P9 ParkerGerenPortfolio

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Parker Geren

Parker Geren
1717 E Thurston Ave.
Spokane, WA 99203

Table of Contents
Business Card...................................................................................10
Event Ad...........................................................................................14

Description: This is a website for a fake club at
BYU-Idaho called the crochet crew.
Date Completed: November 22, 2014.
Course/Instructor: Comm 130
Bro. Judkins.
Programs/Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Word Wrangler, Html
and CSS programing.
Objective: The objective was to create my own website
that could be used to show an employee my ability to
design a website.
Process: The process that went into this website was first
inspired by the logo. I used Adobe Illustrator to create
the Logo. I used a basic css that was provided for me and
added many things to create the design to the website. I
also used and designed the Html for the content that is in
the web page.


Description: A brochure for the Crochet Crew.

Date Completed: December 6, 2014.
Course/Instructor: Comm 130/ Bro. Judkins.
Programs/Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign
Objective: To create a brochure for the Crochet Crew to help
those who want to join the Crochet Crew can know what is in
store for them.
Process: First to create this brochure I had to get the folding
down. So I did the calculations of where I would want my folds
and I put rulers to where I would fold in InDesign. I then created
my logo in Illustrator. I then looked for a texture that would be
good for the backgroung and I found a good picture that displayed a good texture of a crochet pattern and I used that on the
inside of the brochure. I then added some curved lines to the
front and back of the
brochure. I then found some great pictures to go along with my
text. I used boxes around my text and added a transparency to
the white color so that the text is easy to read. Then I did some
aligning and thats the completed process.
Changes: This took about a half an hour I made the curved lines
on the edge match up. I also made sure that the Logo on the front
would be exactly in the
middle when folded.




C re w

C re w




The Holiday Season

The great thing about crocheting
and the Crochet Crew is that
we are starting right along the
holiday season.
With that in mind, these crocheting
projects are great for Do-it-Yourself
projects for presents. Its a cheap
and fun way to show someone
special that you care.

Whats The Crochet Crew?

The Crochet Crew is a brand new club at

BYUIdaho. There are many exciting things that
the Crew is looking forward to, especially with this
holiday season. The Crochet Crew is designed to
help those who want to enhance their crocheting
skills or for new beginners. The Crochet Crew has
three wonderful instructors who have had years.
We are excited to start this club and help others
build their skills.

What We Will Make This Semester?

The things that we will be making this semester are very fun.
We will be having:
-Having an instructional tutorials on very basic rules and
skills of crocheting.
-Making a basic scarf and an infinity scarf.
-Making basic beanies and beanies with more elaborate
-And making a blanket.

What Do We Do?

The Crochet Crew has very skilled leaders who are ready
and willing to help anyone start the great pastime of
Crocheting or even help those who have been doing it for
years a good excuse to start up again. The instructors are
very friendly and will be going over step by step instructions on how to do some very basic skills of crocheting
and helping those that attend to make their own creations.

Description: A letterhead that could be used for news
broadcasting buisiness.
Date Completed: November 8, 2014.
Course/Instructor: Comm 130/ Bro. Judkins.
Programs/Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign.
Objective: To create a letterhead that a news
broadcasting company could use for mettings or
Process: I used Adobe Illustrator to create my logo. I
used circles and the pathfinder tool to cut our certain
pieces to make the type fit in the 8. I then made a
rounded line at the top of the stationary in InDesign.


Buisiness Card
Description: A business card for a news broadcasting
Date Completed: November 8, 2014
Course/Instructor: Comm 130/ Bro. Judkins
Programs/Tools: Illustrator, InDesign
Objective: To create a business card for a news
broadcasting company
Process: I used Adobe Illustrator to create my logo. I used
circles and the pathfinder tool to cut our certain pieces to
make the type fit in the 8. I then made a rounded line in
the middle in InDesign.




Parker Geren


Description: An inspirational montage with several
Date Completed: Ocotber 25, 2014.
Course/Instructor: Comm 130/ Bro. Judkins.
Programs/Tools: Photoshop
Objective: To create an inspirational montage that had
several pictures in it.
Process: First what I did is I went to the October 2014
Ensign magazine for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I found some pictures that I liked and I
scanned them and had them emailed to me. Then I put
them all in Photoshop. After I did that I cropped my main
picture to the size that I wanted. Then I lassoed the two
different images from the other pictures and I placed them
over my main picture. I then blurred the RS symbol and
the picture of the girls sewing to make it blend that they
were apart of the Relief Society and that they were helping
each other. Then I wrote the text and used another blending tool so that it could be easier to read.



Event Ad
Description: An event ad for a possible run a thon.
Date Completed: October 11, 2014
Course/Instructor: Comm 130/ Bro. Judkins
Programs/Tools: Scanner, Photoshop, Microsoft Word.
Objective: To create an Event Ad to give information to
those who want to be apart of the Run to Plant event.
Process: The process was very interesting. I first found
the tree picture and scanned it to my computer. I then
put it in photoshop and cropped it. I then put the picture
in Word to make the rest of the design. I used boxes and
arrainged text to make it look presentable.
New Process: This process took about a half an hour. I
erased all the squares and made new ones with different
edges. I then added transpency to the shapes so that you
can see the tree in the background. I then made the tree
bigger. I also changed the title of the project.


Come help plant trees

in South Africa by
running in the Run to
Plant relay race!

Each team (10) is $50.

All proceeds go to
Megatree Foundations,
which helps plant
megatrees in South
Africa to enrich the
environment and help
build habitats.

Register at www.Megatrees.org
Registration begins on Nov. 5,

Relay begins at the Church west of
the Rexburg temple.
Relay Starts at 7am Dec. 6 2014.


Description: Possible logos designed for Parker Bros.
gaming company.
Date Completed: November 1, 2014
Course/Instructor: Comm 130/ Bro. Judkins
Programs/Tools: Illustrator.
Objective: To create different types of logos for Parker
Brothers gaming company by useing different types of
game peices.
Process: The way these logos were made were through lots
of use of the pen tool in Illustrator. The die were traced by
a dice that I found on line. The blue and gold men were
created from simply bending a couple of lines on the pen
tool and elipses. The box was simply a box and some color
added to them.




Parker Bros.


Parker Bros.






Description: A picture of soap and colorful bubbles to
represent BYU-Idaho Custodial.
Date Completed: October 18, 2014
Course/Instructor: Comm 130/ Bro. Judkins
Programs/Tools: Photoshop and a Camera
Objective: To create a design on a photo that I took, and
to apply what I learned with where I work.
Process: I took a picture of the soap bottle. I then added
some circles to come out of the bottle in photoshop. I then
added some text to share a message.



Description: A flier for the Graduate Leadership
Date Completed: October 4, 2014.
Course/Instructor: Comm 130/ Bro. Judkins
Programs/Tools: InDesign
Objective: To create a flier for the Graduate Leadership
Conference and to show good use of basic design skills in
InDesgin and a knowledge of typography.
Original Process: The process was all in InDesgin. I used
lots of elipses and rectangles to show some contrast. I
sertain skills to put the picture in the circle on the right. I
also used a line on the left and made it big to create some
more contrast.
New Process: This process took about an hour. I added
more squares to this design. I made sure that there were
stong lines and that nothing was centered. I used a
different picture as well. I also used some transparency
with some of the squares.

Do you want to have the competitive edge in businness?
Come learn how at Vouant Communications annual
Gradualte Leadership Conference

Graduate Leadership Conference

October 21,
8 a.m. 5 p.m.

Conference is available to graduating seniors.

Space is limited.

Registration and more information available at

http://www.vouantcomm.com/ leaders

Vouant Communications is
devoted to helping tomorrows
leaders gain essential leadership
skills in the workplace. During
this dynamic three day seminar,
attendees will meet with top
executives of Vouant
Communications to discuss
breakthrough leadership
techniques, while cultivating
attributes of leadership that will
market to any employer.

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