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Justin Riley Lam

September 9, 2014

A Game of Life and How to Play It

By: Florence Scovel Shinn
This book talks about life being a game rather than an uphill battle of failure and
struggles. That being said in the book there are 10 chapters that can help us win this game. In
the first chapter it talks about the game itself. That the game is all about giving and receiving.
Jesus said, Whatsoever a man sow he that shall he also reap it means that whatever you give
you shall receive.That we have 3 departments in our mind the subconscious ,the conscious,
and the superconscious. Also when we wish we should always believe and have faith for a
man who can wish without fear or doubt he can have anything he wishes. Remember
Matthew 7:7 Ask, and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find,knock,and it shall be
opened unto you. So people like us should not wait for the our time but rather work and make
a difference. We should not stand idle but rather go and do it. Chapter 2 is about the law of
prosperity. In this chapter it talks about having a supply for every demand which means that
when you ask something always believe and never doubt and in due time it will be given to
you because a man can only receive what he sees himself receiving. As a keen observer of
life once said, "No man can fail, if some one person sees him successful." So it is really best
to be confident that you will be successful but not to over confident for that maybe your
downfall.Chapter 3 is about the power of the word. Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the
power of the tongue. That whatever a man voices , he begins to attract. There is an old saying
that man only dares use his words for 3 purposes, to "heal, bless or prosper." What a man
says of others will be said of him, and what he wishes for another, he is wishing for himself.
So if a man wishes bad luck he is sure to attract bad luck himself. So it is very important to
always wish and voice out good to other people. For it will bring good luck and prosperity to
himself. Chapter 4 is about the law of nonresistance. Jesus said, "Resist not evil," for He
knew in reality , there is no evil,therefore nothing to resist. Evil has come of man's "vain
imagination," or belief in 2 powers good and evil.Also so long as man resist a situation, he
will have it with him. If he runs away from it,it will run after him. Remember that we know
nothing of the future so we should not resist anything, we should freely accept whatever
comes to us no matter how small it maybe. For example, if we were given 100 php from a
homeless man we should accept it because we do not know when we might need it for we
dont know the future. That homeless man maybe an instrument of God to tell us that
something will change in the future. You say that the homeless man needs it more? Well,
God has his own plan for different people and you should accept everything and be thankful
that God gave you that amount.Chapter 5 is about the law of karma and forgiveness , now we
now that the game is all about giving and receiving. In this chapter we are taught that life is
like a boomerang and what ever you do it will always comeback. Everything that you do
good or bad will always comeback. So it is always wise to do good always so that good may
shower your life. Karma is also very interesting it shows us the power our actions can do not
only to other people but also to ourselves. Chapter 6 is all about the Casting the burden,
impressing the subconscious. We learn here that we are living in the 3rd dimension and Jesus
lives in the 4th dimension because he is God that is why he can make miracles happen. We
all know that we all have burdens. Now all of us should cast away these burdens and we

should all be free and happy. That is impressing the subconscious, by impressing the
subconscious we are more likely to get the items we want because the universe will work in
the 4th dimension and make it happen. We should also know that faith alone nor work alone
will not do. Faith and work must also work together. Most of us probably all know the saying
Ora et Labora which means prayer and work. We should always combine prayer and work
since faith without work is dead. By having faith with work we are more likely to succeed
and get what we want.Also we should not have faith that is only there in times of need but we
need to have faith all the time, not just faith but full faith without doubt.Chapter 7 is about
love the strongest magnetic force. We all know that God is love so we are all love and we
should love each other and everything else that was created by God himself, we also know
that evil is a mere human illusion so we should always love and never hate. Remember that
you can never receive what you have never given. Give perfect love and you will receive
perfect love, but we should not love anything more than God for that is greed. Love of money
is the root of all evil, money in itself is good and beneficial, but when used for destructive
purposes or by means of how we get money by kidnapping or stealing because of greed, it is
not good. Chapter 8 is about Intuition or Guidance. All of us are guided each and everyday.
Have you ever had that gut feeling or a hunch? That might have been the sign. Well ,God
always want us to go to the right way but he does not give it to us in a vulgar manner but
rather in small little ways because God wants us ourselves to find the right way. He wanted
us to follow him not by force, but by our own free will loving him by heart , mind, soul. The
Holy Spirit is always around to help guide us in times of trouble, but it cant help us if we
wont let it help us, so we should let go and let God. We need to have complete and utter faith
in him so we may answer this problem of ours. Chapter 9 is all about Perfect Self-Expression
and Divine Design. This chapter talks about us. Us having our own perfect plan that no one
else can do. The fact that we are living in this earth is one of the perfect reasons why we have
a perfect plan or in other words a destiny. Again we are guided by God to the right way and
in this right way we may find our destiny something that we can do for the betterment of our
brothers and sisters. We do not know what will happen to us in the future so we should never
think about it that much because God already planned our lives. We can only wait and only
time can tell what we may be and what will we become.Chapter 10 is all about our denials
and affirmations. It tells is how we should approach our lives, that we should accept all that is
good and deny all that is evil.Accept all our failures and deny it the opportunity to bring us
All in all this book teaches us that , All power is given man to bring his heaven upon
his earth and this is the goal of the Game of life. That we should follow the simple rules of
fearless faith , non resistance and love. That there is always a supply for every demand so
always think of it you shall have it. That life is a boomerang , what ever you say will and
eventually come back to you. And that is the game of life and how you play it. There are no
cheat codes , there are no walkthroughs but rather it is a fair game and it might not be easy
but God never said life would be easy. It was meant to be challenging for us to really know
the true meaning of life.

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