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Connor Avant

US History

Embarkation of the Pilgrims


Robert W. Weir
Embarkation of the pilgrims is a painting by Robert W. Weir that was commissioned in 1836. It is a
depiction of the Pilgrims before they depart from Holland for the New World. The artist is trying to get
through a feeling of hope and that of adventure. The painting was painted and placed right after the
Panic of 1837 started to fade from everyones mind and the country had started to heal. You can see the
looks of hope and fear in the settlers eyes as they prepare to depart on a harrowing voyage across the

Atlantic. This hope is one that was starting to be felt by Americans that were affected by the crash in the
market. There is even a rainbow off to the side as if to show a small sign that better times are on the
horizon. It is also no coincidence that the settlers are reading and praying in the painting. The pilgrims
immigrated into the New World because of the amount of religious persecution that they had faced in
the past. Having them praying while preparing to leave for the New World is a wonderful example of
foreshadowing what is to come for them in the near future.

Landing of Columbus

John Vanderlyn
Landing of Columbus is a painting by John Vanderlyn depicting a newly landed Christopher Columbus
hoisting is flag in the air. The painting was commissioned in 1836 by Congress. The artist seems to be
attempting to display a sense of bewilderment and relief shown by the sailors. He also seems to try and

display a sense of slight confusion and exhaustion by those depicted. I think he was successful in all ofhis
attempts to display emotion. Columbus appears to be quite proud of his accomplishment although a bit
confused as he did not expect to run into anything before the Indies that he was searching for. The
confusion and bewilderment is very understandable though when you consider that many people
thought Columbus would die from sailing off the end of the world. The look of exhaustion and relief is
completely understandable as well considering that he had just sailed for an extremely long time and
into what many people had called certain doom. I think like the Embarkation of the Pilgrims, this
painting could also be a look towards hope from the crash in 1837. The sailors all look very hopeful now
that they have finally found land.

Declaration of Independence

John Trumbull

Trumbulls Declaration of Independence is an American classic instantly recognizable by almost anyone

in the country. The painting was commission in 1817 as one of a four part series from Trumbull. The
theme is one of accomplishment and bravery. It was based off of a smaller painting of the same scene
painted by Trumbull that was essential in his commission of the series of paintings. One very interesting
fact is that all of the faces within the painting were painted from portraits of the specific person. This
makes the painting feel as though it was painted when the scene was actually occurring. The feelings of
pride and patriotism shine through and Jefferson seems genuinely proud of his accomplishment and
everyone has a look of bravery in their eyes as they commit this act of treason that started this
wonderful country in which we live.

Baptism of Pocahontas

John Gadsby Chapman

Chapmans Baptism of Pocahontas is a painting showing the baptism of Pocahontas into the Anglican
Church. There is a sense of harmony and unification within the picture, as well as humbleness from
Pocahontas. Although there is a sense of disapproving from her father at the side, most seem to be in
good spirits. The painting was commissioned in 1836 and Chapman chose Pocahontas because he had
already painted a less famous painting of John Smith. This led him to stick with a familiar story and he
decided upon the Baptism of Pocahontas. This is very culturally significant because of the peace it
brought between the Indians and settlers. This brought together English and Native American blood in
an attempt to usher in an era of peace. You can see Pocahontas has a look on her face of a diplomat,
one who knows the meaning behind what is occurring. Most of the Natives appear to be intrigued by
the process that is occurring, yet her father appears upset. Maybe this is the artist attempting to portray
what any father feels when their daughter is taken away from them by marriage. But there is definitely a
sense of togetherness in the room as a result of the goings on.

Andrew Jackson

Belle Kinney and Leopold F. Scholz
As a resident of Tennessee one of my statues is that of Andrew Jackson. Jackson was many things to this
country. He was a soldier, senator, and president. Jackson is a perfect person to represent Tennessee
because of his nature. He was a participant in several duels and was called Old Hickory for good reason. I
think this beautifully matches the people that you will encounter in my fair state. Tennessee has a lot of
the southern charm one associates with being below the Mason-Dixon Line; however they are
sometimes a bit rough around the edges and opinionated. We also tend to try to agree with others in
public though and this is exactly like Jackson. He was elected following what many consider to be a
rigged election and was swiftly elected for riding on that thought. His opinionated nature also brought
back the multi-party system into American politics. The multiple party system is one that is still in place
to this day. Jackson also began the process of making the public feel as though they had a say in the
decisions being made because Jackson was known to take advice from common folk. These werent just
everyday citizens, they were friends, and he dubbed them his kitchen cabinet. Even today, the

approval rating is tracked and many people base their opinion on whether or not they feel they feel as
though they are being heard.

John Sevier

Belle Kinney and Leopold F. Scholz
Sevier was a very important figure in the late 18th and early 19th century. He was a captain under George
Washington in the Revolutionary war and was both the governor of Franklin (a small independent state
that was later dissolved into North Carolina) as well as Tennessee. There is a town on the East side of
Tennessee named Sevierville after John. It is a beautiful mountain town not too far from North Carolina.
I do not feel as though it is a coincidence that he was elected as my states first governor. The people
that live in Tennessee are a kind and tough people. They are similar to Sevier in that we are hardy
people that want to help others. Sevier opened the door for Davy Crockett and many others to help
others in their quests for freedom. The University of Tennessee are called the volunteers. Seviers
attempt in helping Franklin by becoming their leader (despite what the ending may have been) really
showed his desire to help with freedom, even after the revolution. I think that the choices for subject of
Tennessees statues are perfect. It is very difficult to imagine any other Tennessean that could better
represent my fine state.

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