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“Bullets in the hole” Texas

Poker League
Membership: 20 players will make up the League body for
the 2010 poker league. .

League Schedule: The league will run for a period of 1 year

broken into two semesters. Each will have a points winner.
There will also be a total points winner for the year. The first
semester will run January through June. The second semester
will run July through December. 1 league game will be played
each month. The hosting member(s) will be required to set the
date, time and location for that monthly game. Generally the
host(s) should have the date, time and location set no later than
2 months in advance. Once the date is set, no changes can be
made. ‘Hosts’ will be chosen on a volunteer basis.

Buy In: Members will buy into the league for $100.00 ($25.00
going to each semester payout and $50.00 going to the overall
year payout) plus a $10.00 buy-in for each league game played,
plus a $2 bounty per game. The two $25.00 semester buy-ins go
to the top 5 players with the highest point tallies for the
semester. The $50.00 year buy-in goes to the top 8 players with
the highest point tallies for the overall year. The $10.00 goes
towards the payout of each monthly game, $2 bounty per game
per player. There will be a standard payout for each monthly
game in 2010. (See payout)

**$100.00 league buy-in is due by the 3rd league game of the

year. Failure to pay the fee and the position will be open for an
additional member. If any player quits the league for any reason
his / her league buy-in is non-refundable.

Scoring & points: Statistics will be kept throughout the

year. For each monthly game points will be awarded in the
following fashion; The first player out will receive 1 point, the
second 2 points, the third 3 points, etc, etc up to 20 points. The
top three players for each game will receive bonus points. 1st
place will receive 5 additional points, 2nd 3 points and 3rd 1 bonus
point. In the event that a player is absent from the game, and is
not represented by a substitute, he or she will receive zero points

Ties: In the event that two or more players are tied for points
the winner / leader will be determined by the following manner:
Between the tied players: The player who has the higher number
of bounties won for the semester/year wins the draw. If players
are still tied the player who placed higher in the final semester
game (June or December) will win the draw.

In the event that two or more players are eliminated from the
game simultaneously, points / placings will be awarded by chip
count. The player with the most $ in chips prior to being
eliminated from the game will retain the higher placing and
awarded the respective points.

In the rare event that two players knock out one player in any
given hand and the pot is split, each of the two players will
receive credit for a half bounty.
Monthly games: If a player is absent from a monthly game
he / she may send a substitute in his or her place and will retain
any points (minus any bonus points and bounties) that he / she
may earn. The substitute is entitled to any cash winnings for that
game. ** Additional players – no non-league players can play in
league games unless they are playing as a substitute. All
league members must play a minimum of nine games. If
more than 3 games are missed, the member will receive
zero points for the monthly game in question.

Chip Count: Each player will begin each monthly game with
$3500 in chips. Denominations will be determined by the host(s).

Blinds: Set standard blinds and time limits will be used for
2009 as listed below:
Level 1 $25/$50 Level 7 $250/$500
Level 2 $50/$75 Level 8 $300/$600
Level 3 $75/$150 Level 9 $400/$800

Level 4 $100/$200 Level 10 $500/1000

Level 5 $150/$300 Level 11 $1000/2000
Level 6 $200/$400 Level 12 $2000/$4000

Blinds will continue to double after level 12 should play continue.

Blinds will rise every 20 minutes for levels 1-6 and rise every 15
minutes for levels 7 and above.

BREAKS: Breaks will occur at the end of levels 3, 6, 10 and if

necessary at the end of level 14. The first break will be set for a
15 minute period. All other breaks will be limited to five minutes.
These breaks will be timed. If a member is not back in time their
hand will be folded.

Location: League games will be hosted on a volunteer basis.

Members may host a game together to help ease the cost and
convenience of hosting the game. The league manager will be
sure the schedule and locations are updated accordingly via e-
mail. Members may volunteer to host multiple games for the
convenience of the league members.

Game Rules: All official Texas Hold em’ rules will be

followed. If there are any discrepancies the league members
participating in that game will vote for a decision. Any non-
members playing as a substitute will not have a vote in a ruling.
All cards will call themselves. Most importantly have fun and
respect your fellow players!!
(Note: To have an official vote, players must be paid in full for
their yearly dues.)

START OF PLAY: Seating will be determined by drawing of

cards and matching them to seats at designated tables. Each
table will have one seat designated with an Ace. The player
drawing this seat will be the dealer for the start of the game.
Games will begin with 2 tables of 10 players each. Tables will
combine when there are 10 or less players remaining between
the two tables. Cards will be re-drawn for seats at the ‘final’

DEALING OF HANDS: When a hand is dealt, a player that

is not seated when it is time to act will have their hand folded.
The only exception will be a player that is in the big blind
provided the pot has not been raised prior to their turn to act.

DURING THE DEAL: In the event that a card is

accidentally flipped and visible to the players – the deal
continues as normal & the player whose card was shown is dealt
the final card. The flipped card becomes the burn card.
(Essentially the flipped card and 1st burn card are switched). In
the event multiple cards are accidentally shown a re-deal is

Players must keep their cards on the table and visible to the
other players during play. A player may pick up his / her cards to
view them but must keep them in view and on the felt during
play. Any player who fails to keep their cards in view during play
must fold the hand.

Keeping the numbers of players per table even:

In the event that one table has a two player advantage (or more)
– the player in the equivalent position on the ‘heavy’ table will
move to the empty position on the table with fewer players.

In league games there are no string bets. “Rabbit Hunting” is

permitted at the discretion of the players at the table. There are
no buy backs or re-buys for league games.

For each league game played, all players will have a $2 bounty.
When a player is eliminated from the game he / she will pay the
player who took them out a $2 fee – or bounty. The more players
you take out the more bounty $ you can collect!

Pay out:
League Pot: (based on 20 players)
Each of 12 League games: The top 5 players will be paid.
1st place = $100
2nd place = $50
3rd place = $25
4th place = $15
5th place = $10

Note: In the event that a player (or players) is absent from the
game the lost buy in $ will come off the bottom of the payout.

Semester Pot Winners: (based on 20 players) the top 5 finishers

will get paid.
• 1st place $ 225
• 2 place
$ 125
• 3 place
$ 75
• 4 place
$ 50
• 5th place $ 25

Yearly Pot Point winners: (based on 20 players) the top 8

finishers will get paid.
• 1st place $ 275
• 2 place
$ 200
• 3 place
$ 150
• 4 place
$ 125
• 5 place
$ 100
• 6 place
$ 75
• 7 place
$ 50
• 8 place
$ 25

Get a jump on posting dates. Want to host a specific monthly
game? Let me know ASAP. All point tallies will be kept be Rick
and Shane Groff. Monies, schedule, etc. will be kept by Robin

Please understand that the league is meant for everyone to have
fun, and although some things are done in fun, consideration
must be given before acting.

Conversation at the table is certainly encouraged, but it should

not distract you from knowing when it is your turn to act.

While a hand is being played, once you fold, your hand is over.
Therefore there should be no comments on what you folded, or
how any remaining players should be playing their hand, or what
a player may have based on what cards are showing on the table.

When cards are mucked, no one should ever look at the cards
that were mucked.

Winning Hands – They only have to be shown when a bet is

called. When a bet is called, the person winning the hand must
show both whole cards. If a bet is called and the winning hand is
shown, any player that then mucks their hand would be obligated
to show the hand at the request of the winning player.

If all players muck their hands rather than call a bet, the person
winning the hand has no obligation to show his cards and no
other player should look at the winning hand.

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