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Kelsey Hodson

Kelsey Hodson
318 Pioneer Rd.
Rexburg, ID 83440

Table of Contents
Web Page
Business Card
Event Ad

Description is a brochure I created for the MesoAmerica Tour trip
offered on campus at BYU-Idaho.
Date: 12.6.14
Course Instructor: Comm 130, Ben Pingel
Program(s)/Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Photoshop,
Microsoft Word
Objectives: This brochure is trying to interest students in signing up
for the MesoAmerica tour. I want to interest them in all of the exciting
adventures that the trip has to offer.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): This took quite a while. I first started
by writing out all of my text in a word document so I could revise it and
check my spelling easily. Then I picked a color scheme, and tried to
think of the best way of showcasing it. Next I got all of my files set up
to hold my documents. I picked out my photos and put them in the
photo. Then I opened up Illustrator and started in on my logo. I used
Photoshop to cut out my Aztec calendar and to change the color to
blue. Then I took it over into AI and made the palm tree with the pen
tool. I added in the text and split it in half so I could place it on both
sides of the brochure. The inside lime Aztec stamping was created
the same way as the logo. I used paragraph styles for the text and text
wrapped the inside left side after I clipped out the photo and prepared
it. I added some contrast with the indigo and did the finishing touches
all in InDesign.

Description: The reason for this project was to show good photo editing
skills and to use selective color matching in making a poster in Adobe
Date: 10.18.14
Course Instructor: Comm 130, Ben Pingel
Program(s)/Tools: Photoshop
Objectives: My husband is in the IBC business program selling home decor
at our school. I wanted to make an appealing poster for that business.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): I used Adobe Photoshop to take a photo I
took and first took the photo and added a luminosity effect with gradients
to make it the colors that I needed for my design. The photo had many
different colors and I pulled some of those colors out and used the colors in
the photo wheel to match a color scheme that would be useful. The camera
I used was a CanonT5 and decided on using a split complementary color
scheme. I had to cut out my image after I put a gradient on it and place it
onto a different colored background and then feather out the sides to make
it blend a little more.

Web Page
Description: This is a website that I made in order to show and describe the
logo that I made and the process it took to do so.
Date: 11.22.14
Course Instructor: Comm 130, Ben Pingel
Program(s)/Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Text Wrangler, Photoshop
Objectives: My web page is meant to attract those looking for a sweet treat.
Everyone loves baked goods and Sonias Sweets is the place to go for all
of your baked goods and sweet tooth needs.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): I created this web page using only the Text
Wrangler application. I first created all the text that I would need in my web
site, along with the titles. Then I went into a css style page and changed
the basic background colors, font styles, and text colors. My design
looked pretty bland and I wanted it to look more interesting and visually
appealing to my audience so I went to the computer lab and learned how
to insert a picture into my background. Then I wanted to make my white
background with the text on it more translucent so you could see more of
the background. These couple of changes really made an improvement on
my design and makes it stand out a lot more then the design I had before.

Description: These Logos are made for my mother (Sonia), who is a baker.
They are made to interest anyone who wants to get themselves a sweet
Date: 11.1.14
Course Instructor: Comm 130, Ben Pingel
Program(s)/Tools: Adobe Illustrator
Objectives: My objective was to make a variation of appealing logos for
my company Sonias Sweets.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): I made these logos in Adobe Illustrator.
In this program I used the pen tool to draw my icing piper. Then I used
the shape tool to make my cupcake frosting with little circles and the base
of the cupcake. I made the cookie with the circle tool and placed an S
in front of it and made it minus front in my pathfinder tool. This makes it
look like a bite was taken out of the cookie.

Business Card
Description the front and back of a business card that I made for the
company Mabel Pies Bakery.
Date: 11.8.14
Course Instructor: Comm 130, Ben Pingel
Program(s)/Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign
Objectives: The objective was to make an appealing business card that
fits my audience and portrays the company.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): This design wasnt too hard to make
thankfully. I knew I wanted to make a pie crust so I used the pen tool to
make the dome shape of the pie and then the circle tool to make the
pie crust edge. I then used the brush tool with an interesting stoke to
make the steam coming off of the pie. I used my tracking and kerning
in order to align the word bakery with Mabel pies. I lightened the
background for the back of the card and in my second draft I added
some contrast with a darker color strip on the side. I made Mabels name
bigger to make it stand out, and gave it color.

Description is the matching letterhead for the business card that I made
for Mabel Pies Bakery.
Date: 11.8.14
Course Instructor: Comm 130, Ben Pingel
Program(s)/Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign
Objectives: This letterhead is for company documents.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): For the letterhead I used the pen tool
to add the simple design to the corners of my page. I then just brought
over my logo from the business card design I made earlier.

Description: This is a spiritual montage made by blending together two
Date: 10.25.14
Course Instructor: Comm 130, Ben Pingel
Program(s)/Tools: Photoshop
Objectives: My objective was to show my ability to blend images
together to make a cohesive design.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): To make this design I went into
Photoshop and dragged in two images. I first applied a smart filter to
the image of the Leaf. Then I used the Lasso tool with a feather on the
edges to select part of the image. Then I dragged that cut out portion
of the image and placed it onto of the image of the girl praying. I then
added a mask to it and gradually blended the two images together with
my brush tool and differing opacities. I then layer text over the image
and chose to emphasize certain parts of the quotation by changing the
font size. The color for the font was chosen out of the girls skin tone.

Event Ad
Description: This is an event ad for a local charity, made in Microsoft Word
and with the use of a scanner.
Date: 10.11.14
Course Instructor: Comm 130, Ben Pingel
Program(s)/Tools: Microsoft Word, HP Scanner
Objectives: This Ad was made to show that I can still make a design with
only use of Microsoft Word.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): I scanned my image of my Walter
Mitty Movie cover onto my computer. It was really easy to cut away the
background paper on it in word because it was a simple rectangle. I
added repetition to the design with the human silhouettes at the bottom
of the page, as well as in the stars. I added a gradient to the background
to make it a little more dynamic.

M o v i e

In The Park!


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Walte ig Screen!
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July 22, 2015
movie starts
at 9:00p.m.

Porter Park
2nd West 2nd
South Rexburg,
ID 83440

Bring your
and your

Description: This is a flier for Vouant Communications, reaching out to
graduating seniors.
Date: 10.4.14
Course Instructor: Comm 130, Ben Pingel
Program(s)/Tools: Adobe InDesign
Objectives: This flier is meant to show a basic design that can be made
in In-Design.
Process (Programs, Tools, Skills): I started this whole process out
with some rough sketches. Then I created a shape map in InDesign
while keeping the FOCUS design principals in mind. I had my plan
formulated and then I organized the layout in my shape map. Elements
of contrast were added as I got some feed back and helpful critiques
from classmates and friends. Unification and simplification were the last
two parts I needed to work on to finish up this process. To unify this
design I used repetition of rectangles and squares and contrasted with
white text on the top and bottom rectangles. The images and text
were supplied for me.

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