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Star Fate
1 The

A powerful witch once had two twins one which she had to leave the other
which she took with her. They were now separated not knowing that they
were sisters but they grew up as very good friends. Sara has to now battle to
save what she most loved her friends, her soul mate, her mother and all the
magic realms. Will she succeed and win this battle that will either take her to
a path of death or life or will this battle seem to end but it is only regaining
strength to continue this war of Dark and Light?

Chapter 1: The beginning

Chapter 2: Sara Star Fate and Mia Crown

Chapter 3: The truth And Passed

Chapter 4: Success

Chapter 5: Revelum Palacum

Chapter 6: School Start

Chapter 7: School

Chapter 8: Assembly

Chapter 9: Subjects

Chapter 10: Timetables

Chapter 11: The curse

Chapter 12: Vampire Heart: From cold to warm to hot [part 1]

Chapter 13: Vampire Heart: From cold to warm to hot [part 2]

Chapter 1: The beginning

Sara Star Fate was just a baby when her mother, a powerful witch, had to
leave because she had two hearts and they were in conflict. At first it
wasn’t so painful but then it got worse and worse it got so painful to resist
but she had to do it, she had to do it for her daughter but if she continued
one day she will turn into a black witch wanting it or not. She went with her
daughter to earth, in Gozo where she went to her favorite secret cave and
only she and young couple went there. Before putting the confusing spell on
her and the couple her mother blessed her with all the powers of magic
realms all except the Dark power. She had to run before her dark side would
kill her beautiful Sara. She made a spell both on Sara and the young couple
but what she didn’t know was that Sara although little tried to take off the
spell she wasn’t powerful enough so only one little part of her memory was
saved but she would only remember at the right time and she gave them a
magic letter so that when Sara would be 14 it would appear and explain
some things about her. Now Sara thought that they were her parents and
they thought that she was their daughter. Sara’s mother looked at Sara for
what she thought was the last time. She went away from the cave, near the
cliffs and jumped into the dark sea its coldness engulfed her and the frozen
cold water entered her lungs she stood petrified without trying to go up in
the surface. She fainted and the last thing she saw was a warm glow and in
her mind her thoughts wandered off thinking about Sara. Sara grew up with
that happy couple thinking that they were truly her parents. She lived happily with
her ‘mom’ Aria who was Italian and her ‘father’ Shane. She didn’t understand
how strange things always happened to her and she had a funny feeling she
was doing them herself but she said to herself that it was impossible. She
loved her family and when she started school, at the age of 5, her ‘mom’ had
2 beautiful baby girls, twins! She was so happy for her mother and for herself
as she always felt alone. They had a difference of 20 seconds and their name
was Jenia and Jesse.

Chapter 2: Sara Star Fate and Mia Crown

Sara was very popular both for her looks and for her character so she had
loads of friends and admirers both girls and boys. Her parents were always
proud of her because she was good in everything she did. She is quite wild
and crazy in a good sense and she did strange things which she couldn’t
explain and when it was dark she emitted a strange warm glow. Her hair was
blonde; her eyes were blue like the sky. She only had one best friend and
they had a very strange thing in common strange, unusual, magical things
happened to them! Her most dear objects were a pink gold bracelet which in
the middle it had a big heart and in its center it has a beautiful gem which
shined every color of the rainbow. The gem looked as if you could press and
one day Sara did press it and out of it came a melodious music, it was as if
she heard it many times before in her past. She always wore it and she was
very attached to it. With it she also bought a pair of slippers, earrings; an
amulet and an outfit all were pink and gold with gems on them which shined
every color of the rainbow. Except of the bracelet she wore these clothes and
accessories only in very special occasions and when she wore them
everyone complimented her because of her gorgeous things. She loved
sports and she was brave and daring, she was never scared not of insects,
animals or anything. She loved action, romance, adventure, fantasy. She
loved book especially vampire romance books.

Mia was very different from Sara her skin was a translucent white, she had
jet black hair and she wasn’t wild or crazy she was very quiet and loved
romantic comedies and romance books more than anything else. She too
was very popular but she didn’t like it, she hated attention unlike her best
friend Sara.

Chapter 3: The truth

Many years passed and when Sara was 14 with her best friend Mia which
was 14 too things became stranger whenever somebody did something or
was going to hurt him or herself they could with their eyes or hands with a
move stop it occurring they were sure now that they could do magic! They
taught each other the things they could do like levitation, force shields,
attacking jinxes, and many others. When it was Mia’s and Sara’s birthday as
they had at the same day their birthday on the 12th September they both
turned 15 magical envelopes came and they came to know that they were
witches but unfortunately they couldn’t go to a witches school as only boys
went to magic school and to Sara came another envelope explaining who
was her real mother. She was very sad because now she couldn’t she didn’t
have a family except for her unknown mother, she cried so much that she
cried a tearless cry but she would always love them. They didn’t believe the
letter because they were always with her from when her birth but they don’t
remember her birth or anything so the letter must was true. They knew Sara
would never hurt them and they weren’t scared of her they still loved her
dearly even though she want her daughter. So now they had to separate
because Sara wanted to find her real parents and she had to solve her school
problem as well she hated primitive ideas like boys only can do this do that
etc… It would be hard but she knew that when she would discover the reveal
charm which is the key to the real place where she and Mia were born.

“Mia can you come with me to the fortress “Sara said where they usually
have their magic meetings or boy meetings!

“Yeah” Mia said.

They go in their fortress which actually is like a little posh house on a tree.
They were asking each other how Mia was a witch as they were her real
parents for all they knew but they pushed the matter away as they had too
much on their plate already. So they tried the reveal charm several times but
accomplished nothing. They tried for several days, then days became weeks
and weeks became months and magic school would start too soon on the 1st
of September and it was already August.

“We won’t make it in time” Mia cried “Don’t say I’m a pessimist-”

“I’m sure you don’t want to hear it but” Sara takes a deep breath “you are a

“Well I have my reasons, we got to:

1.Make a reveal charm.

We got to enroll in an only boy- or should I say wizard school.
We got to know if we passed our exams.
We got to find your parents.
We got to understand how I possessed my powers as both my parents
are human.
6. We got to-“
“Ok enough, wait is that your mom nearly flying here with some papers-“

“OMG they must be the exam’s papers!”

“Girls, I hope you passed or else… well no magic school to you!” Mia’s mum

Sara let out a nervous laugh knowing that she shouldn’t go to the wizard’s

“I hope she isn’t serious,” Mia whispers “as I am sure I didn’t pass graphical

“OMG give me the paper please” Sara says.

Sara and Mia take their results and scream, they passed everything!

“What did you fail?” Mia’s mum says with disappointment.

Mia and Sara stop abruptly to scream; they look at each other and scream

“Calm down girls” Mia’s Mum says.

“Erase number 3’we got to know if we passed our exams’” Sara whispers to
Mia then chuckles to herself.

Chapter 4: Passed

Sara and Mia go to their fortress and start researching on and found out their magic was way stronger.

“Cool” they chorused together “We’ll have no difficulty in entering the magic

“Mia I think I got a pretty good plan, one of us should disguise as a boy and
enter-“Sara said.

“Whoa that start of your plan makes me think it’s a crazy plan” Mia says.

“Crazy enough to work” Sara says.

“Ok, but who?”Mia asks.

“Me I guess. Because I totally wouldn’t see you in anything but a skirt and
skinny jeans and it is kind of unusual for a boy to wear a skirt unless it’s a kilt
and you’re from Scotland” Sara says.

“True” Mia says” but you got to email me with details”

“’Kay’” Sara says “let’s try one more time and then go home”

“REVELUM PALACUM” a blinding green light shots out of Sara’s and Mia’s

A door came in view.

“We made it” They chorused.

“Let’s enter now” Mia

“No! I have to leave a message for our parents” Sara

“Ok but hurry up I don’t think it will stay there for long and maybe we can’t
do again” Mia

“Ok, I’m so excited!!!” Sara

Dear parents,

It is me Sara by the time you will

read this letter we will be gone and you won’t
see us for I don’t know how long. So got to go

Chapter 5: Revelum Palacum

They entered and they found themselves in the most beautiful palace of the
world it was made with transparent crystals and never melting snow crystals
and it wasn’t cold there actually it actually was pleasantly warm.

“Welcome” boomed a voice full of music and life. It was the Queen of Mirage
“You are one of the few witches who can come here by the spell Revelum
Palacum most use Revelum Mirage and they are usually greeted by Hope the
Welcomer but as very few succeed in coming with the spell you used I
decided to greet you myself. Have you got any questions about Mirage?” the
queen, Myra, asked.

“Can you tell us why only boys can go to school?” Sara asked and quickly
added “please” at the scornful look the queen gave her.

“Because, all the girls are from the outside, meaning Earth, have very little
magic just enough to make them enter Mirage “Myra
“What if some girls do have some powers like us “Sara
“’us’ you just had enough power to enter MIRAGE WITH a spell which is more
difficult than the other that’s it no girl can do enough magic “Myra
“Excuse me but we do, show her Sara” Mia
Sara produces a fire and water swirl and produces a force field made of air
and earth flowers around the queen and shoots the swirl on her, the queen
screams ”Don’t even try girl” too late she did it but when the swirl touched
the force field it disappeared .
“H-How did you do that? It is impossible what kind of joke is that? From when
Malfadorka put a spell for all the girls to become nearly non magical nobody
did magic!”Myra
“Malfadorka? Who is she?”Sara
“She is the most powerful witch of all Magic Realms because she has all the
powers, all except Light and as she was psychic from her own mouth came a
prophecy Myra

The Prophecy:
A girl will come with all the
powers that there are, all except Dark,
And she will put Light instead of
She will defeat the one who is
Because she is the one who is
“And I think the prophecy is talking about one of you” Myre”We can check
who it is by this amulet”

She takes and amulet and puts it in front Mia, nothing happens but when she
put it in front of Sara a blinding light surrounds her and then a voice came
repeating the prophecy over and over again until it faded to nothingness.

“Whoa, I guess you will let us enter the school right?” Sara

“Huh? Oh yes you can and as it will soon start and you will remain at the
palace for the time being “Myra
“Okay as we don’t have anywhere to go to “Sara
Chapter 6: School

Days passed by too quickly for them and the 31st of August came too early.

“Gosh we will soon have our birthday!” Mia

“Yeah I kno-”Sara

“Good evening girls before you go to school tomorrow I want to ask you what
you would like to become both Earth and Magical and that you should start
doing your luggage” Myra

“I wish I could be a… fashion designer” Mia

“I wish I could be a… writer” Sara

“What remarkable ambitions! But are you sure? As you will have those
subjects all the years in Mirame oh and you will be there for only two years
as you are already 15, and are advanced in magic, so be careful to what you
choose and there usually are only boy subjects but now there are both girls
and boys subjects and you will be the only girls there for a long time as we
search for others with… as much magic as you seem to have. By the way I
forgot to tell you that it is a boarding school and you will share a room
together.” Myra

“What!” Both.

“What did you expect? That you would come here after the end of the day?
Well you were very wrong and I expect to hear great things about both of
you!” Myra

* * *

“Morning” Sara

“Morning” Mia”I’m so excited first day of school!”

“Yeah me too remember your luggage is yellow and mine is black” Sara

“Yeah, yeah, yeah” Mia

Sara as always wore her bracelet and silver jeans decorated with gold and
with gems on them with a light blue top and light blue anklets decorated
with silver gems to match. She looked startling. Mia wore a pair of light blue
ballerina shoes and a pale blue skirt decorated with silver gems and a big
belt studded with diamonds and a blue tube top which had pieces of blue
cloth attached to it and she wore a pair of black pencil heeled knee boots.
And both of them of course wore make-up and jewelry and both of them
carried a luggage. “Ok, here we go one, two, three!”Sara

“ANVARA ALOKS” From Sara’s and Mia’s hand shouts out smoke and it went
around them and then everything goes dark and the next second they are in
front of the school.

Chapter 7: School

It was big, old and magical. And all around them stood boys ogling at them
and they started giggling silently. The boys formed in groups and started
whispering. They walked talking about what a nightmare it would be staying
with only boys around them.

“Gosh I hope we will survive” Sara

“You’re the one who loves to sing so remember sing ‘I Will Survive’ and you
certainly will.” Mia

“Ha ha very fun-” Sara started

She just bumped into a boy.

“Hey! Watch where you are going dude!” Boy” Sorry but can I ask you what
you are doing here girlie?”

“OMG you shouldn’t have said girly!” Mia

“Why?” Boy

Sara went on fire literally and the boy’s expression changed from annoyed to
confused and he started shooting water toward her but she still was on fire
then Sara’s hair started floating and waving around her head like a halo and
then her hair color changed from blonde to red.

“You really shouldn’t have said that word, I hate it!!” Sara

“Calm down!” Boy

Fire shots out of Sara and it directs to the boy but Mia does a water force
field around him and cries “Sara stop it! You really are going to get angry
because Mr. Dumbass called you girlie!”

“Hey!” Ward

Sara gritted her teeth and she felt herself cool down and turned back to her
normal self.

“You really shouldn’t call me girlie.” Sara

“I noticed “Boy
“By the way my name is Sara Star Fate “Sara

“Mine is Mia Crown” Mia

“I’m Ward as in Edward” Ward “so you must be the two witches everybody is
talking about?”

“Yeah” Sara

“So let me show ya some people as you are new” Ward “This is John, Jake,
Harry and Ryan”

The other boys stood speechless looking at them.”By the way never ever
under any circumstances call Sara girlie she goes on fire literally”

“Y-You do magic? No I don’t believe it’s not supposed to be, no way” John

“Gosh! You don’t believe us” Sara produces a fire and water swirl.

“Whoa that is advanced, for a girl” Jake

“How old are you?” Harry

“Actually we are 15 but we will have our birthday on the 12th of September”

“You were born on the same day? Are you twins?”Harry

“Nope just a coincidence” Mia

A bell rung and Sara and Mia looked at each other.

“Got to go now see ya soon” Sara

Chapter 8: Assembly

“Welcome to a new magical year in Mirame and this year we have special
guests!”Headmaster Axel

“I wonder who?” Mia

“The special guests are the two only real witches left!” Axel

“Uh-oh” Both

“Sara Star Fate and Mia Crown! Come here and show us some magic.” Axel

“Don’t worry Mia lets go and show him what we showed to the Queen” Sara

They go up near the headmaster and Mia produces the air and earth flowers
force field while Sara makes a special swirl made of air, fire and water when
it connected with the force field fireworks appeared!

“Want something else Sir?” Sara

“Wow! Is that real or just a trick blonde girly?”Unknown boy

“You shouldn’t have said that” Mia

“Why?” Boy

“Does this seem like a trick?” Sara says while she gets on fire and some boys
try to put it out with water.

“Won’t work tried it already” Ward

Ryan came from behind Sara and he just went near her and told her” Calm
down Sara or you are going to cook somebody.”

Sara calmed down and she felt really cold hands holding her wrists, she
looked up and saw Ryan who now emitted a really pale blue glow and he was
putting out her fire with ice.

A shiver ran through her and Ryan immediately stopped.

“Are you calm?”Ryan

“Uh? I don’t think I see fire around me do you?”Sara laughed then she turned
around looking for the unknown boy and said” Sorry, I just really hate when
people call me girly”

“Uh…Don’t worry” Unknown guy

“Thanks for the show now you may go near the others” Axel

“Sorry” Sara murmured

Sara and Mia without knowing were popular by the minute each boy knew
their names. Even if Sara turned out to have a very hot temper they still like
her and maybe a little more than that.

Chapter 9: Subjects

“So this year you will buy the magic books and you won’t have to use a wand

“Nice show Mia, Sara have you ever considered anger management?” Ward

“Don’t piss me I’m not feeling well this time I fired my max and fire eats
m-”Sara saw everything spinning and the next thing she knew she was in
Ryan hands.

“You all right?”Ward

“Of course she isn’t all right she just nearly fainted” Ryan
Sara could feel she was blushing.

“Gosh her face is so red! Wait are you blushing?” Mia

“I’ll tell you later Mia” Sara

“Let’s go to the nurse” Ryan

“No, I’m all right no worries I just have a little headache after I-I took fire,
that’s all “Sara

“Okay” Ryan reluctantly puts Sara down on a bench

”I will bring you some water” Ward

“No need” Ryan produces out of his hand a bottle of water and gives it to

“Show off” Wars

“Thanks” Sara gulped the water down.

The bell rung again.

“Well let’s go choose our subjects” Ward

* * *

“Okay take these forms and choose your subjects” Secretary Mary

The form:
Math, Geometry, Algebra,
English, Latin, Italian, French, Maltese, Spanish, German,
Spells, Potions, Magical, Studies, Elements,
Music, Singing, Dancing, Acting, Designing, Art.

You must at least choose 11 subjects.

“Fill out which subjects you want and the timetables will come soon” Mary

Chapter 10: Timetables

Sara 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th

Monday Math Potion Music Eleme M.S Spell Actin Free
s nts s g
Tuesday Englis Acting Danci Art Singin Italia Music Design
h ng g n ing
Wednes Math Design Music Eleme M.S Spell Free English
day ing nts s
Thursda Englis Acting Danci Art Singin Italia Free Design
y h ng g n ing
Friday Math Potion Music Eleme M.S Spell Actin Free
s nts s g

Ryan 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th

Monday Math Potio Music Eleme M.S Spell Actin Algeb
ns nts s g ra
Tuesday Engli Actin Algeb Art Free Italia Music Free
sh g ra n
Wednes Math Free Music Eleme M.S Spell Algeb Engli
day nts s ra sh
Thursda Engli Actin Algeb Art Free Italia Free Free
y sh g ra n
Friday Math Potio Music Eleme M.S Spell Actin Algeb
ns nts s g ra

Mia 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th

Monday Math Potion Frenc Eleme M.S Spell Latin Art
s h nts s
Tuesday Engli French Danci Art Latin Free Free Design
sh ng ing
Wednes Math Design Frenc Eleme M.S Spell Latin English
day ing h nts s
Thursda Engli French Danci Art Latin Free Free Design
y sh ng ing
Friday Math Potion Frenc Eleme M.S Spell Latin Art
s h nts s

Ward 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th

Monday Math Potio Frenc Eleme M.S Spells Latin Art
ns h nts
Tuesday Engli Frenc Germ Art Latin Free Free Free
sh h an
Wednes Math Spani Frenc Eleme M.S Spells Latin Engli
day sh h nts sh
Thursda Engli Frenc Spani Art Latin Germ Free Free
y sh h sh an
Friday Math Potio Frenc Eleme M.S Spells Latin Art
ns h nts

“So let me explain to you every lesson is 30 minutes and it starts from 10 to
2 then you have an hour of sport everyday if you want but at least for 3
times a week. So after 3 lessons a 30 minute break and after another 3
lessons 1 hour break and then after 2 lessons you go to the lounge, dorm or
somewhere else or you go to sport” Secretary Mary

* * *

“Ok so where should we go now?” Sara

“I don’t know” Ward

“Ryan got any ideas?” Sara “Wait where is he?”

“He was right behind me” Ward

Chapter 11: New power

”Ryan” They searched him all over the school but they didn’t find him then
they asked some people and they too didn’t see him.

“Where are you Ryan?” Sara

At the second she said those words she knew where he was: locked in an
anti-magic room, tied and he wasn’t alone there were also six 16 year olds
with him with the intention of taking away his magic by force. She didn’t
think, she didn’t say anything to the others and ran as fast as she could and
believe me she could run faster than a puma. She reached the room and she
heard the others footsteps and their heavy breaths while she breathed
calmly but her blood was boiling with hatred for those boys. She entered
without thinking about how to take them out but she was a black belt in
karate, judo and taekwondo she couldn’t use magic that was true but she
was fast and strong but then again she doubted she could win over six 16
year olds. But now it was too late as one of the boys noticed her and he
grabbed her by her shoulder and said “Looks like we have company guys,
girl Company”

“Sara the sun or Mia the moon” Boy 2

“The sun” Boy 1 chuckled

“Nice nickname really. Ryan may I ask you why you hang out with guys like
these” Sara

Ryan didn’t answer as he was unconscious.

“Does she even know?” Boy 6

“I doubt she knows” Boy 4

“Know what?” Sara

“You don’t know? Don’t you know that he is cursed” Boy 2

“No I didn’t know that and is that why he is here? How bad is this curse that
you want to take his powers away?” Sara

“Hey how do you know?” Boy 3

“Wait no need to say anything so we can end this faster before anyone
comes so witch Malfadorka cursed him because his power is Ice, as you know
Malfadorka has these powers: Storm and Darkness and Dark Spirit, as Ryan
had Ice she wanted to suck out his magic and soul but she couldn’t as his
soul is pure and hers dark so she decided to place on him a curse so that
when he will be 16 he will become evil if he won’t fall in love with a Fire
witch and she took away every girl’s power so he surely would become evil
but there has come a prophecy from her own lips but it wasn’t her who said
it, it was her Light heart her other heart, they say she was a Psychic a real
one before becoming evil.” Boy 2

“Is being a fire witch common?” Sara

“Rare there has been only 1 in the whole of magic realms now 2 adding
you… you could even be the one!” Boy 2

“Realms ? How many are there?” Sara

“7 Spirit, Air, Earth, Fire, Light, Darkness, Mirage even though the names
might suggest Fire witches and wizards that are masters of Fire live in the
world it just has the characteristics of fire: volcano’s, lava eruptions, 5 suns,
smoke, no moon, wind, stars, few animals can live with the hot climate.”

“Ok so I would like to know” Sara breaths a long breath “how do you know if
you’re the one?”

“From magic you know just put your hand on his heart” Boy 2 “Wanna try?”

“Yes” Sara

Ryan was unconscious she went near him and gently shook him.

“Ryan wake up” Sara

“Sara?” Ryan was surprised, surprised to see her so close to his face.

She put her hand on his chest and tried to push her power and then lights,
fire, ice, rainbow, hot, cold everything at the same time out of his chest
where his heart would be a ball of ice surrounded by black chains then they
broke and vanished.

Mia and Ward came in:

“That’s where you are! Hey, why is Ryan tied?” Mia

Sara explained it to them quickly.

“You are gonna be in so much trouble!” Ward

“They wanted to take all his powers away from him” Sara

“Not true and how can you know for sure?” Boy 4

Sara didn’t know if she would succeed but she tried her new power.

“What did they want to do to Ryan?” Sara asked herself

Her breath caught in her throat and suddenly she knew what they wanted to
do with him.

“I-I think I am Psychic” Sara

“Two powers never heard of that happening!!” Ward

“Well she is the girl whom the prophecy is talking about” Mia

“The prophecy I still don’t understand it” Sara

“What is there to understand?” Mia

“’ She will return life to the undead,’ what does that mean? I
know undead means vampires but they don’t exist” Sara

“I wouldn’t be so sure” Mia “Oh come on we didn’t believe about wizards I

guess vamps can exist”

“Wait, Sara where have they gone!?” Ward

“Oh they just ran away to the cafeteria” Sara”Oh don’t look at me like that, I
promise if they want to do anything to him I will tell you”

“I don’t know if that is creepy or what?” Mia

Sara glanced at Ryan who seemed so happy that he could fly; he was looking
all the time at time at her. She started blushing; Ryan adjusted his and her
seating position so she could sit on his lap that only made her blush harder.

“Well as long they will hurt nobody we might as well go to the sec. to see in
which dormitory and with whom we will stay” Ward

They go together.

“Good afternoon well I might as well tell you instantly that you girls will have
to go to a boys dormitory I am sorry. So Ryan with… Edward dormitory 216.
Mia dormitory 217 one room only so you will be without a roommate” Mary

“Hey where should I stay?” Sara

A soft wind blew in. Out of the door came a boy with translucent white skin,
his eyes were a mixture of red and violet, his shaggy hair a dirty blonde

“Welcome Mr. Shadow” Shadow

Chapter 12: Vampire Heart: From cold to warm to hot [part 1]

I looked at him I saw that he was wearing all black and then I looked at his
face and he grinned at me; he must have seen me staring at me. I looked at
his eyes for one last time and asked the secretary “Where will I stay?”

The secretary was checking for a room I could stay in.

“I’m sorry but you will have to stay temporally with Mr. Shadow” she said

On no!!!!!!!I screamed inside my head, well as I will HAVE to be his

roommate might as well be polite.

“I am Sara Star Fate” I said

“I’m Shade” he said while taking my hand and kissing it I blushed at that
“You smell very good you know” At that I freaked out. I cast a questioning
stare at him and he said “Haven’t you noticed I’m a vampire”

“’ She will return life to the undead,’ shoot!” I squeaked

“Oh so you are the girl from the prophecy!” Shade chuckled

I felt myself going pale as I got a vision:

I was alone, I was running I could hear footsteps behind me and I screamed
when somebody bit me-

The next thing I knew was when I woke up I was in a blinding white room. I
was so tired I couldn’t even move my hand and as I tried to stand up
somebody pushed me back to the bed I looked glaring but when I saw Ryan I
felt like melting inside I saw him looking tenderly at me worried that I could
be hurt and in pain. I tried to speak but I couldn’t I wished so much that I had
the power of mind reading and talking and I tried:

“Ryan? Can you hear me? I am not moving my mouth because I am a mind
readier” I said

“I can hear you what happened? They said it was a black vision is it true?
Does it hurt?” He asked me I saw that he was very worried

“I had a vision I was running I was alone I heard footsteps behind me and
then something bit and I was in so much pain I actually felt it” A single tear

“It was a vampire; did you see who it was?” He asked

“I saw nothing but two red eyes.” I said

“Ok promise me that you will never stay alone with Shade” He said

“You don’t think…” I thought

“Yes I do and from now on you are never going to be left alone I promise that
to you, now get some sleep you look really pale” He said and gave me a
peck on my forehead and he went. I made myself go to sleep. I don’t know
how many hours passed but when I felt a slight cool breeze I opened my
eyes, I let out a small gasp I was scared from seeing him. I could see he was
sad as though he has seen my vision… but he could maybe he is a mind

“Yes I am a mind reader but it wasn’t me who attacked it was somebody else
I promise!” He said

“I don’t know why but I believe you” I said although I cringed when I
remembered my vision. He must have seen me cringe as he went away with
a half angry half sad look.


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