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Magellans Voyage to the Philippines

Dela Cruz, Neil Carlo A.

BSN 3-1

As we grow up, we study about different history of the world especially in primary and
secondary school. We learn about world history starting from prehistoric times up to todays
current events but as a Filipino, we were also appointed and required to know our own history.
In learning history, it is critical to understand and know the people behind our current world
that we live in and what they have done for this world and their impact or effects on it. For the
Philippines, one person has always been on the top of the list of the people who greatly put the
Philippines on the map of the world and his name is Ferdinand Magellan. When we were taught
about Philippine history during our elementary days, Ferdinand Magellan has been marked as
the person who Lapu-Lapu fought and defeated for the freedom of the Philippines but there is
more to Ferdinand Magellan than this. Magellan was not just a villain who tried to conquer
the Philippines he was more of an explorer who was on a mission to discover different places
around the world in search for different spices for Spain. His rediscovery of the Philippines
sparked the colonization of the country by Spanish rule which influenced and molded the
Philippines to what it is now.

Why I chose the study?

I chose this topic of Magellans expedition towards the rediscovery of the Philippines
because I was interested on the adventure and voyage he encountered and experienced and as
well as his contribution, impact and effects on the Philippines by colonizing it under Spanish
rule. I wanted to have a deeper understanding on how he traveled, how he found the
Philippines and how he dealt with the barriers that were in his way in trying to achieve his goal
or mission. His contributions for the Philippines and influences were one of the things that I
wanted to know including cultural influences and religion.

Magellans Exploration
Before Magellan conducted his voyage to find the Spice Islands, Portugal was one of the
first countries in Europe who wanted to explore and take possession of the different riches of
land outside of Europe. Spain was a country committed into competing against Portugal in
finding these Spice Islands in Asia. When Magellan was denied of his proposal to set an
exploration to find more Spice Islands through the westward route from Portugal, he was hurt
and so he left Portugal and went to Spain to volunteer his services to the king of Spain. He also
told to the king that the Moluccas Spice Island belongs to Spain according to the Treaty of
Tordesillas, in which the treaty divided the newly discovered lands outside Europe between
Portugal and Spain. Because of Magellans impressive skills in navigation and exploration, the
king of Spain granted him privilege to explore the Spice Islands in Asia with the reason of spices
being expensive in Europe and in high demand. Magellan was provided with 5 ships for his
voyage to Asia namely: Trinidad, Victoria, Concepcion, Santiago and San Antonio.
He first traveled to the Atlantic ocean and reached Brazil specifically Rio de Janeiro
where his crew suffered from difficult voyage, hardship and hunger. He then continued his
exhaustive journey to Pacific Ocean but with courage and determination he manage to pass this
challenge and reached the Ladrones Island where he ordered his men to rest and get some
food. From Ladrones Island he ventured westward and found the island of Homonhon where he
first landed in the Philippines. He stopped by Homonhon because of his men being sick. The
natives of Homonhon gave them warm welcome and served them fresh fruits to eat.
Recovering from their sickness, Magellans crew traveled to Limasawa. Upon arriving in
Limasawa they were greeted by men who were joyful at their arrival. They represented the
chieftain of the area. The chieftain of the area was named Raja Kulambu where Magellan
became good friends with and made the First Blood Compact between Filipinos and
Spaniards. On March 31, 1521 a mass was conducted in Limasawa by Father Pedro de
Valderama, it was the first Holy mass done in the Philippines and it became the start of
Christianity in the country. Magellan also planted a big cross on top of a hill to symbolize the
Christian religion. Magellan also went to Cebu to spread Christianity as well. There he met Raja

Humabon, the chieftain of Cebu, in which they agreed on a blood compact that gave him the
name of Carlos or Don Carlos.
Not all chieftains agreed on obeying or following the order of the King of Spain. Raja
Lapulapu was one of those chieftains. Because of Lapulapus refusal to obey the King of Spain,
Magellan went to fight Lapulapu to force him to obey the king. Without any battle precautions,
Magellan came in for war unprepared which resulted badly for his men. He tried to order his
men to retreat but it was too late. Magellan got wounded by a native with a bamboo spear in
the arm and another native caught him in his leg with a cutlass. When Lapulapu and his men
saw that Magellan is wounded, they immediately rushed on him and took advantage of his
injury which resulted in Magellans death. Lapulapu became the first Filipino freedom fighter
and the Spaniards left Cebu.

Magellans voyage marked in history of mankind that for the first time, man was able to
journey and sail across the world which proved that the world is round. Europeans also found
out that because of his exploration, the greatest oceans in the world lies between Asia which
motivated the Europeans to conquer and explore the Pacific region. His voyage greatly
contributed in the world of geography especially his rediscovery of the Philippines. The
discovered a new route to find the Philippines and introduced it to the world. He also made a
great impact in terms of religion and culture for the Filipinos. But I think that the most
incredible part of his voyage was the hardship and challenges he encountered during his
journey. Successfully completing his mission, surpassing all of his challenges and all of his
contributions in the world makes Magellan a historic person that will always be part of the
worlds history.

Halili, M.C. (2004). Philippine History. Manila, Philippines. Rex Book Store, Inc.
Garcia, C. (2010). Philippine History for College Students. Mandaluyong city. Books Atbp.
Agoncillo T. & Mangahas F. (2010). Philippine History: Expanded and Updated Edition. C & E
Publishing , Inc.

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