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Reimagined Community-Centered

Eco-Therapeutic Retirement
Home Complex

A Thesis Presented to the

School of Architecture, Industrial Design & the Built Environment
Mapua Institute of Technology

Presented by
Tuazon, Elaine L.

Architect Junar Pakingan Tablan, uap, MSAE


December 2014

Architectural Design 9
Reimagined Community Centered
Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex




At age 20, we worry about what others think of us. At age 40, we don't care what they
think of us. At age 60, we discover they haven't been thinking of us at all.
-Ann Landers (1918-2002)

As human beings, everyone is ought to grow and undergo senescence. This senescence is the
inevitable phase of biological ageing that somehow indicates the nearing end of life expectancy,
especially for humans. In simpler terms, it means ageing, and is the number one cause of expiration
to most life forms.
Old age may define wisdom due to the number of experiences one has surpassed, but it can
also indicate vulnerability. Since this is the phase of where one has undergone full maturity, there is a
limited regenerative ability which affects the physical, emotional and mental aspects and may cause
someone of old age to be more susceptible to diseases. Like children, the elderly are also in need of
special care and assistance. They may now be weak and incapable but they have been young once,
and been productive part of the society; hence everyone will do too, and it is everyones right to age
with dignity, and to be treated as an important part of the society.
Retirement homes are residential care facilities providing special support to abandoned and
homeless elderlies. In the Philippine culture, it is not common to send the elderly figures of the family
to these kind of facilities because of the Filipinos respect and debt of gratitude to them. However, it is
sometimes unavoidable for some people to neglect the elderlies and choose to provide them continuing
care and assistance from these kind of social services due to reasons. Because of this, there are
available retirement homes and community in the Philippines that are operated by the government,
private sectors and NGOs.

Architectural Design 9
Reimagined Community Centered
Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex



In Philippines, the current population of the elderly from 65 years and above comprises the
4.5% of population (CIA World Factbook, 2014). According to National Statistical Coordination Board
(NSCB) by year 2040, the projected old age population will then cover the 9.6% of Philippine
population. This data increase shows a little portion of the old age population but it shall not be an
excuse to deprive the seniors of their rights. In foreign countries, it is usual for the elderly to prepare
for their own continuing care and assistance; unlike in the local setting, which is the opposite since
Filipinos are known for their trait of close familial ties, wherein the grandparents tend to be taken care
of by their families thus, security and care for the elderly is not a big deal. However, there are still little
or a number of Filipino elderlies who are homeless and those who are chosen to be abandoned by their
own family. As they are part of the community, there are retirement facilities or home for the elderly
that accommodate such people, offering social services that includes provision of basic necessities,
special care, and rehabilitation.
In Bulacan, the senior citizens importance to the community is recognized through the
ordinance Bulacan Senior Citizens Code, under R.A. 9994 Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2012. It is
intended to protect and acknowledge the rights, security and assistance to the elderly of Bulacan. Its
objective includes the encouragement of the elderlies participations and contribution to the
development of the community, their involvement on cultural and societal programs, provision for full
assistance to their medical needs, promoting their competence and productivity despite their age, and
encouraging the elderlies participation even in private sectors and NGOs.


As the population of the country increases, so does the ratio for the growth of old aged
population. Since the elderly group is still a part of the society, they are still one of the concerns of the
government in providing a decent healthcare and assistance to their special needs such as retirement
homes. In the Philippine setting, most of the existing retirement homes are generally unsuitable for its
target market and are lacking in some architectural aspects. Most of these facilities are also located in

Architectural Design 9
Reimagined Community Centered
Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex


remote areas, which has negative psychological effects to the elderly by making them feel isolated
from the community. With such problems, hence calls for a new and reimagined design of a residential
care facility that is more sustainable, therapeutic, adaptive and interactive to its users and the
environment. More specifically, the proposal shall aim to answer the following sub problems:
1. What is the significance of the design of retirement homes to the users?
2. How can architecture address the needs of the users especially the senior citizens on
retirement homes?
3. What architectural solutions can be used to improve the conditions of the elderly on
retirement homes?
4. What innovations can be applied and added to the development of retirement homes? How
will these innovations benefit the living of the senior citizens?
5. Does the design and environment of retirement home have a psychological influence to the
elderly and other users?


Project Goal:
The main goal of this study is to provide a community-centered, self-sustainable environment
and living for the elderly through a reimagined retirement home complex to accommodate the senior
citizens of the province of Bulacan.
The goal of the proposal can be achieved through the following objectives:
-To identify the needs and wants of the users that will be essential to the development of the
design of the facility.
-To develop the design of the usual retirement home through reinventing spaces within the
structure and supplying other functional areas.
-To encourage community interdependence through application of the concept of community
oriented design.

Architectural Design 9
Reimagined Community Centered
Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex


-To apply the concept of an eco-therapeutic environment that will enhance the physical, mental
and emotional well-being of the elderly who are vulnerable and sensitive.
-To promote green living to its users through environment friendly and productive activities by
supplementing innovations to a residential care facility such as small scale farming, and gardening etc.
-To provide a therapeutic environment within the interior and exterior of the facility using
nature as the basic element
-To enhance the resiliency of the structure through natural disasters by providing
-To provide supplementary spaces to encourage productivity and recreation among the elderly
which may involve livelihood and education
-To bring the retirement home closer and more interactive with the outside community
-To use passive design throughout the complex that will support the concept of green living
among the users
-To enhance the mobility and accessibility of the complex to encourage independent living and
minimal assistance for the senior citizens
-To provide a more integrated healthcare and nursing assistance to those senior citizens who
have significant difficulty in daily activities


In Philippines where there is a little concern for such facilities, this proposal shall provide a
new concept and innovation in the design of retirement homes that will recognize and adhere more to
the needs of the elderly. This shall be significant through a number of people by proper application of
the innovations presented; it shall develop into a more sustainable and effective structure that will
benefit the users physical, emotional and mental well-being. It can also provide a useful data to the
government or respective authority for more appropriate response to user-friendly design of this kind
of facilities. Moreover, this proposal shall also serve as a guide to future research endeavors, as it will
give them information for the development of the proposal.

Architectural Design 9
Reimagined Community Centered
Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex



The proposal shall include purely the architectural aspects of reimagining the design of
retirement community and application of different innovations that will address the needs of the users.
It shall cover, but not limited to, providing new concepts such as sustainability and eco-therapy to the
structure, and redesigning the interior spaces of such facility. It shall focus largely on the senior citizen
residents of retirement homes in Bulacan.
On the other hand, the proposal shall mainly focus on the development of architectural design
and it will not further discuss other focus such as finances and estimates of the proposal.

It is assumed in this proposal that most of the existing retirement homes in the Philippines are
generally unsuitable for the users thus, there is a great need to improve the design of retirement homes
in Philippines particularly in the province of Bulacan. Through the presented innovations and
improvement, a holistic and better design of a new retirement home will be the output, addressing the
needs and conditions of the users.


In conducting the proposal, the following are several measures and procedures to be followed:

Design Innovations
Reimagined Community
Centered Eco-Therapeutic
Retirement Complex

Self sustainable and Ecotherapeutic environment

interdependence and
Green living

Resilient and adaptive

to environment

Architectural Design 9
Reimagined Community Centered
Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex


Data gathering through primary

and secondary sources; related
studies, survey/interview

Analysis of gathered

Formulating the solution to the


Application of collected data

and solution to preliminary

Recommendations for the


Application for improved and

holistic design proposal for the
retirement complex


For ease of comprehension of the proposal, the following terms are defined:

Eco-therapeutic- refers to a healing and growth nurtured by interaction with nature, such as through
an outdoor activity with a green environment. Also defined as green therapy and earth-centered
therapy, it implies the significance of human-nature relationship.

Architectural Design 9
Reimagined Community Centered
Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex


Interdependence- refers to the relationship and/or way of living, wherein the members of a certain
group are mutually reliant on one another
Nursing homes- residential care facilities, separate from retirement homes that provide advanced
nursing care to elderly, especially those who have difficulty in functioning for daily activities.
Retirement homes- residential care facilities that provide continuing care and assistance to senior
citizens/elderly age, from at least 60 years and above. Such facilities provide social, residential care,
occupational therapy and dietary services
Senior citizen- old aged, or the elderly, it refers to any Filipino resident citizen at least 60 years old
and above
Senescence- it refers to the organic process in most complex living organisms, undergoing biological
ageing wherein a living form increases mortality after maturation.
Therapeutic- the ability to heal and/or related to the treatment of a disease. For this proposal, it shall
be defined mainly with the environment of facilities, e.g therapeutic environment

DSWD- Department of Social Welfare and Development
NSCB- National Statistical Coordination Board
NGO(s)- Non-government Organization(s)
LGU(s)- Local Government Unit(s)
GO(s)- Government Organization(s)

Architectural Design 9
Reimagined Community Centered
Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex



This chapter presents the summary of related literature and related studies as
references for the study.
The Architecture and Design of Senior Living Communities
On an editorial article written by Architect. Felino A. Palafox Jr., (2014) he stated the endearing
Filial piety tradition in Asian culture, particularly in Philippines where debt of gratitude is a definitive
part of our culture, especially towards our parents and grandparents. He stated that sending aging
parents or grandparents to live in senior homes maybe the trend for the future as dwellings become
smaller and professionalized care going in senior living communities.
He discussed how considering elderly care can be costly, and that much of the developed world
is now entering an unprecedented era of hyperaging as a result of falling fertility and rising longevity.
With the growing retirement community in Asia, the Philippines is being tapped at as the number one
cost-effective retirement destination in Asia.
He then shared his experience as guest speaker at Retirement & Healthcare Coalition (RHC)
International in their forum on Planning and Designing Senior Living Communities in Asia wherein in
the forum, it was unanimous that the Philippines is the best place for retirees to live comfortably, due
to several factors; like on how Filipinos place a lot of importance on family ties, so Filipino retirement
home workers have a natural predisposition towards the older population.
Moreover, he had also discussed certain architectural and planning designs that should be
considered for senior homes/communities. According to the book Retirement Facilities: Planning,
Design, and Marketing by Goodman & Smith, among such considerations are those that pertain to the
changing sense of sight, hearing, touch, smell, and even taste. As the eye becomes yellow and less
transparent with age, certain colors are not as discernible, and depth perception and peripheral vision
are moderately impaired. Thus, its better to use accentuating contrasts on walls or doors, and offset

Architectural Design 9
Reimagined Community Centered
Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex


long hallways with appropriate lighting to avoid tunnel vision. Its also better to use the color yellow,
orange, and red is advised, since these colors are easier for older people to see. Avoid using color
patterns that can be perceived to vibrate because it might trigger vertigo, dizziness, and nausea to the
older people. Instead, use the color patterns effectively as subtle ways to help the seniors move around
the home, from color-coded signs, memory cues, to different colors for different floor levels.
Better acoustics can be shaped and controlled by architectural detailing by using absorptive
finish materials. As we age, there is a slight reduction in the overall ability to smell. Commit to good
routine maintenance, use odor-resistant carpeted floors, and materials impervious to absorption and
decay. Variance in texture is also advised to help discern plain or complicated objects. Aging brings a
reduced sensitivity to hot and cold. Water heating systems can be calibrated to prevent scalding. Our
body structure and composition changes too as we age. Aging brings loss of height and corresponding
muscle deterioration, so shelf and cabinet heights should be appropriate for older people, even the
alarm and elevator buttons. We should design our senior structures and housing for the differently
abled seniors.
He also identified how the incidence of depression is twice as high for some retirees due to
loss of loved ones and being moved from their home environment. As such, it is imperative to design
sociability into the environment. This can be done by simply arranging the common living areas with
furniture appropriate for group gatherings, with single armchairs positioned near windows for those
whod like to have some personal time by themselves.
Location is of outmost importance as well. Elsewhere in the world, senior communities are
located within walking distance of a commercial establishment, a park, and a hospital, assuring senior
residents security, comfort, and plenty of activities to do.
Lastly, he shared the importance of considering mobility first as the design principle, just as
what they implemented in their project on a senior community center, like replacing the stairs with
elevators and ramps whenever possible, as well as more space for the seniors to get around, so wide
hallways with appropriate lighting was considered.

Architectural Design 9
Reimagined Community Centered
Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex



This section presents several related studies as references for the study which consists of two
foreign and local examples.
1.2.2.a Foreign Structures
1.2.2.a.1 Homes for Senior Citizens, Masans, Switzerland
A modernist design of an elderly care residential complex designed the Swiss architect Peter
Zumthor, it contains 22 self-service apartments constructed with local materials, such as tuff, pine and
maple, creating a traditional and comfortable atmosphere for the tenants. Each unit is also exposed to
natural lighting, and the spatial configuration within the bulding expresses openness and communal
spaces, showing singularity of the structure as a whole.

The faade of the structure is mostly

covered in Tufa rock and glass, and
accented with wood framing for the

The living room appears as a long

corridor divided only by furniture to keep
the sense of community in place.

Architectural Design 9
Reimagined Community Centered
Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex


1.2.2.a.2 Paisano Green Community Senior Housing

A 4.3 acre residential community located in El Paso, Texas, it is the first NetZero, Fossil Fuel
Free and LEED Platinum certified senior housing project in United States. It consists of row of flats with
73 units for the elderly. It is sustainable through the use of solar and wind power and optimization of
solar passive design, constructed with recycled and low maintenance materials, and making use of high
end utility systems that may cost more but are considered more efficient and practical in the long run.
The community adapts well to the environment of the site, provided with community spaces that
promote healthy living and is easily accessible to surrounding commercial structures and transportation.

The units were pre-fabricated offsite

and assembled on site by section to
minimize waste.

The roofs of the units have solar

panels and there are two wind
turbines on site that generate power
for the whole community.

1.2.2.b. Local Structures

1.2.2.b.1 Camillus MedHaven Nursing Home
The two storey nursing home is located on City of Marikina, the Camilus Medhaven Nursing Home is
established by the religious Order of the Ministers of the Infirm or the Camillians. The institution

Architectural Design 9
Reimagined Community Centered
Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex


provides resident oriented, long term full time care, rehabilitative therapies and adult daycare to
seniors. They encourage independent living among senior citizens but at the same time assistance by

1.2.2.b.2 DSWD Haven for the Elderly

Formerly known as Golden Acres, the Haven for the Elderly is administered by the government sector
on social welfare, the DSWD. It serves as a temporary home that provides different comprehensive
services for the abandoned, neglected Filipino senior citizens. It is situated in a 10 hectare land in the
peaceful environment of Tanay, Rizal. There are nineteen cottages that can accommodate 270 clients.

Architectural Design 9
Reimagined Community Centered
Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex


The facility consists of a central kitchen, an infirmary, multipurpose area,laundry area, spaces for
productivity, library, staff houses and administration office.

1.2.2.c Department of Social Welfare and Development

The government sector mainly responsible in the provision of proper assistance among older persons.
Their services includes social, residential care, occupational therapy and dietary services for senior
citizens, 60 years old and above. The following are the services and programs rendered by the
Social Services includes:
-Provision of comprehensive and integrated delivery of rehabilitation services using interdisciplinary approach
-Preparation for the re-integration of the older person to his/her family of relatives or
alternative caring institution/ family
-Coordination with LGUs, GOs and NGOs for resources and services needed
Residential Care Services includes:
-Provision of comfortable living quarters, adequate food, clothing, and beddings to approximate
family life
Occupational Therapy includes:
-Provision of varied occupational and recreational activities that aims to enhance the residents
vocational skills and capacity to earn
-Health and Medical Services
-Provision of consultation, treatment and referral for physical and psychiatric examination to
promote physical, psychological and mental well- being of the residents
Dietary Services includes:
-Provision of appropriate meals to meet the needs of the residents.
-Socio- Recreational Services

Architectural Design 9
Reimagined Community Centered
Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex


-Provision of activities and opportunities for social interaction, relaxation and fun among
-Spiritual Service
-Provision of varied spiritual activities aimed at strengthening the residents faith and
relationship with God
1.2.2.d Republic Act No. 9994 Expanded Senior Citizens Act

An act granting additional benefits and privileges to senior citizens, further amending republic
act no. 7432, as amended, otherwise known as an act to maximize the contribution of senior citizens
to nation building, grant benefits and special privileges and for other purposes
The Expanded Senior Citizens Act willfully recognizes the following objectives:
-To recognize the rights of senior citizens to take their proper place in society and make it a
concern of the family, community, and government;
-To give full support to the improvement of the total well-being of the elderly and their full
participation in society, considering that senior citizens are integral part of Philippine society
-To motivate and encourage the senior citizens to contribute to nation building;
-To encourage their families and the communities they live with to reaffirm the valued Filipino
tradition of caring for the senior citizens;
-To provide a comprehensive health care and rehabilitation system for disabled senior citizens
to foster their capacity to attain a more meaningful and productive ageing; and
-To recognize the important role of the private sector in the improvement of the welfare of
senior citizens and to actively seek their partnership.
The act also identifies the following privileges that a senior citizen can receive, that is, related with the
objective of the proposal:
a. Education
In coordination with DepEd, CHED and TESDA, the government renders privileges that shall
institute programs that will ensure access among elderly to formal and non-formal education
b. Health

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Reimagined Community Centered
Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex


Under DOH, in coordination with other organizations responsible, is the institution of

integrating healthcare services for the elderly and training community based health workers to
specialize in geriatric care.
c. Social Services
These include grant for discount on the consumption of basic utility services by government
run, and other organizations operated primarily for the purpose of promoting and caring for the
abandoned, neglected and homeless senior citizens. The social services include self and social
enhancement services which provides the elderly opportunities for socializing and self-improvement;
after care and follow up services, for those who have been discharged from retirement institutions and
reintegrated with the community, by offering counseling to the elderly and their families; neighborhood
support services where the family are provided with caregiving services for their ill or bedridden senior
citizens; and substitute family care or residential care homes for the abandoned, neglected and
homeless senior citizens.
d. Housing
The provision of shelter that will cater to special needs of the senior citizens, such as housing
e. Incentive for Foster Care
The government shall provide incentives and assistances to institutions caring for retirement
and residential communities solely for senior citizens.

Architectural Design 9
Reimagined Community Centered
Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex



To emphasize the architectural problem and the need for improvement among retirement
homes in the Philippines, a detailed and factual research shall be conducted to interpret the existing
situation of such facilities. It shall be one of the significant parts of the study to be able to understand
and ascertain the different innovations and new strategies in the design of retirement homes.


The research design that shall be used is through a combination of case study and interview.
With this procedure, the behavior, problems and other relevant information about the chosen study
will be determined. It shall describe what has been observed based on the number of significant data
gathered. Secondary sources such as books, articles and related studies shall also be helpful on
obtaining important information to support the study.


The chosen research locale for the
case study is at the 7 hectare
Luwalhati ng Maynila Home for the
Aged, at Brgy. Parang, Marikina City.
It is located inside the Manila Boys

Complex where



grounds with other institutions such

as Girls Home, Boys Home and
Foundling Home. Although located at Marikina, it is under the governance of the Manila Development
and Social Welfare.


To be able to obtain significant information for the study, two instruments were used. First is
through an open type of oral questionnaire that has been used for the personal interview. This is to

Architectural Design 9
Reimagined Community Centered
Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex


interact and discuss ideas with the interviewee more freely and to ask more possible questions that
can be relevant to the study. The other one is through a naturalistic observation of the area to identify
and describe the behavior of the users. The observation was recorded by capturing photographs of the
places within the site.


The population universe shall focus on the professionals who are administering the home for
the elderly due to their knowledge and qualifications for the study. It is also possible to involve the
elderly themselves through an informal interview and obtaining relevant information based on their
comfort, experiences and personal preferences on the facility. Since these two are the main and
consistent users of the facility, they are a lot more informative in contributing ideas for the thesis
proposal based on their own experiences.

Architectural Design 9
Reimagined Community Centered
Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex



This chapter presents the data that has been gathered through the two methods that have
been utilized. The first part is through a case study and naturalistic observation at the chosen example
of an existing home for the elderly located at Marikina. The second part is through an interview with
the managing director at the chosen facility who has factual and significant knowledge about the study.


1.4.1.a Case Study: Luwalhati ng Maynila Home for the Aged
The Luwalhati ng Maynila is residential care institution founded on 1967 and is currently
administered by the Manila Social and Welfare Development. It provides service to the elderly, mostly
the homeless and poor from the city of Manila. It offers the residents basic needs such as food, shelter
and standard healthcare services.

Fig. 1 The main entrance to the Manila Boys Town




compound is situated.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3




Architectural Design 9
Reimagined Community Centered
Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex


Fig. 2 The home for the aged compound is located at the farther end of the complex, beside the
foundling unit. The picture at the left shows the main gate to the Luwalhati ng Maynila. It is also
noticeable that there is no parking space provided.
Fig. 3 Located just at the entrance of the facility is a landscaped grotto of Our Lady of the Poor where
a Christmas tree is placed to signify the nearing holiday.

Figure 4

Figure 5

Fig. 4 & 5 The one story main building of the facility; established on 1967, the structure shows signs
of deterioration and old age. The faade of the structure is mostly cladded with travertine stone and
series of awning windows. To the left of the entrance is a small waiting area for visitors.

Figure 6

Figure 7

Fig. 6 & 7 Just few of the residents of the institution. Lola Perlita, 70 years old has been at the
institution for 8 years. She was brought by her family there and visits her every month. Mildly demented
but is still able to communicate properly, she kept on asking on how many days are left until Christmas,
and shared how pleased they are during holidays and whenever there are visitors at the facility.

Architectural Design 9
Reimagined Community Centered
Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex


Fig. 8 Upon the entrance to the left, a seldom used, small library and study space that is located with
few old books.
Fig. 9 Opposite the library, to the right is the office of the head of the facility.

Figure 8

Figure 9

Fig. 10 Located after the entrance is a paved

courtyard where the aged residents can reflect
and refresh under shades of trees. There are
plantings at the area, but are disorganized.
Figure 10

Figure 11

Figure 12

Architectural Design 9
Reimagined Community Centered
Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex


Fig. 11-13. The multipurpose area of the facility that

serves as the dining and activity area, and temporary
space for Sunday masses. During the visit, the lolos
and lolas were practicing their dance routine for their
performance. Dancing and performing are one of
their simple joys at the facility.

Figure 14

Figure 13

Figure 15

Fig. 14 & 15 Adjacent to the multipurpose area is an adequate sized central kitchen for the whole
Fig. 16 For their medical services, the facility has
an infirmary wherein aged residents that require






diagnosed. It also serves as stock room for care

Figure 16

Figure 17

Figure 18

Architectural Design 9
Reimagined Community Centered
Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex


Fig. 17 & 18 An open area in front of the chapel (above left). The chapel of the facility is an open and
roofed structure that also serves as sleeping area for other residents who dont have rooms. It is
currently dilapidated and is awaiting for repair.

Figure 19

Figure 20

Fig. 19 & 20 Open and unused spaces between the bedroom areas of the building. Sanitary pipes are
exposed that induce the stench at the area. There are no artificial ventilation provided for the
There were no other available pictures of the
bedroom areas as capturing these areas were not
allowed. Currently, there are 2 wards, Ward 1
has 22 bedrooms and Ward 2 has 18 rooms. The
bedrooms are placed in a single line divided by a
narrow hallway. These bedrooms are divided into
Figure 21

sections depending on the gender and condition

of the resident. The doors for each rooms were of a rusty steel gate. Each room is crowded that causes
the stench be more prominent.
Fig. 21 The annex quarters consist of 10 rooms and has plantings at the middle. During the visit, one
old male resident was even urinating at the plants. On the other hand, the eaves of the roof are just

Architectural Design 9
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Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex


made of plywood that is decaying due to leakage during rainy season. There is also a separate room
at the further end of the compound, where the bedridden residents are located.

1.4.1.b Interview Method

An interview was conducted to gather relevant and factual data for the thesis proposal. The
interviewee was Director Leonila Borja, the head of the Luwalhati ng Maynila Home for the Aged.
During the interview, several questions were asked about the residential institution that will be
helpful to the proceedings of the study.

1. How many are the aged residents of the facility?

Ang population is 116 ang lolo, 168 ang lola total ng 284. Eh ang capacity nitong facility is
170 lang, so overcrowded kame dito.

2. Do the authorities have any plan on expanding the facility?

Ah kase kame since government to nagaantay nalang kame. Pero meron naman pledge na
iextend kase nga overcrowded kame.

3. What can you say about the current condition of the elderly in the facility?
Actually talagang mahirap kase mula nung nagkaroon ng rescue operation ang city of Manila
padami ng padami ang lolo at lola. At ito ay hindi lang regular na lolot lola kundi sila ung may
sira ulo, mga ulyanin, galling sa ibat ibang panig syempre iba iba din problema. Karamihan
kase dito abandoned ng relatives, ayaw na sa kanila.

4. How does the facility works? How are the residents divided?
Meron kaming lugar para sa may sakit, mga bedridden. Hiwalay naman sila. Hindi naman
pwede ipagsama sila eh. Kaya ginagawa namin dito sa chapel yung walang kwarto talaga. Dun

Architectural Design 9
Reimagined Community Centered
Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex


yung iba natutulog, naglalagay sila ng karton na may banig. Kase sanay sila sa sidewalk. Yang
mga nirescue na yan sa sidewalk yan eh, sa streets ng Manila. Dun na sila nakatira. Nirescue
sila para kahit pano maalagaan sila. Kaso ang probema puno na kame. Alam naman nila
[authority ng Manila] kaya kahit kaysa naman nasa kalye at wala talaga silang permanenteng
lugar, palakad lakad, hindi tama ang pagkain sa isang araw, nagpapalimos. Tapos ang kanilang
syempre health kung me sakit pa sila. Kaya mahirap din ang nasa lansangan. Mas okay naman
dito kahit puno me lugar pa din sila. Actually paparepair pa namin yan [Chapel] Kaya dito kame
nagmimisa sa dining area pag Sunday.

5. What are the daily activities of the elderly?

Actually dito kase is residential care. Dito lang is alagaan sila so paggising nila sa morning, 5
am yung breakfast then after papaliguan kase iilan nalang ung naliligo sa sarili, mga wala pang
sampu. Yung the rest na sa 200 na yun, pinapaliguan ng staff. Kanya kanyang assignment
kase pag pag sila lang ang inasahan mo maligo sa sarili, hindi na yan maliligo. Eh madami sila
at hindi pwedeng hindi paliguan dahil mabaho. Kahit naliligo araw araw, mabaho kase me
umiihi, dumudumi, kung saan saan. Wala na sa sariling ano eh kaya mabaho. Eh wala naman
kaming magagawa kaya matrabaho.

6. How many staff are there in the facility?

Actually 31 kaming lahat out of 284. Sa 31 na yun ako yung head, 2 ang social worker, 1 cook,
me dalawang worker sa city hall tapos the rest nagpapaligo at naglilinis. Kulang kase kame. Sa
madaling salita, undermanaged. Pero kahit ganun pa man, tulung tulong ang bawat isa para
sa kalinisan. Kahit parang sa bahay naman eh.

7. What are the recreational activities that the residents are engaged at?
Actually kase nga me bisita kame araw-araw. Yun na pinakarecreation nila. Pag wala,
pinapraktis nila yung sayaw para sa presentation nila. Kase yun nalang kaligayahan nila,

Architectural Design 9
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Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex


magkaroon ng bisita, magpakita ng talent, magsayaw, kanta mga ganun. Meron din kaming
livelihood, doormat making pero magpupush through kame sa January kase pag ganitong may
mga bisita, marami kaming nakaschedule pag gantong pasko. Pag me bisita mas priority yun.
Yung livelihood para lang sila malibang. At the same time kumikita sila. Kase yung sa isang
doormat, me 15 pesos sila. Tapos yung pera pambili ng kape, ng kahit anong gusto nila. Pero
iilan lang yan kase di na pwede ung iba. Andami na naming livelihood na sinubukan ayaw
magmaterialized kase problema nila motor skills, yung mata nila. Kaya mga 10 lang ung
nagdodoormat making.

8. What is the age of the oldest resident?

Meron kame 89 years old. Dapat dito 60 and above lang kaya lang may nirerescue minsan
wala na sa 60, below 60 pa ang edad. Tinatanggap na naming kase homeless. Kaya nga ito,
halo halo na ung cases. Dati regular lang ngayon halo na. Hindi ko nga alam kung home for
the aged pa din ito. Marami pa ding ages 60 and above. Marami kaming naghalo na kaya
minsan masakit sa ulo.

9. Are the staff stay-in?

Karamihan. Ung nursing aide, volunteer, stay-in. Hindi pwedeng hindi kase sa gabi may
nakaduty para kung anuman mangyare me titingin, tatawagin nalang yung tulog. Sa araw kase
maraming trabaho. Yung may duty ng panggabi iikot nalang kung ano problema.

10. What amenities, spaces are lacking in the facility?

Ang kulang talaga is ung building para sa kanila kase gusto naming madecongest. Pero meron
naman pledge, babalik sila decemeber hopefully. Pag nangyare yun, madedecongest yung
nandito. Maseseparate ung mga abled, me sira, psychotic. Kase ang amin me mental disorder
either demented, or psychotic. Ngayon, actually itong structure na to ginawa lang para sa
regular na tumatanda. Kaya lang dumadami ang mental hospital hindi tumatanggap kase

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Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex


mahigpit sila ngayon. Kailangan pag interview nila hindi na makasagot. Kaso ang naiinterview
namin mahusay pa sumagot kaya ayun, nandyan sila. Pati yung structure ng building iba ung
para sa psychotic. Eh wala kaming ibang way, kase pang sakto lang talaga. Ang room na para
sa dalawahan. Na iniestablished nung 1967, July 25. Kase maraming nakitang nagpapalimos
sa Manila. kame under DSWD ng manila.
11. What are the usual problems of the structure?
Oo actually itong structure na to eh mula nung 1967 ito na ginawa ang problema lang is yung
sa katagalaan, pag umuulan lalo na pag tuloy tuloy eh may tumutulo. Di naming makita kung
paano. Unlike sa building sa dulo na ginawa nung 1997, ang ano nya is plywood lang ung labas
na ceiling tapos loob ay asbestos. Kaya nung may tumutulo ayun ang ceiling nya is nabubulok

12. How about the medical service of the facility?

Part yun ng program namin. Kase ang isa sa program namin na medical may apat kami nursing
aide. Isang doctor para sa buong boys town, kaso hindi ganun maayos kase matanda na yan
eh. Me sakit na, may nagmamaintain ng gamot. Syempre iba iba, at yung nagseservice sila
ang nagaadminister upon the prescription ng doctor, kung kailangan idextrose o isolate. Meron
kaming infirmary dun nilalagay para matutukan yung mga nanghihina.

13. Do you think that the facility needs renovation and/or improvement of the design?
Actually sa renovation kase, kung sa design ang gusto ko kase hindi ung kwarto kwarto katulad
ngayon. Lets say isang room na mahaba may beds na kita lahat. Parang ward. Para madaling
mamonitor kase kung room by room, hindi maayos ung design nito for me. Ang design kase
nitong structure is para sa regular na dalawahan sila. Eh ngayon ung dalawahan nagiging
tatluhan. Pagdating sa me mental disorder, minsan apat sila dun o lima. Pero ang nirerequire
na bed hindi na yung kagaya date na steel bed at ang pinakapapag is marine plywood na
makapal. Hindi yun advisable kase isa yun sa nakakacause ng amoy. Araw araw nililinis yun

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Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex


pag naglilinis ng kwarto. Kung naliligo sila lolot lola araw araw, pati din pinapaliguan ung
kwarto at banig. Lahat. Natutuwa naman ako kase me mga volunteer na nagtitiyaga dito. Pero
libre sila sa pagkain, bahay. Sila kase ung nagpapaligo at nagpapakain. Sabi ko nga kaya sila
nandito may mission si God para sa kanila kase di ka yayaman dito.

14. Do you think that the design of the structure has an influence to the psychological being and
behavior of the residents?
Oo naman, kase kung ang structure, kung parang room lang sya, tulad nyan, gaya date. Okay
lang kung dalawahan. Eh kung madami nakakasuffocate. Yung iba na pinapapasok namin sa
kwarto ay lumalabas pa din. Sa kwarto kase may bintana nga, kaya lang di naman sila sanay.
Mas sanay sila sa kalye. Isa yun sa problema namin na para di sila kung saan-saan lang.

15. Do you think it is possible to bring the facility closer to the community?
Actually para sakin kase mas maganda yung ganto, kase parang malayo sila sa gulo, tahimik
kase dito. Tutal masaya naman sila pag me bisita. Pag nilagay mo kase sila sa heart ng Parang,
yun bang malapit sa daanan ng saskyan, tapos sila magulo na nga isip nila papunta pa sa
magulo eh baka matorete na sila. Kaya madaming nagsasabi na maganda dito kase tahimik.
At least may time sila na magmuni-muni sa ilalim ng puno.

16. How is the building affected during calamities?

Matatag itong building na to. Ang problema lang yung tulo. Sa awa naman ng Diyos hindi rin
to binabaha. Nagdaan na ang baha ni Ondoy. Nagpapasalamat kame sa Diyos kase kung
inondoy to saan namin dadalhin yung mga lolot lola. Pero mabait si God at di niya pinahintulot
kahit kinukuha nalang nya sa ibang bagay.

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Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex



As comprehensive as the basic services the Luwalhati ng Maynila may provide to its residents,
there is always a need for improvement. They may be able to offer the residents their basic needs but
it is still important to provide them a facility and environment that will support their special needs
physically, psychologically and architecturally. Based on the gathered data from observation, case study
and interview, it simply shows demand for the development of residential care facilities for the elderly.
The current condition of the institution shows the saddening conditions of the elderly who are in dire
need of love and care. On the observation during the visit, the design of the facility is as old as the age
of the residents. The deteriorating condition appears as though it is the end of both the users and the
structure. The design is not helpful for the improvement of the condition of the elderly and looks as if
they have been completely abandoned in the abyss of isolation.
Regarding the spaces, due to congestion at the facility, the rooms which are supposedly made
for two persons only, currently accommodate up to three persons. The other new residents who dont
have space are placed at the open chapel. As for the structure itself which is experiencing mild
deterioration through uncontainable leakages since it has been standing for almost 5 decades,
although it is still stable enough to be used. There are also no available parking space for the building.
The annex building which was later built has been constructed with poor materials, specifically the
eaves which are just made of plywood that are decaying because of leakages during rainy season. On
the other hand, because of the age of the residents, wherein most are demented, excretion of body
wastes is already involuntary and most of them urinate and defecate anywhere the facility, causing
strong and stagnant odor throughout the area. Sanitary pipes are also exposed in such areas that
induce the foul odor as shown in the pictures. There are also no artificial ventilation provided of any
kind and they are just depending on natural ventilation. There are many plantings in the facility but
are disordered; plenty of trees provide shade to the users but are dangerous during typhoons as stated
during the interview. The paved courtyard and other unpaved open spaces have uneven flooring that
may cause some old residents who are almost sightless to trip over. The bedrooms for the residents
also appear like prison cells with a rusty steel gate for a door. On the interview, it was said that most

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Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex


of the residents sometimes prefer to sleep at the floor outside the wards because they feel suffocated
and probably because they are more used to sleeping in sidewalks. However, the situation is a little
demeaning that emphasizes the need for the development of such facility. The managing director has
also stated on how they are undermanaged; even if this denotes an operational problem, it still supports
the idea of how there is a need for improving the lives of the elderly through architecture. Melancholy
can be seen through the expressions of the faces of the elderly and they only feel utter happiness
whenever there are visitors especially during Christmas and New Year; otherwise, on ordinary days,
they just wait for the days to pass by.
Although it appears that the institution have comprehensive basic services for its residents and
that they are satisfied with what they receive, it is still important to acknowledge what can be better
provided for their lifestyle. With the isolation and loneliness that the aged residents experience at the
facility, it is important to provide them the things that will make them feel at home and that will help
improve their psychological well-being and its not a reason that they are already old and useless; they
have every right to age with dignity.


Through qualitative analysis, it can be denoted based on the data gathered that there is a
demand for redesigning and/or development of residential care facilities. The facility has been originally
planned to accommodate up to 170, but it currently has 284, composed of 116 males and 116 females
clearly shows the overcrowding within the institution; there are also possible incoming residents for
every time the city of Manila has rescue operations for homeless elderly. Based on what Dir. Leonila
Borjas preferences for the new design for such structures, she said that it is much better and more
efficient if the plan of bedroom spaces is just a big single ward, unlike the existing two-persons per
room. Such redesign shall also help influence the improvement of psychological well-being of the
residents since it was also observed that the overcrowding per room makes the elderly feel suffocated
and so most of them prefer to sleep or stay outside.

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Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex


The data collected clearly shows the need for improvement and redesigning of such often
disregarded structures that will be better for the well-being of the users.

Population of Luwalhati ng Maynila by Gender



Figure 22

The data above shows the current population of Luwalhati ng Maynila by gender with a total of 284
residents that comprises 116 males and 168 females. The facility is originally planned to accommodate
up to 170 people only which indicates the case of overpopulation at the said institution.

Luwalhati ng Maynila Staff


Figure 23

Social Worker

MDSW Worker



Architectural Design 9
Reimagined Community Centered
Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex


The data above shows the current number of staff of the Luwalhati ng Maynila that administers and
provides services to the residents. With a total of 31 staff, 1 Managing Director, 2 Social Workers, 2
Social Workers at the Manila Department of Social Welfare, 1 Cook and the rest are volunteers.



The thorough analysis of the data gathered through various primary and secondary resources
arrives at the conclusion that there is a significant demand for reimagining and improvement of the
design of retirement homes. It is determined that the design of such residential facilities has an
influence to the users well-being and behavior, and that there can be ways to solve the problems of
such facilities through architectural solutions and application of techniques and innovations for the
design of these kind of structures. Basically, retirement homes are structures often overlooked unto as
simply being residential facilities. However, as basic these kind of facilities may be, it is still essential
to provide them architectural innovations for the benefits of the users. The existing retirement homes
in the country can be described as mediocre, undermanaged and also offers just the basic services for
the elderly, who are the main users. One example to support this is with the case study at the Luwalhati
ng Maynila, a public, and government controlled residential care facility for the elderly that signifies the
standard and unpleasant living condition of the elderly. Even if the users are already at the extent of
their age, and are considered by most as burden to the society, they still have every right to have
improvement in their lives by experiencing even the smallest amount of consideration and kind of
atmosphere that will be beneficial to their physical, emotional, social and psychological well-being; be
it that these can be attained through the reinvention and integration of the design of residential care
facilities that are specially made for these people.

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Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex


Based on the preceding arguments of the study, the following are recommendations for future

1. If possible, the future proponents to conduct interviews among eligible and able elderly
regarding their opinions on the design of retirement homes they are staying at, and what their
outlooks are on future designs of such facilities.
2. The future proponents to provide innovation that will not only be for aesthetic purposes of
the structure, but more on what will be influential to the well-being and behavior of the elderly;
by focusing in this aspect, everything else will follow that will be more beneficial to the users.
3. The future researchers to dig deeper into the problem of these structures and think of more
architectural solutions that can be applied in the innovation of these often overlooked facilities.
4. To venture into the possibility of establishing these type of structures with other possible
types of facilities that are designed particularly for the aged, to be able to establish a new
community intended for them.
5. That for this proposal to work, the improvement shall not be only for the architectural aspect
but also the over-all characteristics of the facility, may it be operational etc. because no matter
how improvement is done to the design of the facility, if no support is given specifically to
public, government controlled facilities such as the Luwalhati ng Maynila, the proposal will be
rendered useless.
6. To encourage future architectural thesis students to propose for residential care facilities for
the elderly since there is a little attention given to these kind of structures; it may be a simple
title but it can create various new concepts that will be valuable for improving the designs of
these structures for the elderly.

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Reimagined Community Centered
Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex



This chapter shall briefly discuss the different innovations that will be incorporated to the
proposal, and on how it will be applied.

Retirement homes are basically residential care facilities, minor structures that are often
overlooked. However, these structures have the potential to grow into models of architectural beauty,
only if given attention to and proposed with new concepts for its development. The proposal shall focus
on the holistic application of sustainability and green living on the design of retirement homes in the
country, which also involves the implementation of several new concepts and ideas that will have a
positive impact to the overall well-being of the users particularly the elderly. This shall also involve the
emphasis on providing a therapeutic environment for their health through the play of nature and
architecture. Another focus shall also be about the promotion of community interdependence among
the users that will somehow create a context of a harmonious and self-sustaining environment that will
make the elderly feel useful even in little ways. Moreover, especially nowadays wherein Philippines is
prone into severe natural disasters, it is very important to stress resiliency through strategic methods
and possibly the use of advanced technology for such kind of structures. On the other hand, reinvention
of the current design of spaces of most of the existing residential care facilities as such that will address
the special needs of the elderly more than what the existing retirement homes offer today. Such
implementation of new ideas and strategies will create a more invigorating and well-rounded
environment for the elderly that will provide them barrier against emotional stress brought by isolation
and feeling of neglect from their family and the community.


The principles of the study shall emphasize the innovation of the retirement homes.

1. Self-sufficient structure
- Maintenance has a significant role in structures. Employing sustainability to a building can

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Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex


reduce the carbon footprint of the structure, and can provide better environment for the users.
- Looking on the long term perspective through application of some innovative and advanced
technology that can contribute to sustainability of the building even if it will cost more than the usual.
2. Green Living
- Simultaneous with the concept of self-sufficient structure is the promotion of green living to
the users. This shall be through simple activities such as planting etc. that will engage the abled
elderly to be efficient and contribute to the self-sufficiency of the structure.
3. Eco Therapeutic
-Adhering to the ideas of green living and self-sufficiency of the building is the concept of eco
therapy, where the relationship between nature and human is emphasized. Such will influence the
healing environment of the facility and will have positive influence to the well-being of the users.
4. Community interdependence
- Promoting interactivity and productivity among the abled users and mutually depending on
one another since the proposal is a community-complex and it is important to build harmonious
relationship among them.


Incorporating the principles and innovations to the design of the structure shall improve the
environment of the facility which will then influence to the psychological, emotional, physical and social
development of the well-being of the users which are the elderly.
1. Aesthetic and Interior Design
- Integrating the shell design of the structure will create a new perception on retirement homes
as a structure that have the ability to be a model of architectural beauty and not just simply facilities,
especially in the Philippines.
- Improving the interior design of the structure will have positive impact to the users. This may
vary from different architectural elements that when applied properly to the structure will result in a

Architectural Design 9
Reimagined Community Centered
Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex


holistic and rehabilitating environment. It will also create an atmosphere wherein the users wouldnt
feel as if theyve been neglected by the community.
- Innovative design of the structure by using local building materials and being inspired by
Philippine architecture.
2. Environment
- Application of several concepts of sustainability to the structure will create a healthier and
homey environment that will also create a harmonious relationship among the users especially the
elderly to promote community interdependence.
- Optimize the mobility and accessibility of the spaces and the whole community where the
abled elderly as much as possible, can still function on their own.
- Developing and providing more outdoor spaces as social and therapeutic areas.
- Application of the different principles of tropical architecture to the building to enhance
3. Spaces
- Reimagining the design and spatial configuration within the facility to accommodate even
future users to prevent the usual problem of congestion among such facilities.
- Creating open type and/ or flexible design of spaces that has better circulation as architectural
solution to spatial problems.
- Adding auxiliary spaces for the elderly that will generate more opportunities for activities and
to enhance interpersonal relationships among them.

Architectural Design 9
Reimagined Community Centered
Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex



This chapter shall present and discuss the possible sites for the proposal based on the
designated criteria. Afterwards is the analysis of the presented data for identification of the chosen site
as justified based on its strength and weaknesses, and further discussion of its macro and micro
settings. The last part shall present schemes for site development plan of the selected site.


The proponent has limited the boundaries of the location within the vicinity of Malolos since it
has the environment and features that can satisfy the needed location for the study. In choosing the
most appropriate site for the proposal, several criteria shall be considered which shall be emphasized
by the following:
1. Location
-One of the most important consideration is the location of the site, and its proximity to
outside elements. Based on the previous data gathered from interview, the site for a
residential care facility for the elderly is best located in a secluded, but not totally isolated
area to be able to provide an invigorating and calm environment to its users.
2. Neighboring structures
-The site is not necessarily required to be nearby commercial structures and urban centers;
but as a residential facility it can be situated near other residential structures that might as
well emphasize community involvement.
3. Accessibility
-The site must be accessible by pedestrians and vehicles
-Conveniently accessible but not necessarily connected to a major or minor road
4. Zoning/Land use
-The current land use of the site must be appropriate for the proposal, or can be easily

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Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex


reclassified into other uses.

5. Land Area
-The land area shall be 2 hectares or more, since the proposal will be a community-complex.
-Site that is large enough that can also be used or developed for future proposals and alike.
6. Topography
-The site must have relatively flat slope, from 0%-8% slope for better planning and mobility
for the users who are mostly elderly.
7. Soil Type
- One of the innovations of the facility is self-sustainability and green living, thus, the soil of
the site must be able to yield all kinds of vegetation for the facility.
8. Flood susceptibility
-As the proposal is a residential care facility for the elderly and will probably be only up to
two stories in maximum, the site shall be strictly not prone to flood and/or has low to
moderate flood susceptibility.


The study shall have three (3) possible sites that shall serve as the choices in describing the
most appropriate site location for the proposed structure. These sites shall comply with the site criteria
as required by the proponent.

Site A: Brgy. Look II

The first site is 6.7 hectares consisting of two adjacent lots, Lot 7557-A and 7557-B which are
both strategically located at the inner most part of Brgy. Look 2nd, Malolos. It is an inside lot, facing
Taal Road and is accessible via Tabang Road which is linked to Mcarthur Hi-way. The site is relatively
flat, mostly surrounded by agricultural lands of rice fields and residences. Based on the gathered data,
the sites class is irrigated riceland and the actual use is for agricultural purposes and residential, but
is open for reclassification of land use.

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Figure 24. SITE A at Brgy. Look II consisting of Lots 7557-A and 7557-B

Site B: Brgy. Santor

The second site is composed of two adjacent lots, Lot 4459-P and 4459-O-1 with an overall
area of 2.2 hectares. It is an interior lot, provided with an RROW (Road-right-of-way). It is originally a
large parcel of land but is owned by different entities which causes the selected site to be located at
the innermost area. It is surrounded mostly by residential and is bounded by three other lots at the
north, east and west, and a creek at south. It is relatively flat in slope and is prone into flooding during
heavy rains. The site is accessible via the minor road, Purok 1st and is located near the First Bulacan
Industrial City. It is classified as an irrigated riceland with actual use for agricultural purposes but is
open for reclassification of type.

Figure 25 SITE B at Brgy. Santor consisting of Lots 4459-P and 4459-O-1

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Site C: Brgy. Santor

The third site option is the 2.8 hectares lot 4459-H that is also located at Brgy. Santor, just
few meters away from site B. It is an inside lot, but with a strategic shape causing it to appear as an
interior lot. It is also accessible via Purok 1st road, and near the First Bulacan Industrial City. It is also
classified as irrigated riceland, and actual use is for agriculture yet open for reclassification of type.

Figure 26 SITE C at Brgy. Santor, Lot 4459-H


TABLE 1. Site Strengths and Weaknesses




a. the shape of lot makes future planning and

a. there are few structures

development of the site easier and efficient

located within the area except

b. not susceptible to flooding

from residences

c. inside type of lot that is accessible via minor road

b. farther to the main point of

and connected to a major road

access compared to the two

d. ideal size in establishing a community or a complex

other sites

Architectural Design 9
Reimagined Community Centered
Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex


a. as an interior lot, it will provide a more private and

a. as an interior lot, accessibility

secure environment for the future users which are the

by automobile will be difficult


b. the area serves as catch

basin of flood during heavy
c. located near industrial park


a. inside type of lot and is easily accessible from the

a. the irregular shape of lot


where the side facing the road

b. surrounded mainly by agricultural lands, giving off

is narrower shall make planning

peaceful vibes and emphasizing green living for the

and development of the site


b. located near industrial park

Among the three site options, the chosen site location for the proposal is Site A which is situated
at Brgy. Look II. This can be justified by the following points as stated above, based on the strengths
and weaknesses:
1. The shape of the lot is basically rectangular, which is easier to develop and planned than
the other two which are irregular and strategically shaped lots. This will also avoid wasting any
spaces on the site.
2. The 6.8 hectares will be ideal for proposing a community or a complex, which the study
aims to do. The left-over spaces can also be converted into open spaces or for future
developments of the proposed structure.
3. Unlike the other two site options, site A is not susceptible to flooding during heavy rains.
4. The location of the site is great for a residential care facility for the elderly, which ideally,
must be situated in a peaceful, less polluted area yet still establishing contact with the outside
community and is not totally isolated.

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Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex


5. Even if located at the innermost part of Brgy Look II, the lot is accessible approximately
700 meters from a minor road that is passed by vehicles.
6. The selected site is surrounded by mostly residential structures, which will not be difficult to
plan unlike if located near other building types such as industrial.



Figure 27. Malolos Municipality Base Map

Figure 28. Boundary of Malolos

The City of Malolos is one 24 municipalities and cities comprising the province of Bulacan. It is
bounded on the North by municipalities of Calumpit and Plaridel, Guiguinto on the East, Paombong on
the West and Bulacan and Manila Bay on the Southeast and South respectively. In terms of its relative
geographic location, Malolos lies 145036N 1204841E. It is situated about 42 kilometers northeast
of Manila and is easily accessible to all types of vehicle using the two major transportation arteries,
namely, North Luzon Expressway and Mac Arthur Highway.

Architectural Design 9
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Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex


For administrative purposes, the City of Malolos is the seat of the over a land area of 7,725
hectares (19,090 acres) consisting of agricultural, commercial, industrial, residential, bodies of water,
fishponds, marshes and roads.
Generally, the city of Malolos is relatively flat of about 0.81% to a gently sloping of 2.17%.
The slope of the land descends towards west, southwest to southern direction. The highest land
elevation is at about 6.0 meters above sea level while the lowest is only half a meter below sea level.
A network of natural waterways and rivers of various sizes and importance is traversing through the
landscape of the town down south to Manila Bay.
The City of Malolos generally falls under Type I category of the Philippine Climate Corona
Classification that has two pronounced seasons; wet and dry seasons. The months of May to October
are considered wet/rainy season period while relatively dry and cool weather pattern begins from
November to April.
North and northeast wind prevails over the area from October to February bringing in fair to
slight rains. South East wind flow predominates from March to May with slight to heavy rains. While
SoSouth West air currents prevail during the months of June to September bringing in strong winds,
tropical rains, storms and typhoons.

Seismic Hazard
The city of Malolos, being
located in the province of
Bulacan has low risk to

Figure 29 Seismic Map of Philippines cropped to Luzon region. (Source: DENR)

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Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex


Demographic Profile
Table 2. Malolos population per barangay as of 2010

The above table shows the population of the several barangays of the city of Malolos based
on NSO Census of 2010 with over-all total 234, 945. Brgy. Mojon has the largest population while
Caliligawan with the lowest recorded population.
During the 2007-2010 periods, the City of Malolos recorded an increase of 9,701 or 4.31 %.
Annual population grew by 1.41 % that is a bit lower than to what the town had during the period
2000-2007 that is 3.58 %. The growth in the citys population in the past 3 years may not only be
attributed to natural increase but also in the influx of migrants from various points of origin.

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Eco-Therapeutic Retirement Home Complex



The soils of the area belong to the young soils of
the lowlands and do not have developed profiles. They are
classified as soils of the alluvial landscape, soils of the
coastal landscape and miscellaneous soil type based on
profile development and parent rock. There are three soil
types from the major said type of Bulacan, the soils of the
alluvial landscape and these are the Quingua Series, San
Manuel Series and the Tagulod Series. Other soil types
comprising the soil map of the City of Malolos are the
Matimbo Series and Masantol Series, which belong to the
soils of the coastal landscape, Loamy Tidal Swamp and
Figure 30

Mucky Tidal Swamp from the miscellaneous soil types.

Barangays Sto. Nio, Sto. Rosario and San
Vicente comprise the city proper Poblacion, which is one
of the growth centers or business districts in the City of
Malolos. Malolos Public


initializes business

activities in the Poblacion area. The City Hall is located at

Sto.Nio, fronting the Immaculate Concepcion Cathedral
Basilica Minore and its patio. The Provincial Capitol is in
Guinhawa, where another growth center Malolos
Crossing can be found. Potential growth center sprouts
Figure 31

along the strips of Blas Ople Diversion Road.

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Table 3. Area of Existing Land Use in Malolos


Barangay Look II
Brgy. Look II is one of the 51 barangays in
Malolos. Located at the edge of Malolos, it is adjacent
to the the municipalities of Guiguinto and Bulakan and
bounded by the barangays of Santor, Bangkal, Niugan
and Taal. Brgy. Look II is accessible via connection of
Mcarthur Hi-way to arterial road of Bulakan-Guiguinto
Road via Tabang, and linked to Taal Road. Most of the
lands in the barangay are either used for agricultural
and residential.The population of the barangay from
NSO Census as of 2010 is 2,610.

Figure 32

Based on thorough analysis on the data gathered regarding the three site options, the selected
site for the proposal is the site A, which is located in the inner part of Barangay Look II. It is consisted
of the two adjacent lots 7557-A and 7557-B with overall land area of 6.8 hectares. It is bounded by
other agricultural lands, and most neighboring structures are residential. An inside lot type, its south
east side faces the Taal Road, which is connected to Tabang Road and Mcarthur Hi-way. The slope of
the site is relatively flat, since it is currently used for agriculture.

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Figure 33

Although there are certain parts of Barangay Look II that

are highly prone flooding due to the nearby Guiguinto traversing
the area, the selected site has a low to moderate flood

Figure 34

Figure. Shows the 2001 Approved Land Use of Malolos

Municipality which is being used even up to now. The land use
of Brgy. Look II is mainly divided into residential and
agricultural. The selected site is categorized into agricultural,
however, it is still open for reclassification for future usage and

Figure 35

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WHEREAS, RA 7160, otherwise known as the Local Government Code of 1991 (LGC), provides that
cities and municipalities may reclassify agricultural lands into nonagricultural uses within their
respective jurisdictions, subject to the limitations and other conditions prescribed under Section 20 of
the LGC;
WHEREAS, the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the LGC provides that cities and
municipalities shall continue to prepare their respective comprehensive land use plans, enacted through
zoning ordinances, subject to applicable laws and rules and regulations;
WHEREAS, the IRR also prescribes that such plans shall serve as the primary and dominant bases for
future use of land resources and reclassification of agricultural lands;
WHEREAS, the IRR further provides that the requirements for food production, human settlements,
ecological balance, and industrial expansion shall be considered in the preparation of comprehensive
land use plans;
WHEREAS, EO 129-A, s. of 1987, mandates the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) to approve or
disapprove the conversion, restructuring or readjustment of agricultural lands into non-agricultural
WHEREAS, the said EO has also vested in DAR exclusive authority to approve or disapprove conversion
of agricultural lands for residential, commercial, industrial, and other land uses;
WHEREAS, Section 65 of RA 6657, otherwise known as the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law of
1988 (CARL), likewise empowers DAR to authorize, under certain conditions, the reclassification or
conversion of lands awarded to agrarian reform beneficiaries; WHEREAS, pursuant to the pertinent

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provisions of EO 129-A (1987), EO 229 (1987), and RA 6657, DAR issued various rules and regulations
governing the conversion or reclassification of agricultural lands into non-agricultural uses;
WHEREAS, there is a need to harmonize the provisions of Section 20 of the LGC with those of EO 129A (1987), EO 229 (1987), RA 6657, and other national policy issuances and other pertinent laws to
ensure a more rational and holistic approach to land use, taking into account the objectives of the
CARL and the decentralized framework of local governance;

SECTION 1. Scope and Limitations.

(a) Cities and municipalities with comprehensive land use plans reviewed and approved in
accordance with EO 72 (1993), may authorize the reclassification of agricultural lands into nonagricultural uses and provide for the manner of their utilization or disposition, subject to the limitations
and other conditions prescribed in this Order.
(b) Agricultural lands may be reclassified in the following cases:
(1) when the land ceases to be economically feasible and sound for agricultural
purposes as determined by the Department of Agriculture (DA), in accordance with the
standards and guidelines prescribed for the purpose; or
(2) where the land shall have substantially greater economic value for residential,
commercial, or industrial purposes as determined by the sanggunian concerned, the
city/municipality concerned should notify the DA, HLRB, DTI, DOT and other concerned
agencies on the proposed reclassification of agricultural lands furnishing them copies of the
report of the local development council including the draft ordinance on the matter for their
comments, proposals and recommendations within seven (7) days upon receipt.
(c) However, such reclassification shall be limited to a maximum of the percentage of the total
agricultural land of a city or municipality at the time of the passage of the ordinance as follows:
(1) For highly urbanized and independent component cities, fifteen percent (15%);
(2) For component cities and first to third class municipalities, ten percent (10%); and
(3) For fourth to sixth class municipalities, five percent (5%).

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(d) In addition, the following types of agricultural lands shall not be covered by the said
reclassification :
(1) Agricultural lands distributed to agrarian reform beneficiaries subject to Section 65
of RA 6557;
(2) Agricultural lands already issued a notice of coverage or voluntarily offered for
coverage under CARP.
(3) Agricultural lands identified under AO 20, s. of 1992, as nonnegotiable for
conversion as follows:
(i) All irrigated lands where water is available to support rice and other crop
(ii) All irrigated lands where water is not available for rice and other crop
production but within areas programmed for irrigation facility rehabilitation by DA and
National Irrigation Administration (NIA); and
(iii) All irrigable lands already covered by irrigation projects with form funding
commitments at the time of the application for land conversion or reclassification.
(e) The President may, when public interest so requires and upon recommendation of the
National Economic Development Authority (NEDA), authorize a city or municipality to reclassify lands
in excess of the limits set in paragraph (d) hereof. For this purpose, NEDA is hereby directed to issue
the implementing guidelines governing the authority of cities and municipalities to reclassify lands in
excess of the limits prescribed herein.

SECTION 2. Requirements and Procedures for Reclassification.

(a) The city or municipal development council (CDC/MDC) shall recommend to the
sangguniang panlungsod or sangguniang bayan, as the case may be, the reclassification of agricultural
lands within its jurisdiction based on the requirements of local development.

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(b) Prior to the enactment of an ordinance reclassifying agricultural lands as provided under
Sec. 1 hereof, the sanggunian concerned must first secure the following certificates form the concerned
national government agencies (NGAs):
(1) A certification from DA indicating (i) the total area of existing agricultural lands
in the LGU concerned;
(ii) that which lands are not classified as non-negotiable for conversion or
reclassification under AO 20 (1992); and
(iii) that the land ceases to be economically feasible and sound for agricultural
purposes in the case of Sec. 1 (b-1).
(2) A certification from DAR indicating that such lands are not distributed or not
covered by a notice of coverage or not voluntarily offered for coverage under CARP.
(c) The HLRB shall serve as the coordinating agency for the issuance of the certificates as
required under the preceding paragraph. All applications for reclassification shall, therefore, be
submitted by the concerned LGUs to the HLRB, upon receipt of such application, the HLRB shall conduct
initial review to determine if:
(1) the city or municipality concerned has an existing comprehensive land use plan
reviewed and approved in accordance with EO 72 (1993); and
(2) the proposed reclassification complies with the limitations prescribed in SECTION
1 (d) hereof.
Upon determination that the above conditions have been satisfied, the HLRB shall then consult with
the concerned agencies on the required certifications. The HLRB shall inform the concerned agencies,
city or municipality of the result of their review and consultation. If the land being reclassified is in
excess of the limit, the application shall be submitted to NEDA. Failure of the HLRB and the NGAs to
act on a proper and complete application within three months from receipt of the same shall be deemed
as approved thereof.
(d) Reclassification of agricultural lands may be authorized through an ordinance enacted by
the sangguniang panlungsod or sangguniang bayan, as the case may be, after conducting public

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hearings for the purpose. Such ordinance shall be enacted and approved in accordance with Articles
107 and 108 of the IRR of the LGC.
(e) Provisions of Sec. 1 (b-2) hereof to the contrary notwithstanding, the sanggunian concerned
shall seek the advice of DA prior to the enactment of an ordinance reclassifying agricultural lands. If
the DA has failed to act on such request within thirty (30) days from receipt thereof, the same shall be
deemed to have been complied with. Should the land subject to reclassification is found to be still
economically feasible for agriculture, the DA shall recommend to the LGU concerned alternative areas
for development purposes.
(f) Upon issuance of the certifications enumerated in Section 2 (b) hereof, the sanggunian
concerned may now enact an ordinance authorizing the reclassification of agricultural lands and
providing for the manner of their utilization or disposition. Such ordinance shall likewise update the
comprehensive land use plans of the LGU concerned.

SECTION 3. Review of ordinances reclassifying agricultural lands. All ordinances authorizing the
reclassification of agricultural lands shall be subject to the review and approval by the province in the
case of a component city or municipality, or by HLRB in the case of a highly urbanizable or independent
component city in accordance with EO 72 (1993).

SECTION 4. Use of the comprehensive land use plans and ordinances as primary reference documents
in land use conversions. - Pursuant to RA 6657 and EO 129-A, actions on applications for land use
conversions on individual landholdings shall remain as the responsibility of DAR, which shall utilize as
its primary reference documents the comprehensive land use plans and accompanying ordinance
passed upon and approved by the LGUs concerned, together with the National Land Use Policy.

SECTION 5. Monitoring and evaluation of land reclassification by LGUs concerned. - Within six (6)
months from the issuance of this Order, the HLRB shall design, in coordination with DA, DAR,

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Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), NEDA, League of Provinces, League of Cities
and League of Municipalities, and install a monitoring and evaluation system for the reclassification of
agricultural lands authorized by cities and municipalities. The HLRB shall submit semestral reports to
the Office of the President. A copy thereof shall be furnished the DA, DAR, DILG, NEDA, League of
Provinces, League of Cities, and League of Municipalities.

SECTION 6. Transitory provision. - Provisions of Secs. 1 (a) and 2 (b) to the contrary notwithstanding,
cities and municipalities with land use plans approved not earlier than 01 January 1989, may authorize
the reclassification of agricultural lands in accordance with the limitations and conditions prescribed in
this Order. However, when the LGU has not reclassified up to the said limitations, further reclassification
may be exercised only within five years from approval of the plan. Thereafter, all reclassifications shall
require approval from the President pursuant to Sec. 1(e) of this Circular.

3.2.3.b CITY ORDINANCE NO. 32-2005

Sangguniang Panlungsod of City of Malolos:
Article I- Declaration of Principles and Policies
SECTION 1. Land has a social function and land ownership has a social responsibility. Owner
of agricultural lands have the obligation to cultivate directly or through labor administration the lands
they own and make them productive.
SECTION 2. Reclassification of agricultural land is not a right of ownership but a mere privilege
which shall at all times conform to the logical intents and expressed provisions of agrarian legislations
and the requirements of planned urban development.
SECTION 3. Urban growth and expansion must be directed and regulated towards a disperesec
urban net and a more balances urban-rural development.

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SECTION 4. Effective peoples participation in the urban development process must be

encouraged. Agricultural lands may be classified only upon prior consultation with the barangays where
they are situated


Rule VII- Classification and General Requirements of All Buildings by Use or Occupancy

General Institutional
A community to national level of institutional use or occupancy, characterized mainly as low-

rise, medium-rise or high-rise building/ structure for medical, government service administrative and
related activities, e.g., hospitals and related health care facilities, government offices, military, police
and correctional buildings and the like.

Figure 36

Allowable Maximum Total Gross Floor Area (TGFA) Based on the Allowed Percentage of
Site Occupancy (PSO) of the Total Lot Area (TLA)
For Institutional GROUP D (Inside or Regular Lot)

Without Sprinkler System and Firewalls: BHL X 50% of TLA

With Sprinkler System and Firewalls: BHL X 60% of TLA

Building Height Limit (BHL) by Type of Use or Occupancy


15.00 meters (or must follow the duly-approved BHL in the major zone it is part of)

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Minimum Required Off-Street (Off-RROW) cum On-Site Parking Slot, Parking Area and
Loading/Unloading Space Requirements by Allowed Use or Occupancy

Sizes 37
and Dimensions of Courts

Setbacks for Institutional building (10.00 m below RROW)

Front- 5.00 m

Side- 2.00

Rear- 2.00

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Figure 38

The above figure shows the visual representation of the sun path and the location of the
northeast and southwest wind that traverse the site. The lot frontage faces southeast direction. The
coordinates of the site are 144919.5 N, 120E.


Figure 39

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The lot is accessible via minor road, Taal Road and is connected to the arterial road Tabang
Road which is then linked to Mcarthur Hi-Way. The site is located in the inner most part of Brgy. Look
II with a rural environment, so traffic congestion within the vicinity is not a problem. Although it is
situated in a remote location, it is still passed by vehicles going to other barangays of Malolos such as
Niugan and Mambog.
On the other hand since the site is located at a rural area and only surrounded by residential
structures, noise pollution is very minimal.

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Schematic Site Development A

Figure 40

Schematic Massing A

Figure 41


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Schematic Site Development B

Figure 42

Schematic Massing B

Figure 43


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