Peace Formula - 1 (Transcription - Themed)

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Peace Formula-1

Hare Krishna! Before going to the 11th chapter, we will quickly revise 10th chapter 2nd part Evolving towards perfection:
Mechanism of reincarnation: how the soul leaves one body and goes to another body.
What happens to the soul at the time of death: the subtle body leaves the gross body carrying the soul. And the
unfulfilled desires give rise to another body.
Criteria on which one is awarded next body: a) what one desires and b) what one deserves according to karma.
Our mental existence transforms into tangible form as soon as there is opportunity. Example of television etc..
How human form of life is different from the animal. Special ability of human form to understand the highest goal of
life, perform tapasya, understand spiritual life, exam-ple of story of kailash.
Conditioning Push of svabhava
Due to conditionings in the mind a person, he acts in certain way. Thats why human life has the choice in life to choose and
do the right thing and reject the wrong thing. We have that ability and determination to that by which we can say yes to the
right thing and say no to the wrong thing. We may succumb to the past conditionings and do the wrong things. Hence we do
mantra meditation to get strength to say no to the bad things. We study the scriptures that make our intellect stout and
stronger and once knowledge is there, then one can see with jnan cheksu. Then one can discriminate the right and wrong
thing and give up the wrong thing, so it is possible. The free will should be rightly utilized. Everyone has free will. Its not
that everybody is destined to go to loop. The svabhava which we talk in is the guna. Like the brahmana is in mode of
goodness, Kshatriya is in the mode of passion, vysya is in the mode of passion and ignorance and Sudra is in the mode of
ignorance. So that is why Krishna says in BG, we should do our profession according to our guna. Even all the three gunas
are conditionings upon the soul. But the soul is sat-cit-ananda. Due to covering of one of the gunas or a mixture of these
gunas it acts in certain way. So how do we choose our work and what is the right work for us. In the Vedic times, sages used
to observe the persons their behavior, tastes and engage in the duties accordingly. Similarly a child is asked to choose from
the set of things, child may choose SB or gold/silver or weapons. And when the child grows up he has the similar tendencies.
If he is a vysya, he chooses gold and silver, if he is a Kshatriya he picks up the weapons, if he is a brahmana he goes for
books. We all also have those tendencies. Based on those tendencies the gunas are easily understood and one goes
accordingly. These svabhavas are there in the subtle body and are manifested in the gross body. Svabhavas in the subtle
body gives a push to gross body to act in certain way.

The Cause of Unhappiness and Lack of Peace

Lack of understanding of position of Jiva and Lord
So now we are going to chapter 11, peace formula. We are gradually developing the subject from the soul, soul changing
bodies, different levels of consciousness. But now in this lesson we are going to discuss very important subject about peace
and happiness of soul. So it is very widely spoken topic throughout the world, why we cannot be happy? Etc.., in BG Lord
Krishna gives us the peace formula in 5th chapter 29th verse bhoktara_ yaja-tapasa (5.29). in BG there is very famous series
of verses which talk about peace and happiness. So Krishna is saying ashantasya kutah sukamif there is no peace how can
be one happy? But why is not peacefull. That also Krishna says, if one is not engaged in lords service, how he can develop
loving attraction to the God. If he is not developing attraction to the God how can he get shanti. So we understand that
there is a talk in BG how Lord has His position and jiva has his position. And if the position of Lord and jiva are understood
then only one can attain peace and happiness. There is no other way.
Conclusion: Understand my position -> Service -> Loving attraction -> Peace -> Happiness

Manipulating material energy for our enjoyment

Superior and inferior energy: First thing we have to understand is the difference between the matter and the spirit. Matter
has certain characteristics like it doesnt have life, temporary forms, dark, cannot function and act. Spirit is alive and
conscious, eternal, effulgent, function and can act. Spirit is superior energy and matter is inferior energy because spirit soul
has the ability to manipulate matter. For example if you see this table, carpenter taken the wood and made it into a table.
Material energy revolts: But if the spirit soul manipulates matter for its own enjoyment, then the very same matter will
entangle him. Personification of material energy is durga devi. So if one tries to take material energy for ones purpose, then
he will be punished by durga devi. So the living entities came here to this material world to enjoy separate from Krishna.

They are thinking I am enjoyer and master, and take the matter and manipulate. Hence scientists are manipulating matter
like making cars, plastics, and bombs. Technology means manipulating matter to enjoy. But advancement in technology is
causing so many problems today like we made car thinking there is no need to walk and we can sit and go nicely in the car.
But carbon monoxide gas is coming out and reducing our life. Like mobile gives many radioactive waves which causes
numerous diseases in children. The idea is the soul trying to enjoy matter for his own happiness, but it is causing problem.
Solution: Understand that I am co-operator, and cooperate - Then soul is supposed to understand, I am not the master and
above soul and matter there is God. So soul should understand God is the original master of the universe and He is the
controller, proprietor and enjoyer. And I am just a co-operator and I have to harmonize the life with the Gods plan. And the
Gods plan is to take all souls back to him. For this one has to use only minimum things for himself and glorify the lord. This
way he purifies his heart and when the heart is purified he can return back to his God. But living entities are not ready. They
tell where is God and we dont believe in God and they want to gratify the senses. They have the greed to enjoy more than
what they need. Like the Gandhi said there is enough for everyone need but not sufficient for one mans greed.

Misidentifying ourself as purusha (enjoyer)

So the first fundamental understanding we should have is the Lord is the energetic and we are one of the energies. Lord is
the purusha, the enjoyer and we are prakriti, the enjoyed. When we understand this and engage in His service then one can
achieve real peace and happiness. This is the most fundamental understanding given in the Isopanishad in the verse
Ishavashyam idam states everything in this world belongs to God, nothing belongs to us. So anything one takes
in this world without the sanction of the Lord, he is called thief. Anybody who enjoys it suffers and he cannot be happy.
Hence in Bg and Isopanishad it is said that one has to acknowledge everything to God. This world is called Dukhalay means
place of suffering and people exchange trouble (dukha) each other. So the root cause of suffering is when one thinks I am
this body and all the wealth and possessions I have given me happiness and I can become the controller of this world. Those
who think like this are the people who terribly suffer. Lord Krishna says in BG 16th chapter idam adya maya labdam., a
foolish person thinks I have millions in the bank and anyone who competes with me to enjoy or in business, I will destroy
them. I am the master and enjoyer. I am all perfect, strong and happy person. This is all due to false ego and such a person
becomes miserable and frustrated in life. So the foolish living entity considers himself the whole like hiranyakashipu. He
wanted to become number one in the world and control all living beings. He was defeated and destroyed by God.

Playing artificial role

So we have to perform the activities according to our constitutional position. Constitutional position means original
position. Every living entity has a particular role to play. Krishna is the master and we are the servant. And if we do the duty
of a servant we will be happy. So when the servant tries to assume the role of master, he can be in trouble. For ex: if one is
appointed as a servant for the purpose of cleaning the house. And when the master is not there, the servant just watches
TV, eats the food on the table and lie on the bed of the master. Then when the master comes, he will get good beating. Or if
the servant just comes and goes off without doing anything. Then also the servant will be punished. So the servant should
do the servants job. That is constitutional job. For ex: cricket bat is used to hit a cork ball and spoon is used for eating.
Imagine if cricket bat is used to eat frits it will be difficult and may done by putting some gum at the end of the bat and take
the fruits and keep in the mouth , then you will be just breaking the teeth. Because bat is not meant for eating. So foolish
living being is trying to play the artificial role, hence they suffer.

The World of Mirth and Merry

So in the material world proud people want the kingdom of God without God that is material world. Shastras and BG say
there is a real world. Krishna says there is a real banyan tree reflecting in the river of desires. So when living entity desires to
enjoy separately is sent to this material world that reflected banyan tree in reverse way is the material world. Real tree is
the spiritual world. Real happiness can exist only in the spiritual world.
Story: All that glitters is not gold (Searching for correct thing in wrong place)
Story: once the queen was taking bath and a crow came and picked up the necklace and flew away. Because of the queens
demand for the same necklace the king announced I will give 5 lakhs if someone gets the necklace, even though it costs only
1 lakh. One person was fond of money and was searching near a pond. And the sage nearby asked what is you looking for?
Then he replied nothing you just go away from here. But then sage asked you seem to be disturbed, and tell me the reason
if I can help you. Then the person told, ok but one a condition that I am in a process of getting 5 lakhs and I will give you only
one lakh from it. Then sage told I dont want single penny from you but I am ready to help. What help do you want? Then
the man showed him the necklace present at the bottom of the river and told I am not able to take it out in spite of many

methods. Then sage took the man a little distance and showed him on the top of the tree, the real necklace. Then
immediately the man climbed the tree and got the necklace and came down. Then he offered namaskar to the sage and
thanked him and told it never strike me. Then the sage said all that glitters is not the gold.
Teachings from story: So all the attractions in this world are like these necklaces in the water. They are not real. Then the
man learnt the great lesson from this. Similarly many things in this world seem to give us pleasure but actually not. Like the
woman body looks very attracted but if you remove one mm skin and look beneath. It is just made of stool, mucus, blood,
flesh and foul air. But it is just attractively packed. So we become attracted to this dirty body. And if you go to micro atomic
level, its only atoms moving. At the macroscopic level it is insignificant. And when you take a broken price of mirror into the
sunlight and reflect into the room inside the house. So you can see the bright light in the dark room only when you take
help of the sun. Similarly in the dark material world there can be opulences only when they exist in the spiritual sky. They
are pervertedly reflected in this material world. So when you see a bright light in the dark you should ask the question
where it is coming from. It is coming from the mirror. And the mirror is getting the light from the sun. Similarly the beauties
in this world indicate their eternal existence in the spiritual world. Real mango is on the tree. If you dive in the water for
reflection mango, you will only break your head. So in this way there is a big difference between the spiritual world and the
material world.
Differences between the spiritual world and material world:
Spiritual world
Material world
Always happy
Not happy
Krishna is center
Themselves are the center
Real world
Imitation of spiritual world
Full of knowledge and eternal, no time
Time is there and forced to die
Sat cid ananda body
Temporary body
Beyond three modes
under three modes
No Birth, old age, disease and death
Birth, old age, disease and death
Perfection in relationship
Temporary relationships
Non envious, helping and loving
envious, not helping and loving

Story: Return of the Prodigal son

There was a gentleman prodigal who was hav*ing two sons. First one was obedient son and the second one was the
disobedient son. One day second son came to the father and said my dear father I want my share of wealth because I am
going faraway place. Then father asked how will you live there, you will be cheated. So be at the home along with us. But
the son was adamant and the father gave the share reluctantly. So this boy went to faraway place and he got friends there.
They simply squandered all his money. And when he became a beggar in the street, all his friends ran away. While
wandering like this he suffered from hunger and thirst. At last he met a landlord and got a job under him. The job was a low
class job. He has to feed 100 white pigs, some low quality floor and whatever remains after feeding, he was allowed to take.
Several days passed like this. One day he broke into tears thinking how did my father treat me with delicious foods with
love and affection but here I get this and the person treats me like another pig. Then he thought to himself let me go back
to my father, if not like a son at least as a servant and hope he will not reject me. In this way when he went to his borders of
the village. The people told the news to his father. Then immediately the prodigal immediately boarded the cart and rushed
to see his son. Immediately when he saw his son, he jumped of his cart and embraced him with the tears of love. Then he
brought him to his son. The second son was then surprised that father still continues to love me although I have dejected
him. Then the father said how I cannot love you. You are after all my son. Then father celebrated the return of his son and
then the son developed the true love and respect to his father.
Teachings from story: So few lessons to be learnt from this story are:
How one suffers when he goes away from his father.
Second son is like the conditioned living entity. Even though we have committed so many sins, Lord is ready to accept
us if we are ready to give up all this sinful activities.
We cannot live happily away from the lord.
Suffering in this world can remind us of the eternal bliss in the spiritual world.

Jiva ruins his condition himself: So the modern man has taken all the resources of the God and created a mess. It is said God
created the nature and the man created the city compare the nature and city. In the nature you get the fresh air, fruits and
berries, water. And the living beings live very happily. On the other hand in the city there is no fresh air to breath due to
pollution, no fresh water to drink and there is noise pollution also. It creates tension and stress created by the people. So the
modern man has used the nature to create a mess for himself. Supreme father always want everyone to be happy, but man by
his activities ruins his life.
Incomplete and complete social work: There are many organizations which are doing good work like CRY (child relief and you),
taking care of suffering children, there are organizations which give food for poor, take care of old people etc., it looks very nice.
But they dont teach them about the soul, God and eternal life in the spiritual world. So when these children grow up, due to
lack of knowledge they commit sin. Then they get another body to endure the suffering. So real help is to teach how to avoid
committing sin and how to obey God. Sin means disobedience to God. Otherwise it is like providing just hot water if it chill and
similarly. So if you provide all the material facilities to the thief, he will simply settle in the jail and dont want to get out. So only
giving material facilities and not teaching them about the God is not a very high level of service. Just like if TATAs son is lost and
you see him roaming on the street. Then you give him nice clothes or nice food. But if you take him back to his home, wouldnt it
a better service. Why you give him clothes, his father can give him any number of clothes and food for entire life. So better to
connect him to his father. So connecting all the living entities to the eternal father God is the greater service.

Is The Ambition for Peace and Happiness Wrong?

So why we are not happy and peaceful? Because soul is trying to take all the resources of the God and trying to enjoy and
exploit. It doesnt mean that one has to renounce everything and go to Himalayas. That is also not possible because when we
are living in this world we need all the resources. On the other hand if you take everything and enjoy you will become thief. So
these are two extremes. So the scriptures say, whatever you use connect it to God. Like if you have a vehicle use it for book
distribution. If you want to build a house, build it and keep God in centre and make it a temple. If you want to eat you, you first
offer it to God. So this principle is called the yukta vairagya. Using everything in connection to God. Yukta vairagya means proper
renunciation and phalgu vairagya means bogus vairagya.

Story: Bhogi, Tyagi and Bhakta

For example you are going on the road and you find the purse lying there which is having 20 hundred rupee notes. What you will
do with that? Three things are possible:
1) Take the money and enjoy (Bhogi).
2) Leave the money there only because it is not mine (tyagi).
3) Take the money and give it to its owner (bhakta).
So when a devotee sees that everything in this world is not mine and belongs to God, he gives everything to God. There was one
tyagi who doesnt touch the money. But we can ask one question to them. What can you renounce? Suppose you go to your
friends house and tell I will renounce this fridge, TV, computer etc.., similarly when we came into this world we came empty
hands. Then what can we renounce. Only think I can renounce is foolish thought that I am GOD. So tyagis and bhogis are bogus.
Bhogi is bogus because is thief. But the bhakta is right because he gives it to the God the real owner.

Story: Phalgu vairagi

There was a phalgu tyagi, who wanted to renounce everything. Then he climbed up on an elephant and threw all the money,
diamonds, rubies, jewels, gold etc.., announcing that he is renouncing them. Then many beggars came and took all the wealth.
He is called as foolish tyagi. Because everything belongs to God, so he might have made a temple. Because if he gives to people
they may just smoke and drink with that money and misuse it. Hence he is called foolish vairagi. So best is to use everything in
the service of lord.
The meaning of part and parcel of the God is like if you say you belong to india, then you are supposed to serve the
nation as you are a part of it. Similarly if we say we are part of God and are his servants, that means we act for his interest. Like
we have right hand now with which I can do many things. Like I can punch on someone or lift a heavy weight. From where does
the energy coming to the right hand? Hand has the ability because it is connected to the body. Otherwise if you keep the hand
on the table it cannot do anything. Hence Krishna says I am the strength of the strong and intelligence of the intelligent. And He
says I am the ability in man to do any activity. So we have any ability because we are part and parcel of the God. If you say what
if I dont serve the God? Then the answer is there in this Panchatantra story.

Story: When the senses go on strike

Story from Panchatantra which illustrates this principle:
One day all the different senses of the body had the quarrel like the eyes said it is me who sees the food first because of
which every one of you gets the food. Then the nose said actually I smell before the eyes see the food. And the teeth said I
who crushes the food first, what is the use of your seeing and hearing. Then the tongue said it is me who tastes the food
before it is crushed. Then the hand said you teeth and tongue cannot do anything unless I keep the food inside the mouth, so
I am better than all of you. Then legs told hand how will you pick up the food if I dont walk, I take the whole body to the place
of food. So in that sense I am better than you. So all the senses started quarreling and at last decided to cool down. Then they
said stomach is just taking the benefit of all hard work of ours, so we all will go on strike. Then after some time all the senses
became weak. Then they understood the value of stomach that it only digests and sends the energy through blood to all the
parts of body. So they all agree to work again.
Analogy: All the senses are compared to all the living beings and the stomach is compared to God. So when we serve
God then only we can be happy. So when we serve God then only we get happiness and strength as when the hand keeps the
laddu inside the stomach only gives him energy. Even one living being cannot help the other living being like hand cannot help
by giving laddu to leg, if leg is weak. So if one living being wants the other living being to be happy it has to serve lord only. S.B
says in the verse having to examples yatha taror mula. by watering the root of the tree, water is supplied to all parts of the
tree and when the lord is satisfied all living beings are satisfied. Yasmin tustim jagat tustim. Another example is of the senses
and stomach which is already explained.
The ways living beings want to become happy separate from God without serving him:
By accumulating more and more money. Actually laxmi is the property of narayana, so if someone wants only
laxmi and narayana then he becomes ravana. For example in the ramayan laxman, sita, hanuman, bharat and
everyone served Lord Ram except ravana. Similarly in vrindavan every one serves Krishna including cows. Like if
you appropriately put the salt then it is tasty. If the salt is more it is not tasty. Similarly wealth also if accumulated
more is only misused or taken away in the form of doctors, lawyers, etc.., because we are not supposed to
accumulate so much. So when one accumulates money, he can control others and starts feeling that I am the God.
I am great.
All the senses have their food. And one wants to satisfy them like by supplying the beef to the tongue after killing
cow. Like drinking monkey brain and eating cockroach fry. And for eyes people want to see beautiful women and
hence go to prostitutes and movies. So for every one senses there is an object. So the living entity is chasing after
satisfying the senses, but it cannot satisfy as the mirage cannot quench the thirst. But this craving can be satisfied
only by serving the lord. Otherwise senses will lead to insanity and go mad. There are many problems in the society
like suicides, theft, crimes etc.., because of letting the senses free. In the name of getting happiness people do all
wrong things. Scriptures say dont enjoy the things beyond the quota allotted to you. Tyena tykteta bunjita.. like
a) Eating: Quota of food includes only vegetarian and offered food and outside quota is non vegetarian
unoffered food.
b) Recreation: only accept which is favorable to KC.etc..,
So anyone who enjoys and works according to the quota will be happy and peaceful in this world and the next. In the next class
we will discuss how actually to please the lord, how the God is the proprietor, enjoyer in more detail. So that we can understand
our role and Gods role and the relationship between the both. Then we can achieve the real happiness.
Revision of the interactive questions:
1) What is the difference between the spirit and matter?
2) What is meaning of constitutional position?
3) List the difference between spiritual world and material world?
4) Lessons from prodigal son story?
5) What do you mean by part and parcel?
6) How people try to enjoy away from God?
You can also ask the audience to tell the quota allotted under specific headings written on the board. You can ask them
to make a table of like items of food, money, women, etc.., and which is in quota and outside quota. This way we can
put them to thinking.

Peace Formula-2
HG RSP: So we were discussing last class about 11th chapter Peace Formula. We have completed half of the chapter isnt it? So to
quickly recapitulate what we discussed in the first part. We were discussing about how this material world is place of suffering.
Dukhalayam ashasvatam.
So what is root cause of suffering? Did we discuss that? I think this point was main point we were discussing. How the Lord is
master, living being is servant. Lord is energetic, living entity is energy. The Lord is Purusha and we are prakriti. Lord is Master.
So when the living entity tries to be come Master, you remember the example I was giving? Of the cricket bat and the spoon?
Remember that? Ya.. So we have to act according to our constitutional position. If we try to become enjoyer, we suffer. Correct?
That was the point we were discussing. And also second thing we were discussing was about the spiritual world and material
world. Isnt it? We saw We have discussed two stories. One of Queens necklace. Remember that? Which was hung on the
tree and the reflection was seen in the water. And another story was Prodigal Son. So you all came up with the morals of the
story of Prodigal Son. After that, I think, we were discussing on the story of How different sensed of body go on strike. You
remember that? You remember that? You dont remember? Like the hands were saying I only take the food and put in the
mouth, the tongue was saying I only taste the food and all that. So what was the lesson we learnt from that story of
Panchatantra? Anybody knows?
Participant: That story revels that if we water the root then all the branches and leaves get watered. Similarly if we feed the
stomach then all the senses get satisfied.
HG RSP: In the same way
Participant: In the same way if we keep Krishna in the centre then all the living entities are satisfied
HG RSP: So if we satisfy the Lord, then all living beings will be satisfied. Correct. That was the lesson.
So did we see about Yukta Vairagya and Falgu Vairagya also? Did we see? We cover that also. Ya.
You see, the whole nature, Prakruti, which is often called as feminine. Its female. Prakruti is female. She acts according to order
of Krishna. That is way she is created. Krishna says Maya Adyakshen Prakruti. You know Aksa means eyes. Adhi akshena
means somebody looking from top down. Adyakshen means under the supervision of Krishnas eyes Prakruti is working. Thats
the meaning of that. Maya Adyakshen , Maya means by me. He says Prakruti is working under my order.
Srila Prabhupad gives a beautiful example. He says sometimes the husband brings some guests to home and then he wants to
serve them something. He just has to turn to kitchen and then moves his eyes or eyebrows and immediately the wife in the
kitchen understands his language and she makes some Tiffin or something. She makes some Coffee Tea something and
prepares some eatables and brings and serves. So the Prakruti works exactly in the same way. When Krishna glances the
Prakruti, then she is set into motion. She works after that. Otherwise everything would be stagnant. See the seasons are
changing, sun is rising, the moon is rising, the wind is blowing, the rains are showering, the flowers are blooming, the grains are
also coming form earth and we can see so many amazing things happening all around us. So Prakruti has her beauty or
sometimes the Prakruti is smiling we say isnt it? Like recently we had gone to one of the camps shibir to one of the farm
communities. So we saw how the lushly green carpet grass, everywhere all around the house. And there was beautiful flowers,
they were moving this way, that way. They were looking as if smiling. When Willim words saw some beautiful flowers he wrote
the poem Defodills Isnt it? Very beautiful. Similarly you fine when nature is happy, you find nature blossoming so attractively,
even a person who is very morose and stressed out, when he sees the nature, he smiles. Isnt it? So that can be called as
Natures smile and Natures smile is actually Gods smile. Krishnas smile is actually beautifully blossoming nature.
Like you find people sometimes take out time from their office to go in the weekends to waterfalls, like big waterfalls they go to
see. Or sometimes they go to see the nice greenery in some place. Why? Because when the nature smiles, it is very soothing to
our heart also. But sometimes the nature behaves in opposite way. You find the ground is cracked everywhere, there is no
water, there is no rains. Sometimes the farmers when there is no rains they cannot grow the crops. And sometimes there is
shortage of water supply, there is shortage of grains, food for eating. So nature sometimes seems to be cruel. She doesnt seem
to be smiling. She seems like hard. Very difficult to deal with. Why nature becomes like that? It is very easy. We can understand
that the nature is mother and Krishna is father. So as a mother, sometimes the boy is very naughty, he is mischievous and not
obeying the father. Sometimes the mother also withdraws everything. She doesnt give anything. She keeps everything in Lock
and Key. Zero, she doesnt give anything. Like you see modern man is trying to dig boar wells. 200 ft, 250 ft dawn to get water.
He many be able to get some water but image I put a boar well and you put a boar well in your compound, next compound, how

much water everyone can get? After sometime that water table will also go down. So its like robbing form nature we can say.
Like mother is not providing the child any money. And he is saying Mama give me I want money for going to movie. Mother
says No No No. Everything is in Lock and Key. I wont give you. Then he is snatching the key form her hands, opening the
burro, stealing the money of father and running to movie. Can you imagine? Thats what man is doing by robbing from nature.
When he is trying to take from nature. But even if he is robbing from nature, very soon father will arrange punishment for him.
Isnt it? When he comes back. So modern man is suffering from various types of problems because he is not following the laws
of mother and father nature and God. He wants to exploit and enjoy selfishly for gratifying his own senses. See page 137
bottom most line. Actually to work for ones self interest is both unlawful and distractive. Prabhupad says. To work for ones
own self interest is both unlawful and distractive. In Srimad Bhagavatam also in the section of Pruthu Maharaj it is said how the
word Chori-bhute is used. Chori-Bhute means those who are like thieves. Mother earth is telling King Pruthu All the people
on the surface of globe have become thieves. Why? Because they are taking grains from me but they are not offering the grains
to Vishnu or God. They are taking gold and silver, grains, they are taking water, they are taking air, they are taking everything
but they are not offering to God. Why should I give them? She is asking. Why should I give? Because ultimately I am producing
these things not for anybody else.
I am producing these things for pleasure of God.So when we are not using in His service, then why should I give them?
Later on then the Mother earth sees that the ideal king Pruthu has come to rule the globe. Then she agreed to give out
everything.So from this what we understand? We learn very important lesson. We were saying in the last class that Lord is the
enjoyer.We are only servant.But now we can see that the living beings are also trying to enjoy.But how are they trying to enjoy?
What are different ways they are trying to enjoy? Can you think of? By earning Money, wealth - accumulating more and more
wealth. Enjoying woman. Yes what else? What other ways he is trying to enjoy? Enjoying with the senses.Like eating for ex.
Eating, seeing, smelling, touching isn't it? hearing. Through these senses also living being is trying to grab as much happiness as
So here we come to a very important point about the wealth. Wealth in sanskrit is called by what name? Anybody knows
sanskrit name for wealth?
Participent 1: "Dhan"
HG RSP: "Dhan" is hindi word.
Participent 2: "Laxmi"
HG RSP: "Laxmi" ya.Devotees generally uses the world "Laxmi". How much laxmi do you have? They don't ask how many dollers
you have or how much money you have. They don't ask. How much Laxmi you have.
So LAxmi is called as godess of fortune.She is wife if Narayana.Narayana comes from the word Nara Ayana. Nara means the
living beings. so Nara Ayana means one who is served by all the living beings is called Narayana. And the chief, leader of all the
Naras or the Prakruti is Laxmiji. She engages all the living beings in the service of Lord Narayana.And when one engages in
Narayana's service, then one can truly enjoy. That's what the scriptures very categorically declare. And there are many examples
to show this. If you see two great epics, two great histories Ramayana and Mahabharat, they teach the same thing. We can see
that.You see Ramayan for ex. everyone you take Laxman, Hanuman, Sugriva, you take Bharat or Shatrughna or Sita mata, they
all are trying to serve one person.Who is that one person? Lord Ramachandra. And when one does not want to serve Lord Ram,
one wants to enjoy the property of Lord Ram, like Ravana did then he was destroyed.We can see that.
So two kinds of people we see. One wants to serve the Lord and one wants to enjoy the resources of Lord. And what happens to
those who are trying to enjoy the resources of the Lord? They are destroyed like Ravana was destroyed. All those are flourish, all
those are flourish is Lord.
Same thing we find in Mahabharat also. Like Arjuna is eager to love Krishna and serve Him.He is simply ready to accept Krishna.
Duryodhana wants to take the Narayani seva which is the resources of the Lord and enjoy seperately like we studied in the 6th
chapter. Isn't it? before.
So one who wants to serve he flourishes. One who wants to exploit and enjoy they suffer. We can see that how when one takes
the Lord's property and tries to enjoy they suffer. So this brings us a very important lesson. the devotees of the lord, the
demigods are always happy serving the Lord and offering Him enjoyment. So if we are, as living entities cooperates with the
Lord. You see the difference between the two. You are cooperator, your assistant, you are pleasure giver to the Lord. You are
enjoyed.You are owned by Him. On the other hand you see somebody who thinks I'll act independently, I'll become God myself,
I'll become the enjoyer, I'll become the master. And there are many demons who try to do this like Hiranyakashipu for ex.Ravana
for ex. and we can say many others. There are many others. Long list of asuras, demonic people.
SO the devine people are those who like to assist the Lord in His mission and the demonic people are those who want to
become Lord themselfs. So this is one big difference between the two. And those who are divine they will flourish and those
who are demonic they will be destroyed by their own selfish desires. Thats why this sentence Prabhupad writes powerful
sentence. He says To work for ones self interest is both unlawful and distractive. he says.

Actually this is not some kind of Puranic story or something. We can see with our eyes these facts what we are talking here
today. The laws of nature are so stringent. You know the meaning of the word stringent? Stringent means they are so strict that
if you break them then youll suffer. There is famous book by Steven Kovee 7 Habits of highly effective people. There he tells
very interesting incident to prove a very important point. What is that point? He says the laws of God, he says cannot be
broken by anybody. If anybody tried to break the laws of God then they can only break themselves against them. They cannot
break them, they can only break themselves against them. Just like for example If I say I am going to break this wall with my
head and I start jumping and hitting my head. Boom Boom Boom..hit like this against the wall. Do you think I can break this wall?
After sometime what will happen? Ill break my head against the wall. So I may be thinking that I am breaking the wall but I may
be breaking myself. Thats what he says you can not break Gods laws. You can only break yourselves against them. So he
gives example for his story. He says a very proud caption was going on his boat and he saw that there was light coming from the
opposite side from another boat. So he sent a signal to them. Radio signal as they sent. It is better for you to take 20 Degree
turn and then from the other boat the signal came saying that it is better for you to take 20 Degree turn. He became wild. He
send a signal I am first class caption sending you the message. It is better for you to take 20 Degree turn And then the reply
came I am C class servant replying you it is better for you to take 20 Degree turn. Then he became very very angry. He
wanted to find our who the person is in other boat. Because in army, navy all those places, the authority is very strong generally.
If somebody does some mistake then they can be laid off from job of severely punished. Cord marshal and all we say. So again
he said I wrote to you, I told you that I am first class caption and I am telling you to take 20 Degree turn. Are you going to take
or not? Otherwise youll be severely punished. And the reply came Sorry sir, I cannot take that 20 Degree turn as I am light
house reply came. Light house cannot change its position. Light house gives light standing at one place. So then this caption has
to take 20 Degree turn and move in side. He moved. So what we learn from this small story? Gods laws are like light house
principles and nobody can break them. If somebody tries to break them, they can only break themselves against them. No body
can break them. There are many people who are thinking that they are breaking, they are only breaking themselves. For ex
somebody is thinking I will smoke. What will God do to me? What will God do? You know already there is enough pollution in
atmosphere and you put smoke inside your nose and in your lungs and you ruin your lungs. Or you drink liquor and you ruin
your liver. Isnt it? So we can see how people ruin their good health and get deadly diseases by indulging in laws against God.
Breaking themselves against law.
So we can talk about two things. One is about earning wealth and one is about gratifying senses. When it comes to earning
wealth, sometimes people think let me accumulate more and more. According to shastras, shastras dont approve accumulating
more and more and more wealth. This world is first of all temporary place. Just like a journey. Our life on earth is a journey.
Some 80 years journey or something like that. So if one spends like you know Prabhupad writes very interesting point. He says
Converting a thatched cottage into a skyscraper is called economic development. He says. Make a hut into a huge tower like a
10 story building or something. That is economic development according to modern man. So for that sake, man spends all his life
working hard, earning wealth, earning money, do that work. But it is useless pursuit. Why? By the time you break the thatched
cottage and make the building, youll die. And who is going to live there? May be youll become a rat to live in that building. So it
is utter foolishness to spend all ones life. There is very beautiful verse in Bhagvatam which says Kamasya.. You call can repeat
this verse.
Kamasya na indreya priri, labho jiveta yavata
Jivasya tatva Jignyasa, Nartho yascheha karmabhi
This verse says. Very simple verse you see. It says Kamasya. Kama means desires. Na indriya pritir. What is meaning? Do not
engage your desires for gratifying your senses. Then should I earn money and enjoy life or not which is labho. Yes you earn
your profit. Jiveta yavata earn and accumulate only whatever is necessary for your keeping body and soul together. And then
it says. Why? Somebody may say everyone in the world is working hard and earning so much wealth and putting money in the
bank. Increasing their bank balance. Why do you tell me to give up all that? It says Jivasya tatva Jignyasa the life is meant
only for one purpose, self realization. Nartho yascheha karmabhi So purpose of work, Karma is not to simply accumulate
wealth. Thats not the purpose of doing work. The purpose of doing the work is to please God. Thats the ultimate purpose just
like for ex, If we get a car, purpose of car is to go to company and from company to home. Thats the purpose. Purpose of car is
not to pamper the car like washing the car, painting the car and putting garland in the car and worshiping the car and all the
time polishing the car, not using the car for which it is intended for. Similarly accumulating wealth and enjoying the body is not
meant for human beings at all. Enjoying is meant for animals. Enjoyment, Sense gratification is for animals and sense control is
for humans it is said. Sense Gratification Animals actually naturally gratify their senses according to their instinct. See youll
see that animals act by instinct. You know instinct? Almost like programmed robo. At certain time they need sex, certain time
they need eating, certain time they need sleeping and they dont do in general anything special in life. They cannot inquire about
God. They cannot inquire about soul. They cant inquire about why I die or why do I have to suffer. And they are generally
dependent on humans. So many a times they are subjected by the humans and cruelly made to suffer by the humans. Like one
great author said, The human specie is certainly king amongst all beast because his cruality exceeds theirs. He said. His
cruality exceeds theirs. No animal can be as cruel as human being who subjugates all of them and torchers them. So animals
live by instinct. But human being is very special because human being can think and he can control his senses.
So what if human being does not control his senses? What will happen? Imagine if a human being doesnt control his sense,
doesnt become satisfied with whatever wealth is available. What would happen? You have to think of the consequences. See
unless we think of consequences then we are not going to take this matter seriously. For ex if somebody wants to accumulate

more and more wealth, what would happen to such a person? Or somebody wants to gratify the senses more, more and more
what would happen to such a person? Can somebody say? First you talk about accumulating more and more wealth.
Participant 1: Hell not be peaceful.
HG RSP: Hell not be peaceful. Why he will not be peaceful?
Participant 1: His desire will increase to accumulate more.
HG RSP: His desire will increase to accumulate more. Then he can accumulate even more. Whats a problem?
Participant 1:He may rob others.
HG RSP: They may rob also others. He is saying because he is too much greedy for money , indulge in corruption or some
dishonest behavior to accumulate more wealth is it? Ya then?
Participant 1: Hell be in constant tension and fearfulness of getting it robbed.
HG RSP: If one accumulate more money, he says, there is danger. Because now you have more money now, so many outsiders
are watching you, that you have lot of money so that they murder you and take your money away. So you are afraid of
preserving your life and at the same time you are afraid of preserving money also. Correct - When you have more money.
When you dont have enough money, you hanker for more money. When you get more money you have fear of preserving it.
And not only preserving the money, but protecting your life also. In Bhagavatam there is verse which says, in the 7th canto
Avadhut brahmana speaking to Pralhad maharaj. Very beautiful verse. Some 15 types of problems come from earning more
wealth he is talking. Many many things. One of those things is what you are saying. Like a wealthy man sometime he earns lot of
money, keeps in the buro, and he locks the beuro, and keeps the key bunch with him in his heap or something or in his pocket
very carefully. In night suddenly he gets a jurk. He wakes up. Who is that battering the door? Thaak, Thaak, Thaak..Sometimes
he wakes up and sees Oh. Nobody is there. Then he lies down and goes to sleep again. Thaak, Thaak, Thaak..I think he is
probable thief So he is always afraid that some thief will bang the door and when I open the door hell kill me and take this
thing. Then again he goes to sleep and again gets up crying Somebody has taken my key bunch away. Where is key bunch? He
is searching and the key bunch is lying by the side of bed only. So he is always fearful. Who is coming? Who is standing at the
door? I should not be killed. Some robber shouldnt take the money away. Now a days we go to distribute pamphlets to invite
people for corporate programs, so when we go to some of the areas, in Puna we go to this Kotrud area or Prabhat Road area.
You go there people have big doors outside the house and be aware of dogs put up. Still if you boldness to open the door and go
in, they have video camera now a days. Earlier they had lance. Now a days they have video camara along with voice facility
available there. Like you stand there, ring the bell and they will ask you in the mike form inside. What do you want? Whom do
you want? And they will here it and see along with you feature of your face it goes inside. Then they will say that No we dont
want. Go away. So rigid people are. So much fear is there. Why? When they accumulate wealth, they have fear. Problems like
Not only that when you accumulate more wealth, shastras say, everyone of us is destined to enjoy some amount of pleasure
only. Beyond that you cannot enjoy. What will happen if you accumulate more what you can enjoy? For ex. Either the money
leaves you by thievery or something or then you die before the money is lost. Either money leaves us or we leave the money.
One of the two happens. Isnt it? Or somebody somehow holding on to the money, not leaving the money. He has saved also a
wealth. That wealth does not assure happiness. If you buy very nice double pillow bed and then you think tonight Ill have nice
sleep peacefully. I have nice bed. But suddenly you find that you have a tooth ache. Then whole night you are laying in the bed,
whole night ahhh you are screaming by toothache. Do you think you can get peacefully sleep? Isnt it? So nice bed but doesnt
give you peace. Like sometimes we think if someone going in the Mercedes benz car then he must be happiest person in the
world, you think. But if he is having a toothache then he cant be peaceful in the car. You can see that. So money also doesnt
assure happiness. You know we went to some of the houses to call people, there I have found that men and women who were
beyond 70 7 5years of age and their children are living in America. And their children are married and setteled in America and
these people are practically 70-75 years old they are like vegetables in the bed. When they stand up, they walk like toy. Tuk tuk
tuk moving their hands and legs. You have seen people like that? They walk like a doll. So they opened the door and we went
in. They were really crying tears. They said that we have son and daughter. Last 20-25 years no one is at home only we two are
there. Just see we are cororpatis. We have 50-80 corers of rupees but there is no one to give and take love. They were saying
Please come, please come, Sit here.. They give me chocklets. Please take this chocklets but we said that we have to go to
next house. They said No No no. Be with us for some more time. Sit here and talk something Because we want some people to
talk. We only here the TV speaking. Or we have to talk to the wall only. We have no body. So they have money but no
happiness. We can practically see. No happiness. On the other hand there are people who are poverty stricken who are more
happy. We can see. They have their nice relationship with the families. So even if we have money we cant be happy. Thats one
thing and if we accumulate money more than what we deserve, that will be taken away by many agents. Like doctor will come
and bill you. Youll have a bypass surgery and 3 lacks rs are gone. All the money will be taken away. If you accumulate more
money that you dont deserve then itll be taken away. Lawyers will take it, doctors will take it, tax collectors will take it. Now a

days in Engineering colleges people pay 2 lacks fee. So all the money will be taken away by different agents and youll not be
So Shastars say you only should have so much wealth just like salt. If you have more salt in the food then what will happen?
Food will become uneatable. We cannot eat it. And if there is less salt, then also you feel like have more salt. So appropriate
amount of salt is called as quota. You are allowed a quota but not beyond the quota. Yes you accumulate wealth. That is way
there is principle of charity. Whatever money you earn, Srila Prabhupad says, 50% of ones earnings should be spent in service to
God and expenditure related to God and rest 25% can be kept for emergencies and balance 25% is for using. 100 % like that. So
the more we accumulate, for example if someone earns monthly 4 lacks Rs per month and they may give 1000 Rs to temple.
One should give to lord according to ones earnings. Ya. If one is earning more then he should give more to God. So the more
one accumulates, there are quarrels. I know two brothers.. Each of them is earning 4 to 5 Lack per month. They were earning.
But when the grew up, after sometimes there was family quarrels. How will we divide the wealth of father. Ill take this. Youll
take that. Big fight going on. Because when you accumulate wealth which is not meant to give you enjoyment, then the very
same wealth will become the cause of destruction of family. Just like Laxmi for ex, there is only one place where there is Laxmi
very peacefully situated. Can you say where? At the lotus feet of Lord Narayan. She is very peacefully situated. In the material
world. She is called Laxmi there. In the material world she is called by different name. Anybody know the name? In the material
world she has new name when she comes down to this world. She is called as Chanchala. Chanchala means she doesnt
remain in one persons pocket. She is here serving one person them goes to another pocket and then third pocket, 4th pocket.
She keeps jumping form pocket to pocket. She is chanchala in the material world. But if somebody captures Laxmi and tries to
tie her, just like you are serving Narayana there, you serve me here. Then she will cause trouble. Mother Sita told Ravana,
Ravana, just look here. I can take this small piece of grass and with this grass if I throw it to you, youll be burn to ashesh alive. I
can do that. But I dont want to do that. Why? I want to give that credit of killing you to my Pati, to my lord Ramachandra. If I
want to do it I can do it right away but I dont want to do it. So that is the power of Laxmi. She can actually be the cause of
suffering and destruction if one uses Her just like Ravana and tries to exploit Her. So one should not exploit the wealth.
What about gratification of senses? Why cant one enjoy the senses as much as one wants? What is the problem? You know, we
had once group discussion on topic of Sense Gratification vs sense control dibet. We have 5 boys this side and 5 boys that side.
So this 5 boys will say that sense gratification in wonderful and we should go on with that. Join us. Just do it. They have to speak
on that. And the other 5 what they have to speak? They have to speak that we have to control the senses. Dont just do it. Look
before you leap. We should not go for this wrong path of gratifying senses. So it was very thrilling debeat between the two. They
both were telling many points. Now my question to you is why should we not gratify our senses and enjoy? What is the
problem? May people think this is my body, my senses why cant I enjoy?
Participant 1: It can cause diseases.
HG RSP: It can cause diseases. For example if you over eat, you may have stomach problem. You may have indigestion or you
may have obesity or you may have very too fat body or increased wait. You may suffer from problems. Many varieties of
problems we can get. All problems begin from stomach. Overeating. Ya Similarly any other problem? What is reason? Why
should we not gratify our senses as much as we want? Or as much as our mind demands?
Participant 2: With our senses we are supposed to serve God.
HG RSP: Right. He is saying With our senses we are supposed to serve God. I really like that idea, but I am asking from the
point of crude man. If you tell a crude man, that you are supposed to serve God with your senses, Lord is Rishikesh, master of
senses and your senses belong to God and not to you. You should serve God with your senses. The person may not immediately
agree. He may say Why should I? I am getting happiness with my senses. I am enjoying.
I want more down to earth reasons.
Participant 3: We cannot enjoy with our senses. Although he thinks he can enjoy. The sense are very limited and they dont give
the happiness what we want.
HG RSP: Its very interesting point what JaiNitai pr is saying. Very important point. We cannot enjoy the senses. It is not possible.
Like you have to ask yourself, are you enjoying the senses? Or the senses are exploiting you? You can ask. Just like somebody
said a slogan. When you get electronic gadgets like mobiles. Pager and all these things. Sometimes we are proud that we have
this facility but this facility can control you. Just like one of the student came and told me Sir my company has developed so
much trust in me that they have given me mobile so that I can use this mobile. So after a week he came and told me his face
was practically pale. I asked why you were very happy last week. What happened? He said prbhuji, I can not even pass stool
properly. I go to pass stool and this mobile rings. They immediately call. Night 12 Oclock they call me and say come, rush to the
company now. There is some urgent job. Now I have understood why they gave me mobile. To pull him, catch him and pull him
wherever they want. Similarly in the beginning gratifying the senses is like fun. But as the time goes, the senses will demand so
much that one will not be able to satisfy them. The ability of senses to satisfy is very limited. So if somebody says that I want to
enjoy my senses, we can ask them.
How much can you enjoy?

How long can you enjoy?

These two questions you have to ask them. How much can you enjoy? Say imagine that one of you is richest man in Pune. There
is nobody richer than you. Now you all know that in all the hotels of Pune, 5 star hotels, say there are 10 hotels and each of the
hotels 50 dishes are made. So you have 500 dishes. So richest man in Pune, can he enjoy all of them? How much can you enjoy?
Even if you eat of the days all the items but how long can you go on doing like that? Like you have desire to enjoy and taste and
everything. But can you enjoy? Do you have the ability? After you put little food your stomach become full. You cannot enjoy.
And same is true for all the senses. They all have the limitation. So a person who tries to enjoy inevitably comes to a point where
the senses drive him to insanity. A craziness. One can face many many bad consequences. For ex. I practically heard and
witnessed in college days. There was a boy who was lusty after a woman, after one beautiful girl. He was like lusty dog following
her behind. He wanted to go and check with. So once he directly went to her and proposed her. So when he proposed, she
bowed down, took her chapples and gave slap at his cheeks. Thak All the other boys were watching. You can imagine. So that
became such a shameful seen. For all time to come, students were talking about it. So if somebody cannot control lust then they
should be ready to get slap from woman. You can see that. So how uncontrolled senses can lead us to trouble. This is practical
example. Similarly the food, one wants to eat beyond what is allowed, then one again suffers. Similarly one is not supposed to
see things, certain things. Thats why you seen the three monkeys?
Dont see bad things.
Dont here bad things and
Dont speak bad things.
So we need control of the senses. For ex sometimes we say something with the mouth for which we regret later. Why did I
speak this to that person? Like you say something to someone, they immediately start crying and then you realize, oh.. I spoke
to them harshly. Or sometimes you speak something to somebody and immediately 3-4 people come and they catch you and
they beat you up. Isnt it? Thats way it is said tongue had no bones but it can speak things which break your bones. They say.
Because tongue is softest portion. There are no bones. But that is also lack of control of senses. So if we think that I can gratify
my senses like there is example given. How the five senses are compared to five wives. There is beautiful verse Bhramaji tells to
Priyavrata. You see Priyavrata, you are trying to go to forest to become renunciate , let me tell you when you go to forest, you
are not going alone. You are carrying your six wives with you. Who are they? Five senses and one mind. Carrying all with you
and they are not going to keep you in peace constantly nagging you. You have seen nagging wife? Like sometimes wife keeps
nagging the husband. And sometimes husband returns from office, he sees wife is filling very very shy, putting her head down
and husband is saying O, O my dear sweet darling, please come and sit with me. She comes and sits by side. Why are you just
sitting, please speak something. And then she removes long list of items. My dear husband I want these 25 items to be
purchased. Thats why I was shy to show you. Isnt it? Then this fellow sees I dont have any money. You want a TV, you want a
freeze, you want a washing machine, you want this and you want that and he sees all the list. The total list goes to practically 5
or 6 lacks and monthly I am just earning 5 to 6 thousands. How can I fulfill the list? Just as wifes demands are too many and
husband is not able to satisfy her, similarly our senses in the beginning they give us some titillation. Titillation means first little
happiness they give. Like you eat something or see something with you eyes or here something. After giving the titillation, the
demand they make is unlimited after that. They make a tremendous demand after that which can never be satisfied. So senses
will drive one mad just like the six wives. Prabhupad gives example of man with six wives comes to home. As soon as he comes,
one wife will caching his neck and pulling him. Come to my room Another wife is pulling his leg and another wife is pulling his
hand and they all are saying Come to my room Come to my room because every wife has got some items to purchase and all
of them are saying Be with me and Fulfill my desire and the man is torn to pieces. Like that our six senses trouble us he
says. Foolish man who does not control the senses in time he becomes pray to the senses. The person suffers terribly varieties
of problems. One who cannot control. I have seen people who cannot control specially if you give such people credit card in
hand. Like man and his wife goes to super market with his credit card. My Lord, big damage happens. Because they have no
control. Some people stop and shop. Like you go there and you buy and buy and buy. Shop and shop and shop. 6 hr, 7 hrs some
people shop. And they buy so many items and wife will say Why worry? We have credit card. You dont have to bother.
Everything is free now for you. And husband also ya ya, what you are saying is true. Take whatever you want. Then you come
home, your lifetime you have to work hard 14 -16 hrs a day. Isnt it? Uncontrolled senses are like that.
So one needs control over senses. For ex by self control one can become truly happy. For ex singers dont take ice-crme so as to
sing very nicely. The pilot driving plane they dont drink liquor. They have to drive the place. If they drink liquor, before driving
the plane then there can be plane crash. We can see that. Even kite that we fly in sky it is gradually, in regulated way it is let
loose. Little by little May be have a spool in the hand and they slowly release it. Imagine that you let a kite fly in the sky just like
that. Do you think it is going to go to great heights? They cannot go. So regulation and control is important. Even water. As soon
as there is water is allowed to flood out, there was big flood in Kalada, what will happen? The flood will uproot the trees, itll
carry away the cattle, itll destroy the homes and it may even kill the human beings. Isnt it? Sometimes there is heavy flood. But
the same flood if one either sides there are two banks with which you restrain their movement. Then immediately it gets
direction and momentum. And if you close the third side also then it is called as dam. When there is dam, the water gains
momentum. Then we can use it slowly for irrigation purposes and all that. Very productively. Similarly when the senses when
they are regulated and controlled, they can be very productively employed and such a person is called as Goswami. Master of
senses. So we should ideally become Goswami and not Godas.
You turn to page 139. You see we have box given there. Very interesting things are given there. So we need sense control and
regulation in everything. For Food, for ex,.. Ok if we dont see that box, without seeing also this can be done as group work. We

can divide the class into groups of 3-4 students each and make 4 groups. we could give them 3-3 items. Food, property, wealth
Work, endeavor, spouse residence, position, domination and forth group can have sleeping, recreation and sports. We divide
them. After dividing we can ask Find out what do the scriptures allow you to do? For ex Food. Without seeing the table can
you say what is the quota allotted to you by the scriptures? Ten tykatena bhunjitha.. what is the quota allotted by scriptures.
Who can say?
Participant 1: We can fill our belly with 50 % of food.
HG RSP: We can fill our belly with 50 % of food. 25% water and 25% air. Ok That is quantity of food. What about the quality?
What is allowed to eat?
Participant 2 : Offering food to god
HG RSP: Yagnya shista shinastanty muchyante sarva kilbishihe If we dont offer food to lord then it is sin. So we have to offer
the food to God and eat only prasadam. Can someone offer meat and eggs to Krishna and eat? That is not allowed because
Krishna says Partam pushpam phalam toyam yo me bhaktya prayachati | Tadaham bhakit uparhutam aasnami prayatatmanah.
He says offer me vegetarian items. That means one should eat only vegetarian food and that should be offered food and that
should be eaten in appropriate quantity. Correct. So there are the restrictions when we say quota. So one should not exceed
this quota. Like that you can think of everything.
Like the property. What about property? Can one possess property like house? Is one allowed to possess? Or one is not allowed
to possess anything? What do you think?
Participant 1 : Isha vasya idam sarvam
HG RSP: Ya. Isha vasya idam sarvam. What is quota? One should not still another mans property. For ex Alxender was
travelling all over the world, conquering lands. Was he so hungry that he didnt have any food so he has to go and conquer
others? He was simply greedy. There are many greedy kings who go on trying to dominating whole world to show their power.
So one should not be greedy to take away others property. One should be happy with ones own property. And even in ones
own property when Prabhupad went to London, there were houses where there were 80 or 100 rooms and only in one of the
room there was one old woman and old man living in house and all 99 rooms are empty. Can you imagine? Do you thing it is
within his quota? Not in his quota. So when one doesnt need so much, one should not possess so much. You understand?
So we can talk about everything like that. We can talk about wealth, work. For ex the work should be not against religious
principles. For ex one should not work for meat factory or liquor factory or cigarette factory. That is sinful. We also get share of
sin. Similarly if one wants to have a wife or husband, is that irreligious? No. one is allowed to legally get married properly and
husband and wife can be Krishna Conscious. They can be devotees. So like that we have given different things.
Sleeping : One should not sleep more than 6 hrs. Thats quota given.
Recreation: Like walking, exercising, swimming, these all are healthy recreation. What are unhealthy recreation of modern
Participant 1: Body building
HG RSP: Body building.
Participant 2: Weight lifting.
HG RSP: Weight lifting, Body building are to show to others. Look at my biceps. Look at my masculine.
Participant 2: athletics
HG RSP: athletics.. he is saying. And watching TV. Isnt it? Watching TV all day or playing cricket all day. Boxing. So there are
many things people do not for keeping good health but either for fun or for increasing their bodily consciousness. Thats why we
have included sports also.
So Prabhupad said. No meat eating, no gambling or idal sports that are not allowed. In this way we learn about the quota
thats allowed to us.
In the Ishopanishad, Prabhupad writes very interesting concept. He says Sense enjoyment in diseased materially condition must
be restricted as far as possible. This sentence Prabhupad writs there. I have quoted on page 140 second paragraph. Sense
enjoyment in diseased materially condition must be restricted as far as possible. For ex. If we have fever or typhoid, will you
want to eat puries or oily items? Puries or pakodas or bhaji will you eat them? If you eat them, itll get worst. Youll get more
fever. Itll last more. So in the same way, our current situation in the material world is called as conditioned state. Or what you
call it diseased state. Just like a diseased person, may fills bitterness in tongue, he feels body temperature increase and he feels

uneasiness. If you lie down you feel like sitting or walk and if you walk you feel like laying down. In fever you have lot of
uneasiness you have. Similarly condition soul in this material world is also very uneasy due to restless mind. He wants to enjoy
this. He wants to enjoy that. If he enjoys ,suffering ,too much enjoyment. If he is not enjoying then he is hankering for more. So
he is in restless state of mind, the living being. This is compared to diseased condition. In such a condition the more you enjoy,
the more youll suffer. But in the spiritual world there is true enjoyment and there is no limit to enjoyment in spiritual world. But
one should , at this stage, restrict sense gratification , Prabhupad is saying. Suppose temperature for ex. If 98 is appropriate 98.4.
So when your body temperature goes to 101, 103 you feel uneasiness. So you should bring down the temperature. So that
example Prabhupad gives explains that the material civilization means increasing the fever of bodily consciousness more and
more. The more you do things for body more you become bodily conscious. Practically all the things. The sport shoes, coats and
suites and ties and all kinds of belts, all kinds of watches, all kinds of hair styles, all kinds of cosmetics, all these things increase
the fever of material consciousness. So Prabhupad says that the fever should be reduced. That is not to say that one has to bring
it to zero. We can not bring it to Zero. Similarly we need to eat the food. So the quota is allowed. Similarly some people may
need to marry. They may need to have house, so the quota is allowed. 98.4 is the quota of heat in the body. If you bring it to 0
youll die. Quota allowed but one should not increase the material fever. It is very nice point.
So one of the reasons why the living entity suffers in this world is when he is given the possession he tries to exploit and enjoy.
Do you remember in one of the classes before I was telling you the living entity exploits the material nature, he suffers, for his
own enjoyment. When he manipulates the material nature for Krishnas enjoyment, then that is wonderful For ex one
Prabhupad was showing a house which was beautifully decorated like temple with all the toran or decorations everything.
Prabhupad said now you decorate the home for Krishnas pleasure. That is prefect. But somebody decorates body to show to
others, then that is problem.
So here comes the very important concept of enjoying mentality. The enjoying mentality is cause of suffering of living being. Like
we all suffer in this life why? Because the enjoying mentality. So the enjoying mentality means precisely trying to use the
resources for ones own enjoyment. Just like Ravana or Duryodhana did. They take Lords resources but they dont care for God.
They use it for their own enjoyment. So when there excusive suffering in this world people feels let us commit suicide. Better to
die. Do you think this is good solution? Because all the sufferings will be put off? Do you think? Any of you like to suggest. Is it
good idea to commit suicide?
Participant 1: No
HG RSP: Why? What is problem in committing suicide? Can we not end our problem? Anybody else? Why not to commit suicide
because all the problems will be over?
Participant 2: Shastrs dont allow
HG RSP: Shastras dont allow. Ok What else?
Participant 3: He will get ghostly body.
HG RSP: Ya Ghostly body. Even if you commit, you cant escape from suffering. What ever suffering you escape, again youll be
given another body and the suffering will be given again. Like one time one of our senior devotee was giving the class for
students. One student said sir by meat eating we are delivering so many living entities he was telling. And the teacher asked
him how do you say that? So he said When I cut a goat, or I cut a chicken of something, I am delivering them form that body.
So that they can get liberated from that body and they are set free now. They do not have to suffer in that body any more. And
the soul has gone out and I can eat the body. The preacher laughed and said What is it like? he said If you go to Pune jail,
Yerawada Jai. You go there and tell all the prisoners I am going to let all of you free today. Then you open the door of the jail,
you break the lock open it and let all the prisoners go. What you think of idea? Is it not a good idea? When you open the door,
all of them will run. So what the police will do? First they will catch you. You only have set them free. So they will put you in the
van and take you .They will also chase the others and capture them and put them back. So both you will be in the jail and they
will be in the jail. Plus youll get more severe punishment doing that. Similarly when you cut a goat, before the death of goat, the
soul in the form of goat will again get a form of goat. If goat is supposed to live for 30 years and you kill it in 20 years only then
the next 10 years the goat has to again come back to goats body and live. You understand the point? So one has to suffer like
that. One has to. One cannot escape by committing suicide. Thats one thing.
Once I got wound in the knee. It was so severely paining, why? Because when you put cloth on top of body and walk, that will
abrade against the wound. So it was getting bigger and bigger and never drying up. It was reddish sometimes. When you remove
the cloth, flies will come and sit, when you keep it covered itll abrade against it. And it was so painful. And it became so painful
that I feel like taking a sword and cutting the leg upto this point. Then I wont feel pain. Is it a good idea? Your leg will pain even
more. Very tough. At the same time if you dont take it off your leg still you have to endure the pain. Similarly we all suffer in this
world because of enjoying mentality. So there is story Prabhupad tells about it. That a boy had a cataract in the eye because of
which he was suffering like anything. So father asked one of the uncles of the boy. What to do with this boy? One uncle said

better you kill him. Hell not cry at all. No more crying. Kill him Father didnt do that fortunately. Then that uncle went and
another uncle came. Father asked. what to do? He said this fellow is crying like anything just pluck out his eye. He wont have
any problem and father didnt do that. Thirdly doctor came. And doctor said His problem is cataract in eye. You cure it and
hell get proper eye and he can see
Prabhupad teaches beautiful lesson there. Like bhudhhist they say no soul. They say you have to destroy yourself. Thats all,
You dismantle the material body and go into Nirvana where there is no more activity. No more suffering. No more bodily
entanglement. The mayavadis they say it is not that there is nothing beyond. When you attain Nirvana, there is Brahman. But
there is no senses, no form, no personality, no attributes anything they are saying like that. But devotees of lord are only
people who say that there are spiritual senses you have Spiritual eyes, spiritual ears, spiritual hands and legs. But now the
spiritual senses are covered over by material sense. Asad indriya tarshanad Devahuti says this. What is that verse?
Nirvinnani tara bhuman Asad indriya tarshanad
Evan sambhavya manena sapannandam tamah prabho
She said Nirvinna disgusting what is disgusting? Nitaram buman Asad indriya tarshanad the material senses are like blanket
over spiritual senses. These material senses due to wrong perception, causing mental disturbance and that is disgusting. She
said. See the spiritual senses are pure but covering the spiritual senses are the material senses. Like the eyes, nose, ears we
have. Because I think I am this body, my senses get wrong perception. For ex I think some other body to be womans body and
my body to be mans body. So the material senses get polluted by wrong perception which disturbs the mind and it indulges the
soul in wrong doing. Because of that. So she says that it is disgusting. She says that I want to realize that I am not these external
sense, not this material body but inside the body. It is not that I have no senses but I have spiritual senses. That is very
important. Like that she said very wonderful prayers.
So Vaishanvas, the devotees of God what they do? They dont tell you that you commit spiritual suicide by entering into
Brahman where you have no activity. Or Commit spiritual suicide by saying there is no soul, no God, everything is Nirvan, try to
mediate on the sound of silence. How can someone meditate on sound of silence? If you say silence then what kind of sound it
is? Isnt it? Or some people say try to mediate on one hand clapping? Can one hand clap? They say all these things and try to
become non existent. Such is philosophy. The impersonalist are no less. They are like covered Budhhisam. They say get out of
this body and merge into brahaman. You become God. And you become silent. Shanti Shanti Shanti thats all. No more activity.
No more existence no more qualities no more attributes. They are like that. So these people are like telling the father to kill the
son or pluck out he eyes. But our real eyes are spiritual senses which are currently covered by material senses. So we have to
remove the cataract. The enjoying mentality is like the cataract. When you remove that enjoying mentality and get the serving
mentality then you can be truly happy. So I would you like to stop here.
Well take one more lesson to complete this because it is very important lessons. It is one of the biggest lessons so we are
devoting more time for this.
Srila Prabhupad Ki Jai !

Peace Formula-3
WE disussed ambition for happiness, falgu viragya, ukta vairagya, the nature of senses, how everything
thing should be utilized in gods service if one wants to be happy ,Seeking happiness trough Sense
gratification and wealth .
Then principle of ishopnishad verse 1, dont try to enjoy beyond your quota allotted by God. How
sense enjoymenyt leads to suffering and the inmportance of controlling them, regulating them, one has to
cure the disease (cataract example)
Revising Last part of 11th lecture
Proper understanding of religion
Most imp peace formula as given in BG

Generally when we talk of religion, what is the souce where people get information
going to temple, trough grand parents, reading magazine, seeing movies.
they dont get exact thing , what is religion.
They have so many blind faith about religion, like, god ordinary human being, ordinary human being they
make god. Wrong notion about about god and religion.
(BG 18th chapter)teya dharmam adarmam cha.That understanding which cannot distinguish between
religion and irreligion, between action that should be done and which should not be done is in the mode of
passion. Also,18.32adharmam dharmam iti ya manyate..
We are talking about peace formula, and religion should give us peace but religion causing fight, communal
rights. this is due to incorrect understanding about God and religion. Once correct understanding about
this is achieved people would love God, every human being and every living being.
Srila Prabhupada used to say, philosophy without religion is.
Eistein also said, religion without science is lame and science without religion is blind.
Great material advancement in the field of science is of no good, it is simple a blind pursuit which cannot
give true peace and happiness. All these luxuries are like fish out of water.
Religion and philosophy two diff things. Religion- rituals performed , offering namaskar, accepting
charnamrita, putting tilaks, doing madras, chanting mantras.
Philosophy involves discussing about essential truth like who am I , gole of life, where does soul goes after
death, kala, karma,what is goal of life,.
Vedantist- discuss philosophy only,not do any religious activity , because of which they are called armed
chair speculator. They sometime sit on round table and discuss about kala karma . Does that produce any
realisation. No, philosophy without religion cannt produce any realisation.they may iindulge in bad habit,
they may drink, smoke . Such people may aften fall prey to irreligion.
On the other hand what is the prob;em with only following religion. Only following religion without
philosophy- leads to sentimentalism.
Some people say it is enough if you focus on essence. Simply knowledge of Brahman, para brahaman is
sufficient. Why you people wearing kanthi mala, doing japa , kirtana, deity worship.if you know the
essential truth that is good enough.Not need to show off. Ans, by seing the rituals being performed, other
people becomes aware of the God.
Shastra says performing rituals is important for developing understanding of philosophy and realisation.
Kaivo muke hi nirvado.. atah sri Krishna navadi God can never be understood by our blunt material
senses.when one engage in religious activities then the the senses get purified and then one can
understand god.
Example ,Take iron rod, put it in fire,after sometime it become red hot and then yellowish and then white
hot,it becomes exactly like fire and then it can burn a paper , cloth or anything.. Similarly when we put
up our senses in ritual and rignts explained in sastras and discussed by acharyas, then only we can get
So both are essential , religion has his play and philosophy has his play.
Thats why westerners embraced KC philosophy given by SP, blend of both.on one hand he gave so many
books, Bhagwat gita, bhagwatam, chaitanya charitamrit so that our intellect become purified by reading
such books. And then for the mind and the senses, we do all the activities, worshipping,dancing, cooking,
distributing spiritual books, 24 hrs a day a devotee can be engaged. Both religion and philosophy are
Those practicing religion without proper understanding of god is due to some material reasonThey dont
even know whom they are worshiping. Example, if I dont worship god, sth bad will out of fear
of unknown they worship god.

Also there are people who think that its very nice to be religious. Sometimes they will come to temple,
bows down, rings the bell, sits sometime calmly, and he feels nice. He thinks its a pure place . in this way I
ma a nice person, I am pious.
And there are ALSO people who liked to be called pious so they worship god.
I ma not an atheist. I am a good man. I go to the temple. They are like pious materialist. Like you hear many
people singing this song, om jaya jagdish harethey use god only for some blessings, some benediction
and some material things in life
There are some who practice due to social pressure. Thay organise festivals like durga puja and use it for
the purpose of social gathering.there is hardly any religion ther.
Similarly some people do so because of kula guru has told them to do so, or some family
clildhood they have been taught certain principles which they have been following, thay will carry small
pothi in ther pocket .Thats what they have about god in ther life . thay think its a ritual that need to be
performed. So religion without philosophy iis simply sentimentalism.and if somethink bad happens in there
life, such religion can not be long lasting.its short lived. Like in my childhood I was inspired by
seeing worshippers of kartikeya. They will follow regulative principles for 40 days, do kirtanas and dancing.
But once those 40 days are over they will go back to cinema, play sports.i asked them why dont you
continue it trough out the year. They sais no its for 40 days it is religion without philosophy.
And also there is philosophy without religion which leads to mental speculation and phanaticism.
sometimes there are many quarrels between hindu , muslim. Hindus hate muslim and muslims hate hindu.
This hatred is simply superficial due to bodily consciousness. These are all superficial designation. As far as
God is concerned everyone is his child.
But there are people who talks lot of philosophy but he does not perform any religion. There is verse by
brahma, pantas koti shatawrasta sampradayo..
Even if you travel with the speed of mind,even then you cannot find spiritual world. You will remain in
material world only. What to speak of understanding spiritual things. Simply speculating with the mind.
Some people say god is the light in the sky, or some people say God is the imagination of the man. These
are simply speculation of the mind. Like ther was only famous philosopher Vinetsay,he goes to the church
and wrote on the wall God is dead. Somebodyelse goes there and write Vimnetsay is dead and that
becomes true .so this is one famous philosophy because we cannot see god, talk with him, god doesnot
seem to take action on many things going on in this material world. Is God, really there, some people
wonder like that.
One Cristian father at a young age got disease called pageria.its strange desease. Who ever gets this
disease at a very young age grows old at a very young age. A 15-20 year old boy would look like a 80 year
old the father became very worried ansd annoyed . he went to god and said that I am father, I am
the person serving you, how can you give this disease to my son.then he analysed Gods position. He said
is God all powerful. If he is all powerful he should be able to cure the disease of my son.May be he is not
enough merciful. So he sais God all powerful but not all merciful. He came up this philosophy. Somebody
sais, no no , God is all merciful, but he does not have the power to cure all the diseases. Somebody came
up and said, no no, god is all powerful, all merciful , only problem is he is not all knowing. The world is such
a huge place. If at all you can somehow convey this to him then may be he will be able to help you. So in
this way people came up with many bogus philosophy . So philosophising simply leads to speculation. So
one should here from acharaya coming from parampara. God is all merciful, all powerful, all knowing. God
also knows that his boy has got fhilgeria. But after knowing also he is not curing, because certainly this boy
has some bad karma in his past account. God does not award sukha or dukha without a person deserving
it.But this foolish people did not know about it, so they came up with some concocted philosophy.
In this way when people speculate about God, they come up with so many bogous theory, I am God, You
are God, everyone is God.

There is one youngster, I have heard , who preaches is companies like google. His philosophy is, I have not
come here to tell you that I am God, I have come here to tell you that you are God. He goes to big
Company and gives seminar on 10th chapter of BG, Vibhuti of God. Whatever opulence Krishna has is
described.and he has given the heading, Krishna the cosmic window is given heading. 32:00
So there are so many speculators now who speculate about god and tell people I am god , you are god and
everyone is god , such kind of bogus philosophy are going on. and such philosophy without proper practice
of religious principles like chanting hare Krishna ,following regulative principles, following the vavisnav
etiquettes of sadachar , so sadachar , sadhana ,seva all these things are essential along with siddhant ,
siddhant means philosophy but along with it we need sadachar ,sadhana and seva also.Sadachar means
proper behaviour, because how should a man deal with woman and how should a woman deal with a man
, how should a women deal with husband , other man , with sanyasis , with children. Similarly how should
one deal with the deities in the temple and there are many standards to be followed. All this to be
followed in a regulated way under the guidelines of an acharaya . so sadhna , sadachar and seva . Then the
philosophy would become a digested realisation. So the true religion and true philosophy will help us to
attain peace in life. And lord Krishna in the fifth chapter BG at the end gives the famous verse, bhoktaram
yagya tapas am, sarvaloka maheshwaram, surdam sarva
So in this verse lord Krishna gives 3 point peace formula.
Many people have question , you talk about god but who has created god,
Sarva yone su kaunteya.Lord Krishan says that not only human beings ..i am the father of everyone.
For all the yoni you are the seed giving father .But somebody can challenge God, who created you, because
generally people think of God as an ordinary person .The definition of God is given in Srimad Bhagwatam
1st verse ,.janma yasya yatah .from whom everything has eminated and he himself doesnot have any
source. Like about Lord Krishna Brhma ji said, anadir adir Govinda, sarva karana karanam God id the cause
of all causes and he has no beginning of everything.Just like in a train you have a bogi and it moves and you
wonder how it moves,you see its connection to the previous bogi,so that is the immediate cause. But you
wonder how that is moving, because that bodi prior to that is moving , so that is the remote cause,and
engine is the ultimate cause and ahead of engine there is nothing.nothing is pulling the engine, engine is
pulling the whole thing.simillarly behind this cosmic m/c God is the ultimate cause.sarva karana God has no source and he is the becond this time domain.because we are within this time
domain, we are going from childhood to boyhood and then the body is perished, where as Krishna or God
his body never undergoes any change, he lives eternally and he is ever youthful, purana purasham,
navyovanam cha. Purana purusham means the oldest person.when one think God is the oldest person,he
must be having wrinkle on his fafce , carrying stickno.Brahma ji navyovanam cha.He is ever
fresh and youthful, like a 16 year old lad. So GOD never ages , he never grows old nad he is ever fresh and
ever youthful and he is the source of evryone.
Like you conside this brahmanda to be a zone where everything is chaing and outside this brahmanda
there is eternity.and God exist in eternity ther is no flow of time or even if ther is flow of time,
time is under the control of God, time cannot influence God so God is never born, he never is true
with the soul also, it comes from the eternal domain of the spiritual world, na jayte vriyate wa katachin, na
ayam bhutwa
The soul cannot be cut into pieces, and the soul has no birth , no death
Same is true for Lord Krishan also, Lord Krishna says, ajah butanam ishwarah..i am unborn and I have
unperishable body, but I am the master of all living beings. So when we go beyond the time domain, we
never die.
So in this verse Krishna says 3 things, that will become peaceful,
1, bhoktaram yagya tapasam, Krishna says, that he is the supreme enjoyer and then he says, sarva loka
maheshwaram, and he the proprietor of all the planets and devatas and he is the well wishing friend of all

living beings . so we foolishly claim proprietorship , God smiles when he sees 2 people claiming
proprietorship over a somebody says my land and somebody says my land and God laugh at
them.Because nobody can claim position in this world of a permanent period of time. So many people have
to this world and theuy say that this patch of land belongs to me and my father has written it on my name,
my property but how long this land last with us, because we came with nacked body, stay for sometime
and go with naked body carrying nothing with we are not the proprietor although so many years
have passed in this world . When Alexander the great came to india, he was conquering all over the world
and increasing the land. When he came India a thief entered one of his camp,soldiers immediately
captured the thief and he was brought infront of Alexander Alexander said how dare you came to my tent
in the dead of night to steal something . Alexander called the soldiers and said cut off his head .and they
were about to cutoff but then the thief shouted, no.. you cannot kill me, you cannot cut me just because I
am trying to steal. Alexander was surprised how dare you oppose me , and then he sought an explaination,
and the man said I am a kira chor you are a hira chor.i stole kukumba and you stole diamond, he said.
Alexander said, what d you mean, I came here to steal little bit of gold and silver but what are you doing?
You are going from one land to other land and occupying so much land of Gods property.wverything
belongs to God and you are encroachoing upon other peoples property . so I am a small time thief and
you are a big time thief. So then Alexander felt so happy, he released this man to go. In this way we see
people claiming proprietorship over some possession. We see also in the train people keep a bag at the top
birthand keep watching them, because there is a invisible hook between the man and the bag , and if
somebody clims up to occupy the birth, he gets tension because he feels a strong sense of possession.
Ofcourse one has to be responsible about ones possession and not to throw it away but at the same time
the point I am trying to make is , to consider oneself to be the master of property and not understanding
that the property has been awarded to me for some period of time , there lie the real problem. Nothing
belong to us . infact not only to you or me we cannot say it belong to anybody.For example , I have a house
nad I say it belongs to me , I go and show it in the paper in my name but tomorrow the Govt is expanding
the road and they say we are going to demolish your house and govt. will give you a lang for a replace. So
the property even if it is written in your name, it does not belongs to you. Shall we say it belong to the Govt
who made the road, no , it doesnot belong to the Govt also because the proproitorship of the govt keep
changing. So ultimately it belongs to any of these people, it belongs to God only.
By knowing that God is the proproitor what we are going to gain?
Devotee: we will not develop attachment for the property.
Ok but what is the advantage of not being attached?
See, suppose we are going from pune to Mumbai by train, we dont carry cement and brick to build a house
because now I have taken a seat but it is a small 3-4 hour trip and you have to get down then. it is a small
journey.Simillarly if someone understand that life on earth is a mere journey . I belong to spiritual sky and
now I have come to earth and its a mere 60-70 year journey . nothing more than that. Then he wont
develop attachment for increasing his material possession. This involves lot of time, energy and effort. For
example in the modern time people are working on the economic development to convert a small qwartwr
into a sky scraper building. And lot of energy goes into it .they spent ther entire life building a house and
then they die. What have they gained in there life? When we develop detatchment from property or
position that we own then it give enough room in our mind to develop attachment to God and if you
develop attachment to God you can go back home back to godhead at the time of death.ojne advantage of
realising that everything belong to God.
Any other advantage ?
Devotee : then we will be grateful to God and develop his remembrance.
(This is done only till 55:31 seconds. RSP_EBG_Chapt-11(part3)_Peace Formula_17-07-06)

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