cement based healing systems particularly because the formation of large crystalline
precipitates potentially enables sealing of larger than 100 m-wide cracks. The formation of
large precipitates can be explained by the high local bacterial CO2 production rates. Due to
conversion of CO2 into carbonate ions under alkaline conditions and subsequent reaction with
free calcium ions leached from the concrete matrix, calcium carbonate-based precipitates are
formed. Furthermore, locally produced CO2 directly reacts with matrix portlandite (calcium
hydroxide) crystals which contribute to calcium carbonate based mineral formation. The intrinsic
CO2-producing capacity with the concomitant production of large-sized precipitates in the
bacteria-based self healing concrete may result in a superior self healing rate and capacity
compared to traditional or engineered non-sustainable self healing cementitious systems.
While several technical issues yet need to be solved, the route of bacteria supported self healing
concrete seems very promising and is now entering a pre-commercialization stage. To turn these
experimental approaches under laboratory conditions into commercially available materials and
products, it is necessary to initiate research into the quantification of the healing behaviour as a
function of the damage characteristics and the healing mechanisms. Such an extension is now
becoming overdue.
Titlte : Effect of calcite forming bacteria on concrete properties
Modern man-made engineering materials demonstrate excellent mechanical properties, but the
lack of the ability of self healing, i.e. the ability to remove or neutralize microcracks without
(much) intentional human interaction, which is typical for most materials as encountered in

nature. In contrast, natural materials, such as skin, wood, bones and skeletons, grass, etc, often
have the special ability that they can, more or less autonomously, heal cracks and other forms of
accidental damage.
A novel technique for the remediation of damaged structural formations has been developed by
employing a selective microbial plugging process, in which metabolic activities promote
precipitation of calcium carbonate in the form of calcite. Biomineralization of calcium carbonate
is one of the strategies to remediate cracks in building materials.
When this hydrolysis occurs in a calcium-rich environment, calcite (calcium carbonate)
precipitates from solution forming a solid-crystalline material. The binding strength of the
precipitated crystals is highly dependent on the rate of carbonate formation and under suitable
conditions it is possible to control the reaction to generate hard binding calcite cement (or
Members of the genus Bacillus are Gram-positive, rod-shaped, endo-spore forming bacteria
commonly found in soil. B. subtilis JC3 a member of this genus, converts urea to ammonium
carbonate more actively than any other known bacterium. Therefore, B. subtilis JC3 and other
members of the Bacillus genus are incorporated into studies to determine their influence on
calcium carbonate precipitation in various environments.
Microbiologically induced (also called bacteriogenic) calcium carbonate precipitation is
comprised of a series of complex biochemical reactions
Bacteria-based self-healing concrete
Crack formation in concrete is common, but a typical phenomenon related to durability.
Percolation of cracks may lead to leakage problems or ingress of deleterious materials, causing
deterioration of the concrete matrix or corrosion of embedded steel reinforcement. Durability can
be enhanced by preventing further ingress of water and other substances. In recent years a
bacteria-based self-healing concrete is being developed to extend the service life. A two
component healing agent is added to the concrete mixture. The agent consists of bacteria and an
organic mineral precursor compound. Whenever cracks occur and water is present the bacteria
become active and convert the incorporated organic compounds into calcium carbonate, which
precipitates and is able to seal and block cracks.
This paper aims to review the development of bacteria-based self-healing concrete, introducing
the proposed healing system. Different stages in the development are discussed, and some
recommendations for further research are given.
Self-healing is characterized by regaining performance after a defect occurs. Damage targeted in
bacteria-based self-healing concrete particularly relates to increased durability and leakage
prevention and extending service life of concrete structures.
Upon concrete cracking the bacteria is activated by ingress water. Bacteria convert the mineral
precursor compound into the mineral calcium carbonate, better known as limestone. Precipitation
of the limestone on the crack surface enables sealing and plugging of the cracks, making the
matrix less accessible to water and other deleterious materials.

Microbial healing
Concrete is one of the most widely used construction materials in the world, and is actually the
second most consumable product after water.
Microbial concrete is produced by incorporating a certain species of calcium depositing bacteria,
Bacillus subtilis JC3, into concrete. This bacterial species has also been investigated as a remedy
for the liquefaction of soils under buildings, to replace potentially harmful epoxy chemicals [xx].
However, the advantages of using this bacterium in concrete have only been recently discovered;
and it is expected to have a positive impact on concrete properties, particularly permeability,
strength, cost, and the effect on environment.
Bacillus subtilis JC3 is used to deposit calcite, a sealing agent, in the pores in concrete by the
process of microbiologically induced calcium carbonate precipitation, MICCP. The structure,
distribution, and connectivity of these pores have a great influence on concrete strength and
Ramachandran et Al. (2001) studied the remediation of cracks and fissures by MICCP in
concrete beams. Results showed better resistance to harsh environments in microbial concrete
beams compared to control beams.
Materials and Methodology
Concrete mix
Ordinary Portland cement of 53 grade available in local market is used in the investigation.
Locally available clean, well-graded, natural river sand having fineness modulus of 2.89
conforming to IS 383-1970 was used as fine aggregate. Crushed granite angular aggregate of size
20 mm nominal size from local source with specific gravity of 2.7 was used as coarse aggregate,
Concrete Mixing and Curing
Two types of Concrete mixes were prepared for this research. The mixes had similar proportions
of sand, coarse aggregates, cement and water. However, the main difference was in the water
component: Tap Water was used for specimens without bacteria (Mix A), while NBU-Bacteria
solution was used for specimens with bacteria (Mix B).
Application of bacteria-based repair system to damaged concrete structures
The goal of this study is to present the development of bacteria-based repair system which
features improved durability and sustainability characteristics compared to currently
commercially available systems.
Concrete is strong and relatively cheap, but it is also subjected to a number of degradation
processes which hamper the structure to reach its required service life. To anticipate durability
problems during the lifetime of a structure, costly measures of maintenance and repair have to be
undertaken. Currently available concrete curing and repair system aiming to decrease porosity
and repair of cracks in aged concrete structures are largely based on environmental unfriendly
materials systems.

Working principle of bacteria-based repair system

Finding Right Bacteria:
The starting point of the research is to find bacteria capable of surviving in an extreme alkaline
environment. Cement and water have a pH value of up to 13 when mixed together, usually a
hostile environment for life most organisms die in an environment with a pH value of 10 or
above. The search concentrated on microbes that thrive in alkaline environments which can be
found in natural environments, Samples of endolithic bacteria (bacteria that can live inside
stones) will be collected along with bacteria found in sediments in the lakes. Strains of the
bacteria genus Bacillus will be found to thrive in this high-alkaline environment. It is found that
the only group of bacteria that will be able to survive is the ones that produced spores
comparable to plant seeds. Such spores have extremely thick cell walls that enable them to
remain intact for up to 200 years while waiting for a better environment to germinate. They
would become activated when the concrete starts to crack, food is available, and water seeps into
the structure. This process lowers the pH of the highly alkaline concrete to values in the range
(pH 10 to 11.5) where the bacterial spores become activated.

Self-healing concrete is defined as the ability of concrete to repair its small cracks autonomously.
Idea of self-healing concrete is inspired from natural phenomenon at organisms such as trees or
animals. Damaged skin of trees and animals can be repaired autonomously. Remediating cracks
in concrete structure is necessary because cracks not only influence the service durability, but
also harmful for the structure safety. Recently developing of self-healing concrete technology
has been becomes an important objective of researches in biotechnology and civil engineering
area. Several processes have been suggested for self healing concrete design. Self-healing
processes are classified into natural and man-made processes. Among of proposed natural
processes, formation of calcium carbonate and calcium hydroxide are the most important reason
to heal concrete naturally. Although, concrete has naturally ability of healing itself, only small
cracks can be naturally healed. Chemical and biological processes (as man-made processes) are
useable to design self-healing concrete. Although using of biological methods is an
environmental friendly, pollution free and natural way to design self-healing concretes, these
methods have some disadvantages such as many prerequisites to be met, measures should be
taken to protect bacteria in concrete, and mechanical properties recovery and effectiveness under
multiple damage events could be concerns.
Some researchers have been carried out by adding microorganisms directly into fresh concrete. It
is cheapest way to conduct a research on biological self-healing concrete [33]. pH of fresh
concrete is between 10 to 13. The temperature of fresh concrete can be also near 70 degree
centigrade. After drying of concrete, there is not enough water. Therefore, suitable bacteria have
to have a high resistance against high pH, temperature, and serious limitation of water. Usually
mesophilic microorganisms cannot have a normal growing in this condition. Dislike of bacteria,
spore of bacteria is very resistance against inappropriate condition and some bacterial spores can
live more than 60 years. Then in some studies instead of direct using of microorganisms in fresh
concrete, spores were used. To avoid microorganisms from inappropriate condition, encapsulated

microorganisms can be used. Encapsulation of microorganisms is an expensive and complex

way. Using of vascular or microvascular networks to distribute of a liquid contain
microorganisms throughout of concrete are other ideas to avoid microorganisms from
inappropriate condition. However, these methods are extremely complex and they do not have
constructability using present technology. The use of immobilized microorganisms onto silica
gel or activated carbon is a suitable way from aspect of cost. However, effect of using these
materials on the strengthening of concrete is not completely clear.
The Self Healing Concrete has comparatively very less permeability, more durability and strain
bearing capacity than the conventional concrete. A potential drawback of this reaction
mechanism is that for each carbonate ion two Ammonium ions are simultaneously produced
which may result in excessive environmental nitrogen loading.
In the laboratory, bacteria are usually grown using solid or liquid media. Solid growth media
such as agar plates are used to isolate pure cultures of a bacterial strain. However, liquid growth
media are used when measurement of growth or large volumes of cells are required. Growth in
stirred liquid media occurs as an even cell suspension, making the cultures easy to divide and
transfer, although isolating single bacteria from liquid media is difficult. The use of selective
media (media with specific nutrients added or deficient or with antibiotics added) can help
identify specific organisms. Most laboratory techniques for growing bacteria use high levels of
nutrients to produce large amounts of cells cheaply and quickly. However, in natural
environments nutrients are limited, meaning that bacteria cannot continue to reproduce
indefinitely. This nutrient limitation has led the evolution of different growth strategies.

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