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Live To

I was just hanging out under the school in the labyrinth. I loved that place and there
was still a lot parts I haven’t seen usually I go with my friends but I went alone this
time. If I only knew what would happen.
Chapter 1: Alone
Chapter 2: Werewolves
Chapter 3: Truth
Chapter 4: Questions and answers
Chapter 5: Changer
Chapter 6: Blood
Chapter 7:

Chapter 1: Alone.

“Hey do you want to go to the labyrinth after school?” I said.

“Can’t I have a math test tomorrow” Daisy said sadly.
“I have a math test too sorry” Diane said.
“Oh you guys come on come with me who knows what or who is in there!!” I said
“If you are such a coward…” Daisy said.
“I am so NOT a coward!!” I said.
“Just joking but I really can’t come I promise I will come with you tomorrow” Daisy
“Got to go to English so bye! See you tomorrow” Diane said while running towards
the English class.
“Yeah byes see you tomorrow!” Daisy said.
“Yeah yeah bye” I said grumpily. I even thought to skip class but then I changed my
mind mum and dad would so kill me.
After school I opened the door in the math class which led to a staircase that went
down. It took a long time before I finally reached the labyrinth I wrote which way I
went left, right, straight, left, left and I went inside a hole which I wouldn’t have
seen it if I didn’t nearly trip on it. It was a fairly big hole but I had to crawl in. When I
went out I was astonished to see that it had a lot of light and that there a another
hole and there was water and there near it was a stream. I saw that the light didn’t
come from some hole but from a light bulb that meant somebody was- or is here,
that thought gave me creeps. Then I heard a noise and I turned around and before I
could scream somebody put his hand on my mouth and I felt something pointy near
my neck and then blackout.

Chapter 2: Werewolves

I don’t know how long I was unconscious I still couldn’t move or open my eyes as
every particle of my body felt so heavy but I was conscious. I wanted to scream
because I was burning on the inside although on the outside I was numb and cold I
wanted to cry from the numbing and burning pain but I couldn’t. I don’t even know
what is happening I wasn’t even sure if I was alive. I heard my mobile ring and knew
it was Mum, she must be worried sick… wait a minute if my mobile is near me then I
am alive. But was I in a coma or something?! I closed my eyes took a deep breath
and fell into a deep restless sleep. I was having a nightmare about fangs, blood,
werewolves; life, death, good and evil and then I couldn’t take it anymore I was
screaming on the inside. When I calmed down I went again into a deep sleep but
this time a dreamless one. I felt someone carrying me but the burning was growing
worse and I felt nothing else.

Jake’s POV

I felt her pain; I felt her heartbeat get from slow to fast to frantic in the same
pattern on and on. I wanted to ease her pain away but I couldn’t, I thought why
vampires and werewolves had to be enemies, even though we don’t kill each other.
I took her in the forest and called the werewolves to come. I could feel their
uneasiness as they too felt her pain.
“I found her in a hole in a labyrinth under the school she goes I presume” I said.
“Why was she there?” Paul said.
“Exploring I guess” I said.
“We should bring her to the vampires” Ice said.
“Yeah we should” Paul said.
While I carried her I felt her stiffen and then I looked at her face and saw that her
golden green eyes were open and they were looking at me, she was frightened I
could feel it and when the others felt it there was a gasp going through the group.
“Her eyes aren’t red or purple!!” Jace exclaimed.
“That is impossible!” Ice said.

Chapter 3: Truth
“Who-who are you? Where am I? Am I dead?” I asked.
“We are well werewolves, you are in a forest and you are undead” Shade said
“My-my dream it is true but I don’t want to be a vampire, I don’t want to kill, I just
want to be with my friends and sister and my parents I don’t want to be a vampire”
I scream ‘I would rather die!! ”
“Don’t be like that sweetie when you will taste blood you will love it!” A cat-like
voice said.
I shuddered and gripped the boy who was carrying me tighter. I was scared and I
was a vampire, the worst creature in the-
I was taken away from him and I was thrown to the floor I screamed in pain. These
heartless vampires must be mind readers. I HATE vampires! I was taken by my hair
and shook as I felt her cold breath at the nape of my neck but somebody took me
away from her.
“What did she do?” Shade asked fiercely.
“She said vampires were the worst creatures of the world and that we were
heartless” Cat said with as much venom as she could.
“She was just stating the facts” Shade shouted to her “Are you ok?”
I couldn’t respond I tried to move and I heard my rib cage crack and I screamed but
abruptly stopped as darkness suddenly took me.

Jake’s POV

“Are you insane?! She is not fully transformed!!” I shouted at her.

“Oh who cares she won’t die anyway and suits her well she has to pay for what she
said.” Cat
“Calm down J she will be fine and you shouldn’t be protective over … it” Ice told me
“Yeah but she still is mostly human” I said
I was looking at her she didn’t look like a vampire and her scent didn’t smell sickly
sweet but that was just because she wasn’t fully transformed and still had blood in
her. As I got a good look at her she was beautiful more than other vampires I was
suddenly engrossed by her looks her light brown hair that it could have passed like
dirty blonde on sunlight, I remembered her golden green eyes and her red lips.
I carried her to our part of the woods as she was unwelcomed in her part even
though I knew when she would fully become she would have to go. Weeks passed
and she didn’t even stir or even twitch it was quite strange for her to sleep so long, I
was starting to get worried even though I knew I shouldn’t. As I was going out from
my room I heard her move. I turned around and saw her looking at me with scared
expression and fear in her eyes.

Chapter 4: Questions and Answers


Where am I? Who is he? And suddenly everything came back to me and I started
crying. I heard him call the other werewolves. I could feel their questioning stares
and glares. I didn’t want to become a vampire, but maybe it was too late maybe I
already was one at that thought I knew that I would rather die and my the war
between vampires and werewolves maybe they would kill me, I don’t know why but
at that thought I felt happy and I stopped crying.
“Why didn’t you kill me?” I asked while looking at them with questioning eyes.
“You made us no harm we won’t kill so don’t be scared” Jace said slowly as if he
talked normally I would spring on him.
“So I have to make harm so you will kill me, what kind of harm?” I asked cautiously.
“Biting someone” Jace said
They were looking at me preparing as though I was going to jump on them, I
touched my canines with my index finger and as it pricked me I let out a small yelp.
I heard a chuckle go through them.
“Is there a way to become human again?” I asked
“No” Ice said coldly.
“Is there a way for vampires to die?” I asked
At that question everybody was staring at me as if I was an alien. I heard a murmur
go through them even if I had super hearing I couldn’t hear their whispering.

Jakes POV

I was shocked at her words, usually everybody whooped when they knew they were
“Why aren’t you happy to become a vampire?” I asked
“Would you be happy to become a vampire unwillingly to lose all your friends, your
family and your entire life!?” she said angrily.
“Well if you are sure we could destroy you” Ice said
Her face lighted as she asked how.
“You choose head cutting or being ripped to tiny pieces and put in a flame?” Ica
again said
“Head cutting” She said of handedly as if she won’t die. All I could do was stare at
her in bewilderment.
“Erm… wait” Ice said uneasily
“What should we do?” Ice asked to us “Who is in favor”
At that nobody opened their mouths and as sure as hell I won’t. We were all still
shocked that she didn’t continue her life as a vampire. And nobody had the heart to
kill somebody like her.
“Maybe we should tell her to go with the other vampires and they would decide?”
Ryan said unsurely
“No they would kill her immediately after what she said maybe we should let her
remain with us?” I suggested
They all looked at me as if I had a second head. But then they agreed with me we
weren’t scared as she seemed unwilling to be a vampire let’s see even use her
When she looked at us she sighed, she understood we won’t kill her. She looked sad
and then she stood up.

Chapter 5: Changer


I cracked my stiff bones.

“May I ask a question?” I asked
“You already did but yes you may ask a question” Ice snorted at the formality
“Who changed me?” I asked
“Good question, you were changed where we found you I suppose but we never
heard of vampires in that area” Ice said
“I had a bag with me is it still… there” I asked a shudder went through me as I
remembered what happened.
“Don’t worry it is here I will bring it in a sec” Ice said. He wasn’t joking about the
second part I counted exactly after 1 second he came. I thanked him and took out
my mobile 52 missed calls and 34 unread messages I quickly deleted everything. A
single tear ran on my cheek. I had to go, I had to go back to the labyrinth into that
hole and find that vampire. I looked at the werewolves and said “Thanks but I
should go I can’t stay here anymore”
“Where do you think you are going?” Jake asked
“Back to my changer” I said
“Are you crazy he is going to kill you and I know you are going to ask me how I
know but vampire boys never change and when they change they do not do it on
purpose and they kill after, I guess he left for a while” Jake shouted at me
“You shouldn’t have said now I totally want to go there more” I looked at them while
I walked at human pace through the door and walked through it but then I felt
something push me onto the ground and I hit my head so hard that I saw stars
somebody took my hand and I felt that somebody’s breath on my wrist and I heard
somebody scream “No!!” Jake screamed

Jakes POV

His lips were less than an inch from her wrist and I thought he would kiss it at first
or something but when I saw that from his mouth protruded his fangs as I shouted
“No!!” I jumped on him bad thing as his fangs were still in her skin and as I pushed
him away her wrist became open and I saw dark blood getting out also with white
venom. I heard her scream in pain in the background and I turned my head towards
her, big mistake. He bit me on my neck. And then someone jumped on him so he
wasn’t on me anymore, I tried to stand up but couldn’t so I turned my head to see
an astonishing site, she was fighting with him. Her clothes were all torn and her hair
flying. I could see stains of her dark red blood on her clothes. She was fighting like a
tigress I don’t know why but I started to fall for her- bad very bad. “Help her” I
croaked. I heard them rushing to them as they too were surprised at seeing her like
that and froze, they tackled her changer and she went near him and she put her lips
carefully to his neck and she bit him softly as to cause him the least of pain she
started to suck his blood but when she saw he was getting weak she stopped.

Chapter 6: Blood

When my changer put his fangs on Jake I went out of control, I wasn’t in control;
anger was the only thing I felt. I jumped on him I was fighting him with all my
strength but I was a newborn and I didn’t know how to fight. Soon he took
advantage of that but I heard Jake tell the others to help me. God were they frozen
or something? Soon they tackled him off me and held his arms I put my lips to his
neck and I could feel my throat burn at his scent. Hmm so I can drink vampire blood
strange… My fangs extended and they slowly pierced his skin. I savored his blood
although its taste was a bit too sweet. I felt him growing weak. Wait what am I
doing? This felt wrong I can’t. As much as it hurt me I retracted my fangs. I couldn’t
kill him even after all he did to me I had to stop. It was so hard as his blood called
for me. I licked my lips off his blood.

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