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On to
Marketing 2.0

Unique 12-Hour Power Masterclass,

including 2.0 lunch and 2.0 dinner.

Achieve better marketing results through

the use of the ‘Marketing 2.0 method’.

Discover ‘The New Marketing Cycle’.

customer insights | product propositions | co-crea-

tion | brand experience | cross media | social media
| web 2.0 | marketing intelligence | event-driven
marketing | accountability | marketing IT

Course initiator:
Richard van Hooijdonk
Director, MarketingMonday

Former marketing director and author of

the book ‘On to Marketing 2.0’, speaker at
many national and international conferen-
ces. He is also a lecturer at SRM/Erasmus
and a guest lecturer at Nyenrode Business
Technology and social changes are creating new
requirements: Consumer 2.0

In 12 hours, you will learn how to integrate all the

new developments within your existing or new
propositions will need to fit in far better with customer insights and
will be developed in co-creation with customers, prospects and fans.

Marketing and communication are changing drastically! Consumer be- 3.  Brands are being given a branding make-over and are becoming
haviour is changing as a result of new technological developments. This ‘personal brands’. Social Branding is crucial. Brands must be honest,
has far-reaching consequences for the (commercial) strategy of com- transparent and low-threshold and work together with customers,
panies, brands, organisations and institutions. The changing consum- prospects, fans and ambassadors. Companies, brands, organisations
ers and citizens are more assertive, imposing new requirements on and institutions can thus establish a valuable ‘connection’, a fertile
brands, products, marketing communication, distribution and sales. breeding ground for current and future results. Finally, the consumer
Loyalty and branding are being given new meaning and action-based takes centre stage once again.
marketing is changing too. New marketing is also dynamic, features a
4.  New technical possibilities are leading to new media behaviour.
combination of old and new media and produces better returns.
Consumers and citizens have become adept at using cross media
During the 12-hour programme, we will inspire and teach you how to
and are using social media to display, communicate, evaluate and
integrate all the new developments into your existing strategy. We
distribute. A good cross and social media strategy is therefore very
present numerous case studies, examples and step-by-step plans, so
that you can then take your own first steps towards a successful mar-
keting 2.0 approach. During the Masterclass, you will also put theory 5.  The website is the most important landing point for companies,
into practice yourself under the guidance of Marketing 2.0 specialists. institutions and organisations. It is here that consumers gain their
Our approach is therefore ‘hear it’ as well as ‘do it’. first impressions and are able to interact. Web presence 2.0 has
The consumers are ready. Are you? sticking power and gives customers, prospects, fans and ambassa-
dors a reason to come (back) and to stick around.

Marketing 2.0 is creating major

changes. • How do I connect with Consumer 2.0?
The most important are as follows:
• Which customer insights can I use to conquer the market?
• How do I develop better products and propositions?
1.  The ‘new consumer’ can no longer be placed in a standard ‘pigeon-
hole’. We are developing new segmentation criteria and new customer • How do I make customers, prospects and fans loyal to my brand?
insights which help to determine aspects such as product develop- • How do I apply cross media and social media?
ment, brands, cross media and web presence. • What is web presence 2.0 like?

2.  The new consumer wants to be significant. He wants to think along, • How do I organise Marketing 2.0?
create, help decide and distribute. New services, products and
6.  We want knowledge. Knowledge about markets, customers, pros-
pects and ambassadors. We want to know who they are, what they The programme
want, who their friends are and how they wish to cooperate with our
brand, product, institution or organisation. Marketing intelligence is
09.00 - 09.30 Explanation of the day's programme and
therefore crucial.
7.  In order to use marketing 2.0 effectively, we need specific tech-
niques. We need to be able to know, recognise and use these tech- 09.30 - 11.30 Inspirational session ‘On to Marketing 2.0’

8.  Marketing 2.0 requires a new way of thinking, a new culture and new 11.30 - 12.00 Case studies explained
behaviour, where we start small and end big. Inspiration is the starting
point of change, the way to safeguard the new way of thinking within 12.00 - 13,00 Lunch
the existing strategy and an important final piece in the puzzle.

13.00 - 14.30 Objectives/target groups 2.0 explained

and elaboration of case study
• Cost € 895
• Including teaching material, 2.0 lunch, 2.0 dinner and 2.0 social 14.30 - 15.30 Product propositions 2.0 explained and
• Free marketing 2.0 trend newsletter for 1 year
elaboration of case study
• Free marketing 2.0 helpdesk for 3 months

15.30 - 16.00 Break

Just 10 steps and 12 hours to the new 16.00 - 17.00 Cross and social media 2.0 explained and
marketing economy
elaboration of case study

The ‘On to Marketing 2.0’ Masterclass gives you the inspiration, knowl-
edge and skills you need to make the transition to the new marketing 17.00 - 18.00 Web presence 2.0 and elaboration of case

economy. With the ‘New Marketing Cycle’ in hand, the participants will study
spend 12 hours discovering the 10 important steps to a completely new
strategy. 18.00 - 19.00 Dinner 2.0

1.  Which objectives suit the new marketing economy?

19.00 - 19.45 Q&A session further to the
2.   Which target and sub-target groups will help me meet my
case studies
3.  How do I gain customer insights and what can I use them for?
4.  How do I develop a product proposition that stands out? 19.45 - 21.00 Team presentations, assessment and
5.   From branding to an experience. How can social Marketing 2.0 Team Award
branding act as an extension of my regular branding?
6.   How do I develop a cross and social media communication strategy? 21.00 - 22.00 Marketing 2.0 social
7.   How can I enter into a worthwhile customer dialogue between the
database, the web, the email inbox, the mailbox and the customer?
8.   What does website 2.0 look like? What type of content and tools do
I use to ensure sticking power and conversion?
9.  Which marketing IT techniques do I need?
10. How do I organise Marketing 2.0?

Unique method

The content and methods laid out in this masterclass are used in real life
by organisations such as Walibi, Dolfinarium, Oracle, Randstad, OHRA,
Oudstanding and the Nederlands Uitburo. The success of this method
is therefore tried and tested. The Masterclass pays a great deal of atten-
tion to the practical side of Marketing 2.0.
The New Marketing Cycle©
Objectives 2.0 Web Presence 2.0
Objectives are the foundation of ambition. Are you formulating specific objectives for brand More and more consumers are being directed to your website by cross media campaigns. Is
value, maintenance or for up selling, cross selling and deep selling? Or for each communi- your online presence suitably personal, functional and decisive? Are you able to convert
cation tool, communication flow (cross media), product or product group? For online traf- visitors online by using minisites, weblog concepts and applications? And are you also able
fic, click and request behaviour, mobile response or viral effects? Effectively specified ob- to profile visitors who do not take any action in order to work on them later? Has the con-
jectives ensure good monitoring and considerably better marketing results. tent on your site been personalised? Have you already thought about web 2.0 applications
as a part of your online presentation?

Target Groups 2.0 Multichannel 2.0

Have you figured out which target groups are potentially relevant? Do you have the right
Consumers use different channels (Internet, telephone, print and personal) during the
customer insights to perhaps allow you to address new target groups or serve existing Customer
various phases of the sales process. Is the design and output of the channels adapted to
groups far more effectively? Customers and prospects are more open to an intelligent tar- Value
your customers’ wishes? Is the relationship between the profits and costs of the various
get group approach than ever before.
channels healthy? Have you thought about channel innovation as a way to lower the costs
and boost profits?
Customer Distribution
focus Important
Product Development 2.0 Priority Motivation
Products and services that meet a specific need are successful. Are you using the right Technological develop- Distribution 2.0
customer insights to develop target-group products that really stand out? Are you applying ments mean that market- Consumers decide where they buy their products. They may buy from dealers, directly or
co-creation to involve your customers in the development of products and services that from other distribution partners. Consumers like to buy products based on a good relation-
ing will change drastically
they will purchase from you in the future? Do you have the courage to hand over a certain ship with the ‘sender’. As such, distribution partners offer powerful opportunities for work-
in the coming years.
amount of control in exchange for distinctive products, services and propositions that re- ing together and in some cases have more loyal ties with the end user. You can take advan-
Marketing 1.0 will give tage of these ties. Fast action is required! Right now dozens of long-term agreements are
ally stand out?
way to Marketing 2.0, with being made between powerful distribution partners and companies in various sectors.
consequences for the
commercial strategy. New
Branding 2.0 Promising Marketing Intelligence 2.0
Consumers are more assertive, fickle and less loyal. Is your brand distinctive, does it inspire
Customers Solid knowledge about the competition, customer needs, customer value, lifetime cycle,
trust, and does it have the advantage of status and appreciation? Is your brand ready for prospects and detailed marketing results is crucial. Are you using this knowledge to devel-

the new consumer who demands accessibility, transparency, multi channelling, cross me- op analyses and scenarios that give you better results? Here, one could mention new and
dia and the dialogue with your brand as a prerequisite for doing business with you? promising target groups, lower sales costs, higher conversion or more efficient marketing
is changing
Social Branding 2.0 Media
Social Branding increases involvement on the part of customers and business associates.
Marketing IT 2.0
Marketing technologises. This means that we need new technology in order to facilitate
We need to ‘coax’ this involvement by actively and interactively involving the customer in
new marketing. Examples include web 2.0 applications, content management, campaign
relevant issues. This enables customers to participate, create, distribute or even evangelise.
management systems, intelligent CRM and good solutions for marketing intelligence. It re-
In order to achieve this we introduce social media, which allows customers to share, ap-
quires sophisticated knowledge and close cooperation between marketing & IT.
preciate and create. We use internal and external social media to do so, incorporating them
into our cross media communication mix. In the years ahead, Social Marketing will become
the marketer’s most powerful tool: it is cheaper, faster and more effective.
Sales 2.0
Nearly 75% of consumers say that they prefer to do business with companies that offer self
service. They want to take care of business and deal with transactions on their own, without
Cross Media Communication 2.0 interruption, on and off line. Have you adapted the self service level of your service to your
In the quest for products and services, cross media communication delivers the best re- target group’s wishes? Which forms of self service contribute to the commercial strategy?
sults. Are your marketers equipped to make the right combinations of offline and online
marketing and competently oversee them? Is there sufficient knowledge about the con-
tent, effect and structure of cross media campaigns? Over 60% of all marketing activities Organisation and culture
concerning maintenance and cross selling, up selling and deep selling can be automated so A new approach to marketing requires a change in thinking and working. To this end, Mar-
that your customers and prospects receive their own individual campaign based on behav- ketingMonday has developed a special method, which so far has been applied successfully
ioural triggers. Have you already become acquainted with event-driven techniques and many times in organisations of all sizes. The method relies on inspiration, transfer of knowl-
discovered how easily results can be improved quickly? edge, skills and safeguarding within your organisation.
What will you gain during the inspirational
“MarketingMonday has really succeeded in getting people to take
• Insights into the core process of the commercial strategy 2.0
• Insights into new 2.0 developments action.” The whole group is 1000% inspired and has gained a lot
• Skills to apply marketing 2.0 in practice of new knowledge and ideas, some of which are already being
• Knowledge about our special team method

Marie-Jose van Den Boomgaard, marketing manager, KPN/Hi

Who is the programme aimed at? “It's rare to take part in a programme which so clearly combines
This Masterclass is aimed at marketing managers, product
concrete business goals and the old and new marketing.”
managers and company commercial managers. This Master-
Hedwig Wassing, director, Euro Relais
class also offers many opportunities for the marketing and
communication staff of government, healthcare and charita-
ble bodies.

“For my work, I regularly attend various presentations, seminars

and workshops. But ‘On to Marketing 2.0’ was a real eye-opener

and the best course I have seen in quite some time. Thank you!”

Ron Grevink, marketing director, RES software

Who is giving the seminar?
Richard Van Hooijdonk (1968) has been the marketing direc-
tor of various organisations both in the Netherlands and
abroad and is currently a popular speaker and presenter at in- “If generating enthusiasm is the 2.0 buzzword, you couldn't find
ternational conferences. He is also a (guest) lecturer at SRM/
anyone better suited to the task than the speakers from Market-
Erasmus and Nyenrode. In recent years, Richard van Hooijdonk
has grown into one of the leading Dutch consultants in the field ingMonday. They think big, wide and outside the box. Enjoy the
of Marketing 2.0. His inspirational seminars are very popular ride!”
and have been attended by more than 15,000 people. More in-
Job Koopman, Strategy Director, marketing agency Etcetera
formation and videos: and www.mar-

“MarketingMonday summarises the developments in the mar-

keting arena extremely well during the Marketing 2.0 course,

teaching you how to respond to these changes as effectively as

High quality possible... Highly practical and inspirational.”
The MarketingMonday programmes are based on knowledge,
Robert Gijsbers, Albert Heijn
practice and the many internal and external sources of inspi-
ration. The high quality of the programmes is guaranteed by
the ongoing practical experience gained by the Marketing-
Monday course lecturers for the various programmes. Every
“MarketingMonday's Marketing 2.0 course is truly inspirational.
day, our lecturers also give organisations practical help with
It's enthusiastic and passionate. The course really ‘grips’ the par-
the shift to new marketing, new media and new techniques.
This knowledge and experience (as well as the case studies) ticipants. I can thoroughly recommend both the course and Mar-
therefore create strong, practical and high-quality founda- ketingMonday. ”
tions for all the participants.
Liesbeth Janssen, Standaard Uitgeverij, Belgium
Summary Just some of the companies
who have gone before you:
• Up to date within 12 hours

• 100% inspiration guaranteed

• You will learn how to apply marketing 2.0

• Numerous case studies, step-by-step

plans and examples

• Top lecturers

• The Masterclass is given all over the world

Richard van Hooijdonk

You can also call us on +31 (0)20 6541941.

‘‘ You
To contact us directly, please call
will be able to apply your
knowledge and skills in practice +31 (0)6 41330000.
immediately. Get a profitable
head start right away!
For further information about the
marketing 2.0 course, please visit:
Evert van de Beekstraat 310 1118 CX Schiphol-Centrum T +31(0)20 6541941
F +31 (0)84 7163822 E

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