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Journal of Computer Technology and Applications

Volume 1, Issue 1, November, 2010, Pages 1-11.

Nonlinear Channel Equaliser using Discrete Gabor Transform

Dr. Gunamani Jena1* and Dr. R Baliarsingh2

Computer Science and Engineering, BVC Engineering College (JNTUK), India

Computer Science and Engineering , NIT, Rourkela, India

The adaptive equaliser makes use of adaptive digital filters whose filter coefficients are modified depending on
the channel characteristics at the front end of the receiver. The noise introduced in the channel gets nullified and
hence the signal-to-noise ratio of the receiver improves. Discrete Gabor Transform (DGT) helps decorrelate
input data because of which the convergence speed of the Mean Square Error (MSE) improves considerably. It
is found that the time domain LMS equaliser is slow in convergence. To improve the convergence rate and
MSE floor level transform domain-using DFT, DGT and DWT (2, 5, 6 and 7) has been studied. It is found that
all the orthogonal transforms perform similar in convergence rate and MSE level. This paper aims at the
evaluation of channel performance using Gabor transform, which is both frequency and time domain transform.
The nonlinear channel equaliser using Discrete Gabor Transform is reported in this paper. Though Gabor
Transform is a nonlinear transform as well as non orthogonal transform it is expected to be better fitted for
nonlinear channel. Gabor transform based adaptive equaliser, though has a longer training time, has been found
to have better noise recovery property and Lower MSE level, especially when the additive noise in the channel
is large.
Keywords: Adaptive Channel Equaliser, MSE: Mean Square Error, DFT, DGT, EVR: eigenvalue ratio.
* Author for correspondence:, Tel: +91-9440121621, Fax: +91-8856250881


Adaptive filter is a programmable filter, whose
frequency response is adapted in such a way that in the
output we extract the desired signal without
degradation and reduce the distortion to the best
possible extent. The adaptive filter updates its filter
coefficients from the knowledge of past inputs, and the
present error generated from the reference and
estimated output. The update procedure is based on
any one of the adaptive algorithms. In case of the Ntap FIR adaptive filter, the desired signals d(k) is
estimated using a linear combination of delayed
samples of the input signal x(k) and found to be
y(k) = X(k)TW(k)
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where, W(k) is the column vector of filter weights at

the k-th instant and X(k) is a column vector of last N
input signal samples, which are represented by
W(k) = [w0(k) ,w1(k) , wN 1(k)]T
X(k) = [x(k) x(k 1) x(k N + 1)]T
The task of the adaptive algorithm is to interactively
define the value of W(k) at any time k, so as to make
the mean square error between the desired and the
estimated signals to the optimum value. The output
estimation error at k-th instant is given by
e(k) = d(k) y(k)
The mean square error is given by
= E[e 2(k)] = E[(d(k) - y(k)) 2 ]
= E[d 2(k)]-2E[d(k)W TX] +E[W T XX TW] (3)
The LMS algorithm (4) uses the instantaneous value
e(k)X(k) to estimate the gradient. The adaptive

Journal of Computer Technology and Applications

Volume 1, Issue 1, November, 2010, Pages 1-11.

procedure used by the LMS algorithm is described by

the following weight vector update formula.
W(k+1) = W(k) + 2e(k) X(k)


where, = the convergence gain of the algorithm.

This formula is a modified version of the steepest descent method. In the steepest - decent technique,
the weight vector is modified in the direction of
decreasing gradient of the mean-square error surface
of the process.


For reasons of stability, the range of is

W = R-1 P
where max is the maximum eigenvalue of the
autocorrelation matrix R. It has been shown by
Widrow et. el (4)that for sufficiently small values
of , the LMS algorithm converges to the optimum
Weiner Solution(1).

NL = 3: b(k) = a(k) + 0.2a2(k) 0.1a3(k) +

NL = 0 corresponds to a linear channel model. NL = 1
corresponds to a nonlinear channel which may occur in
the channel due to saturation of amplifiers used in the
transmitting system. NL = 2 and NL = 3 are two
arbitrary nonlinear channels. The nonlinear channel
model NL=2 was introduced (ref to Fig. 1)
A common approach to data transmission is to
code the amplitudes of successive pulses in a periodic
pulse train with a discrete set of amplitude levels. The
coded pulse train is then linearly modulated
transmitted through the channel, demodulated,
equalized and synchronously sampled and quantized.
As a result of distortion of the pulse shape by the
channel, the number of detectable amplitude levels has
very often been limited by inter symbol interference
rather than additive noise. In principle, if the channel
characteristics are known precisely, it is always
possible to design an equaliser that will make the inter
symbol interference (at the sampling instants)
arbitrarily small. However, in practice a channel is
random in the sense of obeying one of the ensembles
of possible channels. Consequently, fixed equalisers
designed on average channel characteristics may not
adequately reduce inter symbol interference. An
adaptive equaliser is then needed which can be trained
with the guidance of a training signal transmitted
through the channels to adjust its parameters to
optimum values.


The different types of nonlinearity are
given as below.
NL = 0: b(k) = a(k),
NL = 1: b(k) = tanh(a(k)),
NL = 2: b(k) = a(k) + 0.2a2(k) 0.1a3(k),
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Journal of Computer Technology and Applications

Volume 1, Issue 1, November, 2010, Pages 1-11.


The input vector Xn is first transformed into
another vector Zn.
Zn = [Zno, Zn1, .. ,Zn(N 1)]T
Using an orthogonal transformation
Zn = WXn
where W is a unitary matrix of rank n.
Now, the vector Zn is multiplied by the transform
domain weight vector
Bn = [bn0, bn1 .. bn(N 1)]T


If the channel is also time varying, an adaptive

equaliser operating in a tracking mode is needed which
can up-to-date its parameter values by tracking the
changing channel characteristics during the course of
normal data transmission. In both cases adaptation
may be achieved by observing or estimating the error
between actual and desired equaliser responses and
using this error to estimate the direction in which the
parameters should be changed to approach the optimal
It is a well-known fact that when the input
sequence is transformed via an orthogonal transform,
the eigenvalue spread of the input sequence is
squeezed. To exploit this fact input signal of the time
domain adaptive equaliser is passed through an
orthogonal transform. The transform sequence is fed to
the adaptive algorithm of the equaliser. The
behavior of this transformed domain equaliser is
studied in this paper and some important conclusions
are found out. The LMS algorithm has been used and
the convergence rate and MSE floor level has been
chosen as the performance criteria.

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to form the adaptive output. The output and the

corresponding error signal are
Yn = Zn T Bn
n = dn - Yn
The weight update equation is
b(n + 1)i = bni + 21nZni, i = 0, 1, ., N 1
where, 1 = / E(Zni ), i = 0, 1, , N 1 is
adaptive step size for the i th transform component and
is a positive constant that governs the rate of
convergence. Let 2 be a N x N diagonal matrix whose
(i,j)th element is equal to the power estimate(computed
by averaging with a moving window) of the Zni. The
weight vector equation in matrix form is
B(n + 1)i = Bn + 2 -2nZn


The inverse of matrix 2 exists as long as the data

autocorrelation matrix Rxx is positive definite. It can
be shown that if properly chosen, the weight vector
converges to the transform domain optimum Weiner
B* = Rzz-1 Rzd
where, Rzz = E(Zn Zn ) = WRxx W
Rzzd = E(Zn dn) = WRxd
Then (3.23) can be written as .
B* = (W Rxx WT)-1 W Rxd = W Rxx-1 Rxd
Using (12) , B* can be expressed as
B* = WA*
The speed of convergence of the weight vector Bn now
depends on the eigenvalue spread of the matrix

Journal of Computer Technology and Applications

Volume 1, Issue 1, November, 2010, Pages 1-11.

(-1Rzz ) .Without loss of generality, assume that the

input signal power is unity i.e.,
E(xn2) =1
Let Tr(A) denote the trace and Det(A) denote the
determinant of square matrix A. Then from matrix
theory max. Tr(A). For N larger than 2, it can be
generally shown that max. Det(A). Therefore, the
(A) = Tr(A) / Det(A)
can be used as an upper bound for max. / min..
Now, Det(-2 Rzz )= Det(-2) Det(Rzz)
= Det(-2) Det(Rxx)
And Tr( Rzz)= Tr(Rxx) = N
Therefore, ( Rzz) = Det( )(Rxx)
Since Tr(2) = N , the Det(2) is always assumed to be
less than or equal to unity. Hence,
(-2Rzz) < (Rxx)
That is, for a properly chosen orthogonal transform W,
some reduction in the eigenvalue spread can be
expected. As a consequence of this, the transform
domain adaptive algorithm can be expected to have a
better convergence property than the corresponding
time domain algorithm. A block diagram of the
transform domain adaptive equaliser is shown in Fig. 3


Here, the input signal is filtered by a bank of
large N complex band pass filter, implemented
digitally by the DFT. That is, znk is given by the
N 1

z nk x n p e

j 2


, k 0,1, ................., N 1

p 0

It can be easily shown that the corresponding recursive

equation for znk

z nk

N 1

p 0

n 1k e

j 2

x n x n N, k 0,1....................., N 1

A block diagram of frequency domain adaptive filter is
shown in Fig.3. The filtered signals are weighted and
summed to produce the time domain output signal.
The complex LMS algorithm (27, 29) is used to
recursively update the weight vector Bn. The weight
vector update equation is

Bn 1 Bn 2 2 n Z n ,


Where is the adaptive step size and 2 is an N x N

diagonal matrix whose (i, i) element is equal to the
power estimate (computed by averaging with a moving
window) of the i th DFT output Zni. When both the
input and the desired signals are real, bn0 is also real
and the other components of the weight vector Bn
satisfy the relation

b ni b n Ni , i 1, 2, ..........,


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This fact can be used to reduce the computational

requirements for weight vector updating. The inverse
of the matrix 2 exists as long as the data
autocorrelation matrix Rxx is positive definite. The use
of - 2 in controlling the adaptive step size is
functionally equivalent to normalizing the power in
each of the DFT bins to unity before weighting.

Journal of Computer Technology and Applications

Volume 1, Issue 1, November, 2010, Pages 1-11.

DFT evaluation for finite length sequence and

discretising the continuous signal the coefficients can
The Gabor transform is non-orthogonal be found out as follows:
transform and difficult to find out the Gabor
C n k x n P exp
WSKP ,0 K S 1 (31)
coefficients. Using some approximation a novel
P 0
technique is used to find out the Gabor coefficients
and utilize it for channel equalisation. The Gabor Where, WS KP e j2 /S KP
transform for continuous signal is given by the
following formula.
C x exp
W , 0 K S 1
t M T
x t M KC
In this way the coefficients for the strips can be found
out. Here n stands for nth iteration and 0, 1, stands
As the elementary signal is not orthogonal the for different strips. A block diagram of the transform
coefficients are best obtained by successive domain adaptive filter is shown in Fig.5. 2. The input
approximation. In the approximation it is considered signal is filtered by a band pass filters, implemented
that each horizontal strip with suffix M itself and physically by Discrete Gabor Transform (DGT). The
expand the function x(t) as if the other strips do not filtered are weighted and summed to produce the time
exist, in the interval (tn T) to (tn + T). In the domain output signal.
exponential function, which is independent of K has
been brought over to the left. Then the new equation is
Z n 0 Z n00Z n01.........Z n0S1 T .
given by
The vector Zn0 is coefficient of the first strip, where

t M T
j2 kt/T
Zn00 = Cn00,
x t exp

ALGORITHM (13, 14, 15, 16 and 17)




n P



j2 2 Kt


K 0

Zn01 = Cn01, is related to the input vector Xn0 (xn-p, p =

Using the above equation and approximation the 0, 1, ., S 1) by the orthogonal transform
coefficients CMK can be found out easily because now Z = WX where W is a S x S DFT matrix whose (p,
the elementary signal is orthogonal.
q) th element is e j2pq/ . The output of the first strip
is given by :
A. Critical Sampling
In critical sampling the T is equal to T1 as given
Yn0S ZTn0 Bn0
in the equation 26. The shifting period of the Gaussian
window is taken to be T = ST2, where T2 is the time The output for the second strip is given by :
period between two signal sequences or sampling
Yn1S ZTn1 Bn1
period. T2 is taken to be unity, so T = S. The critical
sampling the new equation is given by
In this way output for other strips can be found out.

t M S
The total output and error signal are found to be:
x t exp
C MK e j22Kt (30)
2S 2

K 0

Yn = Yn0 + Yn1 + Yn2

Considering the continuous case the coefficients CMK

can be found out by Fourier series taking one strip at a
time (for different values of M). Using the principle of
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Journal of Computer Technology and Applications

Volume 1, Issue 1, November, 2010, Pages 1-11.

and n = dn yn respectively, where Bn = [Bn0 Bn1 where, W is an N x N Gabor matrix. Thus Znk is given
Bn2 ..]T is the frequency domain vector Bn. by the equation
( m 1) N 1
The weight vector update equation is given by:
Z nk x(n p)WN
p mN

k = 0, 1, , N 1.

m = 0, 1, 2

The output and corresponding error signal are Yn =

ZnTBn and n = dn yn respectively. The DGT LMS
algorithm is used to recursively update the weight
vector Bn. The weight vector equation is B(n + 1)i = Bn +
2 -2 n Zn, where is the adaptive step size and 2 is
Where is the adaptive step size and an N x N diagonal matrix whose (i,i) element is equal
20 , 21 .............. are S x S diagonal matrix whose (i, to the power estimate (computed by averaging with a
moving window) of the i th DGT output Zni.
i) th element is equal to the power estimate of the i th
DFT output of the different strips. The DGT LMS 9. SIMULATION, EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
algorithm is used to update the weight vector Bn. & ANALYSIS
When both the input and desired signals are real, the
In this paper we have studied the performance
components of the weight vector Bn satisfy the
of digital adaptive channel equaliser using three
different techniques. In these study three channels of
British telecommunications with eigenvalue 1.0, 11.8,
b n0i b 0n Si , i 1, 2 ...............S/2
and 68.6 have been used. The impulse response for 3
channels of British Tele-communication is given in the
B. Over Sampled Case
In over sampled case T1 is greater than T in the
Table 3
equation 26. In this case the numbers of coefficients
are greater than number of signal sequences. Here the
elements in the weight vector are greater than the
number of input sequences. Mathematical equation in
the over sampling is same as the critical sampling case.
1.0 + 0.0z-1 + 0.0z-2
N 1

Xk x n WN , 0 k N 1 is a formula for
0.2602 + 0.9298z-1
n 0

finding DFT. If sequence x(n) is shorter than N, for

0.3482 + 0.8704z-1 + 68.6
finding the coefficients X(k) zero is placed in the
vacant place of x(n) sequence. This principle is
adopted in over sampling case.
B n+1=Bn +2n

Nx1 matrix


The effect additive noise on the performance of the

channel equaliser has been seen by introducing -40 dB
Here the input vector Xn and Zn is the Gabor and -20dB noise to the channel. In the first techniques
transformed vector. The vector Zn is related to the the equaliser is of time domain and uses most
input vector Xn by the Gabor transformation Zn = WXn popular LMS algorithm for adaptation. The second

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Journal of Computer Technology and Applications

Volume 1, Issue 1, November, 2010, Pages 1-11.

technique the delayed data samples are passed

through an orthogonal discrete transform block
and the transformed samples are used in the equaliser.
In the third technique, DGT is used for equalization.
As observed from the experiment, it is concluded that
the time domain LMS equaliser is quite slow in
convergence. The transform domain equaliser is much
faster in convergence as compared to both time
domain and DGT based equaliser. The DGT based
equaliser is quite slow in convergence, but in this
equaliser the noise recovery is better specially when
the additive noise is large and the channel EVR is
In Fig 4, 6, and 8 the performance
characteristics of the three types of equalisers
(i) LMS time domain
(ii) transform domain (DFT) and
(iii)Gabor based adaptive equalisers are shown
with additive noise level of 40dB.
In Fig 5, 7 and 9 the performance characteristics of
the three types of equalisers are shown with additive
noise level of 20dB. The performance characteristics
of channel 1, 2, 3 for the three adaptive have been
compared in Fig 10, 11, 12. From this it can be seen
that the time domain equaliser settles to 40dB

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MSE levels at about 300 iterations where as

transform domain equaliser settles to 40dB at about
100 iterations. But the DGT domain equaliser settles
to about 38.7 dB at 2000 iterations. Fig 13, 14, 15
show the performance of channel 1, 2and 3 with
additive noise -20 dB. The time domain equaliser
settles at 35 dB in 2000 iteration and transform
domain equaliser settles at -35 dB in 400 iterations
where as DGT equaliser settles to 36.5 dB at 2000
iteration. Fig 10 shows the performance
characteristics of channel 1. The MSE level settles at
12, -22 and 23 dB for time domain, transform
domain and DGT equaliser respectively. Fig 13, 14
and 15 depicts the performance characteristics of 3
channels in case of 20dB additive noise. Fig 13
indicates the performance of channel 1. From this it
can be seen that the time domain equaliser settles at
20 dB at 300 iterations and transform domain
equaliser settles at 18dB at 100 iterations where as
the DGT domain equaliser settles at 20dB at 200
iterations. Fig 14 shows the performance of channel
2. The MSE settles at about 18 dB and 16 dB for
the time domain and transform domain equaliser
respectively but the rate of convergence is faster in
latter case. The Digit domain equaliser settles at 18
dB in 1000 iterations. Fig 15 indicates the channel 3
performance both Time domain and Transform
domain equaliser settles at about 12 dB where as the
DGT domain equaliser settles at 12 dB in 2000

Journal of Computer Technology and Applications

Volume 1, Issue 1, November, 2010, Pages 1-11.

Table 4

Time Domain

Transform Domain

DGT Domain

Noise in

No. of
Floor No. of
MSE Floor Iterations MSE
No. of
Iterations Level
in For
Floor level Iterations
For Setting dB
in dB
For Setting































in dB




Fig. 4: Performance characteristics of LMS Time Domain channel Fig. 5: Performance characteristics of LMS Time Domain channel
Equaliser: -20dB case
Equaliser: -40dB case
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Journal of Computer Technology and Applications

Volume 1, Issue 1, November, 2010, Pages 1-11.

Fig. 6: Performance characteristics of DFT Transform Domain

Adaptive Equaliser: -40dB

Fig. 9: Performance characteristics of Gabor based Equaliser: 20dB case

Fig. 7: Performance characteristics of DFT Transform Domain

Adaptive Equaliser: -20dB case

Fig. 10: Performance characteristics of LMS, DFT and DGT

Equaliser: -40dB case

Fig. 8: Performance characteristics of Gabor based Equaliser: 40dB case

Fig. 11: Performance characteristics of LMS, DFT and DGT

Equaliser: -40dB case

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Journal of Computer Technology and Applications

Volume 1, Issue 1, November, 2010, Pages 1-11.

Fig. 12: Performance characteristics of LMS, DFT and DGT

Equaliser: -40dB case

Fig. 15: Performance characteristics of LMS, DFT and DGT

Equaliser: -20Db case


Fig. 13: Performance characteristics of LMS, DFT and DGT

Equaliser: -20dB case

The present work deals with design and

performance evaluation of different adaptive
equalisers based on (i) time domain, (ii) transform
domain and (iii) DGT domain. It is observed that the
DGT domain adaptive equaliser performs better in
comparison to the time domain and DFT domain
equaliser. Gabor transform based equaliser, though has
longer training time has been found to have better
noise recovery property and lower MSE level
especially when the additive noise in the channel is
large. For example in channel 1 for 20 dB additive
noise DGT domain adaptive equaliser settles at 20
dB at 200 iterations where as transform domain
equaliser settles at about 18 dB at 100 iterations.
Further studies may be carried out for reducing the
convergence time of DGT domain equalisers and to
develop other algorithms for better performance of
DGT domain equalisers under high noise and channel

Fig. 14: Performance characteristics of LMS, DFT and DGT

Equaliser: -20Db case
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Journal of Computer Technology and Applications

Volume 1, Issue 1, November, 2010, Pages 1-11.

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