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In an enterprise, the workforce takes the important role. So it is very much important to
stote the information of the details of all the people in the system. A person record is
created in the system due to two reasons.


e.g. Employment, placement, Job

Person in the Organization.

e.g. Contact, dependent,

1 Personal Information:
To create person record, navigate to People form using People > Enter and Maintain.






Set your effective date to the appropriate date for adding the person to the system.
If you are entering an employee, this should be his or her hire date.
Enter the Last Name, First Name, Middle Names and other details in the Name
Enter the gender. This step is must for Employees.
In the Action type drop down, select the option
a. Create Employment if you want to create an Employee.
b. Create Applicant if you want to create an Applicant.
c. Create Placement if you want to create Contingent Worker.
d. Create Other if you want to create other persons like contacts, canditate,
external etc.,
Enter the Persons identification information in the Identification region against
<> Number.
Enter the Employee or Applicant or Contingent Worker Number. Note that you
can enter this value manually if the corresponding Number generation is set to
Manual against the Information Type Business Group Info against your
Business group. If this value is set to Automatic the number would be generated
Enter the person details as required in the Personal Information region.
a. Enter the Date of Birth of the person against the field DOB. This step is a
must for Employees.
b. Enter his place of Birth details as required.
c. Enter marital status in the Status field.
Enter the Office details as required in the Office Details region.
a. Enter the Office details against Office, Location and Mailstop fields.
b. Enter the email address against Email field.

c. In the Mail to field, select Home or Office to indicate the persons

preferred mail description.
9. For applicants, enter the Resume details in the Applicant Region.
10. Enter the preferred name(Nick name) and previous last name in the Further Name
11. Enter the Benefits details in the Benefits Region.
12. Save the Record.
These details are stored in the table PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F

Q: I would like to bi-pass the National Identifier Validation. How can I achieve this?
You can configure the action to be taken when National Identifier Validation fails using
the System Profiles. The Profile to be used here is HR: National Identifier Validation

1.1 Address:
To Enter persons address, Click on Address button. Here is the place where you enter
the contact address of a person. A person can have multiple addresses such as Temporary
Address, Permanent Address etc., But a person can have only one Primary Address. To
create a Persons address
1. Click on Address Button.
2. Select the Address Style.
3. Enter the Address details.
4. Choose the Address Type in Details region if required.
5. Click the Primary checkbox if the address is primary.

6. Enter the Date From and Date To values to mention the period during which this
address is active.
7. Save the Record.
When you create persons address the record is saved in PER_ADDRESSES table.

1.2 Person Types :

When you create a person chosing the Action Type, a corresponding Person Type will be
created for the Person. So when you create an Employee, a Person Type of Employee
will be created for the person.
Q : While creating an employee, I want to distinguish between the Employee types
Contracted Employee and Full Time Employee. How can I define my own Person Types?
User Person Types can be defined using Person Types Window. To create Person Types
navigate to Person Types window following the
avigation Path : Other Definitions > Person Types

Enter the User Person Type Name against the User Name.
Choose the corresponding System Person Type Name from the available list.
Choose the active checkbox checked to keep this User Person Type enabled.
Choose the Default Checkbox, if you want to use this Person Type as the Default
Person Type for the System Person Type. Note that for a given System Person
Type, there can be only User Person Type Name marked as Default Person Type.
Save the Record.

Tables Impacted: PER_PERSON_TYPES

You use these Person Types while creating People.
Q: How do I attach these Person Types while creating People?

While entering Person Information in People window, when you select the value against
Action Type, you can select the User Person Type mapped to the corresponding System
Person Type in the Person Type for Action window.
E.g. If you have defined two User Person Types IMAC Permanent Employee and IMAC
Contracted Employee mapped to the System Person Type Employee, these two Person
Types appear in the List Of Values for the field Person Type for Action, if you have
selected Action of Create Employment.
Q: Can a Person have multiple Person Types? If so how can we enter multiple person
types for the Person?
A Person can have multiple Person Types. To enter all the Person Types for a Person,
navigate to Person Type Usage window from the People window. Enter the Person
Types for the Person.
Tables Impacted : PER_PERSO_TYPE_USAGES_F.
Q: When do I enter multiple Person Types for a Person?
E.g. If your Organization has an Employee Mr X who is also Dependent of another
Employee in the Organization, then Mr. X will have two Person Types viz., Employee
and Dependent.
Q: I have defined two User Person Types IMAC Permanent Employee and IMAC
Contracted Employee mapped to Person Type Employee. Can I create an employee
with both above Person Types.
No, you cannot have a Person Record with multiple person types mapped to similar
group of System Person Types. E.g. If you create an employee with Person Type IMAC
Permanent Employee, then the Person can not have any other Person Type mapped to a
Person Type relation with Organization (Employee, Applicant, Contingent Worker) as
the Person already has a Relation with Organization.

1.3 Qualifications:
When you create a Person apart from normal personal, address details, you also enter the
Qualifications of the person. You get these details from the person with adequate proofs
for the same and would like to enter these details in the system.
To Enter the Qualifications for a Person, navigate to Qualifications window from the
Person screen ( Others > Qualifications).

Enter the Qualification against the Type field by choosing one of the Qualification
Types values from the List.
Enter the Start Date, End Date and other details accordingly.
Enter the Professional Body Name against the field Professional Body. A
professional body is an organization, usually non-profit, that exists to further a
particular profession, to protect both the public interest and the interests of
Enter the Subjects by choosing the Subjects from the available list. This list
comes from the Lookup PER_SUBJECTS.
Save the Record.


Q: How can I define the Qualifications that do not exist in the system?
You can define new Qualifications using the Qualification Types Window.
avigation: Career Management > Qualification Types.


Q: When I clicked on List of Values icon against the Professional Body field in the
Qualifications window, the list did not return values. What is the reason for this?
You have not entered / created Professional Body Information in your Business Group
before hand. Create an Organization using the Organization window and attach the
Organization Classification Professional Body Information.
Previous Employment Information: System should also accept the details of Persons
Previous Employment and the Previous Employer etc., These details you get from the
Person and validate them with appropriate proofs and enter the details in the System. To
enter the Previous Employment Information navigate to Previous Employment
Information window from the Person window > Others > Previous Employment.

1.4 Other Information:

Along with the above information, you can also enter Contact Details ( Contact),
Contract Details (Contract), Disabilities (Disabilities), Phone Numbers(Phones), Work
Preferences and Work Incidents etc., You have individual screens for all these forms
available from Person Window.

2 Assignment Information
When a Person is hired for a Work Relationship, you should enter the Employment
Details of the Person with the Organization. These details are entered using the
Assignment window.
To enter the assignment details, navigate to assignment screen from the Person Window
by clicking on the Assignment Window. When you create an Employee, one assignment
will be created by default.
Q : What details would I need to enter in the assignment screen?
In the assignment screen, you enter the Employment relation details of the Employee
with the Company. The details include Department Name, Location, Grade, Position,
Job, Assignment Category, Payroll, Supervisor, Working hours etc.,

Enter the Department Name against the Field Organization. The LOV for this
field returns all the Organizations with the Classification HR Organization.
Enter the Job of the Employee against the Job field.
Enter the Grade Name against the Grade field.
Enter the Work Location against the field Location. This will be defaulted with
the Location of the Department.
Enter the Position Name against Position field.
Enter the Assignment Category against the field Assignment Category. The LOV
returns all the values listed in the User extensible lookup EMP_CAT.
Enter the Assignment Category against the field Employee Category. The LOV
returns all the values listed in the User Extensible lookup EMPLOYEE_CATG.
Enter the Supervisor Name against the Supervisor field (in the Supervisor tab
region). This lists all the Employees in the Business Group. If the Profile HR:
Cross Business Group is set to Yes, it lists all the Employees across the
Business groups.
Enter the Working hours in the Standard Conditions tab region. This will be
defaulted with the Work Day Information entered against the HR Organization.

Q: When I try to enter the Position against the assignment, I can not see the Position
Name that I wish to attach. What is the reason?

Position is a Job in a Department. So if some value is entered already against the fields
Organization or Job, then the Position field lists all the Positions in that Department or
with that Job.
Q: Can a person have multiple assignments?
Yes, an employee can have multiple assignments.E.g. An Employee may work both as
Software Engineer and DBA. You then create multiple assignments. To create the
secondary assignment, click on the New (+) icon while in assignment screen and enter
the details of the secondary assignment. An employee can have several concurrent
assignments, but at one point of time an employee must and can have only one Primary
Q: How can I identify whether an existing assignment is a Primary assignment or not?
If the Primary checkbox in the Miscellaneous tab is checked then the assignment is
Primary assignment.
Q: Can I flip an employees secondary assignment to Primary?
Yes, to make a secondary assignment to Primary, query for the Secondary assignment
and check the box Primary in the Miscellaneous tab and then choose the corresponding
Date track mode. The existing primary assignment will then become the Secondary
Q: Where can I enter Assignments F.T.E ?
The assignments F.T.E. can be entered in Budgets screen. Choose the Unit as Full Time
Equivalent and enter the value.
avigation Path: Person > Assignment > Others > Budgets.

2.1 Grade Steps:

You need to enter the Initial Spinal Point for the Employee.E.g. Even though you have
placed 2 new joinees, one having prior experience of 3 years and other being fresher on a
same grade, you may not want to place them on a same intial point. So to enter the Grade
Step Details
 Ensure you have entered the proper Grade for the Employee.
 Navigate to Grade steps screen.
avigation : Person > Assignment > Others > Grade Step.
 Enter the initial Point. Optionally enter whether you want to auto increment and
 Save the Record.

3 Terminations and Rehire

Terminations / Resignations are quite normal in any Enterprise. You can terminate an
Employee using the End Employment window.

The Leaving Reasons LOV lists all the values in the User Extensible Lookup
LEAV_REAS. Lets take an example and understand the importance of various
Termination Dates.
E.g. Eric wants to resign to his Job, so he notified his Employer on 10-Jun-2008 that he
will be leaving the Organization from 06-Jul-2008. Due to delay in Knowledge Transfer
he had to leave the Organization on 10-Jul-2008. His normal salary payments are settled
down on 31-Jul-2008. However his Profident Fund amount is settled on 30-Sep-2008.
This is his final finacial settlement with the company.

Eric has notified his Employer on 10-Jun-2008. So this date is the Notified
His projected Employment End Date is 06-Jul-2008. So this date is the Projected
He is actually terminated from the Organization from 10-Jul-2008. Employee has
physically moved out of the Organization on this date. This is Actual
Termination Date (ATD).
Even though Eric has gone out of the Organization, his Normal Salary Payments
till 10-July are made on 31-Jul-2008. This is Last Standard Process Date (LSP).
Still all the financial statements are not completed. All the financial settlements
were completed on 30-Sep-2008. This is the Final Process Date(FPD).

Q: Which tables are impacted when you terminate Employee?

When you terminate Employee, again following tables are impacted.
from the Actual Termination Date.
PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE : The Service Period Record is updated with the
Termination Dates, Leaving Reason etc.,
PER_PERSON_TYPE_USAGES_F: The Person Type will be Date track updated to ExEmployee from the Actual Termination Date.
PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F: All the Employees assignments with the Period of
Service will be updated to Status Terminated from the Actual Termination Date till
Final Process Date. From the Final Process Date, the assignment records do not exist.
Q: An Employee is terminated by mistake. Can I undo this transaction?
Yes, you can perform the action Reverse Termination from the End Employment
Q: How can I rehire an Employee?
To rehire an Employee,
 Navigate to Person window (People > Enter and Maintain).
 Query for the Employee.
 Change the System Date to the date from where you want to rehire the Employee.
 Choose the Action Create Employment from the Action Dropdown list.
 Save the record by choosing Update mode.
 Save the Record.
Q: What is the difference between Reverse Termination and Rehire?
Reverse Termination means an Employee is terminated by mistake or you want to call
back an Employee immediately after termination. When you reverse terminate an
Employee, his termination details will be cleared and he will be continued with same
assignments and with same service period.

Rehire means an Employee has again been hired by the Organization after interviewing
him. When he is rehired, he will have same employee number, email address etc., but he
will have a new Service Period ( New record in PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE) and
new assignment (PER_ALL_ASSIGNMENTS_F) and new Person Types.
Q: Can I terminate individual assignments of an Employee?
Yes, you can terminate the Employees secondary assignments individually. However
you cannot terminate Employees Primary assignment as employee can not exist without
Primary assignment. Primary assignment can be terminated only using End Employment
To terminate a secondary assignment,
 Navigate to Assignment screen.
 Change the System date to the Date from when you want to terminate the
 Change the Assignment Status to Terminated / End. If you choose the action
Terminate Assignment, the assignments status will be updated to Terminated
from that Date. If you choose the Action End Assignment, the assignment
record will be end dated as of that date and the assignment record will not exist
after that date. A Terminated Assignment can only be updated to End.
 Save the Record.
Q: Can I rehire a terminated assignment?
No, you cannot rehire a terminated assignment. But you can reverse terminate a
terminated assignment. If you feel that you want to hold an assignment for some period
and then make it active, you should update the assignment status to Suspended.

Q: How can I terminate a Contigent Woker?

You can terminate a contingent worker using the End Placement window available
from Person > Others. Here you enter only Actual Termination Date and no LSP and
FPD and this person does not hold any Payments relationship with the Business Group.
When you create / terminate a Contingent worker, the following tables will be impacted.
4. PER_PERIODS_OF_PLACEMENT ( Only difference between Employee and

3.1 Transfers and Global assignments:

To transfer an employee from one Department to Other Department in a same Business
Group, update the Organization field in the Assignment screen with the new Department.
Q: An Employee is working on Global Assignments across the Business Groups. How do
you handle this Global Employee?
Unfortunately Oracle e-Business suite does not support Global Employee concept
without the duplication of Data. To achieve the mutliple Global Employees concept,
follow the below steps. E.g. you have created 2 Business Groups IMAC India BG and
IMAC UK BG. These Business groups are attached to Responsibilities IMAC India
HRMS Manager and IMAC UK HRMS Manager respectively.

Ensure that the system Profile HR: Cross Business Group is set to Yes.
Switch to IMAC India HRMS Manager Responsibility.
Navigate to Person window (People > Enter and Maintain).
Create the Employee. E.g. Provide the Last Name as IMAC Global Emp. Save
the Record.
Switch to IMAC UK HRMS Manager Responsibility.
Navigate to Person window (People > Enter and Maintain).
Create another Employee with the same name (IMAC Global Emp). Save the
record. Application prompts you to enter the Potential Duplicate Name.
Choose correpsonding Employee detail with the Business Group IMAC India BG.
It lists all the Employees in all the Business Groups with the same name. If this

record is duplicate record of any Employee in other Business Group. If it is not a

duplicate record then choose No match. Save the Record.
To find out the all the duplicate records for a Person created in several business groups,
look for the column party_id in the Table PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F. The party_id
column value will be same for all the duplicate person records.
Q: In the Person window, I can see navigation to Assignment, Address, Picture as
buttons and other windows through Others button? Can I change this configuration?
You can link windows used to complete tasks in a task flow. Then, you can choose a
button to bring up each window in turn without returning to the menu.
This Flow is defined using Task Flows. Each of the Forms Person, Assignment,
Picture etc., are defined as Task Flow nodes.
avigation: Security > Task Flow Nodes

The Task Flow is defined with the grouping of these Task Flow nodes with the
appropriate navigation.
avigation: Security > Task Flow Definitions.

If you wish a Node to appear as Button, then check the box Button. You can define
your own Task Flow Definition and pass this Name as the Parameter for the Form

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