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Episcopal See of Debre Zeit Rewriting Jamaicas

by Luel Ras Mesfin Haile Selassie I
It's official. The Episcopal See of Debre Zeit (Mount of Olives) will be rewriting the
constitution of Jamaica, which the UK super-imposed in August 1962. Since there has been
no true democracy in Jamaica ever since the UK took over, the African expatriates that
make up 94.5% of the population, have no confidence in any more tacit (agreement by
silence) political representation from the UK.
The UK once allowed itself access to all facets of the islands as the ultimate moral authority,
but no longer. The Episcopal See of Debre Zeit decided there was moral corruption
(deviating from UN law of equality), not enough voters, and poor governance. Since the
takeover in August 1962, the people were excluded from any government decisions of
importance. The Episcopal See of Debre Zeit makes no qualms about its plan to rewrite
Jamaica's formerly semi-autonomous British constitution. It plans to do so without the input
or vote from the Jesuit taught Jamaican politicians who are liable for political negligence.
The first meeting, will be held by the Episcopal See of Debre Zeit in front of a "consultative
forum" (Jesuit politicians can give only opinions). The Episcopal See of Debre Zeit
admits that it will be redrafting the electoral status, and local's government input, and
granting them with more financial responsibility.
Also on the list of amendments is the Episcopal See of Debre Zeits strengthening of its
ecclesiastical rights to consecrated land as well as other indigenous rights to resources in
the islands, which will be included in a Kristological PEACE TREATY.
Why have the people excluded the UK from all decision-making?
The Episcopal See of Debre Zeit asserts that the Jesuit taught politicians are corrupted
because of the divide and conquer mentality between the two current political parties jlp and
pnp. As a result of the Episcopal See of Debre Zeits corruption assertion, it will also take
the UKs right to judiciary and trials by jury. This will be done not only to afford the accused
an unbias verdict, but to the Episcopal See of Debre Zeit assertion that a jury panel of
incorruptible jurors could not be assembled in Jamaica.
There is no venue in which to challenge Episcopal See of Debre Zeits ecclesiastical
diplomatic actions toward Jamaica, as article 30 of the universal declaration of human rights
charter states, no one can take away your international rights (diplomatic privileges) in
global commerce.
The official and ultimate sovereign ecclesiastical authority is now with the His Imperial
Highness Luel Ras Mesfin Haile Selassie I Royal Head DUKE of POWER (knowledge) of
the Might of the Holy Triune Elect of Ethiopia, who has the final say to make any
amendments to the rights of the island territories at his discretion. And the Episcopal See of
Debre Zeit will use its moral authority to take over the islands without so much as a vote
from the Jamaican parliament, the UK, or any other checks and balances.

The present Permier, Portia Simpson-miller, may call for a judicial review of the Episcopal
See of Debre Zeits ecclesiastical political force and dissolution of the defacto queens
constitution, citing the "right to property". However, ultimately the defacto Queen will have
NO MORAL authority over Jamaican law, as the international human right to selfdetermination shall prevail.
Jesuit taught Politicians may believe that all of the Episcopal See of Debre Zeits corruption
assertions were hasty and made without balancing information. In human rights deed
(works), not only will the people's international human right to political self-determination be
universally recognized, but a corruption hunt will be looming over the Jesuit taught
politicians causing a climate of superstitious f.e.a.r (false expectations appearing real)
and financial intimidation.
No word yet on when the Kingdom of Debre Zeit plans to finalize or publicize any drafts of
its rewritten Jamaican constitution.

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