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hannah titus

538 S. 2nd w.
Rexburg, id 83340

table of contents


Description: A three sided (duplex) folding brochure.
Process, Programs, objectives): I set up the tri-fold in Adobe
InDesign. I split my layout into three folds and made one side an
abstract triangle. I used the line tool to measure what parts I was
going to fold and which parts I was going to trim. This helped me
through out my project to keep everything in line.For the images I
made sure to download high quality pictures so that they stand out.
I had to use text wrapping with all the images in order to have the
text be in an appropriate distance from the picture. It was hard to
make the two main images the same size without making them blurry
and out of focus.
I created the logo in Illustrator using the pen tool and several
strokes. I then, placed it into InDesign. I think, making the fold was
the hardest part for me, because I wanted to make the front fold
interesting. I had to make sure that the image and text on the back
page was able to be covered up by the front page.
date: december 6, 2014
Course: visual media section 1
Instructor: brother cory kerr



event ad
Description: This is an ad for a clothing drive in Rexburg, Idaho using
microsoft word.
Process, programs, objectives): I used Microsoft Word and most of the
tools that were available in the system. the message of this ad is to
inform the people of Rexburg that there is a local clothing drive
that can benefit the community.
date: october 11, 2014
Course: visual media section 1
instructor: brother cory kerr

October 11
10 am 5 pm
Walmart Parking Lot
All proceeds go to
the city.
Call (208) 555-1234
to donate gently used

web page
Description: A web page designed to show my skills in creating a logo.
Process, Programs, objectives): I created this web page using only
TextWrangler. I have grown to actually like using this application and
think it is becoming a lot easier. I It was comforting to have another
website that could help me with specific needs I had. After I reviewed
all my content and inserted my image, I used the pre-made document
to attach CSS to my HTML. I then opened my logo in photoshop to receive the hex colors. I used the eye dropper tool to find out what
the exact colors were then copy and pasted them in the CSS. I also
changed my fonts to Impact Charcoal and Arial Black. I also changed
the background color to match the color of the font.
date: november 22, 2014
course: visual media section 1
instructor: brother cory kerr

Description: Black and White promotional flier to promote a graduate
leadership conference.
Process, (Programs, objectives): The first step was creating the
sketches. I drew out four sketches of the project and decided which
one I wanted to proceed with. Then I used my sketch as a guide to
create this layout in the InDesign program. I used the same fonts for
repetition and contrast. I also emphasized one word in my title for
more contrast, and to create a good focal point. This word was graduate, to capture the audiences
attention. I was given the image, logo, and content for this flier and
made sure to use all I was given.
date: october 4, 2014
course: visual media section 1
instructor: brother Cory kerr

Do you want to have the
competitive edge in business?
Come learn how at Vouant Communications annual Graduate Leadership

October 21
8 a.m. 5 p.m.

Vouant Communications is
devoted to helping tomorrows leaders
gain essential leadership skills in the
During this dynamic three day seminar,
attendees will meet with top executives of
Communications to discuss breakthrough
leadership techniques, while cultivating
attributes of leadership that will market to
any employer.
Conference is available to graduating
Space is limited.

Description: This Photodesign project was to allow us to show our
mixed skills of editing pictures on photoshop and creating an ad. My ad
is for a Fall Festival.
Process (Programs, objectives): I uploaded my picture to photoshop then
began the process of editing the picture with Levels, Vibrance/Saturation, Selective Color, and Sharpness. Then I proceeded to make the
changes to the picture so that I could turn it into an ad.
date: october 18, 2014
Course: visual media section 1
instructor: brother cory kerr

business card
description: a professional business card for a company.
Process (Programs, objectives): I created the logo using simple shapes
in Adobe Illustrator. Then i used the masking tools to put the pattern
into the cupcake outline. This process turned out to be easier than I
thought. I used the pen tool to outline the icing and bottom of cupcake then inserted in the pattern. Once the logo was created I picked
a font that I liked and changed the gradient so it looked more of a
gold than yellow. I created a matching gold border around the front
of the business card. The back of the business card I made more simple
with no border. I used the same font as the front for the title and
my name. I changed the information to a more simple sans serif font so
it was easier to read. I shrinked the cupcake down and placed it beside
the title. Then I saved this image.
date: november 8, 2014
course: comm 130 visual media
instructor: brother cory kerr

description: a letterhead for a company using indesign.
process, programs, objectives: I opened up a new document in Illustrator. I put the title at the top of the page in the same gold, gradient
font then the smaller cupcake beside it. Then I put a small gold line
under the title and at the bottom of the page. I used a rectangle tool
and the eyedropper tool to get the color the way I wanted it. I put
the information in the right hand side and a big cupcake on the page. I
used the opacity to pull my image down to 16%.
date: november 8, 2014
course: visual media section 1
instructor: brother cory kerr

Description: A spiritual montage made by the blending of two or more
images, and the use of typography and editing.
Process (Programs, objectives: I cropped the background image to 8.5
by11. I changed the pixels of the picture to 1275 and 1650. I edited the
background image with warmer colors in the features option. I selected
the image of the girl and moved her to the background image and added a mask. I changed it to black paint and a 80% opacity, soft-edged
brush, I painted away the hard image edges. Then I changed the girl so
she was black and white. I added a white box to the top of the page
and transformed it to overlay. I downloaded a basic font and used a
thin script for my quote. Programs/Tools Used: Adobe Photoshop
date: october 25, 2014
Course: visual media section 1
instructor: brother cory kerr

Description: Three logos for the MyMail wireless notification application.
Process (Programs, objectives): I used Illustrator to connect my images
into three separate logos. I then used a pen tool to create a few of
the images and used strokes to make the color schemes. I had to use
the pen tool specifically to create the arrow in the second logo. It
took a long time to make sure that it was curved the right way. I also
had to make sure all the images were aligned in the right place.
date: november 1, 2014
course: comm 130 visual media
instructor: brother cory kerr

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