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Mechanical and Manufacturing

Due: 15 April 2011

KNJ 3363
Heat Transfer


Question 1
Starting with an energy balance on a volume element, Derive the two dimensional transient heat
conduction equation in rectangular coordinates for T(x,y,z) for the case of constant thermal
conductivity and no heat generation.

Question 2
Consider a medium in which the heat conduction equation is given in its simplest form as:


2 T
1 T
r t

(a) Is heat transfer steady or transient?

(b) Is heat transfer one-, two-, or three-dimensional?
(c) Is there heat generation in the medium?
(d) Is the thermal conductivity of the medium constant or variable?
(e) Is the medium a plane wall, a cylinder, or a sphere?
(f) Is this differential equation for heat conduction linear or nonlinear?

(a) transient, (b) one-dimensional, (c) no, (d) constant, (e) sphere, (f) linear


Question 1
A wall is constructed of two layers of 1.5cm thick sheetrock (k=0.17W/m.K) which is a
plasterboard made of two layers of heavy papers separated by a layer of gypsum, placed 18 cm
apart. The space between the sheetrock is filled with fiberglass insulation (k=0.035W/m.K).
a) The thermal resistance of the wall

Figure 1

Question 2
The wall of refrigerator is constructed of fiberglass insulation (k=0.035W/m.K) sandwiched
between two layers of 1mm thick sheet metal (k=15.1W/m.K). The refrigerated space is
maintained at 2oC and the average heat transfer coefficient at the inner and the outer surfaces of
the wall are 4W/m2.K and 9W/m2.K respectively. The kitchen temperatures averages 24oC. It is
observed that condensation occurs on the outer surfaces of the refrigerator when the temperature
of the outer surfaces drops to 20oC. Determine the minimum thickness of fiberglass insulation
that needs to be used in the wall in order to avoid condensation on the outer surfaces.


Question 1
Consider airflow over a plate surface maintained at a temperature of 220oC, the temperature
profile of the airflow is given as:

T ( y ) = T (T Ts )exp

The airflow at 1 atm has a free stream velocity and temperature of 0.08m/s and 20oC,
respectively. Determine:
a) The heat flux on the plate surface
b) The convection heat transfer coefficient of the airflow.

Question 2
Consider fluid flow over a surface with a velocity profile given as:

u ( y ) = 100 y + 2 y 2 0.5 y 3 m / s
Determine the shear stress at the wall surface, if the fluid is
a) Air at 1 atm at 20oC
b) Liquid water at 20oC


Question 1
The local atmospheric pressure in Genting Highland is 83.4kPa. Air at this pressure and at 30oC
flows with a velocity of 6m/s over a 2.5m x 8m flat plate whose temperature is 120oC. Determine
the rate of heat transfer from the plate if the air flows parallel to the:
a) 8m long side
b) 2.5m m side


Question 2
A stainless steel ball (=8055kg/m3, cp=480J/kg.K) of diameter D=15cm is removed from the
oven at a uniform temperature of 350oC. The ball is then subjected to the flow of air at 1 atm

pressure and 30oC with a velocity of 6m/s. The surface temperature of the ball eventually drops
to 250oC.
a) Determine the average convection heat transfer coefficient during this cooling process.
b) Estimate how long this process has taken


Question 1
Water is boiled at atmospheric pressure by horizontal platinum plated rod with diameter of
10mm. If the surface temperature of the rod is maintained at 110oC, determine the nucleate pool
boiling heat transfer coefficient.

Figure 2


Question 2
A vertical 0.5mx0.5m square plate is used in a process to condensate saturated water vapor. If
the desired rate of condensation is 0.016 kg/s determine the necessary surface temperature of the
plate at atmospheric pressure. For this problem, as a first approximation, assume a film
temperature of 90oC for the evaluation of liquid properties.


Question 1
Water at an average temperature of 110oC and an average velocity of 3.5m/s flows through a 7m
long stainless steel tube (k=14.2W/m.K) in a boiler. The inner and outer diameters of the tube are
Di=1.0cm and Do=1.4cm respectively. If the convection heat transfer coefficient at the outer
surface of the tube where boiling is taking place is ho=7200W/m2.K, Determine the overall heat
transfer coefficient Ui of this boiler assuming a fouling factor Rfi=0.0005m2.K/W on the inner
surface of the tube.

Figure 3

Question 2
A 1-shell pass and 8-Tube passes heat exchanger is used to heat glycerin (cp=2.5kJ/kg.K) from
27oC to 60oC by hot water (cp=4.18kJ/kg.K). that enters the thin walled 1.3cm diameter tubes at
80oC and leaves at 50oC. The total length of the tubes in the heat exchanger is 120m. The
convection heat transfer coefficient is 23 W/m2.K on the glycerin (shell side) and 280
W/m2.Kon the water (Tube side). Determine the rate of heat transfer in the heat exchanger:
a) Before any fouling occurs

b) After fouling with a fouling factor of 0.00035m2.K/W on the outer surfaces of the tubes.

Figure 4


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