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What is education?

Education is a disciplined learning through an institutionalized channel. Education can be

attained through both formal and informal ways. In contrast to many other informal modes of
learning, education provides a channeled, well organized and structured form of learning that
helps a human being to cope with the existing and future challenges and made progress in a
remarkable and peaceful way. A good education literate and train a student's mind to achieve
success at individual, social and economic level.
Education transforms nations. From kindergarten till the post-graduation, it builds,
transforms, rebuilds and retransforms the life of individuals, social class and nationalities. A
country with the lot more spending on the education and research has lot more per capita
income than the less spending countries.
Importance of education at Bachelor and masters level:
Undergraduate and graduate level education plays a vital role in career building and nation
building. The undergraduate level helps in the knowledge dissemination throughout the youth
whereas the post graduate level helps in the knowledge creation as well as knowledge
dissemination. It is undoubtedly true that all the developed economies are knowledge creating
and exploring economies.
A lecturer in an online university has an enormous responsibility to perform the role of nation
transformation through effective creation and transmission of knowledge from one generation
to another, from one source of knowledge to another. A lecturer has to create a synergy effect
between all other nation building blocks by inducing a sense of knowledge acquisition and
dissemination among its students. An online university lecturer has more responsibility since
he/she has more outreach to students from various subcultures and mental inclination levels.
By facing the challenges of distant and virtual education system, it is his/her
responsibility to make the curriculum effective, interesting and productive for the students
and other stake holders. He has to let the student work as close as it is done in the traditional
or conventional modes of education. A healthy interest of students in that particular course,
interactive discussion sections, constructive questioning and concept testing are vital
responsibilities of the lecturer in an online university.
I, being a lecturer in an online university, tries my best to fulfill my responsibilities by
considering it my prime duty especially during the working hours. I also consider it a moral

and ethical responsibility a teacher has to fulfill to build a happy and sustaining present as
well as future.

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