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DRAFT - June 2014

The King Is Rising Shawn Paul Boike Copyright 2012-2014

DRAFT - June 2014


2013 Shawn Paul Boike,

Long Beach, California

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the author.
If you want someone to be able to copy or distribute portions of the book, place exceptions here (Elvis Presley foundation)

The King Is Rising Shawn Paul Boike Copyright 2012-2014

DRAFT - June 2014

Draft Notes for Improvements & Inclusions:

New Outline & Agenda
My & Moms Occurrence prior to Death and after Death
The Song, Laughter and practical jokes,

Go into the full movie

A Movie of Earth under fire, Caliphate in Red & US, NATO in Blue not fire.

From Space the GOD Satellite system flies-by sending down beams of energy
& rays come out being overlapped with another system(s) creating water
convection and cloud formation, moving clouds to rain/reign and quenching

(Explain in Detail Earths Weather Control System)

The film goes into the Future: Earth devastated from melted ice caps,
volcanoes, devastated many and earthquakes did the same. Fires droughts
and floods.

A space ship comes back to earths outer orbit; The Host ship tells for them to
dock into the OCC (Orbital Celestial Cemetery) a record keeping storage
facility where some peoples brain stay in pleasant slumber until wakened to
answer question and show the events).

Told to open Vault 333; they unlock a brains system and they ask: Who was
the King of This planet?

It responds; The King= Elvis Presley they request more information

Video plays of Elvis: as his beginning a poor kid & church upbringing & many
things from the Video He Touched Me along with his Army enlistment &
troubles overcame.

When it was into Graceland in Memphis TN. They send a Recon group to see
this Mansion/Estate to only to find it under water and in tack. It dives and
explores Graceland Measure it sends up data: The ship pilots say this is
modest for a King of a planet.

They ask another secondary computer to

The Video goes into the section where ELVIS was in Concert and nice young
girls hold up a banner says: ELVIS youre the King

The King Is Rising Shawn Paul Boike Copyright 2012-2014

DRAFT - June 2014

He Stops the Concert to state only 1 King of this World is Jesus Christ aka
King Christ Jesus.

The Video of Elvis stopping to see what he unveiled and behind that young
crowd the cross of Christ with almost a million pictures of people who have
done good to make this World a better place.

2nd night Full understanding at a time of wishful thinking.

The King Is Rising Shawn Paul Boike Copyright 2012-2014

DRAFT - June 2014

Table of Contents

Draft Notes for Improvements & Inclusions:

Table of Contents

List of Illustrations

Epigraph Page

Preface 7

The Beginning
A Brief Beginning Synopsis
Dream 10
More recent Dream:


The Beginning; Moms Death


The Ultimate happened when my mother died around Thanksgiving time 2011, this is when I
was given the ultimate message from My Mom, Elvis GOD and an Angel on my left side of my
Chapter 2
The Transformation
The Movie of Earths Future in Turmoil


The King is Rising AgainPart-1 of 3


It all starts with a view into outer space

The Celestial Cemetery


A Single Brain Cell Stores a Single Concept [Preview]

In Brief


The King is Rising AgainPart-1 of 3


It all starts with a view into outer space

The Lords Prayer


The King Is Rising Shawn Paul Boike Copyright 2012-2014

DRAFT - June 2014

List of Illustrations
Figure 1. Moms Grave Site 1st Day ............................................................................................. 14
Figure 2. Wonderful Earth View from Outer Space ..................................................................... 16
Figure 3. The Real Face Of Jesus ................................................................................................. 19
Figure 4. A Great Side View of Jesus ........................................................................................... 19
Figure 5. Our Brain Illustration for Files Systems ........................................................................ 20
Figure 6. A Clean View Of Earth from Low Earth Orbit ............................................................. 21
Figure 7. Home from Above ......................................................................................................... 23
Figure 8. Sensational Image Of GODs Creation .......................................................................... 24
Figure 9.

.............................................................................. 25

The King Is Rising Shawn Paul Boike Copyright 2012-2014

DRAFT - June 2014

Epigraph Page

This book was given to me by powers much greater than self or normal human means. To this
day the powers those who have passed before us amaze me and GODs ultimate plan is being
fulfilled each day as we live. Some people come into this World and leave it changed forever in
a very big way such as Thomas Edison and the Light bulb, Henry Ford and affordable
automobiles along with a good days paid wage. The Wright brothers brought us powered flight
as I explained in my first book Aerospace Industry Americas Future? Sub titled; The
Flying Machine That Changed the World.
This is a true story of what happened to me upon the death and burial of my Mom, it was
presented to me as a full encompassing movie better than IMAX and I could mentally Question
anything and the answers would be shown to me... I could wake-up talk to my wife Thimmer
and then go back to sleep and regain exactly where I left off it was the most amazing event in my
life. The dead are obviously practical jokers funny to them, but their jokes were not very funny
to me, when it costs aggravation, time & money.
Please those who are fortunate to read this I would like to start with the Lords Prayer and my
added fulfillment to his prayer:


I believe (based on evidence & science) we are living in the times of Revelations as written in
the Bible with the Harbingers of the
9/11 occurrences explained by Rabbi Jonathon Cahn. If America doesnt turn back to GOD,
accept his blessings.
The true Sabbath day of rest for the Lord GOD is Saturday not Sunday (because he said there
was light, the sun does that-Sunday is a Greek observance of GOD).

The King Is Rising Shawn Paul Boike Copyright 2012-2014

DRAFT - June 2014

This is like the Jews who go to synagogues on Saturday. It was the Romans which
idolized/worshiped the sun creating Sunday and the moon being Monday.
The factual occurrences are the four blood moons as described in the Bible (proven by NASA
back 5,000 years). The first occurrence happened in 1492 when Queen Isabella had exiled the
Jews from her Country. They had a choice to stay and convert to Catholicism or exile within 14
days. So the Jews funded Christopher Columbus (not the Queen) journey and volunteered their
younger fit ones to join him on his Journey. Thus discovering Americas was discovering the
new Israel or Jerusalem. In 1948 11 minutes after the eclipse President Dwight Eisenhower &
the UK proclaimed Israel as its own State/Country. The Third was in 1968 when Jerusalem was
declared part of Israel again. This is still in bondage to the Earth because of the Ishmaelites
(Muslims) &, Hagarites Abrams mate (before he was blessed and renamed as Abraham), not
chosen by GOD but of man (Joseph Prince message (3/3/2013). After late in years Sarah did
bear him a child Isaac.
Blessed are you, who read this, I would like to start with the Lords Prayer and my added
substance to it:
Calibri (Body)
The four blood moons coming in 4/15/2014 ending at 9/28/2015

"Whatever is good and Right Is Never Impossible"

Henry Ford

The King Is Rising Shawn Paul Boike Copyright 2012-2014

DRAFT - June 2014

Chapter 1
The Beginning

A Brief Beginning Synopsis

I was born almost 3 months too soon, after my mom miscarried 2 other boys prior to me, she
named them:

1st He was a boy they called him Flint, 2 years prior.

2nd A boy not named because they didnt want bad luck; he would have been called Sunshine 1
year prior. Sunshine I never heard this until March 9th 2013/I thought this to be incredible
because this was the song I influenced my friend Wade Stallings to write a song about. My Dad
produced their band & a CD from the band Planet 10.
The children had died around 5-6 months like me, except I lived;
At my Birth My Mom & Dad were at Dads favorite Aunt Josephine during a beautiful Catholic
Funeral who had died of tuberculosis in Detroit. During the casket going down into earth Moms
water broke (3 months too soon) and they rushed to St. Johns Hospital and I was born on the
cusp of summer June 20th in 1964. So I say that was the Holy Spirit at work, even being a
science guy, I knew I was meant to be here now for a purpose.
I moved back to California beginning of March 2008 to work as an Engineer on the new 747-8 at
what used to be Northrop, turned Vought Aircraft owned by the Carlisle group (Bush family,
Saudi Arabia & Californian Teachers Association Hedge fund). California was my home in my
heart, I would dream of being there even when I was elsewhere.
I almost had Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger sign the new Cargo Door for the 747-8F and
wanted newly elect President Obama to sign it at LAX prior to giving it to Germanys Lufthansa
Air. On April 1st 2009 the day Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger was suppose to sign it in my
Bosses office in Hawthorne California, he ended up going to SpaceX and test drive the Tesla
Electric Vehicle and drove it up & down Jack Northrop Avenue that day.
The King Is Rising Shawn Paul Boike Copyright 2012-2014

DRAFT - June 2014

Their was time when
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Too often in life we give up our dreams to please other people. We allow other people's fears and
concerns to direct our life. They ask us to live smaller so they can be more comfortable.

I've learned the greatest way to live is by living life to the fullest. It's up to us to decide what that
means and how to play it out. Each person will have a different way of living life to their fullest.

If we reach for "greatness" we may fail and get hurt along the way, but the real victory is in the
reaching itself. So stretch out and open yourself up to the excitement and joy that is waiting for

Life is not a journey separate from ourselves; we actually are the journey. So make the most of it,
drink it up, and enjoy each delicious bite. Your soul speaks to you through your dreams, guiding
you to your most joyful life experiences. Allow the inspirational dream quotes on this page to
infuse your spirit and ignite your passion to bring your dreams to reality
Posted by AM INSPIRED at 5:36 AM
1 comment:
I was watching a Blood moon video as we are into the beginning of 1
Too many times, MY pal Barack Obama always-pretends or telling the truth because the
deceiving CIA (his mom) always lies to US Americans. When your in a bubble and lead others
to do your job. (Why did his Mom do CIA for radical Muslums 2 dads)?

The King Is Rising Shawn Paul Boike Copyright 2012-2014


DRAFT - June 2014

Shawnboike said...
Totally agreed, I had an unforgettable Dream that; I woke up below the surface on a granite
table surrounded by 12 men in robes (like French monks). I climbed up a ladder up threw what
felt like a sewer pothole opening to find our world in Chaos, people in fear, running scared and
doing bad including murder. JESUS in surrounding Light walked towards me his left hand
grabbed my right hand and as we walked I told people to just believe. Many yelled if he was,
then he would not allow a world like this. I said feel the love & hope of him inside of you.
Those who walked near us without, did crumble into ashes immediately even those at a seen
distance when Jesus & I attention had us look there at the evil doers, they would all crumble to
ashes. Amazingly he knew their hearts & souls and those who did have the Heart felt love &
belief did survive even out of the ashes, I think they followed at a distance behind and watched
in amazement.
Over a decade later I found that hellish place and knew I had been there in this dream, 2009 year
near downtown Long Beach Blvd. 11th, except it wasnt in the chaos-yet it is now time to change
this world!

More recent Dream:

When I've spoken to GOD, I asked why he created me. He laughed aloud and said "it was a spark
that ignited to carbon" and laughed some more.
I did not know why his Germanic name GOD stuck around the World I found out 2 years
later. GOD Old Testament is Good over Dark, or Goodness Over Darkness, New Testament is:
Grace Over Damnation we are all saved.
He even put me out on the most beautiful planet alone, this was right before we discovered the
planet in 2011 Christmas time, which is 72 degrees f. and sunny similar to earth, many light
years away. As Adam I felt outcast from the environment and creatures among me, this is where
I would put a jail for people until they learned to become good and procreative. this is where
future prisons would be until people become Creative and Procreative the only thing missing on
the 10 Commandments was to "Be Procreative" because this is how You on your works or what
you have one you shall be judged!
It is like an emotional goodness bank account, those who take/negate, will turn to ash never to
come again. Their souls will not have a future "So It Shall Be"...AMEN
The King Is Rising Shawn Paul Boike Copyright 2012-2014


DRAFT - June 2014

Souls that to get to go onto Heaven and saved by Jesus & they get it right or for a purpose this is
the Buddha principle and it is true. To let everyone know, the 5th Buddha was 666 which is
when Christ was first born, that is why the anti-Christ in his name. That corresponds to the time
he was through the desert and came back 4 years later.
PS, Jesus was 36 when killed by his own kin, the Romans and Calender makers made a 3 year
mistake (see Bill Oreillys book; Killing Jesus).
Whatever Is GOOD & Right Is NEVER Impossible Henry Ford
Look Up the Book The Language Of GOD mapped DNA of a Human.
We Did IT! We mapped the entire human DNA, GODS map of a human and it goes back to
only 1 man & 1 woman no apes.

The Beginning; Moms Death

In November 2011, during the death of my Mom Catherine Diane Boike (she goes by Diane or
Di) I was still living the dream in Southern California. Unfortunately I was not there because
Dad wouldnt fly me home and we talked to her like 2 days prior and she seemed alright-We
didnt know. I knew she would say I am going home which is Heaven because thats where our
spirits came from a place called the gull.
while working at Honeywell in Torrance CA. on Turbochargers which run at 180,000+ RPM
works with climate of 820 degrees Celsius pretty fun stuff, they still need to be electrified. .
Mom had talked with my wife and I the Friday before and she had the company of my cousins
around her age and friends visited to be with her.
At the Day of my moms death my sisters Kathy Suhy & Dawn Anderson were there along with
Dawns daughters Nikki & Skylar. About a quarter to twelve Skylar felt Mom was going. Dawn
& Kathy spent the final hour with Mom her feet became powdery, her skin was getting cold
except for her arm my sister Dawn held her hand and seen her look the last sight as she turned
her head looked at Dawn prior to losing her breath.

I went with my Dad to pull Moms car out from the Packard Proving grounds in North Detroit
Michigan. I followed my Dad to the Funeral home and noticed his left blinkers were not
working correct because it did not work. When we parked in front of the funeral home, I told
The King Is Rising Shawn Paul Boike Copyright 2012-2014


DRAFT - June 2014

him. He tried to see what happened; all the blinkers and the light around the car- all went wild.
It also locked my Dad out of her car because these are leaded in no handle and servo open only.
We went into see MOM my Heart Broke; I touched her and said your welcomed Home thank
you for making me. Her physical body was cold and stiff, love ignites no matter what-I felt it &
she knew.
Afterwards leaving the funeral room;
Dad and I, found everything on moms car worked perfect
And when we went into hid van It was playing If I Could Dream by Elvis
Another sign was seen.
During my Moms Funeral I had to fly from LA to Michigan and was so sorry to not make it
there in time to see here face as she asked prior to her going Home to GOD.
The Ultimate happened when my mother died around Thanksgiving time 2011, this is when I
was given the ultimate message from My Mom, Elvis GOD and an Angel on my left side of my

The King Is Rising Shawn Paul Boike Copyright 2012-2014


DRAFT - June 2014

Figure 1. Moms Grave Site 1st Day

The King Is Rising Shawn Paul Boike Copyright 2012-2014


DRAFT - June 2014

Chapter 2
The Transformation
Understand the future doesnt have to be like the past, and demanding to make the
Future better & can be what you want it to be, shall be
Shawn Paul Boike
Author: Aerospace Industry-Americas Future? 2012

This is very important:

On the evening after we had placed her (my mom) casket into the ground, that evening was
the night that would change my life forever and hopefully Earths forever.
I heard an ongoing playing of: If I can Dream (by Elvis) about 20 times, I woke up my wife
asking if she hears the music playing over & over again, She said no , go back to sleep.
I thought maybe my cousin Janet Polk (descendent of James K Polk (US President) was playing
it in a room nearby, I found she was asleep in her room. Then I thought maybe my Dad or my
brother Chuck was playing it because they were sad & missed her down in Dads music room. I
walked over to the basement.
No one was there playing music. I bothered and woke up, my wife again asking if she heard the
music Wife said, she didnt.
Then I had visited the most loving proud love ever which had GOD, Elvis & my Mom it
warmed up with white light on the left side of my head with immense love & consideration.
Then I heard Elvis saying he thinks he is so poor little does he is the richest man in the world &
he would help beyond Millions.
Then they ended up laughing allot (I knew what they meant, about bouncing money out of my
bank, screwing up my computer and making my car break down.
Everything came true; A Western Union check from my brother in law (USAF Col. James
Wimberley) bounce out of my Wells Fargo account. When I got home to So. Cal. My computer
died and the day before New Years & visiting my good friend David Jorde; my car died 1
blocks from his house).

The Movie of Earths Future in Turmoil

Then they (GOD, Elvis & Mom) showed me a movie
The King Is Rising Shawn Paul Boike Copyright 2012-2014


DRAFT - June 2014

It all starts with a view into outer space

Figure 2. Wonderful Earth View from Outer Space

Suddenly I see space tow vehicles moving space debris to manageable heaps of trash of
containment. As these space tugs & tow vehicles collect old satellites, parts, old launch system
hardware and even some miscellaneous debris like rocks in space.

Figure 3. Space Debris

The King Is Rising Shawn Paul Boike Copyright 2012-2014


DRAFT - June 2014

They are put collected debris into floating junk yards where machines & robotic systems sort,
grind, separate and contain these raw elements to be used into 3D printing and production
systems (including sintering) for use in growing the outer planetary space city and systems.

Figure 4. Space Debris Collector

You see space Hotels being built, and space launch vehicles like shuttle replacements with wings
not many tube rocket ships bringing them from Earth to Space habitations, it looks very inviting
and beautiful.
You then see a close-up fly-by of a Space Vehicle called GOD (Good Over Dark), then you look
down to the Earth and see it was in turmoil. Getting a closer view of Earth you see fires burning
red thus being the Caliphate & Climate change growing worse causing war fires, death &
famine, and as GOD fly by it sent-beamed energy down to our world. The GOD also
communicates with similar spacecraft & Energy from Space Systems which can vaporize water
over oceans and carry it through upper atmospheric trade winds then flashing, changing its
frequency & temperature allowing it to rain directly where it is needed thus extinguishing the
fires and refreshing the land healing from Climate change & deterring and ridding the Earth of
the disease called the Caliphate.
This is all realistic because the Satellite had Space Based Solar Power being beamed down like a
laser. Then I was entered into the (where my brain will reside) celestial cemetery and hear a
voice to unlock vault 777.
This vault contain my brain and it goes through a story board of when Elvis was the King of
Earth from the 1950s, 1960s His comeback concert in 1968.
Then ultimately he does his Aloha from Hawaii in 1972 live via satellite.

The King Is Rising Shawn Paul Boike Copyright 2012-2014


DRAFT - June 2014

There is only one king of this Earth and thats the Lord Jesus Christ.
The fans shamefully sit down with the banner and he continues his concert all the way to the end
when you hear him sing:
Wise men say only fools such in, but I cant help falling in Love with you
Elvis has left the building.
Then up rises a large white Blinding Light Cross made up of millions of images from those good
people who have gone before us.
On the edges is fire burning with images of the Evil people who have lived before us, such as;
MAO, Stalin, Hitler, Jack the Ripper, Caligula, Napoleon, and all others.
The camera pulls back and you see the new space shuttle and the cosmonauts saying Well there
was another King of this Planet called Earth named Jesus Christ Lets investigate that
A voice in the background says Time to open up Vault 333.

The King Is Rising Shawn Paul Boike Copyright 2012-2014


DRAFT - June 2014

Figure 5. The Real Face Of Jesus

This is the second movie explaining all the truths and fiction of the Christ-Jesus; it is just like a
History Channel Documentary

Figure 6. A Great Side View of Jesus

The third movie is:

From the Spaceship you look out onto the World after devastation and they said how to we
rebuild it?
Then we build my entire good project to make good from my life: Solar Based Power, EVs
everywhere, my flying vehicle A-STAR using superconductive electro- magnetic propulsion,
Solution Mobile, NVH automated testing center, automated welding aircraft & automated
composite aircraft, the American Health Improvement Machine (AHIM) and (BHIM) Body
Health Improvement Machine.

The King is Rising AgainPart-1 of 3

It all starts with a view into outer space
(On screen) I see space tow vehicles moving space debris to manageable heaps of trash of
You see Hotels being built, and space launch vehicles bringing them from Earth to Space
You then see a Space Vehicle enter the celestial cemetery and hear a voice to unlock vault 777.
This vault contain my brain and it goes through a story board of when Elvis was the King of
Earth from the 1950s, 1960s His comeback concert in 1968.
Then ultimately he does his Aloha from Hawaii in 1972 live via satellite.
The King Is Rising Shawn Paul Boike Copyright 2012-2014


DRAFT - June 2014

In this you see his name written in every language known to common man
You see his rise to stardom; from the 50s, 60s, and 70s & then even into the 80s after his
death in 1977.
Some amazing photos of Elvis with Richard Millhouse Nixon and the handing of a US Marshall
badge over to Elvis.
You hear of the Elvis concert where he sees the fans stand up and lift a banner which reads;
ELVIS is the King
The second Day I was shown a world with many areas I loved underwater, the Arctic &
Antarctic Lost their ice, Arctic first because of change in planetary angle to the sun & our milky
way galaxy.

The Celestial Cemetery

A Single Brain Cell Stores a Single Concept [Preview]

Each concepteach person or thing in our everyday experiencemay have a set of corresponding
neurons assigned to it
By Rodrigo Quian Quiroga , Itzhak Fried and Christof Koch

Image: Dan Saelinger; DOMINIQUE BAYNES (prop styling)

Figure 7. Our Brain Illustration for Files Systems

In Brief
For decades neuroscientists have debated how memories are stored. That debate continues today,
with competing theoriesone of which suggests that single neurons hold the recollection, say, of
your grandmother or of a famous movie star.
The alternative theory asserts that each memory is distributed across many millions of neurons. A
number of recent experiments during brain surgeries provide evidence that relatively small sets of
neurons in specific regions are involved with the encoding of memories.

The King Is Rising Shawn Paul Boike Copyright 2012-2014


DRAFT - June 2014

At the same time, these small groupings of cells may represent many instances of one thing; a visual
image of Grandma's face or her entire bodyeven a front and side view or the voice of a Hollywood
star such as Jennifer Aniston.

Searching for the Jennifer Aniston Neuron [Excerpt]
Borges and Memory: Encounters with the Human Brain [Excerpt]

Once a brilliant Russian Neurosurgeon named Akakhi Akakhievitch had a patient who
wanted to forget his overbearing, impossible mother.
Eager to oblige, Akakhievitch opened up the patient's brain and, one by one, ablated
several thousand neurons, each of which related to the concept of his mother. When the
patient woke up from anesthesia, he had lost all notion of his mother. All memories of
her, good and bad, were gone. Jubilant with his success, Akakhievitch turned his
attention to the next endeavorthe search for cells linked to the memory of
This article was originally published with the title Brain Cells for Grandmother.

The King is Rising AgainPart-1 of 3

Figure 8. A Clean View Of Earth from Low Earth Orbit

It all starts with a view into outer space

The King Is Rising Shawn Paul Boike Copyright 2012-2014


DRAFT - June 2014

(On screen) I see space tow vehicles moving space debris to manageable heaps of trash of
You see Hotels being built, and space launch vehicles bringing them from Earth to Space
You then see a Space Vehicle enter the celestial cemetery and hear a voice to unlock vault 777.
This vault contain a brain and it goes through a story board of when Elvis was the King of Earth
from the 1950s, 1960s His comeback concert in 1968.
Then ultimately he does his Aloha from Hawaii in 1972 live via satellite.
In this you see his name written in every language known to common man
You see his rise to stardom; from the 50s, 60s, and 70s & then even into the 80s after his
death in 1977.
Some amazing photos of Elvis with Richard Millhouse Nixon and the handing of a US Marshall
badge over to Elvis.
You hear of the Elvis concert where he sees the fans stand up and lift a banner which reads;
ELVIS is the King
He Stops the Music, points up to the sign and says;
There is only one king of this Earth and thats the Lord Jesus Christ.
The fans shamefully sit down with the banner and he continues his concert all the way to the end
when you hear him sing:
Wise men say only fools such in, but I cant help falling in Love with you
Elvis has left the building.
Then up rises a large white Blinding Light Cross made up of millions of images from those good
people who have gone before us.
On the edges is fire burning with images of the Evil people who have lived before us, such as;
MAO, Stalin, Hitler, Jack the Ripper, Caligula, Napoleon, and all others.
The camera pulls back and you see the new space shuttle and the cosmonauts saying Well there
was another King of this Planet called Earth named Jesus Christ Lets investigate that
A voice in the background says Time to open up Vault 333.
This is the second movie explaining all the truths and fiction of the Christ-Jesus; it is just like a
History Channel Documentary
The third is:
From the Spaceship you look out onto the World after devastation and they said how to we
rebuild it?
Then we build my entire good project to make good from my life: Solar Based Power, EVs
everywhere, my flying vehicle A-STAR using superconductive electro- magnetic propulsion,
Solution Mobile, NVH automated testing center, automated welding aircraft & automated
composite aircraft, the American Health Improvement Machine (AHIM) and (BHIM) Body
Health Improvement Machine.

The King Is Rising Shawn Paul Boike Copyright 2012-2014


DRAFT - June 2014

Our Company shall develop, manufacture, install & support new Solar Sun roofs for Duffy
electric boats. This is a new product with no competition in the market and plenty of existing
boats in the field to be converted, in addition to the 250 new boats produced by Duffy each year.
Recently SunPower announced it broke the record for solar cell efficiency for a large area silicon
wafers. NREL certified the SunPower cell at 24.2%. I anxiously pulled up one of my favorite
solargeek charts, NRELs Best Research-Cell Efficiencies to plot SunPowers
The key term in the title of this chart is Research-Cell. By definition a research cell is typically
a one off and small (on the order of 1cm2). Researchers at University of South Wales still hold
the record for single crystal silicon cells (aka monocrystalline) at 24.7%. SunPowers announced
a full-scale solar cell that is a certified record holder for large area silicon wafers.
SunPower, you overcame one challenge, making a large cell. This is impressive. I look forward
to removing almost from my post when you announce a new product line manufactured at
scale with a 24+% efficiency OR you announce a research 24.8+% research cell.

Figure 9. Home from Above

The spirit of exploration is truly part of what it is to be human. Human history has been a
continual struggle from darkness toward light, a search for knowledge and deeper
understanding, a search for truth. Ever since our distant ancestors ventured forth into the world,
there has been an insatiable curiosity to see what lies beyond the next hill, what lies beyond the
horizon. That is the fire of the human spirit that we all carry.
Steve Robinson (STS-114 Mission Specialist)

The King Is Rising Shawn Paul Boike Copyright 2012-2014


DRAFT - June 2014

Figure 10. Sensational Image Of GODs Creation

The King Is Rising Shawn Paul Boike Copyright 2012-2014


DRAFT - June 2014

Figure 11.

The Lords Prayer

I would be pleased if we started this Journey on the Lords Prayer:
(Later I can explain to ALL Weather Control System & Time Travel)

Great Symbol from Dr. Paul Werbos!

The King Is Rising Shawn Paul Boike Copyright 2012-2014


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