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By: Alicia Soto

Title Page
Alicia Soto
2153 Tuscany Way
Pleasant Grove UT 84062

Table of Contents
Business Card
Event Ad

Business Card
Description:To make a business card for
a company using FOCUS principles.
Programs: Illustrator and InDesign
Date: Nov. 8 2014
Course: Comm 130-Visual Media
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Objectives:To create logos for a business
and to design consistent layouts.
Process:I used illustrator to create the
logo for the business card. I created the
Big Dipper logo design by using the
elipse tool to create 4 dots and the pen
tool to tie them together. Also in illustraor, I created the stars using the star
shape in illustator. I used the pencil tool
to create the white stars in the background in Indesign to make it look like
space. I also created the red border lines
with the pen tool.

Big Dipper
Alicia Soto

Alicia Soto
2165 Frogbath Ln Rexburg, ID 83440

Description:To make a letterhead for a
company using FOCUS principles.
Programs: Illustrator and InDesign
Date: Nov. 8 2014
Course: Comm 130-Visual Media
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Objectives:To create logos for a business
and to design consistent layouts.
Process: I made the logo in illustrator
and did the same process as I used for
the business cards (above). For the stars
on the stationary, I created the stars using the star tool and then I lowered the
opacity to about 45% so that the stars
could blend in with the background and
not stand out as much, so that it actually
looks like stationary.

Big Dipper



Description:To design a full color, folding
brochure for a company using FOCUS
Programs: InDesign
Date: Nov. 8 2014
Course: Comm 130-Visual Media
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Objectives:To learn to create a 2 sided folded document and to import quality images.
Process: I started the brochure process by
adding ruler guides to 3 equal parts of the
page. For the blue background, I created
a huge rectangle using the rectangle tool. I
picked a sky blue color to contrast against
the clouds. To add the clouds, I used the
Elipse frame tool and created a layer effect
with them and just grouped them together to make one cloud. I created the layout
by using mainly rectangle boxes and filling
them in with different shades of grey. With
the photo of the girl employee, I prepared
the image in photoshop used the wand tool
to crop her out of the background and refined the edge. I placed it into indesign and
wrapped the text around it.

Description:To design a webpage by using
html and using the FOCUS principles.
Programs: Textwrangler and Photoshop
Date: Nov. 8 2014
Course: Comm 130-Visual Media
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Objectives:To learn skills in HTML and CSS
Process: For the html, I used the code for
the headings, bold, and lining up the bullet
points list. For the star background, I made
it in photoshop by using the background of
the logo, saved it, then put in the file location inside the background css code. I found
the font colors by looking at the red color in
photoshop and using the hex code to type
it into the html. For the logo, I just brought
that into the file, along with the css and
html files and it just appeared on the page.

Event Ad
Description: To make an event ad using
pictures and information.
Programs: Word
Date: Nov. 8 2014
Course: Comm 130-Visual Media
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Objectives:To gain visual skills in word.
Process: For the title, I used a font and
bolded it and then raised the size. I made
bullet points for the list and typed in my
body copy, keeping it at a small body copy
font. I placed the pictures in from the internet and created a border around them using
the word background options. For the background of the field, I used the filters given
for word images and to make it less obvious,
and have less opacity, but still there.

Pitch for Palsy

Paralysis is the loss of muscle function in
one or more muscles.
Softball girls from the RGSA softball
league have come together to play a
game for those affected with Palsy.
Come join them and help raise money for
this great cause!
Tickets for the game: $3 each

Time: 6:30 pm

Place: La Sierra Park

Date: October 10

Description:To make a letterhead for a
company using FOCUS principles.
Programs: Illustrator
Date: Nov. 8 2014
Course: Comm 130-Visual Media
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Objectives: To create logos for for a
Process:To create the top logo, I made
the cup using the pen tool on the ouside
and the pencil tool for the script on the
inside and the handle. I also used a bold
font for the Reading and then set the
opacity lower. For the 2nd logo, I created the book using the pen tool and the
pages by curving the pen tool. I set the
reading font red and created shadow using Effects>drop shadow. I also spaced
the rest of the text. For the 3rd logo, I
created the colorful letters by choosing
block letter text font and then coloring
them. I created the apple using the pen
tool and filled it in with red using the
eyedropper tool.

The Reading Cafe





The Reading Cafe

Description:To design a flier by using the
FOCUS principles.
Programs: InDesign
Date: Nov. 8 2014
Course: Comm 130-Visual Media
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Process:To gain basic skills in indesign.
Process: I used different font sizes for the
title. I placed the pictures given to me in
the document and then used view>display performance>high quality. I made
the cirlcles and squares with the elipse
tool and the rectangle tool and filled it
in with a black colorby using the color picker and taking that off the logo.

Description:To create a spiritual montage
using masks by using images, type and
FOCUS principles.
Programs: Photoshop
Date: Nov. 8 2014
Course: Comm 130-Visual Media
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Objectives: Unify layout with a theme and
dominant message and mask to apply filter to images
Process: For this montage, I cut out one
images with the lasso tool and copied and
pasted them into the background image.
I created a mask on top of the cut out
image and then used the eraser tool, alternating from small to large to erase the
sides of the image. I made the opacity
smaller as well to have that effect. I made
the text big in some words and small in
others and made it white.

Description:To create a full-bleed photodesign using the FOCUS principles.
Programs: Photoshop
Date: Nov. 8 2014
Course: Comm 130-Visual Media
Instructor: Ben Pingel
Objectives: Learn photography skills and
Process: I took this photo of the temple
and then edited it in photoshop by messing with the levels, saturation, balance,
etc. For the background, I used the gradient tool and used the purple color.
I used different contrasting fonts and
colors using the text styles and colors by
using the color picker.

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