Abdul Syahid: For Research Purpose

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Abdul Syahid For


This Portfolio is for you:

 to help you plan your writtenwork
with English
 to keep a record of your written work
and progress
 to collect your written language
 to show your written achievements to

your new teacher (when you change

class or school)
Dear ............................................................., (your name)

This English Writing Portfolio is your property. It has been

designed to help you improve your English learning. It will
accompany you throughout your school life and will help you
document your learning both inside and outside the
The English Writing Portfolio contains material which you can
use and then keep as a record of your learning. In this
portfolio you can also include any extra material given to you
by your teacher throughout the course. However, the final
decision about what to include in the English Writing Portfolio
is completely up to you.
In practice, Language Portfolios may include a project or other
examples of written work, certificates, reports from your
teachers, or even a collection of objects or pictures.
Here is a short explanation of each section in your English
Writing Portfolio:

I. Language Passport
This is an updated report of your progress in written English
language learning. You will include in this section any
evidence of your formal qualifications (certificates, diplomas),
tests, progress report cards, self-assessment cards, etc.

II Language Biography
This is an updated record of your personal language learning
history which helps you evaluate your learning aims and
reflect on your language learning experiences.

II. Dossier
This is a collection of your work which you have chosen to
illustrate your written language skills, experiences and
achievements in the English language. In this section of your
English Writing Portfolio there are some materials you can
use. You can also file any work you do inside or outside the
classroom that you would like to keep as evidence of your
written work in English.
I hope you really enjoy doing these activities.

Abdul Syahid
How to organize your English Writing Portfolio

In your English Writing Portfolio you can include almost

anything you have produced or collected that shows your
progress in English.

We suggest you keep your work in plastic envelopes so that it

stays in good condition.

In practice, your English Writing Portfolio can be any shape or

size according to the material you choose to store.

Your English Writing Portfolio can include any of the following:

posters draft



Here you can record all your achievements in the written
English language. You can include certificates, diplomas,
progress report cards, self-assessment forms, tests, etc. In
general, you can include anything that is proof of your
competence in written English.
Every time you add something, record it on your Language
Passport Chart.


Data Type of Material
All About Me!

I’m in my year(s) of English.

My English teacher’s name:

Read and put a tick (✓) or a cross (✗).

Some members of my family speak English.

Some members of my family are from an English-speaking country.
I often read English books, magazines, etc.
I often watch English TV programs.
I often listen to English songs.
I have extra English lessons.
There is someone at home who speaks English to me.
I have contact with people from English-speaking countries.
I have visited/lived in the following English-speaking countries:
I learn English because:

I like it.
I want to travel.
I like learning languages.
It’s one of my school subjects.
I will need it to get a job.
I need it for the Internet.
My friends learn it.
It’s a world language.
I want to understand English texts (e.g. Songs).
I want to read books in English.
I want to watch films and TV programs in English.
I want to have (more) friends in other countries.
My mother/father wants me to learn it.
I want to take international exams in English.
People need to speak at least two modern languages nowadays.
Other reasons: …………………………………………………………………………….
I learn English at:
at school.
at school, but I also have extra lessons after school.
with friends from another country in a school exchange.
on language courses in English-speaking countries.
on holiday (with my parents/family/friends) in English-speaking countries.
with pen friends in my country.
with pen friends in their country.
Other places: …………………………………………………………………………….
I learn English by



reading books in English.
listening to songs in English.
listening to radio programs in English.
watching TV programs in English.
watching video films or DVDs in the original version with
watching video films or DVDs in the original version.
exchanging emails with my epals.
exchanging letters in English with my pen friends from
other countries.
listening to cassettes and imitating pronunciation.
learning vocabulary in different ways.
translating songs.
learning songs by heart.
looking up new words in a dictionary.
trying to guess the meaning of words from the context.
trying to guess the meaning of words because they are
to the words in my mother tongue or other languages I
using the Internet a lot.
chatting on the Internet.

Things I like doing in language lessons:

Things I am good at:
Things I find difficult:
Here is what you will be able to do in English at
this research. Every now and then, for instance
once a week in about one and a half mon th, you
will need to check your progress in the English
written language. For this reason you should use a
pencil so that you can change and/or add things as
you go along. You can use the following code:

Very Well: ✓✓✓ OK: ✓✓ Not Very Well: ✓

I can
 write a simple instruction
 write a procedure text
 write an invitation
 announce an event in a written language
 advertise something
Future Plans!
What would you like to do in the future to improve your
English writing? How can you learn more about other
people and other countries? Choose and write. You can also
use your own ideas.

 I would like to
 Write English stories, etc
 Write to people from English speaking countries.
 Write and send SMS to my classmates in English

Date :

Date :

Date :

Language Skill My teacher’s
My opinion

could be better

could be better
very well

very well

I can write a procedure text/ instruction.

I can tell my friends how to do something.

My learning goals at the end of Meeting 1:

I think I need to work more on:

Completed on: ………………………………..

My signature

Language Skill My teacher’s

My opinion

could be better

could be better
very well

very well

I can write an invitation of my birthday party.

I can write a formal invitation of a meeting.

Have I achieved the learning goals I made at the end of Meeting 1?

What did I do to achieve these goals?
My new learning goals at the end of Meeting 2:
I think I need to work more on:
What have I discovered about my learning?
Completed on: ………………………………..
My signature

Language Skill My teacher’s

My opinion

could be better

could be better
very well

very well

I can write an announcement clearly.

Have I achieved the learning goals I made at the end of Meeting 2?

What did I do to achieve these goals?
My new learning goals at the end of Meeting 3:
I think I need to work more on:
What have I discovered about my learning?
Completed on: ………………………………..
My signature

Language Skill My teacher’s

My opinion

could be better

could be better
very well

very well

I can write an advertisement.

Have I achieved the learning goals I made at the end of Meeting 3?

What did I do to achieve these goals?
My new learning goals at the end of Meeting 4:
I think I need to work more on:
What have I discovered about my learning?
Completed on: ………………………………..
My signature

Language Skill My teacher’s

My opinion

could be better

could be better
very well

very well

I can write a composition about my past experience.

I can write my diary in English.

Have I achieved the learning goals I made at the end of Meeting 4?

What did I do to achieve these goals?
My new learning goals at the end of Meeting 5 and 6:
I think I need to work more on:
What have I discovered about my learning?
Completed on: ………………………………..
My signature

Language Skill My teacher’s

My opinion

could be better

could be better
very well

very well

I can write a story that begins or ends with a given

Have I achieved the learning goals I made at the end of Meeting 5?

What did I do to achieve these goals?
My new learning goals at the end of Meeting 7 and 8:
I think I need to work more on:
What have I discovered about my learning?
Completed on: ………………………………..
My signature
How I Learn!
In your English Writing Portfolio, you can include anything of your choosing to
keep and show as evidence of your progress in the English written language. Here
are some activities you can do that can be included in your Portfolio, if you wish.
Every time you do one of these activities, tick (✓) the relevant box.

No. It can be
done after

1 Safety first.
2 A party
3 For sale
4 Sports are fun!
5 Party time
6 Story time
In this section you can include anything you do inside and outside the
classroom which shows your progress in the English written language.
You can also write some comments (why you like it, if you found it
difficult/easy, etc) on the activity pages. It will be useful if you write the
date you completed the activity. Remember: the choice of activity is
Every time you include something new, record it in the table on the next
Writing Tools
Revising/Editing Checklists

Self Assessment Revising Checklist

for Meeting I/ II/ III/ IV/ V & VI/ VII & VIII*
Name : Title : Date :
Directions: Read the story to yourself. Then check your story for each item below. Make any
changes to make your story better.
The title goes with my content.
I like the beginning.
I used good words to describe what I meant.
Each sentence makes sense.
The order is logical.
I like the ending.
Revising/Editing Checklists
Self and Peer Editing Checklist
for Meeting I/ II/ III/ IV/ V & VI/ VII & VIII*
Author: Peer :
Title : Date:
Carefully read your piece out loud. Then read each item below. Correct any mistakes you find,
and tick off (v) the space next to the item. Then give the piece to a friend to check.
Author Peer Items to Check
Check Check
Each sentence starts with a capital letter.
Names have capital letters.
Each sentence has a verb.
I checked for words left out.
I circled words I was not sure how to spell.
Right and left margins are OK.
Paragraph indentions are OK.
Tense used is OK.
The sentence pattern is correct.
Pronouns used are correct.
Word orders are correct.
I put vocabularies correctly.
I found the spelling of these words (and explain how):

I think I need help in :

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