Nov2014 Cha

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4704 Ramsey Street
Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311-1615
Church Office 910-488-8344
Church Cell Phone 910-658-3475



News From College Lakes Church

A Message from Reverend Lanier. . .

This is the season of the year that all
of us reflect upon all the blessings we have
received during the year and throughout
We are Thankful for:
Salvation Through Christ
A Perfect Savior Jesus Christ
We are never alone serving Christ
Friends in Christ
Life health and strength
A faithful and loving spouse
A Friend that sticks closer than a Brother
A Faithful Shepherd and Guide
The Bible, the book of hope and answers
A Christ honoring Church
A consciousness of sins forgiven
Hope of Eternal Life through Jesus
People who led me to Christ
Good Christian schools
A land of plenty
A wood stove on a cold day and night

November 20, 2014

Freedom to worship God

Family and family gatherings
God being in control of all things
A place to worship the Lord
Being able to give to God
God restoring our strength after sickness
The Father taking believers to heaven
Birthdays and anniversaries
Warnings from heaven
Comfort from God when hurting
Can you add to the list? Im sure we can
all add to the Thanks to God list. Lets
meet on Sunday and show God that we are
indeed thankful for all His many Blessings.
Let us come before His presence with
thanksgiving, Psalm 95:2a

A Miraculous Life
God Can Turn the Ordinary into
the Extraordinary
By Valerie Creed

Enoch walked with God: and he was

not; for God took him.Genesis 5:24

2 News From College Lakes Church

God can take the everyday, ordinary and
turn it into a miracle. Would you
consider yourself everyday, ordinary?
Richard Jones, a naval engineer, was
trying to make a meter designed to
monitor power on naval ships when one
of his tension springs fell to the ground
and started bouncing from place to place
and the slinky was born. An everyday,
ordinary item was transformed and given
a new purpose.

November 20, 2014

Ushers for November 23rd

A.M. Jerry Adams
Michael Williams
John Johnson
Elijah Henry
Billy Tyson
Sonny Alvarez
P.M. Ken Triplett

Durham Rescue Mission

As Enoch went about his everyday

schedule, little did he know God was
about to change him forever. One day he
was walking with his God as he did
every day when the ordinary became
miraculous; when the everyday became
bliss. He not only was talking with his
God, but he was seeing Him face to face.
His life had been turned into a miracle.
What made the difference? He did not try
to attain this miracle. He was just a
tension spring doing his daily job of
keeping his walk right with God, his
family fed and clothed, and his heart
warmed with the ordinary. He would
love his life to be miraculous, but he
knew only God could do that. He just did
what was expected of him, and God saw
it. God took notice of him. God decided
to do something about it. He turned his
life into a miracle.

Thank the Lord for all that was brought in

and given to the Mission. Thank you all.

God notices you too, you know. He

notices when you wake up and walk with
Him. He notices when you fellowship
with Him throughout the day and laugh
and enjoy the sheer bliss of His blessings
and thank Him for them. You never
know. He just might change your
everyday, ordinary into a miracle. Are
you ready for that?

Tuesday November 25th

Beautiful Christmas Tree

The Large and beautiful Tree is up!! Come
and See! Thanks for all who helped.
Christmas Offering
The important and exciting season is drawing
near! Pray and get ready to give as the Lord
leads in our once a year offering. Many

projects need your help.

Thank you Visitors
We are glad to see visitors come and be
with us. We want you to know you are
welcome to our fellowship. You are special
and we count it a blessing to serve you. We
hope we are a blessing to you.

Yes, thats right. We will meet on Tuesday

the 25th this week in observance of
Thanksgiving. This will help those who will
be out of town time to see loved ones at a
distance. Have a safe and blessed time

This Holy Day Season

Pray for our widows and widowers this holy
day season.

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