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Note: It is recommended that you save your response as you complete each question.
Question 1 (1 point)
1. Stewie and Brian are taking a class in Business Law at Big State University (BSU). They are studying together
and having an argument over the purpose of the first ten amendments to the constitution. Brian would be correct if
he told Stewie that the first ten amendments were adopted primarily to assure and/or protect the following:
Question 1 options:

A. Equal protection of all citizens

B. Individual rights
C. Interstate commerce
D. (A) and (B)

Question 2 (1 point)
2. Stewie and Brian are taking a class in Business Law at Big State University (BSU). They are studying together
and having an argument over the purpose of some of the key clauses of the Constitution. Brian would be correct if he
stated that the federal government has the authority to regulate business, both interstate business as well as
intrastate business provided that the intrastate business had a substantial impact on the national economy. The
______________ clause of the Constitution grants the federal government this authority.
Question 2 options:

A. Commerce Clause
B. Due Process Clause
C. Supremacy Clause
D. Takings Clause
E. None of the Above

Question 3 (1 point)
3. Stewie and Brian are taking a class in Business Law at Big State University (BSU). They are studying together
and discussing the Constitution. Stewie would be correct if he told Brian that the primary powers of the Congress are
found in _____________ of the Constitution?
Question 3 options:

A. Article III
B. Article I
C. The Bill of Rights
D. Article II

Question 4 (1 point)

4. Stewie and Brian are taking a class in Business Law at Big State University (BSU). They are studying together
and discussing some cases they have read. Which of the following would most likely be viewed by the Court as a
valid exercise of free speech?
Question 4 options:

A. A student waving a banner that says Bong Hits 4 Jesus at a high school
B. A student giving a class speech using graphic sexual metaphors
C. A student wearing a black armband at school to protest the war
D. A student making statements that would be injurious to another's reputation

Question 5 (1 point)
5. Stewie and Brian are taking a class in Business Law at Big State University (BSU). They are studying together
and discussing constitutional amendments. Brian would be correct if he stated that the Fifth Amendment includes all
the following important concepts EXCEPT?
Question 5 options:

A. Procedural Due Process

B. Commerce Clause
C. Takings Clause
D. Right to not self-incriminate
E. Double Jeopardy

Question 6 (1 point)
6. Stewie and Brian are taking a class in Business Law at Big State University (BSU). They are discussing various
clauses. Brian asserts that the Commerce Clause is applicable only to the transportation of goods or to businesses
that transport goods. Brian is saying that the Commerce Clause does not apply to businesses that primarily provide
services such as restaurants or repair shots. Stewie would be correct if he said Brian was wrong.
Question 6 options:

A. True
B. False

Question 7 (1 point)
7. Stewie and Brian are taking a class in Business Law at Big State University (BSU). They are studying the
constitution. Brian asserts that under the U.S. constitution, the separation of powers doctrine calls for separate
governmental branches. Those branches are
Question 7 options:

A. The House of Representatives, Congress, and the Judiciary.

B. The House of Representatives, the Senate, and the Judiciary.

C. The Congress, the Judiciary, and the Executive.
D. The Congress, the Judicary, the Administrative Branch, and the Executive.
E. None of the above

Question 8 (1 point)
8. The town of Quahog plans to build a highway that will run right through Peter Griffin's house. Concerned, and
knowing that they are studying business law, Peter asks Stewie and Brian for advice. They explain that the Takings
Clause of the Fifth Amendment can be summarized by which of the following statements?
Question 8 options:

A. It provides that government may seize property without a warrant, but only if
specifically approved by the legislative branch.
B. It provides that government may only tax businesses if the taxing scheme has
prior approval of the courts.
C. It provides that government may not seize property without a warrant.
D. It provides that government must pay just compensation to the owner whenever
it takes private property.

Question 9 (1 point)
9. Which of the following BEST represents the logic behind the decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election
Question 9 options:

A. Allows corporations to fund political candidates and effectively turns campaigns

into races for money rather than for votes.
B. Money has the ability to buy votes, and therefore, freedom of speech should not
protect corporate expenditures that undermine the functioning of democracy.
C. Corporate expenditures on political campaigns cannot be limited because they
are a form of protected speech.
D. Because corporate expenditures have the ability to influence voting behavior, a
corporation may not fund political campaigns.

Question 10 (1 point)
10. Stewie and Brian are taking a class in Business Law at Big State University (BSU). They correctly learn that the
First Amendment protects the following freedoms EXCEPT? ________
Question 10 options:

A. The free exercise of religion

B. The right to bear arms

C. The right to peacefully assemble

D. Freedom of the press

Question 11 (1 point)
11. Stewie and Brian are taking a class in Business Law at Big State University (BSU). They correctly learn that the
Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment provides that one cannot be deprived of each of the following without
due process of law EXCEPT?
Question 11 options:

A. Life
B. Happiness
C. Property
D. Liberty

Question 12 (1 point)
12. Stewie and Brian are taking a class in Business Law at Big State University (BSU). They correctly learn that all
of the following are true statements about the Fourth Amendment to the U. S. Constitution EXCEPT for which one?
Question 12 options:

A. It prohibits the government from conducting unreasonable searches.

B. It requires that warrants must specify the items sought.
C. It protects the right of individuals to be secure in their homes.
D. It requires that search warrants be issued by federal judges.

Question 13 (1 point)
13. Stewie and Brian are taking a class in Business Law at Big State University (BSU). It would be correct if Brian
told Stewie that the provisions of the Bill of Rights do not apply to corporations because corporations are not persons.
Question 13 options:

A. True
B. False

Question 14 (1 point)
14. Stewie and Brian are taking a class in Business Law at Big State University (BSU). It would be correct if Brian
told Stewie that the Fourth Amendment protects corporations as well as individuals.
Question 14 options:

A. True

B. False

Question 15 (1 point)
15. Stewie and Brian are taking a class in Business Law at Big State University (BSU). It would be correct if Brian
told Stewie that the first fourteen amendments of the Constitution are known as the Bill of Rights?
Question 15 options:

A. True
B. False

Question 16 (1 point)
16. Stewie and Brian are taking a class in Business Law at Big State University (BSU). It would be correct if Brian
told Stewie that the First Amendment is absolute, granting Americans the right to speak freely for any reason and in
all contexts.
Question 16 options:

A. True
B. False

Question 17 (1 point)
17. Stewie and Brian are taking a class in Business Law at Big State University (BSU). It would be correct if Brian
told Stewie that the amount of force an individual may lawfully use to protect her property is
Question 17 options:

A. As much as is necessary.
B. Deadly force.
C. Reasonable force, but not deadly force.
D. All of the above are correct.

Question 18 (1 point)
18. Peter goes to the movies one Friday evening. The movie is boring and Peter falls asleep. At 2 a.m., the security
guard locks the building. Peter, completely unaware that he had been locked in, awakens the next morning when the
cleaning crew opens the door and leaves the building and heads home. Peter has been the victim of
Question 18 options:

A. false imprisonment.
B. intentional infliction of emotional distress
C. negligent infliction of emotional distress
D. (A) and (C)

E. None of the above


Question 19 (1 point)
19. Stewie and Brian are taking a class in Business Law at Big State University (BSU). It would be correct if Brian
told Stewie that under tort law, a person can have the intent to cause harm if he believes the harm is substantially
certain to occur even if he or she doesn't desire that such harm occur.
Question 19 options:

A. True
B. False

Question 20 (1 point)
20. Fred and Barney are roughhousing in Fred's front yard when Barney intentionally pushes Fred onto the
neighbor's property. In this case:
Question 20 options:

A. Fred is a trespasser.
B. Barney is a trespasser.
C. Fred and Barney are both trespassers.
D. None of the above.

Question 21 (1 point)
21. When your neighbor comes over, without your consent, and uses your barbeque grill in your backyard, that is
____________________. When, without consent, your neighbor takes your barbeque grill into his backyard and
begins grilling his steaks on it, that is ________________.
Question 21 options:

A. conversion; trespass
B. trespass; trespass
C. trespass; conversion
D. None of the above

Question 22 (1 point)
Stewie and Brian are taking a class in Business Law at Big State University (BSU). It would be correct if Brian told
Stewie that harms or injuries that are tortious may be inflicted:
Question 22 options:

A. intentionally.
B. negligently.

C. without fault (i.e., with strict liability).

D. (A) and (B)
E. (A), (B) and (C)

Question 23 (1 point)
22. Fred threw a bomb into the office of his insurance agent, intending to kill the agent because the company had
disallowed his claim. The agent wasn't in the building, but the bomb seriously injured his secretary, who was working
in the office. Fred:
Question 23 options:

A. cannot be liable to the secretary for any torts because he did not intend to hurt
B. can be sued by the secretary for her injuries based on an intentional tort cause
of action because Fred's intent to harm the agent is transferred to the secretary.
C. has committed a crime, but he is not liable for any torts.
D. has committed the tort of intrusion.

Question 24 (1 point)
23. Stewie wrote a defamatory letter regarding Brian which she mailed to Brian, but which she did not show to
anyone else. Stewie has committed:
Question 24 options:

A. the tort of slander.

B. the tort of libel.
C. the tort of false light
D. None of the above

Question 25 (1 point)
24. Brian found a new job that is a 2 hour drive to and from home. After working 12 hours on the fourth day of his
new job, Brian falls asleep while driving home. Brian runs over the Cleveland's yard and rams his car into the
Cleveland's living room. Mr. Cleveland is thrown from the couch into the kitchen but he only suffers a few contusions
and lacerations. Brian would not be liable for any resulting injury since it would be an unavoidable accident and could
happen to anyone who worked such long hours and had such a long commute.
Question 25 options:

A. True
B. False

Question 26 (1 point)

25. Peter finds a wild raccoon in his backyard. Thinking the raccoon is cute, he lures it into his house with some
food. As a wild animal, the raccoon commences to destroy Peter's house as well as terrorize his family. They are all
bit and all have to get rabies shots. Peter finally lures the raccoon into a cage and decides that he still wants to keep
the raccoon and against the advice of his family and friends, Peter thinks he can "tame" the wild beast. Peter keeps
the raccoon in a cage in his backyard. He feeds the raccoon and keeps the cage locked. Peter puts up a sign on the
cage stating "warning wild raccoon do not touch". A group of children coming home from school one day notice
the raccoon and three of them decide to go pet the raccoon. The raccoon bites them all.
Question 26 options:

A. Peter is not liable for the kids getting bit because he exercised more than
reasonable caution to keep the animal away from people
B. Peter is not liable for the kids getting bit because he did not intend for them to
get bit
C. Peter is liable for the kids injuries due to the raccoon bites
D. (A)and (B)

Question 27 (1 point)
Peter, after drinking too much alcohol, would be held to a lower standard of care than if he were sober, because a
reasonable drunk person is less prudent and careful than a reasonable sober one.
Question 27 options:

A. True
B. False

Question 28 (1 point)
26. Fred was burning leaves in his backyard. One of the burning leaves was lifted by the wind into Barney's yard
next door. It landed on the lawn mower which exploded, setting fire to the wooden lawn furniture. Fred's best
argument against liability to Barney would be:
Question 28 options:

A. the leaf was not a substantial factor in causing the damage.

B. the gasoline in the lawn mower is a superseding cause of the damage.
C. it was not foreseeable that the lawn mower would explode.
D. the damage was not caused by the leaf but by the gasoline.

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