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How to Configure Bittorrent for Proxy servers - Bittorrent - PC Tech Talk

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How to Configure Bittorrent for Proxy servers

Started by m athanblr , Jul 03 2 008 1 2 :4 6 AM

Post ed 0 3 Ju ly 2 0 0 8 - 1 2 :4 6 A M

Hello Everybody, I just joined your form. I would like to start off with a Question....

I am using bittorrent at my home without any problem. However, At office I am unable to download or even connect
to the server as I am suppose to access the internet through a proxy server. Currently I my IP address is : and my internet explorer is configured to : 8080 , I can browse and download from the
web browsers. However when I try installing Ares or Bittorrent.
This is what I face:
1. Stay in connection - doesn't go onlie - Tried configuring the Proxy server under the network section in preferences
By selecting use sock4proxy : : 8080 no go , also sock4proxy: ( :
8080 - no go
Same tried with sock5proxy - no good news.
Even the same With Bittorrent as well. I have trying "user Http proxy and entered the info - no use..
Can someone Please Help me on this and to configure these to get my downloading up and running ...

Mathan. Sri Lanka.
Post ed 0 3 Ju ly 2 0 0 8 - 0 2 :3 0 A M

Dark Shroud

You would need to enter the proxy information into the proxy section of the bittorrent client that you are using. And
then with the client running while not actually trying to download anything go to
( and enter the port number you're using. If it say anything other than yes you're
being blocked either by a firewall or the proxy blocks bittorrent traffic.
Don't even waste your time with Ares. That program and network are dying. Right now the programs to use are
BitTorrent & Frostwire.
Post ed 0 3 Ju ly 2 0 0 8 - 1 0 :0 4 A M


Bittorrent will, if not carefully controlled, suck down all of the bandwidth it can grab, making the internet
unavailable to the rest of the network.
This is a very chancy thing to do in an office. You cannot conceal it from an administrator, and if this is in violation
of office policy, can get you fired.


Post ed 0 3 Ju ly 2 0 0 8 - 0 8 :3 3 PM



How to Configure Bittorrent for Proxy servers - Bittorrent - PC Tech Talk

Hello Dark Shroud,
Thank you for providing the information. However When I open bittorrent and preferences->Connection-> Proxy
server information I have given as port: 8080,
and clicked on Random port button on the same page to select the listening port , it came as 59283 or 21679 etc. then
I went to the site you have mentioned ( and entered
59283. it says Connection timed out.
When I click on the speed guide on the B.T and then clicked on " test if port is forwarding properly" then this is what
I get
Welcome to the Torrent Port Checker.
A test will be performed on your computer to check if the specified port is opened.
Checking port 63131 on
Error! Port 63131 does not appear to be open.
Please see ( for more information about how to map a
Please make absolutely sure that PeerGuardian2 or Protowall is allowing ( in either of
those programs. Those of you using ipfilter.dat should make sure the list does not include the website's IP. After
making sure of this, re-run this test by refreshing the page (F5).
Even same message for other port number which are been picked up randomly.
Please Help me on this ... I need to get the downloading going on...!


Post ed 0 4 Ju ly 2 0 0 8 - 0 1 :0 6 A M

Dark Shroud
From the sounds of things your company has p2p blocked.

If you want to risk your job I would suggest BitComet because of it's NAT Traversal function. Just make sure you
limit the upload speed and enter your companies proxy info into BitComet and select for tracker communication
only to see if you can connect.
Post ed 1 5 A pr il 2 0 0 9 - 0 8 :4 2 A M

Hi all,

Can anyone plz just help me.i am using limewire at the moment.The problem i have is that when i SEARCH for a song
i almost always get results that i can download,this is all fine but when i download a torrent for example fallout 3
from just says locating sources the hole freaking day.and when i use utorrent or bitcomet i cant
download anything.It just says connecting(its seems to me that it just doesnt connect).my settings in limewire is no
proxy and its the same in bitcomet and utorrent.but yet i can download some stuff with limewire when i
SEARCH.Basicly any torrent that i dont just doenst work.CAN it be that the firewall or sumthing is blocking it?
Thanx in advance



How to Configure Bittorrent for Proxy servers - Bittorrent - PC Tech Talk

Post ed 1 7 A pr il 2 0 0 9 - 1 2 :3 3 A M


You don't have a proxy, but you posted your question at the end of a dead message thread about proxies, under a
bittorrent forum when you're asking about limewire... not too carefully thought out, was that? A lot of people who
might be able to help won't even read this because you buried it so obscurely.
Limewire and bittorrent are utterly different and not at all compatible. Did you know that? I can't tell from your
message whether you get that or not.
why not figure out what question you're asking, then start a new topic in the correct forum (there is a separate forum
for limewire, and a whole separate section for help with BitComet), provide sufficient information about your
system, and what you're trying to do? It will save a lot of time if you provide the information up front instead of
having to draw it out of you bit by bit.

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