The Salem Lamplighter: December, 2014 Vol. 1 No. 12 E-Mail: Website: (314) 921-5507

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The Salem Lamplighter

December, 2014 Vol. 1 No. 12 E-Mail:

Website: (314) 921-5507

We live in a world in which bigger and better define our expectations for much of life. We have become so
enamored by supersize, superstars and high definition that we tend to view life through a lens that so magnifies what
we expect out of the world that we tend to not see potential in small things. But as the prophet Zechariah reminds us
(Zechariah 4:10), we should not despise the day of small things, because God does some of His best work with
small beginnings and impossible situations.
It is truly a humbling experience to read through the Old Testament and see how frail and imperfect the
heroes of faith actually are. Abraham: the coward who cannot truly believe the promise. Jacob: the cheat who
struggles with everybody. Joseph: the immature and arrogant teen. Moses: the impatient murderer who cannot wait for
God. Gideon: the cowardly Baal-worshipper. Samson: the womanizing drunk. David: the power-abusing adulterer.
It never ceases to amaze me that God often begins with small things and inadequate people. It certainly seems
that God could have chosen bigger things and better things to do His work in the world. Yet, if God can use them,
and reveal Himself through them in such marvelous ways, it means that He can use us inadequate, unwise and too
often lacking in faith. And it means that we need to be careful that we do not put limits on what God can do with the
smallest things, the most unlikely of people, in the most hopeless of circumstances. I think that is part of the wonder
of the Advent Season.
The 4 weeks prior to Christmas Day are a time of anticipation and expectation. It is a season when we talk
about some of the smallest, least important people in the world a small town carpenter, a very young Jewish girl
from a small village in a remote corner of the Roman empire, a busy innkeeper and shepherds. And as the Christmas
season progresses, we see how God took these people and used them in one of the greatest events in history the
incarnation of God! And even then, Gods entry into the world did not come in the form of a mighty king it came in
the form of a helpless, tiny baby.
The weeks leading up to Christmas take us through the emotions of Anticipation, Hope, Love, Joy and Peace
and culminates with the coming of the Christ child. This is one of the most joyful seasons of the Christian year. And
we must take this time to celebrate God, experience His love, live in His joy and understand that God loves to use the
smallest, most unlikely people (and churches) to do His greatest work in His world.
I encourage you to use this season to rededicate yourself and Salem Baptist Church to the God who calls and
commands us to change the world. He does not need our strength, our wisdom, our abilities all He asks for is our
willingness to follow Him and He will display His strength, wisdom and abilities through us.
Merry Christmas,
Pastor Derald
Carmen Hook and Carl Barrow
Our Samaritans Purse Shoe-Box Party was fun for all. We filled 30 boxes and they were taken to Parker Road
Baptist Church for shipment. Every box required $7.00 for shipping and everyone was so generous that we received
over $300. The extra money will be put in an account to be used for next year.
Lottie Moon will be our next project and the goal to support this project is $800.
Dont forget your gifts for the Missouri Baptist Childrens Home. There is a box in the foyer for the
unwrapped gifts. If you would like to send a gift card, please give them to Carmen for delivery to the home. We
must have our gifts there before December 15th, 2014.
Childrens Ministry
Diane Pine
What a great time of the year for remembering all the Lord has given to us. I thank God for you, my Salem
family. Your support and encouragement are always there, right when I need it the most. I would like to wish all of
you a Merry Christmas.
The Childrens Department is planning to Celebrate the Birth of our Savior with a childrens party on
Wednesday, December 17th. The celebration will be held on the Childrens Floor from 6:30-8:00 PM. Please RSVP
to the church office 314-921-5507 by December 15th.
As we prepare for the New Year please keep our church in your prayers, especially our search for a new
pastor. Im looking forward to seeing what God has planned for Salem. Find your place of service and enjoy the
blessings of helping others.

Sunday School
Brian Rogerson
A Curious Disinterest
Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, magi from the east arrived in
Jerusalem, saying, Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east and have
come to worship Him. When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him. Gathering
together all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Messiah was to be born. They
said to him, In Bethlehem of Judea; for this is what has been written by the prophet:
And you, Bethlehem, land of Judah,
Are by no means least among the leaders of Judah;
For out of you shall come forth a Ruler
Who will shepherd My people Israel.
Then Herod secretly called the magi and determined from them the exact time the star appeared. And he sent them to
Bethlehem and said, Go and search carefully for the Child; and when you have found Him, report to me, so that I
too may come and worship Him.
Matthew 2:18 (NASB)
The Bible is often remarkable not just for what God has included, but what is missing. The interest of the
magi is clear here, and will become clearer: They have sought out the newly born King, and have come to find Him
so that they can worship Him and present Him with gifts. Herods motivation is hidden in these verses, but will soon
become clear as well: He sees any possibility of a newly born king as a threat to his own political position, and is
willing to do whatever it takes to keep himself on the throne.
But what about the chief priests and scribes? They answer his question quite accurately, quoting the prophet
Micahand then we hear nothing else about them. Would we not expect them to be curious, and ask questions?
Why was their king asking about the Messiah? Why had he gathered them all together to ask? Micahs prophecy was
hundreds of years old. Why was it so important now? Was there some sign that the Messiah would soon appear?
But we see no indication of curiosity or enthusiasm. No indication that they did anything after the summons
other than returning to their normal duties. They had Gods Word, including His promise that He would send His
Servant to rescue them from their sin, but they displayed no interest whatsoever.
Jesus quoted another prophet, Isaiah, in Matthew 13:
You will keep on hearing, but will not understand;
You will keep on seeing, but will not perceive;
For the heart of this people has become dull,
With their ears they scarcely hear,
And they have closed their eyes,
Otherwise they would see with their eyes,
Hear with their ears,
And understand with their heart and return,
And I would heal them.
There may be portions of Gods Word that we have read over and over again. Let us make certain that when
we study them, we do not see them without perceiving themor we may miss out when God is trying to tell us

6 Bill and Connie Light

7 George and Nancy Tripp
12 Jeff and Kim Schroeder
21 Bud and Carmen Hook
31 Herman and Sue Rea

3 Cheryl Shanika
Alan Southmayd
8 Herman Rea
14 Gene Kirkendall
23 Monica Haag

25 Melody Bosworth
Cheryl Glackin
26 Ed Pine
27 Bill Glackin
31 Torunn Jae Sutphen

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