Grammar Booklet S2

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Institut Suprieur des Langues de Gabs

First year English

Semester 2
Grammar Tutorials


Unit 1: Verb classes

Exercise 1: State whether the verbs in this text are transitive or intransitive, stative or
dynamic, and intensive or extensive:
Hi everyone,
Please help me. I dont like my new job. For one thing, the day begins very early. I arrive
before 7:00 every morning. The office isnt very comfortable. We work in a large open space.
Its too noisy. I really need a private office. Another problem is my team leader. I dont think I
can trust her. She seemed nice at first, but lately shes been unfriendly.
Should I discuss my concerns with my boss? I tried to explain my feelings to a co-worker, but
he didnt listen to me. I dont think he has the same concerns. I feel confused. Should I resign
or stay? I hope you can give me some advice.
Talk to you soon,
Exercise 2: State whether the underlined verbs are stative or dynamic, and intensive or
1- I like your idea, and I am going to support you.
2- I stayed in my friends flat while I was in London.
3- I had always looked up to Mr. Brooks, so I felt sad to discover what he had done.
look up:
4- As the food in that restaurant tastes good, we go to eat there whenever we can.

Exercise 3: Insert to where necessary before the infinitives in brackets.

1 He made me (do) it all over again.
2 She can (sing) quite well.
3 He will be able (swim) very soon.
4 You ought (go) today. It may (rain) tomorrow.
5 You needn't (say) anything. Just nod your head and he will (understand).
6 He didn't dare (argue) with his boss.
7 Will you help me (move) the bookcase?
8 He wouldn't let my baby (play) with his gold watch.
9 They refused (accept) the bribe.
10 I'd like him (go) to a university but I can't (make) him (go).
11 We could (go) to a concert, unless you'd prefer (visit) a museum.
12 A: You seem (know) this area very well. ~B: Yes, I used (live) here.
13 It is easy (be) wise after the event.
14 Visitors are asked (not feed) the animals.
15 He should (know) how (use) the film projector, but if he doesn't, you had better (show)
16 I heard the door (open) and saw a shadow (move) across the floor.
17 He tried (make) me (believe) that he was my stepbrother.
18 I felt the house (shake) with the explosion,
19 Before he let us (go) he made us (promise) (not tell) anyone what had seen.
20 I advised him (ask) the bus conductor (tell) him where (get) off.
21 That is far too heavy for one person (carry); let me (help) you.
Exercise 4: Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form (gerund or infinitive).
1 I am looking forward to (see) you.
2 He dreads (have) to retire.
3 I arranged (meet) them here.
4 He urged us (work) faster.
5 I wish (see) the manager.
6 It's no use (wait).
7 He warned her (not touch) the wire.
8 Don't forget (lock) the door before (go) to bed.

9 At dinner she annoyed me by (smoke) between the courses.

10 He decided (disguise) himself by (dress) as a woman.
11 Would you mind (show) me how (work) the lift?
12 I am beginning (understand) what you mean.
13 I regret (inform) you that your application has been refused.
14 Mrs Jones: I don't allow (smoke) in my drawing-room.
Mrs Smith: I don't allow my family (smoke) at all.
15 Please go on (write); I don't mind (wait).
16 He wore dark glasses (avoid) (be) recognized.
17 Your windows need (clean); would you like me (do) them for you?
18 Would you mind (shut) the window? I hate (sit) in a draught.
19 I prefer (drive) to (be driven).
20 I advise you (start) (look) for a flat at once.
21 Would you mind (lend) me 5? I forgot (cash) a cheque.
22 (Lie) on this beach is much more pleasant than (sit) in the office.
23 I suggest (telephone) the hospitals before (ask) the police (look) for him.
24 He postponed (make) a decision till it was too late (do) anything.
25 Imagine (have) (get up) at five a.m. every day!
26 I distinctly remember (pay) him. I gave him 2.
27 Did you remember (give) him the key of the safe? ~
No, I didn't. I'll go and do it now.
28 Most people prefer (spend) money to (earn) it.
29 I didn't feel like (work) so I suggested (spend) the day in the garden.
30 Do you remember (post) the letter? ~
Yes, I do; I posted it in the letter-box near my gate.
31 Did you remember (lock) the door? ~
No, I didn't. I'd better (go) back and (do) it now.
32 Why didn't you drink it?I didn't like (drink) it as I didn't know what it was.

Unit 2: Present Tenses

Exercise 1: Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in the simple
present tense or the present progressive tense.
1) Right now I (watch) ________ a movie. I (watch) _______ a lot of movies.
2) Rickie (be) _______ my friend. We (like) _______ to talk together. Right now we (talk)
_________ about school.
3) The police officer (wear) ________ a badge and a gun to work every day.
4) Jaime usually (eat) _______ cold cereal for breakfast, but today he
(eat) _______ oatmeal instead.
5) Alison and I (study) _______ for the exam. We (not, want) ___________ to fail it!
6) Jonas (sing) ________ in the band on Saturdays, and Veda (play) _______ the guitar.
7) My uncle (live) _______ in Tennessee. I (live) _______ in North Carolina.
8) My mom (cook) _________ dinner tonight. (You, want) _____________ to eat with us?
9) Tiffany and Mark (travel) _________ to Spain. They will stay in Madrid.
10) We (read) _______ the newspaper every morning.
Exercise 2: Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in the simple
present tense or the present progressive tense.
Rachel's Diary Do Not Touch!!!
September 29, 2010 My First Day Here
Today (be) _______(1) the first day at my new school. Right now, it is lunch time, and all
of the students (eat) __________(2) their lunches. They (sit) ___________(3) around the big
table in the cafeteria, (talk) ________(4) in small groups. I (sit) __________(5) alone. I (be)
_______(6) pretty nervous. I (hope) _______(7) the other students (not, think)
____________(8) I am weird. I (write)___________(9) in my diary right now to look like I
(have) _______(10) something important to do. For lunch today, I (have) _______(11) an
apple, pretzels, and a tuna fish sandwich. I (hate) _______(12) tuna fish, but my mom (love)
________(13) it. She (say) _______(14) it is good for me. She (pack) ________(15) it for me
every day, so I (guess) ________(16) I have to eat it. I (also, have) __________(17) some
cookies. At least I (like)________(18) to eat those. Hey! The girls at the big table (look)
___________(19) at me! What (they, want)_______________(20)? They (laugh)
___________(21) at something. What (they, laugh) _____________(22) at? I hope they (not,
laugh)______________(23) at me. I (get) ___________(24) nervous again. Oh my gosh! One

of them (come) ___________(25) this way! Stay calm, Rachel. She is not going to hurt you.
She is just another girl like you, right? Wait. Now she (hold) ____________(26) out her hand
to me. Does she (want) ________(27) to be friends? What (she, do) ______________ (28)?
Oh, I know! She (invite) _____________(29) me to her table! Maybe I (be, not)
_____________(30) that weird after all!

Exercise 3: Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in the simple present
perfect tense or the simple past.

My English (really improve) .. since I (move) Australia.

I (be) to France before.
He (never travel) by train.
There (be) . many earthquakes in California.
Our son (learn) .. how to read.
The army (attack) . that city five times.
She graduated from university less than three years ago. She (work) ..
for three different companies so far.
8- 5. I (have, not) .this much fun since I (be).a kid.
9- Scientists (discover) . a new cure for cancer.
10- 2. Jonny, I can't believe how much you (change) .since the last time I
Exercise 4: Put the verbs in parentheses in the present perfect simple or present perfect
Robin: I think the waiter (forget) us. We (wait) .. here for over
half an hour and nobody (take) .. our order yet.
Michele: I think you're right. He (walk) .. by us at least twenty times. He
probably thinks we (order, already).. .
Robin: Look at that couple over there, they (be, only) here for five or
ten minutes and they already have their food.
Michele: He must realize we (order, not) .yet! We (sit) for over half an hour staring at him.
Robin: I don't know if he (notice, even) us. He (run) ..
from table to table taking orders and serving food.

Michele: That's true, and he (look, not) .in our direction once.
Exercise 5: Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in any aspect of the
present tense.
Ring! Ring!


Justin: May I please speak to Beto?

Beto: Yes, this is he.
Justin: Beto! How (be) _______ (1) you? This is Justin.
Beto: AhhhJustin! I (be) _______ (2) fine. How are you?
Justin: Im great, thanks.

That (be) _______ (3) good. So, whats up?

Justin: Well, I (have) _______ (4) a question for you.



Justin: My motorcycle (be) _______ (5) broken. I (try) _______ ______ _________ (6) to
repair it for days. I (no, know) _______ _______ _______(7) what is wrong with it.
I (no, can, fix) ________ _______(8) it.
Justin: Have you tried to start it?

Yes, I (try) _______ ________ (9) to start it many times, but it just wont work.
The motorcycle is pretty new. I just got it last November.


Hmm. Well, what (happen) ________ (10) when you try to start it? What kind of
noise does it make?

Justin: It (make) ________ (11) a strange sound. Then the engine (die) _______ (12).
Beto: Okay. (You, stand) _______ _______ _________ (13) beside it right now?
Justin: Yes.

Okay. There are some things that you need to check. First, you need to inspect
the spark plugs.

Justin: Hold on. Okay, I (inspect) _______ _________ (14) them under a light now. They
look clean.
Beto: Okay, that's good. Now, you need to check the oil. Its possible that you dont have
Justin: Hold on. Okay, I (check) _______ _________ (15) the oil right now. It (look)

_______ (16) clean, and the tank is full. I just filled it up last week, so I didnt think
that would be the problem.

Okay, thats good. Now you need to test the battery. (You, have) _______
_______ _______ (17) a battery tester?

Justin: Yes, I do. My brother got me one for my birthday.

Lets seeokay, I (use) _______ _________ (18) it right now. The battery
(appear) ________ (19) to be full of life.

Hmm. That is strange. I (wonder) ________ (20) what the problem could be!

Justin: Yesvery strange. I (not, understand) _______ _______ _________ (21) it. My
brother thinks the motorcycle is trash. He (not, think) _______ _______
________ (22) it will ever start again. He (say) _______ (23) I need to take it to the

Thats too bad. Well, there (be) _______ (24) one more thing you can check.

Justin: Really?
Beto: Yes, but I am sure you (check) _______ ________ (25) it already. Its probably the
first thing you thought of.
Justin: Well, what is
it? Beto: The gas level.
Justin: Wait! I (not, check) _______ _______ ________ (26) that yet! Hold on! I
(check) _____ _________ (27) the gas level now.

Well, what (do) _______ (28) it look like?

Justin: It (look) _______ (29) empty! Wow, that (be) _______ (30) the problem. How
embarrassing. I am sorry that I bothered you about this!
Beto: Thats okay. The same thing (happen) _______ ________ (31) to me before. You
had better go get some gas! Talk you to you later!
Justin: Okay, thanks!

Unit 3: Past tenses


Exercise 1: Put the verbs between parentheses in the past simple or past progressive.
Mrs May, our District Nurse, (drive) .......................... home at 3 a.m. one night after an urgent
visit to a sick patient. She (drive) ........................... along a deserted country lane, when she
(see) ................................ a new kind of animal. She (stop) ... her car and
(get out) .. The animal (be) ..clearly visible in the blaze of her
headlights. It (look) .............................. like a hedgehog with a tall white hat. It (cross)
.... the road without paying any attention to Mrs May. When Mrs May (go)
... close to it, she (notice) ...... that there was a plastic yoghurt
pot on the hedgehog's head. The poor creature had got its head stuck in the plastic pot1 Her
instincts as a nurse (tell) .... her she would have to rescue it, so she (pull)
.. the pot off the hedgehog's head. Mrs May (think) .. the
hedgehog (look) .. rather sad, when she (notice) .. that the
pot was half full of strawberry yoghurt. She (give) ... it back to the hedgehog.
The creature (seize) ... it, (put) ..... it on its head again, and
triumphantly (continue) .... its journey across the road.
Exercise 2: Put the verbs between parentheses in the past perfect simple or progressive
or the past simple.
Old Mr. Williams was very concerned. He and his wife were pensioners and he (spend)
.... the whole morning looking for the pension books. He (look) ....
everywhere, but he (not be able) .. to find them. Meanwhile, his wife
(be) ........................busy. She (cook) .... all morning. She (prepare)
.. a delicious meal. She (make) .. soup, followed by a lovely
pie, which she (bake) ... in the oven. Mr. Williams (always enjoy)
.. his food, but he clearly wasn't enjoying his lunch. "What's the matter,
Tom?" his wife asked. Mr. Williams (have to) ... confess that he (lose)
... their pension books."I know", Mrs. Williams (say) ...
with a twinkle in her eye. "I've got them". "You've got them?" "Yes and guess where I
(find) ... them!" Mr. Williams suddenly remembered. "In the oven! I (put)

.... them there for safe-keeping." He (smile) .. with relief as

she (fish) .. them out of her apron pocket.
Exercise 3: Rewrite the sentences using past simple and past perfect simple. Use the
words in brackets.

The woman slept. Then, her husband came home. (already / when)
She put on her make-up. Then, she went to work. (after)
He noticed the smoke in the house. Then, he called the fire brigade. (before)
I finished setting the table. Then, the guests knocked the door. (just / when)

Exercise 4: Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the verb in any aspect of the past
Eric and Ilsa are brother and sister. They (grow) _______ (1) up together in the city that
used to be known as West Berlin, in the former West Germany. Eric (move)
____________ (2) to the United States decades ago, before the eastern and western
parts of both Berlin and Germany were reunited in 1990.
Ilsa and her family (visit) ___________ (3) Eric and his family last year. llsa's Family
(fly) ____________ (4) from Berlin to Detroit for the visit. Although the children
(never, meet) _________________ (5) before, except through e-mail, the families (have)
__________ (6) a great time together.
Every day for a week, the adults and the children (play)____________(7), talking, and
eating together. One day, they (cook) _______ (8) some German recipes that (be)
______________(9) in the family for generations. For years, Ilsa (save) _________________
(10) them and treasuring them in a box their mother (give)_____________(11) her just before
she (die)_______ (12). One of their mother's favorites (be) ______________(13) a dessert
called Apple Kuchen.
One night after everyone else (already, go) __________________(14) to bed, Eric and
Ilsa (quietly, sit) _________________(15) and talking.
"What have you (miss) ____________ (16) most about Berlin?" Ilsa wanted to know. Eric
(pause) __________ (17), then answered, "Mostly, I miss living in a city with such
wonderful landmarks. The kids and I (look) __________________(18) at some books
about Berlin and Germany for a while before you and your family (arrive)
__________(19). We (discuss) _____________ (20) the Brandenburg Gate when

Franz interrupted to ask why its image (use) ____________________ (21) as a design on
some of the coins back when Germany had converted its money to euros."
"What (do) _______ (22) you tell him?" Ilsa asked.
"I (say) _________ (23) that I (not, be)_____________(24) sure," answered Eric, but that
I (think) _______(25) it was because the gate (become) _____________(26) a symbol for
Germany, like the Statue of Liberty had emerged as a symbol for the United States."

Unit 4: The future


Exercise 1: put the verbs in parentheses in the appropriate form of the future.

I am hungry. _ Oh, I .. (make) you a sandwich.

He (study) Law at Cambridge University next year.
I love you so much. . you (marry) me?
Jack (meet) Jane tomorrow afternoon.
The last plane to Zurich .. (leave) at 20:20.
I am sorry, the class .. (begin) at 9. You may leave.
they (meet) the Pope when they are in Italy?
You are determined to pass the exam next time. I .(pass) this exam,

even if it kills me.

9- Mass space travel ..soon (become) possible.
10- Chrismas Eve . (to be) on a Tuesday this year.

Exercise 2: Supply the correct verb form.


He promised he (send) a postcard from Egypt.

At this time next month we (lie) on a beach in Spain.
By the end of 2004 the rate of unemployment .(rise) by 10%.
Tomorrow at 7 a.m. I ..(see) my boss.
By that time next month all the daffodils . (die) .
The secretary is pressing the numbers on her phone. She (call)

her boss.
7- I ..... (work) here for ten years next month.
8- Where (they, spend) their holiday?
9- We are late. The film .(start, already) when we get there.
10- I had a feeling that the vacation (to be) a disaster.
11- By seven o'clock they ..(not draw) the picture.

Unit 5: The Conditional

Exercise 1: Supply the correct verb form.

1- If I (have) wings, I (have to, not) . take a
plane to fly home.
2- If the sea (to be) stormy, the waves (to be) high.
3- I am sorry you had to take a cab to the airport. I didnt know you needed a ride. If you
(tell), I (give)you a ride.
4- That sounds like a good job offer. I (accept) if I (to be) you.


5- If she (take).that flight yesterday, she (arrive). at

6- If it (rain), the farmers (to be) .happy.
7- Tim acts as if he (to be) .. the boss.
8- If I (to be).stronger, I'd help you carry the piano.
9- If we had seen you, we (stop) .
10- If we (meet) .him tomorrow, we'll say hello.
11- He would have repaired the car himself if he (have)the tools.
12- If you drop the vase, it (break). .
13- If I hadn't studied, I (not pass). the exam.
14- I wouldn't go to school by bus if I (have) a driving licence.
15- If she (not see) him every day, she would be lovesick.
16- I (not travel).. to London if I don't get a cheap flight.
17- We would be stupid if we (tell) him about our secret.
Exercise 2: Using the given information, create conditional sentences.
1- I was sick yesterday, so I didnt go to school.
If I hadnt been sick yesterday, I would have gone to school.
2- Because Alan never eats breakfast, he always overeats at lunch.
.. .
3- Kostas was late to his own wedding because his watch was slow.

... .
4- I dont ride the bus to work every morning because its always so crowded.
5- Sara didnt know that highway 57 was closed, so she didnt take another route.
.. .
6- Go to Corfu. You will like it.
If you . .
7- Don't hurry. You will not make mistakes.
Unless you .

8- Be careful. You will not fall down.

Provided that you .. .
9You mustn't panic. You will manage it.
If you . .
10She can't give it up. She will succeed.
In case she . .

Unit 6: The passive voice

Exercise 1: Put the following into the passive, mentioning the agent where necessary.
1- They feed the seals at the zoo twice a day.
2- Who wrote it?
3- He expected us to offer him the job.
4- The author has written a special edition for children.

5- Did the idea interest you?

6- The lawyer gave him the details of his uncle's will.
7- Students are doing a lot of the work.
8- The closure of the workshops will make a lot of men redundant.
9- Children couldn't have done all this damage.
10- The burglars had cut an enormous hole in the steel door.
Exercise 2: Turn the following sentences into the active voice. Where no agent is
mentioned one must be supplied.
1- This speed limit is to be introduced gradually.
2- It is now 6 a.m. and at most of the hospitals in the country patients are being wakened
with cups of tea.
3- Byron is said to have lived on vinegar and potatoes.
4- This notice has been altered.
5- Why wasn't the car either locked or put into the garage?
6- Someone will have to be found to take her place.
7- The stones were thrown by a student, who was afterwards led away by the police.
8- Carrier pigeons are said to have been used by early Egyptian and Greek sailors.

Unit 7: Auxiliary verbs and modals

Exercise 1: Supply the correct form of the verbs (to be, to have, to do):
1) .. Amy come to school by bike this morning?
2) .. you ever . anything silly?

What .. you .. doing all this time?

he come yesterday?
. he going to come to the party tomorrow?
They will disappeared by the time you reach them.
This . the best meal I .. ever had.
Why stop silly things?

9) .you happy?
10) This house ..
. built sometime this year.

Exercise 2: Fill each of the following gaps with a suitable auxiliary form, and then give
the communicative function of that auxiliary.
1) Schoolboy to friend: I left my book at home. I share yours?
2) I am taking swimming lessons. I hope swim by the end of the month.
3) You..better take off your wet shoes.
4) Teacher: the play, but the preface.
5) I knew he was wrong, but I tell him so.
6) Hesmoke very heavily. Now, He hardly smokes at all.
7) The new motorwayopened this afternoon.
8) Ann: we meet at Piccadelly Circus?
9) You.told me? All this wouldnt have happened then.
10) We.. take a taxi. Otherwise, well be late.
11) This area is dangerous. You .surpass these borders.

Grammar DS exam (2012-2013)

Exercise 1: Provide 2 uses of the simple past tense and 2 uses of the present perfect tense.
Illustrate each use with an example. (4)
-use 1:
The simple past


-use 2:
-eg: .


-use 1: .
The present perfect

-eg: ..
-use 2:


Exercise 2: State whether the underlined verbs are stative or dynamic, and intensive or
extensive. (4.5)
1- I like your idea, and I am going to support you.
2- I stayed in my friends flat while I was in London.
3- I had always looked up to Mr. Brooks, so I felt sad to discover what he had done.
look up:
4- As the food in that restaurant tastes good, we go to eat there whenever we can.

Exercise 3: Complete with the past simple or past continuous (progressive) form of the
verbs in brackets. (5.5)
Last night at about 10 oclock, I (watch) TV with my friend Jo when the door
bell (ring) . . It (be) .a pizza boy. We (give) ..the

pizza boy the money and then sat down to eat. We (open) .the box and we had
two slices. We talked about the film. I (eat) ..the last slice when the phone
(ring).... . It was the man at the pizza restaurant. He (say) he
was sorry our pizza (be).. late! Suddenly I (notice) this was
not our pizza. This one (not contain) ....... mushrooms or ham!

Exercise 4: Complete the following text with the right tense of the verbs below (simple
past, present perfect and present perfect continuous). (6)
contain exist try - find - be - allow dig discover walk- discover- produce perish
Palaeontologists in New Mexico have unearthed the remains of at least one dinosaur from the
late Jurassic period. The palaeontologists, from Canada, (1) a
formerly unexplored part of the Morrison Formation - a vast fossil bed - for the last eight
months. Early last week one of the group (2) ........................... a section of rock which
(3) .......................................... a number of bones from one, or possibly more, large
herbivorous dinosaurs. Since then, the group (4) ......... to release the
bones from the rock and piece them together. The palaeontologists believe that the bones may












.. while trying to protect the young from predators. According to

Bryce Larson, the group's leader, the bones are from a large brachiosaurus. These animals
(6) ..................................... approximately 150 million years ago and are counted amongst the
largest dinosaurs that ever (7) ................................. on Earth. Other brachiosaurus remains
have been found in the Morrison, but these latest bones are very large and may prove to come
from the largest dinosaur anyone (8) ................................... to date. For a long time the
Morrison Formation (9) ................................... one of the most productive fossil beds in the

world. Since the first bones (10) ......................................... there in 1877, it (11)
....... tons of material. The Morrison, more than any other fossil bed, (12)
........ us an insight into the late Jurassic period in North America. It seems
that the latest find could reveal even more about the giants of the Jurassic.

Grammar final exam (2012-2013)

Exercise 1: Provide four (4) uses of the following tenses. Illustrate each use with an
example. (4)
-use: .
The present



-eg: ...
-use: .

The present



-eg: ..



The past perfect

-eg: .


The past perfect


-eg: .

Exercise 2: Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets (various tenses): (6)
1- The children (look) . forward to this holiday for months.
2- He usually (drink) coffee but today he (drink) ..
3- Detective: I'm afraid I must ask you both what (you do) ...... yesterday
at 10p.m.
Mr. X: I (play) ..chess with my wife.
4- When I (arrive)..the lecture (already start) .. .
5- (you/meet) ....him lately?
6- I went to Belgium last month. I (never/be) .there before.
7- If you had brought the map, we (not lose) our
8- A: I think I cant clean our room today. I feel so tired.
B: Ok, I (do) it myself.
9- We (walk) for more than three hours.

Exercise 3: There are eight (8) mistakes in these sentences. Correct them using the
provided table. (4)

1- I was pleased to see my old college friends at the conference last week as we didnt
see each other since we finished our course.
2- By the time we reached the theater, the play ended and people were leaving.
3- At the end of their meal they found they couldnt pay the bill because they didnt bring
any money with them.
4- We were happy that Gary was having his laptop with him, but we were less happy
when we discovered that he hadnt changed the battery.


I saw this film several times.

Her phone is ringing for 15 minutes. I wonder why she doesnt answer it.
He is washing his car now?
A: Have you visited any European country?
B: Yes. I have visited Spain two years ago.
9- Why dont she works by herself? She always depends on others.



as we didnt see each other (sentence 1)

as we hadnt seen each other

Exercise 4: Read this biography from a movie magazine. Complete the text with the
verbs in brackets in the past simple or present perfect (simple or continuous). (6)
Mel Gibson (1) ........................... (be) a major film star now for more than twenty years. In
this time he (2) ............................ (become) one of the most respected Hollywood actors and
he has now started a successful career in film directing, as well. Gibson
(3) ................................. (be born) in the United States in 1956 but his family
(4) ............................. (move) to Australia in 1968. He (5) .................................... (complete)
his school education in Sydney and (6) ..................................... (begin) his acting career there,
in the National Institute of Dramatic Art. He appeared in several Australian TV series, but got
his big break in 1979, in a film called Mad Max. He has since made two more 'Max' films. He
(7) ................................. (go on) to make several other successful films in Australia, for

example, Gal/ipali, before he moved to Hollywood. Gibson (8) ........................... (make) more
than thirty films, many of which have been great commercial successes. He has never been
afraid to take on challenging roles, such as Hamlet and The Man without a Face, which also
(9) ............................ (mark) his directorial debut. He has been directing films for the last few
years. To date he (10) ........................................ (direct) three successful films. Unusually for
the turbulent world of Hollywood romance, Gibson (11) ................................ (live) with the
same woman for over twenty years - his wife Robyn, whom he (12) .........
(marry) in 1980. Up to the present time, they have seven children.


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