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Present & Past Tense Verb Review

Simple & Continuous forms

Present Simple and Present Continuous Fill ins

1. ________ you often ________ (write) e-mails to
your friends? No, I ___________.

1. This Nerf gun ____________ (belong) to me, it

________________ (not/belong) to my brother.

2. _________ your father _________ (take) the train

to work? Yes, he __________.

2. Birds __________ (fly) south in the winter. Look!

There _______ thousands of geese _____________
(fly) overhead.

3. I ________________ (not/understand) what you

are saying.
4. At the moment I _________________ (read) an
interesting comic, I ______________________
(not/do) my homework.
5. Mike _________________ (play) Farmville on the
computer now. Every day he _________________
(grow) many new vegetables and fruits.
6. This morning he ______________ (pick) his latest
crop. Then he usually ___________ (sell) them at the
market. But today he ____________ (not/pick) any
crops because they arent ready.

3. Ice ___________ (freeze) at zero degrees

centigrade. It ______________ (not/freeze) when it
is 10 degrees.
4. _________ you ____________ (learn) how to
speak English in school this year? Yes, I ________.
5. We often __________ (bring) snacks to school.
________ you ________ (eat) a snack during the
6. Lionel Messi ___________ (make) a lot of goals
every year. He rarely ___________ (miss) a goal.

7. The sun always ____________ (shine) in Greece in

the summer. In Greek summer _____________
(mean) good weather.

7. It ________________ (get) colder now, I

________ (think) I need to put on a sweatshirt.

8. However now it is November and today the sun

___________ (not/shine). ________ it __________
(rain) in the winter in your country?

8. ______ they __________ (leave) for football

practice now or _______ they _________ (watch)
TV at the moment?

1. ________ you ________ (feel) all right? No, I ________________ (feel) sick at the moment.
2. Children ________________ (grow) taller every year. I know I ________________ (grow) at lot this year because
none of my clothes ____________ (fit)
3. ________ you _________ (hear) the dog barking? Yes, today it _______________ (drive) me crazy. Be quiet!
4. My dog ___________ (hide) his bones in the garden. He ______________ (not/hide) them in the house.
5. My parents _________________ (travel) to Barcelona this morning. They often ________________ (travel)
6. _______ your cat __________ (drink) milk every day? Yes, it __________________.

Past Simple
Past Continuous Tenses
Fill in the correct tense

1. While I ________________ (feed) my dog Tigra, I

________________ (hear) another dog barking.
2. He ______________ (buy) vegetables at the open
air market, when it ____________ (start) to rain.
3. The dog __________________ (bite) me when I
___________________ (pet) it. Bad dog!
4. What ________ you _________ (do) when the
earthquake __________________ (happen)?
5. I ______________ (dream) about Christmas
vacation while my sister _______________ (talk) to
me about school.
6. We ________________ (eat) pizza while we
_________________ (listen) to the weather report.
7. Dad ____________ (not/drive) the car when the
earth ______________ (start) to shake.________
you ____________ (study) then? Yes, I __________.

1. When I _______________ (put) on my coat for

school, I _________________ (remember) that I had
forgotten to do my English homework.
2. The students ____________________ (not/sing)
Christmas carols in the classroom, they
____________________ (swim) in the pool.
3. __________ you (ride) __________your bike
when your mobile phone ____________ (ring)?
4. ________ he _____________ (sleep) when the
thunderstorm _____________ (start). No, he
5. He _____________ (not/spend) his money on
fancy cars, he __________ (spend) his money on

8.______ you __________ (remember) to lock the

door? No, I ___________ (forget).

6. The robber ___________ (steal) the jewels from

her hotel room, when she ____________ (be) out for
a walk.

9. George ______________ (not/play) a computer

game last night, he __________ (write) a book

7. I _______________ (lose) my keys when I

________________ (run) down the street.

Time Words for

Present Simple

1. ___________

Time Words for

Time Words for

Time Words for


Past Simple





1. ___________

Present Perfect Simple

Past Perfect Simple





1. _________ you ever __________ (be) to Paris?

No, I _____________.
2. We ________________________ (paint) the
kitchen all morning long.

1. I ________ already ___________ (finish) my

homework when the doorbell __________ (ring).

3. What _________ you _____________ (do) today?

Oh I _______________ (read) a really exciting
4. John ______ just __________ (throw) all his old
bills away. ________ you ever_________ (do) that?
Yes, I __________.
5. ________the teachers already __________
(mark) the exams. No, they
_____________________ (not/mark) them yet!

2. We _____________________ (repair) our antique

car when the storm started.
3. The detectives _________________ (search) for
clues all morning when the suddenly found
important evidence.
4. _________ the astronauts _____________
(complete) their morning tasks before it was time for
5.We ____________________ (decorate) the
Christmas tree for hours and then we had dinner.

6. The is the first time that she ___________ ever

___________ (eat) snails. And the last!
7. I ______________________ (clean) the house for
hours and Im beat. I need a rest.

6. The Loch Ness monster ___________ (not/appear)

for a long time when all of a sudden its head popped
out of the water.

8. _______ you __________ (live) here since you

were a baby? No, I _______________. My family
_________________ (live) for three years.

Present Perfect Time Words

Present Perfect Continuous

Time Words

1. _______________________
1. _________________________
2. _______________________
2. ________________________
3. _______________________
4. _______________________
5. _______________________

3. ________________________

Present & Past Tense Verb Review

Simple & Continuous forms


Present Simple and Present Continuous Fill ins

1. Do you often write (write) e-mails to your friends?
No, I dont.
2. Does your father take (take) the train to work?
Yes, he does.
3. I dont understand (not/understand) what you are
4. At the moment I am reading (read) an interesting
comic, I am not doing (not/do) my homework.
5. Mike is playing(play) Farmville on the computer
now. Every day he grows (grow) many new
vegetables and fruits.
6. This morning he is picking (pick) his latest crop.
Then he usually sells (sell) them at the market. But
today he isnt picking (not/pick) any crops because
they arent ready.
7. The sun always shines (shine) in Greece in the
summer. In Greek summer means (mean) good

1. This Nerf gun belongs_ (belong) to me, it doesnt

belong (not/belong) to my brother.
2. Birds fly (fly) south in the winter. Look! There are
thousands of geese flying (fly) overhead.
3. Ice freezes (freeze) at zero degrees centigrade. It
doesnt freeze (not/freeze) when it is 10 degrees.
4. Are you learning (learn) how to speak English in
school this year? Yes, I am
5. We often bring (bring) snacks to school. Do you
eat_ (eat) a snack during the breaks?
6. Lionel Messi makes (make) a lot of goals every
year. He rarely misses (miss) a goal.
7. It is getting (get) colder now, I think (think) I
need to put on a sweatshirt.
8. Are they leaving (leave) for football practice now
or are they watching (watch) TV at the moment?

8. However now it is November and today the sun

isnt shining(not/shine). Does it rain (rain) in the
winter in your country?

1. Do you feel (feel) all right? No, I am feeling (feel) sick at the moment.
2. Children grow (grow) taller every year. I know I am growing (grow) at lot this year because none of my clothes fit
3. Do you hear (hear) the dog barking? Yes, today it is driving (drive) doesnt hide ______________ (not/hide) them
in the house.
5. My parents are traveling (travel) to Barcelona this morning. They often travel (travel) together.
6. Does your cat drink (drink) milk every day? Yes, it does.

Past Simple Key

Past Continuous Tenses
Fill in the correct tense

1. While I was feeding (feed) my dog Tigra, I heard

(hear) another dog barking.
2. He was buring (buy) vegetables at the open air
market, when it started_ (start) to rain.
3. The dog bit (bite) me when I was petting(pet) it.
Bad dog!
4. What were you doing (do) then the earthquake
happened (happen)?
5. I was dreaming (dream) about Christmas vacation
while my sister was talking (talk) to me about school.
6. We were eating (eat) pizza while we were
listening (listen) to the weather report.
7. Dad wasnt driving (not/drive) the car when the
earth started (start) to shake.Were you studying
(study) then? Yes, I was.
8.Did you remember(remember) to lock the door?
No, I forgot (forget).
9. George wasnt playing (not/play) a computer
game last night, he was writing (write) a book report.

Time Words for

1. When I was putting (put) on my coat for school, I

remembered_ (remember) that I had forgotten to do
my English homework.
2. The students werent singing (not/sing) Christmas
carols in the classroom, they were swimming (swim)
in the pool.
3. Were you (ride) ridingyour bike when your mobile
phone rang (ring)?
4. Was he sleeping (sleep) when the thunderstorm
started_ (start). No, he wasnt
5. He didnt spend (not/spend) his money on fancy
cars, he spent (spend) his money on vacations.
6. The robber stole (steal) the jewels from her hotel
room, when she was_ (be) out for a walk.
7. I lost (lose) my keys when I was running(run)
down the street.

Time Words for

Time Words for

Time Words for


Past Simple


1. every day

1. now

3.always the moment




4.this morning

Present Simple


1. ago
3.last (week)
4in 2004


1. when

Present Perfect Simple

Past Perfect Simple



Continuous Key


1. Have you ever been (be) to Paris? No, I havent.

2. We have been painting (paint) the kitchen all
morning long.
3. What have you been doing (do) today? Oh I have
been reading (read) a really exciting thriller.
4. John has just thrown (throw) all his old bills away.
Have you everdone (do) that? Yes, I have.
5. Havethe teachers already marked (mark) the
exams. No, they havent marked(not/mark) them

1. I had already finished (finish) my homework when

the doorbell rang (ring).
2. We had been repairing (repair) our antique car
when the storm started.
3. The detectives had been searching (search) for
clues all morning when the suddenly found
important evidence.
4. Had the astronauts completed (complete) their
morning tasks before it was time for exercise.

6. The is the first time that she has ever eaten (eat)
snails. And the last!

5.We had been decorating (decorate) the Christmas

tree for hours and then we had dinner.

7. I have een cleaning (clean) the house for hours

and Im beat. I need a rest.

6. The Loch Ness monster hadnt appeared

(not/appear) for a long time when all of a sudden its
head popped out of the water.

8. Have you lived (live) here since you were a baby?

No, I havent. My family has lived (live) for three

Present Perfect Time Words

Present Perfect Continuous

Time Words

1.all morning
2. just/yet
2. for three hours
3. already
3. for a very long time
4. for (4years)
5. since etc.

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