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Swamiji has spoken extensively on MAHABHARATA, one of the puranas of

For those who think that Mahabharata is just some fairy tale told by our ancestors,
heres what Swamiji says about our puranas:

Ramayana and Mahabharata are the stories more real

than the reality you see around you! If you think this hall
is real, this throne is real, the people who are sitting next
to you are all real, and I am real, then Mahabharata and
Ramayana and all these eighteen Puraanaas by
Bhagawan Vyasa are far more real!
All Puranas are Subjective Truth. All the eighteen
Puranas by Bhagawan Vyasa are Subjective Truth, not
~Sri Nithyananda Swami
Heres a glimpse on some of the main characters of Mahabharata as explained by
Swamiji in one of the satsangs:
Kunti is the embodiment of Tapas.
-Her whole life, if you see, she is embodiment of Tapas.
Bhishma, embodiment of Dharma, Righteousness.
-Bhishma would never have imagined in his life he has to throw arrows at Krishna
whom he worshipped every day, his own ishta devatha, he has to throw arrows at
-The tradition says, Krishna has to come to Chennai, Triplicane, Thiruvallikeni, get
treated for all his Bhishma Bana, the wounds created in his body and face by the
Bhishmas arrows. No one elses arrows were able to touch Krishna, but Bhishma
Banas created wounds on Krishnas body. Still the Parthasarathi in Triplicane , the

deity carries the wounds all over the face and the body; and, even now, in the
season after that Kurukshetra War, that forty days, he is given an ayurvedic herbal
bath, ayurvedic herbs are applied on the deity, and no one is allowed to have
darshan; he is left to rest and recuperate.
-Understand; never ever associate yourself with Duryodhanas, the dussangha. Even
the characters like Bhishma, the embodiment of Righteousness, lot of Integrity and
Authenticity, lot of Integrity. Sure, the power of his Integrity would have saved him.
No one was able to kill him. Even Arjuna is not able to kill him. But his whole
Integrity is made useless. He was not dead, he was not killed, but he was made
useless, just lying on the arrow-bed in the Kurukshetra.
Yudhishtira is embodiment of Integrity.
-Integrity is born from Kaala, Yama Dharma, Yudhishtira. Yudhishtira is son of Yama
Dharma. Yama will never misses time. That is why Yudhishtira is embodiment of
Integrity. Who is the most integrated being in the Planet Earth, in the Cosmos?
Yama Dharma!
-Understand, Yudhishtira Integrity when you start, Integrity never looks like he is
going to win the war, but you will see, finally, Yudhishtira only was coroneted!
-See Yudhishtira he looks like a fool throughout Mahabharata! No one will believe
Yudhishtira is going to win the game. Till the end he looks like a fool! Especially
when he is controlling Bhima and Arjuna many times.
Bhima is embodiment of Authenticity.
Most powerful, authentic being is Vayu. Bhima is the son of Vayu.
Arjuna is embodiment of Responsibility.
Naturally, Indra is the most responsible person in the whole universe. He is head of
all gods. Arjuna is the son of Responsibility.
Sahadeva is embodiment of Enriching.

Even when enemy, opposite guy, Duryodhana, comes to Sahadeva, he blesses him,
saying, You start the war on this day; you will be successful! That kind of
Enriching. Enriching even enemy.
Nakula is embodiment of Causing.
He went on being a catalyst for everyone to realize their reality. He was such an
amazing support for Yudhishtira, Arjuna, Bhima and for Sahadeva, everyone. He
was just building the scene always, being a support.
#Nakula and Sahadeva, the Ashwini Kumaras, the most enriching beings, the
greatest doctors doctors profession is the most enriching profession the greatest
healers, both are sons of greatest enricher!
Draupadi is embodiment of Enlightenment.
Each character, whatever may be the struggle, Enlightenment never left Integrity,
Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching. It was with them throughout. Draupadi
was with Pandavas throughout, raised them back to the right level.
Karna is Charity.
-I can say, he had all the best qualities, in a way little more than Arjuna. Just only
one mistake association with self-denial, Duryodhana; thats all.
-The amazing quality of Charity he had. Every one of us should meditate on Karna
to imbibe that quality of Charity. Unimaginable quality of Charity. Warfield, about to
die, even at that moment, when Krishna comes and asks him for all the punyas he
has done, Karna doesnt care, doesnt bother. He knows if he gives away all the
punyas, immediately he will be dead. But he gave it. That is why, Vyasa when he
writes, for nobody else he uses the word moksha. When Dhrona was killed, he
says, Dhrona Vadha . For everyone, he uses only the word Vadha, Vadha,
Vadha. For Karna, Vyasa uses the word Karna Moksha. Karna was not killed, he
was liberated because, his good actions were the only thing which were stopping
him from getting enlightened!

-But, even he is useless when he was living because of his association with SelfDenial. Even Karna, useless when he was living in the body because of his
association with Self-Denial.
Gandhari is embodiment of Self-Destruction.
-Shakuni Self-Hatred always comes with a sister Self-Destruction
Gandhari. She might have developed a beautiful logic for tying the ribbon around her
eyes, but Self-Destruction. So, Self-Hatred always comes with a sister, SelfDestruction. When this brother and sister duo enters your family, your family is
-The Self-Destruction shows as if it is dedicated to you. Even if it is dedicated to
you, destruction is destruction.
Dhritarashtra is the embodiment of Self-Doubt.
Shakuni, embodiment of Self-Hatred.
Shakuni and Krishna are exactly opposite characters. The celebration of life is
Krishna. Self-Hatred is Shakuni. Exact opposite. Shakunis sangha destroyed
Duryodhana. Krishnas sangha saved Yudhishtira and gave everything to him.
Duryodhana, embodiment of Self-Denial.
See Duryodhana. He inherited everything, did not have any enemies, had all the
best people thinking for him, supporting him, fighting for him. But, just the
dussangha, Shakuni, destroyed him.
We can choose who we want to be:
The Pandavas & Draupadi

@ The

Kauravas @ Bhishma @
ndhari @ Duryodhana



@ Shakuni

@ Ga

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