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What is the difference between OBE and the

traditional method of teaching instructions in

maritime curriculum?
Mariners Polytechnic Colleges Foundation
Baras,Canaman, Camarines Sur
In partial fulfilment for the requirements in Method of research.
Submitted by:
Midn. Olea, Jess Andrew E.
Midn. Barbado, Dan Anthony N.
Midn. Lamadrid, Kent R.
Midn. Burro, Anthony L.
Midn. Cortez, Teddy Renan I.

Submitted to:
Mr. Estelito R. Clemente, MRM
(Date Completed)

Approval Sheet
This research paper entitled What is the difference between OBE and the
traditional method of teaching instructions in maritime curriculum. Prepared
and submitted by Midn. Olea, Jess Andrew E., Midn. Barbado, Dan Anthony
N., Midn. Lamadrid, Kent R., Midn. Burro, Anthony L., and Midn. Cortez, Teddy
Renan I. A partial fulfilment of the requirements in Bachelor of Science in
Marine Engineering and has been examined and recommended for approval
and acceptance.

Approved By:


Research Adviser



We, the researchers expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the people

who extend their help, support, and prayers toward the success of the study.

To Mr Estelito R. Clemente our research adviser, editor for valuable

support, and advice.

Above all, to our Almighty God, for giving us all the strength in making
this research successful.


Chapter I
Logically people are counting ages and more likely to be tired out. As a
result they give up working and deciding to start settling down, but the
problem is the people who will recommence the bequest job. The reason why


education, due to this




knowledge through teaching and learning at school. There are different kinds
of teaching strategies depending on how a teacher do it or on what kind of
learner to be educated and typically called traditional education also known
as: back-to-basics, conventional education or customary education. Time
goes by, OBE (outcome based education) was created. Formulated to
concentrate on the resources offered to the students called inputs, it is
obtaining knowledge without particular approach of teaching because it
entail students explain the course they are assigned of.

With these ideas the researchers chose a problem regarding on the

difference of the traditional method of teaching than OBE (Outcome Based
Education). By conducting this study, the researchers and the readers were
about to discover new facts, tests and verify important points, analyse the

processes or phenomenon to identify the cause and effect relationships,

overcome or solve the problems relating to maritime curriculum.

Statement of the Problem

Generally, the researchers would like to determine in this study if what
is more efficient to use between the traditional method of teaching and OBE
(Outcome Based Education) in maritime curriculum.

Specifically, the researchers would like to find the best answer to the
following questions:
1. Why it is important to employ what scheme will be useful on educating
maritime students?
2. What is more likely to use, traditional method of teaching or OBE
(Outcome Based Education)?
3. What are the significant differences between the traditional method of
teaching and OBE (Outcome Based Education) in maritime study?

Objectives of the Study

1. To identify the advantages and disadvantages of the teaching
2. To determine what tactic is function able on educating maritime
3. To improve quality education on maritime schools.

Significance of the Study

The study of the researchers about the differences between the maritime
teaching instructions will greatly benefit the following:

1. Maritime Students
Maritime students will have an improved comprehension about
the course.

2. Maritime Teachers
Maritime teachers will be able to know how to educate maritime
students intellectually.

3. Maritime Schools
This study will inform the maritime schools as to what are the
advantages of using the effective teaching styles on educating
maritime students.

Scope and Delimitation

Only the distinguishing feature of the effective teaching strategy in

maritime education will be used throughout the research. The study will be
conducted in one of the researchers house residing in Baras, Canaman,
Camarines Sur and this study will be conducted within 5 months. The

researchers will find out what is the appropriate teaching style that will
greatly benefit the maritime students.

Definition of Terms
The terms used in this study were textually and contextually defined
for the future use of this paper. The terms are defined for better used.

Traditional Education. It refers to long established customs

found in schools that society has traditionally deemed appropriate. A more
holistic approach which focuses on individual students' needs and selfexpression. In the eyes of reformers, traditional teacher-centered methods
focused on rote learning and memorization must be abandoned in favor of
student centered and task based approaches to learning.

OBE (Outcome Based Education). Is a student centered

learning methods that focus on empirically measuring student performance
that contrasts with traditional education, which primarily focuses on the
resources that are available to the student.

Inputs. Provided informations or resourses to help students on

demonstrating the course or skills they are required to learn.

Outcome. Is the empirical knowledge of the students.

End Notes
http://www.maritimeindustryfoundation .com/

Chapter II
Review of Related Literature Studies
Education is essential for everyone, the level of education help people
earn respect and recognition. It benefit people increase their income, boost
economic growth, and reduce poverty. However, the unequal standard of
education is still a major problem that needs to be solved. Teaching is a
demanding job that requires in-depth knowledge of subject content, agespecific pedagogy, and many varied skills such as patience, leadership, and
Traditional education system and economy, students are given grades









expectations are based primarily on what was taught in the past to students
of a given age. The basic goal of traditional education was to present the
knowledge and skills of the old generation to the new generation of students,
and to provide them with an environment to learn with little attention
(beyond the classroom teacher) whether or not any student ever learns any
of the material. It was enough that the school presented an opportunity to
learn. Actual achievement was neither measured nor required by the school
This chapter presents the review of related literature and study with
bearing of the problem propounded. The literature reviewed pertains to the
factor associated with the kind of education to be implemented that will
greatly affect the education of one and all, especially to the students of
Mariners Polytechnic Colleges Foundation Baras, Canaman, Camarines Sur.

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