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The Morpheus Protocol

Eliminate prosperity blocks, self sabotage

and addictions
Copyright 2009 Nicholaus R. Taylor
ISBN #978-0-557-03970-8

- From the author
-The Breaking Point
-Why do some succeed while others struggle
-Creatures of habit
-The subconscious mind
-Conscious and subconscious programs
-Explanation of subconscious Archetypes
-Archetypes in our dreams
-The law of the 3 minds
-Why you sometimes get exactly
what you dont want
-Getting the subconscious mind to work for you
-Resistance to change
-How to overcome the resistance to change
-Subconscious Archetypes, Sub & the Prime
-Pleasurable and Traumatic experiences
-Subliminal messages that evoke an
emotional response
-The first 3 levels of the subconscious
mind where the Archetypes reside
-Level 1 Archetypes
-Level 2 Archetypes
-Level 3 Archetypes
-The technique
-Archetypes to the left
-Archetypes to the right
-Eliminating prosperity blocks
-Eliminating self sabotage
-Eliminating addictions
-The importance of quality communication


with your Archetypes

-Expanding the positive Archetypes
-Take time out to notice the changes
-What to expect



The Morpheus Protocol is a powerful technique to quickly

eliminate addictions, self sabotage, prosperity blocks and
any other subconscious blocks by directly accessing the
subconscious mind while fully conscious and eliminating
the root cause of the problem.
Subconscious prosperity blocks and self sabotage wreak
havoc in our lives when we are trying to accomplish a goal.
These unseen forces seem to work behind the scenes,
making them hard to detect and, without warning, can foil
the most fool-proof of plans.
If you are looking to start a new business venture,
relationship, or any investment of time, money and energy,
it is highly recommended that you remove prosperity
blocks, self-sabotage mechanisms and addictions before
you begin, or you may just end up right back at square one,
frustrated and confused.
The Morpheus Protocol is done without using hypnosis,
chanting, meditation, affirmations, or tapping. All it takes is
a little bit of will power and the ability to create images in
your mind. You will be well on your way to quickly
eliminating the bad habits and unconscious blocks that have
created the frustrating situations in life that plague millions
and even billions of people throughout the world every day.

From the Author

Frustration is an understatement for what I was
experiencing! It seemed like I had tried just about
everything there was to become successful. I tried
visualization, affirmations, hypnosis, books, seminars,
meditation, goal planning, taking action, business courses,
business coaches, and just about every other logical and
illogical approach you could imagine.
Sure, I would make some progress here and there
and have certain leaps of insight, but it seemed like every
goal I set out to accomplish kept getting blocked,
sabotaged, or I would end up side-tracked and back to
square one.
Sound familiar?
Over time I began to realize that I wasnt alone with these
experiences. Like so many of us, I made excuses for
myself: I dont have enough education, and I dont
have the money to make my ideas and goals successful.
I can admit that I put most of my blame on outside forces
until one day I had a major realization that maybe there was
something going on inside of me that was causing the
problem and not just some lack of education and money.
As I began to look deeper into this realization, I began to
notice a feeling of internal resistance towards my goals.
In my mind I wanted to achieve these goals and I had a
great desire to do just that. The desire was a great starting
point that fueled the motivation to get out there and take
action, but once again, things would fall through at the last
minute or the wrong situations would pop up, ultimately

leading me back to where I started, back to that feeling of

internal resistance.
After sharing my concerns and experiences with others, I
realized that I wasnt alone how so many of us struggle
with the same blockages to success. And so, I began to do
more research into how to overcome this internal resistance
to see if I could ultimately beat it.
The more I tried to discover the origins and beginnings of
this internal resistance, the more I would attract blocks and
surprises into my life that would try to throw me off track.
Knowing what I know now I can plainly see that internal
resistance does not like change and once it has set in it will
work its magic in order to maintain its existence.
Internal resistance will foil every goal you set out to
achieve or at least make sure that if you do achieve your
goal, it was very hard to accomplish or maybe seemed like
it was not worth the effort.
I knew there was an easier way to get things done. I could
sense that there was some sort of flow that successful
people are tapped into that allows abundance to come to
them naturally, and I wanted to find this flow.
Thankfully, I remained true to my quest of overcoming my
internal resistance, and my persistence paid off.

The breaking point

One day I had gotten to the breaking point and finally
decided to let go. This was not easy for me at all! I am used
to always trying to create solutions in my mind to solve
problems but after a while those solutions began to run
scarce the harder I tried to create them.
When I had gotten to the breaking point I figured I had
nothing to lose. Everything I tried was not working or was
completely working against me. I couldnt figure it out. So
my only option was to completely let go of all worries and
fears and lay down my sword.
I lay down, took a deep breath, and closed my eyes. I
started practicing clearing my mind. Every time a thought
would come in, I would keep putting my attention on the
nothingness of space to clear my mind.
After about ten minutes of doing this I started to become a
bit drowsy and noticed my body and mind finally starting
to relax. Then with a flash it hit me! I saw an image of the
famous Swiss psychologists Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung.
You may be asking yourself, What do Freud & Jung have
to do with success? Well, as you will soon see, it was a
major piece of the puzzle that helped guide me to the most
profound, astonishing, quickest and most powerful
discovery of internal block removal techniques I have ever
Keep in mind that after years of studying the subconscious
mind, reading tons of books on psychology, NLP, quantum
physics, metaphysics and success, it took me quite a while

to put all the puzzle pieces together that allowed me to

create this technique called The Morpheus Protocol.
The best part is the pure simplicity of the technique. Sorry
to those of you who like things to be technical and difficult
because this technique is very easy to do and can literally
take a couple of minutes to successfully perform.
There is no hypnosis, no chanting, no tapping, no breathing
exercises and no daily routine to follow.
If youre ready to finally remove the internal resistance
factors that reside within your subconscious mind, which
will ultimately lead to major life changes, then read on.
If not, and you are happy with struggling, then put this
book down and walk away because your life will change.
Some of the changes will be more subtle than others but it
will happen and I will explain how in a later chapter.
Here is a warning. A new you will begin to emerge once
you start utilizing The Morpheus Protocol. Some changes
will seem small while others may seem to be a lot more
profound and come more rapidly.
Some of the effects to expect:
1. Not only will YOU change but those around you
will begin to act a bit differently as well.
2. You will notice an increase in energy.
3. The more you do this work the more you will notice
the feeling of being in the flow of success.
4. You will attract and be attracted to different kinds
of people than you normally do.
5. Success will come more easily and even the most
diligent demanding work will seem to be easier to

6. Your dreams will become more vivid and clear

since our subconscious mind communicates directly
to us through dreams. Morpheus was the God of
dreams in Greek mythology that depicted him self
as dream images of people that came to give us
messages from the subconscious mind hence the
name, The Morpheus Protocol.
You may be thinking that this will only work for some
people and not others because everyone is different, but
here is a fact. Every one has a subconscious and a nervous
system and the technique outlined in this book goes directly
to the subconscious mind and reprograms the nervous
I have seen other techniques that have attempted to
reprogram the nervous system and ultimately failed
because they dont address the main issue, which is
complete access to the subconscious mind.
The Morpheus Protocol will show you how to directly
access your subconscious mind (where the internal
resistance factors reside) and quickly eliminate them
without hypnosis and repetitive affirmations. If you can
create pictures in your mind you will be able to do this.
Now you may be saying, but I cant create pictures in my
mind. If you think this is the case, then ask yourself what
you ate for breakfast this morning. Do you remember? If
you do then you must have drawn up an image in your
mind to see what it was that you ate. Memories help us
create pictures in our minds, so use that to help you along.

Why do some succeed while others


There are several answers to this question and to begin, it is

important to understand that timing is a major factor that
plays a role in a persons success.
Always keep in mind that life is not all about the end result
goal; it is about the journey that helps get you there and all
the knowledge and experiences you pick up along the way.
Having a goal is okay but worrying about getting there can
create blocks.
Understanding that a part of lifes meaning is about
conscious experience will help you grasp the fact that no
matter what happens to you in life, just be grateful you are
alive, kicking and experiencing the greatness we call life!
Now lets look at the meaning of the two words success
and struggle according to Mariam-Websters dictionary.
Success - A. Degree or measure of succeeding.
B. Favorable or desired outcome, also the attainment of
wealth, favor or eminence.
Struggle A. To make strenuous or violent efforts in the
face of difficulties or opposition <struggling with the
problem> B. To proceed with difficulty or with great effort
> <struggling to make a living>
What you will notice between these two words is a great
difference, not only in their meaning, but also in terms of
timing. Success is thought of as a future tense word and


event. Struggle is a present tense word and event. In a later

chapter you will get a clear understanding of what role our
minds play within struggle and success. For now let us
focus on the effects each word has on our body and mind.
When you mention the word struggle you will probably
get an uncomfortable feeling within. Some people love
struggle and thrive on it. It makes them feel alive. Others
may cringe at the mere sight or sound of the word.
When you are wondering why people are doing what they
are doing, remember, EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT.
Keeping this in mind will help a person stop being
judgmental about others when they appear to screw
something up. It is a part of everyones learning process to
mess something up and those who are a part of the process
need to understand that there is great wisdom in what they
have experienced during a turn of events that may not have
played out in their favor.
Also, remember that just because something may not turn
out in your favor does not mean its the end of the world.
There may just be a subconscious block that needed to be
eliminated before you took on the Endeavour.
As the great saying goes, As above so below; As within,
so without, meaning that what is going on outside of you
reflects what is going on inside of you. If you are having
many struggles in your daily life, there are struggles going
on within yourself that you may or may not be aware of.
By taking a look at the situations you have put yourself in,
you will get a good look at what is going on within you that
needs to be addressed and cleared out so that you can move
above and beyond what you are struggling with.

For those of you who like to struggle, dont worry. Even as

you move beyond your internal resistance blocks, there will
still be plenty of challenges to face and overcome as you
move onward and upward.
There is great personal power to be had in overcoming
Even for those who seem to have it all together, there are
still decisions and challenges they are faced with at times.
It all depends on how you handle those challenges that
determines the outcomes.
Success as mentioned above is an end result goal. But our
personal definition of a successful person may seem to be
different. If you think about a person that you would say is
successful do you see them retired and just relaxing? Most
likely not. When I think of a successful person I picture in
my mind a person who is on the go, handling his or her
business and feeling happy because he or she is living their
Keep in mind that everyones definition of success will be
different because everyone is different and each expects
different things from themselves.
It is important to understand what your own definition of
success is and try not to make it just an end result
expectation. Even though success describes an end result, it
is actually more of an in-the-now action word.
If you find yourself struggling with a situation or with life
in general, here is an excellent way to move beyond the
struggle and into a mode of flow, because success is a flow,
and to struggle is to move against the flow of success.

The first thing to do is assess that which is causing the

struggle, which would be You. Next, relax and take a
deep breath and then look outward to the situation at hand.
The importance here is to relax. When you relax it allows
your mind to work more efficiently. If your muscles are
tense, it uses up vital energy that the brain needs to bring
forth viable solutions from the right brain hemisphere
where our creative faculties reside.
Here is a story that will help you understand what helps
spark the flow of success and remove the resistance of
John was struggling with trying to figure out what type of
business to start. He struggled day and night trying to think
of ideas. He asked himself, What kind of business could
make me a lot of money? While searching for an answer
he began to get more and more frustrated. He was caught in
the struggle of moving against the flow of success. After
meeting with a business consultant, it became clear that if
he was to start a business, it would need to be doing
something he absolutely loved doing. Within a minute or so
he began coming up with ideas of what type of business to
start. After he sparked his natural passion by thinking of
what he loves doing, he moved into the flow of success
which opened his creative mind right brain hemisphere,
bringing in a flood of ideas that he could capture, organize,
put to paper, and begin to act on.
When John focused on what he was passionate about his
body relaxed and his creative mind and motivation kicked
in with ease. This demonstrates the power of inner
resourcefulness when we align with our deeper purpose and
natural talents.


Remember, success is a flow. Struggle is when you are

working against the flow. It is actually easier to be
successful and move with the flow. It takes up to ten times
more energy to struggle against something, especially when
it is yourself, because what you are struggling with
externally reflects what you are struggling with internally.
This step for John was a good one to help him come up
with ideas but there is another step John needs to take
before taking action on his business plan. He has to make
sure that his internal resistance factors have been
eliminated. Otherwise, those resistant forces will work
against his every effort like they did me for so long before
discovering the block removal technique you are about to
So you may be asking yourself, Why dont people just
stop struggling and go with the flow? You would think it
is an easy task but there are some main factors involved
with change that must be addressed before the change can


People are creatures of habit

Habits control our daily lives. What exactly is a habit?
Habit - an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed
until it has become almost involuntary.
Wow, do you understand what that means?!
A habit is something you keep doing until it becomes an
involuntary program, meaning that you keep doing
something until it becomes an un-conscious mechanism
running without you thinking about what youre doing and
in most cases regardless of the consequences!
You can plainly see how important it is to take note of your
daily habits to see which are serving you and which ones
are not.
On the next page you will find a form that I have listed
some example habits on. Take out a piece of paper and list
some of the things you do everyday. Be sure to split the
habits by listing the ones you feel serve you in a healthy
and productive way on the right side, the ones that dont
serve you well and may be unhealthy on the left side. The
example is shown on the next page.


List of Daily Habits


Un-healthy habits
-Biting nails
-Eating fattening foods
-Excessive alcohol
-Not getting enough rest
-Being late to meetings
-Negative communication
-Associating w/complainers

Good habits
-Getting enough rest
-Being on time to meetings
-Paying attention to what
you eat
-Conscious communication
-Setting boundaries
-Being around positive
minded friends and people

You may or may not recognize some of these habits within

yourself. These can be easy habits to pick up and will come
from various sources. Some of these habits may come from
friends, parents, teachers or siblings. The goal is to notice
the traits that do and dont serve you well.
Keep in mind that this is not mandatory to do in order for
The Morpheus Protocol technique to work. It will just help
in the long run when you begin to notice changes in your
habit patterns, once your internal resistance factors have
been eliminated.


The subconscious mind

Most people have heard the term subconscious mind but
many may not understand what the subconscious mind is
and how it affects us. Psychologists refer to the
subconscious mind as a force that works below or
underneath the conscious mind.
In academic psychology the use of the word
subconscious has been taken out, mostly because early
psychologists were not able to prove its existence. Because
of the subconscious minds apparent power and the
constant unexplained phenomena that all humans
experience, people are starting to wake up and ask more
questions, especially after so many books have been written
on the subject like, Napoleon Hills Think and Grow Rich
and The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph
The subconscious mind is so powerful that if a hypnotist
convinced your subconscious mind that you were as solid
and stiff as a piece of steel, your body would become very
rigid and stiff.
I have witnessed people become as stiff as a board while
being balanced between two chairs with only the head
being supported by one chair and the feet being supported
by the other chair. There was nothing underneath the
middle of the person to act as a center support and the
person stayed in that state for at least 15 minutes.
Even the most athletic person with a strong core would fall
in a matter of seconds if they tried this while fully


This gives you a glimpse of how powerful the subconscious

mind is and how we can utilize its power over our bodies
and actions. The problem is that todays society simply
does not have the education and the know-how to use the
subconscious minds power to our fullest capacity.
There are programs out there that touch on the subject and I
have tried many of them but only to have very minor
In order to explain the subconscious mind I will have to
speak in terms of polarity, like left and right, dark and light,
male and female, negative and positive, conscious mind
and subconscious mind.
The subconscious mind acts as the conscious minds polar
opposite. For example, if you give the conscious mind a
command to do something, it can easily carry out the
command. But, if you give the subconscious mind a direct
command it will rebel and produce the opposite as a result.
For example, if you tell a child not to do something, they
will look you straight in the eye and do exactly what you
told them not to do!
Between the time of birth until puberty, children are very
open and susceptible to subconscious programming. This
state is also known as the alpha brain wave state. Many
of the subconscious Archetypes that will be addressed in
this book are developed during childhood.


Conscious and subconscious programs

Someone tells you to go to the store and pick up lettuce,
tomatoes, pickles and ketchup. So you go to the store and
get those things. That was a conscious program.
Now let me ask you a question. When you read the words
lettuce, tomatoes, pickles and ketchup, did you think of a
hamburger? Chances are that you did!
When you thought about the hamburger, did you get a
craving for one? Once again chances are that you did get a
craving for a hamburger. The conscious program made you
associate lettuce, tomatoes, pickles and ketchup with a
hamburger. The subconscious mind brought forth the actual
craving. Your mouth may have even started to water while
thinking about that hamburger.
Your mouth watering was caused by the subconscious mind
as well. You did not have to think in your brain, Hey
mouth, start watering. It just does. Now you can see one
way the conscious and subconscious minds work together.


Subconscious archetypes
In the early 1900s well known Swiss psychologist, C.G.
Jung, introduced the modern world to the subconscious
realm of Archetypes as a way to understand the human
During our youth we watched our parents, peers, teachers,
and heroes to receive direction on how to live and be in the
world. Our experience of ourselves, others, and the world
come from the imprints we received in our consciousness
from the people and culture we were exposed to the most;
these imprints become our conscious and unconscious
belief systems, our conditioning.
Once we take on a belief, it becomes an actual being, so to
speak, with a life and voice, even an intelligence of its own.
This internal subconscious being is an Archetype.
Archetypes live within our subconscious mind like actual
characters deep inside of us that act out certain roles
influencing us in our decisions and actions. Once a belief
has become an archetypal figure within the subconscious
mind, we begin to unconsciously act out the Archetypal
role when we interact with others and make decisions.
There is a time when we get to meet these Archetypal
figures face to face. We get to meet them in our dreams and
sometimes as real people in our daily lives.


Archetypes in our dreams

Dreams are our subconscious minds way of allowing our
Archetypes to communicate with us by showing us the
roles they play in our lives. The subconscious mind also
communicates to us using symbols such as animals, trees,
cars, numbers, people, and so on. While symbols are
universal to a degree, how your subconscious mind will use
the symbol as a communication tool depends on what each
symbol means to your subconscious mind.
For example:
Conscious meaning = A tree
Subconscious meaning = knowledge, growth, strength,
Conscious meaning = Gets you from point A to point B
Subconscious meaning = Ambition, drive, direction in life
Conscious meaning = something you wear to cover your
Subconscious meaning = Status, how you think you appear
to others
As you can see, our conscious definition is somewhat
different from our subconscious meaning and when the
subconscious mind shows us these symbols in our dreams,
it is trying to communicate a certain message to us.
A good dream interpretation tool I use is I always keep an open mind when

using others generalized interpretation of dreams and

symbols, knowing they are relevant but that ultimately, my
subconscious minds definition may be a bit different.
If an archetype is portraying a negative role in your dreams,
it is one that must be dealt with so that the energy that
archetype uses up can be transferred over to the positive
archetypes. Yes, each archetype within us is either taking
up or is giving us energy.
Negative archetypes take our energy and channel it towards
things that work against our ambitions, hearts desires, and
greatest potential.
Positive archetypes use our energy to guide us towards or
bring to us those things that are for our greater and higher
These unconscious archetypes also cause resistance or flow
in our lives.
For example, lets say you want to earn an extra $40K and
you have devised a plan to do exactly that. You are
ambitious and feel you can attain this goal, so you begin
your journey for success. After some time you start to
notice that you have earned $20K when suddenly odd
things start to happen.
Strange things might happen like deals falling through at
the last minute, it becomes impossible for you to be on time
for meetings, or certain people in your life act in a way that
requires more of your attention, taking away from your
The archetypes that are created in our subconscious minds
by our beliefs act in accordance with their set beliefs and

not necessarily what you think you consciously believe.

In other words, if you subconsciously believe that you
dont deserve to have a certain amount of money -- in this
case the extra $40K -- then your subconscious mind will
create situations that keep you in alignment with its belief,
preventing you from achieving your conscious goal.
If this all sounds too hard to believe, take a look back at a
time when you unknowingly sabotaged your own efforts
when trying to accomplish something, or when you are just
about to receive an opportunity, something your
subconscious mind may indeed believe and make sure is
too good to be true. People do this all of the time and its
an unconscious process which becomes supremely
frustrating for those who have goals but just cant seem to
meet them.
The truth of the matter is this: If your subconscious
archetypes beliefs are not in agreement with your
conscious wants, needs and beliefs, you will struggle with
achieving your goals. And if you end up achieving one of
your goals, somehow you will dissolve or deflect your
reward quickly, often times leaving you with nothing to
show for it.
Here is an example:
Ron is a real estate investor and has rental properties that
generate $3,000 per month in cash flow for him. Before
Ron got started in real estate he worked as a software
engineer making $2,700 a month and decided he wanted to
do something else. So, he got into real estate. One day
Ron decides he wants to sell off several of the properties to
make a lot of cash to meet a goal of having $100,000 in the
bank to save for security reasons.


Ron puts several of his properties up for sale and within a

few months he sells his properties off, generating an extra
$120,000 in cash to put in the bank. Very soon after Ron
sells off these properties, several of his other properties
start having more-than-usual maintenance issues, resulting
in his having to spend $20,000 to fix the problems.
After the maintenance issues get fixed, Ron decides to
invest $65K in another investment property. Next, Ron
decides he wants to buy a new car and some new furniture
for the house. Ron and his wife go on a well deserved
vacation and while away they spend even more money on
By the time Ron gets back from vacation and takes a look
at his bank account, he realizes hes back to square one
with his savings!
When you look at this story you may think, ok, so Ron got
a little excited when he made some extra money. Im sure
he learned his lesson right? NO! Ron repeated this same
process several times before recognizing the pattern.
No matter how much he tried to hold back from spending
money, he would find himself blowing cash on a whim.
The more he tried to resist spending, the worse it got -but -- he would always save just enough to have the right
amount of rental properties that would generate the original
$3,000 in monthly cash flow.
He would try to fight overspending but would eventually
spend himself back to only having his original $3,000 a
When we look into this type of situation you can plainly
see that many people are stuck in this same pattern.

Spending them selves back to where their subconscious

Archetype believes they should be financially. There is an
unconscious belief within Ron that only allows him to
make $3,000 per month, and that will continue until Ron
eliminates this Archetype within his subconscious mind
that is keeping him at this financial plateau.
In a later chapter I will walk you through the actual steps
on how to eliminate these negative Archetypes that cause
internal resistance within us that lead to external blocks and
self sabotage. But for now, please continue to read on and
avoid skipping ahead to the technique. For those of you
who have to absolutely know how everything works, it is
very important that you take the time to understand why
and how the technique works.


The Law of the 3 minds

In one of G.I. Gurjeiffs most thought-provoking
books, Beelzebubs Tales to His Grandson, humans are
referred to as 3-brained beings, meaning that humans think
and act from 3 different thought centers, two of which are
inside the physical body and one that resides just above the
head. The thought center that resides above the head is
commonly portrayed in pictures where you see a light bulb
going off above a persons head when they get a bright
The philosophy of humans having 3 different thinking
centers is not new. Once again, in the early 1900s famous
psychiatrist Sigmund Freud identified these 3 thinking
centers. He had his own names for them.
The Id = Focused on our wants and desires; thinks in terms
of YES, and I want.
The Super Ego = Self consciousness; says NO and tends
to counter the Ids YES.
The Ego = Mediates between the Id and the Super Ego and
ultimately makes the final decision.
An example of how the 3 different thought centers work
together could be seen this way:
Jimmy goes out on a date with a girl named Suzie. Suzie
and Jimmy go to a nice restaurant and order food. In the
back of Jimmys mind he is thinking to himself, Wow,
Suzie is really pretty. I would like to kiss her. I want her!
This is Jimmys Id thinking. As soon as Jimmy finishes the
thought about kissing Suzie, his Super Ego chimes in and

says Now Jimmy, your mother taught you better than to

make a move on a girl during the first date and that
would turn her off! Then Jimmys Ego says, Yes, I better
not try to make the first move. Its too soon and she may
find it offensive, so I will play it safe.
This is an example of how the Id, Ego and Super Ego work.
Sometimes, the Id and Super Ego conflict, leaving the Ego
person confused but in this case Jimmy may have made
the right choice.
Examples can be seen in consumer shopping habits. Many
marketing efforts have been customized to appeal to the Id
part of us, guiding the consumer to buy fast without
Many ads are created to bypass the Super Ego and appeal
so strongly to the Id part of us that even if the Super Ego
chimed in and said NO, the Id is so overwhelmed by the
want that it over-rides the Super Ego, influencing the Ego
to act impulsively to buy now.
Each one of these mind centers has its own Archetypes that
affect us whether we are aware of it or not.
Remember, an Archetype is a character that is created by a
belief that exists within our subconscious mind. Whether
we believe it or not, these Archetypes are very real to our
subconscious mind. They can cause us to do and say things
that may leave us wondering why we just cant stop doing
what were not supposed to be doing.
You can see these negative habits first-hand if you took the
time to fill out your list of daily habits as shown on page


Why you sometimes get exactly what you

dont want
The subconscious mind acts as the opposing force
to our conscious mind. If you make a command to it the
wrong way, it will totally oppose your statement and guide
you towards exactly what you said you didnt want.
For example, have you ever exclaimed that you would
never drink alcohol again? This tends to happen the
morning after a heavy night of drinking, when you find
yourself very hung-over and miserable.
After making this decree to yourself and/or God, many
people find themselves drinking the very next night and
more than ever! Why does this happen? After you swore
with great seriousness that you would never do it again!?!
Once again you have to understand that the subconscious
mind is very powerful. Any belief that is within it becomes
an Archetype with its own motivations, compelling you to
act in certain ways.
Also remember that your subconscious mind acts as the
counter-force to your conscious mind, so if you try to give
a command that opposes the Archetypal belief about
drinking that is instilled within the subconscious, it will
strengthen that opposition to have you drink even more
than before.
You may be thinking that drinking is not necessarily a
belief, but remember, drinking is an addiction created by
habit that becomes deeply grooved in the subconscious.
Habits become beliefs that form Archetypal figures in the


subconscious mind that keep guiding you to fulfill your

Habits become subconscious beliefs!
A person may know consciously that drinking is not good
for him or her but the subconscious Archetypes can become
so powerful that no matter what you think consciously, the
subconscious Archetype will overcome your logical
thinking and compel you to keep drinking.
The subconscious mind is so powerful and forth reaching
that even when you tell yourself, I am not drinking
tonight, your subconscious mind will send a subconscious
signal to your friends telling them to call and invite you to
go out drinking.
Does this sound a bit far fetched? For some it may, so lets
take a look at several examples.
Have you ever sat down and started focusing on a task,
only to find that a few minutes later people start calling or
sending you text messages, creating distractions?
Have you ever told yourself, Well, it looks like Im not
doing anything tonight, only to find that once you give up
and throw in the towel someone calls and invites you out?
Have you ever been looking for a relationship, not able to
find some one to date for months but then once you say, I
might as well forget about it; Im never going to find
someone! all of a sudden your phone rings and its a
friend looking to set you up on date or you run into
someone very interesting while you are out and about?
Once you give up and get out of your own way you end up
meeting someone.

Understand that the subconscious mind is not all bad; it can

work for you in positive ways depending on your
subconscious beliefs, your attitude, and the things you
focus your mind on.


Getting the subconscious mind to work

for you
The subconscious mind is a powerful force that, once
utilized correctly, can bring to us and bring us to just about
anything we want or desire. The key is to remove the
subconscious Archetypes that create blocks and internal
This is the fastest way to stop self sabotage and break
through the glass ceiling of limitation while achieving your
goals and desires with more ease and grace.
Keep in mind that, although eliminating the negative
Archetypes will help to break bad habits and remove road
blocks, you will still have to flex your will power when it
comes to making the decisions that are for your greater and
highest good.
You may remove the bad habit Archetype that encourages
you to keep drinking alcohol, but if you continue to
choose to hang out with others that drink abusively you
may end up back at it as well. Doing something physically
or mentally over and over becomes a habit. Habits become
subconscious beliefs and ultimately Archetypes in our
psyche where our energy is most likely to follow.
So why do affirmations work for some people and not
Simply repeating a saying over and over will sometimes
work for those who learn best by audio learning. When you
consider that 75%-80% of people are visual or kinesthetic


learners, you can see why affirmations may not work for
some people.
If affirmations work for you then by all means please
continue doing what works. But if you find that
affirmations are not helping you then you may want to
consider an alternative. The good thing is that whether
visual, kinesthetic, or audio, The Morpheus Protocol
technique in this book can still create life-altering changes
for you.


Resistance to change
Many people like to find a groove and stay in it.
Ever heard the term old habits die hard? It is true, unless
broken correctly, and you will learn how to do that in this
Remember that a habit is an unconscious belief set deep in
the subconscious mind through repetitious acts that compel
us to perform the same habit over and over and most of the
time we do it, mindlessly.
Opposing a subconscious program can cause you to have
quite an uncomfortable feeling. Lets say for instance, that
you are a smoker and every time you smoke a cigarette you
say to yourself Gross, I need to quit smoking. So you
begin to fight your urge to smoke but the more you fight it
the more frustrated you become because you keep thinking
about smoking until the frustration creates an
uncomfortable feeling of tension within your body and,
before you know it, youre smoking again.
The same can be seen with love. Feeling in love can
become a powerful addiction because the drug
phenylethylamine that is released by the brain makes the
body feel good and becomes extremely addictive to some
When you have the thought that someone you love is going
to leave you, it can create emotional pain within your body
especially if you have become addicted to the feeling of
love created by the phenylethylamine. Thats when people
start doing and saying silly things to try and make sure the
person they love doesnt leave. So the question is have


you become addicted to love or the person who makes you

feel good. Most likely both.
Believe it or not, there are people out there who would
rather feel physical pain than the emotional pain caused by
the loss of someone they love. Some people stay together
even though they both know the relationship is not healthy,
and the relationship has become a habit. Even though the
love has long fled, the fear of being alone can cause people
to stay in unhealthy relationships. But there is a better way.
All in all, resistance to change is due to the subconscious
habits that are instilled within the subconscious mind.
There are also certain personality types that have a hard
time with change, but everyone does and will change when
circumstances of crises are present.


How to overcome the resistance to change

so you can move onward and upward
1. Understand that nothing ever stays the same
forever. Everything changes. Time changes, our
bodies change, our minds change, our feelings
change, and the world keeps turning. Change is the
natural law of our world and the universe.
2. With change comes the opportunity to grow and
better our lives.
3. Learn to forgive the past. Forgiveness allows an
amazing in-flow of abundance into ones life and a
smooth transition into change.
Keep in mind that there may also be an Archetype within
the subconscious mind that resists change. Just like a habit,
the subconscious mind does not like to let go of programs
and habits that have been well entrained into it. The good
news is that once the subconscious mind has truly let go of
a negative Archetype, it doesnt like to go back to the old


The subconscious Archetypes:

The good and the bad
The Sub and the Prime

As mentioned in an earlier chapter, Archetypes are formed

within the subconscious mind in different ways. Here I will
address several ways they are created and how they can
effect a persons actions, thoughts, feelings, ambitions, and
Also keep in mind that there are Sub-Archetypes and Prime
Archetypes. In this book I will only be focusing on the SubArchetypes so when I mention Archetype I am talking
about Sub-Archetypes. The importance of PrimeArchetypes will be explained in great detail in an upcoming
Here are several different things that create an Archetype
within the subconscious mind:

Pleasurable and Traumatic experiences
Habits that become addictions
Subliminal messages that evoke an emotional

There are other things that can create subconscious

Archetypes but I will focus on these main ones for this
Once you have a chance to take a closer look at the details
of each subject listed above you will have a greater

understanding of how these Archetypes become powerful

forces in our lives, guiding us to do good or bad things,
attracting positive or negative people into our lives and
having or repelling those things we want in life.



When we truly believe in something we feel very strongly

about it. It can seem virtually impossible to change that
belief when challenged by another persons belief system.
Some may even counter with violence in order to hold
steady and justify their belief in something. Thats how
powerful belief can be.
When one of our beliefs is challenged, and especially if it is
proven wrong, we can become depressed and feel a strong
sense of betrayal within ourselves.
Our beliefs are dear to us because they are what we hold to
be true about reality, and often they are passed to us from
family lineage, ancestors, leaders and peers in a way that
makes them seem less like beliefs and more like the way
things are.
It is a good idea to take a step back and truly question all
the things you believe in, especially those things that you
have an emotional connection to.


Pleasurable and traumatic experiences

When we were children our alpha brain wave state was
mostly pre-dominant. This means that our subconscious
minds were very susceptible to suggestion, making
subconscious programming a lot easier, especially when
feelings were involved.
A traumatic experience becomes an emotional program that
telegraphs directly into the subconscious mind. The person,
place or thing that is directly involved with the traumatic
experience becomes an Archetypal symbol or character in
the subconscious mind that does everything it can to stop
you from ever having that experience again. A vehicle
accident is an excellent example.
In the case of pleasurable experiences, often the person
who has a pleasurable experience can become emotionally
dependant upon the person that created the pleasurable
experience. The person who created the experience
becomes an Archetype.
In the case of traumatic experiences those who were abused
as children often attract abusive relationships when they
become adults. The traumatic experience created an
Archetype and until the person realizes that he or she is
subconsciously attracting abusive partners into their lives,
they will keep doing it over and over.
Sometimes a simple realization can be enough to make a
person become more discerning about who they start a
relationship with. But if the childhood trauma was strong
enough, it can cause emotional attachment and dependence
on the type of person who caused the trauma in the first

place, making it harder for the one who is emotionally

dependant to break the cycle of attracting abusive partners.
In this case the subconscious Archetype has to be
eliminated in order to put a stop to the negative cycle.



Remember that addictions become subconscious

Archetypes created by physical or mental repetitive actions
that are linked to a feeling. In the case of smoking, a lot of
people started smoking as a way to fit in or as a rebellion
against those who told us not to do it.
Having a sense of belonging is a very strong want for
children, teenagers and even adults. During childhood and
adolescence, we are highly vulnerable to social
acceptance/rejection, and deep imprinting can be made that
stays with us through out the rest of our lives.
Recall being at a Christmas party, family reunion, or
wedding when you were a kid. Theres a good chance that
you saw adults standing around with a drink in their hand
while socializing with their friends and family members.
Our children watch us as parents and adults drinking and
socializing and subconsciously connect alcohol with being
Although many of our traumatic Archetypes are developed
while we are children, a lot of our addictive Archetypes are
developed during our teenage years due to the heavy
influence and pressure to use drugs and alcohol as a way to
fit in socially.
Children, teenagers and even adults are 10 times more
susceptible to becoming addicted to drugs and alcohol these
days due to the rampant marketing of drugs and alcohol in
movies and music.

Addictions are so tricky because they are more than just

bad habits. They are our greatest crutches to avoid
confronting buried feelings and realities that
subconsciously haunt us and hold us back. We come the
closest to realizing our true potential when we are able and
willing to break an addiction.
By identifying and confronting the archetype responsible
for the addiction, we bring it into the conscious mind. Next
we properly eliminate the addiction Archetype so it can no
longer have its insidious power to control our behavior.


Subliminal messages that evoke an

emotional response
A subliminal message is a message that is designed to
bypass your conscious awareness and go directly into the
subconscious mind. Subliminal messages can be used to:
1. Get people to buy a certain product
2. Get people to do things they normally would not do.
3. Keep people stuck in an unconscious routine.
Subliminal messages have been around for a long time and
have even made it into the spotlight of moral questioning.
Everything from television, radio, billboard and magazine
ads have been suspect for containing subliminal messages
that can essentially encourage people into buying products.
You may be asking yourself how this is possible and here is
an explanation: Subliminal ads contain underlying sounds,
symbols or words that intentionally appeal directly to the
subconscious mind. Once the subconscious mind has been
penetrated and the sound, symbol, or word strikes an
emotional chord, the person who is subject to the ad will be
subconsciously influenced to buy.
The subconscious mind thinks faster than the conscious
mind. Thoughts, feelings and images that come from the
subconscious mind influence us to act before we
consciously think about what we are doing.
When friends ask me how they can start eating better to
lose weight I tell them that the first thing I would do is get
off of auto-pilot mode when I go grocery shopping.


Many people buy food because the package looks good

and the food tastes great and if the commercial for the
product had a catchy jingle that sounds good, it will
further encourage the buyers decision to take it home and
eat it no matter how bad it is for them.
I have watched many people mindlessly load up their
shopping carts with things that are packed with more
chemicals than actual food.
But I also know that they are unconsciously shopping on
auto-pilot in order to feed a subconscious addiction and
until they realize this they will have a hard time making a
healthier choice.
If you want to see if you have been influenced by
subliminal messages, pay attention to how you feel next
time you are watching TV, listening to the radio, seeing a
billboard, or looking at a magazine ad. If you are feeling
the urge to buy, eat, or do something that goes against your
greatest and highest good, then there is a possibility that
there is an underlying message that has bypassed your
conscious mind and appealed directly to your subconscious


The first 3 levels of the subconscious mind

where the Archetypes reside
The subconscious mind is abstract and is a realm that is
hard to figure out logically, considering it is completely
anti-logic. So if I use terms in this next chapter that may
not make sense or sounds a bit out there, just keep in mind
that in order to explain the subconscious mind, I have to
explain it in an abstract way.
Within the subconscious mind there is a deeper sublevel of consciousness called the Super-subconscious. At
the Super-subconscious level the Archetypes that you will
encounter are bigger and may be seen sitting above the
regular subconscious realm Archetypes.
These Super-subconscious Archetypes have a much
deeper and profound affect on a person and the people they
come in contact with. I will go more into detail about the
larger Super-subconscious Archetypes in another book.
For now I will focus on the Archetypes that reside
on the first three levels of the subconscious mind, how to
eliminate the bad ones and how to enhance and give more
energy to the good ones so they can work uninterrupted
towards your goals of attaining what you desire.
On the next page I describe the different levels of the
subconscious mind and the Archetypes that reside within
those realms. We will not actually start doing the
techniques yet, so remember, it is only the description of
what you should find when you get into subconscious


1st level Archetypes

The first subconscious level is where you will find the

Archetypes who were created by pleasurable and traumatic
incidents, habits, beliefs, and what you think is truth. This
is the main level that we will work within to start
collapsing and dissolving negative Archetypes.
In this realm of the subconscious mind I will have you
visualize a dimly lit room in which you will see a table. On
each side of the table there will be chairs. Positive
Archetypes will appear on the right side of the table and
negative Archetypes will appear on the left side of the
table. By visualizing a dimly lit room it takes you directly
into the subconscious mind.
The negative Archetypes on the left side of he table will
appear dark, heavy and have a negative feel to them. The
positive Archetypes on the right side of the table will
appear to have a lighter look and feel to them.
Right side table Archetypes
After you have done some work removing negative
Archetypes you can get to work better understanding of
your right side of the table Archetypes who are ultimately
there to help you in life. There are many Archetypes there.
Here are some of the Archetypes that will appear on the
right side of the table and what aspect of your personality
they represent:
1. Self esteem
2. Self confidence
3. Money matters


Sex appeal
Compassion and more

It will be up to you to really get inside your subconscious

once you are there and get to know and understand your
Archetypes and what condition they are in. Next, you will
empower the positive Archetypes by showing them
attention, love, and getting energized by speaking to them
in a positive and motivating way or by communicating with
them on a regular basis.
Left side table Archetypes
As mentioned before, the Archetypes on the left side of the
table are the negative ones who ultimately hold you back
from your natural path, attract you to negative people, and
set up blocks to deliberately hold you back.
If you experienced some type of abuse as a child from
another person, that person would show up here on the left
side of the table as a dark and negative figure that would
need to be collapsed and dissolved.


2nd level Archetypes

At the second level of the subconscious realm are large
over-seeing Archetypes. They have a light look and feel to
them. I usually bypass these Archetypes. I feel that they are
the overseers of our journey and should not be disturbed.
After you have taken time to collapse and dissolve the
negative Archetypes on the 1st level you will want to take
some time getting to know the greater Archetypes at this
2nd level.
I will go further into detail about these 2nd level Archetypes
in my next book.


3rd level Archetypes: DNA

There is a deeper sub-level than the subconscious, which is
the third level. At the third level of the subconscious realm
is where we can find our genetic coding and original
blueprint. The DNA realm looks like thousands of crystal
chandeliers hanging from a black ceiling all connected by
gold stems. The crystals are lit up and have a prism-like
shine to all of them.
I will not go into detail about the 3rd level of the
subconscious mind in this book. In an upcoming book I
will go into great detail about the 3rd level. It is important
that you stick to the basics for now and focus on the 1st
level Archetype work. Once you have gained more
experience and have cleared out a lot of the negative
Archetypes you would be much better suited working on
the 3rd level of the subconscious realm.


The Technique

Here is where I will give you a description of the work you

will be doing. Keep in mind this is not the actual exercise
and please avoid skipping ahead!
The technique is fairly easy to do and involves you as the
participant drawing up a certain place within your minds
eye. We will start off in this book only working on the first
Archetype level.
The place that you will want to create within your mind as
mentioned beforee will be a dimly lit room. Once you enter
this dimly lit room, you instantly access your subconscious
As you create the room inside your minds eye, you will
want to imagine a table in the center of the room. You will
imagine that there are 3 chairs on each side of the table.
Keep in mind that more chairs may show up as you
advance with the technique, but for now just imagine 3
When you can see your table and chairs in your mind in the
dimly lit room, you will notice that a person or people will
appear sitting in the chairs.
People that appear on the right side of the table are
Archetypes who are there to help you in a good way at the
subconscious level. Those who appear on the left side of
the table are Archetypes who are creating problems for you
at the subconscious level.


Notice how the Archetypes feel to you once they appear.

The Archetypes on the left side of the table should have a
dark, heavy or negative appearance and feel. The
Archetypes on the right side of the table should have a
lighter and more helpful appearance and feeling to them.
The point of this exercise is not to create the people who
appear but to simply see who shows up at the table. The
subconscious mind will bring up who needs to appear first
on its own. Once they do appear, you will want to try and
identify who the person Archetype is and if you can
identify who they are and who or what they represent in
your life.
Remember that just because the Archetypes who appear on
the left side of the table may take on the persona of
someone you know in real life does not necessarily mean
that that person or Archetype really wants to cause you
harm. Your belief or experience with that person is what is
causing the problem, and once that Archetype has been
collapsed and dissolved, issues with that person will slowly
and sometimes quickly fade away.


Left side Archetypes

Often times the people Archetypes who appear on the left
side of the table will be so dark that the participant will
have a hard time even seeing them and may think that
nobody showed up at all. If it comes to this you will want
to use your sense of emotional feeling to see what kind of
feeling you get first and then look to see if anyone appears.
You may even look for an outline or silhouette of a person
who may be hiding in the background.
I have had participants in the past who had a hard time
seeing someone appear. In these cases I had to assist them
in drawing out the Archetype and bringing it forward into
view. If the Archetype is hiding and not showing itself, it
means that this Archetype is residing deep within the
participants subconscious mind and has probably been
there for a long time, creating problems for the participant.
In most cases the Archetypes will appear. The participants
job is to try and identify who the Archetype represents in
their life. Sometimes the participant will not be able to see
the persons face because he or she is so dark. In this case
you would ask yourself, who does this Archetype feel
like? or, if I could put a face to this Archetype, whose
face would appear?
It is not vitally important that you identify who the
Archetype represents in real life. The key factor is making
sure to eliminate the negative Archetypes and move on.


Right side Archetypes

The Archetypes who appear on the right side of the table

are the ones who you believe are there to help and give you
good energy, guidance, and work with the unseen forces of
nature to help you have, do, be and accomplish your
desired goals.
After taking the time to eliminate those negative
Archetypes who appear dark and heavy on the left side, you
will want to get to know the Archetypes who appear on the
right side of the table. Getting to know the right side of the
table Archetypes will help you in so many ways. It will be
in your best advantage to talk with the Archetypes on the
right side of the table to understand what roll they play in
your life and how they do help you.


Starting the technique

1. Close your eyes and imagine a very dimly lit room
in your minds eye.
2. See a table sitting in the middle of the room with
chairs on both sides of the table. You, the
participant, will be standing in front of the table so
that the chairs appear on the left and right sides of
the table.
3. Start by looking to the right side of the table to see
who appears. Allow your subconscious mind to
draw up who ever appears there. Avoid forcing or
trying to imagine someone.
4. Whoever does appear, try to identify who that
person is. Once you have identified the person, ask
that person how he/she helps you and what purpose
he/she serves.
5. Next, look to the left side of the table and see who
appears there. Once an Archetype appears, try to
identify who that person is and ask him/her what
purpose he/she serves. If the Archetype does not
answer, dont worry; your main goal is to eliminate
the dark feeling and negative Archetype.
6. Once you have identified or at least drawn out the
dark Archetype from the left side of the table, you
can now collapse and dissolve the Archetype.
7. Visualize a shaft of very bright light coming down
around the negative Archetype and see him/her
collapsing down into a pile of ashes. Then see the
pile of ashes dissolve into little sparkles of light
until they disappear.
8. Repeat step 7 if necessary until the Archetype is
completely gone.


A way to check and see if the process really worked is after

you are done with the exercise try to look back at the left
side of the table and see if that same negative Archetype is
still there. If it is gone, you have successfully performed the
After the exercise, take a deep breath and relax. You may
feel energized. You will likely feel a flood of emotions, so
if you feel the need to cry or laugh, dont hold it back. This
is the ultimate time to release that pent-up emotion. Let it
When ever a negative situation comes up in life it is a
negative Archetype that is causing the problem. It is your
subconscious minds way of telling you that there is a
negative Archetype that needs to be eliminated so repeat
the collapsing process as often as needed.
Those negative Archetypes who have been creating blocks
in your life feed off of the anger and frustration that you
feel when they succeed at creating problems in your life.
By collapsing and dissolving the negative Archetypes, you
release all of the negative emotions that they have stored up
in your body, and any positive energy that has been taken
away comes back. When the lost positive energy comes
back, the participant will either feel a subtle energizing
effect or a major boost in good feelings.
People I have worked with in the past reported:
1. A feeling of energy rushing through them; often times
the participant would look down at their arms, hands and
2. A feeling of blissful freedom


3. The need to cry and, once done, they have a major sigh
of relief.
4. Completely letting go of something that had a strong
hold on them.
5. Complete independence
6. A tall barrier was removed
7. An internal wall came down
8. Bad luck lifted away and a sense of hope and certainty
came back
9. A creative inflow of ideas
10. An increase in physical strength
These are just some of the experiences that my past
participants have had right in front of me after doing the
technique. Keep in mind that everyone is different and
everyone has different issues they have to deal with, so
experiences will vary from person to person.


Eliminating Prosperity Blocks

Just like any other unconscious block our ability to earn

money and attract opportunities is based on our
subconscious beliefs of what we deserve and not
necessarily what we consciously think we deserve. If you
are looking to make more money or are having trouble with
breaking through a capital plateau then now is the time to
see if you have a negative prosperity Archetype that may be
holding you back from having more financial wealth in
your life.
The exercise below will walk you through the Morpheus
Protocol technique to help eliminate any prosperity blocks
you may have. Sometimes a prosperity block can come
from more than just one negative Archetype so be sure to
see if any others pop up after you collapse and dissolve the
first one.
Lets begin:
1. Close your eyes and again imagine a very dimly lit
room in your minds eye.
2. See a table sitting in the middle of the room with
chairs on both sides of the table. You, the
participant, will be standing in front of the table so
that the chairs appear on the left and right side of
the table.
3. Looke to the left side of the table and say to
yourself, Money. Next, picture in your minds eye
that you are holding money in your hand. This helps
to draw out the negative Archetype. Once that
Archetype sees what you are holding up, he/she will


come directly to it. Next, allow your subconscious

mind to draw up whoever appears there. Avoid
forcing or trying to imagine someone; just let
him/her appear.
4. Whoever does appear, try to identify who that
person is. Once you have identified the person, ask
him/her what purpose he/she serves.
5. Once they identify them self as the prosperity block
Archetype, you will want to proceed with the
collapsing and dissolving exercise in the next step.
6. Visualize a shaft of very bright light coming down
around the negative Archetype and see him/her
collapsing down into a pile of ashes. Then see the
pile of ashes dissolve into little sparkles of light
until they disappear.
As soon as you are done with the exercise, take a deep
breath and relax. Afterwards go back in to see if the
Archetype is still there or if there are any others that pop up
regarding prosperity. If so then repeat the process until it or
they are completely gone.


Eliminating self sabotage

I mentioned earlier that you dont want to force or try to

imagine a certain person when looking to see what
Archetypes show up. In this instance you will start with an
intention of locating the Archetype that is causing you to
self sabotage your efforts; there is a certain way to do it.
1. Close your eyes and again imagine a very dimly lit
room in your minds eye.
2. See a table sitting in the middle of the room with
chairs on both sides of the table. You will be
standing in front of the table so that the chairs
appear on the left and right side of the table.
3. This time start off by looking to the left side of the
table and say to yourself, self sabotage. Allow
your subconscious mind to draw up who ever
appears there. Avoid forcing or trying to imagine
someone; just let them appear and dont be
surprised if a dark image of your self appears.
4. Whoever does appear, try to identify who that
person is.
5. Once the person does identify him/herself as a self
sabotage Archetype, you will want to proceed with
the collapsing and dissolving exercise in the next
6. Visualize a shaft of very bright light coming down
around the negative Archetype and see him/her
collapsing down into a pile of ashes. Then see the
pile of ashes dissolve into little sparkles of light
until they disappear.


As soon as you are done with the exercise, take a deep

breath and relax. Afterwards go back in to see if the
Archetype is still there. If so then repeat the process until it
is gone.


Very Important To Remember!

When you collapse and dissolve a negative Archetype,
there may be another one that pops up who is connected to
the one that you got rid of. In this case you will want to
repeat the process in order to get rid of the previous
negative Archetypes team members.
Whether good or bad, Archetypes can connect themselves
with others and work as a team either for or against you. It
is imperative that you eliminate all of the negative
Archetypes team members if any that were connected to the
original one that you collapsed and dissolved.


Eliminating addictions
Of all the Archetypes, the addiction Archetypes seem to
have a major impact on the participant once they have been
eliminated. A major sense of freedom and self realization is
had once this negative Archetype has been destroyed.
The participant must remember that eliminating addiction
Archetypes does work to annihilate the actual addiction
itself, but the participant must exercise his or her own
will power in making the conscious decision to stop
hanging out with and being around people who feed their
It is important and highly worth rereading the above
paragraph again!
Once you do eliminate the addiction Archetype, you will
naturally start to gravitate towards other people who dont
feed their addictions, and those who do feed their
addictions will act a bit differently when they do come
around you. You must take responsibility for your actions
and think before you put yourself back in a situation that
would start forming that addiction Archetype again.
Here are the steps to take to eliminate addictions:
7. Close your eyes and again imagine a very dimly lit
room in your minds eye.
8. See a table sitting in the middle of the room with
chairs on both sides of the table. You, the
participant, will be standing in front of the table so
that the chairs appear on the left and right side of
the table.


9. This time start off by looking to the left side of the

table and say to yourself, addiction. Next, picture
in your minds eye what your addiction is for
instance a cigarette or bottle of alcohol. This helps
to draw out the negative Archetype. Once that
Archetype sees what you are holding up, he/she will
come directly to it. Next, allow your subconscious
mind to draw up whoever appears there. Avoid
forcing or trying to imagine someone; just let
him/her appear.
10. Whoever does appear, try to identify who that
person is. Once you have identified the person, ask
him/her how they help you and what purpose he/she
11. Once he/she identifies him/herself as an addiction
Archetype, you will want to proceed with the
collapsing and dissolving exercise in the next step.
12. Visualize a shaft of very bright light coming down
around the negative Archetype and see him/her
collapsing down into a pile of ashes. Then see the
pile of ashes dissolve into little sparkles of light
until they disappear.
As soon as you are done with the exercise, take a deep
breath and relax. Afterwards go back in to see if the
Archetype is still there. If so then repeat the process until it
is completely gone.


The importance of quality communication

with your positive Archetypes

Once again, your positive Archetypes are here to help you,

so take the time to get to know them. Ask them how they
best serve you. If you can come to understand the roles that
your positive Archetypes play, you will have a greater
understanding of why you do the things you do, and you
will gain insight into your underlying aspirations.
When you carry on internal dialogue with your positive
Archetypes, it is vital that the way you speak to them is of
the highest quality.
As Anthony Robbins says, The quality of your life equals
the quality of your communication.
The quality of your internal communication will equal the
quality of your external communication. Just by talking to
yourself differently you will change the way people look at
you because you will begin to speak differently when
communicating with others.
While doing the Archetype work, it will enhance your life
to improve your internal communication. How do you talk
to yourself? Compassionately or abusively? When it
comes down to it, communication is the key.


Expanding the positive archetypes

Archetypes are just like people. They want attention and

the more you talk to them with positive internal
communication and show them love, affection and respect,
the stronger and more empowered they become.
You will notice great changes in your life when you start
getting rid of the negative Archetypes and empower your
positive Archetypes. This enables your positive Archetypes
to utilize more of the subconscious minds unseen natural
resources to work in your favor.
If this all seems hard to believe then find a successful and
happy person and notice how he/she talks to others. Notice
how they carry them self and treat other people. If you have
the opportunity, ask him or her what kind of internal
dialogue they carry on with them self. What you are told
may be surprising.
Your goal with your Archetypes is to destroy the ones that
do not support you positively and enhance the ones that do.
Do everything you can to get the good ones powered up
and energized because in return they will energize and
empower you!


Take time out to notice the changes

Remember to take time out every now and then so you can
notice the differences in your life that will take place from
doing this work. Taking a step back every once in a while
will help you get a clearer view of whats really going on in
your life.
Life can be like a game, and the more you can rise above
the playing field and get a birds eye view of all the players
and spectators, you will give yourself time to regroup,
catch your breath, and get a better idea of what play to run
Only 10% of the participants who I have worked with
claimed they did not notice a difference. When I asked
them if they have taken the time out to notice, they said no.
It turns out that they became too busy to stop and look
around, where before they had all the time in the world
because they couldnt find a job or just did not know what
to do.
Now they are so busy making money, doing what they love
to do, or having epiphanies, that they never stopped to take
a look around and notice these major changes.
It is amazing how we as people get so caught up in
everyday life that we dont recognize the subtle signs being
shown to us by our inner guidance. We lose sight of the
changes going on right in front of our face.


There is a saying that goes, Every now and then man

stumbles upon the truth, picks him self up, and hurries off
as if nothing ever happened.
This is what happens when you become too busy and dont
allow your self to stop and take a look around every now
and then. So take time for yourself. If you cant find the
time its only because you havent made the time. This is so
very vital to everyone, so please dont let life go whizzing
by without stopping every now and then to regroup and
enjoy it.


What to expect

Some participants experience subtle changes in their lives

while others experience profound changes and a release of
feelings right there on the spot.
The more you do this work, keep in mind that you dont
want to collapse too many Archetypes at once. When I first
started I would only do 3-4 a day. This way I give myself
time to notice the changes that occur in my life. Now I
maybe do a couple of them once a week or as needed.
Things will change whether you notice them or not. You
will change and the people around you will change. Issues
you had with the people who became subconscious
Archetypes will begin to disappear. Those who you
considered to be your enemy may turn over a new leaf all
of a sudden or stop messing with you altogether.
You may notice an increase in energy, confidence,
alertness, intelligence, self love, self respect, self control
and happiness.
Once the negative Archetypes in your subconscious mind
stop working against the positive Archetypes, the good
Archetypes can work uninhibitedly for you. Once you clear
out feelings and beliefs that dont serve you, life takes on a
whole new meaning and your life will begin to work in the
flow of happiness and success.
You will also notice that your dreams will start becoming
more vivid and clear. If you start having bad dreams
remember that Archetypes appear in our dreams to
communicate with us. If Archetypes are portraying a

negative role in your dreams, these are the ones you will
need to eliminate by doing the negative Archetype
elimination technique in this book-- The Morpheus


FAQs from past participants:

Q - If I collapse and dissolve a negative Archetype that
shows up as someone I love, does that mean this person
will leave me in real life?
A If a person who you love shows up as a negative
Archetype, it means that you in some way believe there
is an issue with him/her. After you collapse and dissolve
the negative Archetype, the subconscious belief of the
issue will be gone. You will both start to act differently
because your belief about the loved one will be at peace. It
is most likely that the loved one will not leave but the two
of you may actually get along better.
Q I eliminated a negative Archetype that represented a
person I know. The issue I had with the person mostly went
away but there was still some tension between us. Why
didnt all the tension go away?
A- Most likely there is another negative Archetype that was
connected to the original one you collapsed and dissolved.
Remember that Archetypes can team up with others to
strengthen their cause. In a case like this you will need to
repeat the negative Archetype elimination technique and
see if any other Archetypes pop up who are related to the
person you have the issue with. Once the negative
Archetype/s appear, collapse and dissolve them. If more
appear then continue the process until you have eliminated
all the negative Archetypes associated with that person.
Q Im scared of the negative Archetypes that show up
because they feel so terrible. How do I confront them
without getting scared?
A Destroy them as soon as they appear! There were some
negative Archetypes that felt so bad to me that I didnt

want to deal with them but I knew that if I didnt, nothing

would change; so I destroyed them as soon as they would
appear. In other words Just do it!
Q I noticed that after doing the negative Archetype
eliminations certain pains that I had in my body went away.
Is it possible that the Archetype work may have helped
with this?
A Yes. One of the main issues related to health problems
is stress and trapped, negative subconscious emotions.
Once these are released, there is a possibility that your
body will start to balance itself out, allowing the pains to go
Q- After I eliminated a negative Archetype that was related
to my money issues I started to make more money. Is there
a way I can intensify this?
A Yes. Get to know your Archetype/s that have to do
with your positive beliefs about money and talk to them,
show them love and attention and if possible, give them a
good pep talk every morning and every night before bed.
Our Archetypes work most diligently while we are
sleeping. A good pep talk right before falling asleep is
excellent for them. A good pep talk in the morning will
energize both of you.
Q My dreams both good and bad are becoming more
vivid but I have noticed that the bad ones are becoming less
and less. Why is this?
A The subconscious mind communicates directly to us
through our dreams. The more of the negative Archetypes
you clear out, the more subconscious space you create for
your good Archetypes to work in. The subconscious mind
naturally wants you to have a good life so it will naturally
bring to the forefront those issues that need to be cleared


out so it can work uninhibited to bring you that which is for

your greatest and highest good.
Q When ever I collapse and dissolve a strong negative
Archetype I get a funny hollow feel in the middle of my
stomach. Why do I get this funny feeling?
A Many people who have studied the subconscious mind
think it is located in the back of the brain. In actuality it is
located in the pit of the stomach. That hollow feeling you
get is the space that is cleared out when you collapsed and
dissolved the negative Archetype. After a few minutes it
will go back to feeling normal but you may feel physically


The Morpheus Protocol

Eliminate prosperity blocks, self sabotage
and addictions
Copyright 2009 Nicholaus R. Taylor
Contacting the author
ISBN #978-0-557-03970-8



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