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We live in a world having that social life, that part of it which is affected by diverse
ideologies, of that which people tend to accept just the way they experience it, not minding
their own effects or positive contribution; thus the society been made up of people, is thereby
summed up having different social conditions.
Moreover people living their life today, live in a way as to mean according to ones own
conscience, but in depth of this as a result, the uphold of morals and values is seen declining
in such a manner that it has become something that has gone down the drain, as to say moral
decadence is now been seen as a part or usual way of life.
Furthermore, as life ethically is faced with challenges or rather problems, experiences
composed of problems are noted, problems as of such as child abuse.
In view of this, child abuse has in many ways been looked at as a usual occurrence in our
immediate environment or society at large, not been identified as to be a crime of harming a
child in a physical, sexual or emotional way. Hence, this would mean to hurt or cause a
negative effect on a child. So in light of this, one could note that, child abuse is the physical,
sexual or emotional maltreatment or neglect of children by parents, guardians or others, of
which most cases occurs in the childs home.
Moreso there goes to be different cases or instances affecting the child well being, of which
results to child abuse, such as single-parent families, child molestation, child trafficking
(child labour), and the act of hawking carried out by children.
However, many cases of child abuse are sometimes caused by psychosocial factors, whereby
some child abusers were themselves victims of abuse or mental illness. Other instances could
include parental choices and unforeseen circumstances (e.g. poverty resulting from parent
deployment, divorce, sickness or disability and family structure) of which places families
under stress could lead to child maltreatment.
Radically, children experiencing such abuse tend to be associated with numerous possible
consequences, resulting as to be faced with the risk of developing severe psychiatric
problems, experiencing trauma which proceeds with them as anxiety and depression.
Hence be it as it may, making efforts to understand the root causes of a particular abuse can
help determine the best measures to be undertaken to solve such problem. Therefore as to
combat this crime, people are urged to see children as not a property but as gifts from God
and so education, care for physically-challenged/disabled or less privileged children and
family support programmes could go a long way to play a role as some of many possible

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