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This is a work of fiction.

Names, character, places and

incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or
are used fictitiously. This will not happen, probably. Who know?
A/N: Rated SPG for Violence and Awesomeness.

-Philo Cafe, Haringey, London"The Bureau of medicine is
researchers who were said..."
















were thought to be hiding the major research files of the most

John yawned as he changed the networks of the cafs news screen
with the disk control in his hand until he stopped at a
particular channel which caught his attention. Although the news
was similar to the other channels, it was the reporter that drew
his attention.
I didnt know that you had a Philippine network here. John
asked the lady behind the counter near him without removing his
eyes from the screen. They were the only people at the caf, so
the girl knew that he was speaking to her.
She just smiled and answered kindly, Well, the owner and most
of the employees of the cafe are Filipinos and she wanted to be
updated about the events back in our country."
Kasalukuyan pa ring hinahanap and grupo ng mananaliksik na
sinasabing nagtago ng malaking bahagi ng research documents para
sa pinakaimprove na gamut sa cancer. Ang Terement Cancer
Medication na ito ay
John just stared at the screen for a while and tried
recollect his thoughts of who the reporter was. Then
automatically smiled when he remembered the person talking
the screen. It has been a long time since they last met.


seems that his pronunciation improved well; his elocution is

'From Reporter Wilver's broadcast, it appears that the discovery
of the Terement Cancer Medication of our research team is
spreading worldwide. Fortunately, the names of my co-researchers
and I were still not identified by the media; or most probably
they're hiding that part of information'
As John sat and ruminate at his table, a man wearing a superironed business suit entered the cafe.
"Good Morning, Sir Alingay. Welcome back to the Philo Cafe." the
cashier greeted the new comer.
John snapped
waiting for.










"Jemore, you finally came. Uhm...wait. Are you a loyal customer

"Something like that." Jemore answered as he sat across John's
"Claridyl is the owner of this cafe. Oh, Nestle, I'll take the
"Yes, sir." answered the cashier.
"Really? So she owns this cafe, huh."
"Oh and by the way, Nestle is Christine's daughter. And yes, the
daughter of the former Ms. Christine Api-it. But enough of that,
let's talk about our business here." Jemore immediately changed
the topic before John even commented to his own bemusement to
the fact.
"How..uhm...ah. right." John lean towards Jemore and whispered
his next words so only the two of them could hear it. "The CIA
is already getting suspicious of our work. There are some
evidences that are pointed to us. Unfortunately, they think that
the advance Terement medication news is connected to the said
murder of the cancer patients."
"This is so troublesome. Instead of promulgating our company's
most improved cure for cancer, we'll have to hold it back

Suddenly, Jemores phone rang.

*ring *ring *ring
He took his phone from his pocket and looked at the caller id.
"How's the documents?" the executive
smoothly moving the receiver slide.




"Straight to the point, eh? No greeting at all? ehe-he~" said

the person on the end of the line.
"No need for greetings, FranJim. Like I said, is the documents
safe?" Jemore repeated his question, but with a bit sense of
"Y-yeah, yeah. Safe and sound. Protected by Tons of passwords
and viruses. And if you'll ever ask, the sample medicines were
kept by the Chemist Joe and your lawyer, Atty. Maranes as you
told me." said FranJim
"My Lawy--"
"Y-y-yeah. A-anyway, you should settle the case as soon as you
can. A couple of investigators came at my place and asked me
some certain questions regarding the Terement Medication. Of
course I kept my mouth shut. I don't really want to be in
trouble. appears that the culprit is one of our team."
"Really? How? We'll, we're also on to something. I also asked
Oidi and Atty. Punay to investigate the case for me."
"That's good then. I got to go." Mr. Dilla cut the conversation
before Jemore got a chance to answer him back.
He then put his phone back to his pocket and drank the coffee
that was served in the middle of his conversation on the phone.
"So?" John said, asking what their discussion on the phone was.

-Fran Jim's Residence, La Trinidad City, Philippines(Yes, it became a city. We can't really do anything about it.)

"Great Work, Fran Jim. Although, you stuttered a bit. Which

might have caused same suspicions. You don't want friend,
Cristina and the two girls to die, do you?" A man with black
outfit points the gun beside his sisters head.
The room was a bit dark. It was a sunny afternoon but the closed
curtains and the eerie atmosphere made the room darker.
Just an hour ago, Fran Jim entered his house in shock. The
furniture were all scattered. His sister and daughter was tied
on a corner, tears in their eyes.
But the one responsible for the incident was more staggering.
His former highschool friend--Ezer.
He asked him why. He was
Killer without empathy,
Assassin. However in this
for him to shut his mouth
About the Noir.

told it was his job. He knew it.

But he preferred to be called an
case, he just need the documents and
about the new fact he just found out.

"T-tell me. Are you the one responsible to the cases of the
cancer patients' murders?"
"I think you already know the answer to that." Ezer answered.
"You can't get away from these."
"I think it's better for you to just shut your mouth. Especially
when you failed to lead Jemore that the perpetrator is one of
-Philo Cafe, Haringey, London"I think, he's in trouble." Jemore told John.
"Whfo?" asked the researcher after devouring a piece of bagel in
his mouth.
"Fran Jim. I mean, from our conversation. There a lot of thing
that is...just not right; from the moment he called me. I mean,
he's usually the one who would take a phone call conversation

straight to the point. But he asked me for a greetings. Not to

mention that he stuttered a few of his words."
"From his intonation, he seemed to be trying to keep himself
calm and talk like everything is okay. But most of all, he told
me that Harold is my lawyer when he knew it well that it's Hahn.
Harold is your lawyer. I'm pretty sure that someone is forcing
him to call me. All the information, he told me are false. We
discussed the documents the other day. And I was just checking
it again, but he told me a totally different story. Telling me
that it appears that the culprit is from our team."
"Whoa, that's..." John tried to remark on his companion's
deduction but couldn't grasp the right words. Then, "Don't you
think, you're overreacting about that certain phone call?"
"No. I'm sure somethings wrong. Ive got to call Moretti."
He took his phone again and dialed certain numbers but
*ring *ring *ring -------Hes not answering.
-St. Luke Hospital, Cebu, Philippines"Doctor Rose. Do you think, dad will come today?" asked a young
boy on the bed.
"I'm pretty sure he will, L'il Reg. He's just out for work. Wait
for a while, okay. I'll be leaving for a moment. Stay with Nurse
Stephanie here." said the doctor.
Doctor Ivy Rose left her patient's room and walk through the
hallway when she met her patients father at the end.
"Hello, doctor. How's my son?" the father asked.
She paused for a while before answering. "I'm afraid that his
leukemia is...." Her sentence was cut by one of the nurse who
was running towards her.
"Emergency *huff the patient *huff in room *huff 307 *huff."

"Excuse me for a moment, Van. I need to check the patient."

Doctor Rose excused herself and hurried to the room with the
After reaching room 307, she entered. She was shocked at what
she saw. The patient was stabbed directly at his heart.
"The man was a cancer patient, am I right?" a man appeared
behind the doctor, walked forward and showed her a badge. "I'm
an investigator. Officer Oidi. You're Dr. Ivy, right?; former
classmate. Although, our reunion is not really delightful." he
stopped righty in front of the patient.
"What a weird coincidence because the patient was also our
classmate. Mr. Perez, the young successful entrepreneur who own
the Morph Textile Company as well as several Hotel and
restaurants around the world. An extraordinaire, they say. At
least, he died rich."
"I-I...what happened? The security is..."
"-not efficient." Oidi continued.

-Valudeto Accounting Firm, Manila, Philippines*ring *ring *ring

"Jemore? What do you want now? I'm talking to someone."
"I can't contact your partner. I need him to check on someone."
"Oh. He lost it while on duty. Uhmm..Here's his new number." The
accountant dictated the phone number while Jemore scribbled the
numbers on a paper.
"So, who's this person you need to check on?"
*Bip *Bip *Bip

"What- He just.."
"Was that Enrico?" Jherlyn asked Jimreen as she hand her a cup
of coffee.
"No. Anyway, I heard that Fe will work in this firm for a couple
of months."
"Oh yeah. I really don't know the details but I think she will.
*sigh I still have to work on my client's accounts. Which
reminds me, I learned that Dick owned the Military and Defense
Item Shop at the Trini City. While, Engr. Clave owned an
emporium. Both of them are my clients."
"I see. It's nice to hear the success of our former
acquaintances." remarked Jimreen. "I almost forgot. I have a
conference at the Summit Bank later. I got to meet up with
Danica. Bye, Jher" Jimreen grab her bag and left.
"Conference? Meet up with Danica? I thought Danica is at
Singapore at the moment. Jeez, you don't have to lie about
meeting with him." Jherlyn shook her head and smile while
drinking the coffee intended for Jimreen.
-Garnaster University, Baguio City(Former UC)
"Christine, are you going to the funeral tomorrow?" Angie asked
Christine as they exited the University's gates.
One of the co-teachers of Angie and Christine died in the
hospital. A lot of them thought that it was a heart attack but
the family never told them the real reason as to how he was killed.
"Yeah. Poor, Sir Ibanez. He was a good teacher. I never knew
that he has a cancer until he was confined in the hospital a
month ago."
"Indeed. Uhmm...wait. FRANCEL!" Angie shouted Francel's name and
run towards the sexy-lady-wearing-a-red-dress who was walking
across the street.

Francel noticed Angie and surprised when Angie hugged her. Yet,
she returned the warm hug when she recognized Angie.
Angie pulled herself and said "Long time no see, Francel. It's
been like five years since we last saw each other."
"It's only a year, Angie." Christine said when she approached
Francel laughed. "Yeah,
Conference last year."








"Hehehe." -Angie

-Clemente Hospital, Seattle, Washington, USA"Thanks a lot, Jenny. I never thought that we'll be meeting in
this kind of situation and place." Kyle thanked the nurse who
was done dressing Kyle's wound.
"It's fine. How did you get injured, anyway?"
"Long story. And I wouldn't want to tell you anyway. How's Joyce
and Cristina? Do you still have some connections?" Kyle tried to
turn the conversation to Jenny's High school friends.
"They're pretty fine. Cristina worked at Valudeto University as
a guidance counselor and Joyce work at Goodwill Hospital as a
"That's good for them."
"Yeah. By the way, Faye also work's here at Clemente Hospital as
a radiologist. Unfortunately, she's not on duty so you can't
meet here today."
"Nah, its fine."
Jenny stood up. "I'll be leaving for now. There are a lot of
patients to look after."

"Sure." He just answered and the nurse walked out the room.
After Jenny left, Kyle made a short phone call.
"Hello?" said the person at the other line.
"Jemore, it appears that your theory is correct. I was almost
caught at one of their assembly when I was observing them. Mr.
Noir is the one who is responsible to the cancer patients
murders at UK, US, New Zealand, Middle east, Philippines and who
know what other country. "
"I'm afraid you'll say that. I never thought that he'll turn out
to be this kind of..criminal. I don't know the details on what
happened to him these past ten years, but it made him into this
bloodthirsty sociopath."
"I know. He's like, one of my buddies in the old times."
"You know what to do."
"Yes, bye."
Kyle dialed another number....
He then put his phone in his pocket and spoke.
"I know that you're here...Duane"

-Police Precinct, La Trinidad City, Philippines*ring *ring *ring

The police took his phone from his pocket and answered it.
"Uhm Hello?"
"Enrico, right?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Jemore here. I need you to check on someone at this instant."

"Eh. C'mon, I know your my partner's friend but I was about to

go at my friend's party."
"It's an emergency."
"Fine, who is it?" he grunted.

-Sync Entertainment, Manila, Philippines*knock *knock

"Who is it?" John Rey stood from his chair and walked towards
the door.
"Its Jed." Jed entered the room the moment John Rey opened the
"Lorenzo's tidying the mess at Cebu." Jed stated.
"It's his job anyway."
"Yeah. But I think the only reason he joined the group is to
keep his son. He has leukemia, right?" said Earl.
"I think so, too. His purpose doesn't really matter as long as
he does his job well." John Rey remarked.
"If only the lawyer, Oidi, Kyle and Dilla didn't insist on not
joining, the concealing part won't be harder."
"And the old group would be complete again. Hahaha. Well, I
should get ready. It's my turn to shine."
"Whatever, rocker. Just checking you out." Jed left the room and
enter the hallways.
There he met the journalist and her friend. "Hey! Lovely Joy and
"Jed, you're probably here to watch John Rey's concert right?" Jocelyn

"Yeah, how 'bout you?"

"You know, journalist's work. While someone here is visiting her
"Right, Music Producer. Anyhow, I should be going. Bye"

-Fran Jim's Residence, La Trinidad City, PhilippinesBlood dripped from Franjim's arm's. But it's the muffled screams
and cries of the girls that he feared the most.
--It's been an hour since the gun shot. No one heard it or may be
realized that the penetrating sound was caused by a gun.
"You should know better than declining our invitation to join
the group, Fran." Ezer uttered his words slowly.
"Are you kidding, me? A group of assassins?"
"Do you really think that were just a group of killers? We give
peace to those suffer from that kind of malady, Fran. Angels of
"You mean apathy. You're killing their hopes too, Ezer. You're
all sociopaths. What really happened to you guys at Middle East,
Ezer? What changed you?" Fran Jim said in a whispering scream.
"Duane, John Rey, Jed, Noir and me. We all died after leaving
that damn hospital, Fran. But, isn't it dying is better than
suffering? So, I guess I'll have to end yours." Ezer pointed the
gun at Fran Jim's head.
The girls' scared voices were more audible as ever
threated his life. He don't want to let himself to be
front of his daughter and sister. But, he couldn't
legs were tied tightly and his arm was shot. He don't
to do in this kind of situation.

when Ezer
killed in
move. His
know what

"Die." Ezer was about to pull the trigger when someone shot both
of his arms from the back.
"Suffering is part of living. Dying might end your suffering,
but it also ends everything. Why do you people forget that as
long as you live, there's hope." Enrico quoted. "Youre all safe
now." he faced the captives.
-Clemente Hospital, Seattle, Washington, USADuane appear from a corner of the room. "So you've noticed?"
"Of course. Youre not a ninja, Duane."
"I'm just finishing my work here." Duane retrieve a dagger from
the scabbard from his belt and points it at Kyle.
"I know. That's why I called the so called 911, idiot."
Just when Kyle uttered his last word, the police sirens were
I was just wondering why you didnt left when I took that faint
phone call.

=A week later=
-Somewhere in the Philippine Airport"The Rock Star, MeowFish aka John Rey Gayaso was just arrested
for murder a couple of days ago..."
"I didn't









"You never really pay attention to the news don't you? All you
comment about are the host and reporters."

"Not, really. I've heard that Jed was arrested for the same
crimes as John Rey. He should have been a great engineer if it
werent for the Middle East Incident. Duane was caught by the US
Police officers, thanks to Kyle. And Mr. Moretti caught Ezer.
Poor Fran Jim. I bet his daughter and sister are having a hard
time coping with the trauma."
"All were caught except for one. Mr. Noir."
"So, one sociopath is on the loose. But I guess, it's fine if we
publicize the Terement Cancer Medication, now."
Whos Mr. Noir?
What happened in Middle East?
Enrico Moretti.

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