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Professor Philip G. Alston

John Norton Pomeroy Professor of Law
New York University School of Law
40 Washington Square South, 305 New York, NY 10012
Telephone: (212) 998-6173 Facsimile: (212) 995-4030

George Williams

Ref; 20141214-G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Professor








Philip G. Alston

Sir, as a CONSTITUTIONALIST my first concern always is the conduct is as per true meaning
and application of the constitution (Commonwealth of Australia
Constitution Act 1900 (UK).
I understand that you are possibly involved in matters such as Research, Children's Rights,
Economic and social rights, Human Rights, International law, International Organizations and
Education. As you may recall, that on 9 December 2014 you gave what was purported to be a
public lecture Could Australia Really Become a Police State? The usage of become may be
understood in future and not currently, whereas I view it already is. In my view a Police State
may be deemed to exist when citizens constitutional rights are denied/eroded/thwarted, etc.
Is a VELVET REVOLUTION required and justified to restore our constitutional rights-Part A
The document can be downloaded from:
You now may recall me being this person asking you the question about the High Court of
Australia Kable decision, to which you responded you were not a constitutional lawyer.
The link allows you to download free of charge the document which so to say contains the
silver bullet (actually several of them) why the High Court of Australia was so seriously
wrong in the Kable judgment! In my view any lawyer (in particular also Human rights lawyers)
should learn about this document I wrote and how this exposes so much about international law,
constitutional law, etc. And this is just Part A.
As it also refers to your person I view it is appropriate that I notify you about it, so you may
perhaps request your own put in, as this is a DRAFT.
In case you havent yet noticed I am Dutch born, and English is not my native language nor did I
have any formal education in the English language. However, let this not fool you, as while now
retired I was assisting/representing parties (including lawyers and barristers) in litigation. And
yes the Legal Service Commissioner was aware of this as in fact the last case I did was
representing a solicitor and barrister (for 22 years already) with the opponent being the Legal
Service Commission. The Legal Service Commissioner previously spend about a year
investigating me, but to no avail!
I am proud not to be a lawyer, and hence cannot be accused to so to say burn a party as an
Officer of the Court may at times get involved with to serve the court.
My step daughter made known to me Dad you are like the old fashion English lawyers who
learned it from doing cases., this even so she knows I have no law degree while she has. Being
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI series by making a reservation, by fax
0011-61-3-94577209 or E-mail See also
Free download of documents at blog Http://

it that prior to that I married her mother she lost the case, in which I was representing the
opponent party. In 1985 a judge gave me the nickname TRAPDOOR SPIDER because of my
manner cross-examining witnesses, and in 2010 the opponent barrister as I recall stated Mr
Schorel-Hlavka is surgically taking apart my clients affidavit. Upon which I responded; Sit
down, I am doing my job..
I represented Mr Francis James Colosomo before Her Honour Harbison J in regard of
CONTEMPT OF COURT proceedings against Mr Colosimo and the following is recorded in
the transcript near commencement of the hearing:






QUOTE Transcript 16 March 2009

MR SHOREL-HLAVKIA : first of all, Im not a lawyer. Ive no legal training. Im a constitutionalist. That
means I deal with matters on constitutional matters mainly.
HER HONOUR : All right. Do you have some you dont have any legal training?
MR SHOREL-HLAVKIA : Absolutely not.

Mr Colosimo had previously been represented by a barrister but had by this achieved that Mr Colosimo
was placed under Administration, and Victoria Legal Aid had (in writing) advised Mr Colosimo to purge
his contempt. The OPA (Office of the Public Advocate had made clear Mr Colosimo was in the wrong.
When then the opponent Moorabool Shire Council after my writings to them applied to have the contempt
of court application to be withdrawn, I opposed this upon the ground that once it was filed it was beyond
the filing party to withdraw it as it became a matter that only the tribunal/court could dispose of. I pursued
the matter be permanently stayed, and Her Honour Harbison in the end ordered so at the end of the
Subsequently the appeal against the orders of Administration was also upheld.
As such Mr Colosimo achieved a lot more getting rid of his barrister and have me representing him as a
Professional Advocate and CONSTITUTIONALIST.
For the record, Her Honour Harbison J on my submission, ordered that without charge I was provided the
transcript also of the 5 previous hearings. Subsequently I discovered that at no time was Mr Colosimo
actually formally charged, this even so Her Honour Harbison J had warned Mr Colosimo that he could
face imprisonment if found guilty. Guilty of what when one is not charged? And this even so more than
20 lawyers (including judiciary officers) had been involved in the case, with none realizing that the basic
requirement to formally charge a person and read him/her his legal rights was not at all complied with!
There was a lot more wrong but again I succeeded in both cases for Mr Colosimo.

On 19 July 2006 (After a 5 year epic legal battle) I comprehensively defeated the Commonwealth of
Australia and State/Territory Attorney Generals in both appeals of FAILING TO VOTE having
submitted numerous constitutional grounds that compulsory registration and voting was unconstitutional.



So now you know a little bit about me to know that an ordinary person can represent a party successfully!
Law degrees do not provide intelligence! This Part A may just underline that at times an unlettered
person may understand better what the true meaning and application of the constitution is, whereas
lawyers may lose their clients cases on the same issues. They may lack the intelligence, time, incentive or
whatever to do the kind of research I do. By this Human Rights lawyers may overlook critical issues
and as result has many of their clients cases defeated.

This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to contain legal advice
nor to refer to all issues/details.


Our name is our motto!)


Awaiting your response,

G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O. W. B. (Friends call me Gerrit)

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI series by making a reservation, by fax
0011-61-3-94577209 or E-mail See also
Free download of documents at blog Http://

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