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Academic Background
Universidade Federal de So Carlos - Industrial Engineering (So Carlos, Brazil)
Beginning in January/2007 and graduation year in December/2012
Politecnico di Milano (Milan, Italy)

Bilateral Agreement UFSCar PoliMi (February/2010 - July/2010)

Courses attended: Corporate and Investment Banking, Economics and Industrial Economics.
Lulea Tekniska Universitet (Lulea, Sweden)

ISAC Erasmus Mundus (August/2009 - December/2009)

Courses attended: Portfolio Investments Management, International Management and Customer Relationship

Portuguese: Native; English: Advanced; Italian: Advanced; Swedish: Basic.

Professional Experience
Nestl Brasil Ltda. (Araraquara, Brazil)
Summer Job (December/2010 - February/2011)
Improvement of the technical materials inventory management.
Results: Reduction of R$740K in technical material, representing 28% of technical inventory. The factory achieved its
KPIs goals for inventory management.
TAM Linhas Areas (So Carlos, Brazil)
Winter Internship (July/2009 - August/2009)
Development of a project that assisted the management, planning and allocation of human resources on the planes in
the company's MRO.
Results: Retrenchment of 105 minutes of seven Team Leaders, what represent 3% of their total work time, saving
R$18K annually for the company.
Contern Construes e Comrcio ltda (So Carlos, Brazil)
Summer Internship (January/2009 - March/2009)
Analysis and improvement of the "Execution Planning" and "Purchasing" processes of the company utilizing a range of
lean production tools.
Results: Definition of the optimum workflow for each process what made them more effective and agile.
ZF Friedrichshafen Sachs do Brasil (Araraquara, Brazil)
Winter Internship (July/2008 - August/2008)
Design, development and built of a prototype to instruct employees in FIFO systems.
Results: Eradication of errors in the usage of FIFO technique.

Extracurricular Activities
PET Tutorial Education Program of Industrial Engineering at UFSCar (So Carlos, Brazil)
Member (November/2007 - present)
PET is a program instituted by the Ministry of Education. Its goals are to improve the education, the interdisciplinary
and the performance of the participants. These are reached within the realization of several different projects in
Industrial Engineering. Main roles:

Financial Manager of Campanha Natal Solidrio 2008

The financial team raised R$4.5K what represented 12.5% above the teams goal. In addition, the team established a
partnership with a local restaurant to make the biggest hamburger in the world as prize for the classroom that collected
more provisions.
General Manager of X Ciclo de Palestras de Engenharia de Produo da UFSCar.
The event was attended by 220 graduates and collected R$4.05K, an additions of 37% in revenues.
Consultant of key production indexes at Contern Construes e Comrcios Ltda.
Development of productions KPIs and visual panels for management to view. Mainly it assisted the managers and
motivated the employees.
General Manager of new fundraising models at Asilo Dona Maria Jacinta.
Development of new models for the NGO fundraising. The goal is to duplicate its monthly collection. The project
started in September/2011 and is still occurring.
Others positions held:
General Manager of PETinvest - Semana do Mercado Financeiro; Participant at Tecumsehs Kaizen; Coordinator of
the Strategy Study Group; Coordinator of the Project Management Study Group; Member of the Supply Chain and
Logistics Study Group; Coordinator of Lean Production Dynamics at UFSCar; Coordinator of Theory of Constraints
Dynamics at UFG and at UFSCar.
CAEP - Production Engineering Academic Center (So Carlos, Brazil)
Vice-president (March/2008 March/2009)
It is the entity responsible for representing the students of production engineering. Main roles:
o Coordinator of Industrial Engineering Barbecue 2008
The event raised R$40K what represented an increase of 60% in revenues.
o Coordinator of ProduMed Folia 2008
The event raised R$25K what represented an increase of 108% in revenues.
o Students representation before university councils.
Colgio Universitas (Santos, Brazil)
Math Fundamentals Instructor (August/2006)
Lecturing students from different schools who applied for scholarships offered by Colgio Universitas in 2007.
Santos F.C. (Santos, Brazil)
Athlete at Santos F.C. (February/1999 - June/2003)
Team captain for one year and participation in Paulista and Libertadores da Amrica championships.

Bankrisk Academy (So Paulo, Brazil)
Credit Risk Analysis (December/2010)
30 hours course offered by Bankrisk Academy in partnership with Ita S.A. and Boa Vista Servios.
International Language Schools of Canada (Vancouver, Canada)
Program of Intensive English (December/2007 - February/2008)
Joint cultural exchange and a 352 hours course of intensive English classes.
Departamento de Engenharia de Produo UFSCar (So Carlos, Brazil)
Excel and AutoCAD (March/2007 - May/2007)
Courses offered by the Production Engineering Department of UFSCar.
Pulsatio (So Carlos, Brazil)
MS Project (May/2008)
Course offered by Pulsatio, a consulting company in online project management.

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