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Daragh Maggio and Samantha Suazo

Primary Sources
The Testimony of J. Edgar Hoover Before the House Un-American Activities Committee.
March 26, 1947. Reprinted in Cold War. Cable News Network.
This is a primary source because it is a testimony by Hoover which was brought up
before the House of Un-american Activities Committee. This source was extremely
helpful because it provided Hoovers viewpoint and opinion on communism and the red
scare after world war II.
Government files
A Guide To The Microfilm Edition Of. THE J. EDGAR HOOVER OFFICIAL AND
CONFIDENTIAL FILE (n.d.): n. pag. Web.
This source is primary because it is a government record of Hoovers secret files. It
provides every documented illegal form of spying that Hoover used.
LYDON, CHRISTOPHER. "J. Edgar Hoover Made the F.B.I. Formidable With Politics,
Publicity and Results." New York Times 3 May 1972: n. pag. Web.
This is a primary source because it is written by someone who knew Hoover. This source
is helpful because it is Hoovers obituary after his death. It provided general background
information and a different point of view than most biographies.
"The Impact of J. Edgar Hoover." Telephone interview. 6 Dec. 2014.
This interview was with Angelo Cinquemani, former special services and police
lieutenant. This was helpful because it provided us with a point of view of someone that
lived during Hoovers time period and experienced the changes that Hoover made.
Letters/ Memos
"1938 Letter from J. Edgar Hoover to Genevieve Cooper." Letter to Genevieve Cooper. 12
Feb. 1938. FBI, n.d. Web.
The Federal Bureau of Investigations has provided a letter written directly from J. Edgar
Hoover to Genevieve Cooper. This is a primary source because is written by J. Edgar

Hoover himself. This letter provided some insight to Hoovers private life and how he
addressed his friends.
Egan, J. S. Letter to J. Edgar Hoover. 22 July 1929. TS. FBI.
This letter talks about a successful meeting that Mr. hoover had with some of the staff
of the FBI. These people include the police.
Ford, Stanley H. Letter to J. Edgar Hoover. 10 May 1929. TS. FBI.
This letter was sent to J. Edgar Hoover asking if the War department could make keep
records of what was happening along the border of Mexico. I have noticed that in all the
letters there is no sign of anger, all they do is say thank you and they appreciate him
while hoover didn't do anything to help them.
Hoover, J. Edgar. Letter. 1 Feb. 1926. TS. FBI.
This was a letter sent all the employees of the FBI from Hoover. It had each employ fill
out information about who they were within the FBI and how to reach them when
working. I read in other documents that hoover started new ways of hiring and this just
showed me how he ran things.
Hoover, J. Edgar. Letter to Luke S. May. 1 Aug. 1929. TS. FBI.
This is a letter written by Hoover in 1929. it was sent to Mr. Luke May. This letter thanks
May for being involved in a FBI case: Northwest Association of Sheriffs.
"Memorandum for Mr.White Superintendent of Prisons." Letter. 28 July 1925. TS. FBI.
This is letter written by Hoover in 1925. This letter showed me how within a year how
high Hoover was in the FBI.
Thode, E. K. Letter. 6 Feb. 1930. TS. Memorandum For The Director. FBI.
This letter contained the fingerprints of J. Edgar Hoover, but these prints were not
available to the public. The Division of Identification and Information didn't have any
record of his fingerprints.
FBI Seal. Digital image. Seal and Motto. FBI, n.d. Web. 30 Nov. 2014.
This is the FBI's seal. This seal is the FBI's symbol worldwide.
F.B.I. director J. Edgar Hoover is seen in his Washington office. Digital image. The Real J.
Edgar Hoover. N.p., 9 Nov. 2011. Web. 30 Nov. 2014.
This is an image Of J. Edgar Hoover when he was a young man. Since this is an image it
is a primary source.
Hoover and president Kennedy having a conversation. Digital image. No, Mr President How
the FBI Bosses the White House. N.p., 24 Oct. 2012. Web. 30 Nov. 2014.
This is an image of hoover and president kennedy having a conversation. Since this is an
image it makes it a primary source.

Hoover talking into several microphones. Digital image. History of Black Surveillance Influences
African-American Attitudes on Spying. N.p., 13 June 2013. Web. 30 Nov. 2014.
In this image Hoover is speaking into several microphones. Since its a image it is a
primary source.
Image of Hoover working at his desk. Digital image. The Secret Burglary That Exposed J.
Edgar Hoover's FBI. NPR, 07 Jan. 2014. Web. 30 Nov. 2014. This is an image of
Hoover, making it a primary source. In this image he was working in the FBI.
"J. Edgar Hoover." Photos/Illustrations. Yoichi R. Okamoto/LBJ Library. American
Government. ABC-CLIO, 2014. Web. 30 Oct. 2014.
This is a primary source because it is a picture of J. Edgar Hoover. This picture was taken
while Hoover was director of the FBI.
President Reagan and Hoover having a conversation. Digital image. No, Mr President How the
FBI Bosses the White House. N.p., 24 Oct. 2012. Web. 30 Nov. 2014.
This is an image of hoover and president Reagan having a conversation. Since this is an
image it makes it a primary source.
J. Edgar Hoover's GW Years. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web.
This picture is a primary source because it is a picture of Hoover. It was taken while he
attended George Washington University.
King, Laurel. J. Edgar Hoover. Venturio Media, 6 Nov. 2013. Web. 30 Nov. 2014.
The quote from this website is a primary source because J. Edgar Hoover said it. This
quote provided an introduction and characterization of Hoover
"J. Edgar Hoover: quote on justice." American Government. ABC-CLIO, 2014. Web. 30 Oct.
This is a primary source because it is a quote that J. Edgar Hoover said directly. This
source helped to form conclusions about how Hoover interpreted law.
Secondary Sources
COINTELPRO. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web.
This source is an image of the COINTELPRO sign. We used this in our section of
information on counterintelligence.
J. Edgar movie. Digital image. Clint Eastwood Censored COINTELPRO in Whitewash Movie
about J. Edgar Hoover. N.p., 21 Nov. 2011. Web. 30 Nov. 2014.

This is a image from the J. Edgar Hoover movie made in 2011. Hoover is played by
Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie.
J. Edgar. Clip #6: The Lindbergh Law. Dir. Clint Eastwood. Perf. Leonardo Dicaprio. Warner
Bros., 2011. Youtube. Web. 6 Dec. 2014.
This is a clip from the movie J. Edgar. The clip plays a scene from the movie when
Hoover is fighting the courts to pass a kidnapping la.
J. Edgar.Clip #2:The New Bureau. Dir. Clint Eastwood. Perf. Leonardo Dicaprio. Warner Bros.,
2011. Clip. Youtube. Web.6 Dec. 2014.
This is a clip from the movie J. Edgar. This clip shows us how strict Hoover was when he
the director of the FBI and some of the rules he created.
Aronson, Marc. Master of Deceit: J. Edgar Hoover and America in the Age of Lies. Somerville:
Candlewick, 2012. Print.
This is a secondary source because it is a book about Hoover and his life written by Marc
Aronson, who did not know J. Edgar Hoover. This book provided me with a great deal of
information about Hoover throughout his life, how he dealt with problems and threats,
and the legacy he left on the FBI.
Bradsher, Greg. Thank You Very, Very Much...J. Edgar Hoover. The Record (National
Archives). Sept. 1997: 16-17. SIRS Government Reporter. Web. 19 Oct. 2014.
This is a secondary source because it was written by Greg Bradsher after Hoovers death,
he also did not know Hoover. his source provided information about the level of
appreciation the FBI had at different points of time judging by the gifts received.
"Brief History of the FBI." FBI. FBI, 21 May 2010. Web. 04 Dec. 2014.
This is a secondary source about Hoover and the FBI. From this article we learned strict
rules that Hoover created to keep order and peace between the agents. He created dress
codes and the men had to wear their hair certain ways to maintain the code.
By Dan Cryer Newsday,Book Critic. "Hemingway: Hero and Villain, Artist and
Combined editions ed.: 61. Oct 13 1985. ProQuest. Web. 21 Oct. 2014 . This is a
secondary source because it is a newspaper written after Hoover's death and the author
did not have any connections with Hoover. From this document I learned that some
people who worked for him that he had says in different places during historical events.

COINTELPRO. American Government. ABC-CLIO, 2014. Web. 22 Oct. 2014.

This is a secondary source because it is information about the counterintelligence
program, it was not written during the time period where J. Edgar Hoover was director.
This source was very helpful because it gave ample information about the
counterintelligence program that Hoover started.
Foner, Eric, and John A. Garraty. Hoover, J. Edgar. The Readers Companion to American
History. Dec. 1 1991: n.p. SIRS Issues Researcher.Web. 19 Oct. 2014.
This is a secondary source because it is written by people who never were connected to
Hoover. This source provided background about the effect Hoover had on the
professionality and size of the FBI.
Gross, John. BOOKS OF THE TIMES. New York Times 3 Mar. 1987. New York State
Newspapers. Web. 19 Oct. 2014.
This is a secondary source because it is a newspaper article written about Hoover;s life
after his death. This source was helpful because it provided a background of Hoovers
family and his early life before he was involved with the FBI.
Herron, Caroline Rand, and Michael Wright. "THE NATION; The F.B.I. Decides To Test Its
Own." New York Times 15 June 1986. New York State Newspapers. Web.23 Oct. 2014.
This is a secondary source because it is a newspaper written after Hoover's death and the
author did not have any connections with Hoover. This article was a newspaper printed in
1986 in the New York the FBI to be involved in drug investigations.
History of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. History of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Nov. 17 1998: n.p. SIRS Government Reporter.Web. 21 Oct. 2014.
This is a secondary source because it provides a history about the FBI. his source
provided me with a detailed background on the FBI. It included history before Hoover
was the director, while he served, and after his death as well.
Hoover, J. Edgar. Comptons by Britannica. 01 Aug. 2011: n.p. SIRS Discoverer. Web. 22 Oct.
This is a secondary source because it is a biography about Hoover written after his death.
This source provided information on the improvements Hoover made to the FBI and how
he was viewed by different people.
"John Edgar Hoover." FBI. FBI, 17 Mar. 2010. Web. 26 Oct. 2014.
In this document it shows me all the directors of the FBI from 1908 to present. Also it
talks about some of the cases the FBI was involved in.
"J. Edgar Hoover." American Government. ABC-CLIO, 2014. Web. 19 Oct. 2014.
Hoover was appointed director as a result of the Teapot Dome Scandal. After this he
created non-political hiring standards. this document then shows what events happened
during his career.
J. Edgar Hoover. World History: The Modern Era. ABC-CLIO, 2014. Web. 19 Oct. 2014.

This is a secondary source because it was written much after Hoovers death. This source
provided negative decisions Hoover made that impacted the country.
Lohmann, Bill. J. Edgar Hoover: `Official and Confidential. Richmond Times-Dispatch
(Richmond, VA). 14 Mar. 1993: G1+. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 19 Oct. 2014.
This is a secondary source because it was researched and written after Hoovers death. It
was helpful because it provided a negative viewpoint and included multiple controversial
topics regarding Hoover and his actions.
"Part 1: The End of an Era." FBI. FBI, 04 May 2012. Web. 06 Dec. 2014.
This is a secondary source because the source is not written by Hoover himself or
someone who personally knew him. The article is about Hoover's death and events
surrounding it.
"Part 2: His First Job and the FBI Files." FBI. FBI, 28 June 2012. Web. 05 Dec. 2014.
This article was written by the FBI, but is a secondary source. The article is about Hoover
when he worked in the library of congress and how it affected his career after.
Powers, Richard Gid. "J. Edgar Hoover." American National Biography (2010): 1.
Biography Reference Center. Web. 17 Oct. 2014.
This source really showed me how young hoover was when in this career, at such a
young age he was put in charge of huge cases that must have caused him so much stress.
"Topics; Empty Insults, and Pools Name-Calling." New York Times 11 June 1985.
New York State Newspapers. Web. 19 Oct. 2014.
In this document it talks about how Hoover uses nicknames to manipulate people. He
called people sociologists.

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