Otley Pub Club Newsletter December 2014

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I dont know about you, but my diary has just been full since the start of December, and is
still packed until after New Year. So thats my apology out of the way, for not being able to
spend as much time on the Newsletter as usual this month (and for the late delivery)! In fact
its mainly just a list of the opening times of Otleys pubs over the festive season, but there
are a couple of other things to mention before that.
It was a huge success again, despite a fairly
slow start probably because of peoples
doubts about the weather, or maybe just
the traffic jams into town that seem to
plague Otley lately. After the sun had been
out for a while, the numbers picked up, and
by the time the lantern parade went round
town after 4-o-clock, the route was pretty
busy. The crowds [and the odd shower that
forced them inside] meant that the pubs
were pretty busy as well, and lots of people
were there to see the tremendous effort
they had made to dress up and get into the real spirit of the event. This is what our
Chairman, Andy FitzGerald, had to say about it afterwards:
"It was pleasing to see the pubs of Otley embrace the spirit of the Otley Victorian Fayre by
competing, in the friendliest of manners, for the Elise Brumfitt* Victorian Ale House Award,
in association with Otley Pub Club (OPC).
Whilst not all the pubs were able to
participate the overall quality of the pubs
efforts was very high. OPC deployed no
less than 8 judges in both an overt and
covert secret shopper manner. The
judges agreed only on the overall standard,
and splitting the pubs into the winning
positions was the subject of much debate.
A real well done to all the participants!
We look forward to a similar standard next
year when the Horse and Farrier will
defend their title."

(*Elise was the OPC historian who researched the background of all our historic pubs in
great detail, and who is much missed by all of us. The award is presented each year in her
The full results were :
1st Horse and Farrier
2nd Old Cock
3rd equal North Bar Social & Black Horse
Pics Staff at The Bowling Green show the high
standard of all pubs who took part;
The judges trying to decide who they
could possibly leave out; and
The award presentation at The Horse and
Not as grim as it sounds! Just a reminder that if you are a CAMRA member, or you know
anyone who would appreciate a membership pack for Christmas or if youre just looking
for Christmas gifts online the last order date for Christmas deliveries from the CAMRA
website is next Monday, the 15th of December
A publican from Cumbria has won the Worlds Biggest Liar award, in a competition run by
Jennings Brewery. George Kemp, from the Lifeboat Inn in Maryport won a trophy and a
medal for a tall tale about fracking and jam butties! Maybe its a competition we should
start in Otley, to replace darts and pub quizzes?
Another thing we might try in Otley is putting virtual pub tours on the OPC website. One
Tyneside licensee has already embedded one in his own website, to show off the pub [and
its cellar] to prospective customers. Sometimes it can be a bit daunting to step through a
pub door if you dont know what to expect inside, so maybe this is an idea for the future.
You can visit the Tynemouth Lodge Hotel website to check it out.
Although we might not have the resources to include virtual tours of all our pubs just yet,
we have had some feedback about what customers would like to get from the website.
Someone said they would like to see a calendar, so they could choose a day they wanted to
go out and see which pubs in Otley had a quiz on that night, or a live band just with one
click on the date. So that is certainly something we will be looking into in the New Year. In

the meantime, Im afraid youll have to plough through all the individual entries below, to
find out whats going on, and where!

--//--//--//-OTLEYS PUB NEWS

[Just about all the pubs are open as usual on Christmas Eve, so Ive only included that day
under individual pubs if theres anything special.]
With its Christmas tree in the corner, and a warm open fire, the Black Horse is ready to
welcome you over the holiday period. Its open for breakfast and coffees from 9am, and
food is served until 9 at night. The Hotel is only open to residents on Christmas Day and New
Years Day, when the bar and restaurant will be closed.
THE RED LION Will be showing all the major sporting events over the holidays, including those on New
Years Day, and with Sky Sports, BT Sports AND the Racing Channel, you never need to miss
a thing!
Christmas Day 12 2; NYD 12 11; no food either day.
Live Music every week:
Dec 13 Blueprint
Dec 19 Sinners
Dec 20 Above Average Weight Band
Dec 27 - Red Levels
Jan 03 The Acoustic Band ft. Joe Gallagher
Informal quiz on Wednesdays at 9:30pm, free entry, 20 prize.
Bingo quiz with DJ every Thursday, 50p per team entry, with prizes up to 50 for a full
house [getting every question right!]
Christmas Day 12 2; New Years Eve 12 6, then 7 til late, with entertainment by
Redhouse, entry by ticket only [check with pub to see if there are any left].
They will be showing the packed sports programmes on TV on Boxing Day and New Years
Day. As usual, there will be live music every Friday and Saturday night throughout the
holiday period
Dec 21 - Blimey OReilly (afternoon):
Keep checking the pubs facebook page for updates on all other live events.
Christmas Day 12 2; NYE 11 Midnight; NYD 11 11

Usual folk music upstairs every Tuesday, alternate weeks being Irish and other.
Christmas Day 12 3; NYE 11 1am (with DJ); NYD usual Thursday hours
Continues its programme of music right through the holidays, with live bands every Tuesday
and some Saturdays, and a DJ every Sunday. Check A-boards outside the pub for updated
Dec 14 - We Ghosts, Anglo/Swedish acoustic band, 4 6 pm
Quiz every Wednesday evening.
Christmas Day 12 3; NYD 1 Midnight.
Otley Band Summercross will be appearing
sometime in the New Year. Check The Manor House
Facebook or Twitter accounts for updates.
The formal re-opening on Saturday Dec 06 was a great
success, with live music all day. David is keen to
continue to present live music in the New Year. He
will also be bringing back the Sunday night quiz in
January, and is trying to find a prize wheel, so he can
re-introduce the popular Spin the Wheel game as
well. [Pic shows David and Eileen with Greg
Mulholland MP and Otley Bellman Terry Ford at the
ribbon cutting ceremony.]
Christmas Day 11 2; NYE 11 1am (with DJ, free entry); NYD 12 11.
Dec 13 Memphis Cruisers, rockabilly band at 9pm
General knowledge quiz every Tuesday evening, 1 per team, win a barrel of ale.
All real ales 2:50 a pint every Wednesday.
Ever-popular Bar-Room Buskers music night every Thursday.
Christmas Day 11 3; NYE Midday 2am (No ticket, but doors may be closed after
Beautiful range of beers on the bar now, with Christmas specials from Moorhouses,
Batemans, Jennings and Wychwood. (With The Manor House now re-opened, there is a mini
Otley East End run of 3 pubs within 50 metres of each other, which is nice if you live at that
end of town!)
Christmas Eve, Bar 11 11; Food 12 - 8

Christmas Day Closed;

Boxing Day, Bar 12 11; Food, 12 4
New Years Eve, Bar Midday 12:30am; Food 12 6. Plus special one-off 6 course meal for
29:95 single sitting at 19:30
New Years Day, Bar Midday 6; No food all day
Open mic night on the second Sunday of every month. Next one Jan 11 2015. Early warning
of a palm-reading event on Tuesday, Jan 27 more details next month.
Christmas Day, lunchtime from 11 onwards; NYE 11 1am-ish; NYD normal hours
Christmas Day 11 2, no food; NYE 11 1am-ish; NYD 11 10:30, no food
Christmas Eve 11 late, food all day;
Christmas Day 11 4, with food; NYE 11
1, with food as usual; NYD normal hours,
with food.
And I have to say the Christmas
decorations in The Rose and Crown are
looking really good. Round all the pub as
the picture shows [even though the
quality of my phone camera is rubbish
apologies, R&C!]
Christmas Eve 8am 1am; Christmas Day 11 4, no food unless pre-booked; NYE 8am
1am; NYD 8am - Midnight
Christmas Day 11 2 (with disco); NYE midday after midnight, party night!
DJ Karaoke every Saturday and Sunday, and on Christmas Eve til late Saturday Dec 20th, 70sthemed fancy dress party night. Always check A-boards outside pub for music details.
Christmas Day 12 2. Pre-booked food only in the main pub, snug bar open for drinkers.
Acoustic night on the first Sunday of every month, next one Jan 04, 2015.
All cask ales 2:50 a pint every Tuesday.
Christmas Eve 11 11 [last orders]; Christmas Day closed; NYE 3pm 1am; NYD closed.

The advent calendar continues up to Christmas Eve. Each day a different beer will be offered
at a reduced price, with a bottle being given away every day to the first person to complete
a specific task for that day! Watch their Twitter and Facebook accounts to find out what you
have to do!
Christmas Day 12 3. Pre-booked food only, bar open for drinkers.
New managers Simon and Avril only took over in November, so theyre still settling in. For
their Christmas menu, which is available throughout December, and to find out whats
happening in the New Year, check out their Facebook page.
Christmas Day 12 3:30 [last orders]; NYE disco til late [last orders 12:30] no ticket
needed; NYD usual hours.
Christmas Eve Karaoke disco
All Sky Sports channels now available for full sporting programme Boxing Day and New
Years Day
Christmas Day 12 2 [food fully booked]; NYE food stops at 7pm, bar til late; NYD Sunday
Still closed every Monday, except for Dec 29 12 11, food 12 - 8
Otley A Capella Choir carol concert on Dec 18 at 19:30 will be an
evening of festive songs, mulled wine, and roaring fires. Festive
menu will run until Christmas Eve, alongside the regular menu.
Lunch 12/15 for 2/3 courses; Evening 15/18. Deposit 10 per
head and pre-order required.
The 9pm Wednesday quiz continues, to win a 25 meal voucher
for the restaurant.

And information about ALL Otleys pubs is available on the OPC website.

--//--//--//-Thats all for now with usual apologies for things Ive missed or misrepresented, and
thanks once more to everyone for giving me their time and information.
And dont forget if you no longer want to receive these newsletters and any other
correspondence from Otley Pub Club, just email the return address. All your details will then
be removed from all my records it will be as though you never existed! Likewise, if I get
three newsletter non-delivery reports for the same reason of email failure each month, I will

delete all your records as well. So if you suddenly stop hearing from me but you still want to
be a member, somethings gone wrong! Just send me an email and Ill put you back on the
mailing list. Thanks!

Bob Brook
OPC Secretary
13 December 2014

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