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Good afternoon, its Monday, December 15, 2014 at 10 oclock and youre listening to 90.

WKNJ-FM, Union, New Jersey, and Im Michael De Man with the news.

In Local News
New Jerseys heroin outbreak is starting to make a more valiant turn.
As police officers across the state are tightening their belts with the laws coming through
concerning the deadly drug, the state government is taking strides on gaining control of this
In Paterson, New Jersey, one of the state headquarters for the illegal sale and dealing of heroin,
police are working on new tactics, including the use of more unmarked vehicles in hopes that
some dealers will not catch on and continue to make deals out in the open. Since about 80% of
crime in the United States pertains directly to drugs, most of which is heroin, the country is
facing a new entity of issues. Since this is such a difficult battle for the police to fight, law
enforcement continues to spend thousands on a drug war theyre entering blind into.

Civilian from Wayne Assaulted by Local Police Force

After police approached a Littlewood Court home in Wayne, New Jersey this week, unarmed
civilian Alfred Garcia Jr. answered the door. With the intent of simply giving Garcias wife civil
service processing papers, the situation became heated.

Upon the police not leaving the premises, a scuffle commenced, with the 60 year old man being
pepper sprayed under the notion that a police officers life was in danger after being pushed
when told to leave. Police brutality is alive and well in New Jersey.

The death of a Rutgers student is still under investigation, as officials now claim that the death
may have been related to alcohol, although the autopsy has not been completed yet. Caitlyn
Kovacs, a 19 year old student at the New Brunswick university, had been at a fraternity party
that night. Kovacs was a sophomore who was studying environmental and biological sciences
focusing on animal science.

In National News
United States Senate Claims Torture Accusations Are Misled
When it comes to our political bureau, there are plenty of loopholes they love to use in order to
beat their own system that they set up. In fact, while using these loopholes, they are deemed
illegal to use by others who are not politically affiliated to them.
The Bush Administration left out hundreds of CIA documents in turn of revealing what is
considered appropriate information to be recorded. Because of this, the entire government is

being blamed under the notion that the Obama Administration is making the exact same

Newest Ferguson Trial Proves Pointless

As the Michael Brown case continues, there has been nothing but disrupt in the small town of
Ferguson, Missouri. From protests to looting and peace to violence, the chaos rate on the
towns streets hasnt changed too much.
Now that the case is finally being brought to intensive trial, experts and media outlets alike are
finding that those witnesses standing up in protest to either side are in fact lying about their
position, thereby making the trial void. As this continues, protesters and police supporters both
nationally and globally are worrying that this issue will not be resolved and will continue as
people strive to reach the truth.

McCain and Obama Plan to Close Nations Most Secure Prison

Republican Ex-Presidential Candidate John McCain is now working with President Barack
Obama in hopes to close Guantanamo Bay, the United States most renowned top security
prison. Although McCain has always criticized Obamas terms of policy and shareholding of
certain beliefs and ideals, he is not shameful of working with his democratic partner.
McCain claims that since he was a prisoner of war, he is aiming to close all prisons that may be
treating their inmates wrongly, even though his political affiliation has been known to favor
torture over the course of history.

In International News

The Geminid Meteor Shower is going to be extremely visible over Germany

After reaching its peak of starfall this past weekend, Germany will experience more shooting
stars into Monday night. Meteorologists say that the amount and intensity of the falling stars are
growing in numbers as each year passes, which means in the coming years, the meteor shower
may be more visible in urban areas with light pollution where they would have not been normally

Syrian Army Recaptures Areas North of Aleppo

After fierce fighting continues in the Middle East, the Syrian Army has finally regained the lost
territory north of the city of Aleppo. As the battles worsen and more losses are accounted for,
ISIL finally seems to have been pushed back, or at least for now.
The insurgent ISIL militants and al-Qaeda fighters have been seizing land across Syria for the
past few months, leaving thousands homeless and even more dead.

More news and weather coming up

(play PSA #1 here.)

Your WKNJ hourly weather update

Right now on the campus of Kean University, it is a sunny 32 degrees with highs going up 39.
Low 28.
Tune in later for meteorology reports on 90.3 FM.

In Entertainment
Patrick Stump Revealed to be New Judge on NBCs Sing Off
Frontman of Pop-Punk-Goes-Mainstream-Rock outfit Fall Out Boy, Patrick Stump, has been
rocking the entertainment scene since mid 2013 after their reunion album Save Rock and Roll
hit store shelves. Being announced as one of the most prosperous bands of both 2013 and
2014, Stump has hit a great point in his career.
NBCs Sing Off is a place where Stump can now use his critically acclaimed vocal talent to
judge and assist upcoming musicians and vocalists on a forefronted media source as they
hopefully rise to a similar stardom as Stump himself.

Thats it for your news. Youre listening to 90.3 WKNJ-FM, Union, New Jersey. Im Michael De
Man and well be right back after this.
(Play PSA #2 here.)

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