Market Practice Test

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MCD2050 Marketing Theory and Practice

Mid-trimester Practice assessment

This assessment task contains 5 pages, including this page. Please check to ensure you have all
This assessment consists of 30 multiple choice questions. For each question you should select the
one best answer, by circling the corresponding letter, as in the following example:
Q. Who is the author of your prescribed textbook?
a. Philip Kottler
b. Philip Cotler
c. Philip Cottler
d. Philip Kotler
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1. If a marketer seeks to retain customers'

long-term preference and business through
a win-win business style, the marketer is
engaged in ________ marketing.
a. transaction
b. give-and-take
c. transfer
d. reciprocal
e. relationship
2. The tendency for people to better
remember information that supports their
attitudes and beliefs is referred to as
a. distortion
b. retention
c. imaging
d. exposure
e. interpretation
3. To test the effects of two different prices, a
McDonald's research project introduced a
new sandwich at one price in one city and
at a different price in another city. In this
case, the research used:
a. unstructured questionnaires
b. survey research
c. observation research
d. experimental research
e. secondary research
4. Members of the jewellery industry are
discussing the ________ environment when
they tell customers that Colombia produces
some of the finest emeralds in the world.
a. demographic
b. political-legal
c. natural
d. social-cultural
e. economic

Monash College

5. Of the five levels of relationship that can be

formed with customers, the level at which
salespeople sell the product and encourage
the customer to call when he or she has any
problems is the ________ level.
a. basic
b. partnership
c. reactive
d. proactive
e. accountable
6. For which of the following products is there
a strong latent demand?
a. magnolia trees
b. cemetery plots
c. vacations to exotic locations like Tahiti
d. low-fat ice cream
e. solar-powered automobiles that run like
they had 8-cylinder engines
7. In the model of buyer behaviour presented
in your text, the marketing stimuli are
identified as the:
a. "black box"
b. four P's
c. buyer's environment
d. market's characteristics
e. buyer's choices
8. The source of marketing information that
is typically the fastest and least expensive
to use is:
a. internal records
b. test marketing
c. marketing intelligence
d. ABS data
e. marketing research
9. The last step in the marketing research
process is to:
a. remove all jargon and technical language
from the report
b. present the findings
c. create a database using the research results
d. determine the best solution to the problem
e. analyse the information

10.As a practical matter, which one of the

following is most correct?
a. Needs are only product related.
b. Needs and wants are synonymous with
c. Needs become demands.
d. Desire is only product related.
e. Wants are product or service related.
11. When a salesperson at Myer/Grace Bros.
records the customer's preferences for
shirts and even mails the customer
birthday cards, s/he is practicing which
customer value-building approach?
a. image enhancement
b. financial benefits
c. structural ties
d. social benefits
e. all of the above
12.The person's distinguishing psychological
characteristics that lead to relatively
consistent and lasting responses to his or
her environment are referred to as:
a. individuality
b. the self construct
c. psychological make-up
d. personality
e. imagery
13. The development of new breast cancer
treatments, home security systems
operated through computers, and easyto-use flea control methods are all
examples of what is happening in the
________ environment.
a. demographic
b. natural
c. social-cultural
d. technological
e. political-legal
14.Mary Steele has just purchased a package
of disposable razors requested by her
husband. Mary is acting as a(n):
a. innovator
b. initiator
c. buyer
d. influencer
e. decider

Monash College

15.The popularity of professional wrestling,

body piercing, and the Beanie Baby
collecting mania are all facets of the
________ environment.
a. economic
b. cultural
c. demographics
d. political-legal
e. technological
16.An example of a core belief is a belief:
a. in mystical powers like fairies and angels
b. in the institution of marriage
c. that people should live for the moment
d. in tattooing as a form of self-expression
e. that a person should not get married until
he or she is at least 30
17.Shipping goods on time is a concern of
which core business process?
a. order-to-payment
b. inventory management
c. product development
d. customer service
e. all of the above
18.The criteria for evaluating secondary
information that relates to the objectivity
with which the data was collected and
reported is:
a. relevancy
b. impartiality
c. actionability
d. currency
e. accuracy
19. The work of ________ sought to explain
why people are driven by a particular
need and why one person spends time
and energy seeking to meet a particular
need while another spends time on an
entirely different need.
a. Max Weber
b. Sigmund Freud
c. Abraham Maslow
d. Frederick Herzberg
e. Frederick Taylor

20.A need that is sufficiently pressing to

direct the person to seek satisfaction of the
need is called:
a. desire
b. motive
c. necessity
d. libido
e. want
21.When Kevin's parents retired, they
decided they wanted to travel. They found
an ideal job that allows them to travel for
free. The only catch is they have to stay at
Days Inns. During each stay, they try out
all of the amenities offered by the motel
and evaluate each one. The evaluation
forms are sent to the motel headquarters
where it becomes part of its ________
a. accountability information system (AIS)
b. sales reporting
c. experiential research data
d. marketing intelligence
e. marketing research
22.The set of actual and potential buyers of a
product comprise a(n):
a. market
b. exchange group
c. evoked set
d. product selection set
e. transaction group
23. Fremantle Machinery makes sanders for
furniture manufacturers. When its
salesperson uses "we" language when
problem-solving with customers, initiates
positive phone contacts, and accepts
responsibility when an order is fouled up,
Fremantle Machinery has added
________ to enhance its relationship
a. social benefits
b. financial benefits
c. psychological rewards
d. ethical benefits
e. structural ties

Monash College

24.There are periodicals aimed at retired

military personnel, teenagers, Methodists,
professional wrestling fans, and
motorcycle riders. The publishers of these
magazines hope that advertisers:
a. know it is easier to change the core values
of these groups than their secondary
cultural values
b. want to invest their ad budgets to reach
these subcultures
c. view these groups as reference groups
d. view these groups as opinion leaders
e. see that these magazines mirror their target
market's views of others
25.The type of research a food-products
manufacturer would use in supermarkets
to find out the prices of competing brands
would be:
a. experimental
b. survey
c. ex post facto
d. observation
e. none of the above
26.To understand the concept of customer
value, it is important to remember that:
a. most customers are unaware of the actual
value they receive in consuming products
b. some customers are more important than
c. customers are value-maximisers
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
27.Which marketers are threatened by the
growing volume of sales taking place on
the Internet?
a. insurance salespeople
b. travel agents
c. book stores
d. car dealers
e. all of the above

28.James Roul has just accepted his party's

Senate pre-selection nomination. In
marketing terms, James is his party's:
a. exchange object
b. evoked set
c. buying power
d. product
e. choice set
29. In terms of core business processes, all
the activities involved in developing and
maintaining the necessary levels of raw
materials, semi-finished materials and
finished goods is part of the ________
a. customer service
b. inventory management
c. order-to-payment
d. product development
e. all of the above
30.When changes in culture take place, it is
through people's changing:
a. core beliefs
b. subcultures
c. views of the universe
d. secondary values
e. views of society

Monash College

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