Ffa Comb Comp Lts 2014

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Collier Margie
Kessel Scott; Carwell John
Please Return this Call . . .
Thursday, September 09, 2010 9:20:29 AM

I received a call yesterday from
who has provided services in May to Family
Foundations Charter School but has not gotten payment. His contact at Family Foundations
has been Shawn Moore.
Would one of you please try to provide

with some assistance. You can reach him


Margie Collier

Margie Collier
Administrative Assistant
Office of the Secretary
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street, Suite #2
Dover, DE 19901-3639
302.735.4000 (T) 302.739.4654 (F)

This email and any attachments may be confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying or use of this
communication by or to anyone other than the designated and intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are not the
intended recipient, please delete or destroythis communication immediately.

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Moore Sean; Brewington Tennell; Carwell John

Re: Deliquent Payment
Monday, September 20, 2010 5:56:50 PM
INVOICE for subservice family foundations with 3rd late fee.doc

Mr. Moore,

We have received Family Foundation's payment of $460, however, there is a balance

of $184 that is still owed to
Your invoice became past due onJune
25th, 2010. We sent you the firstinvoice on June 9th, 2010. Today is September
20th, 2010. We have sent you updated invoices with the late fee for each month
you neglectedpayment.

We expect to receive payment as soon as possible. If payment is not receivedby

the end of this week, we will be forced to take further legal action. Wewill not wait
another 4 monthsfor our invoice to be honored.Better Days Ahead.....


Kessel Scott
Carwell John
FW: Family Foundations - payroll
Tuesday, November 30, 2010 11:25:37 AM

This might be better if you forwarded this concern to Sean. Let me know if you want me to get
involved. Typically, we dont but in this case someone isnt getting paid.
From: Walla Loretta
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 10:53 AM
To: Kessel Scott
Cc: Falcon Emily
Subject: Family Foundations - payroll
Importance: High

who is a new teacher at Family
A phone call was transferred to me, the caller was
Foundations Charter School. She was hired to start work on Oct. 25, but to date she has not received
a paycheck. She was told she would be paid on Nov. 19 and that she would receive a check in the
mail at her home after that. When the check didnt come, she was told it would be Dec. 3rd . She has
talked to the principal and vice-principal and feels like they are putting her off. They told her a third
party takes care of payroll and thats where the problem is. One of them told her he was going to
drive down here to Dover to get her check, but then that didnt happen so now she wants to drive
down here. I told her I dont think we can do anything here and that I would try to find someone
who has more information for her. She is very upset because her mortgage payment and daycare
payments have bounced and the day care provider is threatening to no longer take her child
because they have not been paid. She would like someone to call her at
Loretta A. Walla
Education Associate, Finance
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street, Suite #2
Dover, DE 19901-3639
SLC: D370B
302.735.4172 (T) 302.739.7768 (F)
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communication by or to anyone other than the designated and intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are not the
intended recipient, please delete or destroythis communication immediately.

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Carwell John
Moore Sean; Brewington Tennell;
Expelled student
Wednesday, December 22, 2010 10:14:00 AM

Dear Mr. Boyce:

I hope that your week is going well. I received a call from a parent,
here). She indicated that her son,
, was expelled from Family Foundations Academy.
She is awaiting documents outlining the appeal process that she expected to receive by December
3 rd. Last month, my colleague here at the Department of Education, Dennis Rozumalski, spoke
and followed up with Mr. Sean Moore (copied here). Mr. Moore confirmed that
the appeal process documents would be mailed to
, but she has yet to receive them.

indicated that
has missed several weeks of school while she has waited for the
appeal process documents. Im sure you share my concern regarding the time hes missed from
school. Please send
the documents as soon as possible so that
can be
afforded her due process. If you would like to fax the documents to me, Id be happy to send a
PDF to
today. If you have any questions, please contact me at 302-735-4021.

Thank you,

John H. Carwell, Jr.

Charter School Officer, Charter School Office
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street, Suite #2
Dover, DE 19901-3639
302.735.4020 (T) 302.739.4483 (F)
This email and any attachments may be confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying or use of this
communication by or to anyone other than the designated and intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are not the
intended recipient, please delete or destroythis communication immediately.

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail


Sean P. Moore
Carwell John; Rhoulac Takashi; lamarboyce26@gmail.com; Brewington Tennell
RE: complaint
Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:03:56 PM

Thanks for your email!

The Study Island program that we are using for our Saturday Academy students is intended to better
prepare them for the DCAS testing that is coming up in March and May. It is also being used to
supplement the instruction of our RTI (Response to Intervention) students to better help them
improve their ability levels. Family Foundations Academy has invested a considerable amount of
money and resources to ensure that this program is beneficial to our students. The Saturday
Academy program is completely voluntary and is provided at no cost to our families here at FFA. We
have assembled a data team made up of teachers who are assigned to a cluster of students so that
they can monitor their progress as they complete the various assignments. The intent of the data
team is to collaborate with each students classroom teacher so that they can use the collected data
in order to better direct their instruction to individual student needs. The collaboration between
the data team and the classroom teachers is most certainly taking place. When enough data is
collected, then of course the information will be shared with the students parents. I was present at
the Saturday Academy orientation when Dr. Brewington shared this information with everyone in
attendance. It is possible that you missed that part of the presentation.

Ms. Coleman is our schools receptionist and is not responsible for any of our programs. Her role is
simply to answer any questions to the best of her ability and to make sure that we receive any
messages from parents. Dr. Brewington informed all of the parents at the orientation that Ms.
Takashi Rhoulac, who is our Director of Curriculum and Instruction would be the contact person for
the Saturday Academy program. I have copied Ms. Rhoulac on this email so that she is aware of
your concerns.

Finally, as I stated above the Saturday Academy program was developed by Family Foundations
Academy as a means to provide strong, supplemental instruction to our students and improve the
level of student achievement while eliminating the need for families to spend $50 - $75 per hour on
tutors. To my knowledge, neither Dr. Brewington, Ms. Rhoulac, or I have heard from you regarding
your concerns about the Saturday Academy program. If we are unable to assist you to your
satisfaction, then the proper course of action is to then make contact with our board. Our board
president is Mr. Lamar Boyce and I have copied him on this email. Our board meetings are held on
the third Monday of every month unless that day falls on a holiday. We have a board meeting this
coming Wednesday at 6pm here at the school and you are welcome to attend so that you can voice
your concerns.

The staff and administration of Family Foundations Academy have always made meeting the needs
of our students a priority. We will continue to offer programs like the Saturday Academy in order to
foster that commitment. We appreciate your feedback.


Sean P. Moore
Family Foundations Academy
1101 Delaware Street
New Castle, DE 19720
Ofc: 302-324-8901 ext. 246
Fax: 302-324-8908

Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 1:01 PM
To: jcarwell@doe.k12.de.us
Cc: smoore@ffa.k12.de.us; tbrewington
Subject: complaint

Good Morning,

I am writing this e-mail concerning my complaint against Family Foundations


First they have not complied to any of my requests concerning my daughter. I was
sent a letter stating that my daughter
had to attend Saturday Math
sessions starting January 8, 2011 because she had scoredlow on the Reading and
Math partof The New De Cast. When my daughter and Iattended the first session it
was explained to me that she had to sign on to the program Study Island to complete
the pre-test and that it would be a 90mins session; which only turned out to be 10
Second, Dr. Brewington also explained that each child had to complete all the letters
that were listed under the pretest which was incorrect information. While attempting to
have my daughter complete all the lessons she scored all below average. These
lessons were all on things that my child have never learned inclass so that resulted in
her scoringbelow average.
Third, Dr. Brewington advised all the parents that each child would have an assigned
coach for any questions or concerns concerning our children's progress. I have not
been contacted yet in regards to who my daughter's coach is mean while my
daughter is behind on her assignments because I'm not sure what needs to be done
or where we should pick up.
I contacted the school on 2 different occasions and was redirected toMrs. Coleman;
sheis in charge of the program. I spoke with Mrs. Coleman on 1-19-2011 and she
explained to me that my child was going to meet her coach. She also assured me
that shewould be back in contact with meby the end of business day on 1-20-2011. I
still have not received a return call from her yet.
I am very upset and angry about this situation. I feel that this is very unprofessional
on behalf of Dr. Brewington and Mrs. Coleman because they half showed me that

they really don't care about the students.My intention was merely to get an
understanding on what could be done to help my daughter to succeed. Obviously,
the students are not a priority here at Family Foundations.

I look forward to hearing from someone soon to discuss how we can work together so
can be successful for the upcoming school year. I can be


Carwell John

Friday, June 03, 2011 11 :59 AM

Carwell John

Follow Up Flag:
Flag Status:

Follow up

Mr. Carwell I mailed to you the following letter with attachements as well as the people listed in
the closing cc part of my letter regular and certified mail/return receipt. In addition to the
complaints I have, I would like to add that I emailed and left messages for Ms. Pulliam and have
gotten no response. Attached you will see that she received this email @ 9:16 this morning it is

Delivery to these recipients or groups is complete, but no delivery notification was sent by the
destination server:
Subject: FW: Washington Trip

Carwell John

Tuesday, June 07, 2011 12:10 PM

Carwell John; Kay-Lawrence Sheila; Moore Sean; Brewington Tennell

Follow Up Flag:
Flag Status:

Follow up

Good Afternoon Board Members,

This email chain started because we received an email from
concerning a project that will be due
on 06/10/2011. Please see her email below for details concerning what she wanted the children to
accomplish. My concern with this project is that she sent this out last-night stating that the kids were to
start on this last night. She refers to an attachment with 71 words but, I can neither see this attachment or
pull it to print the list of words. The other concern is that since there are no words to access I checked my
daughters papers and there on only 50 or so words ... with that I know it wasn't the words she had on her
person. So, I sent an email to
and included the whole mailing list and I receive a letter back from
another parent that has a child in
class that has yet the same problem. I am even more
concerned now because I fear that our children are being set up to fail because there are more factors
involved. There is a field trip Thursday to Washington, DC and the children will be gone the whole day. The
last day of school is Friday, the date this assignment is due. Considering what I went through with her last
project to get a grade, I am not willing to wait another 30days to get a final grade and determination on
whether this teacher will pass or fail my child out of spite. All I am asking for is closure and assistance to get
beyond this educational nightmare.
I can be reached at 1

I thank you in advance for your assistance,

I look forward with speaking with you soon,

----- Forwarded Message ---From:

Sent: Man, June 6, 2011 9:56:00 PM
Subject: Re: Homework for June 6, 2011

Good evening
said that she didnt switch today(Monday) so when are they going to do this assignment in class and what
words need to be completed at home.
Thanks and Regards
---On Mon, 6/6/11,

> wrote:

Subject: Re: Homework for June 6, 2011
To: "Chavis Antionette" <achavis@ffa.k12.de.us>

Carwell John

Lowery Lillian
Tuesday, September 13, 2011 11 :03 AM
Carwell John

Follow Up Flag:
Flag Status:

Follow up

RE: Unsafe Bus Stop Situation Requiring Immediate Attention

Mr. Hoffman,
I have copied John Carwell, DDOE Charter School Office, as a means of asking him to follow up on your concern to
ensure that you get a timely response.
Lillian M. lowery, Ed. D.
Secretary of Education
Delaware Department of Education
John G. Townsend Building
401 Federal Street, Suite 2
Dover, DE 19901-3639
Phone: 302.735.4000
Fax: 302.739.4654
-----Original Message----From:
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 20118:20 AM
To: lowery Lillian
Subject: RE: Unsafe Bus Stop Situation Requiring Immediate Attention
Good morning Dr. lowery, I was hoping to see if you could assist with this situation or get to somebody that could. My
wife and I have not gotten a response to any of the emails, phone calls, or visits to the Family Foundations Charter
School to address this issue, any assistance you could offer would be greatly appreciated . Thank you for your attention
to this and have a great day.

-----Original Message----From :
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 5:23 PM
To: '
Subject: RE: Unsafe Bus Stop Situation Requiring Immediate Attention

Good afternoon Dr. Moore, at present my wife is again waiting on the bus to return as they did not stop at my daughters
bus stop. My wife has reached out to the bus company and they state that they are sending the bus back. This needs to
be addressed immediately, if not we will contact the Delaware Charter School Accountability Committee and the
Department of Education.

-----Original Message----From:
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2011 3:43 PM
To: smoore@ffa.k12.de.us
Subject: Unsafe Bus Stop Situation Requiring Immediate Attention
Mr. Moore,
Let me first apologize for the very long email. I attempted to visit the school this afternoon to discuss this situation, sat
in the main office for a period of time, and was not able to be seen. I do understand that there are many problems with
buses and have received the email asking for patience in this matter. However, the issue that ensued this morning
cannot wait for a remedy.
In order for you to understand the current situation and the chaos that has unfolded at this bus stop I first have to give
you some background on my family's current situation, the location of the bus stop, the problems we have had leading
up to today, then finally this mornings events.
Our Situation: Our daughter,
attends Kindergarten at your
school. She had never attended school before nor ridden a school bus until the start of this school year. To date, she
loves class with Mrs.
Farias, but is scared of the bus. During the first week of school she stepped off the bus terrified the first 2 days, then
crying the next 2 days. We have 3 children aged 1, 3 and 4. My husband and I both work full time jobs to maintain our
household. Most days a babysitter takes
to the bus stop and picks her up. Our babysitter is not capable of driving
so she walks all 3 of my children to the bus stop (which is a 10 minute walk in rain, snow, or whatever mother nature has
to offer.
Not easy to do with 3 small children.)
The Location: This bus stop is located at the main entrance of a
double neighborhood containing over 700 homes directly off of
front of the home of one of the residents of the neighborhood.

in New Castle. The stop itself is located in

The problems we have had leading up to today:

1. The bus stop has no shelter from bad weather. For us this means our babysitter must walk 10 minutes then stand
outside in the event of bad weather to wait for the bus with 3 children under 5 years of age.

2. The owner of the home at

has come out of his home, harassing parents with waiting children on
multiple occasions, yelling at those waiting in front of his home and stating that this house is not a bus stop. This forces
us to wait on the other side of the street, obstructing the path of the bus.
3. This stop is in a high traffic area at high traffic times of the day. Posing a potential safety hazzard. As stated before, it
is the main entrance to 2 joined neighborhoods.
4. This bus has not been on time at all since the start of the school year for either pick up or drop off. Most days,
has over an hour and 10 minute ride home. For a small child who has never ridden the bus before, this is tramatic.
This mornings events :
This morning my babysitter took all three of my children to the bus stop for bus # located at the corner of
She left our home at 8:05 and arrived at 8:15am to wait for the bus that was scheduled to arrive at
8:24am. She waited there until 9:30am with no sign of a bus. Another parent apparently made a phone call and was
told the bus driver had "forgotten" to stop and they were sending another bus out. At this point, I got wind of this while
I was at work. I promptly called the school and asked for someone in charge of transportation.
The receptionist told me I could talk to her. I wanted to verify that a bus was coming and wanted to be reasurred that
the driver wouldn't "forget" to bring her home to me. The receptionist kept repeating that "the buses were running
late". Finally she allowed me to briefly explain that another mother called and that the driver forgot to stop.
She told me "well, if the driver already went by and didnt stop, then
they aren't coming back" I then explained to her that another mother
called and was told another bus was coming back out to get them and I wanted to verfiy that was the case. She put me
on hold for almost 5 minutes before someone picked up the phone, then hung up on me. I then called back 4 more
times before the same receptionist answered the phone. Explained again why I was calling, and was told "yeah, there is
another bus coming. Just have them wait for it". I asked if I should expect this to happen on the way home and was told
"I have no idea, ma'am" As so the bus arrived at 9:45am to pick up the students.
My major concern is that this morning my babysitter stood on the side of a very busy street for over an hour and half to
wait for a bus that "forgot" to get my daughter. During this time the lives of my children were put in jeopardy, as
containing 3 very small children on a small sidewalk on a busy street for that amount of time is not practical.
This bus stop needs to be addressed immediately. If it is not, my husband and I have decided we will have no choice but
to contact the state to address it. The current bus stop is not at all comparable to Colonial School District, as Colonial's
policy is to drop off Kindergarten students off that the corner nearest their homes. We were lead to believe at
enrollment by school officials that the bus stops would be "comparable" to Colonial School District if you lived within the
district as we do.
I have attached a bus stop change request form with the body of this letter copy and pasted as the reasoning for my
request. Please look for multiple attachments for the complete form. If you need, I am also able to fax it or bring it in .
Thank you for you attention to this matter and look forward to your response.

Carwell John


Carwell John
Wednesday, November 02, 2011 12:06 PM
'Lamar Boyce'
Brewington Tennell; Moore Sean;
Parent concern

Follow Up Flag:
Flag Status:

Follow up



Dear Mr. Boyce,

I received a phone call from a Family Foundations Academy parent,
(copied here), regarding the
suspension of her daughter,
. She said the school did not provide any notification regarding her
daughter's suspension. I advised
to address her concerns to the administration, but she said her attempts
to contact Dr. Brewington have been unsuccessful. In these matters, I always advise complainants to contact the
administration first and follow up with the Board, if necessary.
also mentioned that she has other concerns that she will include in a letter to you.


be reached

Thank you,
John H. Carwell , Jr.
Charter School Officer, Charter School Office
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street, Suite #2
Dover, DE 19901-3639
302.735.4020 (T) 302.739.4483 (F)

This email and any attachments may be confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying or use of this communication by or to anyone
other than the designated and intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy this communication


Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

Carwell John


Janiszewski Chantel
Wednesday, January 16, 2013 8:40AM
Carwell John; Kay-Lawrence Sheila ; Sadowski John; Mieczkowski MaryAnn;
Brewington Tennell; Moore Sean
RE : Response for CharterComplaintForm
Supporting Documentation for Complaint




Good morning, Mr. Boyce,

I am following up on a complaint submitted to our office by
on January 7, 2013 (please see email
below). After receipt of my email last week, Mr. Moore called me and stated that he would contact
the complaint and notify us of the progress toward resolution . However, through my email correspondence with
it appears that the complaint has yet to be resolved and our office has not received any additional follow-up
from the school. As stated on our Charter School Office website, we strongly encourage anyone with a complaint against
a charter school to make every attempt to resolve the issue at the school level, first with the school leadership, then
with the Board President.
has provided our office with emails that date back to the end of November
illustrating her attempts at resolution with school leadership. I've attached these emails for your review .
Please contact

(she has been courtesy copied on this email) regarding her complaint below by Friday, January

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Chan tel
Chantel A. Janiszewski
Education Associate, Charter School Office Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street
Dover, DE 19901
302-735-4020 (T) 302-739-4483 (F)
This email and any attachments are confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying, or use of this
communication by or to anyone other than the designated and intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are not the
intended recipient, please delete or destroy this communication immediately.
P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail
-----Original Message----From: Janiszewski Chantel
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 8:41AM
To: 'lamarboyce26@gmail.com'; Brewington Tennell; Moore Sean
Cc: Carwell John; Kay-Lawrence Sheila; Sadowski John; Mieczkowski MaryAnn
Subject: FW: Response for CharterComplaintForm
Importance: High

Good morning,
and I have forwarded the information to you
The Charter School Office received a complaint from
(see below) so that you may contact her to resolve the issue. She reports that she has made numerous attempts to
contact school leadership with no response, and that contact information for the Board President has not been made
available to her. Our office protocol is to guide individuals who have complaints against charter schools to contact
school leadership first to attempt to resolve the issue, then to contact the school's Board President if a resolution has
not been reached, and finally to file a complaint with our office if all attempts at resolution at the school level are
unsuccessful. At this point, we are providing the opportunity for you to take the necessary steps toward resolution.
As the Charter School Office is tracking progress of all complaints filed with us, please provide us your plan of action.
Thank you,
Chantel A. Janiszewski
Education Associate, Charter School Office Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street
Dover, DE 19901
302-735-4020 (T) 302-739-4483 (F)
This email and any attachments are confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying, or use of this
communication by or to anyone other than the designated and intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are not the
intended recipient, please delete or destroy this communication immediately.
P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail
-----Original Message----From:
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2013 9:13 PM
To: Janiszewski Chantel
Subject: Response for CharterComplaintForm
E-mail notification for survey response
Survey Title: CharterComplaintForm
Respondent Unique Key: INQ-20130107205707-907209790 Response Date: Man, Jan 07, 2013 21:13:01

Page 1
Who is this complaint primarily against?
{Choose one}
(*)School Administrator
( ) Board Member(s)
()Other (indicate the person's position or role at the school) []
What is the name, address and phone number of the person or organization
filing the complaint?
{Enter answer in paragraph form}

What is the relationship between the person(s) or organization filing the

complaint and the student?
{Choose one}
( ) Other (indicate the relationship of this person or organization to the
student) []
What is the name of the school where the alleged incident took place? (Use
the drop-down menu below)
{Choose one}
( ) Academy of Dover
( ) Campus Community
( ) Charter School of Wilmington
( ) Delaware Academy for Public Safety and Security
( ) Delaware College Preparatory Academy
( ) Delaware Military Academy
( ) East Side Charter
(*) Family Foundations
( ) Gateway Lab School
() Kuumba Academy
( ) Las Americas Aspira Academy
( ) Maurice J. Moyer Academy
( ) MOT Charter
( ) Newark Charter
( ) Odyssey Charter
( ) Pencader Business and Finance
( ) Positive Outcomes
( ) Prestige Academy
( ) Providence Creek Academy
( ) Reach Academy for Girls
( ) Sussex Academy of Arts and Sciences
( ) Thomas A. Edison
What happened during the alleged incident(s)? Include specific details,
such as what happened, the people involved, the date, time and location of
incident, etc.
{Enter answer in paragraph form}
[ My daughter was not provided a quiet testing place during her DCAS, as is
required by her 504 plan. Teachers werre talking, trying to fix computers
during her testing which caused a serious problem with her Math testing.
This was completely different than the score she received during the first
DCAS when she *was* provided that quiet environment. The teachers involved
basically told me they were talking but offered no resolution, only
slightly curt remarks making me feel that it was no big deal ... and it is.
Both Principals (who are also on the board) have been privy to every email
and they have never intervened. J have left messages for them and send
emails and NO response has been received. There was even no response
received to the email where I said that J was going to file a complaint. My
daughter was bullied on the school bus by children who not only held her

back physically, but allowed another student to dump her bookbag all over
the floor. My child has had to sit in a science class with a substitute
teacher that has told children to "shut up" and referred to them as
delinquents. My child was allowed to overdraw her lunch account by $49
although she takes lunch to school every day and there was never
notification of any kind from the school ... as they indicated they would do
in their policy. I never received notification about this until her HAC
account was blocked and still never did I receive notification or
verification about what I owed . I simply finally ended up sending a check.
My child has had to endure verbal abuse from a child named
regularly calls girls in his class "bitches". Nothing significant was done
to prevent this for more than two months. When my child had enough and said
that someone "should beat him up" (which she definitely shouldn't have
done) she was placed in ISS for two days. A harsh sentence for someone that
just go fed up with being abused. This child was suspended for 45 days and
is now back in school. Instead of being expelled as the policy states. ]
Has the person making this complaint met with or spoken to the school
{Choose one}
If you answered Yes, describe what happened during the meeting or
conversation with the school administrator. Be specific and provide
details. If you have NOT contacted a school administrator, please enter
{Enter answer in paragraph form}
[The School Administrators are also Principals and Board Members for the
school. I have attempted contact now 10 or more times regarding several
important issues. Neither my phone calls nor emails have been responded to.

Has the Board President been contacted regarding this alleged incident?
{Choose one}
If you answered Yes, describe what happened during the meeting or
conversation with the Board President. Be specific and provide details. If
you have not contacted the Board President, please enter "N/A".
{Enter answer in paragraph form}
[There is an interim Board President for which no contact information have
been made available. SEVERAL attempts have been made to contact two other
Board members.]
What decision or action from the school administrator and/or Board
President would be a satisfactory resolution to your complaint?
{Enter answer in paragraph form}
[ I would like the school to provide proper notification of delinquent
lunch balances. I would like the school to respond to contact requests in
an appropriate and professional time period. I would like for the school to

correct students behavior before it becomes a situation where the bullied

child has to fight back. I would like for the school to ensure the
professionalism of the contacts that their teachers have with parents. I
would like for the school to provide accurate personnel in which to contact
with issues. I would like for the school to monitor their substitute
personnel for behavior and professionalism. I would like for the school to
ENSURE that my child has an adequate testing environment as is required
under her 504 plan. ]
Do you certify that the information described and provided in this
complaint is accurate and correct to the best of your knowledge?
{Choose one}
Do you have any written responses from teachers, the school administrator,
the Board President, or any other information that is relevant to your
{Choose one}
Before the Delaware Department of Education Charter School Office can
accept your complaint, you must give the DDOE permission to share your
complaint with the leadership at the school. If you do not give permission,
below, the Charter School Office cannot take any action on your complaint.
To give permission to the DDOE to share your complaint with the school,
check the box below.
{Choose one}
(*)Yes, I give permission for the Delaware Department of Education Charter
School Office to share a copy of this complaint, including any relevant
documentation, to the school administrator, Board president, and any other
persons mentioned in this complaint.
Do you certify that you have tried to resolve the complaint through the
school's complaint process?
{Choose one}
Page 2

Carwell John

Janiszewski Chantel
Thursday, January 17, 2013 3:33PM
Brewington Tennell; Moore Sean; Carwell John; Kay-Lawrence Sheila; May Monnica;
Mclaughlin Mary Kate; Rogers Karen Field
FW : Response for CharterComplaintForm

Good afternoon,
The Charter School Office has received your online complaint form regarding non-payment of a milk invoice by Family
Foundations Academy. As described on our website, we ask that if a resolution has not been reached with the school
leader(s), and you indicate that after several attempts you have not reached a resolution with Dr. Brewington, that the
complaint be raised with the Board President. Family Foundations' Interim Board President is Ms. Monnica May and her
email address is monnica.may@state.de.us. I have courtesy copied Dr. Brewington, Mr. Moore and Ms. May on this
email to make them aware that you have filed a complaint with our office and that you will be contacting Ms. May
If your concern remains unresolved after speaking with Ms. May, or if attempts at communicating with Ms. May are
unproductive, please let me know as we track all progress of complaints filed against the charter schools we authorize. I
understand from your complaint form below that you will seek legal recourse if a resolution is not reached.
Please feel free to contact me with any further questions.
Thank you, and I hope that this issue is resolved quickly.
Chantel A. Janiszewski
Education Associate, Charter School Office Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street
Dover, DE 19901
302-735-4020 (T) 302-739-4483 (F)
This email and any attachments are confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying, or use of this
communication by or to anyone other than the designated and intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are not the
intended recipient, please delete or destroy this communication immediately.
P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail
-----Original Message----From: "lnquisite Server" [mailto:administrator@myserver.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2013 2:51PM
To: Janiszewski Chantel
Subject: Response for CharterCom plaintForm
E-mail notification for survey response
Survey Title: CharterComplaintForm
Respondent Unique Key: INQ-20130117144305-480887911 Response Date: Thu, Jan 17, 2013 14:51:20

Page 1
Who is this complaint primarily against?
{Choose one}
( ) School Administrator
( ) Board Member(s)
(*)Other (indicate the person's position or role at the school) [
Principle 1
What is the name, address and phone number of the person or organization
filing the complaint?
{Enter answer in paragraph form}
[ Hy-Point Dairy 425 Beaver Valley Rd. Wilmington, DE 19803 (302)478-14141
What is the relationship between the person(s) or organization filing the
complaint and the student?
{Choose one}
(*)Other (indicate the relationship of this person or organization to the
student) [ N/A 1
What is the name of the school where the alleged incident took place? (Use
the drop-down menu below)
{Choose one}
( ) Academy of Dover
( ) Campus Community
()Charter School of Wilmington
( ) Delaware Academy for Public Safety and Security
( ) Delaware College Preparatory Academy
( ) Delaware Military Academy
( ) East Side Charter
(*)Family Foundations
( ) Gateway Lab School
( ) Kuumba Academy
( ) Las Americas Aspira Academy
( ) Maurice J. Moyer Academy
( ) MOT Charter
( ) Newark Charter
( ) Odyssey Charter
( ) Pencader Business and Finance
( ) Positive Outcomes
( ) Prestige Academy
( ) Providence Creek Academy
( ) Reach Academy for Girls
( ) Sussex Academy of Arts and Sciences
( ) Thomas A. Edison
What happened during the alleged incident(s)? Include specific details,
such as what happened, the people involved, the date, time and location of

incident, etc.
{Enter answer in paragraph form}
[Family Foundations failed to pay Hy-Point Dairy Farms their milk bill at
both school locations on Fallon Avenue and Delaware Street. Fallon Avenue
owes invoices dating back to March of 2012 with a total of $6,511. 73.
Delaware Street owes invoices dating back to April of 2012 with a total of
$5,389.57. 1
Has the person making this complaint met with or spoken to the school
{Choose one}
If you answered Yes, describe what happened during the meeting or
conversation with the school administrator. Be specific and provide
details. If you have NOT contacted a school administrator, please enter
{Enter answer in paragraph form}
[We have called and visited the school administrator, Dr. Brewington
multiple times to try to collect payment. The school administrator always
informed us that they were working on processing our payment however, we
have seen no check. This has been an ongoing issue for about eight months.

Has the Board President been contacted regarding this alleged incident?
{Choose one}
If you answered Yes, describe what happened during the meeting or
conversation with the Board President. Be specific and provide details. If
you have not contacted the Board President, please enter "N/A".
{Enter answer in paragraph form}
[ We do not know who the Board President is. 1
What decision or action from the school administrator and/or Board
President would be a satisfactory resolution to your complaint?
{Enter answer in paragraph form}
[ Payment of their bill or we will take legal action. 1
Do you certify that the information described and provided in this
complaint is accurate and correct to the best of your knowledge?
{Choose one}
Do you have any written responses from teachers, the school administrator,
the Board President, or any other information that is relevant to your
{Choose one}

Before the Delaware Department of Education Charter School Office can
accept your complaint, you must give the DDOE permission to share your
complaint with the leadership at the school. If you do not give permission,
below, the Charter School Office cannot take any action on your complaint.
To give permission to the DDOE to share your complaint with the school,
check the box below.
{Choose one}
(*)Yes, I give permission for the Delaware Department of Education Charter
School Office to share a copy of this complaint, including any relevant
documentation, to the school administrator, Board president, and any other
persons mentioned in this complaint.
Do you certify that you have tried to resolve the complaint through the
school's complaint process?
{Choose one}
Page 2

Carwell John

Janiszewski Chantel
Monday, February 24, 2014 9:34AM
Carwell John
FW : Response for CharterComplaintForm

-----Original Message----From: "lnquisite Server" [mailto:administrator@myserver.com]

Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 9:22AM
To: Janiszewski Chantel
Subject: Response for CharterComplaintForm
E-mail notification for survey response
Survey Title: CharterComplaintForm
Respondent Unique Key: INQ-20130123082846-899167786 Response Date: Wed, Jan 23, 2013 09:21:47

Page 1
Who is this complaint primarily against?
{Choose one}
(*)School Administrator
( ) Board Member(s)
()Other (indicate the person's position or role at the school) []
What is the name, address and phone number of the person or organization
filing the complaint?
{Enter answer in paragraph form}
Wilmington, DE 19805
What is the relationship between the person(s) or organization filing the
complaint and the student?
{Choose one}
(*) Parent
( ) Other (indicate the relationship of this person or organization to the
student) []
What is the name of the school where the alleged incident took place? (Use
the drop-down menu below)
{Choose one}
( ) Academy of Dover
( ) Campus Community
( ) Charter School of Wilmington
( ) Delaware Academy for Public Safety and Security
( ) Delaware College Preparatory Academy

( ) Delaware Military Academy

( ) East Side Charter
(*)Family Foundations
( ) Gateway lab School
( ) Kuumba Academy
( ) Las Americas Aspira Academy
( ) Maurice J. Moyer Academy
( ) MOT Charter
( ) Newark Charter
( ) Odyssey Charter
( ) Pencader Business and Finance
( ) Positive Outcomes
( ) Prestige Academy
( ) Providence Creek Academy
( ) Reach Academy for Girls
( ) Sussex Academy of Arts and Sciences
( ) Thomas A. Edison
What happened during the alleged incident(s)? Include specific details,
such as what happened, the people involved, the date, time and location of
incident, etc.
{Enter answer in paragraph form}
[I have an ongoing issue with the teaching staff as well as the
administration at FFA. It appears things are being handled at that school
based on your status and affliations with in the school, AKA and the KAPPA
organizations. WHich is becoming an increasing problem becasue the children
are being treated unfairly and unequally. 1
Has the person making this complaint met with or spoken to the school
{Choose one}
If you answered Yes, describe what happened during the meeting or
conversation with the school administrator. Be specific and provide
details. If you have NOT contacted a school administrator, please enter
{Enter answer in paragraph form}
[The admisitraation has only responded to emails and placed two calls to
me after I have suggested a meeting. One of those calls were made just
morning when Tennell Brewington contacted me and after the conversation got
no where her only response was I cannot have you or any other parent tell
me what to do before she disconnected the call. During that conversation I
asked if she would like for me to come to the school because I was
available and we could sit down to discuss this matter and she declined.
She atated she needs more time to address my issues but she did sugguest
that I could come pick my child up from school until we are able to meet
and discuss any issues surrounded this incident. 1
Has the Board President been contacted regarding this alleged incident?
{Choose one}

If you answered Yes, describe what happened during the meeting or
conversation with the Board President. Be specific and provide details. If
you have not contacted the Board President, please enter "N/A".
{Enter answer in paragraph form}
[ N/A]
What decision or action from the school administrator and/or Board
President would be a satisfactory resolution to your complaint?
{Enter answer in paragraph form}
[ My only complaint about this whole situation is how this school is being
ran. If your a parent of the AKA or KAPPA affliation your child gets
certain priviliages or if your child has been labeled within the school
(wheter good or bad) things are handled differently. the admistration fear
retaliation from those they think know or will expose the scandals going on
in the school. So to keep the staff happy they cover things up and treat
the parents and students unfairly. I am aware of some of the things that
are going on in the school with the admisitration and I am ready and
prepared to discuss thru DOE or any other means. I also made Dr. Brewington
aware that it is against my wishes for my child to be in school suspension
against my well. If an through investigation is completed and he needs to
be punished I am ok with that but dont pounish before hand becasue a
punishment can not be taken back if found he did nothing wrong to warrant a
punishment. Bottom line, I just wnat whatever policy in place to be apply
to all children and not just those admisitration see fit. ]
Do you certify that the information described and provided in this
complaint is accurate and correct to the best of your knowledge?
{Choose one}
Do you have any written responses from teachers, the school administrator,
the Board President, or any other information that is relevant to your
{Choose one}
Before the Delaware Department of Education Charter School Office can
accept your complaint, you must give the DDOE permission to share your
complaint with the leadership at the school. If you do not give permission,
below, the Charter School Office cannot take any action on your complaint.
To give permission to the DDOE to share your complaint with the school,
check the box below.
{Choose one}
(*)Yes, I give permission for the Delaware Department of Education Charter
School Office to share a copy of this complaint, including any relevant
documentation, to the school administrator, Board president, and any other
persons mentioned in this complaint.

Do you certify that you have tried to resolve the complaint through the
school's complaint process?
{Choose one}
Page 2

Carwell John

Janiszewski Chantel
Monday, February 24, 2014 9:35AM
Carwell John
FW : Response for CharterComplaintForm

-----Original Message----From : "lnquisite Server" [mailto:administrator@myserver.com]

Sent: Thursaay, January 24, 2013 4:40PM
To: Janiszewski Chantel
Subject: Response for CharterComplaintForm
E-mail notification for survey response
Survey Title: CharterComplaintForm
Respondent Unique Key: INQ-20130124161413-1057795610 Response Date: Thu, Jan 24, 2013 16:39:49

Page 1
Who is this complaint primarily against?
{Choose one}
( ) School Administrator
( ) Board Member(s)
(*)Other (indicate the person's position or role at the school) [ Monique
Ooley, Alecea Balkum, Student
What is the name, address and phone number of the person or organization
filing the complaint?
{Enter answer in paragraph form}
(mother) and
New Castle DE 19720
What is the relationship between the person(s) or organization filing the
complaint and the student?
{Choose one}
( ) Other (indicate the relationship of this person or organization to the
student) []
What is the name of the school where the alleged incident took place? (Use
the drop-down menu below)
{Choose one}
( ) Academy of Dover
( ) Campus Community
( ) Charter School of Wilmington

( ) Delaware Academy for Public Safety and Security

( ) Delaware College Preparatory Academy
( ) Delaware Military Academy
( ) East Side Charter
(*)Family Foundations
( ) Gateway Lab School
( ) Kuumba Academy
( ) Las Americas Aspira Academy
( ) Maurice J. Moyer Academy
( ) MOT Charter
( ) Newark Charter
( ) Odyssey Charter
( ) Pencader Business and Finance
( ) Positive Outcomes
( ) Prestige Academy
( ) Providence Creek Academy
( ) Reach Academy for Girls
( ) Sussex Academy of Arts and Sciences
( ) Thomas A. Edison
What happened during the alleged incident(s)? Include specific details,
such as what happened, the people involved, the date, time and location of
incident, etc.
{Enter answer in paragraph form}
[ I have attached all correspondence via email. 1
Has the person making this complaint met with or spoken to the sc~ool
{Choose one}
If you answered Yes, describe what happened during the meeting or
conversation with the school administrator. Be specific and provide
details. If you have NOT contacted a school administrator, please enter
{Enter answer in paragraph form}
[ I have attached all correspondence via email. 1
Has the Board President been contacted regarding this alleged incident?
{Choose one}
If you answered Yes, describe what happened during the meeting or
conversation with the Board President. Be specific and provide details. If
you have not contacted the Board President, please enter "N/A".
{Enter answer in paragraph form}
[ N/A]
What decision or action from the school administrator and/or Board
President would be a satisfactory resolution to your complaint?

{Enter answer in paragraph form}

[ 1. All administration involved required to take additional training in
discipline, crisis, and safety prevention. 2. Policies and procedures
reviewed and revised in regards to the weight of issuing demerits,
suspensions and additional disciplinary actions. 3. Dean Monique Daley and
Teacher Alecea Balkum suspended without pay for a minimum ofthree days and
receive approval from DOE to return once successfully completed the
training which was listed above. 4. Student
- In school suspension
for one day however teachers except all school work. ]
Do you certify that the information described and provided in this
complaint is accurate and correct to the best of your knowledge?
{Choose one}
(*) Yes
Do you have any written responses from teachers, the school administrator,
the Board President, or any other information that is relevant to your
{Choose one}
Before the Delaware Department of Education Charter School Office can
accept your complaint, you must give the DDOE permission to share your
complaint with the leadership at the school. If you do not give permission,
below, the Charter School Office cannot take any action on your complaint.
To give permission to the DDOE to share your complaint with the school,
check the box below.
{Choose one}
(*)Yes, I give permission for the Delaware Department of Education Charter
School Office to share a copy of this complaint, including any relevant
documentation, to the school administrator, Board president, and any other
persons mentioned in this complaint.
Do you certify that you have tried to resolve the complaint through the
school's complaint process?
{Choose one}
Page 2

Carwell John

Rogers Karen Field

Tuesday, January 29, 2013 2:55 PM
Carwell John; McLaughlin Mary Kate
Family Foundations

John and Mary KateChantel has received complaints from parents that Family Foundations does not have heat in the school
building. Chantel will direct the parents back to the school. Just wanted you to be aware as well.
Karen Field Rogers
Associate Secretary, Financial Reform and Resource Management
Delaware Department of Education


Carwell John


Janiszewski Chantel
Tuesday, February 12, 2013 12:03 PM
Carwell John
RE: Family Foundations Academy complaint

I am very sorry to hear that you have not received any communication from Ms. May. Our office will be sending her
another email regarding this complaint. In the meantime, if you feel that your child was bullied and that the school did
not properly address the situation, your next step would be to speak with John Sadowski, Education Associate for School
Climate and Discipline, here at the Department of Education. I did courtesy copy him on my initial email to you on
January 25 h to make him aware of your situation. I will connect the two of you with a separate email and with your
permission, include the letters you provided to our office as email attachments.

Chantel A. Janiszewski
Education Associate, Charter School Office
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street
Dover, DE 19901
302-735-4020 (T) 302-739-4483 (F)
This email and any attachments are confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying, or use of this
communication by or to anyone other than the designated and intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are
not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy this communication immediately.

.,}; Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 8:57AM
To: Janiszewski Chantel
Cc: Carwell John
Subject: RE: Family Foundations Academy complaint

Good Morning,
Thank you for contacting me. Unfortunately I have not been able to reach Ms. May and she has not
responded to any email correspondence as well.
What would be me next step to resolution?
Thank you,

From: Janiszewski Chantel [mailto:Chantei.Janiszewski@DOE.K12.DE.US]

Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 8:37AM

Cc: Carwell John

Subject: RE: Family Foundations Academy complaint

Good morning,

I am writing to follow up on the status of your complaint. Were you able to communicate with Ms. May? Have you
reached a resolution?
Thank you!

Chantel A. Janiszewski
Education Associate, Charter School Office
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street
Dover, DE 19901
302-735-4020 (T) 302-739-4483 (F)
This email and any attachments are confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying, or use of this
communication by or to anyone other than the designated and intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are
not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy this communication immediately.

J; Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 8:41AM
To: Janiszewski Chantel
Cc: May Monnica; Brewington Tennell; Moore Sean; Carwell John; Kay-Lawrence Sheila;
Subject: RE: Family Foundations Academy complaint

; Sadowski

Good morning and thank you for emailing me back.

I look forward to speaking with Ms. May about my concerns and hopefully a speedy resolution to this matter.
Thank you for attaching her to this email so she may be informed of the situation.
Thank you,

From: Janiszewski Chantel [mailto:Cilantei.Janiszewski@DOE.K12.DE.US]

Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 8:36AM
Cc: May Monnica; Brewington Tennell; Moore Sean; Carwell John; Kay-Lawrence Sheila;
Subject: RE: Family Foundations Academy complaint
Good morning,

; Sadowski

The Charter School Office has received your online complaint. As we discussed by phone, and as stated on our Charter
School Office website, we strongly encourage anyone with a complaint against a charter school to make every attempt
to resolve the issue at the school level with the school leadership, and then, if no resolution is reached, with the Board

President. You have provided our office with emails and a letter that show your attempts at reaching a resolution with
school leadership, and at this point, we recommend that you contact Ms. Monnica May, School Board President for
Family Foundations. If your concern remains unresolved after speaking with Ms. May, or if attempts at communicating
with Ms. May are unproductive, please let me know as we track all progress of complaints filed against the charter
schools we authorize.
Please feel free to contact me with any further questions.
Thank you .

Chantel A. Janiszewski
Education Associate, Charter School Office
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street
Dover, DE 19901
302-735-4020 (T) 302-739-4483 (F)
This email and any attachments are confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying, or use of this
communication by or to anyone other than the designated and intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are
not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy this communication immediately.

.1, Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail


Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 4:53 PM

To: Janiszewski Chantel
Cc: May Monnica; Brewington Tennell; Moore Sean; Carwell John; Kay-Lawrence Sheila;

Subject: RE: Family Foundations Academy complaint

Thank you for emailing me with this information. I have completed the online complaint. Attached you will
find the email correspondence and the letter I sent to Dr. Brewington and Mr. Moore.
Any additional questions or information needed please feel free to contact me.
*I have also included my personal email and

(student's father)

Thank you,

From: Janiszewski Chantel [mailto:Chantei.Janiszewski@DOE.K12. DE. US]

Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 9:08 AM

Cc: May Monnica; Brewington Tennell; Moore Sean; Carwell John; Kay-Lawrence Sheila

Subject: Family Foundations Academy complaint


As discussed during our phone conversation this morning, here is the link to the Delaware Department of Education
Charter School Office's online complaint system:

http://www.doe.k12.de.us/infosuites/schools/charterschools/cs complaintprocess.shtml
During our conversation, you stated that you've attempted to resolve the issue with school leadership without success.
As outlined in our office's complaint process on the Delaware Department of Education website, we ask that the next
step be to attempt a resolution by contacting the Board President of the school, Ms. Monnica May. I have copied Ms.
May and school leadership on this email to make them aware that you will be filing a complaint against Family

Chantel A. Janiszewski
Education Associate, Charter School Office
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street
Dover, DE 19901
302-735-4020 (T) 302-739-4483 (F)

This email and any attachments are confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying, or use of this
communication by or to anyone other than the designated and intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are
not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy this communication immediately.

,J] Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

Carwell John

Janiszewski Chantel
Tuesday, February 12, 2013 2:49 PM
Sadowski John
Carwell John
FW : Family Foundations Academy complaint
- Incident Letter.pdf;


Hi, John,
This is another alleged bullying/assault incident that a parent feels was not handled properly at Family Foundations
regarding her complaint filed with the
Academy. (I copied you on one of my earlier em ails to
Charter School Office and this is a follow-up to that email.) I've told the parent that I would connect the two of you as
she has not heard from the Board President, Ms. Monnica May, despite my efforts.
sent the
attached correspondence between her and school leadership as supporting documentation.
I will give her your office's phone number and your email address if that's okay with you .

Chantel A. Janiszewski
Education Associate, Charter School Office
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street
Dover, DE 19901
302-735-4020 (T) 302-739-4483 (F)
This email and any attachments are confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying, or use of this
communication by or to anyone other than the designated and intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are
not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy this communication immediately.

..J] Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 4:53 PM
To: Janiszewski Chantel
Cc: May Monnica; Brewington Tennell; Moore Sean; Carwell John; Kay-Lawrence Sheila;
Subject: RE: Family Foundations Academy complaint

Thank you for emailing me with this information. I have completed the online complaint. Attached you will
find the email correspondence and the letter I sent to Dr. Brewington and Mr. Moore.
Any additional questions or information needed please feel free to contact me.
*I have also included my personal email and

(student's father)

Thank you,

From: Janiszewski Chanter [ mailto:Chantei.Janiszewski@DOE.K12.DE.US]

Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 9:08AM

Cc: May Monnica; Brewington Tennell; Moore Sean; Carwell John; Kay-Lawrence Sheila

Subject: Family Foundations Academy complaint


As discussed during our phone conversation this morning, here is the link to the Delaware Department of Education
Charter School Office's online complaint system:
http:/ /www.doe.k12.de.us/ infosuites/ schools/charterschools/cs complaintprocess.shtml
During our conversation, you stated that you've attempted to resolve the issue with school leadership without success.
As outlined in our office's complaint process on the Delaware Department of Education website, we ask that the next
step be to attempt a resolution by contacting the Board President of the school, Ms. Monnica May. I have copied Ms.
May and school leadership on this email to make them aware that you will be filing a complaint against Family

Chantel A. Janiszewski
Education Associate, Charter School Office
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street
Dover, DE 19901
302-735-4020 (T) 302-739-4483 (F)
This email and any attachments are confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying, or use of this
communication by or to anyone other than the designated and intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are
not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy this communication immediately.

consider the environment before printing this e-mail

January 9, 2013
Family Foundations Academy
Attn: Dr. Tennell Brewington and Sean Moore
New Castle DE 19720
On Monday, January 7, 2013 my daughter
came home and informed me
forcefully punching her in her chest. She proceeded to tell me that she
about a child
had tripped over a bag and stumbled on
As she apologized he punched her in the chest.
first reaction was to get her things and leave the class, at the same time the bell rang
for departure. Before she left she looked at the teacher Ms. Balkum and her only response was
to shake her head. The students went to Mr. Milligan's classroom and told him what happened.
ifthere would be any problems. They both said no and continued
He asked
with class. However
was still upset about this situation and was in slight pain. I asked
why didn't she say something to Ms. Balkum and she stated she thought she would get in
moving forward if
trouble since she was the one that stumbled on the bag. I informed
she ever feels threaten or in a negative situation while in school to call me immediately!
The next day
spoke with Mr. Wesley Smith about the incident. Later it was transferred
to Ms. Dolcy.
informed me when she returned home on Tuesday evening that Ms. Dolcy
she shouldn't smile all the time as it can be perceived
gave Newton a "warning" and told
as being sarcastic. I asked
where that comment was coming from since she never smiled
when the incident accrued.
I am extremely outranged by the way Ms. Balkum handled or lack thereof the situation and
Ms. Daley's insulting comment to my daughter.
has received detention for being late to school which was explained no fault of her own
when I use to drive her to school and turning in homework late but when a child assaults her she
is indirectly blamed by Dean Ms. Dolcy while the other child gets a simple warning. The school
again has sent me two letters about
serving yet another detention and even called and
emailed me twice. But has yet to contact me about a child assaulting my daughter.
has been a student with Family Foundations Academy since the school was founded.
She has never assaulted or caused harm to another child. I have always in trusted my child with
the staff until now.
I am requesting immediate disciplinary actions to be taken against
Ms. Dolcy along with a status update in writing.
Feel free to call
Parents of

mother at

Ms. Balkum, and

should you have any questions.

Emailed: 1/9/2012 @ 1:12pm 'tennell.brewington@ffa .kt2.de.us'; Sean.Moore@ffa.k12 .de.us

From: Brewington Tennell [mailto:Tenneii.Brewington@ffa.k12.de.us]

Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 4:34PM


Moore Sean
; Ooley Monique; Smith Wesley; Powell Anthony; Smith Shereese
Subject: RE: Daiona Mitchell-Morris Incident Letter
Good evening,
Thank you very much for that. We will continue to work with your issues that you have concerns about.
Our policies are reviewed annually by our Board of Directors and if we feel there needs to be changes
they are discussed and changes are made. We admitted that we agreed with your concern around
appropriate communication. That was addressed with the staff members you indicated. The
consequences for students, again has to remain confidential. We do take your concerns very seriously.
Thank you again,
Dr. Brewington


Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 4:16PM

To: Brewington Tennell;
Moore Sean
; Ooley Monique; Smith Wesley; Powell Anthony; Smith Shereese
Subject: RE:
Incident Letter

Good Afternoon:
Please see my comments in red below.

Thank you,

From: Brewington Tennell [mailto:Tenneii.Brewlnqton@ffa.kl2.de.usl

Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 3:53PM

Moore Sean
She reese
Subject: RE:
Good afternoon

; Ooley Monique; Smith Wesley; Powell Anthony; Smith

Incident Letter

We wanted to follow up regarding our meeting today. You responded to an email received from Ms.
Ooley regarding
missing assigned detentions . You came to the school to speak with an
Administrator. Thank you for your patience and professional demeanor. Those present were myself,
Mr. Smith, and Ms. Ooley (joined us later) .

Your immediate concern was for the assigned detentions. You informed us that Mr. Haye informed you
that he mistakenly entered an demerit for a missed homework assignment. We informed you that we
would follow up with Mr. Haye regarding what he informed you of. He did confirm your information
that he did mistakenly enter a demerit. As stated in our meeting, he does not have the authority to
remove a demerit once it is issued. He can inform us of his mistake and the Dean of Students can
remove it. Once Mr. Haye confirmed the information Ms. Ooley immediately removed the demerit.
now has 9 demerits. You agreed to the other demerits that were acquired. The demerit and
detention assignment has been removed. I did not agree to the demerits about the lateness as I
consider a lateness just that -late. So either you treat all cases the same or adjust the policy to equal
the same for the busses and parents. I did however agree to the missed assignments from Ms. Moody
as she and I previously discussed and yes my daughter was wrong.
Your other concerns were the administrative action to staff members concerning an action that you felt
was not appropriately handled. As stated in the meeting and by Mr. Moore, we cannot share discipline
information of staff or students with outside parties. Those things are protected under HIPPA and
FERPA guidelines . You do have every right to express verbally and in writing your concern about actions
of staff and students. We have always asked that you trust our policies and that if you are concerned
know that we are concerned and we will address the issue. I am very much aware of the guidelines
however, just like your administration contacts me for a missed assignment or lateness, never ONCE
did the school contact me about my child being assaulted. I had to reach out to the school directly.
You will suspend my child for a missed assignment and accuse her of being in the wrong because she
is happy child that loves to smile. While only give a warning to another child that assaulted her and
ignore the staff when they make insulting comments. Is this the "Family Foundation" your school
principles are based upon?
The other concern was the differences between buses being late and parents bring students late. As
stated, we address the bus company when they are late because we pay for a service. This does not
mean that it is ok for parents to be late. We understand that you make the choice to bring your student
to school when needed and we hope the choice is to additionally ensure that the student arrives on
We understand that you are not satisfied with the outcome of some of the issues you have raised. We
understand that you must do what is necessary for you and your family. Yes, you are correct,
parents are proceeding with taking further actions as the school has failed to insure our daughter's
safety and education is their primary concern.
Thank you for taking the time to meet today.
Dr. Brewington


Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 8:20 AM

To: Moore Sean
Cc: Brewington Tennell;
Subject: RE:

Incident Letter

Thank you for your response. We shall proceed taking further actions which are deemed
necessary at this point.
Thank you

On Jan 23,2013 7:15AM, "Moore Sean" <Sean.Moore@ffa.k12.de.us> wrote:

Good morning,
That is not something that we will do. Disciplinary actions regarding staff and students are confidential
and will not be communicated to other parties under any circumstances.
Sent from my Android phone using TouchDown (www.nitrodesk.com )
-----Original Message----From:
Received: Wednesday, 23 Jan 2013, 7:03am
To: Moore Sean [Sean.Moore@ffa.k12.de.us ]


Brewington Tennell

(Tenneii.Brewington@ffa.kl2.de.us ];
Subject: RE:

Incident Letter

Good Morning
Thank you for responding back to my email.
We appreciate you wanting to meet however, we are requesting in writing the resolution to this
matter. We're sure you can understand as this is a sensitive matter and all communication needs
to be documented.
We're looking forward to receiving on company letterhead (which can be attached to this email)
the disciplinary actions FFA plans to take against all parties involved.
Thank you,

On Jan 22,2013 4:02PM, "Moore Sean" <Sean.Moore@ffa.k12.de.us> wrote:

Good afternoon

I believe the best way to address your concerns is to have a meeting. Can you let me know your
availability to come to my office to meet?
Sent from my Android phone using TouchDown (www.nitrodesk.com )
-----Original Message----From:
Received: Tuesday, 22 Jan 2013, 3:48pm
To: Moore Sean [Sean.Moore@ffa.kl2.de.us ]; Brewington Tennell [Tenne ii. Brewington@ffa .k12.de .us]

Subject: RE:

Incident Letter

1- Iii
Good Afternoon Dr. Brewington and Mr. Moore,

We're em ailing you to check the status of this matter as we were expecting a response by
last Friday in regards to our daughter.

We are looking for a resolution no later than tomorrow.


From: Moore Sean [mailto: Sean.Moore@ffa .k12.de.us]

Sent: Monday, January 14, 2013 5:49PM

To: Brewington Tennell;
Subject: RE:

Good evening

Incident Letter

I wanted to send you an email to acknowledge that we have received your letter. We are looking into
what you have stated in your letter and will get back to you with a response by the end of this week.
Sent from my Android phone using TouchDown (www.nitrodesk.com )
-----Original Message----From:
Received: Wednesday, 09 Jan 2013, 1:12pm
To: Brewington Tennell [Te nneii.Brewington@ffa.k12.de.us]; Moore Sean [Sean.Moore@ffa.k12.de.us]


Incident Letter

1- II
Please refer to the attached document.

Should you have any questions please contact me immediately.

Thank you,

Carwell John

Johnson Donna R
Friday, February 15, 2013 8:05AM
Carwell John; Janiszewski Chantel
Mclaughlin Mary Kate
Fwd: Family Foundation Academy

Another complaint against Family Foundations. There have seen to be many similar complaints sent to us and
forwarded to the Charter Office this school year. I am growing in concern regarding the handling of parent
complaints and student rights by the leadership of this school. Please advise what steps have been taken with the
school to address the increase of these complaints and any new steps being undertaken by the charter office to
address these with the school.
Donna Johnson (Sent from my iPad)
Executive Director
State Board of Education
401 Federal Street, Suite 2
Dover, DE 19901-3639
Begin forwarded message:
Date: February 15,2013, 3:41:19 AM EST
To: <drjohnson@doe.k12.de.us>
Subject: Family Foundation Academy

My child
is a student at Family Foundation Academy and I am having a variety of
issues with the school. Most importantly I have requested a 504 Plan for my child in early
December and to date it has not been developed (a letter from my son's physician was provided
to school at that time). My son continues to have ongoing problems at school and the school
seems to think that suspension is the answer to all problems. My son has missed valuable class
time due to minor infractions. The school has implemented a discipline policy with uses a
demerit system where students receive cumulative demerits for all infractions including missed
assignments, behavior issues, late arrival to school, and early dismissals from school. I question
and disagree with numerous policies at Family Foundation especially their repeated desire to
continually suspend my son causing him to miss out on educational opportunities. My son has
issues with completing his assignments and remaining focused in class but his behavior has
much improved when compared to previous years but he continues to receive the same extreme
and harsh consequences. He works hard to improve his behavior and stay on track. I have voiced
my concerns and I feel that because of me my son is being targeted by school administration
(namely Ms. Daley). I advocate for my son and I address issues that I do not feel are fair and this
creates problems for my son. I feel that my son (and/or I) have been identified as a nuisance and
the best way to deal with us is to suspend my child and keep him out of school. There have been
incidents that involved Ms Daley "pointing her finger in his forehead", cursing at another teacher
in his presence, and making inappropriate comments to him, this is the ongoing theme. I wanted
to voice my concerns but I am not sure if you are the most appropriate person to address my
issues. In the event that you are not the appropriate person to address these issues, please let me
know the name and email address of the correct person to contact. In closing, I have had

numerous conversations with the school officials and we are unable to reach common ground,
therefore I would like to escalate my concerns to the next level. I would appreciate any insight or
guidance that you can offer. Thank you for your time.

February 27, 2013

Good Afternoon

I 'm a parent of one of your students

demerits for not wearing her Gym uniform.

. Apparently my daughter was given 5

Starting from the beginning on the week ofFebll - 15, Ms Jarry handed me a envelope when I
was dropping off my daughter, the envelope stated that my daughter had to serve detention on
Feb 16 for receiving 6 demerits in gym for being out ofuniform. Then Ms. Jarry gave me the
name and ext of the gym teacher to discuss the demerits, because I had no idea of this.
I called the gym teacher Ms. Dobbs and after putting me on hold to look through her work she
does come to gym, however sometimes she is coloring or not participating, in
response I asked the gym teacher why was she not participating and she was not sure. I explained
to her that I know what days my daughter has Gym and I'm very aware of what she is putting on
in the morning. Every Weds she puts on her gym short and a tee shirt with the FFA logo, then
she puts on her FFA school uniform, due to the weather. She said she was aware ofthat and she
could not recall why
was not participating.
I called Mr. Ross the day I received the letter due to the detention assigned to my daughter on
Feb 16 to discuss this several times and left several messages on his voicemail. Asked him to call
me in regards to this so it could be resolved and I did not get a response from him.
Yesterday on Feb 26 my daughter brings home a letter stating she is suspended Feb 27 and Feb
28, due to not reporting to detention Feb 16 and Feb 23. She was never assigned a detention on
Feb 23, and I don't agree with this suspension.
Today I called and spoke with Ms. Jarrry and asked her to explain to me how it works when a
student is written up all the way to the discipline. Ms. Jarry stated the after 4 demerits the parent
gets a via email/phone call, then after 5 demerits the students has to serve detention. When my
daughter received her 41h demerit for gym out of uniform reasons, I was never via emailed or
Then I left a message for Mr. Ross to call me, when speaking to Mr. Ross today first I asked him
why he did not return my calls and he insisted he spoke with me and told me it was ok for her to
serve detention the following Sat, then I reminded him that he never called me back, so he
couldn't have told me that. Mr. Ross stated that maybe he just remembers getting my message,
then I asked the same question I asked Ms. Jarry to explain to me how it works when a student is
written up all the way to the discipline. Now he said the teacher emails him then he emails the
parent along with sending a letter home with my 9 year old daughter for signature, after 4

demerits. He also included how some parents ignore the letter and just do not respond, so that's
why he did not reach out until she received 2 more demerits with a notice of detention. Then we
established he had an old email address for me and he forwards the email to my new address
today. We went over the dates that she received her demerits and the emails he sent to the wrong
address and they did not match up with the policy. Also we both agree that the disciplined
process was not done correctly from the time she received her first demerit, then Mr.Ross begin
to talk over top of me stating the school has rules and policy regulation, which I do understand.
However as a parent I was left in the dark and I did not receive any of the notices or a phone call
and nothing was resolved. When I went over the emails Mr. Ross sent to me today he has a
detention letter in there dated for 2/14/13 for my daughter to serve on 2/16/13 and a required spot
for my signature. Now let me add from the time school has started Mr. Ross has went as far as
calling me on my job, due to another situation involving my daughter 1 time. I don't understand
how he couldn't call me and explain this to me, which is one ofthe things I was trying to explain
doing our conversation that he controlling took over. My daughter just received one of the
highest scores on her testing last week and my daughter is emotionally upset about not being able
to attend school for two days and repeatedly asking to move to another school due to being
suspended for not being in her gym uniform 5 times since 8/2012 allegedly. Today and tomorrow
she will be home not receiving her education from FAMILY FOUNDATION ACADEMY due
to this situation that could have been resolved before it went this far as well as an RUDGE
inconvenience for me (the single parent) to find someone to care for my child. I DO NOT
AGREE with her suspension and I 'am asking for a resolution.

Thank you,

Carwell John

Friday, March 01, 2013 8:39AM

Carwell John
Family Foundations

Good Morning Mr. Carwell:

My name is
. I am the parent of a fourth grade student who attends Family Foundations Academy
Charter School. I would like very much to talk to you regarding an incident which occurred at the school and involves my
daughter and a staff member. Would you please contact me with a time which is good for me to call you. I phoned your
office on yesterday and was informed of the documentation required for a complaint. I will complete this documentation
once I receive it via email. However, I would still like to discuss this matter with you, if possible.
Thank You for your anticipated cooperation.

Carwell John

Janiszewski Chantel
Wednesday, March 06, 2013 10:47 AM
Brewington Tennell; Moore Sean; May Monnica
Carwell John; Bigelow Patricia; Sadowski John; Kay-Lawrence Sheila; Johnson Donna R
New complaint against Family Foundations
FFA complaint
March 2013.xlsx

Dear Dr. Brewington, Mr. Moore and Ms. May,

The Charter School Office has received a complaint from
, who states that her daughter has been
suspended for 30 days and was not given an option to complete missed work or to attend an alternative school to
complete the ih grade.
stated in her complaint that she has spoken with school administration, but she has
not attempted to speak with Ms. May, which would be her next course of action.
Of utmost urgency, it is important to note that there is case Jaw in which the US Supreme Court ruled that a student can
receive up to a 10 day suspension (short-term) without a formalized hearing process. Anything beyond 10 days,
whether it's called a long-term suspension, expulsion, etc., requires a formalized hearing. From the information
provided to us (please see the attached form), it appears that a 30-day suspension was decided upon without a
formalized hearing. If a formal hearing was not held by the Board or by a designated hearing officer (someone who was
not a part of the original discipline investigation), then this student's due process rights have been violated and
has the option of appealing this to the State Board of Education.
I have copied Mr. John Sadowski, DDOE Education Associate for School Climate and Discipline, on this email as he can
answer any questions you may have about the suspension process, especially in the context of students' due process
Please Jet us know your plan of action .
Thank you,

Chantel A. Janiszewski
Education Associate, Charter School Office
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street
Dover, DE 19901
302-735-4020 (T) 302-739-4483 (F)
This email and any attachments are confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying, or use of this
communication by or to anyone other than the designated and intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are
not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy this communication immediately.

.1; Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

Carwell John

Janiszewski Chantel
Thursday, March 14, 2013 3:48 PM
Brewington Tennell; Moore Sean
May Monnica; Carwell John; Bigelow Patricia; Mclaughlin Mary Kate; Johnson Donna R
FW: Family Foundation Academy

Dear Dr. Brewington and Mr. Moore,

It has been brought to our attention by
that Family Foundations is allegedly charging parents fees for
being late upon picking up their children from Saturday detention . Is this an accurate allegation? If so, what is the basis
forth is practice?
Thank you!

Chantel A. Janiszewski
Education Associate, Charter School Office
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street
Dover, DE 19901
302-735-4020 (T) 302-739-4483 (F)

This email and any attachments are confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying, or use of this
communication by or to anyone other than the designated and intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are
not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy this communication immediately.
.,/] Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

Sent: Monday, March 11, 2013 10:02 AM

To: Carwell John; Janiszewski Chantel
Subject: Fwd: Family Foundation Academy

Please review the email below I would like some clarity on this issue if possible. Thanks again
Begin forwarded message:

Subject: Re: Family Foundation Academy
Date: February 15, 2013 3:59:28 AM EST
To: drjohnson@doe.k12.de.us
Sorry I have concerns about one additional item that I did not include in the email below. Family Foundation
assigns Saturday detentions for the students from 8 until noon. Recently parents were advised that if parents
were not at the school exactly at noon to pick up their child then a fee would be charged (approx. $1.00 or $5.00
per minute sorry can remember exactly) but if the money was not paid the students report card and transcripts
would be held. I have never encountered this practice in the public school system and question the validity of it.
I have see this practice in the daycare setting but this is completely foreign to me at a charter middle school. If

possible can you provide me with information or clarification on this practice from the State Board of
Education's perspective and please direct me to the policy regarding such matters. Thank you again
On Feb 15, 2013, at 3:41 AM,


My child
is a student at Family Foundation Academy and I am having a variety of issues with the
school. Most importantly I have requested a 504 Plan for my child in early December and to date it has not been
developed (a letter from my son's physician was provided to school at that time). My son continues to have
ongoing problems at school and the school seems to think that suspension is the answer to all problems. My son
has missed valuable class time due to minor infractions. The school has implemented a discipline policy with
uses a demerit system where students receive cumulative demerits for all infractions including missed
assignments, behavior issues, late arrival to school, and early dismissals from school. I question and disagree
with numerous policies at Family Foundation especially their repeated desire to continually suspend my son
causing him to miss out on educational opportunities. My son has issues with completing his assignments and
remaining focused in class but his behavior has much improved when compared to previous years but he
continues to receive the same extreme and harsh consequences. He works hard to improve his behavior and stay
on track. I have voiced my concerns and I feel that because of me my son is being targeted by school
administration (namely Ms. Dolcy). I advocate for my son and I address issues that I do not feel are fair and this
creates problems for my son. I feel that my son (and/or I) have been identified as a nuisance and the best way to
deal with us is to suspend my child and keep him out of school. There have been incidents that involved Ms
Dolcy "pointing her finger in his forehead" , cursing at another teacher in his presence, and making inappropriate
comments to him, this is the ongoing theme. I wanted to voice my concerns but I am not sure if you are the
most appropriate person to address my issues. In the event that you are not the appropriate person to address
these issues, please let me know the name and email address of the correct person to contact. In closing, I have
had numerous conversations with the school officials and we are unable to reach common ground, therefore I
would like to escalate my concerns to the next level. I would appreciate any insight or guidance that you can
offer. Thank you for your time.

Carwell John


Good morning,

Janiszewski Chantel
Wednesday, February 13, 2013 8:46 AM
Carwell John; Janiszewski Chantel; Sadowski John
RE: Family Foundations Academy complaint

Yesterday afternoon, I forwarded Mr. Sadowski the attachments you provided us with and made him aware that you
may be contacting him. The phone number for the School Climate and Discipline Program is 302-735-4060, and he is
copied on this email so that you have his email address as well. At this point, given the alleged assault incident, it is best
for Mr. Sadowski's office to be a part of the conversation.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Thank you,

Chantel A. Janiszewski
Education Associate, Charter School Office
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street
Dover, DE 19901
302-735-4020 (T) 302-739-4483 (F)
This email and any attachments are confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying, or use of this
communication by or to anyone other than the designated and intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are
not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy this communication immediately.

,.A Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

From: Janiszewski Chantel

Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 12:03 PM

To: '
Cc: Carwell John
Subject: RE: Family Foundations Academy complaint
I am very sorry to hear that you have not received any communication from Ms. May. Our office will be sending her
another email regarding this complaint. In the meantime, if you feel that your child was bullied and that the school did
not properly address the situation, your next step would be to speak with John Sadowski, Education Associate for School
Climate and Discipline, here at the Department of Education. I did courtesy copy him on my initial email to you on
January 25 1h to make him aware of your situation. I will connect the two of you with a separate email and with your
permission, include the letters you provided to our office as email attachments.

Chantel A. Janiszewski
Education Associate, Charter School Office
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street
Dover, DE 19901
302-735-4020 (T) 302-739-4483 (F)
This email and any attachments are confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying, or use of this
communication by or to anyone other than the designated and intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are
not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy this communication immediately.

Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 8:57AM
To: Janiszewski Chantel
Cc: Carwell John
Subject: RE: Family Foundations Academy complaint

Good Morning,
Thank you for contacting me. Unfortunately I have not been able to reach Ms. May and she has not
responded to any email correspondence as well.
What would be me next step to resolution?
Thank you,

From: Janiszewski Chantel [mailto:Chantei.Janiszewski@DOE.K12.DE.US]

Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 8:37 AM
Cc: Carwell John
Subject: RE: Family Foundations Academy complaint
Good morning,

I am writing to follow up on the status of your complaint. Were you able to communicate with Ms. May? Have you
reached a resolution?
Thank you!

Chantel A. Janiszewski
Education Associate, Charter School Office
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street
Dover, DE 19901
302-735-4020 (T) 302-739-4483 (F)
This email and any attachments are confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying, or use of this
communication by or to anyone other than the designated and intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are
not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy this communication immediately.

Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail


Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 8:41AM

To: Janiszewski Chantel
Cc: May Monnica; Brewington Tennell; Moore Sean; Carwell John; Kay-Lawrence Sheila;
Subject: RE: Family Foundations Academy complaint

; Sadowski

Good morning and thank you for emailing me back.

I look forward to speaking with Ms. May about my concerns and hopefully a speedy resolution to this matter.
Thank you for attaching her to this email so she may be informed of the situation.
Thank you,

From: Janiszewski Chantel [mailto:Chantei.Janiszewski@DOE.K12.DE.US]

Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 8:36AM

Cc: May Monnica; Brewington Tennell; Moore Sean; Carwell John; Kay-Lawrence Sheila;
Subject: RE: Family Foundations Academy complaint
Good morning,

; Sadowski

The Charter School Office has received your online complaint. As we discussed by phone, and as stated on our Charter
School Office website, we strongly encourage anyone with a complaint against a charter school to make every attempt
to resolve the issue at the school level with the school leadership, and then, if no resolution is reached, with the Board
President. You have provided our office with em ails and a letter that show your attempts at reaching a resolution with
school leadership, and at this point, we recommend that you contact Ms. Monnica May, School Board President for
Family Foundations. If your concern remains unresolved after speaking with Ms. May, or if attempts at communicating
with Ms. May are unproductive, please let me know as we track all progress of complaints filed against the charter
schools we authorize.
Please feel free to contact me w ith any further questions.
Thank you .

Chantel A. Janiszewski
Education Associate, Charter School Office
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street
Dover, DE 19901
302-735-4020 (T) 302-739-4483 (F)

This email and any attachments are confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying, or use of this
communication by or to anyone other than the designated and intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are
not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy this communication immediately.

consider the environment before printing this e-mail


Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 4:53 PM
To: Janiszewski Chanter
Cc: May Monnica; Brewington Tennell; Moore Sean; Carwell John; Kay-Lawrence Sheila;
Subject: RE: Family Foundations Academy complaint

Thank you for emailing me with this information. I have completed the online complaint. Attached you will
find the email correspondence and the letter I sent to Dr. Brewington and Mr. Moore.
Any additional questions or information needed please feel free to contact me.
*I have also included my personal email and

(student's father)

Thank you,

From: Janiszewski Chantel [mailto:Chantei.Janiszewski@DOE.K12.DE.US]

Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 9:08AM
Cc: May Monnica; Brewington Tennell; Moore Sean; Carwell John; Kay-Lawrence Sheila
Subject: Family Foundations Academy complaint

As discussed during our phone conversation this morning, here is the link to the Delaware Department of Education
Charter School Office's online complaint system:
http:/ /www .doe .k12 .de. us/infosuites/schools/charterschools/cs com plain tprocess.shtm I
During our conversation, you stated that you've attempted to resolve the issue with school leadership without success.
As outlined in our office's complaint process on the Delaware Department of Education website, we ask that the next
step be to attempt a resolution by contacting the Board President of the school, Ms. Monnica May. I have copied Ms.
May and school leadership on this email to make them aware that you will be filing a complaint against Family

Chantel A. Janiszewski
Education Associate, Charter School Office
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street
Dover, DE 19901
302-735-4020 (T) 302-739-4483 (F)

This email and any attachments are confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying, or use of this
communication by or to anyone other than the designated and intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are
not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy this communication immediately.

J.J Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail


Carwell John
Janiszewski Chantel
Tuesday, February 26, 2013 11 :54 AM
Brewington Tennell
Moore Sean; 'Massett Kendall'; Johnson Donna R; Carwell John; May Monnica
RE: Family Foundations Academy


Dr. Brewington,
As these individuals have not yet submitted a complaint form , we do not have names- only email addresses.

Chantal A. Janiszewski
Education Associate, Charter School Office
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street
Dover, DE 19901
302-735-4020 (T) 302-739-4483 (F)

This email and any attachments are confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying, or use of this
communication by or to anyone other than the designated and intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are
not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy this communication immediately.

consider the environment before printing this e-mail

From: Brewington Tennell [mailto:Tenneii.Brewington@ffa.k12.de.us]

Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 11:51 AM

To: Janiszewski Chantel
Cc: Moore Sean; 'Massett Kendall'; Johnson Donna R; Carwell John; May Monnica
Subject: RE: Family Foundations Academy
Hello Ms. Chantel,
Thank you. I will contact the Executive Director, directly.
Do you have the names of the other three recently submitted?
Thank you
Dr. Tennell Brewington, Co-Director
Elementary School
1101 Delaware Street
New Castle, DE 19720
302-324-8901 ext 224
302-324-8908 (fax)
Middle School
1 Fallon Avenue
Wilmington, DE 19805

"Empowering Children and Families to Achieve Success"

From: Janiszewski Chantel [mailto:Chantei.Janiszewski@DOE.K12.DE.US]

Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 11:49 AM

To: Brewington Tennell
Cc: Moore Sean; 'Massett Kendall'; Johnson Donna R; Carwell John; May Monnica
Subject: RE: Family Foundations Academy
Dr. Brewington,
The Executive Director of the State Board of Education is in receipt of other complaints.
Our office received 3 additional phone calls last week regarding filing complaints against Family Foundations Academy,
but at this point in time we have not received any formal complaints from these individuals.

Chantel A. Janiszewski
Education Associate, Charter School Office
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street
Dover, DE 19901
302-735-4020 (T) 302-739-4483 (F)

This email and any attachments are confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying, or use of this
communication by or to anyone other than the designated and intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are
not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy this communication immediately.

.,J; Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

From: Brewington Tennell

Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 11:21 AM

To: Janiszewski Chantel
Cc: Moore Sean; 'Massett Kendall'; Johnson Donna R; Carwell John; May Monnica
Subject: RE: Family Foundations Academy
Good Morning Ms. Chantel,
Thank you. Can we get the other complaints you are referring to?
Those that we not sent via the complaint form on your website.
Thank you,

Dr. Tennell Brewington, Co-Director

Elementary School
1101 Delaware Street
New Castle, DE 19720
302-324-8901 ext 224
302-324-8908 (fax)
Middle School
1 Fallon Avenue
Wilmington, DE 19805

"Empowering Children and Families to Achieve Success"

From: Janiszewski Chantel [ mailto:Chantei.Janiszewski@DOE.K12.DE.US]

Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 11:02 AM

To: Brewington Tennell
Cc: Moore Sean; 'Massett Kendall'; Johnson Donna R; Carwell John; May Monnica
Subject: RE: Family Foundations Academy
Dear Dr. Brewington,
Per your request, the record of complaints received by the Charter School Office is attached . This does not include
additional complaints received by the State Board of Education. All of the complaints listed in this file were already
forwarded to you via email correspondence over the past couple of months.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Thank you .

Chantel A. Janiszewski
Education Associate, Charter School Office
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street
Dover, DE 19901
302-735-4020 (T) 302-739-4483 (F)

This email and any attachments are confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying, or use of this
communication by or to anyone other than the designated and intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are
not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy this communication immediately.

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From: Carwell John

Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 9:15AM

To: May Monnica
Cc: Brewington Tennell; Moore Sean; Janiszewski Chantel; 'Massett Kendall'; Johnson Donna R

Subject: Family Foundations Academy

Dear Ms. May,
Congratulations on your appointment to the Family Foundations Academy Board. I look forward to meeting you. I
regret that my first communication is not more positive but there has been a recent spike in the number of complaints
received by the Charter School Office regarding Family Foundations Academy. A number of these complaints were sent
to the State Board of Education which has inquired about the volume of complaints. The Charter Office is required by
State regulation to track complaints which are included as part of the record the Secretary and State Board use in
deciding whether to approve or disapprove any application for an original charter, a major modification of a charter, the
renewal of a charter, or the formal review of a charter pursuant to 14 DE Admin 275.3.9 (see excerpt below).
3.9 In deciding whether to approve or disapprove any application for an original charter, a major modification of
a charter, the renewal of a charter, or the formal review of a charter, the Secretary and State Board shall base
the decision on the record. The record shall consist of the application and any documents filed therewith in
support of the application, the Performance Framework (not applicable for new applications), the preliminary
and final report of the Accountability Committee, any response or other evidence, oral or otherwise, provided
by the Applicant to the Accountability Committee prior to the issuance of its final report, any comments
received at any public hearing conducted pursuant to the provisions of the Charter School Law, including
comments made at any such hearing by the applicant in response to the Accountability Committee's final report
and any written or electronic comments received at or before any such public hearing. In the case of the
renewal, major modification, or formal review of a charter, the record shall also include performance
documentation generated during the term of the charter or related to the subject of the formal review,
including but not limited to, compliance with the school's Performance Agreement, audits and performance
reviews, student testing data, and parent complaint documentation. No other evidence shall be considered .
Written and electronic comments must be received by the Education Associate for Charter Schools no later than
the beginning of the public hearing to be included in the record.
Please let me know the grievance policy that FFA's Board follows to track and respond to complaints. Our process is
that complaints be submitted to the Charter School Office after complainants have exhausted all avenues at the
administrative and board levels. If you would like a list ofthe complaints received by the Charter School Office or have
any questions, please contact my colleague, Chantel Janiszewski at 302-735-4020 or cjansizewski@doe.k12.de.us. Also,
copied on this message is Donna Johnson, Executive Director, State Board of Education.
John H. Carwell, Jr.
Director, Charter School Office
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street, Suite #2
Dover, DE 19901-3639
302 .735.4020 (T) 302.739.4483 (F)
This email and any attachments may be confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying or use of this communication by or to anyone
other than the designated and intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy this communication

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Carwell John

Janiszewski Chantel
Tuesday, February 26, 201312:02 PM
Brewington Tennell
Moore Sean; 'Massett Kendall'; Johnson Donna R; Carwell John; May Monnica
RE: Family Foundations Academy

Here you go:

Chantel A. Janiszewski
Education Associate, Charter School Office
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street
Dover, DE 19901
302-735-4020 (T) 302-739-4483 (F)
This email and any attachments are confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying, or use of this
communication by or to anyone other than the designated and intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are
not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy this communication immediately.

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From: Brewington Tennell [mailto:Tenneii.Brewington@ffa.k12.de.us]

Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 11:56 AM
To: Janiszewski Chantel
Cc: Moore Sean; 'Massett Kendall'; Johnson Donna R; Carwell John; May Monnica
Subject: RE: Family Foundations Academy
That is helpful. If you could pass those onto us.
Thank you,

Dr. Tennell Brewington, Co-Director

Elementary School
1101 Delaware Street
New Castle, DE 19720
302-324-8901 ext 224
302-324-8908 (fax)
Middle School
1 Fallon Avenue
Wilmington, DE 19805

"Empowering Children ond Families to Achieve Success"

From: Janiszewski Chantel [ mailto: Chantei.Janiszewski@DOE. K12.DE. US]

Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 11:54 AM
To: Brewington Tennell
Cc: Moore Sean; 'Massett Kendall'; Johnson Donna R; Carwell John; May Monnica
Subject: RE: Family Foundations Academy
Dr. Brewington,
As these individuals have not yet submitted a complaint form, we do not have names- only email addresses.

Chantel A. Janiszewski
Education Associate, Charter School Office
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street
Dover, DE 19901
302-735-4020 (T) 302-739-4483 (F)

This email and any attachments are confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying, or use of this
communication by or to anyone other than the designated and intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are
not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy this communication immediately.

consider the environment before printing this e-mail

From: Brewington Tennell fmailto:Tenneii.Brewinqton@ ffa.k12.de.usl

Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 11:51 AM
To: Janiszewski Chantel
Cc: Moore Sean; 'Massett Kendall'; Johnson Donna R; Carwell John; May Monnica
Subject: RE: Family Foundations Academy
Hello Ms. Chantel,
Thank you. I will contact the Executive Director, directly.
Do you have the names of the other three recently submitted?
Thank you
Dr. Tennell Brewington, Co-Director
Elementary School
1101 Delaware Street
New Castle, DE 19720

Carwell John

Johnson Donna R
Thursday, February 28, 2013 4:02 PM
Brewington Tennell; Janiszewski Chantal
Moore Sean; 'Massett Kendall'; Carwell John; May Monnica
RE: Family Foundations Academy

Below is a list of the complaints that we have received this year in our office- each of which has been sent to the
Charter Office in addition to sending a response to the parent with the information about how to proceed with their
complaint as I had previously sent to you in an email Tuesday. Generally we do not receive a large number of complaints
directly into our office, but the parents that do contact our office directly, that are not involved in a formal legal appeal,
do so because they do not feel their voice has been heard or have had difficulty communicating or getting a response
from the charter school leader or board president.


- June -August 2012 (multiple em ails)- complaint regarding the retention of her daughter, non
acceptance of summer school credit, lack of timely response from school to her initial em ails in May 2012.
- January 2013- complaint regarding noncompliance with 504 accommodations, lack of
communication and response from school leaders, reports of bullying and student not receiving their lunch
Anonymous phone call- January 2013- complaint that the school was operating without heat in the building
- February 2013- failure to adequately implement 504 plan, inappropriate discipline practices and
inappropriate staff conduct toward their child

Donna Johnson
Executive Director
State Board of Education
401 Federal Street, Suite #2
Dover, DE 19901-3639
302.735.4010 (T) 302.739.7768 (F)
This email and any attachments may be confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying or use of this communication by or to anyone
other than the designated and intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, pleas e delete or destroy this
communication immediately.


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From: Brewington Tennell

Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 12:05 PM

To: Janiszewski Chantel
Cc: Moore Sean; 'Massett Kendall'; Johnson Donna R; Carwell John; May Monnica
Subject: RE: Family Foundations Academy
Thank you so much.
We have been contacted by them.
We hope we have resolved their concerns.
We will wait to hear further and work to resolve their issue.

From: Janiszewski Chantel [mailto:Chantei.Janiszewski@DOE.K12.DE.US]

Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 11:02 AM
To: Brewington Tennell
Cc: Moore Sean; 'Massett Kendall'; Johnson Donna R; Carwell John; May Monnica
Subject: RE: Family Foundations Academy
Dear Dr. Brewington,
Per your request, the record of complaints received by the Charter School Office is attached. This does not include
additional complaints received by the State Board of Education. All of the complaints listed in this file were already
forwarded to you via email correspondence over the past couple of months.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Thank you .

Chantel A. Janiszewski
Education Associate, Charter School Office
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street
Dover, DE 19901
302-735-4020 (T) 302-739-4483 (F)
This email and any attachments are confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying, or use of this
communication by or to anyone other than the designated and intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are
not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy this communication immediately.

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From: Carwell John

Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 9:15AM
To: May Monnica
Cc: Brewington Tennell; Moore Sean; Janiszewski Chantel; 'Massett Kendall'; Johnson Donna R
Subject: Family Foundations Academy
Dear Ms. May,
Congratulations on your appointment to the Family Foundations Academy Board. I look forward to meeting you. I
regret that my first communication is not more positive but there has been a recent spike in the number of complaints
received by the Charter School Office regarding Family Foundations Academy. A number of these complaints were sent
to the State Board of Education which has inquired about the volume of complaints. The Charter Office is required by
State regulation to track complaints which are included as part of the record the Secretary and State Board use in
deciding whether to approve or disapprove any application for an original charter, a major modification of a charter, the
renewal of a charter, or the formal review of a charter pursuant to 14 DE Admin 275.3.9 (see excerpt below).
3.9 In deciding whether to approve or disapprove any application for an original charter, a major modification of
a charter, the renewal of a charter, or the formal review of a charter, the Secretary and State Board shall base
the decision on the record. The record shall consist of the application and any documents filed therewith in
support of the application, the Performance Framework (not applicable for new applications), the preliminary
and final report of the Accountability Committee, any response or other evidence, oral or otherwise, provided
by the Applicant to the Accountability Committee prior to the issuance of its final report, any comments
received at any public hearing conducted pursuant to the provisions ofthe Charter School Law, including

comments made at any such hearing by the applicant in response to the Accountability Committee's final report
and any written or electronic comments received at or before any such public hearing. In the case of the
renewal, major modification, or formal review of a charter, the record shall also include performance
documentation generated during the term of the charter or related to the subject of the formal review,
including but not limited to, compliance with the school's Performance Agreement, audits and performance
reviews, student testing data, and parent complaint documentation. No other evidence shall be considered.
Written and electronic comments must be received by the Education Associate for Charter Schools no later than
the beginning of the public hearing to be included in the record.
Please let me know the grievance policy that FFA's Board follows to track and respond to complaints. Our process is
that complaints be submitted to the Charter School Office after complainants have exhausted all avenues at the
administrative and board levels. If you would like a list of the complaints received by the Charter School Office or have
any questions, please contact my colleague, Chantel Janiszewski at 302-735-4020 or cjansizewski@doe.k12.de.us. Also,
copied on this message is Donna Johnson, Executive Director, State Board of Education .
John H. Carwell, Jr.
Director, Charter School Office
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street, Suite #2
Dover, DE 19901-3639
302.735.4020 (T) 302.739.4483 (F)
This email and any attachments may be confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying or use of this communication by or to anyone
other than the designated and intended reclpient(s) is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy this communication


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Carwell John

Friday, March 01, 2013 8:39AM

Carwell John
Family Foundations

Good Morning Mr. Carwell:

My name is
. I am the parent of a fourth grade student who attends Family Foundations Academy
Charter School. I would like very much to talk to you regarding an incident which occurred at the school and involves my
daughter and a staff member. Would you please contact me with a time which is good for me to call you. I phoned your
office on yesterday and was informed of the documentation required for a complaint. I will complete this documentation
once I receive it via email. However, I would still like to discuss this matter with you, if possible.
Thank You for your anticipated cooperation.


Carwell John


Carwell John
Thursday, May 09, 2013 10:22 AM
Brewington Tennell
May Monnica; Moore Sean;
Bullying concern

; Sadowski John; Janiszewski Chantel

Dear Dr. Brewington,

I received a phone call from a FFA parent,
, regarding her son,
. She reported that
her son is being bullied.
said she has been working with you and others at the school to try to resolve the
matter but the bullying has continued. She also indicated that a student videotaped one of the bullying incidents and
she pressed charges. Please let me know what steps have been taken to resolve the matter and ensure the student's
Thank you,
John H. Carwell, Jr.
Charter School Office
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street, Suite #2
Dover, DE 19901-3639
302.735.4020 (T) 302.739.4483 (F)
Alert: My old email address will change from Jcarwell@doe.k12.de.us to john.carwell@doe.k12.de.us. Although my old email address is still
working, it is recommended that you update your address book and contacts with the new address. Thank you!
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Carwell John

Carwell John
Thursday, May 09, 2013 2:10PM
May Monnica
Janiszewski Chantel; Brewington Tennell; Moore Sean
Family Foundations parent complaint

Dear Ms. May,

I received a phone call from a FFA parent,
(copied here), who reported a complaint regarding Dr.
Brewington. I informed her that you are the Board President for the school and advised her to contact you to resolve
the matter.
can provide additional information . Please contact Ms.
at your earliest convenience.
Thank you,
John H. Carwell, Jr.
Charter School Office
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street, Suite #2
Dover, DE 19901-3639

302.735.4020 (T) 302.739.4483 (F)

Alert: My old email address will change from jcarwell@doe.k12.de.us to john.carwell@doe.k12.de.us. Although my old email address Is still
working, It Is recommended that you update your address book and contacts with the new address. Thank you!
This email and any attachments may be confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying or use of this communication by or to anyone
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Carwell John
From :

Carwell John
Tuesday, May 14, 2013 6:20PM
Brewington Tennell; Moore Sean
May Monnica;
Janiszewski Chantel; Wolfe Linda

'; Mclaughlin Mary Kate; Sadowski John;

Dear Dr. Brewington,

. Her mother,
, is copied on this
Today I met with the parents of second grade FFA student,
message and she plans to file a formal complaint with our office. She also indicated that she attempted to reach FFA
Board president, Ms. Monnica May (copied here).
indicated that her daughter was injured on the
playground on May 2nd and she visited the school on May 3rd to inquire as to why the school did not provide notification
of her daughter's injury which may have resulted from an altercation with other students (has this been
, she met with FFA's Dean of Students, Mr. Ross, and the discussion
substantiated?). According to Mrs.
became heated after Mr. Ross refused to allow her daughter to remain in the school building.
indicated that the school filed a complaint with the police department which bars her from entering the school. My
understanding is that the student has been out of school for three days because
is no longer permitted
to enter the school building. The student cannot miss any additional school days. Please indicate what steps have been
taken to resolve this matter. I will forward the formal complaint upon receipt.
Thank you,
John H. Carwell, Jr.
Charter School Office
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street, Suite #2
Dover, DE 19901-3639
302.735.4020 (T) 302.739.4483 (F)
**Please note my email has changed to john.carwell@doe.k12.de.us. Please update your address book. My old email will continue to
work for a limited time period after 3/25/13.**
This email and any attachments may be confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying or use of this communication by or to anyone
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Carwell John

Kay-Lawrence Sheila
Thursday, May 16, 2013 10:17 AM
May Monnica
Carwell John
Bullying Concerns at Family Foundations

Good Morning Ms. May,

I was asked by John Carwell to schedule a meeting with you, along with John Sadowski and Chantel Janiszewski, due to
concerns of bullying at the Family Foundations Academy. The meeting will be held here at Delaware Department of
Education in Dover. The location will be determined based on the date that you are available.
By checking their calendars these are the dates of availability;

June 4 any time between 9:00AM to 12:00 PM

June 5 any time between 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM

If these dates and times don't agree with your schedule, please let me know a date and time of your availability. Thanks,
Sheila Kay-Lawrence
Administrative Secretary
Charter School Office
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street
Dover, DE 19901
302-735-4020 (T) 302-739-4483 (F)

This email and any attachments are confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying or use of this communication by
or to anyone other than the designated and intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, please
delete or destroy this communication immediately.
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Carwell John

Beam Aimee
Wednesday, June 26, 2013 9:56AM
Moore Sean
Brewington Tennell; Beam Aimee; Wolfe Linda; Carwell John
Outstanding OIG Audit Documents: Family Foundations Academy
Program Fund Documents Still Needed From Family Foundations Academy.docx



Mr. Moore,
from the Office of Inspector General {OIG) Office contacted me this morning. It appears that there are
still outstanding documents, specifically related to the nonprofit school foodservice account, that must be sent to
her. Please review the attached list and send the requested documents immediately to:
). If you have any questions regarding what needs to be submitted you may contact
If we can be of any assistance please do not hesitate to contact me at 302-735-4060. It is imperative that you send
these documents to the OIG office so that they can complete their review ofthe School Nutrition Program.
Aimee Beam, RD, LDN
Education Associate, School Nutrition Programs
DE Department of Education
401 Federal Street, Suite 2
Dover, DE 19901
302-735-4060 (office)
302-739-6397 (fax)

Carwell John

Friday, September 06, 2013 2:36PM

Bwbrooks@comcast. net
Carwell John
Family Foundation Academy

Hello Mr.
my name is
a parent of one of the students at Family Foundation Academy, and
for the past couple of years I have had some major issues with the school with kids bullying my daughter as
well as sexual harassing my daughter. When bought to the administratives attention nothing has been done .
The end of3rd grade she was felt up by the same young man that told her to suck his private area in 4th grade, I
have tried to have multiple meetings with the administration (Dr. Brewington) and she has yet to fmd the time
to meet with me. I have met with Mr Sean Moore the male students family member he has done nothing as well
I have even gone to the police station about the harassment unfortunately because the boy is a minor nothing
could be done. So this is my fmal contact in hopes of having the administration over looking this very serious
matter. The second day of school this year my daughter was being poked in the face by a student in a higher
grade then her when she told him to stop he did not and she states the bus driver did nothing. When she arrived
at school she went to the office to tell the staff, they told the young man to stop because he was starting the
same thing as last year and again did nothing to right the problem now I drive my daughter everyday because
she doesn't want to ride the bus. The same thing happen last year when a female student starting punching on
my daughter and spit in her face. The school did nothing the child was not even suspended I had to drive and
pick up my daughter as well. I would like if we could have a meeting or some sort to fmd a resolution. My
daughter cried because she did not want to go to the middle school. She not a behavioral student she's on honor
roll every year and it currently in all honor classes. All I am asking that something be done; this can no longer
continue and I believe that the school should be shut down because they are not standing behind the rules and
regulations when it comes to students being bullied and sexually harassed ..
Please feel free to contact me ASAP
Thank you in advance

Carwell John


Tuesday, September 10, 2013 7:18PM

Brewington Tennell; adaly1981 @hotmail.com
Giles Kasmira; Ross Damien; Carwell John; Kay-Lawrence Sheila; Johnson Donna R;
gregsmithjr@yahoo.com; Moore Sean; ewilson_mta@yahoo.com; Alston David; rayne_1
@comcast.net; momay129@gmail.com; Bwbrooks200@verizon.net
2013 (4).docx

To Whom this may concern;

I am writing to you to stress my concern in reference to such an excessive suspension

On September 10, 2013 my child

received a 3 day suspension .

Suspensions are administered for serious and 11 eated violations of the Student Code of Conduct. While serving an
out-of-school suspension, a student may not be on school property for any reason during the school day. The
student may not attend nor participate in any school-sponsored activities (field trips, plays, concerts, athletic
events, rehearsals, practices, etc.) While suspended, any work missed should be made up according to guidelines
under make-up work.
When a student is assigned suspension, a parent/guardian is contacted immediately by phone. A letter outlining
the reason for the suspension will be sent home with the student. The parent/guardian will also receive written notice
of the suspension via email. If a parent cannot be contacted, the student will remain in the school office for the
remainder of the day. A student is not permitted to leave the building until a parent arrives.
Out-of School Suspension Offenses
There are certain offenses that may result in an out-of-school suspension and will require a parent conference:
Fighting (all parties removed from the building to allow for a cooling off period and determination of penalties for
Defiance of school personnel's authority
Major disruption of the educational atmosphere
Accumulation of demerits
Missing assigned detentions
Repeated misconduct and/or continual disregard of school regulations
Offensive touching
Violation of computer use policy
Being in unauthorized areas
Defamatory or demeaning Actions
Inflammatory actions
Possession or use of tobacco and tobacco related products
Upon further review of the student conduct, it does not state anywhere that the punishment could be so severe .
The punishment my daughter received seemed excessive for a first time offense.
I would like to schedule a time with you to appeal her suspension since this is her first offense at Family Foundation
about her behavior but for this to be her first year at
Academy. I do not tolerate disrespect and will speak with
this school and instead of Detention or even 1 day suspension was given 3 days seems unwarranted .
I will do everything in my power to make my voice heard!

From: Ross Damien [mailto:Damien.Ross@ffa.k12.de.us]

Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 2:39 PM

Cc: Giles Kasmira; Brewington Tennell; Moore Sean


Attached is a copy of the suspension letter

received in school. She is being suspended for 3 days for
her disruptions to the classroom, disrespect, and disobedience to her teacher. She is not eligible to return to
school until Monday, September 16, 2013. Several atempts were made to reach you via telephone and a
message was left on
Thank you,
Mr. Ross
Dean of Students

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Carwell John

Simmons Bonita
Friday, September 27, 2013 9:55AM
Carwell John; Kay-Lawrence Sheila

says she is having trouble at the Family Foundation Academy and would like to remove her child from this
charter school.
Her number is

She says she will be awaiting a call.


Carwell John


Sadowski John
Wednesday, October 09, 2013 11 :05 AM
Carwell John
FW : "Urgent" message from parent

Follow Up Flag:
Flag Status:

Follow up



JohnThis is what precipitated my previous email to Ms.

I informed her to contact police regarding the terroristic
threat and to file a formal bullying complaint with the school so they will investigate. I also explained to her the charter
school complaint process if she felt as though FFA was not responding to her concerns. Thanks.
From: Justiniano Mary

Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2013 10:18 AM

To: Sadowski John
Subject: "Urgent" message from parent
Pis. call Ms.
mother of
at Family Foundation
Charter. Mom states that son was verbally threatened yesterday by two classmates who said, "We're going to kill
you" .. . "Our gang is going to stab you I shoot you, better watch out." This has escalated from previous kicking of son
& daughter & spitting into son's drink.
Her children insisted on returning to school today; mom accompanied them & spoke to principal this morning who said
simply, "I'll take care of it, won't let anything happen." Mom also spoke w/teacher yesterday. She felt Prin. was very
unprofessional & did not take incident seriously. Mom is" ... Black but feels & sees staff at Family Found. very ghettolike" not as professional educators or environment.

Mary Lou Justiniano

Secretary, School Support Services
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street. Suite 2
Dover. DE 19901-3639
Phone: 302.735.427 4; Fax: 302.739.6397
Email: marv.justiniano@doe.k 12.de. us

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communication by or to anyone other than the designated and intended recipient(s) is unauthorzied. If you are
not the intended recipient, please delete or destroy this communication immediately.

.J; Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

Carwell John

Janiszewski Chantel
Thursday, November 07, 2013 12:03 PM
Brewington Tennell; Moore Sean; 'byronbrooks@technisource.com'
Carwell John; Kay-Lawrence Sheila; Wilson Despina
Complaint against Family Foundations
Complaint11 072013.xlsx

Good afternoon, Dr. Brewington, Mr. Moore, and Mr. Brooks,

regarding her daughter
The DDOE Charter School Office has received a complaint from
and I have forwarded this information to you (see attached) so that you may contact her to resolve the issue. She
reports that she has made attempts to resolve the issue with school leadership, but that her calls have not been
, I have
returned. She has not yet made contact with the Board President, which would be her next step. (
copied the Board President, Mr. Byron Brooks, on this email to make him aware ofthis complaint.)

Our office protocol is to guide individuals who have complaints against charter schools to contact school leadership first
to attempt to resolve the issue, then to contact the school's Board President if a resolution has not been reached, and
finally to file a complaint with our office if all attempts at resolution at the school level are unsuccessful. At this point,
we are providing the opportunity for you to take the necessary steps toward resolution .
has been copied here
so that you may contact her directly. I have also copied Ms. Despina Wilson of DDOE as this complaint alleges a facilities
issue for handicap access.
As the Charter School Office is tracking progress of all complaints filed with us, please provide us with your plan of
Thank you,

Chantel A. Janiszewski
Education Associate, Charter School Office
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street
Dover, DE 19901
302-735-4020 (T) 302-739-4483 (F)

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communication by or to anyone other than the designated and intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are
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Carwell John

Thursday, November 14, 2013 1:07 PM

Kay-Lawrence Sheila
Janiszewski Chantel ; Nagourney Jennifer; Carwell John
Re: Family Foundations Complaint

in Southern Elementary on
Thank you for forwarding this information to me. I attempted to enroll my child ,
November 7, 2013 and was told by the principal that "any student that is enrolled in a charter school, can not be admitted
or re-admitted into a public school after September 30th". Would you be able to confirm this?

Kay-Lawrence Sheila <sheila.Jawrence@doe.k12.de.us>
Janiszewski Chantel <Chante/.Janiszewski@DOE .K12.DE .US>, Carwell John <john.carwell@doe.k12.de.us>, Nagourney Jennifer
<Jennifer. Nagourney@doe.k12.de.us>
Dal e:
11/14/2013 12:42 PM
Subj ect:
Family Foundations Complaint

Thanks for calling

. Below are the contact people for Family Foundations Academy and DOE Complaint process. Also,
attached is the grievance policy that Mr. Moore sent us to give to anyone who would like to make a complaint against their
school. If you have any more questions, please contact us. Thanks, Sheila.
Contact: Dr. Tennell Brewington, Co-Director
Email: tennell.brewington@ffa.k12.de.us
Contact: Sean P. Moore, Co-Director
Email: sean.moore@ffa.k12.de.us
Contact: Byron Brooks, Board President
Email: bwbrooks200@verizon.net

The Charter School Office of the Delaware Department of Education (DDOE) has a formal process for bringing complaints against
DOGE-authorized charter schools and/or against charter school employees within DOGE-authorized charter schools. This process is

available only after efforts to resolve the issue at the school/eve/ and through the charter school's Board have been unproductive.
The purpose of this process is to give assistance, when possible, to parents/guardians and community members in resolving issues,
problems and alleged violations of relevant laws, regulations and the charter of the school.
The Charter School Office's jurisdiction is limited to the following:

Violation of the school's charter, such as making a major change in the school's educational program without going through
the required approval process;

Violation of teachers' and/or students' rights, such as harassment or bullying.

Special education complaints are handled by the DDOE Exceptional Children Resources Workgroup. The link to this process is
available here or by calling (302) 735-4210.

Information about the appeals process for student expulsions may be addressed by contacting the State Board of Education's office
by calling (302)735-4010, or by clicking here to access the Appeals Form.
The Charter School Office does not have jurisdiction over personnel matters or local education decisions such as grades assessed,
credit verification, or student promotion/retention.
Complaints about charter schools that are approved by a school district must go to the school board of the district that authorized
the charter school. Currently, only Red Clay Consolidated School District has authorized charter schools (Charter School of
Wilmington, Delaware College Preparatory Academy and Delaware Military Academy). Issues related to these schools should be
directed to the schools, their Boards, or Red Clay Consolidated School District at (302) 552-3700.
The following is the DOE complaint procedure for DDOE-authorized schools related to the three types violations listed above.

First, the person making the complaint must try to resolve concerns with the charter school's principal. Teachers and
administrative staff can help to identify the appropriate individual. Families should ask for a copy of the school's specific complaint
process. Contact information is available here or by calling the DDOE Charter School Office at 302-735-4020.

Next, if the charter school's principal does not respond to the person making the complaint, or if a satisfactory resolution is
not reached, the person making the complaint should contact the Board of the charter school. If the school will not provide the
contact information (telephone and/or e-mail) for the Board president, the complainant may call the Charter School Office at
(302)735-4020 for contact information.

If the charter school's Board is not able to resolve the issue, the person making the complaint should contact the Charter
School Office at (302) 735-4020 to file a formal complaint. A representative from the Charter School Office will send you a link to the
online complaint form upon request. If you do not have internet access, we will provide you with a hard copy complaint form to fill
out and return to our office.
In the complaint form, the person making the complaint must document all communications with the school's principal(s) AND
the Board as well as give specific information about the alleged incident (facts, details, timeframe, etc.).

The Charter School Office considers community support and communication critical to charter school accountability and success.
Every communication with parents and community members about DDOE-authorized charter schools is addressed as appropriate
and retained for future reference and follow-up if needed.

Sheila Kay-Lawrence
Administrative Secretary
Charter School Office
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street
Dover, DE 19901
302-735-4020 (T) 302-739-4483 (F)

This email and any attachments are confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying or use of this communication by
or to anyone other than the designated and intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, please
delete or destroy this communication immediately.
.,/; Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail
(attachment "Grievance Policy.pdf" deleted by Janet Pugh/GLDI/INST/Prudential]

Carwell John

Nagourney Jennifer
Wednesday, November 20, 2013 7:00PM
Carwell John; Janiszewski Chantel
FW: Case# 00021309: Ms.
daughter witnessed inappropiate teacher-student
interactions adn the school refuses to do anything. has been assigned to you.

Would one ofyou be able to call and follow-up? Thanks!

-----Original Message----From: May Alison
Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2013 10:29 AM
To: Nagourney Jennifer
Subject: FW : Case# 00021309:
daughter witnessed inappropiate teacher-student interactions adn the
school refuses to do anything. has been assigned to you.
Here's more detail on the case

Constituent Name:
Constituent Email:
Constituent Phone: (
Constituent DOB:
Constituent Address:
Status: Assigned
Case Origin: Phone
Referred To: Governor
Request Type: DOE
Short description:
do anything.

daughter witnessed inappropiate teacher-student interactions adn the school refuses to

Detailed description:
is very concerned for her daughter
who is currently attending Family Foundations Academy.
witnessed a teacher, Mr. Hicks inappropriately interacting with his students. He allowed and watched some girls
use a pole in a classroom to dance in a provocative manner. Ms.
after hearing this from her daughter
immediately called the dean and had a meeting. In that meeting, which the mother did record, the dean called her
daughter a liar and was blowing things out of proportions. Ms.
is currently trying to get her daughter enrolled
but has not heard back. Her daughter is being bullied and being called names everyday and
she refuses to let her daughter attend that school. Please contact her as soon as possible.

Resolution Action Description:

Action Taken To date:

Carwell John

Brewington Tennell
Wednesday, January 08, 2014 1:35PM
Beam Aimee; Janiszewski Chantel
Complaint about meals

Good day all,

There was a parent here today by the last name of
She was upset about having to pay a meal
balance. She was very belligerent in dealing with it.
I stepped in to help her and asked her to complete a form because we did not have one on file. She said she
wasn't going to. She then began to insult the staff in saying we need to get our act together, I will call social
services on you, etc. I continued to speak with her and I said you do not have to be ignorant about it we are
trying to help you.
She then continued to insult the staff (Mrs. Morris) when they asked her to complete a form. Then she said
I'm not, I make too much. I would have to pay anyway.
She stated she was told at the beginning of the year he was free (verbally). She said she got no notices. I
have suggested to Mrs. Morris to print the letters that have been sent and confirm with parents their address.
Just giving you a heads up. You may get one about me

Dr. Tennell Brewington, Co-Director

Chief Academic Officer
Elementary School
1101 Delaware Street
New Castle, DE 19720
302-324-8901 ext 224
302-324-8908 (fax)
Middle School
1 Fallon Avenue
Wilmington, DE 19805

"Empowering Children and Families to Achieve Success"

Carwell John

Kay-Lawrence Sheila
Thursday, January 30, 2014 2:12PM
Brewington Tennell; Moore Sean; Brooks Byron (bwbrooks200@verizon.net)
Nagourney Jennifer; Carwell John; Janiszewski Chantel;
Family Foundation - Complaint


Dr. Brewington and Mr. Moore,

I just received a complaint from a parent,
, in regards to his son being regressed in school from being in
Ms. Pugh's class. He mentioned that he has met with you, Dr. Brewington, several times and was not satisfied with the
end results of the meeting. He has asked that his child be removed from Ms. Pugh's class and put into another class. He
was told by you that his child cannot be moved because the other class is already overcrowded. He feels that if nothing
will be resolved he is left with no other option but to home school his son.
The Charter School office would like for you to resolve this complaint by contacting
hopes are that all parties will resolve this issue moving forward. If you have any questions, please let me know.


Regards, Sheila.
Sheila Kay-Lawrence
Administrative Secretary
Charter School Office
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street
Dover, DE 19901
302-735-4020 (T) 302-739-4483 (F)

This email and any attachments are confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying or use of this communication by
or to anyone other than the designated and intended recipient(s} is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, please
delete or destroy this communication immediately.

.A Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

Carwell John
From :


Wednesday, February 05, 2014 1:23PM

Kay-Lawrence Sheila; Brewington Tennell; Moore Sean; Brooks Byron (bwbrooks200
Nagourney Jennifer; Janiszewski Chantal; Carwell John; Hughes Brook
RE: Just a heads up

Good afternoon Dr. Brewington,

If you are going to tell the story please tell the entire story.
I came in today requesting a phone call or email from you it is now 1pm and as of now I have not heard from you .
Yesterday when I spoke with you about the incident you clearly stated that Mr. Ross does not have the right to keep a
child from riding the bus if the incident didn't happen on the bus.
Mr. Ross is an administrator that takes pride in bullying the children and parents. Reading over your email below I see
you approve of this behavior.
Timeline of the incident
4:10pm- Received a voicemail from Mrs. Giles to pick
up from school
4:11pm- spoke with Mrs. Giles and was told the class was loud in the hallways and Mr. Ross kept a couple of Kids from
riding the bus
4:19pm- spoke with Dr. Brewington about the incident and claimed she wasn't aware and that if Mr. Ross kept the kids
from riding the bus then he should be the one taking them home. Claimed he does not have the right to make that
decision if the incident wasn't on the bus and didn't put other lives in danger from riding the bus.
4:34pm- received a call from Mr. Ross, gave me the same story about the kids being loud and claimed that
screaming at him in the halls.
6:00pm- received a call from Dr. Brewington again apologizing about the way Mr. Ross handled the conversation stated
he is representing ffa and was acting unprofessional and both Dr. Brewington and Mr. Moore will deal with him in the
My daughters grandmother picked her up and was told another story by Mr. Ross. Mr. Ross stated that he was told by
Mr. Giles which child/Children was talking or making noise not that he witnessed
being loud
Now I've spoken with
and she clearly stated she wasn't yelling but was talking to other students. So if she is in
trouble for talking so be it then deal with it with detention or no recess but to let her not get on the school bus is
Dr. Brewington is correct, I will keep complaining about the school until they do something about their unprofessional
staff and NO I will notre- enroll my child.
I have contacted ABC news and an attorney and am looking to press charges for bullying from an administrator.
Since Dr. Brewington will not adhere to my wishing of no contact between Mr. Ross and
after I clearly feel
unsafe with him interacting with her. I will make sure I file the necessary paper work that is needed to do so, or given
the right to remove my child from this school effective immediately!


consider the enviromncnl before printing this email.

From: Kay-Lawrence Sheila [mailto:sheila.lawrence@doe.k12.de.us]

Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 12:36 PM
To: Brewington Tennell; Moore Sean; Brooks Byron (bwbrooks200@verizon.net)
Cc: Nagourney Jennifer; Janiszewski Chantel; Carwell John;
Subject: RE: Just a heads up

; Hughes Brook

Good Afternoon,
She has already contacted our office and I was about to send you an email; I have included
on this email as
well. Her story is a little different than what you are stating below. She said her child was not one of the unruly
students and that it was a mistake by Mr. Ross, Dean of Students, and the teacher that had the complaint about the
students that were being unruly.
When Mr. Ross called her house that evening for her to pick up her child she asked what happened and he began to
become very indignant because she told him that her child wasn't one of the students that the teacher had reported as
being unruly and he made the mistake of holding her daughter for detention. She said he wouldn't allow her to speak
and once she spoke he didn't like what she was saying and hung up the phone on her. She said that you called her back
and apologized for his behavior on the phone because you overheard the conversation in how he was talking with
her. She said to you that she didn't want him to be around her daughter because of his unprofessional behavior and
that she would like a written apology from him. Please let us know the end result of this situation.
Thanks, Sheila .
Sheila Kay-Lawrence
Administrative Secretary
Charter School Office
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street
Dover, DE 19901
302-735-4020 (T) 302-739-4483 (F)
sheila .lawrence@doe. k12 .de.us

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or to anyone other than the designated and intended recipient(s) is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, please
delete or destroy this communication immediately.

.1-J Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

From: Brewington Tennell
Sent: Wednesday, February 05, 2014 12:11 PM
To: Nagourney Jennifer; Kay-Lawrence Sheila; Janiszewski Chantel; Carwell John
Subject: Just a heads up

Good day,
I really hate having to do this. There is a parent who is upset because her daughter was disciplined for not
following directions.
The student was not allowed to get on the bus yesterday afternoon because she was unruly. Our dean of
students has the discretion to do this. The student was allowed on the bus today.
I spoke with the parent twice about the issue yesterday. When she was called and informed why her child
was not on the bus and after Mr. Ross called her and she was offended by his call.
I apologized profusely. The parent came into the school today and "verbally" indicated she does not want Mr.
Ross to engage with her student.
I am going to inform her in writing that the child is a student of FFA and is subject to the Student Code of
Conduct. As the dean of students if he needs to address her he can.
This is a first year parent. She will complain about not being able to remove her school. I will inform her that
if she does not like what Mr. Ross did she can follow the Grievance Policy.
She has not taken those steps. I was trying to resolve the matter. She is upset because Mr. Ross did not let
her child get on the bus because of her behavior and she feels he does not have the right to do that.
I am sure it will come your way. I will try to deter it and ask her to follow our policy.
Thank you

Dr. Tennell Brewington, Co-Director

Chief Academic Officer
Elementary School
1101 Delaware Street
New Castle, DE 19720
302-324-8901 ext 224
302-324-8908 (fax)
Middle School
1 Fallon Avenue
Wilmington, DE 19805

"Empowering Children and Families to Achieve Success"

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privileged, confidential and/or proprietary and subject to important terms and conditions available at
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Carwell John

Carwell John
Thursday, February 06, 2014 5:50PM
'Brooks, Byron' (Byron.Brooks@randstadusa.com)
Brewington Tennell; Moore Sean ;
Parent complaint

Patricia Brooks

Dear Mr. Brooks,

The Charter School Office received a complaint from a FFA parent,
as soon as possible at
. Please contact

opied here), regarding his kindergarten

Thank you,
John H. Carwell, Jr.
Charter School Office
Delaware Department of Education
401 Federal Street, Suite #2
Dover, DE 19901-3639
302.735.4020 (T) 302.739.4483 (F)
This email and any attachments may be confidential or legally privileged. Any dissemination, copying or use of this communication by or to anyone
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-t;/] Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

Charter School

Family Foundations

Date Received


Type of Issue

Complaint with School

Description of

Parent called and said her child was not one of the unruly students and that it was a mistake by Mr. Ross, Dean of Students,
and the teacher that had the complaint about the students that were being unruly. When Mr. Ross called her house that
evening for her to pick up her child she asked what happened and he began to become very indignant because she told him
that her child wasnt one of the students that the teacher had reported as being unruly and he made the mistake of holding
her daughter for detention. She said he wouldnt allow her to speak and once she spoke he didnt like what she was saying
and hung up the phone on her. She said that you called her back and apologized for his behavior on the phone because you
overheard the conversation in how he was talking with her. She said to you that she didnt want him to be around her
daughter because of his unprofessional behavior and that she would like a written apology from him. Please let us know the
end result of this situation.

Parent Name
Contact Info
Date Referred to


Date and Response

Received from

Yes, parent received apology letter from all parties involved.

Issue Resolved
Date Referred back
to Charter School

Charter School
Date Received
Type of Issue
Description of

Parent Name
Contact Info
Date Referred to
Date and Response
Received from
Issue Resolved

Family Foundations
Teacher Complaint
son being regressed in school from being in Ms. Pughs class. He mentioned that he has met with you, Dr. Brewington,
several times and was not satisfied with the end results of the meeting. He has asked that his child be removed from Ms.
Pughs class and put into another class. He was told by you that his child cannot be moved because the other class is
already overcrowded. He feels that if nothing will be resolved he is left with no other option but to home school his son.


Yes Dr. Brewington gave us an update of their scheduled meeting with

. He expressed his concerns and
expectations. They resolved his concerns and are moving forward to continue allowing his son to be successful. She
indicated that their meeting was 2.5 hours. He requested some information for clarification and it was provided to him.

Date Referred back

to Charter School

Charter School
Date Received
Type of Issue
Description of
Parent Name
Contact Info
Date Referred to
Date and Response
Received from
Issue Resolved
Date Referred back

Family Foundations
Complaint w/ Asst. Principal Ms. Dolcey
Her daughter was in an altercation with another student today and several times in the past. She mentioned that she
would like to have a meeting with the administration about these reoccurring altercations because in the past she has
been dealing with the Assistant Principal, Ms. Dolcey, and the problem has not resolved.


Dr. Brewington informed me that she spoke with parent and will follow up with Ms. Dolcey regarding the communication

to Charter School

Charter School
Date Received
Type of Issue
Description of

Parent Name
Contact Info
Date Referred to
Date and Response
Received from

Issue Resolved
Date Referred back
to Charter School

Family Foundations
Complaint with School
On Friday, 2/28
fell and hit her head at school during recess. Concerned that no one from the
school notified her;
to hospital Friday night because she was incoherent. Diagnosed with concussion and
concerned about her safety at school,
would like to schedule an appointment with you to discuss further. She has
attempted to reach both of you, Dr. Brewington and Mr. Moore, regarding other matters but have
not received a response.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Please allow me summarize:
1. The parent (and many others) have expresses their dissatisfaction for the performance of bus 5. We have been diligently working
with the bus company to rectify the poor service. We sent a bus to pick up the student on Tuesday because the stop was missed.
We continue to have regular meetings with the bus company to address all parent concerns
regarding the buses.
2. Mr. Moore reviewed his messages and emails and did not have a message from
. I have reviewed all of my message and
emails from the past two weeks and I have no message from
3. The incident on Friday happened outside during recess.
did not inform the teacher of her incident. The mother called Mr.
Ross on Tuesday morning to complain about the bus and informed him about the incident with her head. It was
stated from the mother that we should have known she hurt herself. We would not have known if no one saw the student injure
herself or if the student did not indicate that she was hurt.
4. There was a medical not of her examination provided to the school. We would comply with the recommendations as outlined in
the notice which is to reduce visual stress and noise. With concussions the side effects or impact are not always immediate. The
student may have felt fine for a couple of hours and then began to feel uncomfortable. If the parent wishes to have a meeting with
me, I will have the receptionist contact her to schedule a meeting. The meeting would be myself, the parent, Mrs. Novosel, and Mr.
3/19/14 with another complaint to add. Daughter had an assignment to bring in rocks and label. Mother is on bed rest due to
pregnancy. School is aware of this. Parent took daughter to park and received rocks and was unable to label the rocks due to virus
on computer. Dr. Brewington told teacher since rocks were not labeled to give a zero for assignment. Mother was upset went to
school to talk with Dr. Brewington and got in a heated argument and wants to remove child from school. Meanwhile, received an

email from Dr. Brewington. Thank you for speaking with me this morning. As I stated in our conversation that the assignment was
not turned in according to the project requirements. It was turned in late day after it was due. The assignment is part of the aligned
curriculum and is expected to be completed. You then made the comment to me, I cant stand you and you better be glad Im
pregnant. I took that offensively and as a threat. I will be contacting the police. The grade given for the assignment will stand
because it was not completed to the project expectations.

Charter School
Date Received
Type of Issue
Description of

Family Foundations
Complaint with School
The parent forwarded an email she wrote to Dr. Brewington to me as follows;
Hello Dr. Brewington;
I am submitting this letter to express my concerns regarding my child,
Family Foundations and the handling of the incidents by the staff.

, the latest incidents that have occurred at

1. It appears that after I spoke with you regarding a conversation that

overheard between you and a staff member that he has
been targeted and borderline harassed. I expressed to you that
overheard comments of discord being
made about me, his mother. Although you denied this conversation took place, you stated that you will have to watch
what you say around him and keep a closer eye on him. Since then, there have been further incidents that have not been shared
with me through proper protocol and it appears the latest accusations and incidents are that of retaliation.
i has been given detentions with and without merit. I support
receiving and serving a detention when warranted.
However, I have been notified of some Saturday detentions and some, I was not notified of at all. On
occasion, when I was notified, I expressed that
was not able to serve the assigned detention on the date specified due to
circumstances beyond my control or due to a late notice from the school. I requested that he serve the following Saturday and was
told that if he did not come on that specified Saturday, he would serve a 2 day suspension. This type of protocol leaves me to
wonder why children are penalized for situations out of their control and lose additional instructional time due to suspension. How
is this effective to the ultimate goal of student success?
3. I received notification that a 504 will be implemented while it has been requested that I provide consent for behavioral and
academic testing. A 504 cannot be implemented without my consent. Additionally, how is a 504 legally implemented without the
contents of the 504 plan being explained to me, the parent, and approved? I find it appalling that Family
Foundations would institute such a plan that has to have parental consent without following the proper channels in doing so. Also,
the timing of the immediate need for testing calls into question the validity of such claims as I was told by
teacher during a phone conference that his behavior was satisfactory, and that their main concern was tardiness to class,
and missed homework. During the same conference I was advised
was sent to the Deans office for acting up in Mr. Caspers

class. However, what caught my attention was that I had received and responded to an email from Mr. Casper earlier that day, in
which he advised me that
did not complete a homework assignment. There was no mention of his behavior in class. I would
think that if the teacher is emailing me to advise me of missed homework, they would advise me of any behavior issues as well.
4. I am also concerned about how missed homework is being handled during suspensions. It appears that
was assigned a
detention for missed homework during a suspension. It was not communicated to me via email or phone that any assignments
were assigned as makeup work and not turned in. Parent-teacher communication is key to ensuring assignments are completed. Let
me be clear, I 100% support my son completing any work assignments missed. I am just not understanding how he received a 3
demerits for missed homework, and was to serve a detention on 2/26/14 when he was out of school due to being suspended the
week prior. When I questioned what the detention was for, due to me never receiving an email, I was told Mr. Casper gave him 3
demerits for missed homework, he was to serve the detention on 02/26/14, which he missed because I was not notified, but the 3rd
demerit was incurred on 02/27/14, according the email response. I am not sure how he was to serve a detention on 02/26/14 for 3
demerits, when the 3rd was not obtained until 02/27/14, a day after the detention would have been served. I was also told that I
would receive the supporting documentation once Ms. Dolcy was able to get to a computer because it could not be sent from an
IPAD. However, I have yet to receive the documentation to date.
has also received demerits for being tardy on several occasions. Has anyone within the school investigated why
late? He is within the building at that time under staff supervision and care. Since
has repeatedly been late for class, has any
staff member or teacher inquired to
why he is late, encouraged him to be on time? Sure,
is responsible for arriving to
class on time. However, considering this a repeated occurrence, it is the responsibility of the school to thoroughly investigate this
matter before instituting a repeated punishment that is clearly not successful for the child.
6. I received correspondence stating that Ms. Dolcy has been working closely with me to curtail
behavior. This is completely
false. The communication from Family Foundations has been virtually nonexistent and most importantly inconsistent. I also find it
coincidental that I notify the school that my son is ill, and cannot serve a detention for that reason, and that Saturday would be out
of town, due to circumstances beyond my control, so I would have him serve the detention the following week, I am told that he
needs a doctors note to be excused, and would still need to serve on a Saturday. You know as well as I do, we do not go to the
doctor every time that we are sick. Employers dont even require a note from a physician until you have missed 4 or more days. So
I pose the question regarding whether or not he will be
suspended. If so, let me know now, as well as the dates, as this tends to be your normal course of action. However, I receive no
response to that. What I receive is a call from a counselor stating that my son now needs to be tested and evaluated, an email
stating the same, and an email from yourself, speaking of truancy proceedings, 504 action plan, and how you all are suddenly
concerned about him. He was just assigned a buddy last week to assist him. Now all of a sudden all the extra. This is concerning to
me, as I have not received any calls since his return about his behavior or anything else for that matter. I look forward to hearing
from you and resolving these issues expeditiously. I am prepared to express my concerns to the concerns to the board, as well as
pursue other necessary actions if need be.
Parent Name

Contact Info
Date Referred to
Date and Response
Received from

Issue Resolved

3/17/14. Thank you for allowing me the time to research your concerns. I have attached for your review and reference:
discipline report since the start of school.
grade information where you can see missed homework assignments.
3. The FFA Policy that speaks specifically to your questions.
1. You are referencing an incident that took place last year. I have not had any interactions with Amari nor have I issued the
consequences for his behavior. The Discipline Team under the Leadership of Mr. Moore has complied with the policy as outlined
and the consequences.
2. Please review his discipline record. He has 27 infractions just for homework and latenesss to class. The demerits were given
with merit. It is outlined in the policy (attached for you) what demerits are given for. Twelve emails from Mr. Powell were sent to
you informing of his latenesss. Eight emails have been sent to you from Ms. Dolcy regarding suspensions for fighting, missed
detentions, and lateness to class. You acknowledged receiving them. You commented back to Ms. Dolcy in your various emails.
Arrangements were made to have a conference with you (as required in our policy) and because of medical reasons you requested a
phone conference. When a student misses a detention it is not up to the parent to reschedule it. Ms. Dolcy has offered to allow
him to serve detention during the week because the weekend is very difficult for you. He has not shown. The Discipline team has
followed the policy by assigning an additional detention or assigned an out of school suspension. I also attached for your review the
policy regarding missed work when students are suspended. They do not receive credit for missed work.
3. You have communication regarding grades from his teachers (HAC report attached). It is your responsibility to view this
information. If there are questions regarding assignments you may contact the teachers directly.
4. Acceptable notes to excuse absences and latenesss are also outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. The Discipline team did
investigate why he was late to class. Their solution was in the email sent to you on 3/5 by Ms. Dolcy indicating the opportunity to
implement a Buddy System to help him. You acknowledged receipt of this email. You have also spoken with Mr. Carter and Mr.
Smith regarding Amaris participation in a mentoring program, via phone conference. These interventions do not excuse past not
excuse past consequences. They are to reduce any further infractions.
5. I requested the Permission to Evaluate because his grades slipped from T1 to T2. That evaluation could or could not result in
accommodations to assist him.
6. I will ensure that the Department of Education has a copy of this email and the attachments sent to you. The Discipline Team
performed their job duties as required. Mr. Moore, Co-Director ensured the policy was followed.
7. Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
No. Parent's response to the email as follows...
Thank you for your response to my concerns. I have read and responded to each one below.
discipline report since the start of school. Thank you for attaching the discipline report. I received one from Mr.
Carter last week, and replied to him with my concern regarding the detention originally issued on 2/26/14, but rescheduled
for 3/5/14 due to an error on Ms. Dolcy's part. I have also addressed the concern in this email, as I have not received a

response to date.

grade information where you can see missed homework assignments. Again, thank you for attaching this
information. I will review as soon as possible, and contact the necessary parties with any questions or concerns.

3. The FFA Policy that speaks specifically to your questions. My question was regarding how he received a demerit for missed
assignments during a suspension. Your policy states that students may not receive credit for a missed assignment during a
suspension. However, it also states that the student is required to make up assignments according to the policies missed
work guidelines. Your policy also states which you failed to include, that they have a maximum of five days to make up any
missed assignments. Nowhere in the policy does it state that they will be issued a demerit for assignments that they may or
may not receive credit for due to them being suspended. also would not warrant him having to serve a detention on
2/26/14 for the missed assignments since he had just returned on 2/25/14, and per the policy has up to five days to make it
4. You are referencing an incident that took place last year. I have not had any interactions with
nor have I issued the
consequences for his behavior. The Discipline Team under the Leadership of Mr. Moore has complied with the policy as
outlined and the consequences. I acknowledged that the incident to which I am referring took place last year. I understand
that you are not issuing the consequences directly for his behavior. However, I am also very much aware that the Discipline
Team works for you, under your direction and supervision, as well as that of Mr. Moore. Speaking of which, I have only had
two conversations with Mr. Moore since my children have been in attendance at FFA which has been several years now.
Once by phone, and once just recently by email. I know you give direction because I spoke with one of spoke with one of
your disciplinarians last week regarding Amari being sent out of class for talking. In turn, Amari was sent to the
disciplinarian. He was advised to call me, which he did. I then received a call back to verify that he called, and I explained
he did. However, when Amari came home, he advised that one of the Deans spoke to another asking did they speak to me
personally, the other said no. They then began whispering amongst one another, and the comment was made by one of
them, you know what Doc and Dolcy said. Then I received a call. That being said, I know that you still give direction. It
appears that whatever
does, he is going to be disciplined. I know you don't believe that he should come back and tell
me what he hears per our previous conversation, but I do not agree. Children will be children, and anytime they hear a
conversation involving them or their parent, they are most likely going to report it to the parent by nature.
5. Please review his discipline record. He has 27 infractions just for homework and latenesss to class. The demerits were
given with merit. It is outlined in the policy (attached for you) what demerits are given for. Twelve emails from Mr. Powell
were sent to you informing of his lateness your school. The emails that you are referring to from Ms. Dolcy have only been
received as of late. Mostly within the past three weeks. There was one not too long after I had the conference call (which I
acknowledged having), and one about a buddy that I also acknowledged. Then there was one sent the day before a
detention was to be served stating that he had a Saturday detention for failure to serve on 02/26/14, to which I replied he
would not be serving as I was never notified. Ms. Dolcy then replied that she forgot to hit send on the original email, and
would allow him to serve the next week. That being said, he was only assigned one detention during the week. I never even
knew Wednesday detentions were assigned until 2/26/14. They aren't even mentioned in your policy. At any rate, every

Date Referred back

to Charter School

other detention he has been required to serve was on a Saturday. Wednesdays were never given as an alternative, with the
exception of the one that was to be served on 2/26/14 and rescheduled for 3/5/14. Which I was never made aware of until
I received an email stating that he never showed, and would need to serve a Saturday. That is the email I referred to above
in which Ms. Dolcy stated in the she never hit send. She acknowledged that it was her error, and I have the email to verify
it. Should you need to see it, let me know, and I will forward a copy to you for your review. I also have another concern
regarding that same email, which I addressed in another email, yet received no response. Ms. Dolcy stated in her email that
Amari received three demerits upon his return which led to him being assigned a detention on 2/26/14. She also stated
that the third one was not received until 2/27/14. If he didn't receive the third demerit until 2/27/14, why was he assigned
a detention on 2/26/14? Also, upon reviewing the disciplinary report, I noticed Amari had no incidents reported from
2/13/14 thru 2/27/14. So I pose the question again as to why he was assigned a detention on 2/26/14, which eventually led
to a suspension for failure to serve, despite having a valid explanation, as no documentation has been provided per the
report to warrant such action.
6. You have communication regarding grades from his teachers (HAC report attached). It is your responsibility to view this
information. If there are questions regarding assignments you may contact the teachers directly. Again, as stated
previously, I will review the attached reports, and contact the necessary parties with any questions and or concerns.
7. Acceptable notes notified your staff of this prior to being sent a copy of the policy from you. The policy also does not state
that I have to provide any documentation for this reason. It only states that I have to provide documentation for medical
excuses. I was then emailed and told that I needed to provide documentation for the unforeseen event b/c simply stating it
was not good enough. When I replied and asked where it was stated in the policy, I received no response other than the
dates of his suspension for failure to serve. I know the email was received, as it was attached to the suspension email Ms.
Dolcy sent to me. In regards to the absences, I will work on obtaining documentation from his physician. Especially for the
time in November when he was out due to being involved in a car accident.
8. I requested the Permission to Evaluate because his grades slipped from T1 to T2. That evaluation could or could not result
in accommodations to assist him. His grades have slipped, I acknowledge that as well, but he is not failing, nor is he in
danger of failing. He doesnt have anything less than a C. He needs to bring that up yes, but he does not need to be
evaluated, and I will not allow you all to try to label him as if he does. Also, you stated you were implementing a 504. Not
only have I not consented, I am not understanding why you feel he would even qualify for such. As the 504 plan is
generally administered for individuals with mental or physical disabilities/ impairments, that require them to have special
accommodations made on their behalf which would assist them in learning and development (Special Needs). This clearly
does not apply to
which I am sure you all are aware.
9. 9. I will ensure that the Department of Education has a copy of this email and the attachments sent to you. The Discipline
Team performed their job duties as required. Moore, Co-Director ensured the policy was followed. I will also provide the
Department of Education with a copy of this letter, as well as the Discipline Team, and anyone else required.

Charter School
Date Received
Type of Issue
Description of

Parent Name
Contact Info
Date Referred to
Date and Response
Received from
Issue Resolved

Date Referred back

to Charter School

Family Foundations
Complaint with School
Spoke to the parent and was informed that Dr. Brewington contacted the police and they came to her house with the complaint
order for her to appear in court. Once the parent showed the officer the numerous emails between us, FFA, and herself the officer
said he will remove the complaint. At this point, the parent is asking for her child to be removed
from the school and FFA to make arrangements for her daughter to be home schooled from a visiting teacher supplied by FFA.

No because school notified me of complaint while I was on the phone with the parent. This complaint was referred to CSO
Representative John Carwell because of the history between the parent and the school administration; plus not being resolved
properly since the police is now involved.

Thu, February 17, 2011 9:46:34 PM

Today's Meeting

View Contact

Dr.Tennell Brewington <tbrewington@ffa.k12.de.us>

Good evening Dr. Brewington,

I was thinking over a few points that we discussed and I had some additional thoughts.
I would like to request that
attend his math class in Mr. Scarfo's class. I feel that the
relationship with his math teacher is strained and I would like for him to be removed from Ms.
Thomassen's class upon his return. If I would need to come back in to revise his 504 I can make
myself available to do this.

I feel that a 5 day suspension is excessive for this offense and since there is no precedence for
this ruling I am not clear as to the choice the length of days 3-day but not 5-day especially when
has not had any prior suspensions. He will be missing an awful lot of class time and his
handwriting tutoring. I was wondering if you would consider revising it.

is scheduled for handwriting tutoring on Friday's from
. Ms. Scott
wanted me to inquire about his still attending even though he is on suspension.

Thank you,

Dear Mr. Carwell

Hello my name is
and I am the parent of
a 5th grade student at
Family Foundations Academy in New Castle County. My son also attended this charter school for 4th
grade. I am writing to you because I have a concern about a disciplinary measure that was enforced
against my son on Thursday, February 17, 2011.
I received a call from the Family Foundation Academy principal Dr. Brewington, the afternoon of
February 17,2011. She reported to me that my sons teacher Julia Thomassen brought
to the
office because he had called her a curse word (mf) and he was currently in the office. She said that he
would be suspended. She did not say how long. I told her that I would come in. She asked if I wanted
him put on the bus and I said no. I was coming in. After I arrived I came in and the teacher came to the
office and we discussed the occurrence. The bottom line is that
had asked to go to the lavatory
but did not have the required pass. He insisted that he really had to go badly. Ms. Thomassen complaint
was that she did not like my sons tone and the fact that he did not say please.
apologized to
her and she excused herself. She had to leave the meeting to cover a classroom. Dr. Brewington
continued to discuss the incidence with
. He said that even though he didnt say please at first,
when the teacher said that he didnt say please, he said that he then said please only to be told no.
This angered him because other kids were laughing and he felt humiliated and he said that he mumbled
a profane word. She reprimanded
and I agreed that his actions were not acceptable. I then
asked him to wait outside the office and spoke to Dr. Brewington and expressed that this was an
ongoing riff with
and his teacher and I had spoken to the teacher at two other conferences with
the 5th grade team present that I understand that my son is very headstrong but I still want him to have
a positive educational experience and I did not want him to feel targeted or humiliated.
All this being said,Dr. Brewington turned to the computer and reviewed his absentee record. She said
that he had only one unexcused absence this year and over the 2 years he has not had a prior
suspension. She then said that he was suspended for 5 days. I voiced that that was a lot of missed class
time. I asked if he was to return on the following Friday but she said no he was not to return until the
next Monday, February 28. I asked about the homework and she said that I could get the homework
from the teachers. We left. She did not provide any paperwork or statement regarding the suspension.
Later that evening after I reviewed the code of conduct I did not see where Dr. Brewington came up
with the 5 days of suspension so I e-mailed her, (see above), and asked for reconsideration. As of today
she has not responded.
I am asking for this to be reviewed and for my son to return to school and attend his classes. Please look
in to this because the school has not responded.

Thank you

Pamify Pounaations .Jlcacfemy Cliarter Sclioo[

1101 cneraware Street, :New Castfe, CJYE 19720
Plione: 302-324-8901 * Par; 302-324-8908
Board Members
Mr. Lamar Boyce
Dr. Tennell Brewington
Academic Officer
Board Secretary
Ex-officio Member
Mr. Sean Moore
Administrative Officer

June 28, 2012

Dear Ms.

Mr. Damien Ross

Parent Representative

Thank you for attending the Board of Directors meeting on June 26 2012. At this meeting the
board of directors of Family Foundations Academy heard your request to waive our Academic
Grading Policy requirements regarding your student
At this meeting, you
asked that we make an exception to the section of our Academic Grading Policy regarding summer
school attendance.

Mr. Willie Mobley

Teacher Representative

By order ofthe Family Foundations Academy board of directors, your request to waive our
Academic Grading Policy for your student
has been denied.

Mr. Byron Brooks

Community Representative

If you disagree with this decision you may be able to file an appeal with the Delaware Department
of Education. Please review the enclosed appeal process forms .

Mr. Reginald Ward

Community Representative

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions and/or concerns.

Mr. Elijah Wilson

Financial Oversight


&.ll~ ~~

Mr. Sean Moore

cc: Family Foundations Academy Board of Directors



The Townsend Building

401 Federal Street Suite 2
Dover,Delaware 19901-3639
DOE WEBSITE: http://www.doe.kl2.de.us


of Education

October 20, 2012



Mark T. Murphy
Secretary of Education
Voice: (302) 735-4000
FAX: (302) 739-4654

OCT 25 ~12 RCVD

State Complaint Against Family Foundations Charter School- AC 13-3

On August 21, 2012, this office received your State Complaint filed against Family
Foundations Charter School on behalfofyour daughter,

The complaint alleges non-compliance with special education law as defined in the
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act ("IDEA") and Delaware Department of
Education regulations and procedures with respect to the education
Attached are the findings that resulted from the Department's investigation of your
complaint. Please note the scope of the Department's investigation is limited to
allegations arising under the IDEA and corresponding Delaware law.
Ifyou have any questions or concerns, please contact me at (302) 735-4210.

t(jznn, (jzP .1-<f/AJJennifer L. Kline

Education Associate, Procedural Safeguards

Mark T. Murphy, Secretary of Education

Tennell Brewington, School Leader

\)ohn Carwell, Charter School Office

Mary Ann Mieczkowski, Director,
Exceptional Children Resources



DEAC 13-3
(October 20, 2012)
On August 21, 2012, Parent filed a complaint with the Delaware Department ofEducation
("DOE") on behalf of Student. 1 The complaint alleges Family Foundations Academy Charter
School ("FFA") violated the Individuals with Disabilities Education ("IDEA") and corresponding
state and federal regulations by failing to evaluate Student to determine her eligibility for special
education related services. The complaint has been investigated as required by federal
regulations at 34 C.F.R. 300.151 to 300.153 and according to the Department ofEducation's
regulations at 14 DE Admin Code 923.51.0 to 53.0.


Student attended the 8th grade at FFA in the 2011-2012 school year.


Student is not identified as a student with a disability under Section 504, or the IDEA.


In June 2012, FFA notified Parent Student had not met the criteria for promotion to the 8th
grade. Student did not pass the academic standards for gth grade math, and as a result, was
not eligible for promotion to the 9th grade.


Parent expressed specific concerns to FFA staff and felt she was not informed of Studenfs
struggle in math class. Parent also attempted to enroll Student in a summer school program
to allow Student to make up the "credit" for math so she could be promoted to the 9th
grade. FFA does not, however, provide a summer school program for this purpose.
Parent sought intervention from FFA's school board without success. Parent subsequently
enrolled Student in a private tutoring program over the summer providing 30 hours of
instruction in math. Parent believed the private tutoring would provide Student with
"credit" for math to allow her promotion to the 9th grade. But, FFA refused to promote
Student to the 9th grade based on the math instruction she received over the summer.


Parent filed this complaint on August 21, 2012. Parent contends FFA failed to
accommodate Student's needs resulting from her ADD. Parent claims Student was
diagnosed with ADD prior to her enrollment at FFA, and the diagnosis was disclosed
on the school's application form at the beginning of the school year. Parent also claims she
explained at teacher conferences that Student has a difficult time concentrating and

The Final Report identifies some people and places generically, to protect personally identifiable information about the student
from unauthorized disclosure. An index of names is attached for the benefit of the individuals and agencies involved in the
investigation. The index must be removed before the Final Report is released as a public record.

fOcusing due to having ADD. Parent claims FFA was aware ofStudent's condition and
. failed to properly evaluate her to determine her eligibility for special education and related

The evidence demonstrates, however, Student received educational benefit and made
progress in academic subject areas while attending FFA, with the exception of some areas
in math. Student is consistently described by her teachers as cooperative and
demonstrating age appropriate skill levels. Student's teachers described Student as a typical
gth grade student. The school staff did not observe Student as having an increased level of
distractibility or inattention that interfered with her learning, nor does she lack the ability to
focus during instruction and class work. Rather, Student's primary issues are described as
being overly talkative, social, and distracted by the presence of peers. There is no evidence
Student's teachers or other school personnel expressed concern to supervisory or
administrative personnel that Student may be in need special education and related
services. Nor is there is any evidence Parent or school personnel requested a special
education evaluation.


In this complaint, Parent also claims FFA is required to promote Student to the 9th grade
based on the private math tutoring she received over the summer.


No Violation of Child Find

Public charter schools in Delaware are subject to the "child find" requirements outlined in
14 Del. C. 3122. Charter schools are responsible for identifying, locating, and
evaluating students with disabilities who may be in need of special education and related
services. In this case, however, there is no violation of the "child find" duty. For the
reasons stated above, the evidence does not support the conclusion that school officials
should have suspected Student had a disability with special education needs requiring
a evaluation.


Other Non-IDEA Claims

This complaint is limited to allegations arising under the IDEA and corresponding state
and federal regulations related to special education. Parent's claim that FFA must promote
Student to the 9th grade based on the private math tutoring she received over the summer
is outside the scope of the IDEA and state special education regulations.

e, Esq.
Assigned Investigator
Education Associate
Date Issued: October 20, 2012

School Leader
Special Education Staff
Math Teacher

Tennell Brewington
Sanya Rogers
Robert Baloga


11/7/2013 10:55:46

1. The complaint is primarily against: School Administrator, Board Member(s)

2. Name, Address, Phone Number and Email Address (if available) of the Person, Persons, or
Organization Filing the Complaint.
My name is
n I'm calling in regards to my daughter Kayla moon.my daughter has been
diagnosed with the disease in her knees,and she has to be on crutches and they don't have a handicap
SS.I've been calling Mr Moore Dr brueucysee no one is returning my phone call my child haven't been to
school in 2 weeks no work haven't been sent home or nothing no one haven't call or check on her.
3. What is the Relationship Between the Person(s) or Organization Filing the Complaint and the Student?
4. From the Pull down Menu Below, Select the Name of the School where the Alleged Violation Took
Place? Family Foundations
5. What happened during the Alleged Incident(s)?
My child was just diagnosed with the disease in her knees and she have to use crutches and they don't
have a handicap area to walk.
6. Has the Person Making this Complaint Met With or Spoken To the School Administrator?
7. Has the Person Making this Complaint Met With or Spoken To the President of the School Board? If
you answered Yes, Describe What Happened During the Meeting or Conversation with the School
Administrator. Be Specific and Provide Details. If You Answered Yes, Describe What Happened During
the Meeting or Conversation with the Board president. Be Specific and Provide Details.
No. I've been trying to call and talk to someone from the school but no one will talk to me but the
secretary the Dean on the phone but they won't get on the phone itself to talk to me
I wasn't able to talk to anybody know when we return my phone call

8. What Decision or Action From the School Administrator and/or Board President Would be a
Satisfactory Solution to Your Complaint?
Let me take my child out.
9. I certify that the information that I have described and provided in this complaint is accurate and
correct to the best of my knowledge. I certify that I have tried to resolve the complaint through the
school's complaint process.

Yes, I certify that the information provided in this complaint is accurate and correct to the best of my

10. Before the Delaware Department of Education Charter School Office can accept your complaint, you
must give the DDOE permission to share your complaint with the leadership at the school. If you do not
give permission, below, the Charter School Office cannot take any action on your complaint.
Yes, I give permission for the Delaware Department of Education Charter School Office to share a copy
of this complaint, including any relevant documentation, to the school administrator, Board president,
and any other persons mentioned in this complaint.

Timestamp: 3/1/2013 7:42:29

1. The complaint is primarily against: School Administrator
2. Name, Address, Phone Number and Email Address (if available) of the Person, Persons, or
Organization Filing the Complaint.

3. What is the Relationship between the Person or Organization Filing the Complaint and the Student?
4. From the Pull down Menu Below, Select the Name of the School where the Alleged Violation Took
Place? Family Foundations
5. What happened during the Alleged Incident(s)?
I had a meeting with school administrator in regards to my daughter
2/20/13. My daughter twisted a teacher nose. We were meeting to discuss action being taken. School
administration said she was being suspended from school for 30 days without the option of being able
to complete her absent assignments. I don't agree with the action I suggested alternative school they
state can't send here there and that its nothing they can do.
6. Has the Person Making this Complaint Met With or Spoken To the School Administrator?
7. Has the Person Making this Complaint Met With or Spoken To the President of the School Board? If
you answered Yes, Describe What Happened During the Meeting or Conversation with the School
Administrator. Be Specific and Provide Details. If You Answered Yes, Describe What Happened During
the Meeting or Conversation with the Board president. Be Specific and Provide Details.

I called the school attendant after leaving the meeting to discuss that my daughter can not be out of
school for 30 days there has to be another way to resolve this issue. She stated that I should have been
removed her from the school due to pervious incidents and hung.
No the board has not contacted me at all.
8. What Decision or Action From the School Administrator and/or Board President Would be a
Satisfactory Solution to Your Complaint?
I would like for my daughter to be to have the option of completing the 7th grade.

9. I certify that the information that I have described and provided in this complaint is accurate and
correct to the best of my knowledge. I certify that I have tried to resolve the complaint through the
school's complaint process.
Yes, I certify that the information provided in this complaint is accurate and correct to the best of my

10. Before the Delaware Department of Education Charter School Office can accept your complaint, you
must give the DDOE permission to share your complaint with the leadership at the school. If you do not
give permission, below, the Charter School Office cannot take any action on your complaint.
Yes, I give permission for the Delaware Department of Education Charter School Office to share a copy
of this complaint, including any relevant documentation, to the school administrator, Board president,
and any other persons mentioned in this complaint.

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