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(BLHW 2403)

PART 1: Error Analysis (20 marks)
The following is an article titled Laptop Cooler. It contains 10 errors in the use of Tenses.
Identify these errors and correct them.

A laptop or notebook cooler, cooler pad or chill mat is an accessory for laptop
computers that helped reduce their operating temperature. Normally used when the
laptops fan device is unable to sufficiently cool the laptop, a cooling pad houses active
or passive cooling methods and rest beneath the laptop. Active coolers move air or

liquid to direct heat away from the laptop quickly, while passive methods may rely on
thermally conductive materials or increasing passive airflow.
One example of passive cooling for laptops involved using a unique type of
cooling crystals to cool laptop computers. This unique material come in a solid
crystalline state. As a user places a laptop on top of this crystalline material, the solid

10 crystalline material changed into a gel over time. When there is no heat coming from
the laptop, the gel-like material changes back into a solid.
Though many cooler pads support the use of a power adapter, they typically run
on power drawn through one of the laptops USB ports. Many cooler pads, therefore
compensates with a built-in USB hub. Other advanced features include card readers for
15 various forms of media such as keydrives, memory cards and 2.5 laptop hard disk
Some of these powered coolers are designed to draw heat from the underside
of the computer; others worked in the opposite way by blowing cool air towards the
machine. The fan speed is adjusted manually or automatically on certain models and on
20 others stays at a fixed speed.
The contribution of heat from the energy requirement of the cooler was very
minimal impact as USB ports are limited to 2.5 watts of output power; therefore, the
cooling effect is dominant. Studies conducted by California Polytechnic University
show that the heat build-up in notebooks was reduced by 15 to 20 percent, when a
25 laptop is situated at an angle compared to a laptop in a horizontal position. Free air
cooling which is a passive method and require to additional power has been proven as
an effective method of laptop cooling. Many coolers that utilized this passive method
are also available.
Source: S. Collins, (2010). Cooler pad [Online]. Available:
Laptop_cooler html


(BLHW 2403)














































(10 marks)

PART II: Faulty Parallelism (10 marks)

Each sentence below contains faulty parallelism with elements in a series. Revise each
sentence so that the elements are parallel to one another.
1. The novelty shop sells hand buzzers, plastic fangs, and insects that are fake.
2. Adam convinced most of the audience because he argued logically, calmly, and was
3. To decide on a career, people should think closely about their interests, hobbies, and what
they are skilled at.
4. A sale on electrical appliances, furniture for the patio, and stereo systems begins this

(BLHW 2403)
5. Many people have the same three great fears: being in high places, working with numbers,
and deliver speeches.
6. The coach told the players that they should get a lot of sleep, that they should not eat too
much, and to do some warm-up exercises before the game.
7. The politician trusted no one, rewarded loyalty, and was dependent only on his own
8. The chickens travel on a conveyor belt, where they are plucked, washed, rinsed, and bags
are put on them.
9. If we are not careful, we will leave the next generation polluted air, contaminated water,
and forests that are dying.
10. The keys to improving grades are to take effective notes in class, to plan study time, and
preparing carefully for exams.


(BLHW 2403)
PART I: Recognising Information Elements (20 marks)
Below you will see a selection of paragraphs taken from several reports. Write the
appropriate sub-section of the INTRODUCTION: Background, Objective, Scope or
Organisation on the line provided.

The goal of this study is to understand usability problems of three

heating control interfaces, especially those issues which may lead to
increase energy consumption.


While investigating these two computers, it was important to consider

their suitability for corporate use, standard features, optional benefits
and warranties.


Virtual reality (VR) equipment simulators have been gaining

acceptance since they were introduced in military, aerospace,
automobile and ship industries as tools not only for reducing high cost
of product design and training, but also for real-time decision making
and process evaluation of equipment operation.

All testing and inspections were performed according to the

manufacturer and InterNational Electrical Testing Association
(NETA) recommendations.

This report has five sections in which the context for the research, the
rationale for its undertaking, the methodology used, the findings
presented and the data analysed and discussed.


The research aims to contribute to the development of a virtual reality

construction excavator simulator system by proposing a mathematical
model of excavator digging and a calculation methodology.


Tyre waste is composed of ingredients that are non-degradable in

nature in normal conditions and usually produce environmental

The purpose of this study is to address how media gratification

variables and constraints of global system for mobile communications
(GSM) technology promote or inhibit use of short messaging services
(SMS) for sharing educational information by students in Malaysian

It is necessary to find relations between live stem parameters

deviations and fuel expenditure to impartial comparing of automation
means among themselves. These relations are shown in section 3.


(BLHW 2403)
10 The mobile phone was invented in 1973, but its size, efficiency, power
economy and low-cost small packet exchange technology and others,
have made its penetration and diffusion the fastest, in comparison with
other technologies (Leung, 2007).
(10 marks)

PART II: Paraphrasing (10 marks)

1. Below is an original text taken from an article entitled Investigating the role and potentials
of using Web 2.0 in music education from students perspectives by Chi Ting Wei and
Shelly Young. This article appeared in the Australasian Journal of Educational Technology in
2011. Paraphrase and document the following information to show emphasis on the author.

Digital natives are young people who are born after 1980 and grow up by using new
technologies such as the Internet, computers, cell phones or other digital devices.
Findings reflect that even though most students are digital natives, they still have a
large digital gap because of various personal backgrounds. Therefore, teachers need to
provide more opportunities to encourage those low social-economic status students,
such as exposing them to the advantage of the Internet for learning purposes rather than
playing on-line games to reduce the digital gap.

(5 marks)


(BLHW 2403)
2. Below is an original text taken from a book chapter entitled Technology Improvement
Pathways to Cost-effective Vehicle by Aaron Brooker, Matthew Thornton and John Rugh in
2010. This article appeared in the book Green Technologies and the Mobility
Industry. Paraphrase and document the following information to show emphasis on the

Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) technology presents an excellent way to reduce

petroleum consumption through efficiency improvements. HEVs use energy
storage systems combined with electric motors to improve vehicle efficiency by
enabling engine downsizing and recapturing energy normally lost during braking
events. A typical HEV will reduce gasoline consumption by about 30% over a
comparable conventional vehicle.


(5 marks)


(BLHW 2403)
PART III: Writing Conclusion & Recommendations (20 marks)
You are writing a project report on the usage of cellular phones among Universiti Teknikal
Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) students.
Re-arrange the following notes and write a one-paragraph conclusion. You should include
logical recommendations in your paragraph.

Primary data collected randomly distributing questionnaires 350 students

Usage of cellular phones more preferred convenient to users

Objective investigate students preference service providers and plans

peripherals offered cellular service providers

Findings Simax top service provider in UTeM better network coverage prepaid plan most popular choice peripheral - SMS

- most popular means of

communication more economical making calls

Limitation findings only true UTeM students cannot be generalised other

university students

Implications the results indicate - cost and network coverage important factors
influence students choice selecting hand phone service provider plans

Conclusion & Recommendations


(BLHW 2403)

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