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2012 Catalog
Seeds of Medicine
Seeds of Sustenance

Self Heal
Prunella vulgaris

Organic Seeds and Plants for Spring & Summer Planting:

Cover Crops
Culinary Herbs & Spices
Strictly Medicinal Herbs
Cacti and Succulents
Trees & Shrubs
Dried Herbs, Herbal Extracts & Tincture Presses,
Seed Cleaning Screens, Books & more . . .

Dear Seeders Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 1
Terms of Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 2
New Seeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 3
Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 3
Herb Pharm Herbal Extracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 4
Tincture Presses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 5
Bookstore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pages 68
Adventures in Zanzibar DVD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pages 6
The Medicinal Herb Growervol. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 7
Making Plant Medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 7
Tincture Calculator Computer Software Program . . . . . . . . .page 8
Seed Cleaning Screens & Tags for Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 9
Neem Oil Soap, Sweetgrass Braids, Palo Santo . . . . . . . . . . . .page 9
Dried Herbs, Spices, Triphala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 10
SEED COLLECTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 1112
Kidzerbs Garden Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 12
New York Window Houseplant Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 12
COVER CROPS SECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 13
VEGETABLE SEED SECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 1426
CULINARY HERB SEED SECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 2731
Strictly Medicinal HERB SEED SECTION . . . . . . . . .page 3262
CACTI & SUCCULENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 7174
TREES & SHRUBS SECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 7583
Ordering Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 84
Shipping Charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 8586
Order Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 87
Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Inside Back Cover
Horizon Herbs LLC
PO Box 69
Williams, OR 97544
phone: (541) 846-6704
fax: (541) 846-6233
customer service e-mail:
Catalog written by Richard A. Richo Cech Copyright 2012 Richard A. Cech
Catalog illustrationsbotanical drawings and Cheesie drawn by Sena Cech.
Illustrations Copyright 2012 Sena Cech

Dear Seeders,
Welcome to the Spring/Summer 2012 Horizon Herbs seed catalog! Wow, what a year!
The spring was so gentle and rainy that we thought wed never grow anything outdoors but Lettuce, Peas, and Chard. Then, like the sun finally streaming out through
dissipating clouds, the summer rolled in. Boom! The weather turned warm and the
cover crops were mowed down and tilled in (all except the Rye which had us strongarmedit was flowering at 10 feet tall!). The starts, long since grown tired of their
pots or transplanted 1 or 2 extra times into bigger and bigger vessels, came out of the
greenhouse and were planted to the waiting field. I remember the Paprika Peppers
already had 6-inch fruits on them! The weather then turned somewhat cool and mild,
which encouraged a glorious, extended period of flowering among the diverse perennials, until finally the heat intensified again during the month of August.
Beyond expectation, those warm days and nights kept happening all the way
through September, a harbinger of a late first frost, we all hoped. Our hopes were justified! Frost held off until October 15th! Even the fat stand of Mrihani Basils, which
we had planted in the open field as a gamble, completely finished out in good time.
All of us here reaped seeds like crazy. Mayche and I worked so hard that weeks went
by without the opportunity to make a visit to the grocery store, and almost by default
we learned a great deal about eating directly out of the garden. Every morning we had
our Amaranth cereal, followed by a huge garden salad at noon (made savory with special dressings, often laden with Garlic), and evening meals saw us sampling things like
Stone Soup, Scarlet Runner Bean burritos or Hidatsa Edamame and rice. Self sufficiency felt like less of a pie in the sky and more like a pie on the table! The apples
gave abundantly, and we crunched them with our teeth, made apple sauce for those
who had no teeth, and pressed cider so thick and syrupy that we wanted to hide it
from the powers that be, lest they endeavor to make it illegal! We battled the usual
sicknesses and injuries, making tea of our beloved Self Heal for treating mouth sores
and providing ourselves and our family and friends with some potent goldenseal from
down in the creek bottoms, used for treating the tonsilitis that seemed to afflict so
many. We traveled, lectured, and picked seeds all summer long.
It never ceases to amaze us how many seeds this small bit of land pumps out, but
soon perhaps we wont demand quite so much from this little paradise, because we are
bringing a pasture into production in downtown Williams, where we will continue to
grow herb seeds and promote the establishment of gardens everywhere. The field had
a cow barn plumped right in the middle, and deciding to make that go away was both
some of the hardest work weve faced, and also I think one of the best decisions we
could have made, as the farm-shui was much improved by removal of blockage. The
pasture has now been cleared (dead trees, old fencing, and garbage), chisel plowed, rotovated, and planted in Peas and Oats, which are germinating and blanketing the land as
late fall turns into early winter. We give thanks for all the great good vibes youve all
sent this way this past year, and from our side look forward to returning the favor,
making available some of the most delicious garden vegetables and potent medicinal
herbs that you can find anywhere. Heres to gardening as a way of life!
Love, Richo


Our seeds and plants are GMO-free, untreated, open-pollinated, and packed with love!
All seeds and plants provided by Horizon Herbs are meant for the public good and shall
remain in the public domain. No patents or genetic engineering allowed.
Seed Packets Guarantee: Our catalog provides specific directions on good ways to germinate
medicinal herb seeds. Your success is important to us. If the seeds are planted in a reasonable
environment for sufficient time and dont germinate, then we will replace the packet (one-time
replacement only, offer valid for one year after purchase).
Bulk Seed Purchases, Plants, Rootstock: Because of our lack of control over cultivation
practices and weather conditions, we are not able to give any guarantee on bulk seed sales
(ie. gram, 10 grams, 100 grams, and pounds), plants, or rootstock. Therefore, we will not
replace bulk seeds, plants, or rootstock or give cash refunds. We are not responsible for losses
incurred through the failure of any crop derived from our seeds, plants, or rootstock.
Seeds Backorder Policy: Many seeds are viable for a short period only and are best delivered
in season. If these are ordered out of season, they will be backordered and delivered from the
new crop. For best results, sow seeds immediately upon receipt.
Substitutions: Occasionally, we may have changed out the variety or species of a particular
genus. In that case, we will make a substitution in your order with the good intention that you
will be happy with what you receive. Another one of our tricks is to send plants, roots, or cuttings instead of seeds (when we run out of seeds.) This doesnt happen often, and is usually
accepted with glee.
Noxious Weeds: We will not knowingly supply any seeds or plants to areas where they are
prohibited as noxious weeds by local, state or federal law. For instance, the designation
Saint Johns Wort, CA no means Saint Johns Wort seeds or plants will not be distributed to
the state of California, where the plant is listed as a noxious weed.
Toxic Seeds and Plants: Some of the seeds, plants, and rootstock offered in this catalog are
toxic if taken internally at sufficient dosage or if applied externally to the skin or mucous membranes. We have endeavored to label such seeds accordingly. Therefore, keep seeds in their
labeled packaging until planting. Take appropriate precautions to plant toxic plants in a place
away from children and animals. We are offering these seeds, plants, and rootstock for propagation purposes and are not liable for any adverse effects resulting from contact with any of our
products, including seeds, plants, and rootstock.
Self-Medication: Although all cultures on earth use plant-derived medicaments, we cannot
recommend self-medication with plant products. Rather, we offer medicinal information in the
context of historical usage and from personal experience, augmented by our studies of current
research. Please seek the help of a health professional for medical problems.
Pricing: Our intent is for the printing of our most recent catalog to establish prices, as well as
changes in the number of seeds per packet. In order to allow for unforeseen circumstances,
prices and packet seed counts are subject to change without notice.
Shipping Charges: You may figure your shipping charges according to the basic shipping
charts. If you are having difficulty figuring out your shipping, please contact us. Please leave
us your e-mail and phone number so we can contact you if theres any shipping adjustment
needed. Shipping charges are subject to change without notice.
Shipping Errors: Please look your order over carefully and let us know if there are any problems. We will be happy to rectify within 30 days of receipt.
Seed Packet Style: To conserve resources and keep your costs down, retail seed orders from the
catalog are in plain packets (not full color). Full color store line seed packets are considered to
be a different product.
We will lean over backwards to help out our fellow gardeners, but if for some reason this
causes us to fall over backwards (ie.we are no longer helping, we cannot meet expectations, the
customer will not keep it positive), then we do reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.
Horizon Herbs is a certified organic farm and organic processor. All organic seeds are certified
by Oregon Tilth and comply with organic production and handling standards established by the
USDA National Organic Program under CFR Part 205.
Oregon Seeds Dealer License #73180;
Oregon Nursery License #73179;
Catalog written by Richard A. Richo Cech, 2012 Richard A. Cech,
Catalog illustrations Sena Cech., Illustrations Copyright 2012 Sena Cech
All Rights Reserved.

Horizon Herbs LLC

PO Box 69
Williams, OR 97544
ph: (541) 846-6704
fax: (541) 846-6233

customer service:


Our offerings this year include diverse new vegetable and
medicinal seed crops, which may be quickly identified in this
catalog by watching for the logo: <<NEW FOR 2012>>.
Perhaps fueled by the excitement of my recent wanderings
in East Africa, which is the gene center for many Aloes, I
was consumed this summer by an ardent desire to cultivate
these prized medicinal succulents, and could be found at all
hours in the inner sanctum, mixing soil, planting rows of
angular seeds, and transplanting pups taken from around the
stems of their mothers. Diverse handsome progeny was the
result, including treasured plants of Aloe arborescens,
A ferox and A.africana. Several other promising Aloe seeds
have been added to the catalogue, including A. peglerae and the rare and desirable
Quiver Tree Aloe (A. dichotoma), all to be found in the brand new Succulents and
Cacti section. A bit more mundane perhaps but easily more deliciously edible are
the many new vegetables we have gathered together for this catalog. These include
2 different kinds of Amaranth Spinach (a mainstay of the typical diets of Asia and
Africa and well worth further exploration on this continent and on our plates) as well
as the vibrant Purple Peacock Broccoli, the red veined Palla Rossa Chicory and the
dark fruited Midnight Lightning Zucchini. Our growing season this year was perfect
for Solanacea, and we grew 100% of our own Peppers (including the rare
Chilhuacle Negro) and Tomato seeds. Five new Tomato varieties proved worthy,
including the pendulously fruited Amish Paste, the tasty and abundant Black Cherry,
the beefy Black Krim, the everpopular Yellow Pear, and a stunning discovery, the
extraordinarily prolific and suggestively nippled drying Tomato known as Principe
Borghese. More medicinal plants somehow found their way into our increasingly
jampacked gardens, including our own unique cultivars Extra Purple Krishna Tulsi
and HoriSun Yellow Calendula. We also grew a comely bed of the mysterious Xhosa
Dream Root, experimented with the recumbent, barrel-shaped Hoodia officinalis,
appreciated the vibrant Turkish Red Poppies that grew near the front door of the
seedhouse, and oggled over the miniature yellow cone flowers of the Kenyan
Spilanthes that fountained out of the pots like sunlight on water. Our stock of temperate trees is in excellent shape this year! These include well-rooted Black
Elderberries, Cedar of Lebanon, Cramp Bark, Ginkgo, Hawthorn, Linden, Paw Paw,
Sea Buckthorn and Witch Hazel. Tropical trees include Amla, Baobab, Cinnamon,
Clove, Curry Leaf Tree, Dragon Tree, Moringa, Neem, and Tamarind. We have also
brought on sweet, dark blue organic dried Bilberries (Vaccinium myrtillus) for your
planting and eating pleasure. They make incredible smoothies, with ease. Finally,
we had such a glorious bounty of Black Elderberries (Sambucus nigra) this year that
weve made dried berries available in bulk. All for you and to your good health!
Organic. Horizon Herbs, LLC is a certified organic farm and certified organic processor.
When you see the word Organic in this catalog, it means the plant, seed, or rootstock is
Certified Organically Grown by Oregon Tilth, in compliance with organic production and
handling standards established by the USDA National Organic Program under CFR Part 205.
We are serious about nurturing the soil, avoiding chemicals, and respecting life.
Formula for converting F (Fahrenheit) to C (Celsius): (F-32) x .5555 = C
g = gram. There are 28.4 g in an ounce. There are 454 g in a pound.
pkt = packet germ = germination
Toxic. Please take our notes on contraindications and toxicity (in bold) seriously. Reader is
referred to page 2: Toxic Seeds and Plants; Self-Medication.
Low-dose botanical. Traditionally, internal use of the plant is restricted to very low dosage
long-term use or excessive dosage may prove harmful.
PAs. Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids (PAs) are present in the tissue of this plant. Long-term internal
dosage and use during pregnancy not recommended.
Fresh or cold-stored seeds are washed with pure well water and packed in coir (coconut fibre).
Dried seeds are hand-rubbed, sorted through graduated stainless steel screens and further
purified with wind-winnowing and . . . breath.




Herb Pharm makes brilliant herbal extracts. They start with Horizon Herbs seeds,
grow the plants on their own organically certified farm, and finish the tinctures at
their state-of-the-art facility here in Williams, Oregon. We offer them at a discount.
Liquid Herbal Extract

1 oz

4 oz

Extract of Anise
Extract of Arnica
Extract of Artemisia annua
Extract of Ashwagandha
Extract of Astragalus
Extract of Black Cohosh
Extract of Black Walnut
Extract of Bloodroot
Extract of Blue Cohosh
Extract of Blue Vervain
Extract of Boneset
Extract of Bugleweed
Extract of Burdock
Extr. Cactus Grandiflorus
Extract of Calendula
Calendula Succus
Extr. of California Poppy
Extract of Cascara Sagrada
Extract of Catnip
Extract of Cat's Claw
Extract of Cayenne
Extract of Celandine
Extract of Chaparral
Extract of Chickweed
Extract of Comfrey
Extract of Damiana
Extract of Dandelion
Extract of Echinacea
Super Echinacea (extract)
Extr. of Black Elderberry
Extract of Elecampane
Extract of Eleuthero
Extract of Feverfew
Extract of Gentian
Extract of Ginger
Extract of Goldenrod
Extract of Goldenseal
Extract of Gotu Kola
Extract of Hawthorn
Extract of Hops
Extract of Horse Chestnut
Extract of Horseradish
Extract of Juniper
Pharma Kava Kava
Extract of Lavender
Extract of Lemon Balm
Extract of Licorice
Extract of Lobelia
Extract of Lomatium



Liquid Herbal Extract

Extract of Marshmallow
Extract of Milk Thistle
Extract of Motherwort
Extract of Mullein
Extract of Myrrh
Extract of Nettle
Extract of Oat Seed
Extract of Oregon Grape
Extract of Passionflower
Peppermint Spirits
Extract of Prickly Ash
Extract of Red Root
Extract of Rosemary
Extr. of Saint John's Wort
Extr. of Shepherd's Purse
Extract of Skullcap
Extract of Spilanthes
Extract of Valerian
Extract of Wild Yam
Extract of Willow Bark

1 oz

4 oz



1 oz
4 oz
Adrenal Support Tonic
Brain & Memory Tonic
Healthy Heart Tonic
Healthy Liver Tonic
Healthy Veins Tonic
Propolis-Echinacea Throat Spray $11.12
Relaxing Sleep Tonic
Soothing Oak & Ivy
Herbal Oils
Oil of Arnica
Oil of Calendula
Oil of Saint John's Wort
Oil of Tea Tree
Trauma Oil


4 oz

Herb Pharm Original Salve 26 g tin $9.41

Contains a potent plethora of herbal oils
handmade, dark green, and powerful!
Therapeutic Herb Manual
Guide for using Liquid Herbal Extracts
We at Horizon Herbs are plant people not
licensed doctors. We do not give health advice.
Please seek assistance from a qualified health
practitioner for any health problems.

More than this list available! Check or call us: (541) 846-6704.



The Half-Gallon Press is an incredible workhorse. With all stainless steel herb
contact surfaces and outfitted with a powerful 6-ton, fast-action bottle jack, this press
does best what you need a press to do mostsqueeze out every last drop!. This press
works quite efficiently, easily producing a very high quality tincture or juice, as the
low surface area and high pressure efficiently presses out the beneficial ingredients.
This press also does a great job pressing juice from carrots, berries, and grapes.
All must be thoroughly ground up before pressing.
Heavy steel construction with powder-coated finish
All stainless herb contact surfaces, including custom piston and pressing pans
Fast-action 6-ton hydraulic jack
Automatic spring-loaded return
Included FREE: 2 heavy-duty pressing bags, extra hose, and the book
Making Plant Medicine by Richo Cech
Half-Gallon Tincture Press
Measures 11 inches wide x
27 inches high x 7 inches deep
Weighs 50 pounds
Processes smallest batches to
up to 1/2 gallon per pressing.
Normal turn-around time
10 minutes per pressing.
Easily presses out 3 gallons of
tincture per hour.
Half-Gallon Tincture Press
$780.00 (+ actual shipping )
Press Accessories:
Pressing Bag (for HalfGallon Tincture Press)
Replacement Hose
Check our demo for how to
operate the press at:
Recipe for Black Elderberry Glycerite
We find the Elderberry glycerite to be an excellent preventative and treatment for colds
and flu. Universally accepted good taste and effectiveness. School children thrive.
100g dried Black Elderberries (see page 10 of this catalog)
300 ml vegetable glycerin
200 ml clean water
Whip this up in a blender until smooth, macerate and shake for 2 weeks, then pour the
mass into a pressing bag and press with the above tincture press. Yield 16 ounces of
high potency elderberry glycerite.
See the book Making Plant Medicine by Richo Cech (page 7 of this catalog) for more
details on making this glycerite and many more preparations.



This is a selection of the books that we find most useful in our own library
for reference, mind expansion and inspiration..
Adventures in Zanzibar DVD
Stories, plants and witch doctoring on the
Zanzibar archipelago, all based on a lecture
by Richo, augmented by his photos taken
during sojourns on the islands of Unguja and
Pemba. Quality entertainment worth having!
$15.00/DVD (105 minutes)
A Modern Herbal by Maude Grieve
(2 volumes) This is the anchor reference for
herbs used in Western Herbalismcomprehensive and full of plant descriptions, actions
and indications, recipes and entertaining historical accounts. Grieves English country
womans personality shines through in this
classic work. Black-and-white plate illus.
$35.90 (2 volumes, 888 pages, soft cover)
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Third Edition, by Dan Bensky
This is the standard reference on Chinese
materia medica, delving into 473 medicinal
substances in great detail. Classified
according to the properties of the herbs, this
book elucidates the names, mechanisms of
action, specific indications, combinations,
preparations, cautions and contraindications,
and dosage. Botanical line drawings of
great clarity. All students of TCM need this.
$130.00 (1,311 pages, hard cover)
The Eclectic Materia Medica,
Pharmacology and Therapeutics
by H.W. Felter, MD
First published in 1922, this book is a singularly articulate tour-de force of American
herbs and herbalism, containing much the
same information as the 2 volume set known
as Kings Dispensatory. The Eclectic
Materia Medica is arranged by herb name,
giving a thorough rendering of constituents,
preparations, indications, dosages, actions and
therapy. Felters style is crisp and erudite.
This book was written back when doctors
believed that people were imbued with a
vital force and when medicines and
drugs were both words that referred to
$95.00 (Hardbound, 743 pages)
Herbal Pearls, Traditional Chinese Folk
Wisdom by Miao Wen-wei, Yue Chong-xi
and Steven Foster This is a delightful collection of 53 herbal folk stories from China,
expertly and entertainingly rendered, with
introductory comments by the inimitable
Steven Foster. Many of the stories have to
do with how various herbs were discovered
and named, or how the medicinal activities
were originally elucidated. Enchanting bedtime reading for kids and adults alike.
Discounted price $19.95 $14.95!
(168 pages, soft cover)

Herbal Prescriptions after 50

by David Hoffman
This is a practical guide to using herbal medicines in addressing the health care needs of
people aged over fifty. Hoffman has always
had a most simple and clear way of explaining the actions of herbs and the indications
for their use. This book is really the best
reference available on the subject.
$24.95 (335 pages, soft cover, not illustrated)
Invasive Plant Medicine
by Timothy Lee Scott
According to the author, The plants considered invasive today were brought here and
spread around with the help of people, and
were cherished for food, medicine, ornament,
soil-enhancement, and scientific curiosity.
Over time though, these plants have
escaped into the wilds and have found an
ecological niche, in dynamic equilibrium,
amongst the different species within the
landscape. Says Richo, This book transforms negativity into medicine!
$19.95 (348 pages, color inserts, maps)
Medical Herbalism, The Science and
Practice of Herbal Medicine
by David Hoffman
This is an advanced textbook for herbal
practitioners, giving an understandable and
in-depth teaching on the chemistry of plants,
a balanced look at safety issues, specific
formulas according to body systems, and a
150 herb strong materia medica..
$60.00 (Hardbound, 666 pages)
Medicinal Plants of the Desert and
Canyon West by Michael Moore
This book covers many heretofore unknown
and largely unused plants of the American
Southwest, with characteristically witty
descriptions and stories, in a rough, rambling,
and engaging style. Distribution maps, line
drawings, and color plates.
$13.95 (184 pages, soft cover)
Medicinal Plants of the Mountain West
by Michael Moore
This rewrite of the original classic is a thorough revisiting of the subject matter in an
expanded and spiffed-up format. Ready wit
and insight produced this worthy classic.
$24.95 (351 pages, soft cover, line drawings,
distribution maps, and color plates)
Medicinal Plants of the Pacific West
by Michael Moore
In this beatifully rendered compendium, our
mentor treated every herb equally, from the
lowly Hedge Nettle to the towering
Redwood. Copious glossaries.
Line drawings and color plates.
$22.50 (358 pages, soft cover)


First grow the herbs, then make the medicine from the garden.
The Medicinal Herb Grower
A Guide for Cultivating Plants that Heal
Volume 1

by Richo Cech
illustrated by Sena Cech
The Medicinal Herb GrowerA Guide for Making Plant Medicine by Richo Cech,
illustrated by Sena Cech
Cultivating Plants that Heal, vol. 1
by Richo Cech, illustrated by Sena Cech
Originally published in the year 2000,

Making Plant Medicine has become

a preferred herbal reference, used by
medicine makers of all descriptions,
having found its way into kitchens,
herbal laboratories, and herb schools
across the continent. The formulary
includes such important favorites as:
Arnica; Astragalus; Holy BasilTulsi;
Burdock; Calendula; Dandelion;
Echinacea; Elecampane; Gentian;
Goldenseal; Hawthorn; Ma-huang;
The most definitive herb growers guide
Jiao-gu-lan; Lobelia; Nettles; Sage;
on the planet, a book that breathes with
Stevia; and Saint Johns Wort. May
aliveness, humor, and how to really
the copy you purchase soon be anointed
do it!
Christopher Hobbs, L.Ac.
with the happy splatter of homemade
Part 1: Principles of Natural Gardening herbal remedies. Book consists of:
Techniques includes: Observation in
Part 1: Medicine Making includes:
Nature; Creating Plant Habitat; Benefits
Drying & processing herbs; Tinctures
of Diversity; Rules of Green Thumb
made the easy way; Math of tincturing;
Part 2: Practices of Natural Gardening
Vinegar extracts, Glycerites, Teas, Herbal
Techniques: Growth Cycles of Plants;
Oils, Salves, Poultices, and more
Preparing the Ground; Potting Soil;
Part 2: A Gardeners Formulary includes:
Planting Seeds; Greenhouse & Shadehouse; Making Cuttings; Caring for Plants 116 herbs that can be cultivated in North
Americaparts used, formulas, practical
+ Seed Production; Herb Processing &
uses, dosages, and and an overview
of alternate species.
$19.95 (176 pp, soft cover)
$19.95 (296 pages, soft cover)
Richo and I are fortunate in having a
diversity of medicinal plants growing in
our backyards. The world is fortunate in
that Richo has distilled his years of growing experience in this excellent new book.
A very different bookno bibliographic
echoes, all good personal gardening and
nature first hand. This book is a pleasure to
read, and a treasure of valuable cultural
Jim Duke, PhD


Tulasi Devi, Goddess of Devotion

by Sarvaga and Gunavati
Tulasi means The Incomparable One,
Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum). Worshipped
as an embodiment of the Divine Mother on
Earth, the plant gives its roots, stems,
leaves, and flowers for purifying and healing our bodies. Her spiritual essence helps
us to recognize the Divine within all
Nature. This little book is a complete
primer on Tulsi, including much information on the plant, what it is, how it is used,
how to grow it, and how to use her in ritual
and worship. This is a spiritual book,
offered up to Amma, and contains the 108
sacred names of Tulsi. We respect it greatly. Your purchase of this book will help
support Ammas vast network of humanitarian services which include disaster relief
and feeding the hungry.hunry
$7.00 (160 pages, soft cover)
Medicinal Plants of the Southern
Appalachians by Patricia K. Howell
When it comes to regional herbals, theres
been a gap as wide as Cumberland waiting for
a good book to fill it upand this is it! Ever
wonder about the local uses of Devils
Walking Stick, Indian Pipe, or Rabbit
Tobacco? This book will let you in on these
secrets, and more. Highly recommended.
$19.95 (262 pages, soft cover)
Peterson Guide to Eastern/Central US
Medicinal Plants by Steven Foster
and James Duke
This is the unparalleled field identification
and quick-reference for plants found east of
the Rockies. The Peterson guides are so
arranged that if you know the color of the
flowers, youre likely to quickly find the
plant in this book. My copy is sweat-stained
and thoroughly thumbed. Many color plates.
$19.00 (366 pages, soft cover)
Peterson Guide to Western US Medicinal
Plants by Steven Foster
and Christopher Hobbs
Best reference for the identification and medicinality of a large array of plants of the West.
We feel a close connection to this book, since
Christopher took some of the photos in the
botanical gardens here at Horizon Herbs.
500 species and 600 color plates.
$22.00 (442 pages, flexicover)

Rasayana, Ayurvedic Herbs for

Longevity and Rejuvenation by Dr. H.S.
In Ayurveda, the herbs that delay old age,
increase mental acuity, generate power, vital
energy, eyesight, impart intelligence,
memory, aid proper digestion and clear complexion are known as Rasayana. To me,
this is the most exciting book now available
on herbs from India. Ive been taking it to
bed with me. The plants are precisely
described, the illustrations are stunning, and
the text is practical and usefula huge step
in clarifying the mysteries of Ayurveda.
Here you will excellent writeups on plants
available through in this catalog: Amla,
Asafetida, Ashwagandha, Bala, Brahmi,
Costus, Eclipta, Elephant Creeper, Neem,
Shatavari and Tulsi. We bow to you,
Dr. Puria stellar achievement!
$95.00 (352 pages, hard cover)
Rosemary Gladstars Herbal Recipes for
Vibrant Health by Rosemary Gladstar
This is Rosemarys herbal centerpiece,
drawing from a lifetimes experience with
herbsas colorful, light, and juicy as she
herself. This book is chock full of herbal
recipes to help you practice the art of food as
medicine, medicine as food!
$16.95 (400 pages, soft cover)
Urban Homesteading
by Rachel Kaplan and K. Ruby Blume
<<NEW FOR 2012>>A deep understanding
of where we are as a culture, how we got
here, and ways to get ourselves out of this
mess! As if knitting a sweater with recycled
needles using home-spun yarn, the authors
keenly perceive what resources are truly
available in an urban setting, then give us a
feel for how to use them to transform the
mundane into the Earth healing garden.
These folks have an intense and powerful
understanding of our current crisis, yet
remain hopeful for positive change. Their
approach puts food on the table while planning for the health and happiness of our childrens children. Brass tacks methods of raising plants and animals in small spaces. Zero
waste. Quitting hydrocarbons cold turkey.
Animal husbandry in small spaces. Feeding
and keeping bees. Converting alleyways to
garden paths. This book enthralls me.
$24.95 (292 pages, soft cover, tons of wonderful full color photos, real people)


Stainless Steel and Cedar Seed Cleaning Screens

Set of 8 precision stainless steel screens
mounted in frames of Port Orford Cedar.
Each screen is 1 foot square and 3 inches
deep. Handmade, these are extremely
tough and they smell excellently of Cedar.
Specifically designed for sorting and
cleaning a diverse array of types and sizes
of seeds, they graduate from
4 strands per inch (i.e. 1/4 inch
opening) down to 40 strands per inch
(extremely fine). The graduated sizes
assist in separating viable seed from inferior seed and cleaning seeds of chaff and
dust. They will work equally well on medicinal herb seeds, flower seeds, and vegetable seeds.
The screens are also useful for removing stems from dried culinary or medicinal herbs and for
grinding dried leafy herbs into the appropriate sizes (e.g. stemless tea cut, coarse grind for tincturing, or powder for encapsulation). These screens are only available as a set and function
best as a setonce you start to use them, youll see what we mean, and youll be glad you
have them all. Set of 8 graduated screens/$189.50 +Actual shipping.

Bio-Tags. Flexible tags, 6 inch long by 3/4 inch wide, are designed to be pushed in next to
your planting for temporary labeling purposes (very good for marking rows of seedlings or
potted plants). The tags look like white plastic, but they are made from corn and soybeans
will harmlessly biodegrade into the soil in about 1 year (help, Im melting!). These are easily
and legibly writeable on one side (pen or pencil).
Bio-Tags: 100 tags/$8.00; $70.00/1,000 tags

Impress-O-Tags. Just write on the 1 inch x 3.5 inch metal tag with any ballpoint pen,
pencil, or stylus on either or both sides. The wire fasteners are enclosed. Will not rust or
deteriorate with age, remaining readable indefinitely.
Impress-O-Tags: 1 box/$12.50 (100 tags); 10 boxes or more: $11.00/box
Neem Oil Soap. What we imagined was going to be a potent medicinal soap actually
turned out to be a premier all-purpose bath or hand soap with medicinal applicability
Formulated by Richo and handmade by Bunnys Bath, this gentle yet potent bar has proven its
excellence. The soap is made of organic Sunflower seed oil, contains fragrantly circulationstimulating oil of Rosemary, and is preserved with a water extract of Rosemary. The active
ingredient is the fixed oil of the Neem seed, introduced in a special process whereby the oil is
not saponified. Neem oil has been shown to be antifungal to athletes foot; helps clear acne;
antiparasitic to headlice and fleas.
Big 5 oz bar $4.00 each, $37.50/10 bars
Sweetgrass Braids. Made by First Nations People from Saskatchewan, these are handbraided from wild Sweetgrass (Heirachloe odorata). The Sweetgrass that grows up north is of
highest quality, emitting an aroma like new-mown hay in Elysian fields. The braids are pleasantly green-colored, measure 32 inches long and weigh about 1 oz. each.
$5.00/braid, $30/7 braids
Amazon Incense Palo Santo (Bursera graveolens)
Split pieces of windfall holy wood from the
Peruvian Amazon are delightfully aromatic.
Simply light the stick, blow out, and it smoulders
for some timeimparting its excellent aroma to
everything in the vicinity and helping calm and
soothe the spirit. The pieces in this earth-friendly
cellophane bag are about 4 inches long and may
be split again and again to stretch the medicine.
$4.50/1 oz. bag; (chooseHerbs 30 g for shipping)
$29.90/lb(consisting of pieces ~20 g each.)




Dried Bilberries, Organic
The most potent source of
anthocyanins in all nature. Perfect for jam,
syrup, cordial, easy smoothies. Sweet!
100 g bag $19.95
Dried Black Elderberries, Organic
Whole dried berries available for your
medicine making pleasure.
See for recipes.
100 g bag $19.95
Dried Hawthorn Berries, Organic
Bright red and fully ripe berries picked
just aftrer first frost and dried in the
traditional manner
100 g bag $6.00 each
Dried Rosemary Leaf, Organic
Rosemary is one of our specialties. We
harvested and dried some exceptional leaf
that wed love to share with you.
50 g bag $4.50 each


These good herbs are all ground up and ready to use (according to the practice of
Ayurveda and the rules of prudence, of course!), mixing in drinks, tea making, encapsulation, pill making, oil infusion or tincturing. By my nose, and tastebuds, and trials,
they are really good stuff!
Tulsi Tea (Ocimum sanctum) leaves, tea cut, Organic . . . . . . . . . . . .$25.00/lb
Amalaki (Phyllanthus emblica) fruit, powdered, Organic . . . . . . . .$18.00/lb
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) root, powdered, Organic . . . . .$23.00/lb
Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) leaves, powdered, Organic . . . . . . . . .$23.00/lb
Neem (Azadirachta indica) leaf, powdered, Organic . . . . . . . . . . . . .$25.00/lb
Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) root, powdered, Organic . . . . . . .$23.00/lb
Triphala (Amla, Bibhitaki and Haritaki) formula, Organic . . . . . .$16.00/lb
Turmeric (Curcuma longa) root, powdered, Organic . . . . . . . . . . . .$23.00/lb

These spices are grown by hand on a small, mixed crop, spice plantation in the midst
of the jungles of Pemba (the greenest island of the Spice Islands of Zanzibar), hand
picked and cured in the sun. The spices are not certified organically grown, but are
of highest quality, and weve personally verified that no chemicals or fertilizers were
used in their planting, growing, processing, or storage. Recent spices of highest
quality offered at a very reasonable price .
Black Pepper (Piper nigrum) whole peppercorns, dried . . . . . 50 g/pkt $4.50
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) bark, whole, dried, . .50 g/pkt $4.50
Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) pods, green, dried, . . . .50 g/pkt $4.50
Cloves (Eugenia aromatica) whole, dried, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 g/pkt $4.50
Ginger (Zingiber officinalis) Tea Cut, dried, . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 g/pkt $4.50
Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia) extraction grade, dried pods, . . . .20 g/pkt $6.50




Tulsi Four Plant CollectionOrganic
Tulsi brings blessings to our homes and good health to our bodies. What else do we need?
These plants appreciate a warm exposure, and may be planted in the garden or in pots.

*Tulsi Four plant set: $24.50/4 Tulsi plants: Krishna, Rama, Vana and Kapoor

New York Window Houseplant CollectionOrganic

Folks often request a medicinal plant that will do well on a windowsill inside the house. Here
we have compiled three plants that do very well indeed in just these conditions, which we send
as a threesome. These can be potted up to gallons and will thrive even when you are gone on
vacation and cannot water them. They are quite entertaining and always full of surprises.

*New York Window: $19.50/3 plants: Life Plant, Cape Aloe, Hen & Chicks, Organic


Hoedown Seed CollectionOrganic
Fun and easy-to grow, seed saver friendly)
Vacuum-packed to last at least 3 years.
1 pkt. each of: Beans, Anasazi Cave; Beets, Detroit Dark Red;
Carrots, Scarlet Nantes; Corn, Hopi Purple; Cucumber, Marketmore;
Greens, Mixed Cooking: Chard; Kale, Mixed; Spinach, Revolution;
Greens, Mixed Salad: Mizuna; Lettuces, Leaf Mixed; Arugala;
Onions, Valencia Keepers, Peas, Cascadia Pod;
Squash, Yellow Crookneck; Squash, Winter Zeppelin Delicata;
Tomatoes, Principe Borghese (50 seeds/pkt)

$24.95 each
$44.95/2 Hoedown CollectionsDiscounted Price, Organic
One for now and one for lateror to give as a gift.


My Mother's Kitchen Garden Seed CollectionOrganic
Herbs used to spice simple foods and make them savory and attractive.
1 pkt. each of: Basil, Sweet Lettuce Leaf; Coriander; Dill; Marjoram, Sweet; Oregano, Greek;
Parsley, Italian; Sage, Garden; Savory, Summer; Tarragon, Mexican; Thyme, English Broadleaf.

10 pkts/$19.95, Organic

Tasty Tea Seed CollectionOrganic

These are our tastiest, easy-to-grow herb tea favorites.
1 pkt. each of: Chamomile, German; Fennel; Hibiscus;
Jiao-gu-lan, Japanese; Navajo Tea; Spearmint;

7 pkts/$14.95, Organic

Edible Flowers Seed CollectionOrganic

An array of edible flowers for dressing up your salad.
1 pkt each of Bean, Scarlet Emperor; Borage,
Calendula, Wild; Nasturtium, Jewels;
Love in the Mist; Shungiku; Violet, Heartsease.

7 pkts/$14.95, Organic

Kidzerbs: Garden Kit:

Includes: Kidzerbs, A Kids Guide to Growing
Medicinal Plants book by Sena Cech,
12 Organic Seed packets: Basil, Borage, Calendula,
California Poppy, Catnip, Chamomile, Fennel,
Feverfew, Flax, Johhny-Jump-Up, Lemon Balm,
Love-in-the-Mist, and 12 row markers.

Kidzerbs Garden Kit: $19.95, Organic



Strictly Medicinal SEED COLLECTIONS

Lifeline Medicinal Herb GardenOrganic
The motivation behind this Lifeline Garden is to offer home gardeners the seminal foundation for
a diverse medicinal herb garden that will contribute to every aspect of health and well-being.
Inside18 Strictly Medicinal seed packets, 1 each of: Astragalus; Burdock, Gobo;
Calendula, Mixed; Chamomile, German; Echinacea purpurea; Elecampane; Evening Primrose;
Flax, Brown; Lemon Balm; Marshmallow; Motherwort, Official; Nettles; Pepper, Cayenne;
Sage, Garden; Valerian, Official; Tulsi, Kapoor (Holy Basil);Wood Betony; Yarrow.

18 pkts/$29.95Discounted Price, Organic

Ayurvedic Herb Seed Collection

<<NEW FOR 2012>>
Seeds of 9 rejuvenative and medicinal herbs:
Amla (Emblica officinalis)
Andrographis (Andrographis paniculata)
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
Bala (Sida cordifolia)
Eclipta (Eclipta alba)
Gotu Kola (Hydrocotyl asiatica)
Lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus)
Spilanthes (Spilanthes oleracea)
Tulsi, Rama (Ocimum sanctum)

9 pkts/$24.95

Chinese Herb Seed Collection

<<NEW FOR 2012>>
Seeds of 8 lucky herbs, a potent slice of TCM:
Dan-shen (Salvia miltiorrhiza)
Dang-shen (Codonopsis pilosula)
Huang-Qi (Astragalus membranaceus)
Huang-Qin (Scutellaria baicalensis)
Ma-huang (Ephedra sinensis)
Tou-gu (Impatiens balsamina)
Wu-wei-zi (Schisandra chinensis)
Xiao-mi-la (Capsicum frutescens)

8 pkts/$24.95

Japanese Herb Seed Collection

<<NEW FOR 2012>>
6 unique medicinal foods from Japan:
Ashitaba (Angelica keiskei koidzumi)
Burdock, Gobo (Arctium lappa)
Daikon, Miyashige White (Raphanus sativus)
Jiao-gu-lan (Gynostemma pentaphyllum)
Shungiku (Chrysanthemum coronarium)
Yomogi (Artemisia princeps)

6 pkts/$19.95, Organic

Dye Plants Collection These are some of

the most outstanding of all dye plants:
1 pkt. each of: Chamomile, Dyers; Elecampane;
Indigo, Blue; Madder; Marigold, African; Nettles;
Our Ladys Bedstraw.

7 pkts/$14.95

Native American Spirit Plants These go out with our prayers for world peace.
1 pkt. each of: Sage, Blue; Mint, Mountain; Mugwort, Western; Sagebrush; Spikenard,
California; Sage, White; Tobacco, Hopi; Tobacco, Huichol.

8 pkts/$22.95





Alfalfa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Medicago sativa

Perennial cover crop, best for fertile soils,
home garden. All zones. Sprouts provide a
rich source of dietary chlorophyll. Excellent
for shelterbelts. Fixes 200 lbs nitrogen per acre,
yields up to 10 tons of organic matter per acre,
and effectively sequesters subsurface minerals
by way of its deeply delving root system.
Inoculate with rhizobium inoculant and sow
early fall or spring. Broadcast, rake in, and
keep moist. Use 1 lb per 1,000 sq. feet.
500 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$6.25/100 g (~170,000 seeds),
$12.00/lb (~2,040,000 seeds), Organic
Bean, Fava . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Vicia faba
(Broad Windsor)
Annual. 70 days when spring sown, 240 days
when fall sown, hardy to 12 F. Growing Favas
provides much biomass and fixes atmospheric
nitrogen, thereby conditioning the soil and providing nutrients. This cultivar (Broad Windsor)
is not only a great cover crop, it is also good to
eat. Can be shelled green and steamed, or can
be dried, stored, then soaked and made into
soup or ground up to make traditional falafels.
$5.00/lb, Organic
Buckwheat (for summer)
Excellent biomass and nectar producing cover
crop for warm season application. Great
choice for protecting bare soil from the sun,
working well on both fertile and depleted soils.
Withstanding full sun and also quite shade tolerant, this cover crop will protect and nourish
your summer soil. Sow 2 lbs per 1,000 square
feet; 30 lbs per acre. Grows to 2 feet tall.
$5.00/lb, Organic
Oats and Peas (for spring or fall)
This combo sets the standard for a symbiotic
cover crop that may be sown fall or spring. The
oats grow tall to support the peas and the peas
fix nitrogen for the oats. Sow 3 lbs per 1,000
square feet; 45 lbs per acre. Grows to
5 feet tall.
$5.00/lb, Organic
Chicory, Forage . . . . . . . .Cichorium intybus
Superior forage for cattle, horses, goats (30%
protein). Sow 100 g per 1,000 square feet.
$14.00/100 g (~70,000 seeds)

Lush, nitrogen-fixing cover crops. Broadcast

on newly-tilled ground in spring, summer, or
fall. Clovers are the best choice for forcing out
unwanted weed species. Their activity is
three-foldthey loosen subsoil with their
roots, fix nitrogen in the soil, and dispel
disease in the human body. Kudos to Clover!
Crimson Clover . . . . .Trifolium incarnatum
Annual. Those living in warmer climates do
well to sow in fall, while in areas with winter
temperatures below 5 F, then spring or
summer planting is preferred. Bears myriads
of truly luxurious, upright blossoms; quickly
produces a monotypic stand that fixes 150 lbs
of pure nitrogen per acre.
500 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$12.00/100 g (~100,000 seeds),
$22.00/lb (~454,000 seeds), Organic
Medium Red Clover . . . .Trifolium pratense
Native to temperate Europe and Asia. Hardy to
-40 F. The tea thins the blood and helps
dispel toxins from the system. Red Clover
fixes 140 lbs of nitrogen per acre, while the
roots break up hardpan and oxygenate the soil.
Flowers yield a yellow dye. Average germ
time 3 days. Sow 1 lb per 2,000 square feet; 10
lbs per acre.
500 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$6.00/100 g (~140,000 seeds),
$11.00/lb (~636,000 seeds), Organic
This seed is coated with rhizobium inoculant.
Clover and Poppies (for all seasons)
A beautiful mix of: Clover, Red; Clover,
Crimson; Poppy, California and Poppy,
Flanders. Pre-inoculated. Sow anytime for an
ongoing display. Sow 100 g per 500 square
feet; 1 lb per 2,000 square feet; 10 lbs per acre.
Grows 1 to 2 feet tall.
$13.00/100 g
$24.00/lb, Organic
Fenugreek . . . . .Trigonella foenum-graecum
Annual. Native to the Mediterranean and
winter hardy to -10 F. Breaks up heavy clay
soilscontributes nitrogen and organic matter.
Direct-seed late summer, fall, or early spring.
Germs in cold soils. Sow 100 g per 200 square
feet; 1 lb per 1000 square feet; 35 lbs per acre.
200 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$10.25/100 g,
$22.00/lb, Organic
Planting, sprouting, or extraction quality.
Oats (for spring or fall)
Sow 3 lbs per 1,000 square feet; 45 lbs per
acre. Grows to 5 feet tall.
5 g pkt/$2.95
$40.00/10 lb sack, Organic
Rye, Winter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Secale cereal
Oldest domestic crop dating back to
Paleolithic. Excellent for coering garden beds
after harvest.
2 lbs per 1,000 sq ft.
$40.00/10 lb sack,Organic



Seeds of Sustenance
Amaranth & Quinoa


Family: Amaranth (Amaranthaceae)

Self-seeding annuals native to South America.
100 days to maturity. The seeds are easy to
winnow and cook. We like to make Amaranth
porridge, cooking the grain with sufficient
water, adding raisins, and simmering about
15 minutes or until done. Flavorfully nutty,
satisfyingly gummy, and highly nutritious.
Plants prefer full sun and rich garden soil.
Direct-seed in early spring.
Chinese Giant Orange Amaranth . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .Amaranthus hypochondriacus
Dark orange flowers on plants to 8 feet tall.
Leaves green with orange ribs. Seeds golden
and edible. Early greens also edible.
100 seeds/pkt $2.45,
$4.95/g (~1,200 seeds),
$14.85/10 g (~12,000 seeds), Organic
Golden Giant Amaranth . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .Amaranthus hypochondriacus
Golden Giant is an epic plant, giving about a
pound of deliciously edible, golden seed per 10
row feet. This is the Amaranth we will send if
you dont specify.
200 seeds/pkt $2.45,
$4.95/g (~1,200 seeds),
$14.85/10 g (~12,000 seeds), Organic
Amaranth, Hopi Red Dye . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Amaranthus cruentus
As a young green, colorful and tastygood in
mesclun. Traditionally, the highly colored
flower bracts are dried and used to make corn
bread red. Mature plant produces showy,
thickly flowered tops. Interestingly, this often
resembles a fist with raised middle finger (one
might surmise that this is the plants comment
about hybridized seed). Black seeds edible but
not as good as Golden Giant.
100 seeds/pkt $2.45

Amaranth, Dark Green Spinach . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Amaranthus viridis
(Bayam, Slender Amaranth, Sukumawiki)
<<NEW FOR 2012>>
Annual. 50 days. This is a drought and heat
tolerant vegetable that is grown for the dark
green leaves, which are excellent in African
and Vedic cooking, stir fries and soups. Works
well to plant in successions 3 to 6 weeks apart
throughout the summer months. This is the
way its done in tropical climates, where in
many places leaf Amaranth has become a
dependable and necessary staple food. Direct
seed on a fine seedbed, press in and keep
warm, evenly moist and in the light. Thin to 3
inches apart and harvest when leaves size up.
300 seeds/pkt $2.45
$4.95/g (~1,200 seeds),
$14.85/10 g (~12,000 seeds), Organic
Amaranth, Red Spinach . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Amaranthus tricolor
<<NEW FOR 2012>>
Annual. 50 days. Edible Amaranth making
dark red leaves. Used and cultivated in much
the same way as dark green amaranth (above)
except that the early color set makes this plant
an excellent choice for adding color to mesclun
and micro greens. Used extensively in Chinese
and Vietnamese quisine, and a preferred source
of Spinach for Greek cooking,
300 seeds/pkt $2.45
$4.95/g (~1,200 seeds),
$14.85/10 g (~12,000 seeds), Organic
Quinoa, Faro . . . . . . . .Chenopodium quinoa
Family: Goosefoot (Chenopodiaceae)
Annual, native to South America. 100 days to
maturity. This is one of the most highly productive food grains that can easily be grown by
gardeners in the temperate north. 1g of seed
sows 50 row feet. Sow in early spring, in rows
2 feet apart, then thin plants to 1 foot apart.
Cultivate frequently through the summer,
mound up around the plants to bolster them
against lodging, and water well. When the
heads become heavy with seed, then do not
water on top of themthis can be deleterious
as seeds can sprout in heads. Once the plants
drop their leaves, then cut off the seed heads
and dry them (sun dry on tarps or in sheaves or
lay out on tarps or tables in the summer greenhouse.) Thresh and wind winnow. Was seed
thoroughly in several changes of water, or boil
and discard water, then boil again to cook. The
idea is to wash away bitter saponins before eating the grain. Cooks up just like Rice.
300 seeds/pkt $2.45,
$14.85/10 g (~3,500 seeds),
$74.25/100 g (~35,000 seeds), Organic

More seeds available beyond this list! Check or call (541) 846-6704.




These plants offer the opportunity to significantly diversify our diets, being especially
good in winter mashes and soups. Mashua and
Oca benefit from growing in well-rested soils
of relatively low fertility but good structure.
As the plants grow and spread, hill up around
them, to encourage formation of tubers that
push out from the buried stem. These crops
like to be watered thoroughly, especially late
in the season, which is when they make their
tubers. Were offering plants from 3 different
families that nonetheless yield roots with similar culinary and nutritional attributes. Potted
plant or pot containing the dormant tuber. The
Yacon are nice potted plants grown from stem
Mashua . . . . . . . . . . .Tropaeolum tuberosum
Family: Nasturtium (Tropaeolaceae)
Herbaceous perennial with handsome, discshaped leaves that resemble Nasturtium that
ines to about 12 feet and produces eventually
the large, multicolored, spurred flowers.
Highly desired plant does well in cool shade.
The thin-skinned, tuberous roots are harvested
very late in the season, and are used in soups,
being kind to the liver and kidney, also purportedly an anaphrodisiac that is served up by
the lady of the house when shes feeling like
shed rather sleep. When fresh, these roots are
as peppery as a nasturtium bud, but when
cooked they are mild and yummy in taste.
Plant like a Potato. Trellis.
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic

Oca, Mixed Colors . . . . . . .Oxalis tuberosa

Family: Oxalis (Oxalidaceae)
At first, vines grow upright and clover-like,
but soon sprawl and may even dig in along the
way. In late season, forms tuberous, highly
colored, thin-skinned, and white-fleshed roots.
Similar to Potatoes in protein content and of
higher caloric value than the Yam, they are
truly delicious as a cooked tuber. Bake, make
soup or stir-fry. The tubers take on the taste of
whatever they are cooked with, and lend a
deliciously gummy texture. Plant like a
Potato. Hill up, and give plenty of water in
the late season.
*$5.25/potted plant, $12.75/3 plants, Organic
Yacon . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Polymnia sonchifolia
(Andean Sunroot)
Family: Aster (Asteraceae)
Tuberous perennial from S. America. Hardy to
30 F. Very high yielding. Rich in fructose
and inulin, crisp and delectable, the enlarged
secondary tubers are a traditional Andean food
and a low-calorie sugar substitute. The plants
grow to 7 feet, bold and tough (like the
Asteraceae tend to be), preferring full sun and
regular garden soil. After first frost, dig the
tubers, wash and briefly sun-dry, then store in
a cool and dry location for a week or more
until they shrivel and fully develop their
sweetness. Bake in the oven or peel and
process as a raw salad dressing, or boil fresh
slices, strain, then reduce on a low burner to
make thick Yacon syrup, which comes out
emerald green. Pancakes!
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic

All our seeds are open-pollinated, untreated, and seed-saver friendly.





Family: Pea (Fabaceae)

Easily grown by direct-seeding in the garden.
Perfect introductory plant for children, as the
seeds are large and easily handled, and germ.
is quick and impressive. Sow in warm soil,
2 rows per 4 foot wide raised bed, or if row
cropping, sow seeds 6 inches apart in rows 4
feet apart. A diet that includes Beans, Quinoa,
Garlic and Tomatoes provides 100% of the
amino acids required for human nutrition.
Anasazi Cave Bean . . . . .Phaseolus vulgaris
Annual. 50 to 55 days. Vigorous pole bean ,
a relict originating in the Southwestern US.
Excellent flattened pods for green beans, large
dry seeds cook up creamy and are 75% less
gassy than modern beans. We planted ours in
hills, thinning to the 3 best plants per hill, then
erecting a large tripod over the hill, and training the plants up the poles. They climbed vigorously, and soon produced many pods for
summer eating. By fall, we were gathering in
the dried pods by the handsful and squeezing
out the mature seeds. Botanical gold.
20 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Bolita Bean . . . . . . . . . . .Phaseolus vulgaris
<<NEW FOR 2012>>
Annual. 50 to 55 days. Popular heirloom bush
beans are best made into burritos refrieds,
soups or chili. Small salmon-colored frijoles
cook fast and make a rich, flavorful gravy.
This bean marries taste with digestibility.
Strongly taprooted plants are quick to grow in
full sun with minimal water input.
20 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Edamame, Hidatsa . . . . . . . . . .Glycine max
Annual. Short bushes, pods to 3 inches long.
seeds medium sized, good for short growing
season areas as this is an early producer. To
prepare beans, boil in pod until tender, then
squeeze into mouth as a delicious hors doeuvre or main protein dish. One of the quickest
and easiest ways to grow yummy protein in
your garden.
30 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Hopi Yellow Lima Bean . .Phaseolus lunatus
(Sikya Hatiko, Hopi Golden Lima Beans)
Bright golden beans on a long vine. These
proved to be exceptionally productive per
growing space. Provide trellis or allow to
sprawl. We love this heirloom bean! It is
worth working to save and saving to eat.
Commonly sprouted and cooked as a delicacy.
this is also a softly flavorful bean for making
refrieds, soup or chili. These transport us.
20 seeds/pkt $2.45,
$28.25/100 g, Organic

Hyacinth Bean . . . . . . . . . . Dolichos lablab

Vining perennial to 30 feet in the tropics,
grown as an annual in the temperate north.
Native to tropical Africa, hardy to 20 F.
Sweeping, upright stems bear clusters of fancy,
edible flowers, giving way to dark
purple, crescent-shaped pods. Trellis.
7 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Midnight Black Turtle Bean . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Phaseolus vulgaris
Annual bush bean. 90 to 100 days to maturity.
Wait until pods go crispy dry before harvest.
Easy to separate and winnow, these are among
the most productive of protein sources for both
gardeners and small farmers.
In Latin
America, they are a major staple foodburritos, chili, refrieds. Black Turtle Beans are also
among the least allergenic of all legumes.
30 seeds/pkt $2.45,
$18.25/100g (~450 seeds),
$34.00/lb (~2,040 seeds), Organic
Provider Green Bean . . Phaseolus vulgaris
Annual. 50 to 55 days. A highly adaptaptable,
early, snap green bean that produces legions
of 5 to 8 inch pods on a self-supporting
bush. Excellent for fresh green beans or canning.
30 seeds/pkt $2.45
$12.25/100 g (~320 seeds)
$28.00/lb (~1,450 seeds), Organic
Scarlet Runner Bean . .Phaseolus coccineus
(Scarlet Emperor)
Tuberous perennial grown as an annual in the
north. Native to Central America and Mexico.
Hardy to 20 F. Heavily lipped, scarlet blossoms that last throughout the summer. Seeds of
deep purple shot through with pink. Directseed in early spring in rich hills and trellis.
Vines to 15 feet. Shelled fresh beans cook up
with a good, thick sauce.
10 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic


Family:Aster (Asteracea)
Oversize plants prefer full sun and rich garden
soil. Sow in spring. Thin to 2 feet apart.
Globe Artichoke . . . . . . . .Cynara scolymus
Perennial, but can be grown as an annual.
Native to S. Europe. Hardy to 20 F. The
steamed flower buds make a pleasant-tasting
vegetable. The bitter leaf makes an excellent
digestive tea. Produces giant, edible globes,
flowering purple to 5 feet.
30 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Jerusalem Red Artichoke . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Helianthus tuberosus
(Sunroot, Sunchoke, Girasole)
Tuber-forming herbaceous perennial native to
the New World, hardy to -40 F. Multistemmed plant makes small yellow flowers and
big red tubers that can be dug from late fall
through to spring. Crunchily edible in the raw,
or can be boiled into something that resembles
potato soup. Shipping until April 1, 2011.
*5 roots/$5.00, Organic

Ordering plants and seeds? OK! Seeds ship right away; plants ship April through July.


Asparagus, Garden . . .Asparagus officinalis

(Mary Washington)
Family: Lily (Liliaceae)
Dioecious perennial, native to the
Mediterranean. This culinary Asparagus produces both male and female plants, both of
them deliciously edible. Harvest fresh spears
in the spring of the second year and ongoing.
Asparagus may be counted among the spring
tonics, as it clears the urinary tract of winters
toxins. The effects are both diuretic and laxative. Sow in spring and grow out for a year
before transplanting. Mulch the bed to build
soil and discourage weeds and grasses.
100 seeds/pkt $2.45
Beetberry . . . . . . . Chenopodium capitatum
(Strawberry Spinach)
Family: Goosefoot (Chenopodiaceae)
Annual. 40 days to maturity. Sweet, bright
red raspberry globular growths occur along
the arching arms of this Lambs-Quarter-like
heirloom plant. The leaves are soft and deliciously edible. The sweet, parsnip-like roots
are good raw or in soups, white marbled with
beet red. The fruits are healthy and fun in
salads. Plant prefers part shade to full sun and
regular garden soil. Sow in spring. Easy.
100 seeds/pkt $2.45
$5.95/g, (~1,700 seeds)
$17.85/10 g, (~17,000 seeds)
$89.25/100 g, (~170,000 seeds), Organic


Family: Goosefoot (Chenopodiaceae)

all are Beta vulgaris
Sow in early spring. Standard vegetable
culture. Thin to 3 to 6 inches apart.
Detroit Dark Red Beet . . . . . .Beta vulgaris
Biennial. 60 days to maturity. Heirloom introduced in 1892, the standard for beets
round and scarlet, tender and sweet.
50 seeds/pkt $2.45,
$6.85/10 g (~900 seeds), Organic
Touchstone Gold Beet . . . . . .Beta vulgaris
<<NEW FOR 2012>>
High germ rates even in warm soils. Greens
are mild flavored. Sweet, yellow fleshed, uniform, round roots retain golden color when
cooked. Excellent storage beet.
100 seeds/pkt $2.45,
$14.85/10 g (~700 seeds), Organic
Sugar Beet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beta vulgaris
Biennial. 80 days to maturity. Leaves excellent for eating and long, white roots that weigh
up heavy and are loaded with sugar.
100 seeds/pkt $2.45
$12.25/10 g (~1,200 seeds)



Bitter Melon . . . . . . . .Momordica charantia

Cucumber (Cucurbitaceae)
80 to 120 days to maturity. Perennial, dioecious vine, grown as an annual in temperate
climates. Pantropical. Sow early in the greenhouse and transplant after frost. The plants
demand full sun and a trellis. Standard oblong
fruits with green, warty skin. Bitter Melon is
probably the best antidiabetic herb known to
herbalist, as it supports the pancreas and promotes secretion of insulin. Slice and stir-fry or
boil in soup. Can be fresh tinctured to make
antidiabetic extract.
10 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$14.85/10 g (~70 seeds) Organic


Family: Mustard (Brassicaceae)

Sow in the garden in midspring or start indoors
3 weeks before last frost date. Thin or transplant to 1 foot apart. Prefers full sun and moist
garden soil. Due to the anticancer effects of
Broccoli, and the yumminess of it, we like to
put this plant in our bodies.
Green Sprouting Broccoli . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brassica oleracea
(De Cicco)
Biennial. Standard open pollinated type that
produces a nice primary head, and then once
this is cut, produces an ongoing offering of
smaller heads, broccolini if you will.
300 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Oregon Long Neck Broccoli . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brassica oleracea
Biennial. Good open-pollinated Broccolis are
rare, but they are easy to grow and are incredibly nutritious. Oregon Long Neck is a vigorous plant with a large head held above the slug
zone by its tall neck.
100 seeds/pkt $2.45,
$6.85/10 g (~3,000 seeds),Organic
Purple Peacock Broccoli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brassica olerace
<<NEW FOR 2012>>
A novel cross between Broccoli and Kale produces pleasantly non-spicy and very edible
leaves as well as the classic purple sprouting
broccoli head with its multiple side-shoot
broccolinis. With its green buds, highly colored stems, and red tinged leaves these do
much to diversify a stir-fry. The young fresh
leaves make a sweet and toothsome salad.
100 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Spring Rapini . . . . . . . .Brassica rapa rapa
Annual. 45 days to maturity. Rapini produce
tender, edible leaves that give rise to buddy
shoots resembling miniature broccoli. They
are perfectly sized for stir-fry and are a good
choice for quick greens and small gardens.
300 seeds/pkt $2.45
$6.85/10 g (~3,500 seeds)
$22.25/100 g (~35,000 seeds)

More seeds available beyond this list! Check or call (541) 846-6704.




Family: Aster (Asteraceae)

Hardy taprooted biennials with wide leaves
make scrumptious and medicinally charged
roots the first year. Sow in the spring by planting directly in beds where the soil is deep and
easy to dig. Sow seed 2 inches apart and 1/2
inch deep, in rows 2 feet apart. Seed germs in
6 to 12 days. Harvest in 10 weeks or more. In
the second year the root becomes woody and
the plant gives rise to characteristic flowers
followed by catchy burrs. Most gardeners cut
them back in early flower and mulch the crown
with the top of the plant.
Gobo Burdock . . . . . . . . . . . Arctium lappa
Standard medicinal plant, making taproots
sometimes as big as your forearm. Combined
with Dandelion, a trustworthy bloodcleanser
for treatment of many ills, including staph.
100 seeds/pkt $2.45,
$5.85/10 g (~1,050 seeds)
$29.25/100g (~10,500 seeds)
$80.00/lb (~47,600 seeds), Organic
Ha Gobo Burdock . . . . . . . . Arctium lappa
(Leaf Burdock)
Softly edible leaves on an extremely long and
tender taproot that may be eaten freshly grated,
pickled, or as a steamed vegetable.
50 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Watanabe Burdock . . . . . . . . Arctium lappa
Watanabe produces long, thin, tender, earlymaturing roots. They tend to be very consistently sized and are excellent for eating.
30 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic


Family: Mustard (Brassicaceae)

Sow in the garden in spring or fall. Thin or
transplant to 1 foot apart. Prefers full sun and
moist garden soil. Source of anticancer isothiocyanates, anti-birth-defect folates, and vitamin B6, which lowers the risk of heart attack.
Helps prevent (and treat) stomach ulcers. You
can also use Cabbage leaves as pain relieving
poultices. Nice in Thai soup.
Chirimen Hakusai Cabbage . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . Brassica rapa (chinensis group)
50 days to maturity. Loose-leaf Chinese cabbage with light green, savoyed leaves for salad
or stir fry. Someone requested of a comely
head May I just stick my face in that?
300 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Red Head Cabbage . . . . . Brassica oleracea
63 days to maturity. Making a dark red head,
these are good to eat when young, and also
good when done. Red Cabbage contains many
times more Vitamin C than green Cabbage.
200 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic


Camas, Blue . . . . . . . . . .Camassia quamash

Family: b(Liliaceae)
Herbaceous perennial; bulbous. Native to the
NW. Hardy to -30 F. Major foodstuff of the
Native Americans. Prefers moist garden soil
or meadowland that is moist in the spring and
dries out in the summer. Sow in fall, midwinter, or very early spring. Plant 6 inches apart.
Flowers to 20 inches tall.
50 seeds/pkt $3.95
$17.85/10 g (~2,200 seeds)
$7.95/plant, Organic


Family: Carrot (Asteraceae)

Biennial. The bright color indicates high concentrations of the health-giving carotenoids
rich in vitamin A and antioxidants. Prepare a
fine seedbed and sow just under surface, tamp
in securely and keep evenly moist until germination. Thin to 2 inches and cultivate often
until sized up.
When it comes to Carrots, we are raw foodists!
Chantanay Sweet Redcore . .Daucus carota
65 to 75 days. Flavorful orange carrot, a bit
stumpy operhaps but measuring nonetheless to
6 inches long. Grows nicely in standard garden soil and performs better than most in clay
or sandy soils.
300 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Scarlet Nantes Carrot . . . . . .Daucus carota
<NEW FOR 2012>
65 to 75 days. Thuis is a high amino acid type
with good old time carroty taste.
500 seeds/pkt $2.45,
$12.85/10 g (~4,750 seeds), Organic
Queen Annes Lace . . . . . . . .Daucus carota
Native to temperate zones worldwide. Ancient
contraceptive. Scatter seed on open or disturbed ground. Volunteers freely thereafter.
Flowers and seeds to 4 feet in the second year.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Not for sale to WA state.
Celery, Utah . . . . . . . . . .Apium graveolens
Family: Carrot (Apiaceae)
Biennial, first domesticated in Eurasia. 90
days, with seeds in the summer of the second
year. This open-pollinated variety Utah
yields vigorous, stocky plants with thick, solid,
tender yet crisp stalks. Celery seed is one of
the most efficient of all diuretics. Plant prefers
sun, richly manured soil, and frequent watering. Sow in spring.
100 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic

Ordering plants and seeds? OK! Seeds ship right away; plants ship April through July.





Family: Grass (Poaceae)

Annual, domesticated in Meso-America in
Neolithic timesthis plant has become the
staff of life for peoples near and far. Corn
prefers full sun and warm, fertile soil. Band
compost or composted manure below the furrow before direct-seeding in the early spring.
Do a patch of at least 3 rows to assure pollination. Try to avoid cloudy and rainy conditionssow Corn after the soil has truly
warmed up, when days are sunny.
Anasazi Sweet Corn . . . . . . . . . . .Zea mays
90 days to maturity. Tall plants with long ears.
Originally obtained from a cave in New
Mexico where a forward seeing Anasazi Indian
had sequestered the seeds in a ceramic pot, lidded and sealed with pine pitch. After sprouting
and growing out, the corn revealed itself as a
currently unknown strain of multiple colors
tasting wholesome and sweet. Probably over
the top nutrition-wise.
100 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
Double Red Sweet Corn . . . . . . .Zea mays
100 days to maturity. This intensely red Sweet
Corn is excellent for eating fresh as Corn-onthe-cob or can be dried to make traditional
cornbread or posol. Open-pollinated variety
adapted to organic culture, producing full ears
on short, red-streaked stalks. Loaded with
healthy anthocyaninstonifies circulation and
helps prevent colon cancer. This strain has
been placed in our hands, and we would like to
place it in yours (with butter and salt).
100 seeds/pkt, $3.95, Organic
Fishers Earliest Corn . . . . . . . . .Zea mays
70 days to maturity. Yellow sweet corn that is
cold soil tolerant and may be planted before
the last frost date. Phytonutrient rich.
Excellent chice for gardeners in the northern
states or at elevation. Given the quick maturation, it is possible to keep the corn coming by
planting three successions.
100 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
Hopi Blue Corn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Zea mays
90 days to maturity. Robust, drought-tolerant
cultivar selected over many generations by the
Hopi tribespeople of the American SW. Plants
10 feet tall. Ears to 1 foot long, usually 2 per
stalk. Powerful food and medicine. When
picked during the early milk stage, the massive
ears can be roasted or boiled.. Allowed to fully
mature and dry, produces a sweet, high protein
(30% higher protein than hybrid Corn) grain
used in making tortillas and cornbread. Eating
cornmeal porridge made from hand grown
Hopi Blue is a transformational experience.
100 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic

Hopi Purple Corn . . . . . . . . . . . .Zea mays

<<NEW FOR 2012>>
90 days to maturity. 8 foot plants produce 2
ears per stalk, the corn being sweet, high protein, excellent as corn on the cob, or if allowed
to mature will makes good cornbread, porridge, or purple tortillas.
100 seeds/pkt, $3.95
$12.25/100 g (~500 seeds) Organic
Cucumber, Marketmore . . .Cucumis sativus
Family: Cucumber (Cucurbitacea)
Annual vining vegetable native to the East
Indies and cultivated worldwide. 68 days to
maturity. These sprawltrellis not needed.
Cucumbers are one of the oldest known cultigens, dating back at least 3,000 years.
Marketmore is medium to large sized, crisp,
and very smooth-skinned. Skin not bitter.
Direct seed in rich mounds and thin to the best
3 plants per mound.
30 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Fennel, Bulbing . . . . . .Foeniculum vulgare
(Fennel, Finocchio, Zefa Fino)
Family: Carrot (Apiaceae)
Annual or biennial. Italian cultivar. 65 days to
maturity. Vigorous plants, the basal bulb composed of crisp and juicy white leaf stalks that
can be peeled back, washed, and eaten raw
with your favorite dip.
100 seeds/pkt $2.45,
$8.85/10 g (~2,000 seeds), Organic
See also Fennel in CULINARY SECTION
Goldenberry, Peruvian Physalis peruviana
(Giant Groundcherry, Topotopo)
Family: Nightshade (Solanaceae)
Short-lived perennial. Native to the Andesa
cultivated crop since Incan times. 150 days to
maturity. Nutritious golden fruit develops
inside a decorative, papery husk. We were
gifted with a new seed source on these this
year and, upon growing them out, found them
to be highly productive, giving us multitudinous fruits that tasted sweet, with a hint of
Cinnamon. Cultivation as per Tomatoes.
100 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Jobs Tears, Tropical . . . .Coix lacryma-jobi
Family: Grass (Poaceae)
Perennial, annual in temperate climates.
Native to Southeast Asia. Protect from frost.
Highly decorative, tufted grass. Hulled seeds
are used for making bread, porridge, soup
even beer. Sow in spring. Prefers full sun,
water, nutrient-rich soils.
20 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic

All our seeds are open-pollinated, untreated, and seed-saver friendly.




Mixed Cooking Greens

Mixed cooking greens consist of Chard, Kale,
and Spinach. Direct seed in the garden, or use
containers in the greenhouse.
Big 3 g/pkt, $3.95, Organic
Collards, Champion . . . . .Brassica oleracea
<<NEW FOR 2012>>
Biennial. 60 to 80 days to maturity. Longstanding, waxy, dark green leaves with white
veination. Non-heading. Mild eating, sweeter
after frost. Sow spring or fall.
200 seeds/pkt $2.45,
$12.85/10 g (~2,700 seeds), Organic
Chard, Orange . . . . .Beta vulgaris vulgaris
Biennial. 50 days to maturity. Excellent
choice for highly colored greens. Sow spring
or fall. Regular vegetable culture.
100 seeds/pkt $2.45
$8.85/10 g (~600 seeds),
$44.25/100 g (~6,000 seeds)
Kale, Chinese Dark Green . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .Brassica oleracea var. alboglabra
(Kailaan, Chinese Broccolli)
Annual, maturing in 50 to 70 days. This is an
easy-to-grow source of fat, tender stems
crowned by dark green leavesfor salads or
for cooking. Makes an awesome stir-fry. Start
spring or fall (this variety is both heat and cold
tolerant). Cut and come again.
200 seeds/pkt $2.45
Kale, Dinosaur . . . . . . . .Brassica oleracea
(Black Tuscan Kale)
Biennial. Uniform. Open-pollinated, seedsaver friendly, commonly self-sows. This is
one of the more nutritious and robust of the
Kalessweet fleshed spring or fall.
100 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic

Kale, Vates . . . . . . . . . . . . .Brassica napus

Annual. 50 days. Heirloom variety makes a
dense rosette of intensely curled, blue-green
leaves. Gets even sweeter after frost.
300 seeds/pkt $2.45,
$8.85/10 g (~3,000 seeds), Organic
Lambs Quarters . . . . .Chenopodium album
Annual. Wild medicinal food. Soft, slightly
downy, and mucilaginous leaves, like
Spinachhigh in protein, calcium, and vitamin A. Fresh or dried herb good in soups.
Native Americans used the plant to treat urinary infection, diarrhea, and stomachache.
Direct seed in spring. Space 1 foot apart.
300 seeds/pkt $2.45
$11.85/10 g (~13,000 seeds), Organic
Mizuna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Brassica rapa
Mild tasting mustard produces a crunchy
rosette for salad or stir-fry. Probably the
quickest green to get going, spring or fall.
Standard vegetable culture. Thin to 4 inches.
300 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Purslane . . . . . . . . . . . . .Portulaca oleracea
Family: Purslane (Portulacaceae)
Creeping annual. Native to Europe. 60 days to
maturity. Purslane is best used as a salad herb
or lightly steamed, being the best terrestrial
source of omega-3 fatty acids. The plant contains much calcium, iron, vitamin A and C, as
well as potassium salts and amino acids.
Prefers rich, well-drained soil. Sow in spring
or summer.
100 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Sorrel, Garden . . . . . . . . . . .Rumex acetosa
Family: Buckwheat (Polygonaceae)
Edible herbaceous perennial native to Eurasia.
Hardy to -30 F. One of our finest plants. This
broadleaf Sorrel is for making excellent soups
and sauces. Considered astringent, cooling,
and diuretic in treating wounds, scurvy, and
fevers. Plants prefer moist garden soil in sun to
part shade. Sow the seeds in early spring.
100 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic.
Shungiku . . . . .Chrysanthemum coronarium
(Chop Suey Greens)
Family: Aster (Asteraceae)
Annual. Native to Eurasia. This is a cultivated strain originally from China. Harvest for
greens within 40 days! The large, bright yellow
flowers and the young, green plant are delicious as a steamed vegetable. Shungiku is
high in vitamins and very good for alkalinizing
the blood. Sow directly in garden in spring or
fall. Prefers cool weather for growth.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Watercress . . . . . . . . . .Nasturtium officinale
Perennial water plant. Native to temperate
regions of the world. Hardy to -10 F. Grows
in cool, running water. The leaves have long
been used as a vitamin-filled and peppery
salad ingredient and as a spring tonic.
200 seeds/pkt $2.45
$12.85/10 g (~40,000 seeds),
$77.25/100 g (~400,000 seeds)

Ordering plants and seeds? OK! Seeds ship right away; plants ship April through July.




Mixed Salad Greens

Mixed salad greens consist of Mizuna, mixed
Lettuces, and Arugula (Roquette). Direct seed
in the garden, or use containers in the greenhouse or use a cloche to extend the season.
Big 3 g/pkt, $3.95, Organic
Arugula, Domestic . . . . . . . . . .Eruca sativa
Biennial culinary green. Deeply cut leaves are
the signature of an upscale salad. High in protein, Arugula is an appetite stimulant and
digestive. Seeds yield edible oil. Full sun to
part shade, copious water, and rich soil. Direct
seed every 3 weeks for successive harvests.
200 seeds/pkt $2.45,
$11.85/10 g (~15,000 seeds), Organic
Arugula, Wild . . . . . . .Diplotaxis tenuifolia
As above, but spicier and with a longer harvest
200 seeds/pkt $2.45,
$11.85/10 g (~15,000 seeds), Organic


Taprooted perennials native to Europe and one

of the oldest cultivated crops, preferring moist
soils and sun to part shade. Crisp and slightly
bitter when grown in rich, stress-free, welldrained, evermoist soil. Sow in containers or
open garden. Eating fresh radicchio is one of
the best ways to ease a queezy stomach.
Grumelo Verde Chicory Cichorium intybus
(Green Radicchio)
This is a select cultivar that makes a thick,
juicy rosette of leaves that are intensely bluegreen and quite excellent in salads. May be fall
or spring planted.
100 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Palla Rossa Chicory
Cichorium intybus
(Red Radicchio) <<NEW FOR 2012>>
This is a spring planted red radicchio that adds
color, flavor and crisp texture to salads. The
plants mature quickly and make a crucial addition to spring salads and baby greens.
200 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Dandelion . . . . . . . . . .Taraxacum officinale
Family: Aster (Asteraceae)
Herbaceous perennial. Native to and distributed throughout all temperate zones. Leaves
are a tasty addition to spring salads and also
delicious lightly steameda spring tonic.
Sow in spring. Space plants 1 foot apart and
keep well-watered. Will be ready for harvest
early the following spring. Flowers sunny
yellow to 1 foot.
200 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$6.95/g (~2,200 seeds) Organic


Family: Aster (Asteraceae)

Besides making the finest, crunchy salads,
Lettuce is rich in lifegiving chlorophyll and
Vitamin K. The plant also contains antioxidant flavonoids and varying quantities of
the bitter, white, sedative latex known as lactucarium. Sow in spring or fall near the soil
surface and keep evenly moist and cool for
germination. Lettuce seed goes dormant at
temperatures over 80 F, so start early, or if
planting late, provide shade and water well
with well water or, well, with any water that
waters well.
Grand Rapids Red Lettuce . .Lactuca sativa
55 days. Preferred dark red type for baby salads or a dense, gorgeous crown.
100 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Green Buttercrunch Lettuce Lactuca sativa
40 days. Soft yet crunchy, almost as filling as
bread, a popular leaf-type bibb.
500 seeds/pkt $2.45,
Green Oak Leaf Lettuce . . . .Lactuca sativa
40 days. Probably the easiest Lettuce to grow,
a favorite for childrens gardens. Softly
luscious summer salads.
500 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Wild Lettuce . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lactuca virosa
(Lettuce Opium)
Biennial. Native to Europe. Hardy to 10 F.
As a salad green, very good in the very early
spring, and indeed is productive earlier than
other Lettuces. Flowers yellow to 8 feet.
100 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
Mach, Jade . . . . . . . . .Valerianella locusta
(Corn Salad, Good King Henry)
Family: Valerian (Valerianaceae)
Annual or overwintering annual, native to
Europe. Gently demulcent and tasty salad
green. Sow in fall, midwinter, or spring.
300 seeds/pkt $2.45
$12.85/10 g (~5,000 seeds),
Mustard, Black . . . . . . . . . . Brassica nigra
Native to the Mediterranean. 21 days to flowers.
Used in production of specialty stone-ground
mustards. Very hot. As a cover crop in
orchards, inhibits weeds and insects.
300 seeds/pkt $2.45

More seeds available beyond this list! Check or call (541) 846-6704.





Camelina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Camelina sativa
(Gold of Pleasure, Wild Flax, German Sesame,
Siberian Oilseed)
Family: Mustard (Brassicaceae)
Annual native to Northern Europe. The oil that
can be pressed from the seeds is high in
Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin E. Oil delicious as a raw condiment and stable at high
temperature as a cooking oilalso one of the
best choices for biodiesel. Plant prefers open,
sunny ground. Sow in spring. Commonly
grown as a dryland crop, Camelina generally
requires little water and no fertilizer.
300 seeds/pkt $3.95
$19.00/lb (~350,000 seeds)


Family: Flax (Linaceae)
Brown and Golden native to temperate Europe
and Asia. Perennial Blue native to Western US.
90 days to maturity. Direct seed in spring.
Perennial Blue Flax . .Linum perenne lewisii
Herbaceous perennial with pastel blue flowers
like baubles on a string. Fibrous stem used by
Native Americans for thread, basketry, and net
making. Seeds must be cooked before eating.
500 seeds/pkt $2.95
Brown Flax . . . . . . . . .Linum usitatissimum
Flax is a pretty blue flower in the garden, with
the added advantage of yielding a valuable seed,
excellent sprouted, raw, added to baked goods.
200 seeds/pkt $2.95
$7.00/lb (~113,600 seeds), Organic
Golden Flax . . . . . . . . .Linum usitatissimum
(Omega Flax)
Cultivar producing seeds containing low
mucilage and high concentrations of omega-3
fatty acids (linolenic acid). The seed glows
golden, and the flower is Flax blue. Edible raw.
200 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$9.00/lb (~113,600 seeds), Organic
Safflower, Zanzibar . .Carthamus tinctorius
Family: Aster (Asteraceae)
Annual. Native to the Mediterranean. 120 days
to maturity. This is one of the highest yielding
of all oil plantslarge flowers and seed heads
on a not-so-giant plant. Plant prefers sun to
part shade and poor, dryish soils. These large
seeds are best direct-seeded after last frost.
30 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Sesame, Black . . . . . . . . .Sesamum indicum
(Til, SWAHA!)
Family: Sesame (Pedaliaceae)
Multistemmed upright annual bearing follicles
stacked with oil-rich seeds. Native to India.
120 days to maturity. The jet-black seeds are
sweetly tasty and decorative when sprinkled on
stir-fry, cakes, and confections. Source of
Tahini. Plant prefers full sun, fertile soil, and is
pretty drought tolerant. Sow in spring.
100 seeds/pkt $2.45,
$5.85/10 g
$34.95/100 g,
$98.00/lb, Organic


Family: Aster (Asteraceae)

Native to the new world, this is one of the first
domesticated plants. Archaeological evidence
points to the middle archaic for first human
harboring of Sunflower. Direct seed as soon as
soil warms up in spring. Thin to 1 foot apart.
These are tall, so best to place at the back of
the garden.
Fat Mama Sunflower . . .Helianthus annuus
Annual, 80 to 100 days to maturity. A Horizon
Herbs selection grown for large heads filled
with exceptionally fat, edible seeds ocurring in
striped shells. Excellent choice for direct consumption (humans and/or birds and other
wildlife). Also a preferred type for roasting
and salting, or sprouting.
50 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Hopi Black Dye Sunflower . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Helianthus annuus
Annual, 90-100 days to maturity. To 9 feet tall,
generally single-headed although occasionally
polyheaded. Sturdy of stem and jet-black of
seed. Seeds used for dyeing basketry and
wool, producing a color fast light purple. Ray
flowers golden yellow. The black seeded sunflowers are generally considered best for oil
production (cold press, or grind and boil in
water and skim off the oilthats how the
Native Americans derived the precious oil).
Seeds good for eating. Sprouts excellent. I eat
the germ test.
30 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic

Watermelon, Moon & Stars . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Citrullus lanatus
Family: Cucurbit (Cucurbitaceae)
Annual vine bearing oblong fruits ranging in
weight from 10 to 30 pounds, sometimes more.
Moon & Stars in an heirloom classic with very
sweet red flesh and an outer skin that is dark
green with yellow markings that resemble the
moon and stars shining out from the dark firmament. Watermelon prefers rich and sandy
soil and does best in the full sun. Seed directly in the garden once the soil as truly warmed
up. Plant 1/2 inch deep and tamp securely.
Germ in 1 week. Thin or transplant to 3 plants
per hill. This watermelon makes seedsspit
em out and plant em!
20 seeds/pkt $2.45
$7.00/10 g (~110 seeds)

Ordering plants and seeds? OK! Seeds ship right away; plants ship April through July.





Family: Onion (Alliaceae)

Onions prefer a full sun position, frequent
watering, good garden soil and assiduous
weeding. Sow in flats in the greenhouse and
keep cutting back the tops to encourage bulbing, then transplant to the garden.
Alternatively, direct seed in the spring garden.
Plant closely together in the furrow and eat the
thinnings, leaving the largest plants to mature
out at 4 inches between.
Bandit Leeks . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Allium porum
(Lyon Leek)
Biennial, hardy to 0 F. 100 days to full size
Leeks (18 inches tall). Bandit is a cold hardy
winter variety that is best sown in September.
Leeks are tasty in stir-fry, where they readily
caramalize into a sweet and savory backdrop
for other vegetables or protein. In soup, they
almost dissolve, creating a tasty broth. Leeks
prefer fertile, well-drained garden soil and full
sun. Germ in 10 days. Space plants 4 inches
apart. As the leeks develop, mound soil or
mulch around them, in order to promote development of the white yumminess.
100 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
China Green Onions . . . . .Allium fistulosum
60 days to salad or stir-fry. Originally from
Richos trip to Kunming, these turned out to be
very dependable in organic culture and hung in
admirably for a seedcrop. China Green makes
the long, thin green onions that are often
employed in Asian quisine. Standard vegetable culture. Sow in spring for summer
Onions or in late summer for fall and spring
use. Thin to 3 inches apart.
50 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Valencia Keeper Onions . . . . . .Allium cepo
Biennial, making a bulbous head in the first
year. Valencias are not day-length dependent
and make a big, round, hard bulb regardless
of whether you are from north or south, east
or west. This thick-skinned onion is a
no-nonsense keeper.
100 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic

Family: Pea (Fabaceae)

all are Pisum sativum
Annuals that convince children, even when
nothing else will, that vegetables are good for
you. Peas are best planted 2 inches apart,
directly into the garden a few weeks before the
other common spring vegetables, such as Beets
and Carrots. For a fall crop, sow Sept-Oct. For
Peas, choose a sunny, moist location where
there is mellow garden soil. Plant only 1/4 inch
deep Peas must not be planted too deeply
do not be fooled by their large sizethey're
Pansies about germ and don't like to push
through too much dirt. Each Pea seedling is
preciousdo not thin them!
Cascadia Pod Peas . . . . . . . .Pisum sativum
60 days. Enation-resistant Snap Pea that produces thick, juicy, and sweet pods. Cascadia is
a bush pea and requires no trellis.
50 seeds/pkt $2.45
$12.25/100 g (~350 seeds), Organic
Snow Peas, Mammoth Melting
65 days. Making large, sweet, crunchy, flattened pods, these are usually picked before
maturation of the seeds, eaten fresh off the vine
or used in salads and stir-fries. Vining to 6 feet,
these require a trellis.
50 seeds/pkt $2.45
$12.25/100 g (~350 seeds), Organic

Rutabaga, Helenor . . . . . . . Brassica napus

(Swede, Swedish Turnip)
Annual. 90 days. With a taste intermediate
between Cabbage and Turnip, the purple and
white Rutabaga is delicious, with sweet yellow
flesh. Even the greens are good to eat. A popular vegetable in Scandinavia, where the root is
variously mashed, baked, or added to soups and
casseroles. Roots long-lasting in the ground,
fridge, or root cellar.
100 seeds/pkt $2.45
$6.85/10 g (~4,000 seeds), Organic
Turnip, Purple Top . . . . . . . .Brassica rapa
Family: Mustard (Brassicaceae)
50 days to maturity. Biennial. Preferring to
grow in cool soils and very frost tolerant, this is
an excellent choice for the fall garden. Also
works well if sown in the early spring. Turnip
greens are rish in Vitamins A, C, E and B6.
They may be consumed fresh (sparingly) or
stir-fried or boiled in soups. If you sow the
seeds in the fall, the turnips will overwinter and
provide copious quantities of early spring
greens, otherwise known as spreens, their green
gift of spring that cleanses the winter doldrums
from the digestive tract and bloodstream. The
bi-colored turnip itself is mild, sweet, and tender. It can be grated fresh into salads or boiled
Parsley, Italian . . . . . .Petroselinum crispum in soups or made into fries. Standard vegetable
Family: Carrot (Apiaceae)
culture. Thin to 4 inches.
Biennial. Native to southern Europe. Hardy to 300 seeds/pkt $2.45,
-25 F. We consider this flat-leaved variety to $6.85/10 g (~3,000 seeds), Organic
be superior. Seeds are a powerful diuretic.
Fresh, green herb is an appetite stimulant.
Purifies the palate. Sow in garden in spring or
summer. Space 6 inches apart.
300 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Ordering plants and seeds? OK! Seeds ship right away; plants ship April through July.



We have grown very fond of these great peppers
that offer unique horticultural, culinary and medicinal qualities.
All Peppers (Capsicum) now consolidated into this one section.
Family: Nightshade (Solanaceae)
Peppers are native to tropical America and are perennial in the tropics, grown as annuals in temperate regions. All peppers are an anticarcinogenic, warming, carminative, digestive, and stimulating to the blood flow. Much appreciated in the culinary arts, they activate our flavor receptors. Peppers prefer a scanty, even water supply, good drainage, full sun, and a long, hot summer. Start indoors 40 to 50 days prior to the last frost. Thin seedlings to at least 2 inches apart
in the flat. Transplant out to garden after the soil has really warmed up. The best compost for
Peppers is higher in phosphorous than nitrogen. Kelp is well-tolerated and increases nutrientt
content and yield. We love to dry and grind our peppers and sprinkle on food for color and heat.
African Bird Pepper . .Capsicum frutescens
(Pilipili Hoho, Pilipili Kichaa, Birdseye
Pepper, Pequin, Piquin)
~180,000 Scoville Heat Units
Perennial bush Pepper to 4 feet, with large,
light green leaves and an open, upright habit.
170 days to maturity, with best yields in second year. A good choice for greenhouse,
southern states or tropics. These produce tiny,
fiery hot, thin-skinned and easily dried classic
Bird Peppers. The Peppers are about the size
of the beak of a finch. A traditional, openpollinated strain from the island of Pemba in
Zanzibar. They are the real deal.
50 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
Aji Colorado Pepper . .Capsicum baccatum
Member of a relatively unknown group of peppers natie to Bolivia and Peru (see also Criolla
Sella). Makes a fast-growing, flat topped bush
24 to 30 inches tall, loaded with ornamentla
flowers giving way to elongated fruits that are
flaorful and not particularly hot. Sweet-spicy,
thin-walled fruits excellent to slice fine and
mix with salt and lemon juice for a spontaneous relish. Highly adaptable plant handles
wet conditions, high eleation and northern
colder states better than most peppers.
50 sds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Cayenne Pepper . . . . . .Capsicum frutescens
~77,500 Scoville Heat Units
Family: Nightshade (Solanaceae)
Cayenne makes abundant long, thin, very dark
red fruits. These comprise the standard medicinal Capsicum of commerce. Generally dried
and ground to powder they stimulate the blood
and promote sweating while being a pronounced carminative acting on the digestive
tract. Plant prefers a scanty, even water supply, good drainage, full sun, and a long, hot
50 sds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Chile Hidalgo Pepper . . .Capsicum annuum
~60,000 Scoville Heat Units
Pubescent leaves, flowers purple-tinged
and ornamental. Short plants to 16 inches.
Produces myriads of hot, red, swollen, cylindrical fruits; thick-skinned, very shiny.
Similar in taste and hotness to Cayenne. Our
most fruit prolific Pepper. Northern adapted.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic

Chilhuacle Negro . . . . . .Capsicum annuum

<<NEW FOR 2012>>
Rare Mexican Pepper from the region of
Oaxaca, mildly hot, with a complex, deep,
fruity taste and an unusually dark, chocolate
brown caste to the bell-like, dangling fruits.
Used mainly in preparation of mole, the peppers are also fine when chopped into stir-fry.
Thick stemmed plants do great in regular garden culture or containerized culture. Plants
handsome, robust, resilient.
20 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Criolla Sella Pepper . . .Capsicum baccatum
~30,000 Scoville Heat Units
Native to Bolivia. The plants are short and
sturdy, in season studded copiously with the
3-inch, golden-orange, thin-skinned Peppers.
Very prolific. These are not too hot, and they
have a very citrusy taste. (Frankly, this is the
fertile new territory when it comes to
Pepperswe have learned that its not the heat
that matters so much, but rather the taste,
which is obfuscated by excessive heat.) We eat
Criolla Sella fresh, squeezed between the layers that make up our summer sandwiches, chop
them into our salsa, or dry and grind them into
chili powder. Criolla matures before other
Peppers, even here on our mountain farm
where the nights are cool, and given the excellent taste, we prefer this variety over all others.
Seriously, Criolla sella is highly adaptable to
North American temperate gardens, resistant to virus and easy to germ even in cool soils.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Espanola Pepper . . . . . . .Capsicum annuum
(Ristra Pepper, Chili Pepper)
~15,000 Scoville Heat Units
70 days to maturity. Cultivar grown at
Tesuque Pueblo in NM. Midsize bush produces many 6-inch long fruits with flattened
top and tapered at the tip. Green fruits used for
green salsa or chili rellenos. Red fruits are
strung into ristras. Skin becomes transluscent
as the Pepper dries. Excellent smoky flavor
and moderate heat for making traditional
Mexican food.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic

More seeds available beyond this list! Check or call (541) 846-6704.



Guajillo Pepper . . . . . . . .Capsicum annuum

(Chile travieso)Spanish for naughty chile
~5,000 Scoville Heat Units
Large, shiny, and deep orange-red at maturity,
these are best allowed to fully ripen on the
plant, then hung to dry, whereupon they
achieve the brick red translucency of the traditional Mexican Pepper. Guajillo make excellent dried Pepper ristras and are much used in
in chili, mole, tacos, and hot sauces.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Jalapeno Pepper . . . . . . .Capsicum annuum
Native to the Southwest and widely cultivated.
Easy in most temperate gardens. Best choice
for pickles and incredible when fresh slices are
cooked into chile. Mouthwatering sandwiches.
Compactflowers and fruits to 18 inches.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Mboga Pepper . . . . . . .Capsicum frutescens
(East African Culinary Pepper, Pilipili Mboga)
~30,000 Scoville Heat Units
90 days to maturity. The plant is about 2 feet
tall, flat-topped, with dark green and shiny
leaves and large, decorative flowersa very
heavy and trouble-free producer of many
fruits. These are consumed largely in the green
state (their shiny greenness embellished handsomely by purple markations), chopped fine
and mixed with lime, tomato, onion and of
course salt. They may also be allowed to
mature to red, whereupon they pick up quite a
bit of extra heat. Slender fruits 3 inches long.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Paprika . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Capsicum annuum
Sweet Peppers to 6 inches long, bright orange
red at maturity and blunt at the tip. Excellent
source of Vitamin C and antioxidants. These
are best when halved, dried and ground up into
the spice Paprika. This is a thickener and taste
enhancer for soups and casseroles, also used as
a sprinkle as per the usual recipes employing
Paprika. The deep red powder never lasts long
at our housewe use it freely, to rave reviews.
Paprika is a choice spice, but when derived
from your own Peppersphenomenal!
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,Organic
Pimento Sweet Pepper . .Capsicum annuum
Family: Nightshade (Solanaceae)
Annual. 90 days to fruits. Thick-walled and
heart-shaped, very sweetnot hot. May be
eaten fresh like a thick-fleshed green Pepper or
allowed to mature to red on the plant and consumed that way. These Peppers are very prolific, so you will probably have more than you
can eat fresh, in which case you can core them,
slice the flesh into large chunks, and sun dry or
dry in a food dehydrator. This produces soft,
meaty peices that are excellent when added to
soups in the winter.
50 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Xiao-mi-la Pepper . . . .Capsicum frutescens
(Chinese Chile Pepper)
Super hot, very, very red, and easy-to-grow.
The bush is stout and small-leaved, giving rise
to highly decorative bolt upright clusters of
tasty, blunt, finger-like Peppers.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic



Family: Squash (Cucurbitaceae)

Plant prefers full sun and regular garden soil.
Prepare the hill or bed with plenty of aged
manure of compost. Direct-seed in spring.
After germination, thin to the best 3 seedlings
per hill, or if row-cropping, thin to 1 plant
every 3 feet. Keep plants weeded and watered.
The vines will soon become self-mulching.
Styrian Pumpkin . . . . . . . . .Cucurbita pepo
(Hulless or Naked-Seeded Pumpkin)
Annual. 90 days. This is a unique cultivar
developed in the province of Styria in Austria.
For gardeners in the temperate north, growing
Styrian Pumpkins for their seeds is one of the
easiest and most hassle-free ways of producing
protein. You can eat the seeds fresh, dried, or
salt and lightly toast them in the oven. They
are delicious! Pumpkin seeds (pepitas) are
antiparasitic, anticancer, and a proven treatment for benign prostatic hypertrophy.
Processing: It is best to let the fruits mature on
the vine until the first light frost, then bring
them in, allow to further ripen for 1 or 2
weeks, then split open the Pumpkins, and
remove the seeds. Wash the seeds free of flesh
and dry on screens, stirring daily until they are
thoroughly dry. Store in paper bags and snack
as desired!
30 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
Luxury Pie Pumpkin . . . . . .Cucurbita pepo
Annual. 90 days. Small to medium-sized pie
Pumpkin. Quick to produce the round, netted
fruits that last well into the winter. These can
be eaten just like Winter Squash, or made into
fine-textured and exceptionally sweet and delicate pies. When making Pumpkin pie, best to
bake the Pumpkin in the oven to cook it, so that
it stays very firm. Luxury Pie Pumpkins double as Jack-O-Lanterns (remove all traces of
wax before proceeding to make pie).
20 seeds/pkt $2.45
$5.85/10 g (~70 seeds), Organic
Radish, Daikon, Miyashege White . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Raphanus sativus
Family: Mustard (Brassicaceae)
<<NEW FOR 2012>>
Biennial or overwintering annual, requiring 60
to 65 days to maturity of roots. Best sown in
cool soil of fall or very early spring. Germ in
3 to 6 days. Thin to 4 inches apart and watch
out, individual roots can weigh 4 to 6 pounds
each! For those suffering from excess mucous
discharge, phlegm or oily skin, eating Daikon
can help clear things up. Helps dissolve precancerous cells. Crisp and mild when sliced
fresh and dipped, these are also excellent in stir
fry or pickled. Diversify diet for optimal
200 seeds/pkt $2.45,
$6.85/10 g (~800 seeds), Organic

All our seeds are open-pollinated, untreated, and seed-saver friendly.



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rheum rhabarbarum
Family: Buckwheat (Polygonaceae)
Hardy to -10 F.
Herbaceous perennials prefer part shade to full
sun, well-drained soils. Sow in spring.
Average germ 13 days. Plant 2 to 3 feet apart.
Garden RhubarbFraulein Sharfer Torte .
Produces very fat, red, tart leaf stems for use
in pies and crisps.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95
$17.85/10 g (~700 seeds)
Garden RhubarbVictoria
Standard market type with sweetish, greenish
stems, producing heavily in first year. This is
the Rhubarb, Garden well send if you dont
specify preference
50 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic

Red Orach . . . . . . .Atriplex hortensis rubra
(Mountain Spinach)
Family: Goosefoot (Chenopodiaceae)
Self-seeding annual suitable for all temperate
gardens. 30 to 50 days to maturity. A choice
Italian cultivar. Cooked leaves are nutritious
and buttery to the taste. Plant prefers full sun
and thrives in regular garden soil. Sow directly in garden bed in the spring. Easy.
50 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Malabar Red Spinach . . . . . .Basella rubra
Family: Madeira Vine (Basellaceae)
Perennial climbing vine native to Africa and
Southwestern India (the Malabar coast).
Protect from frost. Very quick-growing heattolerant Spinach substitute can be grown as a
summer annual in the temperate US, producing edible leaves in as few as 55 days. Highly
recommended for warmer zones, where growing standard Spinach can be quite challenging.
20 seeds/pkt $2.95



Red Aztec Spinach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Chenopodium berlanderi
Family: Goosefoot (Chenopodiacea)
<<NEW FOR 2012>>
Native to Mexico, the plant is distinguished by
the tasty edibility of its leaes that blush red.
Flowering to 5 feet, we suggest that the plants
be kept cut back (into the salad bowl). Losing
the battle against flowering, one can always
resort to the Mexican practice of battering and
deep frying the flower buds.
300 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Revolution Spinach . . . . .Spinacia oleracea
Family: Goosefoot (Chenopodiaceae)
Annual greens native to SW Asia and widely
cultivated. Rich in Vitamin C, A,.E, B6, thiamin, riboflavin, folate, magnesium and potassium, consumption of Spinach is tantamount to
taking a vitamin pill, and is more bioavailable
and tastier, too. Ours is a slow bolting, medium savoyed type that makes crops in the spring
and in the fall. Sow densely, harvest whole.
Its easy to save seeds from Spinach!
200 seeds/pkt $2.45,
$5.85/10 g (~800 seeds), Organic


Family: Cucurbitaceae
Native to the New World. Squash likes full
sun and regular garden soil. Sow directly in
the garden in the spring after the ground warms
up. Make hills 3 feet apart, press the seeds into
the soil, and thin to 3 best seedlings per hill. If
row cropping, thin to 1 plant every 2 feet.
Once the plants are up, weed around them and
apply compost. Do not overwater the plants
let them go a bit dry between waterings.
Winter Squash, Delicata Zeppelin . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cucurbita maxima
<NEW FOR 2012>
80 days. Annual vining winter squash making
medium sized fruits, yellow with forest-green
stripes and orange flesh, very high in sugar and
Vit A. Stores cool and dry for about 100 days.
30 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Summer Squash, Midnight Lightning
Zucchini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cucurbita pepo
<NEW FOR 2012>
55 days. Annual bush type that produces long,
dark green (think midnight at the oasis), exceptionally well-flavored Zuks.
15 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Winter Squash, Red Kuri Cucurbita maxima
(Hokkaido Squash, Uchiku Kuri)
100 days. Annual. Naturally nutty and sweet,
one adds nothing but ends up feeling like one
has had everything.
15 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Summer Squash, Yellow Crookneck . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cucurbita pepo
60 days. Annual. All-time favorite Summer
Squash, loved by kids and adults alike. Best
when harvested at early stage when fruits are
nearly solid and the skin is soft and delicious.
30 seeds/pkt $2.45,
$21.25/100 g (~1,000 seeds), Organic

More seeds available beyond this list! Check or call (541) 846-6704.




Family: Nightshade (Solananceae)

All are Lycopersicon esculentum
Annual vines. The essence of summer.
Consuming fresh Tomatoes and Garlic provides the full spectrum of amino acids needed
for human nutrition. Excellent source of the
carotenoid compound known as lycopene,
which is a potent antioxidant and may ameliorate aging, cancer diabetes, osteoperosis and
male infertility. Sow indoors 60 days prior to
last frost. Sow in a flat using a very shallow
furrow, barely cover, tamp securely, and keep
evenly moist, warm and in the light. Thin
seedlings to 2 inches apart and grow to second
set of true leaves, then pot up to larger pots.
Jiggle seedlings occasionally to encourage
thick stems. Give strong light and warnth.
When the garden soil warms up, plant in rich
soil in full sun and stake or trellis. Leave 2 to
3 feet between plants so they dont shade each
other too much. Give compost at planting and
again at first fruit set. Water deeply and infrequently. Determinate tomatoes have a main
axis that ends in a flower bud. These tend to
be shorter and they make their fruit all at once.
They benefit from staking. Indeterminate
tomatoes vine out and can grow quite large.
They produce until frost, and benefit from a
tall stake or trellis. Canners tend to like determinates while salad makers and browsers tend
to be more attracted to indeterminate types.
Amish Paste Tomato . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
<NEW FOR 2012>
80 to 90 days to fruits. Indeterminate vines
produce sparse, very large, meaty, pendulous,
oblong fruits that are excellent used fresh,
canned, or made into a thick sauce. Very
sparsely seeded. Commonly rated among the
most tasty of all tomatoes.
30 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Black Cherry Tomato . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
<NEW FOR 2012>
70 days to fruits. Vigorous, sparsely leaved
yet heavily fruited indeterminate vine to 5 feet
does best when trellised. Fruits are 1 inch plus
diameter, very round, dusky in color and
posessed of superb tomato taste. We also
observed that these are very firm, making
them long-lasting on the vine and potentially
quite durable in transport.
50 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Black Krim Tomato . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
<NEW FOR 2012>
75 days to fruits. Indeterminate vine, very
stocky, to 3 feet tall. Originally grown on the
Isle of Krim in Russias Black Sea, these beefsteak type tomatoes are large, somewhat flattened, soft, green-shouldered, posessing a
dark and delicious interior, somewhat salty,
very juicy. Ive been wanting to grow beefsteaks for some time and must say this was
the slicer that ended up most often in my summer sandwiches.
30 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic

Chadwicks Cherry Tomato . . . . . . . . . . . .

60 days to fruits. Indeterminate vine likes a
trellis, to 3 feet. Bright red, large sized Cherry
Tomatoes are produced early in the season.
They are presented as sturdy clusters of 6. We
rate this tomato 5 out of a possible 5 on the
basis of taste. Excellent consumed fresh or
halved and sun dried.
50 seeds/pkt $3.95,
$9.95/g (~350 seeds), Organic
Doucets Plum Tomato . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Heirloom producing mid-sized, bright red slicing Tomatoes on indeterminate vines. Early
and late producer, with excellent taste.
30 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Large Yellow Pear Tomato . . . . . . . . . . . . .
<NEW FOR 2012>
60 to 70 days to fruits. Extremely fast growing
and early flowering indeterminate ine, a lowacid classic, ideal for garden snacking and for
salads. This cultivar is larger and less likely to
get mushy compared to others weve grown.
Provide a cage and keep the fruit picked clean.
It will keep on coming!
50 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Principe Borghese Tomato . . . . . . . . . . . . .
<NEW FOR 2012>
75 days to fruits. Italian heirloom drying tomato. Very fast growing, determinate vines like to
spread wide. Fruits on the individual spray
tend to ripen evenly, making a double handful
of large cherry tomato sized fruits each delicately nippled at the base. Once they are completely ripe, pick them and slice them in half
and lay out on trays in the sun. Fruits are best
covered from the dew at night and allowed to
smile up at the sun all day long. In this manner
they dry down to storeability in about 4 days.
We love these dried tomatoes; they dress up our
diet with something sweet and chewy.
50 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Red Rock Paste Tomato . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Heirloom exhibits the impressive productivity
of a paster coupled with good fresh edibility.
Determinate. Cooks down to a rich sauce.
30 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Stupice Tomato . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
An heirloom Czech cultivar producing vigorous and disease resistant indeterminate vines
with wide leaves that look a bit like the leaves
of potatoes. Gives high yields of 2-inch, rounded fruits that are very tasty and keep well for
table or market. Very cold tolerantan early
producer (65 days from seeding to red fruit)
that keeps going strong until frost.
30 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic
Tree Tomato . . . . . . .Cyphomandra betacea
Protect from frost, although a quick freeze will
not much harm it. . Subtropical evergreen
shrub to small tree that bears red, pendulous
fruits that taste like a blend between kiwi and
tomato. Passers-by gawk and ask for some.
Sow warm, germ in 30 to 90 days.
10 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
$10.00/tree, Organic




Seeds and Plants for the Kitchen Garden


Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)

These Basils are excellent in soup, in stir-fry,
in Asian cookery, and they make incomparable
PESTO. Basils prefer full sun and plenty of
water. Start early in pots in the greenhouse, or
direct seed in the spring garden. These give
fast results, with harvest in 70 days or less.
CULINARY BASIL SET (1 seed pkt. each of
the Basils followingGenovese, Greek,
Mrihani, Sweet Lettuce Leaf, Thai.)
$9.90/5 pkts
Price shown is a discount.
Genovese Basil . . . . . . . .Ocimum basilicum
Culinary. Tall, uniform, and slow to bolt.
Highly productive broadleaf variety, popular
for market gardens and for pesto.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Greek Basil . . . . . . . . . . .Ocimum minimum
Culinary. A tiny hummock of a plant, resembling a Lilliputian Oak tree, but redolent with
the finest of Basil aroma. We vote this the
best-tasting Basil of all.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Mrihani Basil . . . . . . . . .Ocimum basilicum
Annual, with leaf harvest in 60 days and seed
harvest in 110 days. This is a traditional cultivar grown in Zanzibar. The leaves are ruffled,
with a strong traditional Basil smell and flavor.
The flowers are purple. In East African cuisine, the fresh or dried leaves are used as an
ingredient in Coconut milk curries (yum!)
30 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Sweet Lettuce Leaf Basil Ocimum basilicum
Culinary. Prolific producer. Good market
Basil. Large, thick leaves. Best for pesto.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$5.95/g (~1,800 seeds),
$17.85/10 g (~18,000 seeds), Organic

Thai Basil . . . . . . . . . . . .Ocimum basilicum

Culinary. This is a showy, globe-shaped plant
with medium-sized, lance-shaped leaves,
green at base of plant, and purple toward the
apex; flowers purple to bronze. Spicy variety
preferred for Thai cooking.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$7.95/g (~1,800 seeds),
$23.85/10 g (~18,000 seeds), Organic
Caraway, German . . . . . . . . . .Carum carvi
Family: Apiaceae
Biennial or overwintering annual to 2 feet tall.
Native to the Mediterranean, Russia, Iran, and
the Himalayas. The seeds of this handsome
plant are used to assuage indigestion and
infant colic. Prefers regular garden soil, full
sun, and moderate water. Light-dependent
germinator. Scarify and sow in summer.
200 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Cilantro . . . . . . . . . . . .Coriandrum sativum
Family: Aster (Asteraceae)
Annual. Native to the Mediterranean shores.
60 days to maturity. The herb and seeds
are stimulant, aromatic, and carminative. The
herb chelates heavy metals and helps remove
them harmlessly from the body. Plant prefers
regular garden soil and full sun. Direct-seed in
early spring. Grow in successions for ongoing
harvest, or learn to love, as we do, the green
seeds in food and medicine. Lovely! Average
germ time 13 days. Plant 6 inches apart.
Grows from 1 to 3 feet.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$8.85/10 g (~1,000 seeds)
$44.25/100 g (~10,000 seeds), Organic

All our seeds are open-pollinated, untreated, and seed-saver friendly.


Cumin . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cuminum cyminum

Family: Apiaceae
Annual. Native to the Mediterranean and cultivated worldwide. Easy-to-grow aromatic
spice is an excellent appetizer and carminativeperfect companion for rye bread and/or
cheese. Plant prefers full sun and fast draining
soils. Sow directly in garden bed in spring.
Germ in 1 to 3 weeks. White or reddish flowers give way to seed heads in late summer.
300 seeds/pkt $2.95,
Dill, Bouquet . . . . . . . .Anethum graveolens
Family: Carrot (Apiaceae)
Annual. Native to Southern Europe, Iran, and
India. 65 days to maturity. Lacy foliage and
nodding seed heads. In the culinary world,
Dill is a bit of a sleeper, being relegated largely to pickling, but it is a more broad spectrum
spice than that! The fresh or dried herb is a
gourmet addition to white sauces and stir-fries,
while the seed is exceptional in baked goods.
Plant prefers regular garden soil and full sun.
Direct-seed in spring. Thin to 6 inches apart.
Easy. Give compost.
200 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$8.85/10 g (~7,000 seeds)
$24.25/100 g (~70,000 seeds, Organic
Epazote . . . . . . .Chenopodium ambrosioides
Family: Goosefoot (Chenopodiaceae)
Perennial hardy to -15 F, otherwise easy to
grow as an annual. Native to Mexico, but
widely introduced into the temperate north.
Dried herb is the preferred spice for Mexican
refried beans (allays flatus). Plant prefers poor
ground, sandy and rocky soils in full sun. Sow
on surface in spring.
300 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$5.95/g (~8,000 seeds),
$29.85/10 g (~80,000 seeds Organic
Fennel, Common . . . . . .Foeniculum vulgare
(var. Grosfruchtiger)
Family: Carrot (Apiaceae)
Herbaceous perennial. Native to Europe.
Hardy to -30 F. Choice cultivar producing
seed and green herb that are edible, aromatic,
antiseptic, expectorant, and carminative. This
plant is a delight to native pollinators, birds,
and medicine-makers alike. Direct-seed in
spring. Light-dependent germ. Thin plants to
2 feet apart. Flowers yellow.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$8.85/10 g (~2,000 seeds),
$44.25/100 g (~20,000 seeds),
$94.00/lb (~85,000 seeds), Organic
Horseradish . . . . . . .Cochlearia armoracea
Family: Mustard (Brassicaceae)
Herbaceous perennial, hardy to -40 F. Grated
Horseradish with a little vinegarsinusitis
sufferers, this is your condiment. Since
Horseradish doesnt make seed, we offer only
the plants, which are easy to grow and will
attain good size in the first year, for making
cuttings to grow more plants, or for making
horseradish relishyum! Substitutes Wasabi
in sushi. Full sun, water, rich, well-drained soil.
*$5.25/potted plant, Organic


Lemongrass . . . . . . .Cymbopogon flexuosus

Family: Grass (Poaceae)
Tropical perennial; temperate annual. Native
to Southern India and New Guinea. Contains
an inviting essential oil that has a scent of
Violets and lemon. Light-dependent germ.
Sow in spring. Good germinator!
50 seeds/pkt $3.95
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic


Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)

These Mediterranean beauties grace any
border or path, establishing in colonies. They
are both a culinary boon for rendering various
dishes succulent and a useful medicinalantiseptic and carminative. Prefers full sun, dryish
soils. Light-dependent germinator. Press firmly into surface of soil in early spring. Average
germ 1 to 2 weeks. Space 1 to 2 feet apart.
Greek Oregano Origanum heracleoticum
Herbaceous perennial. Native to Greece, the
Oregano used by the Italians as well. Hardy
to -20 F. A prized medicinal and culinary
Oregano cultivar, which makes an invariably
spicy and aromatic herb. Disinfectant, antioxidant, preservative, and antifungal.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$7.95/g (~10,000 seeds),
$39.85/10 g (~100,000), seeds Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Marjoram, Sweet . . . . .Origanum majorana
Perennial in the south, annual in temperate
regions. 60 days to maturity. Native to southern Europe and the Mediterranean, especially
Portugal. Culinary spice used for flavoring the
holiday goose, sausages, and vegetarian dishes
limited only by your imagination. Stimulant
and carminative. Best for planting in pots.
200 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Wild Oregano . . . . . . . . .Origanum vulgare
(Wild Marjoram, Common Oregano)
Herbaceous perennial. Native to Asia, Europe,
and North Africa. Hardy to -20F. Flowers in
heady corymbs, with reddish bracts and purple
corollas. Main source of highly antiseptic
essential oil known as carvacrol. The flowering tops are also put into beer and ale as a
flavoring and preservative.
300 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$7.95/g (~10,000 seeds), Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Zaatar . . . . . . . . . . . . .Origanum syriacum
Perennial. Native to the Middle East. Hardy
to 5 F, colder if the winter is dry. Originally
mentioned in the bible, translated as Hyssop.
Strongly aromatic, pungent, and delicious
ingredient of the table spice mixture of the
same name (Zaatar); antiseptic, diaphoretic,
and expectorant.
50 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic

More seeds available beyond this list! Check or call (541) 846-6704.




Rosemary . . . . . . . . .Rosmarinus officinalis

Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)
Hardy to 10 F. Woody perennial native to the
Mediterranean. These seeds produce the standard blue-purple flowered upright variety,
which we think is best for herbal use due to its
characteristic taste, aroma, and herbal efficacy
as a circulation stimulant, antioxidant and
mnemonic. Plant prefers full sun and dryish
soils. Sow these light dependent germinators
on soil surface in spring by pressing into
medium and tamping securely. Keep cool (55
to 60 F.) and eenly moist, which occurs sporadically in 2 to 3 weeks and ongoing.
Naturally low germ rates. Work up in pots and
space 2 to 3 feet apart.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
*$15.00 potted plant, Organic
Dried Rosemary Leaf
50 g bag $4.50 each, Organic
Sage, Garden . . . . . . . . Salvia officinalis
Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)
Woody perennial. Hardy to -30F. This is the
best Sage to use for flavoring purposes. It is
an indispensable spiceadd to vegetable and
poultry dishes for a wild flavor. Other cultivars
may have variegated leaves or purple color or
whatnot, but they do not live up in terms of
taste! Plant prefers a sunny, dry, and welldrained microsite. Sow in spring and transplant after last frost.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95
$11.85/10 g (~1,300 seeds), Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic

Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)

Bright green-leaved aromatic shrubs
wholesome and carminative. Harvest the
preflowering tops in the summer, shade dry,
and rub out the stemsperfect spice. Scarify
lightly and press into surface of soil, keeping
moist and in the light until germination.
Savory of Crete . . . . . . . . .Satureja thymbra
Evergreen perennial native to the Mediterranean and hardy to 20 F. Low-lying bushes
with pink flowers, highly aromatic and spicy.
The essential oil of this plant is pungent and
stimulating, diluted in carrier oil and used in
massage to stimulate circulation and alleviate
pain. This plant is choice.
30 seeds/pkt $2.95
*$10.00 potted plant, Organic
Summer Savory . . . . . . . .Satureja hortensis
Annual. Native to the Mediterranean, central
Europe, Dalmatia, and Siberia. 60 days to
perfect spice. The best culinary Savory.
Bushes to 2 feet.
200 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$5.95/g (~2,000 seeds),
$17.85/10 g (~20,000 seeds),Organic
Winter Savory . . . . . . . . .Satureja montana
Evergreen perennial. Native to the Mediterranean, Europe, and Russia. Hardy to -20 F.
The dark green, shining leaves are an
esteemed European medicinalrich in antiseptic thymol. Space 2 feet. Flowers to 2 feet.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Shiso, Purple . . . . . . . . . .Perilla frutescens
(Zi-su-ye, Aka-shiso, Perilla)
Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)
Fast-growing yet slow-to-bolt annual in the
temperate north. Woody perannial in the tropics and subtropics. Native to Asia and widely
cultivated in India, China, Japan and indeed
the world. The leaves are used dried in medicinal tea, lightly steamed as a fresh vegetable,
or pickled. Shiso accomapanies sushi in a
shop in the sunshine. The herb antidotes
seafood poisoning. Shiso is also a traditional
ingredient of umeboshi plums, as it is spicy,
tasty, texturally pleasing, and facilitates the
medicine, agreeably stimulating production of
gastric enzymes. Sow as soon as possible
after receipt. Germ 11 days in warm soil.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
*$5.25/potted plant Organic
Tarragon, Mexican . . . . . . . .Tagetes lucida
Herbaceous perennial that can be grown as an
annual. Native to Mexico. Hardy to about 5 F.
An excellent spice, harmless, and the plant
itself is more dependable and just as tasty as
French Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus).
Plant prefers full sun, well-drained soil. Sow
in spring. Space 1 foot. Flowers to 2 feet.
100 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, Organic

All our seeds are open-pollinated, untreated, and seed-saver friendly.



Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)

Long-lived evergreen perennials with plump
leaves that dry down into excellent spice
rich-smelling and wholesome. Thyme is a hot
and savory spice for salad dressings and
sauces. Dried Thyme also makes an excellent
medicinal tea for treating the common cold,
sore throat or unidentifiable doldrums. Plant
prefers full sun, warm limey soil, moderate
watering. Sow in spring.
THYME SET (1 seed packet of the Thymus
species following.).
$9.90/5 pkts
Price shown is a discount.
Creeping Thyme . . . . . .Thymus serphyllum
Spreading ground cover. Native to Temperate
Europe. Hardy to -20 F. Flowers pink-purple
to 3 inches. A mild culinary spice.
100 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
English Broadleaf Thyme Thymus vulgaris
Native to the Mediterranean and especially
Greece. Hardy to 0 F. Perfect mound-shaped
plants. Space 2 or 3 feet apart. Flowers to 18
inches. Very potent spice. (If you do not specify, this is the Thyme we will send.)
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$7.95/g (~4,000 seeds)
$23.85/10 g (~40,000 seeds), Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
German Winter Thyme . . .Thymus vulgaris
Woody perennial similar to Broadleaf English,
but tolerates winters to -20 F. An excellent
choice for the cooking spice.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic


Mastic Thyme . . . . . . . .Thymus mastichina

Woody perennial native to SW Europe and
hardy to 0 F. Broad, shiny leaves and puffball flowers. Powerfully camphoraceous.
Healing tea.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$9.95/g (~3,000 seeds), Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Spanish Thyme . . . . . . . . . . . .Thymus zygis
Woody perennial native to SW Europe and
hardy to 0 F. Good in egg dishes, salad dressings. A very tasty culinary spice.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Wasabi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Wasabia japonica
Family: Mustard (Brassicaceae)
Hardy to 10 F. Herbaceous perennial native
to mountain streams of Japan. This is the true
Wasabi that proides the inspirationally taste
enhancing (and sometimes sinus exploding)
experience. The leaves are mild and taste
unmistakably of Wasabi. They are excellent in
salads or may be dipped individually in dressing. The roots are green and very hot. Plant
prefers part shade at the edge of cool running
water or a rich garden bed, shaded and misted
twice daily (thats how we grow it). We provide moist, cold-stored, stratified seed that is
best planted as soon as possible after receipt in
cool, moist shade. Delivery is in April 2012.
All orders received prior to then will be
backordered. No international sales on
Wasabi. No replacements or refunds on
Wasabi. Germination may occur within 60 days
or may require overwintering atfter which the
seeds will germinate in the spring.
10 seeds/pkt $7.95, Organic
*$10.00/potted plant, Organic

More seeds available beyond this list! Check or call (541) 846-6704.



Strictly Medicinal Herb Seeds & Plants

Seeds of Medicine


Family: Crowfoot (Ranunculaceae)

Herbaceous perennials with deeply divided
leaves and radiantly blue, hooded flowers.
One of the major drugs of antiquity. Plants
prefer semishade, rich soil, and regular watering. Short-lived, cold-stored seed. Sow seeds
in summer, fall, midwinter, or early spring to
germ as the soil warms up. Work them up in
pots, then transplant out. Space plants 12 inches apart. All parts of these plants are TOXIC
unless properly prepared.
Chinese Aconite . . . . .Aconitum carmichaeli
Native to China. Bears extraordinary light
blue flowers shaped like schools of heavyjawed fish of the coral reef. In TCM, the
processed root is used for warming the internal
fire, improving circulation, and tonifying
the kidneys. Part shade. Flowers in first or
second year to 4 to 5 feet.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Monkshood Aconite . . . .Aconitum napellus
Native to central Europe. Dark blue to purple,
hood-shaped flowers protect profusely productive nectaries, giving way to graceful, upright
follicles. Absolutely stunning! Flowers in the
second or third year to 2 to 3 feet. Weve
observed that these tend to flower most profusely in the full sun, but flower longer in the
part shade, and make more seed there, too.
50 seeds/pkt $3.95
*$10.00/potted plant, $27.00/3 plants, Organic


Family: Borage (Boraginaceae)

Herbaceous perennials with neon flowers, the
source of healing mucilage and unique secondary compounds. Drought tolerant and very,
very pretty. Plants prefer full sun and dry soils.
Oriental Alkanet . . . . . . .Alkanna orientalis
Herbaceous perennial hardy to all zones. Soft,
forgiving leaves give rise to dense, mounding
tops, studded with long-lasting, deeply golden
yellow flowers to about 12 inches tall.
Incredibly nice bedding plant.
30 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$9.95/g (~300 seeds),Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic

Anchusa, Azure . . . . . . . . . .Anchusa azurea

Family: Borage (Boraginaceae)
Herbaceous perennial native to Italy. Hardy to
at least -20 F. This species is noted for its edible, intensely royal purple flowers, as big as
quarters. Plants prefer full sun and poor, fastdraining soil. Drought-tolerant. Sow in spring,
either in pots or directly.
Flowers to
4 feet. Adorn your landscape and your salads.
20 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Anchusa, Undulate . . . . .Anchusa undulata
(Undulate Alkanet)
Herbaceous perennial native to the
Mediterranean basin and hardy to 10 F, growing to about 4 feet tall. Flowers large and velvety purple, extra pretty. Root for poultice.
20 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
Agrimony . . . . . . . . . . .Agrimonia eupatoria
Family: Rose (Rosaceae)
Herbaceous perennial. Native to temperate
Northern hemisphere. All zones. Handsome,
classic herb has a marked hemostatic effect,
kills tapeworm, and is used as a douche to control Trichomonas. Plant prefers full sun, average soil. Sow in fall or early spring. Slow to
germ. Flowers yellow to 3 feet.
25 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$11.85/10 g (~250 seeds), Organic
Aletris farinosa . . . . . . . . .see Unicorn, True
Alum Root . . . . . . . . .Heuchera richardsonii
Family: Saxifrage (Saxifragaceae)
Herbaceous perennial native to the Pacific
Northwest and hardy to all temperate zones.
Pretty mounding plant with white, bell-shaped
flowers. Astringent roots for treating cuts and
scrapes or making a mouthwash. Will nicely
naturalize in shade garden or partly sunny pathside situation. Very comely
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
*$10.00/potted plant, $27.00/3 plants, Organic

All our seeds are open-pollinated, untreated, and seed-saver friendly.


Andrographis . . . .Andrographis paniculata

(Kalmegh, Chuan-xin-lian, King of Bitters)
Family: Acanthus (Acanthaceae)
Annual but long season.. Rare in the trade and
highly desired plant native to China and India.
A non-toxic, liver stimulant and digestive medicine used in treating sluggish digestion, gastroenteritis, Lyme and other systemic infections. Plant prefers full sun and regular garden
soil. Culture much as per Basils. Scarify lightly and sow in spring.
100 seeds/pkt $3.95
$7.95/g (~700 seeds)
$23.85/10g (~7,000 seeds)
*$10.00/potted plant, $27.00/3 plants, Organic
Arhat Fruit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see GOURD


Family: Carrot (Apiaceae)

Asafetida . . . . . . . . . . . .Ferula assa-foetida
(Hing, Food-of-the-Gods, Devils Dung)
Bearing tiered umbels on stately plants with
ferny leaves. Hardy to 0 F. Native to the high
plains of Iran and Afghanistan. A giant steeped
in tradition. Roots yield an oleo-gum-resin
used as redolent spice. Flowers to 7 feet.
10 seeds/pkt $5.95, Organic
Giant Anise Fennel . . . . . .Ferula communis
Biennial or triennial native to northern Africa.
I saw whole landscapes dominated by these in
the highlands of Laikipia. Easier to grow than
Assafetida and at least as inspirational in form.
But do not eat it.
20 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic



Shining Angelica . . . . . . . . .Angelica arguta

Herbaceous perennial mountain dweller, native
to Western US and Canada. Sharply toothed
foliage gives rise to spreading umbels with
ball-like, creamy rosettes. Medicinally interchangeable with Angelica archangelica.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95
Ashitaba . . . . . . . .Angelica keiskei koidzumi
(Tomorrows Leaf, Hachijo-sou)
Native to Hachijojima island in Japan and
hardy to 20 F. Ashitaba is unique among
Angelicas due to its edibility and the presence
of both B12 and the flavonoids known as
chalcones. A general tonic, also specifically
treats gastric disorders, hepatitis, cancer,
anemia, and chronic fatigue. Munch the fresh
stalks. They are a bit like celery and way
yummy. You can also dry the aerial parts,
including leaves, and make a tea. Plant prefers
moist, fertile soil in sun or part shade. Give 30
days cold, moist conditioning followed by 15
day germ in warm soil. 60 days to transplant.
20 seeds/pkt $9.95,
$24.95/g (~100 seeds),Organic
*$10.00/potted plant, $27.00/3 plants, Organic
Dang-gui . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Angelica sinensis
(Dong-quai, Tang-kuei)
Biennial. Native to East Asia and cultivated in
the high, cold mountains of China. The
smokily aromatic root of this plant is a
premier female tonic. Plant prefers cool,
moist, sandy, rich soil.
*$7.95/potted plant, Organic


Family: Carrot (Apiaceae)

All temperate zones. Plant prefers part shade
to full sun; rich, moist, poorly drained soil.
Sow in fall or very early spring. Cold-stored,
short-lived seed. Press these light-dependent
germinators into surface of soil and keep moist.
Oregon Coast Angelica . . . . .A. hendersonii
Biennial, sometimes perennial, native to the
Pacific coast. Root used by native peoples to
treat infections and upper respiratory ailmentshighly warming and antibacterial.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95
Giant Purple Angelica . . . .A. atropurpurea
Biennial. Native to eastern North America.
This is the most impressive of all American
Angelicas. The giant leaves, purple stems,
and enormous, white-flowering umbels are
absolutely regal! Plant 2 feet apart. Flowers
from 6 to 12 feet tall.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Official Angelica . . . .Angelica archangelica
Biennial. Native to temperate Europe, Siberia,
and the Himalayan Mountains. Cultivated
worldwide. Bitter aromatic, antimicrobial, and
carminative. Flowers yellow-green in the second year to a height of 3 feet. (If do not specify, this is the Angelica well send.)
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic

Family: Aster (Asteraceae)

Creeping alpine herbaceous perennials with
yellow flowers. All temperate zones, especially at elevation. Fresh or dried flowers used
in classic herbal pharmacy as the most effective of anti-inflammatories. Homeopathic rescue remedy. Low-dose botanical.
prefers moist, loamy, acidic soils or rock garden Give full sun if you live at altitude, otherwise give shade. Sow in spring indoors or in
the greenhouse. Short-lived seed. Lightdependent germinator.
Arnica chamissonis (Meadow Arnica)
Native to Western North America. Yields well
from multiple flower stalks. This is the easiest
species to grow and the best for lowland gardens. If you order Arnica without specifying
species, this is the one we will send.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Arnica montana
Native to the mountains of Europe and Asia.
The official species. This one makes the
largest flowers of all Arnicas, which can be a
significant advantage. Plant prefers altitude.
50 seeds/pkt $3.95
*$10.00/potted plant, Organic

Plants marked with a * ship 6 for $14.90 via Priority Mail




Family: Aster (Asteraceae)
Loved by many for their beauty and utility, the
Artemisias are aromatic and medicinally
active. Excessive dosage potentially toxic.
Plants prefer full sun and dryish soils. Sow in
fall or early spring. Light-dependent germinators. Mix very tiny seed with sand before
sprinkling on surface and tamping in, so that
the seedlings do not crowd. Drought tolerant
and allelopathic.
ARTEMISIA SET (1 seed packet each of:
Artemisia annua; Mugwort, Common;
Mugwort, Western; Sagebrush; Wormwood,
Absinthe; and Wormwood, Redstem.)
7 pkts/$14.90
Price shown is a discount.
Not available to SD or WA states.
Artemisia annua
(Sweet Annie, Qing-hao)
Annual. 100 days to harvest of leaf and flowers. Pervasively and pleasantly aromatic
foliage. Antimalarial, vermifugal, and anticancer. There is currently a huge world
demand for this herb. Space plants 1 foot
apart. Grows 4 to 5 feet tall.
200 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$5.95/g (~57,000 seeds),
$17.85/10 g (~570,000 seeds), Organic
Artemisia, Oldwoman Artemisia stelleriana
White, deeply cut foliage on a very short,
spreading plant. Excellent choice for full sun,
pathside or rock garden. Elegant.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Mugwort, Common . . . . .Artemisia vulgaris
Herbaceous perennial. All temperate zones.
Spreads vigorously. The herb is used to make
moxa, burned over acupuncture points to
quicken the blood. Dream-inducer. Plant 2 feet
apart. Grows 3 to 4 feet tall.
300 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Mugwort, Western . . .Artemisia ludoviciana
(White Sagebrush)
Herbaceous perennial native to western and
central US and Canada. All temperate zones. .
The plant is really quite handsome, with its
soft, whitish leaves. We are quite attached to
our little patch here on the land.
200 seeds/pkt $2.95

Prairie Sagewort . . . . . . . .Artemisia frigida

<<NEW FOR 2012>>
Low growing woody subshrub with finely
divided, silvery foliage and smelling exactly
like--Sagebrush! Certainly one of the most
widely used plants among native american
peoples, nowadays used for smudging and as
an herbal tea, an aromatic bitter.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Sagebrush . . . . . . . . . . .Artemisia tridentata
Woody perennial bush. Native to western US
and Canada. All temperate zones. Soft,
silvery, gray-green and penetratingly aromatic, an excellent smudge. Purifying fumigant
and spiritual adjuvant. Plant prefers dry,
sandy slopes in sun. Flowers yellow to 8 feet.
200 seeds/pkt $2.95
Southernwood . . . . . . .Artemisia abrotanum
Woody shrub, native to the Mediterranean.
Lemon scented moth repellent and bitter tonic.
Plant prefers full sun and well-drained soils.
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Wormwood, Absinthe .Artemisia absinthium
Woody perennial. Native to Europe, Siberia,
Kashmir, and the Mediterranean. All zones.
This is a strikingly large, silvery-green, soft,
and mellow plant for the medicinal landscape.
Classic ingredient of the (now legal) alcoholic
bevarage Absinthe. Vermifugal.
200 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$7.95/g (~14,000 seeds), Organic
Not for sale to SD, WA state
Wormwood, Redstem . . .Artemisia scoparia
Biennial with wide native distribution in
N. Africa, temperate and tropical Asia, and
throughout most of Europe. All zones. One of
the Chinese herbs that drain dampness, this
fragrant herb is used in treating jaundice and is
hepatoprotective. Inhibits staphylococcus and
streptococcus and deserves more attention as a
potential ally in treating the staph epidemic.
200 seeds/pkt $3.95,
$7.95/g (~3,000 seeds) Organic
Yomogi . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Artemisia princeps
(Japanese Mugwort, Kui-hao, Ssuk)
Herbaceous perennial native to Japan. Wide,
bright green leaves with a white and downy
underside, the sign of a good moxa plant.
Excellent smudging plant.A flavorful herb, the
dried leaves used in small amounts to flavor
mochi, soups, rice. Full sun to part shade and
fast draining soil. Does well in pots.
500 seeds/pkt $2.95

We start shipping plants April 1. We ship Mondays and Tuesdays to arrive by Friday.


Ayurvedic Herb Collection

<<NEW FOR 2012>>
Seeds of 9 rejuvenative and medicinal herbs:
Amla (Emblica officinalis)
Andrographis (Andrographis paniculata)
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
Bala (Sida cordifolia)
Eclipta (Bhringraj) (Eclipta alba)
Gotu Kola (Hydrocotyl asiatica)
Lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus)
Spilanthes (Spilanthes oleracea)
Tulsi, Rama (Ocimum sanctum)

9 pkts/$24.95
Avens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Geum urbanum
(Herba Benedicta)
Family: Rose (Rosaceae)
Clump-forming herbaceous perennial. Hardy
to all zones and widely distributed on Earth.
Handsome, blue-green rosette gives rise to
upright stems of pretty yellow flowers. The
tannins found in this plant, both aerial parts
and roots, are gently astringent, antiseptic and
healing to wounds. A very good plant to know
on a hike. The tea can also be used to treat
sore gums, ulcerations of the oral mucosa and
atonic vagina. Plant prefers full sun to dappled
shade of garden, grasslands or open forest.
Sow in fall or early spring.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
$5.95/g (~350 seeds)
Ayahuasca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see YAGE
Ashitaba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see ANGELICA
Ashwagandha . . . . . . . .Withania somnifera
Family: Nightshade (Solanaceae)
Herbaceous perennial in the tropics, annual in
temperate zones. Native to Africa, India,
Middle East, and the Orient. Dried root is a
Ginseng-like tonic of the Ayurvedics. Plants
sown in spring may be dug after first frost.
Wash and dehydrate roots before use. Plant
prefers full sun and fast-draining, dryish soils.
Light-dependent germinator. Sow in spring.
100 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
$6.95/g (~1,000 seeds)
$20.85/10 g (~10,000 seeds),
$104.25/100 g (~100,000 seeds), Organic
Ashwagandha Root Powder
$23/lb, Organic


Aster, Purple . . . . . . . . . . . .Aster tataricus

(Tatarian Aster, Zi-wan)
Family: Aster (Asteraceae)
Herbaceous perennial. Native to Asia. All
zones. Sturdy, stoloniferous plants flower
handsomely purple in the fall. Good grass and
rabbit competitor. The dried root is a stimulating expectorant, used in Chinese medicine to
relieve coughs. Plant prefers full sun and
moist soil.
*$7.95/plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Astragalus . . . . . .Astragalus membranaceus
Family: Pea (Fabaceae)
Taprooted herbaceous perennial native to
China and hardy to -15 F. King of tonic
herbs. It is an anabolic immunostimulant.
Prefers full sun, average soil, good drainage.
Scarify lightly and use rhizobium inoculant.
Feeling sickly? Need to recuperate? Grow
these and boil the roots in your soup! They
impart their goodness, but it is best to remove
roots before servingtoo woody to eat.
Scarify seeds on sandpaper and sow directly
into the garden in early spring. Cool soil germinator.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$29.85/10 g (~2,750 seeds), Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Balloonflower . . . .Platycodon grandiflorum
Family: Bellflower (Campanulaceae)
Herbaceous perennial. Native to China
and Japan. Hardy to -35 F. The unopened
flower is a striking, blue-purple balloon.
The bittersweet, Ginseng-like root helps thin
and eliminate phlegm. Prefers full sun and
well-drained soil. Sow in spring.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Balm of Gilead . . . . .Cedronella canariensis
Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)
Herbaceous perennial native to N. Africa and
the Canary Islands, hardy to 20 F. Rare. The
leaves are compound and shiny, on sweeping
stems. The plants can be quite large and
densely branched. Multiple flowering racemes
of light lavender emit a camphoraceous odor
refreshing and healing. Plant prefers full sun
to part shade and moist, rich soil. Sow in
50 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
Balsam, Chinese . . . . .Impatiens balsamina
Family:Touch-Me-Not (Balsamaceae)
Annual. Native to China. 70 days to flowers.
The fleshy stems bear masses of highly decorative pink, purple, and lavender flowers that
remain comely throughout the summer. The
entire plant is loaded with healing mucilage.
Plant prefers full sun, rich soil, water. Directseed in midspring. Fast-growing, quick to
flower. Space 1 foot apart. Grows 2 to 3 feet.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Barbat Skullcap . . . . . . . . .see SKULLCAP

More seeds available beyond this list! Check or call (541) 846-6704.



Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)

When looking for new varieties of medicinal
herbs, I like to travel to the source and find out
about the plants from the people that know
them well. These are 3 interesting plants collected in the wild in Zanzibar and grown out in
organic culture in Oregon. Traditionally, these
are used by witch doctors in medicine and divination and by local people to make tonic teas
that are both delicious and uplifting.
AFRICAN TEA BASIL SET (1 seed packet
each of the African Basils following.)
$7.90/4 pkts
Price shown is a discount.
African Basil . . . . . . . . . . . .Ocimum canum
Rare, minty-tasting African tea Basil with decorative plunging racemes. Tea against persistent headache, fever, worms, and rheumatism;
incense to welcome the newborn and to drive
away evil spirits.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Kivumbasi Lime Basil . . . . .Ocimum canum
(Kivumbasi Ndimu)
Originally collected by Richo on the Island of
Unguja in Zanzibar, the plant would have gone
unnoticed except for the citrusy scent it emenated when it was tread upon. Diminutive in
size yet giant in aroma, a Basil like no other, a
tasty tea herb that powerfully rejuvenates. We
ran out of seed on this last year, but then concentrated on growing it, and wont run out this
year. The plants performed admirably in the
open field, bulked up well and eventually produced much seed. They grow no higher than
18 inches.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Mtule Basil . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ocimum suave
Native to Tanzania and the Zanzibar archipelago. Grow as an annual or protect from frost.
This is a handsome, upright African bush Basil
that becomes woody with age. Within its
native range, the arching, reddish seed heads
are a common sight throughout the wildlands.
The plant is similar to wild Vana Tulsi and is
very high in oil of Clove (Eugenol).
Interestingly, the local use of Mtule follows
the same use that is commonly employed for
oil of Cloveas an antiseptic and pain reliever for dental woes. The fresh leaves are
chewed to freshen breath, or given to teething
children. Full sun, regular garden soil. Sow in
spring. Germ within 3 weeks.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$7.95/g (~1,800 seeds), Organic
Mzamda Basil . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ocimum sp.
(Mtule dume)
More diversity from Pemba. This is a smoothleaved bush Basil to 3 feet tall, used locally as
a tea herb. This handsome plant is encouraged
to grow around habitationsthought to satisfy
the ancestors.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95


Beach Silvertop . . . . . . . . .Glehnia littoralis

Family: Carrot (Apiaceae)
Native to China, Japan and the West coast of
North America and hardy to all zones.
Circumpolar. This is one of the Chinese herbs
that tonifies the yin, used in much the same
way as we would use Osha. Plant prefers full
sun and sandy soil. Barely cover seed and
keep moist, cool, and in the light until germ.
10 seeds/pkt $2.95
Bearsfoot . . . . . . . . . . . . .Polymnia uvedalia
Family: Aster (Asteraceae)
Herbaceous perennial. Native to eastern US
and hardy to -10 F. A prodigious and remarkable landscape plant that makes a clump to 8
feet tall studded copiously with flowers that
attract native pollinators. The resinous root is a
traditional salve-making ingredient. Prefers
full sun or partial shade, moist soils. For best
results, fire treat.
20 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic


Family: Nightshade (Solanaceae) TOXIC

Herbaceous perennials hardy to appx. -10 F.
Showy, dangling flowers give way to soft,
blackly shining berries. Medicinally, these are
best employed externally in oily preparations
(infused oil or salve of dried leaf) to sedate and
relax muscle and nerve pain. Plants prefer partial to full shade, average fertility, moist but
well-drained soil. Sow in fall or early spring.
Slow to germ. Ongoing germ.
Caucasus Belladonna . . . . Atropa caucasica
Native to the northern Caucasus.
stemmed, with large, soft, black berries.
50 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
Official Belladonna . . . . .Atropa belladonna
Native to Central and Southern Europe. This
is the official species, used in homeopathy and
also in herbalismas a muscle relaxant and to
prevent motion sickness, being antispasmodic
to smooth muscle tissue.
100 seeds/pkt $3.95,
$9.95/g (~1,750 seeds),
$49.85/10 g (~17,500 seeds), Organic
Turkmenistan Belladonna Atropa komarovii
Native to the Kopet-dag mountains. Rare.
Flowers yellow, veined with violet. In the
wild, occurs in association with Mandragora
turkomanica and Ephedra equisitina.
50 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
Vedic Belladonna . . . . . . Atropa acuminata
Native to Kashmir. Used in Ayurveda, a warm
tolerant species with bell-shaped flowers
measuring over an inch wide. The foliage is
purple tinged and the berries are cone-shaped.
50 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
Scopalia . . . . . . . . . . . . Scopalia carniolica
(Belladonna scopola, Japanese Belladonna)
Native to northern Europe and Asia and hardy
to -10 F. Growing to 18 inches tall, with dangling, rust-red flowers. Low-dose treatment
for gastrointestinal spasm, sea sickness. Rare.
30 seeds/pkt $3.95

All our seeds are open-pollinated, untreated, and seed-saver friendly.


Bowmans Root . . . . . . . . Gillenia trifoliata

(Indian Physic)
Herbaceous perennial native to the southeastern forests and hardy to all zones. Native
Americans used the root as an emetic. Very
pretty in the shade garden, giving multiple
starry flowers, white with red highlights.
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic


Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)

Certainly one of the most revered of Native
American medicinals, these can be planted as
chest high, herbaceous hedges. All zones.
Light-dependent germinators. Direct-seed in
spring or start in greenhouse. Germ 30 days.
BERGAMOT SET (1 seed packet each of the
Monarda seeds following.)
$9.90/4 pkts
Price shown is a discount.
Lavender Bergamot . . . . .Monarda fistulosa
(Wild Bergamot)
Perennial. Makes tight clusters of lavender,
long-tubed flowers. Fantastic fresh-cut flower
and tasty tea herb. Full sun, dry soils.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Lemon Bergamot . . . . .Monarda citriodora
(Lemon Mint, Purple Horsemint)
Annual. Self-seeding. Native to midwestern
and southern US. The leaves are deliciously
Plant prefers full sun,
dryish soils. Flowers to 3 feet tall.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95
$4.95/g (~2,000 seeds),
$14.85/10 g (~20,000 seeds)
Red Bergamot . . . . . . . . . .Monarda didyma
(Bee Balm, Oswego Tea)
Herbaceous perennial. Native to the Eastern
US. The is the much sought after scarletflowered Bergamot, highly aromatic and
decorative. Regular garden conditions.
50 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
Yellow Dotted Mint Monarda punctata
Biennial or short-lived herbaceous perennial.
Native to the eastern and southern US. This
minty plant has flowers resembling the markings of a leopardwhorls of striking golden
flowers spotted with purple, on a 5-foot plant.
Part shade, moist soils.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Bittersweet Nightshade .Solanum dulcamara
Herbaceous vine native to Europe and Asia, a
comely plant with shooting-star-like blue
flowers giving way to bright red berries, a
plant that has spread worldwide about as
quickly as the herpes virus, to which it is inimical. Low dose botanical. Plant prefers moist
shade and a trellis or other plants to drape
upon. Sow seed in the spring, using standard
greenhouse technique or sowing directly in a
prepared seed bed. Keep warm and moist until
germ. Space plants 1 foot apart.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic [WA NO]

Black Cohosh . . . . . . .Cimicifuga racemosa

Family:Crowfoot (Ranunculaceae)
Forest dwelling herbaceous perennial. All
temperate zones. Elegant plants with serrated,
compound leaves and soaring, white-flowered
racemes. The tincture of fresh root is
proestrogenic, antidepressant, pain-relieving.
Black Cohosh prefers rich, moist soils of shade
garden or forest.
Seed requires a
warm/cold/warm cycle. Sow in gallon pots
and mark well.
50 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
*$7.95/plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic


Family: Crowfoot (Ranunculaceae)

Self-seeding annuals. 90 days to flowers.
Brightly colored and complex, crowned flowers and decorative seedpods please always.
Strew seeds on prepared seedbed in early
spring, cover with soil, and tamp. Keep moist
until germ. Petite plants prefer sun to part
shade and dryish soils.
Black Seed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Nigella sativa
Native to the Middle East. Compact plants
yield strongest medicinality of all the Nigella
speciesseeds are used for treating indigestion, appetite loss, parasites, water retention,
and fever.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$7.95/g (~400 seeds),
$23.85/10 g (~4,000 seeds),
$119.25/100 g (~40,000 seeds), Organic
Habat Soda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Nigella sativa
Annual, native to the Indian Ocean basin. This
is a special offering of the East African form of
Nigella, considered by locals to be the most
useful of herbs. Habat Soda is mentioned in
the Quran, cures all the ills of man except
death. The oil pressed from the seeds is used
externally against any and all skin problems.
200 seeds/pkt $2.95
Love-in-the-Mist . . . . . .Nigella damascena
(Nigella, Neon Lights)
A cultivar selected here at Horizon Herbs.
The plants are miniature, with bright purple,
highly frilled flowers that give way to bicolored pods. The seeds are delightfully perfumed and good on cookies.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$7.95/g (~400 seeds),
$23.85/10 g (~4,000 seeds), Organic
Blessed Thistle . . . . . . . . . . . .see THISTLE

Plants ship April through July. Up to 6 plants marked with * ship prio for $14.90!


Bloodroot . . . . . . . . Sanguinaria canadensis

(Red Puccoon, Indian Paint, Tetterwort)
Family: Poppy (Papaveraceae)
Herbaceous perennial. Native to the moist
woodlands of Eastern US and Canada. Hardy
to -30 F. The sap of the plant, especially
abundant in the rhizome (the root), is bright
red and loaded with the alkaloid sanguinarine;
an expectorant and anticancer agent. Lowdose botanical. Prefers moist, humusy soil
and shade. Plant in the summer or fall in a forest bed or shade garden for emergence after 1
or 2 vernal cycles. Flowers white to 6 inches.
100 seeds/pkt $9.95
Bloodroot seed available fresh starting in
June, as long as it lasts. Otherwise backordered and delivered from the new crop.
Blue Cohosh . . . .Caulophyllum thalictroides
Family:Barberry (Berberidaceae)
Herbaceous perennial. Native to the eastern
US hardwood forest. Hardy to -30 F.
Exquisite, 3-lobed, light green leaves and fat,
purple berries. The flowers often unfurl in the
spring before any other part of the plant shows
itself. Dried root used to facilitate difficult
births. Plant likes rich, composty soil in forest
or shade garden. Space plants 1 to 2 feet apart.
Grows 2 to 3 feet.
$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Blue Flag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see IRIS
Blue Vervain . . . . . . . . . . .see Vervain, Blue


Family: Aster (Asteraceae)

Herbaceous perennials in the Eupatorium
genus prefer full sun and moist, even swampy
soils. Vigorous, assertive and showy plants
with powerful medicinal attributes. Sow small
seed on surface of soil in spring. Press in hard
and keep evenly moist until germination.
Boneset . . . . . . . . . .Eupatorium perfoliatum
Herbaceous perennial. Native to southern and
eastern US. Hardy to -30 F. Large and showy,
bearing heady masses of long-lived, white
flowers. Dried leaf and flowering tops make a
tea or tincture to treat colds and flu.
300 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$9.95/g (~2,500 seeds), Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Gravel Root . . . . . . .Eupatorium purpureum
(Queen-of-the-Meadow, Joe Pye Weed)
Herbaceous perennial. Native to the central,
eastern, and southern US. Makes towering,
purple-spotted stems with wide, umbrellashaped flowers. The root helps alleviate infection and toxicity in the urinary tract.
300 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic


Borage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Borago officinalis

Family: Borage (Boraginacea)
Annual. Native to the Mediterranean. 80 days
to maturity. Children love to eat the nodding,
blue and purple flowers that gladden the heart.
Direct-seed in fall or spring.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$8.85/10 g (~1,400 seeds),
$44.25/100 g (~14,000 seeds),
$150.00/lb (~63,560 seeds) Organic
Brahmi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bacopa monniera
Family: Figwort (Scrophulariaceae)
Tropical semi-aquatic perennial, grown as an
indoor specimen, aquarium plant or summer
annual in the temperate zone. Native to India,
it is a memory-enhancing herb of high repute.
Protect from frost. Prefers moist shade.
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Bugle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ajuga reptans
An excellent ground cover for shady situations, including under Redwoods or in acid
soils. A historical herb of great repute as a vulnerary, can be used as a tea, tincture, salve or
poultice. Purple leaves give rise to long-lasting deep blue flowers.
*$7.95 potted plant, Organic


Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)

Herbaceous perennials hardy to -20 F that prefer full sun and moist, even swampy soil. They
make creeping rhizomes and short flowering
racemes. The leaves are aromatic, used in
treating hyperthyroidism and Graves disease.
Bugleweed . . . . . . . . . .Lycopus americanus
Native to eastern, southern, and central N.
America. Willowy in form, strangely and
enticingly aromatic.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Gipsywort . . . . . . . . . . . .Lycopus europaeus
Native to Europe. A bit larger and leafier than
Bugleweedpenetratingly aromatic.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Burdock, Gobo . . . . . . . . . . .Arctium lappa
Family: Aster (Asteraceae)
Biennial native to Europe and Asia. All zones.
6 weeks to root harvest. Extraordinary nutritive and blood-cleansing properties. Fat, long
rootsbest for medicine. Direct seed in the
spring garden. Easy and fast.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95
$5.85/10 g (~1,050 seeds),
$29.25/100 g (~10,500 seeds),
$80.00/lb (~47,600 seeds), Organic
Planting or extraction quality.
Butterbur . . . . . . . . . . . .Petasites palmatus
(Petasites, Western Coltsfoot)
Family: Aster (Asteraceae) Contains PAs.
Herbaceous perennial. Native to the western
US. Hardy to -20 F. The creeping rhizome
erects robust, umbrella-shaped leaves. Used to
treat spasmodic cough or deep-seated pain.
*$5.00/live root, Organic

We start shipping plants April 1. We ship Mondays and Tuesdays to arrive by Friday.


Calamus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Acorus calamus

(Sweet Flag, Rights Whats Wrong Herb)
Family: Arum (Araceae)
Perennial monocot water plant. Our cultivar is
from the northern prairie statesnot Europe
or India (low to no potentially toxic beta
asarone). Hardy to -30 F. The bitter and aromatic rhizome is a premier digestive herb.
Best germination will be obtained by giving a
warm/cold/warm cycle. Mix seed with moist
potting soil in a plastic bag or glass jar and
keep at room temperature for 1 month, then
give 30 days refrigeration, then sow warm.
Alternatively, sow in fall for germination in
the spring. Plant at edge of waterway or in a n
evermoist, cool, shaded bed in the garden.
200 seed/pkt $2.95,
$14.85/10 g (~2,000 seeds)


Family: Aster (Asteraceae)

Annual or short-lived perennial. Native to
southern Europe. Only 40 to 50 days to maturity. Calendula flowers are a premier antiseptic
and healing agent when made into salve, succus, tincture, or simply masticated and applied
to the injury. Inhibits inflammation and speeds
healing. Yellow-orange dye-plant. Plant
prefers full sun. Direct-seed in spring or summer in garden, or grow as a container plant.
CALENDULA SET (1 seed packet each of
the Calendulas following.)
$9.90/5 pkts
Price shown is a discount.
HoriSun Yellow Calendula, . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Calendula officinalis
This strain produces myriads of midsized,
highly resinous, yellow flowers with light
centerspreferred by many medicine makers.
A Horizon Herbs selection released to the
public domain.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$6.85/10 g (~1,200 seeds),
$34.25/100 g (~12,000 seeds), Organic


Mixed Calendula . . . . .Calendula officinalis

This heirloom produces a lovely combination
of single and double, yellow and orange flowers.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95
$6.85/10 g (~1,200 seeds),
$34.25/100 g (~12,000 seeds), Organic
Orange Calendula . . . .Calendula officinalis
This strain produces orange flowers measuring
up to 3 inches in diameter. They are pretty,
yield well, and make excellent medicine.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$8.85/10 g (~1,200 seeds),
$34.25/100 g (~12,000 seeds), Organic
Solis Sponsa Calendula Calendula officinalis
Deep orange flowers with velvety, black centers. Originally from a wild collection in
England, these are now a Horizon Herbs selection. Good for medicine, very pretty in the
medicinal herb garden.
30 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$11.85/10 g (~1,200 seeds),
$59.25/100 g (~12,000 seeds), Organic
Wild Calendula . . . . . .Calendula arvensis
Small yellow flowers on the native progenitor
to all cultivated Calendulasblooms all year
long, sometimes even in the snow.
20 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$11.85/10 g (~800 seeds),
$59.25/100 g (~8,000 seeds), Organic
Cancer Bush . . . . . .Sutherlandia frutescens
Family: Pea (Fabaceae)
Perennial woody shrub to 3 feet. Native to
South Africa. Protect from frost. Prefers full
sun and dryish soils. Scarify and sow warm.
Fire treatment stimulates germ.
20 seeds/pkt $3.95
$20.00/ potted plant, Organic:


Family: Spurge (Euphorbiaceae)

Tropical perennial, temperate annual. 100 days
to maturity. Native to Africa. Leaves steamed
and layered on as a pain relieving poultice.
Seeds used to treat plantar warts. Give full sun
and compost. Direct-seed in spring.
Giant Zanzibar Castor . . .Ricinus communis
Giant spreading leaves on hefty stems lend a
tropical appearance to temperate gardens.
5 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Red Castor . . . . . . . . . . . .Ricinus communis
Plants large and vibrant with showy red leaves
and clusters of bright red seedpods.
5 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Unguja Green Castor . . . .Ricinus communis
Plants tree-like and perennial if not frosted.
These come from the island of Pemba.
5 seeds/pkt $2.95
$19.85/10 g (~90 seeds),
Cardinal Flower . . . . . . . . . .see LOBELIA

More seeds available beyond this list! Check or call (541) 846-6704.



Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)

Highly aromatic minty plants with longlasting, showy, flowering racemes do best in
full sun and dry soils. Scarify and sow in
spring. Thin or transplant 2 feet apart.
CATNIP SET (1 seed packet each of the following 4 species.)
$7.90/4 pkts
Price shown is a discount.
Calamint . . . . . . . . . .Calamintha sylvatica
Perennial. Native to the Mediterranean.
Hardy to -30 F. Delightful light-blue flowers
on a spreading plant with miniature, rounded
leaves. The herb is highly aromaticantiseptic,
diaphoretic, and expectorant.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Japanese Catnip . . . .Schizonepeta tenuifolia
Annual. 70 days to flowers. Native to China
and Japan. Smaller and smelling crisply aromatic, this pretty, lavender-flowered herb is
official to the Chinese Pharmacopoeia.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Syrian Catnip . . . . . . . . . .Nepeta curviflora
Middle-eastern woody perennial hardy to 20F
and extremely drought tolerant. Long-lasting,
beautiful and aromatic blue-purple inflorescences. The tea is lemon-mint flavored and is
used indigenously for treating asthma.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95
Official Catnip . . . . . . . . . . .Nepeta cataria
Short-lived herbaceous perennial. Native to
Europe. Hardy to -35 F. Downy, green
foliage with dense, white-green flowering
Sedative and calming tea;
aromatic. Flowers to 5 feet.
200 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$4.95/g (~1,400 seeds),
$14.85/10 g (~14,000 seeds),
$74.25/100 g (~1,200 seeds),Organic
Cayenne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . see PEPPER


Celandine . . . . . . . . . . . .Chelidonium majus

Family: Poppy (Papaveraceae)
Herbaceous perennial, self-seeding. Native to
Europe and temperate Asia. Hardy to
-15 F. Acrid, yellow-orange latex, most concentrated in root, used topically against warts.
A penetrating alterative ingredient in hand and
foot baths for treating debilitating disease.
Low dose botanical. Plant prefers the cool
weather of early spring and fall. Sow in spring.
Prefers dark to germ. Slow to germ. Space to
18 inches. Grows about 2 feet tall.
50 seeds/pkt $3.95,
$9.95/g (~900 seeds),
$49.85/10 g (~9,000 seeds),Organic
*$5.00/live root, Organic
Chameleon Plant . . . . . .Houttoynia cordata
(Yu-xing-cao, Tsi, Fishwort)
Family: Lizard Tail (Saururaceae)
Creeping herbaceous perennial native to
China. Does anyone else think its funny that
the chameleon plant belongs to the lizard tail
family? Stolons and leaves of this prettily
white-flowered creeper used as a tasty condiment as well as a medicinal plant for treating
lung and urinary infections. Plant prefers full
sun to part shade and loose, rich soil. It will
spread joyfully, so if this is a concern, then
keep it in a pot. Sow seed in cool soil of early
spring and keep evenly moist. Germ in 60 to
90 days. Space plants 6 inches to 1 foot apart.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic


Family: Aster (Asteraceae)

Dried Chamomile flowers make a gently sedative and decidedly delicious tea that is calming
to the stomach and improves digestion. Plants
prefer full sun and regular garden soil. Shortlived seed. Sow directly in fall, midwinter, or
very early spring in weed-free garden bed.
Dyers Chamomile . . . . .Anthemis tinctoria
(Golden Marguerite)
Hardy perennial to 16 inches, native to
Europe. Large, lemon-yellow daisies used to
dye wool and as a salutary tea.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
German Chamomile . . .Matricaria recutita
Annual, self-seeding. Native to Europe, Iran,
and Afghanistan. 80 days to maturity.
Cultivated everywhere. This is the delightfully
aromatic Chamomile of tea fame. Flowers
yellow, with white rays, to 2 feet.
500 seeds/pkt $2.95
$7.95/g (~7,500 seeds), Organic
Roman Chamomile . .Chamaemelum nobile
Perennial ground cover. Native to southern
and western Europe. Hardy to -10 F. Plants
spread and interlock to form a tough carpet,
which can be mowed to maintain a green bed.
Sweet dreams.
500 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
*$5.25/potted plant, Organic

Our bare root Russian Comfrey and Valerian are shipped in eco-friendly coir and cellophane.




Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)

Annuals native to deserts of the southwestern
US and into South America. 60 days to maturity. Plant prefers limey soil, sun. Sow in
spring. Germ in 4 to 8 days. Transplant to 1
foot apart.
California Chia . . . . . . .Salvia columbariae
90 days to maturity.. Self-seeding, miniature
desert grower with bright purple flowers in
whorls. Ilipesh contains the compound known
as tanshinone. a circulation stimulant, ithat
inhibits blood-clotting; anti-seizure.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95
$9.95/g (~700 seeds)
Mexican Chia . . . . . . . . . . .Salvia hispanica
140 days to maturity. Makes succulent, brightgreen, bushy plants up to 4 feet tall. The seed is
made into a stimulating beverage, high in soluble fiber and oil. Regulates sugar metabolism.
300 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$6.85/10 g (~7,000 seeds)


Family: Pink (Caryophyllaceae)

Spreading ground covers with succulent green
leaves dotted with tiny white flowers. Classic
spring tonics, loaded with vitamins, flavonoids
and blood-cleansing saponins. Plants prefer
rich, moist soils; full sun or part shade. Directseed in early spring or grow in pots.
Common Chickweed . . . . . .Stellaria media
Annual. 60 days to maturity. Native to all
temperate regions, as far north as the Arctic.
Harvest fresh and eat for a spring tonic. Dried,
it lends its healing qualities to any salve.
Flowers white to 1 foot.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$9.95/g (~1,100 seeds), Organic
Yunnan Chickweed . . .Stellaria yunnanensis
Tuberous perennial native to Southwestern
China, flowering to 2 feet, hardy to 20 F.
Rare. Tubers used to make a rejuvenating and
delicious soup. Sow seed just below surface in
spring, tamp, and keep moist until germ.
Woodland, shade garden, or orchard.
30 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic

Chinese Herb Collection

<<NEW FOR 2012>>
Seeds of 8 lucky herbs, a potent slice of TCM:
Dan-shen (Salvia miltiorrhiza)
Dang-shen (Codonopsis pilosula)
Huang-Qi (Astragalus membranaceus)
Huang-Qin (Scutellaria baicalensis)
Ma-huang (Ephedra sinensis)
Tou-gu (Impatiens balsamina)
Wu-wei-zi (Schisandra chinensis)
Xiao-mi-la (Capsicum frutescens)

8 pkts/$24.95
Chinese Foxglove . . . . . .see REHMANNIA

Chinese Lantern
. . . . . . . . . .Physalis alkekengi franchetii
(Winter Cherry)
Family: Nightshade (Solanaceae)
Creeping herbacous perennial with insignificant flowers that nonetheless transform into
plump, round, cherry-tomato-like fruits
enclosed in a bright orange, papery, lanternshaped calyx. The main value is historical and
decorative (they look good in a vase).
Although the ripe fruit is somewhat edible, the
rest of the plant is loaded with contraceptive
steroidal compounds. A homeopathic remedy
is made, but substantive internal use could
prove toxic. The leaves make a harmless,
cooling poultice. Plant prefers moist soil in
part sun to shade. Sow seed in spring and
work up in pots.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Clary Sage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see SAGE
Cleavers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Galium aparine
Family: Madder (Rubiaceae)
Annual. Native to fields, woods, and waste
places of Europe and the US. 90 days to maturity. The juice of the fresh herb is a premier
lymphatic tonic and spring cleanser. Plant is
adaptablewill grow in full sun in the garden
or in the forest or shade garden. Sow in early
spring, in pots in the greenhouse or directly in
the garden.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$17.85/10 g (~2,500 seeds), Organic
Clover . .see COVER CROP SECTION p. 15
Codonopsis . . . . . . . . . .Codonopsis pilosula
Family: Bellflower (Campanulaceae)
Twining and climbing herbaceous perennial.
Native to China. Hardy to -15 F. Poor Mans
Ginseng makes sweet, crispy roots that build
chi. The flowers are large, pendulous, green
bells. Plants prefer full sun to partial shade,
average soil. Sow in spring. Light-dependent
germinator. Space 1 foot apart. Trellis or
allow to climb on other plants.
100 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Colchicum . . . . . . . . .Colchicum autumnale
(Meadow Saffron, Autumn Crocus)
Family: Lily (Liliaceae)
Bulbous perennial. Native to Europe. Hardy
to -30 F. Blooming in September or October,
the flowers are large and impressive chalices,
light-colored, and mottled with purple. Source
of the active alkaloid colchicine. Sow in
spring or summer.
50 seeds/pkt $3.95

All our seeds are open-pollinated, untreated, and seed-saver friendly.



Columbine, Wild . . . . .Aquilegia canadensis

Herbaceous perennial forest dweller native to
the Pacific Northwest and Canada. Thrives in
shade garden or forest garden, even under
conifers. According to Culpepper, an astringent gargle was made for treating sore throat.
Scatter seed in fall or early spring on disturbed
soil, press in hard and keep evenly moist. A
reliable germinator and a stellar flower.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic

Compass Plant . . . . . . .Silphium laciniatum

(Pilot Weed, Rosin Weed)
Towering herbaceous perennial with deep
delving roots, a disappearing relict of the
prairie. Makes upright stems laden with glandular hairs that sometimes condense into
droplets of resin. Flowers yellow, numerous,
and conspicuous for a long flowering cycle.
Plant prefers open garden or grasslands. Sow
these large seeds in pots or in place.
20 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Coneflower . . . . . . . . . . see ECHINACEA
Coptis, Chinese . . . . . . . . . .Coptis chinensis
Family: Crowfoot (Ranunculaceae)
Hardy to all zones. Rare evergreen forest
dweller native to China. Glossy leaved and
sensitive plant bears a rich yellow rhizome and
thread-like rootlets. This is one of the
strongest herbs in TCM, used for treating
infection, including pestilence associated with
natural disasters (e.g. dysentary). Plants thrive
in acidic potting soil in wide and shallow pots
left in the cool, moist shade. Or, plant in the
forest or shade garden and mulch with decomposed leaves. Space plants 1 to 2 feet apart.
*$15.00/potted plant, Organic



Family: Borage (Boraginaceae)

Rough-leaved herbaceous perennials containing the healing agent alantoin. Contains PAs.
Root and leaf of Comfrey are commonly used
to heal cuts, abrasions, athletic injuries, and
broken bones. Plants prefer moist but welldrained soil and full sun.
True Comfrey . . . . . .Symphytum officinalis
Herbaceous perennial native to Europe and
hardy to -15 F. Contains high levels of the cell
proliferant allantoin and no or low content of
the pyrrolizidine alkaloid echimidine. True
Comfrey is the original medicinal herb as
detailed in all the ancient literatureand it is a
beauty, with blue, dangling, flowers in scorpioid inflorescences and leaves softer, more
friendly to the touch than the Russian Comfrey.
Sow in spring.
10 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
*$5.00/root, Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Russian Comfrey Symphytum x uplandicum
(Bocking 14 hybrid cultivar)
Among all types of Comfrey, Bocking 14 contains the highest levels of cell-proliferant allantoin. Plant is a high protein source of the basic
NPK nutrientsused extensively in organic gardening as an animal feed, compost maker, companion plant to orchard trees and source of nitrogen-rich sun tea for feeding plants. Makes
excellent salve. This kind of Comfrey does not
make seed and it doesnt grow so well in pots,
but will thrive in normal garden conditions.
$3.00/crown cutting,
$12.00/6 crown cuttings,
$35.00/20 crown cuttings, Organic

Family: Aster (Asteraceae)

Short-lived herbaceous perennials that exude
brightly balsamic aromatics. All are very cold
hardy and prefer full sun and dryish, welldrained soils. Sow in spring. Light-dependent
germ. Space plants 1 foot apart.
COSTMARY SET $4.90/3 pkts
Price shown is a discount.
Costmary . . . . . . . . . . .Tanacetum balsamita
Native to Asia. Hardy to -20 F. Long, broad
leaves support loose clusters of yellow flowers
that emit a pleasant, balsamic fragrance. Old
World herb used as a spicy flavoring, ingredient for beermaking, and medicinally as a stomachic, emmenagogue, and for treating
headaches. Flowers to 3 feet.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$6.95/g (~775 seeds),
$34.85/10 g (~7,750 seeds), Organic
Feverfew . . . . . . . . . .Tanacetum parthenium
Native to temperate zones of the world and
hardy to -20 F. The single, white and yellow,
daisy-like flowers grow densely on upright
bushes, as pretty as Chamomile. Valuable
tonic for the prevention of migraine.
200 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$4.95/g (~7,000 seeds),
$14.85/10 g (~70,000 seeds),Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Tansy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tanacetum vulgare
Native to temperate zones worldwide. Hardy
to -40 F. Volunteers freely. This balsamic
herb is sprinkled on the floors after sweeping,
lending its agreeable fragrance and prohibiting
flies, which detest it.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$9.95/g (~5,000 seeds),
Not for sale to SD, WA state


Costus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Saussurea costus

(Kuth, Kushta, Putchock, Yun-mu-xiang))
Family: Aster (Asteraceae)
Herbaceous perennial native to the Himalayas.
CITES listed, this is a prime subject for conservation through cultiation. Highly aromatic
dried roots used as incense, for oil infusions
and essential oil. Medicinally, the dried, tuberous root increases bile flow and is considered
excellent in improving energy, digestion and to
detoxify the body. Plant prefers sun to part
shade and a rich, sandy loam soil. Sow seed in
pots in the spring and keep evenly moist and
warm until germination, which occurs in 1 to 3
weeks. Space plants 1 to 2 feet apart.
20 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Cota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see NAVAJO TEA
Cowslip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Primula veris
Family: Primrose (Primulaceae)
Herbaceous perennial. Native to Britain. The
flowers are sedative and pain-relieving, used
in homeopathy, tinctures, teas, face washes,
and in winemaking. Sow seed in fall, midwinter, or very early spring.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Culvers Root . . . .Veronicastrum virginicum
Family: Figwort (Scrophulariaceae)
(Black Root)
Herbaceous perennial. Native to eastern and
central US. Hardy to -30 F. The aged root is
gently laxatie and tonifying to the liver, used
extensively by Natie Americans and Eclectics.
The tall, white flowering spikes are long-lived
and very showy in the herbal garden. This will
be one of the first plants we introduce to the
new Horizon Herbs Botanical Gardens in
downtown Williams, Oregon. Seed is a light
dependent germinator and should be pressed
into surface in early spring and kept cool and
moist until germ. Space plants 2 feet apart.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$5.95/g (~4,000 seeds), Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Curry Plant . . . . . . . . . . . .see Helichrysum

Dandelion . . . . . . . . . .Taraxacum officinale

Family: Aster (Asteraceae)
Herbaceous perennial. Native to and distributed throughout all temperate zones.
Dandelion is a gentle liver tonic and diuretic.
Sow in spring. Space plants 1 foot apart and
keep well-watered. Harvest the following
spring. Flowers sunny yellow to 1 foot.
200 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$6.95/g (~2,200 seeds), Organic
Dang-gui . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see ANGELICA



Family: Nightshade (Solanaceae)

Magico-religio-therapeutic plants charac-terized by fast growth, stinking stems and trumpet-shaped flowers emitting heady perfume.
TOXIC. Do not take internally. Plants prefer full sun and tend to perform better if somewhat water-starved. Direct seed in spring,
keeping warm, in the light, and a bit dry.
Jimson Weed . . . . . . . . .Datura stramonium
Multiple upright white or blue trumpets on a
feisty little plant.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Moonflower . . . . . . . . . . . . .Datura innoxia
White flowers track the moon in the sky while
they emit narcotic odors and attract giant
moths, and during the day, bumblebees.
20 seeds/pkt $3.95,
$20.85/10 g (~600 seeds), Organic
*$10.00/potted plant, $27.00/3 plants, Organic
Mranaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Datura fastuosa
Tropical form, native to the Island of Unguja in
the Zanzibar archipelago. Plant is conspicuous, with very dark purple stems and regal,
upright white chalices nicely tinged in lavender. Seedpods warty, not spinya handsome
and forgiving plant. Start indoors early in
order to enjoy the flowers.
10 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Devil's Club . . . . . . . . .Oplopanax horridum
Family: Ginseng (Araliaceae)
Perennial rhizomatous shrub. Native to the
Pacific Northwest. Awesomely spiny plant. A
general adaptogen (similar to American
Ginseng and Eleutherococcus). Antidiabetic.
Provide a moist, cool, and shady environment.
Fresh seed stored in moist medium needs to be
planted soon after receipt and is a slow germinator. Space plants 3 feet apart. Grows to 10
feet tall. Flowers green.
26 seeds/ pkt $3.95
Dianthus, Fringed Pink .Dianthus superbus
Family: Pink (Caryophyllaceae)
Mounding herbaceous perennial, native to
China. Pretty basal rosette gives forth multitudes of hot pink flowers with fringed margins.
The fragrance is unforgettable, like a cross
between baby powder and a strawberry milkshake. Qu-mai is used in TCM for treating urinary disorders and suppressed menses. Plant
prefers sun to part shade and well-drained
soils. Sow in spring and work up in pots
before transplanting out to the garden.
50 seeds/ pkt $2.95, Organic

Plants marked with a * ship 6 for $14.90 via Priority Mail


Yellow Dock . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rumex crispus

Family: Buckwheat (Polygonaceae)
Native to Europe and north Asia. Hardy to 20 F. Herbaceous perennial with roots containing astringent tannins and laxative anthraquinones. Gentle laxative and a good source of
iron. Plant prefers moist ground, partial shade
to sun. Flowers rusty-red to 3 feet. Sow in fall
or spring. May take multiple cycles to germ.
300 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Dong-ling-cao . . . . . . . . . .Isodon rubescens
(Blushred Rhabdosia)
Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)
Herbaceous perennial native to China and
hardy to about 10F. Short Basil-like plants.
The entire plant is usedcontains the diterpenoic principles oridonin and rebescenin,
which have been shown to inhibit the growth
of cancer. Sow in spring. Plant thrives in regular garden conditionsgrow like Basil.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic


Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)

Smallish, erect, branching plants with bright
flowers, enchantingly aromatic. Plants prefer
full sun to partial shade, water, average soil.
Moldavian Balm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .Dracocephalum moldavicum
Annual. 100 days to maturity. Native to
Eurasia. The flowers are very long-lasting,
bright purple, proportionately large to the
plant, and shaped outrageously like the
toothed head of a dragon. The tea is delicious
and a remedy for the common cold. Sow in
50 seeds/pkt $3.95,
$6.95/g (~750 seeds),
$34.85/10 g (~7,500 seeds), Organic
Siberian Dragons Head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dracocephalum ruyschiana
Herbaceous perennial native to Central Europe
and hardy to -40 F. Rare. Producing myriads
of light blue tubular flowers, a traditional tea
herb used for lifting spirits and giving the
courage of a dragon. Plant prefers full sun and
fast-draining soils. Good subject for alpine or
rock gardens. Sow fall to early spring or give
60 days cold, moist conditioning.
50 seeds/pkt $3.95
Dusty Miller . . . . . . . . . .Cineraria maritima
Family: Aster (Asteraceae)
Perennial. Native to the Mediterranean.
Hardy to 10 F. Silvery foliage glows beautifully. Fresh juice said to dissolve cataracts.
Sow seed in a flat or in a pot in the spring.
Average germ time 15 days. Fire resistant.
Space 1 foot apart. Flowers yellow.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic



Family: Aster (Asteraceae)

ALL 9 SPECIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All species are incredibly beautiful in their
own right and interchangeably medicinal.
Echinacea prefers full sun, well-drained soil,
and regular watering. All species will give
some germ. in 2 to 3 weeks if planted shallowly in well-drained potting soil in a warm
(not too hot!) greenhouse and watered gently.
A period of cold, moist conditioning increases
germ rate. Most species do best planted at 2
feet apart, although Echinacea angustifolia can
be planted to 6 inches apart.
ECHINACEA SET (1 seed packet each of
the Echinacea species following.)
$24.90/9 pkts
Price shown is a discount.
Echinacea angustifolia
(Narrow-leaved Coneflower)
Herbaceous perennial. Native to the limestone
hills, plains, and mountains of the western US
and Canada. Give 30 days cold-conditioning.
Provide excellent drainage. Space plants 6
inches apart. Flowers to 2 feet tall.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95
$17.85/10 g (~2,700 seeds), Organic
Echinacea atrorubens
(Reflexed, or Topeka Purple Coneflower)
Herbaceous perennial. Rare endemic species
of eastern Oklahoma and eastern Kansas.
Unusual medicinal in need of cultivation and
protection. Stems light green and hairy.
Flowers variable, lavender to dark purple, with
ray flowers strongly reflexed downward.
Rounded profile. Plant prefers dry soils, lime
or sandstone outcroppings, the prairie. Coldcondition 30 to 90 days. Space 1 to 2 feet
apart. Flowers to 2 to 4 feet.
20 seeds/pkt $3.95
Echinacea laevigata
(Smooth Purple Coneflower)
Herbaceous perennial native to the Southern
Appalachias. Similar to E. purpurea, but the
leaves remain low on the rosette, are very
smooth and elongated, and the flowers are
somewhat smaller and very late maturing.
E. laevigata is a federally listed endangered
species, with the total wild population probably less than 10,000 individuals. Plant prefers
full sun to part shade and rich soils.
20 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
Echinacea pallida
(Pale-purple Coneflower)
Herbaceous perennial. Native to the central
plains states. This is a tall, taprooted plant
bearing beautiful composite flowers with
drooping ray flowers and white pollen. Coldcondition 30 days. Pale purple to 3 to 4 feet.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$11.85/10 g (~2,100 seeds), Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic

All our seeds are open-pollinated, untreated, and seed-saver friendly.


Echinacea paradoxa
(Yellow Coneflower)
Herbaceous perennial. Native to the Ozarks.
The paradox is, that this purple coneflower
is yellow! The plant is rare. Cold-condition
seed 2 months. Flowers to 3 feet tall.
100 seeds/pkt $3.95,
$17.85/10 g (~2,100 seeds), Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Echinacea purpurea
(Purple Coneflower)
Herbaceous perennial. Originally native to the
midwest. Widely cultivated. Derived from a
rare, wild collection and unmodified. This
species adapts to a wide array of growing conditions. No cold-conditioning needed. Flowers
purple, to 3 to 4 feet.
200 seeds/pkt $2.95
$6.85/10 g (~2,100 seeds),
$34.25/100 g (~21,000 seeds),
$96.00/lb (~96,000 seeds), Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Echinacea sanguinea
(Sanguin Purple Coneflower)
Herbaceous perennial. The most southerly
ranging of all Echinacea species, E. sanguinea
grows in acidic, sandy soils in the open fields
and pine woods of the West Gulf Coastal Plain.
The disk corolla of E. sanguinea
is characteristically blood red in color,
as are the seeds.
20 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Echinacea simulata
(Glade Purple Coneflower)
Herbaceous perennial, native to south central
Missouri east through Tennessee and northern
Georgia. Drooping ray flowers range from
pink to magenta and emit a fragrant perfume.
These make incredible cut flowers and the taproots of E. simulata are strong medicine.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95
Echinacea tennesseensis
(Tennessee Purple Coneflower)
Herbaceous perennial. Rare, endemic species
native to Tennessee. Deep purple, upwardly
reflexed ray flowers are exceptional.
Excellently medicinal in all parts of the plant.
Cold-condition 2 months. Thin or transplant to
1 foot apart. Flowers dark purple, to 2 feet.
100 seeds/pkt $3.95,
$11.85/10 g (~2,500 seeds), Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Eclipta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Eclipta alba
(Bhringraj, Bhangra Han-lian-cao)
Family: Aster (Asteraceae)
Annual. 60 days to harvest. A creeping and
moisture-loving herb. In Ayurvedic practice,
Eclipta is used both as a hepatic tonic and a
hair tonic. Used similarly in TCM. Sow in
spring. Germ in 12 days. Space 1 foot apart.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic


Elecampane . . . . . . . . . . . . .Inula helenium

Family: Aster (Asteraceae)
Large, upright herbaceous perennial bearing
many bright yellow flowers.
to -20 F. Native to southern and central
Europe, the Balkan Peninsula, and central
Asia. Indispensable cough and lung remedy.
Root dried and used as tea or tincture. Blue
dye-plant. Plant prefers part shade and moist
soils. Sow in spring. Light-dependent germinator. Germ in 12 days. Plant 2 feet apart
100 seeds/pkt $2.95
$6.95/g (~300 seeds),
*$5.25/potted plant, Organic
Eleuthero . . . . . .see TREES AND SHRUBS


(Joint Fir)
Family: Ephedra (Ephedraceae)
Perennial, primitive shrubs with jointed stems,
hardy to -10 F. Native to the arid steppes of
China and Russia, these fascinating plants can
be grown indoors or in a full sun position in the
raised bed or rock garden. Dried stem is used
as a bronchodilator for treating colds and asthma. All but the Mormon Teas are a source of
ephedrine alkaloidsshould be used with
caution. CNS stimulant. Sow warm, in fastdraining, sandy potting soil, and keep warm
and in the sun. These are all rare.
Bluestem Ephedra . . . . .Ephedra equisetina
A robust and cold hardy subshrub for the rock
garden (and very high in ephedrine). The
clump is composed of many thin, upright
stems attached to the stubborn trunk.
50 seeds/pkt $3.95
Ma-huang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ephedra sinica
This is the main official species that we have
had great success with in our gardens.
50 seeds/pkt $3.95
$23.85/10 g (~1,000 seeds),
$119.25/100 g (~10,000 seeds)
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Mormon Tea, Green . . . . . .Ephedra viridis
Many bright green, erect twigs. Good tea.
30 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$11.85/10g (~700 seeds)
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Mormon Tea, Nevada . .Ephedra nevadensis
Shrub to 5 feet tall. Makes a congenial tea,
which is astringent, pleasant tasting, and has a
marked bronchial-dilating effectephedrine
free. Mormon tea grows in the cool weather
and goes dormant in summer. This is the
Mormon Tea well send if you dont indicate
30 seeds/pkt $2.95
10 g/11.85 (~700 seeds),
100 g/$59.25 (~7,000 seeds)

Plants ship April through July. Up to 6 plants ship prio for $14.90!


Evening Primrose . . . . .Oenothera biennis

Family: Primrose (Onagraceae)
Biennial. Native to Europe and North
America. All zones. This herb is very
drought-tolerant, bravely producing bloom
after yellow, mucilaginous bloom evening to
morning. High in essential fatty acids. Plant
prefers full sun and withstands poor and dry
soils. Light-dependent germinator. Sow in
fall or spring.
Space 1 to 2 feet apart.
Flowers to 3 to 6 feet.
200 seeds/pkt $2.95
$6.95/g (~2,300 seeds)
$20.85/10 g (~23,000 seeds), Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Eyebright . . . . . . . . . .Euphrasia officinalis
Family: Broomrape (Orobanchaceae)
(Red Eyebright, Euphrosyne)
<<NEW FOR 2012>>
Semi-parasitic annual herb with blue flowers,
native to moist grasslands and abandoned
fields of Europe and Eastern North Amereica.
The poultice, tea or dilute tincture of the herb
is considered the epitome of treatments for
sore, red or itchy eyes and also styes.
Astringes and emolliates concurrently.
Another common weed lost in the exhaust of
development, Eyebright is currently both rare
to and costly on the herbal market. . Sow in
outdoor pots or flats, fall to early spring. Press
into surface and keep cool and moist.
Typically germs 30% first spring followed by
another 50% germ in second spring. Space 6
inches apart, and allow to coexist with grasses.
100 seeds/pkt $3.95
Fame Flower . . . . . . ..Talinum paniculatum
Family: Purslane (Portulaccaceae)
Perennial succulent native to the central and
southern US and used in TCM to tonify the
digestion, promote breast milk. Hot pink
flowers give way to a long-lived display of
bright cinnibar red seedpods. Full sun, poor
soil. Sow in spring. Easy.
200 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic


Fenugreek . . . . .Trigonella foenum-graecum

Family: Pea (Fabaceae)
Annual. Native to the Mediterranean and
winter hardy to -10 F. Aromatic foliage
bearing white flowers with distinctive blue
markings. Used for warming the digestion and
as an ingredient in curry. Direct-seed late summer, fall or early spring. Germ in cold soils.
200 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$10.25/100 g (~8,000 seeds),
$22.00/lb (~36,000 seeds), Organic
Planting, sprouting or extraction quality.
Feverfew . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see COSTMARY
Figwort . . . . . . . . . . . ..Scrophularia nodosa
Family: Figwort (Scrophulariaceae)
Herbaceous perennial. Native to Europe.
Hardy to 0 F. Spreads joyfully. The hoodshaped flowers bear an unusual, livid-purple
lip that is attractive to native pollinators. Plant
prefers good, moist soil, and full sun or partial
shade. Sow in spring.
300 seeds/pkt $3.95,
$7.95/g (~5,000 seeds),
$39.85/10 g (~50,000 seeds), Organic


Family: Primrose (Onagraceae)

Narrow-leaved plants with tough, but tasty,
leaves, native to Eurasia and hardy in all zones.
Plants prefer sun and moist, even poorly-drained
soil. Sow tiny seed on surface in spring and
press in firmly. Light-dependent germinator.
Work up in pots. Space 1 to 2 feet apart.
Fireweed . . . . . . . . .Epilobium angustifolium
(Kaporie Tea)
Herbaceous perennial. The showy flowers
occur in long plumes, colored pink to purple,
on plants ranging from 1 to 6 feet tall. High in
both vitamin A and C, the plant provides food
(spring shoots), drink (the tea tastes similar to
black tea), and medicine (to treat stomachache
and prostatitis). Good at altitude.
300 seeds/pkt $2.95
Small-Flowered-Willow-Herb . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Epilobium parviflorum
Self-seeding annual to 18 inches. 60 days to
maturity. Delicate pink flowers. The herb
contains high levels of beta-sitosterol and is a
specific for inflamed urinary organs.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic

All our seeds are open-pollinated, untreated, and seed-saver friendly.





Family: Four OClock (Nyctaginaceae)

These are among the best of all flowering
medicinal plants for dry sites. Grounded in
tuberous perennial roots, they give forth stems
and minions of brightly colored, flaring flowers. Plants prefer full sun and dry soils. You
can direct-seed them in the spring garden and
have flowers by the Fourth of July.
Four OClock, Mixed Colors . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mirabilis jalapa
(Marvel of Peru, Clavillia)
As an annual flower, these do well in all zones.
The upright plant acts like an herbacous perennial when winter temperatures dip no lower
than 10 F., and as such are very popular in the
tropics. I had a favorite plant the first time I
visited Pemba and was able to locate it again
when I returned three years later. It was the
parent for these organic seeds. Besides brightening the world with its short-lived, trumpeting flowers, the plant is often used in medicine. Flowers source of harmless food dye.
Entire plant makes a moistening and mucilaginous poultice.
20 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$10.85/10 g (~140 seeds), Organic
Four OClock, White . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mirabilis jalapa.
(Marvel of Yunnan) <<NEW FOR 2012>>
We made a good effort with these this year,
direct seeding them in the summer garden.
Our research indicated that the white cultivar
would be most medicinally potent. These
plants exceeeded all expectations by making
large, fountaining bushes dotted resplendently
with fragrant white blossoms. Limited availability, these will sell out, order early, but we
are selfishly holding back a little seed. We
want to do it again next year!
10 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic

Family: Figwort (Scrophulariaceae)

An easy-to-grow, strikingly beautiful,
and historically significant plant for the medicinal garden. Low-dose botanicals, by prescription only. Will self-seed and endure for
many seasons. Plant prefers part shade to full
sun and a light, well-drained soil, rich in lime
and nutrients. Press light-dependent seed into
surface of soil in fall or spring.
Foxglove, Grecian . . . . . . . .Digitalis lanata
(Wooly Foxglove)
Biennial. Native to south-eastern Europe.
Hardy to -40 F. Species most widely used for
production of cardiac glycosides (digitoxin).
Stunning flowers cup-shaped with a prominent
lip veined in purple.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Foxglove, Wild Oregon . .Digitalis purpurea
Biennial. Hardy to -30 F. This is the classic
Foxglove. Flowers trumpet-shaped, lipped,
deep pink to purple, interior spotted with darker purple and white. Sow in the fall or early
spring. Light-dependent germinator. Space
plants 1 to 2 feet apart. Grows up to 5 feet tall.
300 seeds/pkt $2.95
$5.95/g (~1,600 seeds),
$17.85/10g (~16,000 seeds), Organic


Family: Pea (Fabaceae)

Herbaceous perennials preferring a full sun
position and alkaline, well-drained, mesic to
dry soils. Scarify on medium grit sandpaper
and sow in the spring. Easy and rewarding.
Fodder Galega . . . . . . . . .Galega orientalis
(Oriental Goats Rue, Eastern Galega)
<<NEW FOR 2012>>
Native to the Caucasus. Plant improves soil
structure and fertility and makes excellent fodder for goats, sheep, horses, chickens, etc.
Despite its rather mundane name the compound foliage and upright racemes of lavender
flowers make a welcome contribution to garden or landscape. This plant is prettier than
Galega officinalis and lower in the alkaloid
50 seeds/pkt $2.95
Goats Rue . . . . . . . . . . . .Galega officinalis
Herbaceous perennial. Native to central and
southern Europe, Russia, Asia Minor, and
Japan. All zones. Nitrogen-fixing landscape
plant. The dried green herb and/or seed is used
in veterinary and human medicine to increase
lactation. Source of alkaloid galagine.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Not for sale to CA state.

More seeds available beyond this list! Check or call (541) 846-6704.




Gayfeather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Liatris spicata

(Blazing Star)
Family: Aster (Asteraceae)
Herbaceous perennial native to the prairie
states and hardy to -40 F. Among the handsomest of our prairie species, with upright
racemes crowded with rose colored florets
one of the best butterfly attractors of all time.
Beet-like root is a urinary tonic; poultice
against snakebite. Plant prefers full sun and
regular garden soil.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$17.85/10 g (~2,500 seeds), Organic


Family: Geranium (Geraniaceae)

Low-lying, mounding perennials with soft
leaves, very giving of their long-lasting flowers. Wild Geranium is native to the woodlands
of the US, while Scented Geraniums are native
to South Africa.
Attar of Roses Scented Geranium . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pelargonium capitatum
(Rose Scented Geranium, Rose Otto)
Protect from frost. This plant exudes sensual
and calming fragrance. Attar of Roses opens
the heart chacra and calms the spirit.
Balances cardiac, immune, and nervous systems. A highly desired plant, which we think
is the best of all Scented Geraniums (there are
many). Easily grown in potted culture, it
blooms all summer long. Sun to part shade.
Fertilize with your good compost and since its
a heavy Magnesium feeder, give a teaspoon of
Epsom Salts, diluted in water, every 3 months
or so.
*$10.00/potted plant, $27.00/3 plants, Organic
Wild Geranium . . . . .Geranium maculatum
(Spotted Cranesbill)
Family: Geranium (Geraniaceae)
Clump-forming woodland perennial native to
Eastern and Central United States. Hardy to
-40 F. Bearing showy, lilac flowers in the
spring, this is also one of our purest astringent
herbs. The dried root is employed in treating
dysentery, diarrhea, and infant cholera. Plant
prefers moist, woodland soils or regular garden conditions. Sow fall or early spring. Very
slow germinator.
30 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
*$10/potted plant, Organic

Family: Ginger (Zingiberaceae)

Broadleaved perennials with showy flowers
and creeping rhizomes. The roots are spicily
aromatic, famously used in medicine, perfumery and the culinary arts. Give warm,
moist but well-drained soil, part shade to sun.
Protect from frost. Best in greenhouse, solarium, summer garden, southern states or tropics.
Greater Galangal . . . . . . . Alpinia galangal
Sweetly aromatic rhizomes are a preferred
spice used in Thai soups and curries.
*$10.00/potted plant, $27.00/3 plants, Organic
Lesser Galangal . . . . . . Alpinia officinarum
The roots are warming, cinnamoney, and
aphrodisiac. An herb that rids the body of
toxic wastes, very prevalent in TCM.
*$10/potted plant, $27/3 plants, Organic
Butterfly Ginger . . . Hedychium coronarium
(Butterfly Ginger, White Ginger Lily)
The exotic-scented essential oil from flowers
and roots is used in high end perfumes. Lavish
garden flower, hardy to 20F. Soak seed
overnight and sow warm.
*$10.00/potted plant, $27.00/3 plants, Organic
Ginger root, tea cut
$4.50/50 g
Turmeric (Curcuma longa) root, powdered
$23.00/lb, Organic
Goldenrod, Official .S. canadensis gigantea
Family: Aster (Asteraceae)
Rhizomatous, herbaceous perennials with
multiple nodding stems bearing profuse yellow
plumes. All zones. Native to the eastern and
southern US. Produces large quantities of
highly aromatic leaves and flowers. Urinary
demulcent, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic.
Sow in spring on surface and keep moist.
Plant 6 inches apart. Flowers late summer.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
*$5.00/root, Organic

Goldenseal . . . . . . . . . .Hydrastis canadensis

Family: Crowfoot (Ranunculacea)
Woodland herbaceous perennial. Native to the
central and eastern hardwood forests of
America. Premier astringent and tonic agent
for treating any and all afflictions of the
mucous membranes. Roots are loaded with
bright yellow berberine and leaves
contain unique compounds that enhance the
antibacterial activity of the root. Make teas
or tinctures of both root and leaves. Plant
prefers open hardwood forest environment or
shade garden.
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic

We start shipping plants April 1. We aim to ship Mondays and Tuesdays to arrive by Friday.




Gopher Spurge . . . . . . . .Euphorbia lathyris

<<NEW FOR 2012>>
Family: Spurge (Euphorbiaceae)
(Mole Plant, Caper Spurge, Gopher Plant,
Paper Spurge, Petroleum Plant)
Hardy to -15 degrees F. Erect evergreen biennial (sometimes annual or perennial) to 3 feet.
Native to the Mediterranean basin, currently
widely distributed, as it is a favorite of gardeners worldwide. Toxic, acrid latex present in all
parts of the plant will burn skin and especially
eyes. Wash well after handling, and if latex
gets in eyes, flush copiously with milk.
Beyond the cautions, a handsome, interesting
and potentially useful plant. The single turgid
stalk bears opposite pairs of lance shaped
leaves. The yellow flowers give way to sectioned pods that carry the large seeds.
According to legend the plant will discourage
gophers and moles from entering the confines
of the garden. According to Nobel Laureat
Melin Calvin the latex of this plant can readily be converted to a hydrocarbon fuel resembling gasoline, at a yield of 10 barrels per acre.
Plant prefers full sun to part shade and is not
picky about the soil. Highly drought tolerant
and stays green even when frozen. Sow seed
in the spring, in pots of directly in the garden.
Cover with 1/2 inch of soil, tamp firmly and
keep warm and moist until germ, which occurs
in 1 to 6 weeks. Space plants 1 to 2 feet apart.
20 seeds/pkt $2.95
Gotu Kola . . . . . . . . . . .Hydrocotyl asiatica
Family: Carrot (Apiaceae)
Tropical perennial that can be grown as an
annual in temperate gardens. Pantropical distribution. This is a classic Ayurvedic herb that
increases mental clarity and physical longevity. Plants prefer warmth, nitrogen, good
drainage, regular watering, a little shade, and
lots of space to spread.
50 seeds/pkt $4.95, Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Gotu Kola leaves, powdered
$23.00/lb, Organic

Family: Cucumber (Cucurbitaceae)

These represent the most ebullient of plant personalities. All climbing broad-leaved vines,
they are native to the tropics of Africa, Asia,
and the New World. The Lagenarias are true
Gourds while Cucurbita, Luffa and
Momordica resemble Gourds, but are botanically distinct. Soak seeds overnight and sow
upright (ears up!) in very warm soil. Start in
greenhouse 6 weeks before planting outdoors
or sow in hills after the last frost. Seed will not
germinate in cold soil. Prefers full sun, poor
soil. Provide a 6-foot trellis or grow on a
fence. Plant in hills 3 feet apart and side-dress
occasionally with organic compost throughout
the growing season.
African Long Gourd . . .Lagenaria siceraria
(African Long Gourd)
Annual vine. 100 days to maturity. Native to
Africa. From our last African expeditionthe
long Gourds that are so commonly seen hanging from the belts of the Maasai. These are
much employed for storing water on long treks
and also for storing milk.
5 seeds/pkt $2.95
Arhat Fruit . . . . . . .Momordica grosvenorii
Herbaceous perennial dioecious vine native to
the mountain forests of southwestern China.
Hardy to about 20 F. Rare in the western
world, and among collectors, a desired species.
After a years growth, our plants each produced a handsome caudex, each giving rise to
several sturdy vines. The sweet, fuzzy, eggshaped fruits are dried to make a Chinese herb
that tonifies the yin. Plant prefers part shade
and cool, foggy conditions. Trellis. Seeds not
available until March 2012.
7 seeds/pkt $4.95
Buffalo Gourd . . . . . .Cucurbita foetidissima
Perennial creeping vine with characteristic
trowel-shaped leaves and bright yellow
flowers that give way to the globe-shaped
fruitsanother roadside attraction from the
deserts of the American SW. Hardy to 5 F.
The fruit pulp is loaded with saponins and is
used for washing the hair. Perfect for rattles.
20 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Corsican Bowl Gourd Lagenaria siceraria
(Canteen Gourd, Kalimba Gourd)
Annual Vine. Native to the Mediterranean.
These have been selected to produce fruits
with flattened sides. They make natural bowls.
Best Gourd to use for making kalimbas.
Easiest to cure of all the true Lagenariasif
reasonably mature, they will cure indoors.
20 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Hippie Rattle Gourd . . .Lagenaria siceraria
Annual vine. Rounded bulb with a long,
straight handle. The original seed came to us
back in the day from River Spirit and weve
kept the spirit strong ever since. It is our
favorite Gourd growing year when we get to
grow these!
20 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic

More seeds available beyond this list! Check or call (541) 846-6704.



Hopi Rattle Gourd . . . .Lagenaria siceraria

Annual vine. Rounded or flattened fruits are
hollowed out, a few peas or stones introduced,
then pierced with a carven stick to make the
traditional rattle. This seed grown at Tesuque.
20 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Luffa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Luffa cylindrica
(Dhundul, Dishcloth Gourd, Sponge Gourd)
In Ayurveda, the immature fruits of Luffa are
recommended to be eaten raw in salads as a
cooling demulcentincreases bile flow and
facilitates lactation. The mature fruit is dried
and commonly used as a bathing sponge.
Flowers golden yellow.
10 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic


Family: Grass (Poaceae)

Sturdy contendors for sun and moisture, grasses run around a lot and are best controlled by
mowing or tilling.
Lemongrass . . . . . . .Cymbopogon flexuosus
Tropical perennial; temperate annual. Native
to Southern India and New Guinea. Contains
an inviting essential oil that has a scent of
Violets and lemon. Light-dependent germ.
Sow in spring. Good germinator!
50 seeds/pkt $3.95
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Phalaris Grass . . . . . . . . .Phalaris aquatica
(Harding Grass)
Perennial bunchgrass native to the
Mediterranean and hardy to about 25 F.
Source of DMT. Great for erosion control
drought resistant, fire retardant and ornamental. Sow in spring. Germ in 3 weeks.
200 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$20.85/10 g (~3,000 seeds), Organic
Sweetgrass . . . . . . . . . . .Heirachloe odorata
Perennial. Circumpolar in distribution. All
temperate zones. Spreads joyfully as grasses
will do. This is the coumarin-rich grass used
to make traditional Sweetgrass braids, developing its delicious vanilla scent upon drying.
*$7.95/ plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Sweetgrass Braids (30 inches long,)
1 braid $5.00/each (22 g); $30.00/7 braids
Vetiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Vetiveria zizanoides
Perennial grass native to East India, Burma
Ceylon. Scent widely used in perfumery.
*$15.00/plant, Organic
Gravel Root . . . . . . . . . . . . .see BONESET
Greek Mountain Tea . . . . .Sideritis syriaca
Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)
Woody perennial growing to 18 inches, hardy
to 10 F. Native to the Peloponnese Mountains.
A comely plant, producing a low clump of
elongated, downy leaves giving rise to compact, whorled, flowering spikes. The leaves,
fresh or dried, produce a salubrious drink when
covered in hot water and let steep. Plant
prefers full sun and perfect drainage. Sow in
spring and work up in pots.
20 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic

Gumweed . . . . . . . . . .Grindelia integrifolia

Family: Aster (Asteraceae)
Herbaceous perennial to 3 feet. Native to the
mountains and deserts of western America.
Dark blue-green plants bear multiple swaying
yellow flowers that cup a central pool of
balsamic oleo-gum-resin. The tincture is of
high repute as an asthma remedy. Plant prefers
full sun and dryish soils. Sow in spring.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Hawaiian Baby Woodrose .Argyreia nervosa
Family: Morning Glory (Convulvaceae)
Woody perennial climbing vine native to India
and escaped in Hawaii. Protect from frost.
Flaring, funnel-shaped, tissue-thin flowers.
The seeds have been used as sacraments by
shamans in native cultures including Hindu,
Aztec, and Mazatec.
Nick seed and plant
about 1/2 inch deep, moist and warm. Germ in
1 to 3 weeks.
10 seeds/pkt $4.95
Heimia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Heimia salicifolia
(Sinkuiche, Sun Opener)
Family: Myrtle (Lythraceae)
Woody perennial. Native to Jamiaca and southern and central America. Hardy to 20 F. This
is an upright multistemmed bush bearing
numerous yellow flowers with papery petals.
Ethnobotanical sources describe smoking or
making a tea of the dried leaves of this plant
to promote a sense of well-being. Prefers full
sun and regular garden soil. Light-dependent
germinator. Sow in spring.
500 seeds/pkt $4.95,
$13.95/g (~15,000 seeds), Organic
Helichrysum . . . . . . . .Helichrysum italicum
(Curry Plant)
Family: Aster (Asteraceae)
Perennial, drought-tolerant plant native to the
Mediterranean. Hardy to 15 F. Flowers yellow to 2 feet tall on downy, dusty-gray foliage.
Source of a rather famous, expensive, and
uplifting essential oil widely used in perfumery
and aromatherapy. Plant prefers full sun and
dryish, fast-draining soils. Sow small seed on
surface and press in hard.
100 seeds/pkt $3.95
$14.95/g (~2,000 seeds), Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, Organic
Hellebore, Black . . . . . . . .Helleborus niger
(Christmas Rose)
Family: Crowfoot (Ranunculaceae)
Winter-flowering, evergreen perennial native
to Central Europe and hardy to -40 F. The
plant is assertive and handsome, with deeply
lobed, black-green leaves and showy flowers.
Homeopathic remedy for treating headache,
psychic abnormalities, and spasm. Plant
prefers woodland or shade garden with moist,
acidic soils and a surface mulch.
20 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
*$10.00/potted plant, Organic
Helonias Root . . . . . . . . .see Unicorn, False


Henbane, Black . . . . . . . .Hyoscyamus niger

Family: Nightshade (Solanaceae) TOXIC
Annual. Native to Europe, Asia, and North
Africa. All zones. An eerie plant with grayish-green leaves covered in sticky hairs, the
flowers off-white and veined with blackpurple. Sow outdoors in early spring or coldcondition 30 days.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Not for sale to CA, WA state
Hibiscus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see MALLOW
Hops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Humulus lupulus
(Our variety is Nugget)
Herbaceous perennial dioecious vine growing
up to 30 feet in a season. Native to the temperate north. Hardy to -15 F. Nugget is an
easy-to-grow, disease-resistant variety with a
high bitterness quotient (alpha 12-15%). The
strobiles have sleep-inducing properties and
are used in the manufacture of beer. Plant
prefers full sun, regular watering, and compost.
Provide trellis. Hops vines are best shipped
early in the season (April and May). Later
orders will be pruned before shipment.
*$7.95/plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Not for sale to WA or ID states.
Horehound, White . . . . .Marrubium vulgare
Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)
Herbaceous perennial. Native to Europe, but
naturalized throughout the southern US.
Hardy to -40 F. Fuzzy, grey-green leaves and
flower bracts in tight whorls. Used for coughs,
chronic catarrh, and colds. Sow in spring.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Hypoxis, African Star . . .H. hemerocallidea
Family: Star Lily (Hypoxidaceae)
Herbaceous perennial corm producing monocot native to S. Africa. Indigenous remedy for
HI and Aids. Truly curious and stunning.
20 seeds/pkt $4.95, Organic
Hyssop, Official . . . . . .Hyssopus officinalis
Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)
Woody perennial. Native to the Mediterranean. Hardy to 0 F. Deep blue-purple,
excellently aromatic, thickly-blossoming
bushes. This mildly antiviral and expectorant
herb makes a good-tasting tea to treat the common cold. Prefers full sun, regular garden soil,
little water. Sow seed in early spring.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$6.95/g (~1,100 seeds),
$20.85/10 g (~11,000 seeds),
$99.25/100 g (~110,000 seeds) Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Indian Hemp . . . . . .Apocynum cannibinum
Family: Dogbane (Apocynaceae)
Creeping herbaceous perennial. Native to central, eastern, and southern US. The Eclectics
used tiny doses of the root for strengthening
the heart. The plants are tall, straight, and
whippily fibrous. The bark may be readily
stripped to make tough string for garden or
crafts. Plant prefers full sun and poor or gravelly soils. Sow in the spring or summer, tamp
well and keep evenly moist until germ.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic



Family: Pea (Fabaceae)

Leguminous bushes with leathery leaves and
flowers of the purest hue. Hardy to 20 F. The
fresh or dried root of these plants is considered
to be a strong, low-dose alterative and
immunostimulant, normally used when the
mucous membranes are infected and red/purple in color. Plants prefer full sun, welldrained, sandy soil, low to moderate water.
Scarify seed. Sow early spring.
Low-dose botanicals.
Blue Indigo . . . . . . . . . . . .Baptisia australis
(Indigo, False)
Woody perennial. Native to central US.
Bushy, with masses of erect blue blossoms.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$11.85/10 g (~800 seeds),
$59.25/100 g (~8,000 seeds), Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Wild Indigo . . . . . . . . . . . .Baptisia tinctoria
Woody perennial. Native to the American
southeastern seaboard and southern states.
Rare, and among all the Indigos, official.
Flowers yellow, seedpods decorative, blueblack. Dye plant.
50 seeds/pkt $5.95


Family: Iris (Iridaceae)

Clump forming herbaceous perennials with
fan-shaped monocotyledonous leaves and
showy flowers. Easy, yet brilliant.
Blue Flag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Iris versicolor
Water-loving native to swamps and lowlands
of the southern and eastern US. Hardy to
-30 F. Brilliant violet-blue blossoms variegated with yellow and white, interspersed with
purple veins. A liver stimulant.
50 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Leopard Flower . . . . .Belamcanda chinensis
Native to China and Japan. Produces masses
of exotic golden-orange flowers. The dried
root is used in TCM for treating upper respiratory problems.
20 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$11.85/10 g (~400 seeds),
$59.25/100 g (~4,000 seeds) Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Orris Root . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Iris florentina
Perennial. Native to the Mediterranean.
Hardy to -15 F. Flowers white with a purple
haze and bright yellow pollen-encrusted beard.
Aged rhizome is the source of a precious
essential oil resembling fragrance of violets.
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Isatis (Da-quing-ye) . . . . . . . . . . . .see Woad

More seeds available beyond this list! Check or call (541) 846-6704.


Japanese Herb Collection

6 unique medicinal foods from Japan:
Ashitaba (Angelica keiskei koidzumi)
Burdock, Gobo (Arctium lappa)
Daikon, Miyashige White (Raphanus sativus)
Jiao-gu-lan (Gynostemma pentaphyllum)
Shungiku (Chrysanthemum coronarium)
Yomogi (Artemisia princeps)

6 pkts/$19.95
Jerusalem Cherry Solanum pseudocapsicum
Family: Nightshade (Solanacea)
Erect evergreen perennial subshrub native to
South America, hardy to 20 F. Very pretty
plant, quite miniature, especially well-suited
for low bedding plant applications or potted
culture. Source of steroidal alkaloidsantimicrobial and antitumor. Propagate as per
Tomatoes, shade or sun, regular garden soil
20 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Jiao-gu-lan, Japanese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Gynostemma pentaphyllum
(Immortality, Amachazuru)
Family: Cucumber (Cucurbitaceae)
Perennial vine native to Japan, hardy to about
10 F. Used locally as longevity tonic. Tasty
and powerful source of ginsenosides. The bluegreen leaves may be taken fresh or dried and
made into an excellent tea. Plant used in
weight loss and normalization of high blood
pressure. Plant prefers shade and fast-draining
yet fertile soil. Sow in spring or summer.
20 seeds/pkt $4.95, Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Johnny-Jump-Up . . . . . . . . . . .see VIOLET
Khella . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ammi visnaga
(Toothpick Plant)
Family: Carrot (Apiaceae)
Native to the Mediterranean.
Requires about 110 days to maturity. Bears
astoundingly long-lasting white umbels.
Tincture of seed is used for treatment of asthma and coronary arteriosclerosis. Plant prefers
full sun, regular watering. Sow in spring.
300 seeds/pkt $2.95,
Kiss-Me-Over-the-Garden-Gate . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Polygonum orientale
(Shui-hong-hua-zi, Princes Feather)
Family: Buckwheat (Polygonaceae)
Annual. Native to China. Marvelous, towering,
gigantic plant bearing long rose-pink clusters
of flowers that droop down. In China, the root
is used for treating hepatitis. Direct-seed in
fall or early spring or give 3 weeks coldconditioning. Flowers 6 to 9 feet tall.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$8.85/10 g (~1,000 sds), Organic

Ladys Mantle . . . . . . . .Alchemilla vulgaris

Family: Rose (Rosaceae)
Perennial ground cover. Native to Europe,
temperate Asia, and North America. Hardy
to -30 F. Good choice for alpine gardens.
Richly-scalloped, deep-green leaves funnel
and collect dewdrops that magnify and glisten
in the morning light. Tea useful for treating
PMS. Sow in fall or early spring. Germ in 15
to 22 days.
50 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic


Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)

Hardiness: Generally hardy to -20 F.
Lavenders are among the most delightful of the
woody perennials. They spark memory and
nourish the higher spirit. We offer only heirloom,
produce the best quality of essential oils.
Lavender prefers a moderate supply of
nutrients, calcium, and a well-drained soil.
Mulch with sand. A 2-week period of moist,
cold-conditioning prior to sowing in a warm
place will improve germ. Naturally low germ
rates (with the exception of French)expect
anywhere from 5 to 30 plants from 100 seeds.
(1 seed packet each of the Lavandula species
$14.90/6 pkts
Price shown is a discount
Broadleaf Lavender
Lavandula latifolia
(var. Lithuanian Candlestick)
Native to the mountains of Lithuania. Striking
landscape and medicinal plant, flowering later
in year than other Lavenders. Plant 2 feet
apart. Flowers violet-blue to 3 feet.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Czech Lavender . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .Lavandula angustifolia krajova
(Country Lavender)
Large cultivar from Northern Europe, with
flowers representing many shades of blue.
High essential oil content, long-lived, and very
cold-tolerant. Excellent aroma. Deeply satisfying. Flowers 3 to 4 feet high.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$9.95/g (~280 seeds), Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
English Lavender
L. angustifolia vera
Native to Southern Europe. Exceptionally
graceful heirloom variety. This is the original
plant (vera means true) from which many
hybrid Lavenders were produced. The way
these things go, the original has become
increasingly difficult to find. But we found it,
and we grow it here, and find that it is the best
of all Lavenders, and wonder now why anyone
ever tried to improve it. Space plants 3 to 4
feet apart. Flowers from 2 to 3 feet tall.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$9.95/g (~280 seeds), Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic

Plants ship April through July. Up to 6 plants marked with * ship prio for $14.90!


French Lavender . . . . . .Lavandula stoechas

(Spanish Lavender)
The densely-packed, short spikes are tufted
with purple, petal-like bracts. They look to me
like tiny sails set to the wind. Expect high
germ rates. Space 1 to 2 feet apart. Flowers
dark purple to 2 feet.
100 seeds/pkt $3.95,
$7.95/g (~280 seeds), Organic
Hidcote Lavender . . . . . . . . .L. angustifolia
Dwarf variety of English Lavender, with graygreen foliage and deep blue flowers. Northern
hardy, good for small gardens, delightful.
50 seeds/pkt $3.95
Munstead Lavender . . . . . . .L. angustifolia
Northern-hardy strain bearing thick racemes of
blue flowers. This is the preferred choice for
landscaping due to its compact growth habit.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$7.95/g (~280 seeds)
$23.85/10 g (~2,800 seeds), Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Lemon Balm . . . . . . . . . .Melissa officinalis
Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)
Herbaceous perennial. Native to the Mediterranean, Russia, Syria, Iran, and Turkestan.
Hardy to -30 F. This is a classic medicinal tea
herb. Assists in controlling high blood
pressure, migraines, and hysteria. Lightdependent germ. in 10 to 40 days.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95
$6.95/g (~1,700 seeds),
$20.85/10 g (~17,000 seeds), Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Lemon Bee Balm . . . . . . .see BERGAMOT
Leopard Flower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see IRIS
Lettuce, Wild . . . . . . . . . . . .Lactuca virosa
Family: Aster (Asteraceae)
Biennial. Native to Europe. Hardy to
-10 F. Young plants of giant Wild Lettuce are
a good ingredient for heroic salads. Mature
plants yield lactucarium, a mildly sedative,
antitussive, and analgesic sap. Black-seeded.
Flowers yellow to 6 feet.
100 seeds/pkt $3.95,
$9.95/g (~770 seeds), Organic


Family: Pea (Fabaceae)

Herbaceous perennials. Licorice root is a fineflavored demulcent and expectorantessential herbal treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome, adrenal exhaustion, or gastric ulcer.
Plant prefers full sun and dryish soil. Scarify
seed and sow in the spring. Germ in 7 days.
Licorice, Chinese . . . .Glycyrrhiza uralensis
Native to Siberia and China. This is a true,
sweet varietya synergiser for many formulas
in TCM. Hardy to -10 F. Space plants 3 to 4
feet apart. Flowers blue to 5 feet.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic


Licorice, Official . . . . . .Glycyrrhiza glabra

Native to the Mediterranean. True, sweet variety. Hardy to 20 F. Produces the pencil-thin
licorice roots of commerce. If you do not
specify, this is the Licorice we will send.
30 seeds/pkt $3.95,
$29.85/10 g (~1,600 seeds)
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Lily, Tiger . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lilium tigrinum
(Bai-he, Chinese Tiger Lily)
Herbaceous perennial. Native to China and
Japan. Large, ornate, pendulous flowers with
showy stamens. Reproductive and calming
medicine. Bulbs are edible.
*$7.95/plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
COLLECTION 18 pkts/$29.95
Discounted Pricing, Organic . . .see page 12

Family: Lobelia (Lobeliaceae)
All bear exquisite flowers and have medicinal
applications as described in the individual
entries. Excessive internal dosage may
prove nauseating or emetic. Lobelias prefer
part to full sun, rich, moist soil, much water.
Short-lived seed. Light-dependent germinators. Sow seed in spring or fall. Average germ
time in warm soils is 1 to 3 weeks.
LOBELIA SET (1 seed packet each of the
Lobelia species following.)
$4.90/3 pkts
Price shown is a discount.
Cardinal Flower . . . . . . .Lobelia cardinalis
Herbaceous perennial. Native to eastern,
southern, and central US. Roots used by First
Nations people to make a love charm. Bright
scarlet flowers relished by hummers.
200 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Lobelia, Great Blue . . . . .Lobelia siphilitica
Herbaceous perennial. Rivals in its beauty the
most pampered of hybrids, yet it is a longlived, native American perennial. Among the
Fox, the finely-chopped roots were shared by a
couple to avert divorce and renew love.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Lobelia, Official . . . . . . . . . .Lobelia inflata
Overwintering annual or annual. Native to the
central, southern, and eastern US. Diminutive
plant with white flowers spotted with lightblue that give way to the characteristic inflated seedpods. Lobelia is an indispensable
antispasmodic. If you dont specify which
Lobelia you want, well send you this.
1,000 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$5.95/g (~18,000 seeds),
$17.85/10 g (~180,000 seeds),
$89.25/100 g (~1,800,000) seeds, Organic

All our seeds are open-pollinated, untreated, and seed-saver friendly.



Lomatium dissectum
Family: Carrot (Apiaceae)
Wild, celery-like herbaceous perennial native
to the Great Basin and other drylands of the
West. This is our most important indigenous,
antiviral herb from the American Pacific
Northwestworks where other antivirals fall
short. Use the root and always combine therapy with Dandelion. Sow fall to early spring.
30 seeds/pkt $3.95,
$11.85/10 g (~400 seeds),
$59.25/100 g (~4,000 seeds)


Family: Lotus (Nympheaeceae)

Aquatic perennials with floating, Lily-pad
leaves and large, waxy, ornamental, deeply
perfumed flowers.
Prefers sunlight and
warmth for germ. Scarify the rounder end of
the seed until the white endosperm is just
exposed. Use medium grit sandpaper, sandstone or file. Drop scarified seed into a gallon
jar or aquarium left in a light window. Replace
water if it becomes cloudy. Germinates at
room temperature in 3 to 7 days.
American Yellow Lotus . . . . .Nelumbo lutea
Water plant native to the Eastern US and
Canada and hardy to -50 F. This is the largest
native American wildflower, with leaves that
reach to 2 feet and weighty yellow flowers on
tall stalks rising handsomely above the water.
7 seeds/pkt $4.95
Sacred Red Lotus . . . . . . .Nelumbo nucifera
These seeds are from India. Not cold hardy in
places where the water freezes.
7 seeds/pkt $4.95,
$39.25/100 g (~125 seeds)
Sacred White Lotus . . . . .Nelumbo nucifera
These seeds are from India. Not cold hardy in
places where the water freezes.
7 seeds/pkt $4.95,
$39.25/100 g (~125 seeds)

Lovage . . . . . . . . . . . . .Levisticum officinalis

Family: Carrot (Apiaceae)
Herbaceous perennial. Hardy to -40 F. An
agreeable seasoning, also a substitute for
Dang-gui. The plant is aromatic, stimulating
and proestrogenic.
Prefers regular garden
soil. Sow seed in fall or spring.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$11.85/10 g (~2,100 seeds), Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Love-in-the-Mist . . . . . .see BLACK SEED
Ma-huang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see EPHEDRA

Family: Mustard (Brassicaceae)
Biennial, radish-like, rosette-forming plants
native to the high Peruvian Puna. Highly
regarded fertility enhancer and aphrodisiac.
Sow the seed on the surface of the seedbed in
late summer to fall. Germ in 4 to 6 days.
Red Maca . . . . . . . . . .Lepidium peruvianum
The Red Maca is grown in the high Peruvian
puna and is considered to be the strongest of
all Maca cultivars.
100 seeds/pkt $4.95
Yellow Maca . . . . . . . .Lepidium peruvianum
This plant does not need elevation to thrive
we grow it quite successfully here on our farm
in Southern Oregon. Yellow Maca is a select
cultivar that gives high yields of firm,
yellow roots.
100 seeds/pkt $3.95

Madder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rubia tinctorum

Climbing evergreen perennial native to the
Mediterranean and southern Europe. Hardy to
-5 F. The plant is a classic element of the
Medieval garden. Madder root contains the
anthraquinone pigment alizarin, a fine red dye.
Plant prefers full sun and fast draining soil.
Sow seed in warm, well-drained soil in
springvolcanic germinator.
20 seeds/pkt $3.95,
$24.85/10 g (~500 seeds), Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
We start shipping plants April 1. We ship Mondays and Tuesdays to arrive by Friday.



Family: Nightshade (Solanaceae) TOXIC

The ancients used Mandrake root as an aphrodisiac, a magical totem, and a medicinal to
relieve pain or promote sleep. It was also
known to cause strange delirium and madness.
The leaves are harmless and cooling when
used as a poultice. Sow in fall or spring.
Seeds sown in cold soils generally germinate
8 to 12 months later. Once established, plants
rot back in summer and resprout from beneath
the callus in fall or spring. Plant prefers alkaline pHdeep, sandy soils. Autumnalis does
best with moist shade, while officinalis does
better in dry shade. Keep crowns in perfect
drainage. I plant mine in deep sand mulch on
the shady side of rocks. Flowers are amazing.
Challenging to grow, confirmed germination,
no replacement or refund on Mandrake seeds.
Autumn Mandrake Mandragora autumnalis
Native to southern Europe. Hardy to 5 F.
Does fine in sandy loam in the moist shade.
Flowers purple to 12 inches tall, giving way to
fruits of yellow and orange. Use standard
greenhouse technique. Germination usually
occurs within 3 months.
13 seeds/pkt $9.95
Official Mandrake . .Mandragora officinalis
Native to southeastern Europe and the
Mediterranean. Rare. The plant begins its
vegetative cycle in the midwinter, flowers in
the spring, fruits, and goes quickly dormant in
the summer. Flowers green-white to 16 inches, giving way to yellow, apple-like fruits.
Fresh, undried, cold-stored seed in moist
medium sent when available, otherwise sent as
dried seeds. Dried seeds only available internationally. Please plant fresh seeds immediately upon receipt. Sow in fast-draining,
sandy, alkaline soil in the cool, moist shade.
Germ on fresh seed 8 months. Germ on dried
seed is usually 12 months.
13 seeds/pkt $14.95,
$49.00/100 seeds, Organic
Morning Glory, Heavenly Blue . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ipomoea tricolor
Family: Morning Glory (Convulvaceae)
Breeders will try to make a more attractive
Morning Glory, but it is my opinion that they
will fail. Heavenly Blue is tops (my Mom
says so). In spring, nick seed and soak
overnight, then sow on the East side. Trellis.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95
$11.85/10 g, (300 seeds)

Family: Pink (Caryophyllaceae)
Sow seeds in spring, in pots or by scattering
on a prepared seedbed in the garden.


Maidens Tears . . . . . . . . . . .Silene vulgaris

Herbaceous perennial. native to Europe and
hardy to 0 F. Succulent rosettes of smooth
leaves give rise to clouds of daintily dangling,
inflated, see-through calyces and pretty white
flowers. Heirloom rock garden plant and oldtime edible and medicinal. The leaves are
used for preparing ethnic dishes, often combined with chick peas. The herb is used fresh
in creams and lotions or dried as an aromatic
fumigant. Plant prefers disturbed soil and sun.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Dream Root, Xhosa . . . . . . .Silene capensis
(African Dream Herb)
Low-growing herbaceous perennial 1 to 2 feet
tall, native to the Cape of South Africa and
hardy to 20 F . Softly spreading leafy rosette,
multiple upright stalks crowned by pure white
flowers. Chewing the root stimulates vivid
dreams. Oneirogen. Sow warm, germ 1 to 2
weeks, space plants 1 foot apart.
30 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic


Family: Mallow (Malvaceae)

The Mallows are typified by large, brightly
colored flowers, soft round leaves, and the
presence of healing mucilage in the perennial
roots. Plants prefer full sun to part shade and
a rich, moist soil. Good drainage not necessary. Scarify on sandpaper and sow in spring.
Bala . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sida cordifolia
(Country Mallow)
Woody subshrub, grown in temperate climates
as an annual. Native to the main tropics on
earth. Protect from frost. This yellow-flowered, pubescent, and many-branched plant
contains ephedrine. Use with caution.
Employed in Ayurvedic practice as a cardiac
stimulant. Scarify vigorously.
30 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
HibiscusRoselle . . . . .Hibiscus sabdariffa
(Roselle, Flor de Jamaica, Red Drops )
Tropical perennial grown as an annual in temperate climates, native to India and Malaysia.
Creamy blooms give way to the bright red,
fleshy calyces, which may be made into jelly,
syrup, or wine. The seeds need to be scarified,
soaked overnight, then sowed early in the
greenhouse and transplanted out after frost.
20 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
High Mallow . . . . . . . . . . . .Malva sylvestris
Herbaceous perennial flowering to 3 feet.
Flowers large, bright, showy, dark purple.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Marshmallow . . . . . . . . . .Althaea officinalis
Native to Europe. All zones. Impressive,
soft-leaved plants with large, white flowers
on multiple stalks. The entire plant contains
high-grade, immune-stimulating mucilage.
Soothing to throat and urinary tract. Space
plants 2 feet apart. Flowers white to 4 feet.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95
$29.85/10 g (~3,000 seeds), Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic

More seeds available beyond this list! Check or call (541) 846-6704.



Maralroot . . . . . . . . . .Leuzea carthamoides

Family: Aster (Asteraceae)
Herbaceous perennial. Native to Siberia. All
temperate zones. Named after the Maral deer
that feed on this plant in the wild, the root contains novel adaptogenic compounds known as
ecdysteroids. Functional and safe. Plant
prefers full sun, well-drained soils, elevation
or northern latitude. Sow fall or spring.
30 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic


Family: Aster (Asteraceae)

Marigold flowers are little suns and their
fragrance is one of the definitive odors of
summer. Plant prefers full sun, regular garden
soil, and regular watering. Direct seed or sow
in flats in the spring or summer.
MARIGOLD SET (1 packet each of the
Tagetes species described below.)
$7.90/3 pkts
Price shown is a discount.
Marigold, AfricanSelect . .Tagetes erecta
Annual. Flowers heavily doubled, ruffled, and
scented. String fresh blossoms together and
hang indoors to dry into aromatic garlands.
Sow in spring. Easy. Flowers yellow-orange,
2 to 3 feet tall.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$5.95/g (~200 seeds), Organic
Marigold, AfricanTururu .Tagetes erecta
Annual flower native to East Africa. This is
the original form of Marigold. The flowers
have a single row of petals, they are orange
and gold, and they smell excellently. A very
good choice for medicinal salves. From a private garden outside Kinyasini on the island of
Pemba. The local people were kind enough to
share the seed with me, and I managed to get it
back to the US, carrying it literally in dugout
canoes, tramp steamers, speedboats, and airplanesto our garden.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95
$5.95/g (~200 seeds), Organic
Marigold, Mexican . . . . . . . .Tagetes minuta
(Nematocidal Marigold)
Annual. Native to South America. Bears tiny
tubular flowers on a very tall and fine-leaved
plant. Both aromatic and bitter, the tea is a
digestive aid and antiflatulent. Source of molecules known as thiophenes that are excreted
from the root and dispel root knot nematodes.
Plant 2 feet apart. Flowers yellow to 10 feet.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$7.95/g (~400 seeds), Organic

Marshmallow . . . . . . . . . . . .see MALLOW

Mayapple . . . . . . . . .Podophyllum peltatum
(American Mandrake)
Colony forming plant with umbrella-like,
palmate leaves sporting a large, waxy-white
flower of delightful fragrance. Native to the
central and eastern US. The rhizome is a low
dose anticarcinogenic and liver stimulant.
Plant prefers full sun to shade and moist, rich
soil. Space plants 2 feet apart.
*$7.95/potted plant, Organic


Family: Rose (Rosaceae)

Plants with handsome sprays of deeply cut
leaves prefer partial shade, moist soils. Lightdependent germinators. Surface sow, very
moist, in spring. 3 week germ is typical.
Dropwort . . . . . . . . . . .Filipendula vulgaris
Old world medicinal akin to Meadowsweet, but
only a third the size. Easy herbal bedding plant
with exceptional flowers.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Meadowsweet . . . . . . . . . . Spiraea ulmaria
syn. Filipendula ulmaria
Herbaceous perennial. Native to temperate
Europe and Asia. All temperate zones. Waisthigh bushes bear sweet-smelling, golden
inflorescences in the second year. Anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving.
200 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$7.95/g (~800 seeds),
$23.85/10 g (~8,000 seeds), Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic


Family: Milkweed (Asclepiadaceae)

Perennial Butterfly Weeds with long-lasting,
showy flowers and decorative pods. Plants prefer full sun, regular garden soil or poor soils.
Sow the seeds in early spring or give
2 weeks cold-conditioning. These are taprooted, so direct-seeding gives best results.
Common Milkweed . . . . .Asclepias syriaca
The plant is handsomely downy, with large
elliptical leaves, warty pods, and pink-purple
flowers that emit one of the most delightful
odors on earth. Wart removal.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Pleurisy Root . . . . . . . . .Asclepias tuberosa
(Butterfly Flower, Butterfly Weed)
Herbaceous perennial. Native to the central,
eastern, and southern US. All zones. Strikingly
deep yellow and orange flowers, sometimes
nearly red. Magnetizes monarchs! Treats
pleurisy. Drought-tolerant.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$17.85/10g (~3,000 seeds), Organic
Swamp Milkweed . . . . .Asclepias incarnata
Highly colored flowers, butterfly attractors.
Plant prefers moist to sodden soils. The stems
are a source of fiber that can be readily twisted
into string. The Eclectic physicians once used
this strong and durable thread for tooth extraction.
30 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic

Plants ship April through July. Up to 6 plants marked with * ship prio for $14.90!



Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)

On the whole, these hybridize freely, spread
joyfully, delight the palate, and uplift the spirit.
All excellent tea herbs. Cut during early to
midflowering, bundle, hang, and dry. Store in
jars for ongoing enjoyment. The plants prefer
cool and moist conditions. Light-dependent
germinator. Sow in spring on soil surface and
keep moist. Average germ time 7 to 14 days.
Transplant or thin to 6 inch spacing.
MINT SET (1 seed packet each of these
MintsArabian, Korean, Licorice, Mayan,
Mountain, Peppermint, Spearmint.)
$14.90/7 pkts. Price shown is a discount
Arabian Mint . . . . . . . . . .Mentha longifolia
Herbaceous perennial natie to N. Africa Hardy
to -10 F. Large upright flowers to 3 feet tall.
Leaves downy, light green, excellent for tea.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Chocolate Mint . . . . . . . . . .Mentha piperita
The very best mint. This is a choice cultivar
and cannot be propagated by seed. Our chocolatey plants are well-established in deep pots,
prefer ever-moist soils, and will quickly spread
and make much fine herb for tea or garnish.
Prefers sun to shade. All zones.
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Chinese Mint . . . . . . . . .Mentha haplocalyx`
Herbaceous perennial native to China. Hardy
to 0 F. Excellent, deep-toned flavor of
Spearmint. This is the best new-to-us Mint
weve tasted in years. Considered to be one of
the cooling herbs that releases the exterior, used
in TCM for treatment of fever, cough, red eyes
and sore throat.
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Korean Mint . . . . . . . . . . .Agastache rugosa
Herbaceous perennial that can be grown as an
annual. Native to Korea. Hardy to 5 F.
Upright purple racemes. Licorice Mint flavor,
making a fine sun tea. Flowers to 4 feet tall.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Licorice Mint . . . . . . .Agastache foeniculum
(Anise Hyssop)
Herbaceous perennial that can be grown as an
annual. Native to Ontario and the central and
western US. Hardy to 5 F. Beautiful, purple
racemes are delicately aromatic. Carminative
and flavoring agent.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Mayan Mint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lippia dulcis
Family: Vervain (Verbenaceae)
(Orozuz, Aztec Sweet Herb)
Trailing perennial. Native to South America
and the Caribbean. Protect from frost. Purpleleaved creeper with upright, white, conical
flowers. Aromatic, pleasant tasting, antitussive. Plant prefers rich soil, moisture, partial
shade to full sun. Bring one in for the winter.
50 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic


Mountain Mint .Pycnanthemum virginianum

Herbaceous perennial hardy to -25 F. Native
to north central and eastern US. Long-lived,
delightfully aromatic, and a great butterfly
attractor. Dried flowers and leaves make a
fine-tasting tonic tea. Sow in early spring.
100 seeds/pkt 2.95, Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Peppermint . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mentha piperita
Cultivated worldwide. All zones. Classic
Peppermint taste. Plants carefully selected to
produce the stimulating and digestive tea.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Spearmint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mentha spicata
Native to temperate Europe and the Mediterranean. All zones. Carminative and mindstimulating. Makes consistent bright green,
finely-toothed leaves, flowering lilac to 2 feet.
Much recommended.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic

Mint, Yellow Dotted . . . . .see BERGAMOT

Moldavian Balm . . .see DRAGONS HEAD


Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)

Sow in the fall or early spring. Likes partial or
full sun, regular garden soil, and lots of water.
Harvest early for 2 cuttings.
MOTHERWORT SET (1 packet each of the
Leonurus species following.)
$4.90/3 pkts
Price shown is a discount.
Chinese Motherwort Leonurus artemisia
(Primary source of Yi-mu-cao)
Biennial, sometimes annual.
Native to
Eurasia. All zones. The plant makes delightful, long-lasting, red-purple cut flowers.
Invigorates the blood, regulates the menses.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$6.95/g (~800 seeds), Organic
Official Motherwort . . . .Leonurus cardiaca
Herbaceous perennial, but short-lived. Native
to Europe and Asia. Hardy to -40F. Downy
flowers occur in whorls on the square stem.
Emmenagogue. Specific for treating tachycardia, palpitations, and associated hysteria.
Space plants 2 feet apart. To 4 to 6 feet.
200 seeds/pkt $2.95
$6.95/g (~800 seeds),
$20.85/10 g (~8,000 seeds), Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Siberian Motherwort . . .Leonurus sibericus
(Secondary source of Yi-mu-cao)
Biennial. Native to Siberia, Manchuria, China,
and Mongolia. All zones. Multiple, lithe
stems topped by ever-blooming, red-purple
racemes that produce much nectar. Excellent,
long-lasting cut flower. Space 2 feet apart.
Flowers to 6 feet.
200 seeds/pkt $2.95
$6.95/g (~800 seeds), Organic

All our seeds are open-pollinated, untreated, and seed-saver friendly.



Family: Figwort (Scrophulariaceae)

Mulleins tolerate poor, gravely soil and fierce
sun, but occasional watering and fertile soils
can produce monumental individuals. They
are hardy to all zones. Sow in fall or spring.
Light-dependent germinator. Strew on surface
and pack down hard.
Common Mullein . . . . . .Verbascum thapsus
Biennial. Native to central and southern
Europe, west Asia. Superior leaf used medicinally for moistening mucous membranes
a great soothing agent for the throat, bronchi,
and lungs. Plant 1 foot apart. Flowers yellow,
from 3 to 7 feet.
400 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Not for sale to SD, WA state
Greek Mullein . . . . . .Verbascum olympicum
Biennial, sometimes perennial. Native to
Greece. Best Mullein species for flower production, as it produces many flowers at once
that adhere loosely to the candelabrum. If you
do not specify, this is the Mullein we will send.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$5.95/g (~8,800 seeds), Organic
Myrrh, Garden . . . . . . . . . .Myrrhis odorata
(Sweet Cicily, Sweet Chervil)
Family: Carrot (Apiaceae)
Herbaceous perennial. Native to Europe and
Asia. A pleasant, nutritive, and blood-cleansing medicine. Plant prefers rich garden soil,
part to full shade. Sow in fall to early spring.
20 seeds/pkt $2.95


Family: Nasturtium (Tropaeolaceae)

Brightly flowered vining annuals native to
Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, and Brazil. 70 days
to flowers. Sow up to 4 inches deep in the garden after last frost or grow in containers.
Average germ time 12 days.
Jewels Nasturtium . . . . .Tropaeolum majus
Jewels is an heirloom strain of bedding plant
with vibrant, multicolored, velvety flowers
and pungent buds.
15 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Tall Nasturtium . . . . . . . .Tropaeolum majus
Tall is a vigorously upward vining strain that
will cover trellises or walls and decorate them
all summer long with bright, basic colors.
15 seeds/pkt $2.95
$22.25/100 g (~600 seeds)



Family: Aster (Asteraceae)

Perennials with thin-bladed leaves and yellow
flowers. Hardy to about 5 F. The tea of the
dried stems and leaves is flavonoid-rich, tastes
pretty good, and is kind to the stomach and the
urinary tract. The plant is similar to the
Chinese herb Gui-zhen-cao and the highly
lauded Kookoolau tea of Hawaii. Plant prefers
full sun and dryish, disturbed soils. Sow in
spring. Typical germ 3 weeks.
Plains Navajo Tea . . .Thelesperma filifolium
Native to the Great Plains and down into the
Southeastern states. A clumping plant, to 1
foot, studded with showy flowers.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
SW Navajo Tea . . . . . . .Thelesperma gracile
Native to the southwestern US and Mexico.
Grows to 2 feet, with better stem production
and smaller flowers.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic

Nettle, Stinging . . . . . . . . . . . .Urtica dioica

Family: Nettle (Urticaceae)
Herbaceous, dioecious perennial. Native to
temperate climates worldwide. All zones.
Premier spring tonic and one of the best terrestrial plant source of micronutrients and
minerals. Early spring growth is preferred.
Dried leaves can be made into tea. The fresh
root is a good tonic for the prostate. Plants
will prosper in moist fertile soil, shade, or sun.
Sow in fall or very early spring. Grows to 4 feet.
200 seeds/pkt $2.95
$9.95/g (~3,500 seeds),
$29.85/10 g (~35,000 seeds),
$149.25/10 g (~350,000 seeds), Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Nigella . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see BLACK SEED
Oats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Avena sativa
Family: Grass (Poaceae)
Overwintering annual. Oats were probably
first domesticated in prehistoric Europe. All
zones. The fresh, green seed is made into a
tincture or dried for tea, at the stage of
unripeness where it exudes a milk when
squeezed. Calms the nerves, anti-addiction.
Sow in fall or early spring.
5 g pkt/$2.95
$5.00/lb, Organic
see also
Orris Root . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see IRIS
Our Ladys Bedstraw . . . . . .Galium verum
Family: Madder (Rubiaceae)
Herbaceous perennial ground cover native to
the British Isles, Europe, Asia and
Mesopotamia. Trailing plant with starlike,
creamy flowers does well in poor soils in the
shade to part sun. Used as a clean and aromatic stuffing for pillows and mattresses, a
curdling and coloring agent in cheesemaking,
and a lymphatic and urinary tonic in herbal
medicine. Sow fall or spring. Barely cover,
tamp securely and keep evenly moist until
germ in 2 to 3 weeks. Space 6 inches apart.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95

Ordering plants and seeds? OK! Seeds ship right away; plants ship April through July.


Ox-Knee . . . . . . . . . .Achyranthes bidentata

Family: Amaranth (Amaranthaceae)
Perennial subshrub in the tropics, self-seeding
annual in the temperate north. The plants
make dense bushes composed of succulent
green stalks with red highlights. Used in TCM
for relieving pain. Plant prefers full sun, fertile
yet acid soil, drainage, regular watering. Sow
in spring. Flowers greenish, 2 to 3 feet.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$11.85/10 g (~5,200 seeds), Organic
Pansy, Heartsease . . . . . . . . . .see VIOLET
Passionflower . . . . . . . .Passiflora incarnata
Family: Passion Flower (Passifloraceae)
Herbaceous or woody vine.Native to southern
and eastern US, hardy to 5 F. Flowers wonderfully large, complex, purple, and white. The
leaves and tender stems are a gentle hypnotic,
useful in treating insomnia and nervousness.
Plants prefer a southern exposure with dryish
soil and a trellis. Sow fall or spring.
20 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
$10.00/potted vine, $27.00/3 vines, Organic


Tropical evergreen perennials native to Asia.

Protect from frost. May be grown in the
temperate zone in pots, kept in the warm shade
and brought indoors for the winter. Sow seeds
on surface and barely cover, then tamp securely and keep warm and moist.
Java Patchouli . . . . . .Pogostemon heyeanus
Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)
This one is inodorous but makes a fine house
plant with incredible purple and pink flowers.
100 seeds/pkt $4.95
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
True Patchouli . . . . . . . .Pogostemon cablin
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Syn Pogostemon patchouli
Original source plant for the essential oil.
100 seeds/pkt $4.95
*$10.00/potted plant, $27.00/3 plants, Organic
Pearly Everlasting Anaphalis margaritaceae
Clump-forming herbaceous perennial native to
the US. Plant prefers loose, well-drained,
sandy or rocky soil in full sun. Mix very small
seed with sand to stretch it. Sow on surface
and press in, then keep evenly moist until
germ, which takes up to 6 weeks.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95
Pennyroyal . . . . . . . . . . . .Mentha pulegium
Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)
Herbaceous perennial. Native to Europe.
Hardy to -15 F. One of the smallest of the
Mints, Pennyroyal nonetheless has the
strongest aromatics. Do not use if pregnant.
Plant prefers moist garden soil, the edge of a
stream or ditch. Sow in spring. Space 6 inches apart. Flowers to 1 foot tall.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95
$9.95 g (~2,000 seeds),
*$7.95/potted plant, Organic


Penstemon, Large Flowered . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Penstemon grandiflorus
(Large Beard Tongue)
Family: Figwort (Scrophulariaceae)
Herbaceous perennial native to the midwestern
prairies and quite rare. Large, shiny, lavender
flowers with blueish tints.
The Dakota,
Kiowa, and Pawnee used the decoction of
roots or leaves for treating chest pain, stomachache, chills, and fevers. Plant prefers full
sun and very fast-draining, sandy or gravelly
soil. Sow in fall for germ in spring, or give 90
days moist refrigeration and then sow warm.
30 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
*$10.00 potted plant, Organic
Periwinkle, Madagascar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Catharanthus roseus
Family: Dogbane (Apocynaceae)
Perennial, native to Madagascar. Hardy to
10F. The leaves and roots of this plant contain over 60 distinct alkaloidsused to treat
infant leukemia. Plant prefers sun or part
shade, dry soils. Sow in early spring. Flowers
showy, white to rose to 1 foot.
200 seeds/pkt $2.95,


Family: Plantain (Plantaginaceae)

Herbaceous perennials hardy to all zones and
naturalized worldwide. This herb is a gentle,
yet persistent, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. Plants prefer sun or shade, moist or
sodden soils. Light-dependent germinators.
Sow in spring. Prefers cool soils for germ.
Plantain, Broadleaf . . . . . . .Plantago major
Broad, oval, bright green leaves of great utility
in medicine. If you dont specify which
Plantain you want, this is the one we will send.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Plantain, Che-qian . . . . . .Plantago asiatica
Similar to our common western broadleaf
Plantain (Plantago major). The seed is official
to the Chinese pharmacopoeia. The leaf, especially whan harvested from vigorously growing plants during the cool season, is the most
deliciously edible of all Plantains.
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Plantain, Giant Turkish . . .Plantago major
Rare. Largest of all true Plantain cultivars, this
one produces striking, deeply-veined, toothed
leaves, 8-inches across, and up to 20-inches
long, really appearing closer to Rhubarb than
Plantain. Racemes to 4 feet.
100 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
Plantain, Narrow-Leaved . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Plantago lanceolata
Commonly used in medicine and interchangeable with Broadleaf Plantain as the official
medicinal herb.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Plantain, Saline . . . . . . . .Plantago eriopoda
Perennial halophyte. Native to coasts and
mountains in OR and CA. The crown is red
and wooly. The flowering stalks are handsome
and conspicuous. Prefers clay or chalk.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95

All our seeds are open-pollinated, untreated, and seed-saver friendly.


Plantain, Sea . . . . . . . . . .Plantago maritima

(Goosetongue Plantain)
Evergreen, perennial, halophytic, semi-succulent native to the coast of the Pacific NW.
Defying heavy breakers and whipped by
stormy winds, the plant roots itself into the
cracks of rocks and holds on for dear life.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95
Psyllium . . . . . . . . . . . . .Plantago maritima
Annual. 90 days to maturity. Native to the
Mediterranean. This is the main species used
to produce Psyllium seed and husk, used quite
effectively in colon cleansing/detox products.
Grow your own cholesterol-fighting fiber and
improve your regularity! Take with plenty of
water. Full sun, easy germ.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$11.85/10 g (~10,000 seeds), Organic

Pleurisy Root . . . . . . . . . . see MILKWEED

Poke . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Phytolacca americana
Family: Pokeweed (Phytolaccaceae)
Herbaceous perennial with thick, reddish
stems; large, drooping leaves; and purple
berries. Hardy to -40 F. Native to the central,
eastern, and southern US. Low-dose botanical. This plant is incredibly effective for
resolving lymphatic blockage and is commonly used in treating mastitis and lymes. Slow
germ typical. Give 60 days cold/moist conditioning and sow warm or sow in early spring
for germ as the soil warms up.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$11.85/10 g (~900 seeds), Organic


Family: Poppy (Papaveraceae)

Swift-growing plants bear outrageous flowers
and have all been used in medicine due to the
presence of pain-relieving alkaloids. All temperate zones. Must be sown in cold soils! We
usually recommend late fall sowing in the
western states and early spring sowing in the
eastern states. Press into surface. Thin to 6
inches apart. Failure to thin will stunt the
plants! Poppies grow rapidly in nitrogen-rich,
moist but well-drained soils. They prefer to
flower in dry, hot conditions.
Black Poppy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .Papaver somniferum var paeoniflorum
Plants to 4 feet tall produce frilled midnight
purple flowers that last 6 times longer than
standard types of somniferum. Elongated pods.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$14.95/g (~2,500 seeds), Organic
California Poppy . .Eschscholzia californica
Herbaceous perennial, self-seeding. Native to
California, Oregon, and the southwestern US.
Yellow and orange flowers. Tincture of fresh
herb calms, alleviates pain.
500 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$6.85/10 g (~9,000 seeds),
$22.25/100 g (~90,000 seeds),
$68.00/lb (~408,000 seeds)


Flanders Poppy . . . . . . . . . .Papaver rhoeas

(Corn Poppy, Shirley Poppy)
Annual. Native to Europe and temperate Asia.
Bright red. All parts of this plant contain the
nonaddictive alkaloid rheadine. The general
activity is soporific (inducing a deep sleep).
Flowers to 32 inches.
300 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$5.95/g (~3,000 seeds), Organic
Greek Red Poppy . . . . . . . .Papaver dubium
Annual, native to Greece, the gene center for
Poppies. Flowers scarlet and black.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95
Mexican Gold Poppy Eschscholzia mexicana
<<NEW FOR 2012>>
Similar in many respects to California Poppy,
Eschscholzia mexicana is nonetheless distinct,
with a wild distribution covering Southern
Utah, much of Arizona, Southwest New
Mexico and northern Mexico. Flowers are
golden yellow, often exhibiting a darker
orange center. Sow in fall or early spring,
directly in place, in fast-draining soil with a
sunny exposure.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95
$6.95/g (~900 seeds),
$20.85/10 g (~9,000 seeds),
Turkish Red Poppy . . .Papaver somniferum
Annual or overwintering annual. Bright red
flowered, monocolor and unfrilled poppies on
a medium sized bush. The flowers tend to be
numerous per plant and last somewhat longer
than other Somniferums, which is a big treat.
They give way to medium sized pods. We
looked for this plant for years before finally
locating a source. It was one of those things
we knew it was there, somewhere! Our
growout completely satisfied all expectations.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95
$6.95/g (~2,000 seeds),
$20.85/10 g (~20,000 seeds)
Peshawar Poppy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . .Papaver somniferum var. album
(Persian White Poppy)
Annual or overwintering annual. A very fast
crop. Produces a compact plant with white
flowers and a potent, elongated pod.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$6.95/g (~2,000 seeds),
$20.85/10 g (~20,000 seeds),
$104.25/100 g (~200,000 seeds), Organic
Yellow-Horned Poppy . . . .Glaucium flavum
Large, bright yellow flowers on a short and
bushy plant give way to fascinating, elongated
beanpod like follicles.
50 seeds/pkt $3.95
Zahir Poppy . . . . . . . . Papaver somniferum
(Persian Lavender Poppy)
Annual or overwintering annual. Deep lavender flowers, dark basal spot, giant. Large,
round pods very potent. Also, best choice for
production of edible blue Poppy seeds.
300 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$6.95/g (~2,000 seeds),
$20.85/10 g (~20,000 seeds),
$104.25/100 g (~200,000 sds), Organic

Plants ship April through July. Up to 6 plants marked with * ship prio for $14.90!




Pulsatilla . . . . . . . . . . . . .Anemone pulsatilla

(Wind Flower, Pasque Flower) LOW DOSE
Family: Crowfoot (Ranunculaceae)
Herbaceous perennial. Native to Europe.
Hardy to -5 F. Showy purple flowers give
way to decorative, upright seed heads. Sow in
fall or spring. Germ best in the shade.
30 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
Purple Coneflower . . . . . .see ECHINACEA
Pyrethrum, Painted Daisy . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Chrysanthemum coccineum
Family: Aster (Asteraceae)
Perennials flowering in the second year and
thereafter. Native to western Asia, Iran. Hardy
to -40 F. Flowers of absolute pink, red, and
white to 2 to 3 feet.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$6.95/g (~600 seeds), Organic
Queen Annes Lace . . . . . . . .Daucus carota
Native to temperate zones worldwide. Ancient
contraceptive. Scatter seed on open or disturbed ground. Volunteers freely thereafter.
Flowers and seeds to 4 feet in the second year.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$/10 g (~ seeds), Organic
Not for sale to WA state.
Queen-of-the-Meadow . . . .see Gravel Root
Rattlesnake Master . .Eryngium yuccifolium
Family: Carrot (Apiaceae)
Herbaceous perennial native to the prairie
states. Multiple globular capitulas rise up on a
yucca-like plant 3 to 5 feet tall. These are a
stately and desireable addition to the herb garden. Native Americans used the mashed root
as an antidote to poison. Plant prefers open
garden or grassland. Sow in the early spring.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Rehmannia . . . . . . . . . . .Rehmannia glutinosa
(Chinese Foxglove, Sheng-di-huang)
Perennial, hardy to 20 F. Rare. Native to
northern China, Rehmannia is a strikingly
beautiful genus of plants that has been cultivated for over 2,000 years. The rubbery,
orange root is processed and given as a heart
tonic and antidiabetic. Plant prefers sun to part
shade and rich, well-drained soil. Flowers to
6 inches with penstemon-like trumpets, bloodviolet tinged purple.
*$10.00/potted plant, Organic
Rhodiola . . . see CACTI AND SUCCULENTS

(Da-huang, Chinese Rhubarb)

Family: Buckwheat (Polygonaceae)
Hardy to -10 F. The dried, cured root is laxative, an ingredient in the much lauded
Essiac anticancer formula. Plant prefers part
shade to full sun, well-drained soils. Sow in
spring. Germ 13 days. Space 2 to 3 feet apart.
Alexander Rhubarb . . . .Rheum alexandrae
Rare and unusual plant from the Himalayas.
10 seeds/pkt $3.95
Noble Rhubarb . . . . . . . . . . . .Rheum nobile
(Chinese Glasshouse Plant, Sikkim Rhubarb)
<<NEW FOR 2012>>
Rare and incredible plant from Tibet.
10 seeds/pkt $3.95
Official Rhubarb . . . . . .Rheum officinarum
Easiest and fastest to grow large roots.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Turkey Rhubarb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .Rheum palmatum tanguticum
Large palmate plants make superior medicine.
10 seeds/pkt $3.95
$11.95/g (~44 seeds)
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Rosemary . . . . . . . . .Rosmarinus officinalis
Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)
Hardy to 10 F. Woody perennial native to the
Mediterranean. These seeds produce the standard blue-purple flowered upright variety,
which we think is best for herbal use. Plant
prefers full sun and dryish soils. Sow these
light dependent germinators on soil surface in
spring. Tamp securely. Keep cool (55 to 60
F.) and eenly moist, which occurs sporadically
in 2 to 3 weeks and ongoing. Naturally low
germ rates. Space 2 to 3 feet apart.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
$15.00/potted plant, Organic
Dried Rosemary Leaf
50 g bag (1.8 oz) $4.50 each, Organic
Rue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ruta graveolens
Family: Rue (Rutaceae) Avoid skin contact.
Woody perennial. Native to the Mediterranean. Hardy to -30 F. This is one of the
oldest medicinal plants, used to bring financial
rewards while warding off contagion, malevolent spirits, and fleas. The plant is stimulating,
antispasmodic, and an emmenagogue. Plant
prefers sun, regular garden soil. Sow in spring.
Average germ 15 days. Space 2 feet apart.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$4.95/g (~500 seeds),
$14.85/10 g (~5,000 seeds), Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Safflower, Zanzibar . .Carthamus tinctorius
Family: Aster (Asteraceae)
Annual. Native to the Mediterranean. 120 days
to maturity. Vibrant yellow-red flowers, the
best kind for producing the deep orange coloring agent used in oil infusions, salves, and cosmetics. These large seeds are best direct-seeded after last frost.
30 seeds/pkt $2.45, Organic



Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)
We feature the main species used in medicine,
as well as some of the strikingly decorative
ones. Planting in a sunny, dry, and welldrained microsite will help assure winter survival. Sow in spring, transplant to warm soil.
Black Sage . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Salvia mellifera
Evergreen to 5 feet, native to the dry hills of
Southern California, from the Pacific Ocean to
the Mojave Desert. Hardy to 10 F. Blueflowered, aromatic. Plant 2 to 3 feet apart.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95
Blue Sage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Salvia azurea
Perennial to 3 to 5 feet. Native to the SW.
Hardy to -25 F. Beautiful light blue flowers
with a ruffled, plate-like lip on the corolla.
Seed is a traditional food of the First Nations
People. Space 1 foot apart.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Clary Sage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Salvia sclarea
Biennial. Hardy to -20F. The purple-pink
inflorescences are covered with glandules,
redolent with Clarys peculiar essential oil.
Clary is the scent of euphoria.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$14.85/10 g (~2,400 seeds), Organic
Not for sale to WA state
Dan-shen . . . . . . . . . . . . .Salvia miltiorrhiza
(Chinese Red Sage)
Herbaceous perennial. Native to China.
Hardy to -10 F. Rare. The part used is the
blood red root. Quickens the blooda specific for treating cold extremities of smokers or
the elderly. Prophylactic against strokes.
Flowers large, seductive, sky blue to purple.
30 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
Dominican Sage . . . . . . . . .Salvia dominica
Woody perennial flowering 2 to 3 feet tall,
native to the Middle East. Hardy to 0 F.
White flowers disproportionally large to the
plant. All parts of this rare and choice Sage are
embued with the seductive scent of sclareol.
20 seeds/pkt $2.95
Garden Sage . . . . . . . . . . . Salvia officinalis
Woody perennial. Hardy to -30 F. This plant
is simply a must for any traditional herb garden. Indispensable spiceadd to vegetable
and poultry dishes for a wild flavor. Sage
makes an antibacterial mouthwash or gargle
for sore throat; memory enhancing.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95
$11.85/10 g (~1,300 seeds),
$59.25/100 g (~13,000 seeds), Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Jerusalem Sage . . . . .Salvia hierosolimitana
(Royal Sage, Sacred Sage)
This is the rare, Middle-Eastern native with
flowers of wine-red and calyces, bracts and
stem also tinged with red. Well-endowed with
resiny, glandular hairs. A plant for the serious
Sage collector, pretty and rare.
20 seeds/pkt $2.95

Judean Sage . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Salvia judaika

Woody perennial native to the Middle East and
flowering violet in the second year to 3 feet.
Plants that we set out last year on the farm have
produced low-lying rosettes that are winter
hardy to at least 10 F. Does well in potted culture. A rare, fragrant and exceptionally beautiful plant, the flowers occur in whorls that are
thought to resemble the menorah.
30 seeds/pkt $3.95
Kashmir Sage . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Salvia hians
Herbaceous perennial to 3 feet and and hardy to
20 F. Loose racemes of large, deep throated,
blue to purple flowers in second year.
Flowering continues for weeks. Very robust.
Entire plant embued with a pervasive and intoxicating fruity fragrance. Bright red roots indicate medicinal activity.
10 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, Organic
Lilac Sage . . . . . . . . . . . . .Salvia verticillata
<<NEW FOR 2012>>
Native to W Asia and flowering in brilliand
lavender whorls to 3 feet. Traditional medicinal
uses aromatic, antioxidant and antidiabetic.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95
Pitcher Sage . . . . . . . . . . . .Salvia spathacea
(CA Pitcher Sage) (Hummingbird Sage)
Evergreen, clumping perennial flowering to
3 feet. Native to the California Central Valley
and Southern California. Hardy to 10 F. One
of the most sought-after Sages worldwide, the
plant is aromatic and covered with oil glands.
The flowers occur in thick whorlselongated,
magenta, and highly attractive to hummingbirds. Plant prefers dry shade.
10 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
Purple Sage, Wild Form .Salvia leucophylla
Deciduous woody perennial growing to 6 feet
unless seriously pruned back, native to Baja,
coastal California, and associated transverse
mountain ranges. Hardy to 10 F. Silvery
foliage with purple flowers, occurring in whorls
with protruding stamens, very showy. Drought
tolerant. Plant prefers fast-draining, dryish soils
and full sun. Sow in spring.
30 seeds/pkt $2.95
White Sage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Salvia apiana
Woody perennial native to Southern California.
Hardy to 10 F. Source of the most desirable
Sage used worldwide for smudging, to carry
prayers on high. All our relations with this plant
are full of prayers for world peace. Plant
prefers full sun and sandy, fast-draining soil.
Give full sun. If too cold in your area, plants do
fine in potted culture, brought in for the winter.
When potting up White Sage, use a wide, shallow pot. Sow seed just under soil surface and
keep evenly moist and very warm until germ.
Space 3 feet apart.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$17.85/10g (~7,000 seeds), Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic

Plants ship April through July. Up to 6 plants marked with * ship prio for $14.90!


Saint Johns Wort . .Hypericum perforatum

Family: Saint Johns Wort (Hypericaceae)
Herbaceous perennials with a worldwide distribution. Hardy to -30 F. We love our strain
and so do a lot of other people. The herb has
a deep-seated effect, helps restore damaged
nerve tissue, deadens pain, and strengthens the
urinary organs. Saint Johns Wort is a comforting antidepressant that brings sun into the
heart during trying times. Plant prefers full
sun and poor, quickly draining soils. Lightdependent germinator. Sow in spring. Use
very sandy soil mix. Average germ time 5
days. Transplant at 2 foot spacing. Flowers
yellow to 3 to 4 feet.
500 seeds/pkt $2.95
$6.95/g (~8,000 seeds),
$20.85/g (~80,000 seeds),
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Not for sale to CA, CO, MT, SD, WA states.
Scarlet Pimpernel . . . . . .Anagallis arvensis
(Cure-All, Poor Mans Weatherglass)
Family: Primula (Primulaceae)
Self-seeding annual growing in all zones,
making a lush mat to 4 inches. Pretty red
flowers appear with the sun and hide when
clouds roll in. In olden days the plant was
washed and used as a sponge to scrub the skin
against dirt, infection, and pestilence. Source
of cleansing saponins. Plant prefers full sun
and regular garden soil. Sow directly in the
spring and thin to 6 inches apart.
300 seeds/pkt $2.95
Schisandra . . . . . . . . . .Schisandra chinensis
Family: Magnolia (Magnoliaceae)
Perennial dioeceous woody vine. Native to
Manchuria, Malaysia, Korea, northeastern
China, and Japan. Hardy to -20 F. The fragrant pink or white flowers give way to bright
red fruit that droops down in clusters from the
vineaphrodisiac and immune-enhancing.
Plants prefer moist, slightly acid soil of woodland or shade garden. Trellis. Soak berries
overnight, remove and clean seeds from clinging fruit (there are 1 to 3 seeds per berry). Give
at least 3 months cold, dark, conditions, then
bring flat into the light and germination will
occur in a few weeks. Germinating and growing Schisandra requires moderate conditons
and a very gentle technique. A plant that
requires you to be a seed whisperer.
20 dried berries/pkt $3.95,
$11.85/10 g (~120 dried berries),
Self-Heal . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Prunella vulgaris
Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)
Native to Europe. Hardy to -30 F. Excellent
ground cover for moist shade, or can be
worked up as a very fine, mounding and flowering garden plant. Swishing with Self-Heal
tea relieves and heals canker sores. Plant prefers sun to shade and moist soils. Sow in very
early spring or cold-condition. Space plants 1
foot apart. Flowers purple to 1 to 2 feet.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic


She-chuan-zi . . . . . . . . . .Cnidium monnieri

(Snow Parsley)
Family: Carrot (Apiaceae)
Annual, Native to China, hardy to all zones.
Quick spring flowers that attract myriads of
pollinators. One of the herbs in TCM that
warms the kidney yang. Tea, decoction or tincture used to stimulate sex hormones. Source of
the molecule known as osthole, which fights
osteoporosis. Plant prefers moist soil in sun or
part shade. Sow in spring by sprinkling on surface and barely covering. Keep evenly moist
until germ. Thinning not needed. Harvest seed
when fully formed.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$6.95/g (~1,500 seeds), Organic


Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)

A diverse genus of plants that find their way
into barefoot medicine wherever they occur
worldwide. Sow fall or early spring.
SKULLCAP SET (1 seed packet each of the
Scutellaria species following.)
$6.90/3 pkts
Price shown is a discount.
Baical Skullcap . . . . .Scutellaria baicalensis
Herbaceous perennial to 12 inches. Native to
Mongolia, Siberia, and China. Hardy to -20 F.
The purple flowers are like schools of dolphin
breaking through green waves in a summer sea.
Dried root is a dependable treatment for contagious diseases including dysentery and flu.
Plant prefers full sun and dry soils.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$9.95/g (~450 seeds), Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Barbat Skullcap . . . . . .Scutellaria barbata
Herbaceous perennial. Native to SE China.
Hardy to -20 F. Flowers large and blue. The
herb clears heat, dispels toxicity, invigorates
the bloodused in treating cancerous tumors.
Plant prefers sun to shade and moisture.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Official Skullcap . . . .Scutellaria lateriflora
(Mad Dog Skullcap)
Herbaceous perennial. Native to US. Hardy to
-40 F. Nervine tonic. Plant prefers fertile soil,
partial shade or full sun, and plenty
of water.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$14.95/g (~950 seeds), Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Soapwort . . . . . . . . . . .Saponaria officinalis
Family: Pink (Caryophyllaceae)
Herbaceous perennial. Native to southern
Europe; a standby in English gardens. All
zones. Upright plant with lance-shaped leaves
and pink flowers. The root is loaded with
saponins. Germ in about 30 days. Thin to
1 foot apart. Grows to 4 or 5 feet.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic


Solomons Seal, Giant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . .Polyganatum biflorum var. commutatum
Family: Lily (Liliaceae)
Herbaceous perennial forest dweller native to
the Eastern hardwood biome, hardy to -40 F.
Distinguished from look-alikes by its huge size
and flowers drooping in pairs from the leaf
axils that occur below the sweeping
arm of the plant. Folk uses include joint
pain/arthritis. True Solomon's Seal prefers
open woodlands, especially in association with
rock outcroppings. Root restriction is relished.
I find the roots to be surprisingly difficult to
transplant, and believe that growing them in
place can be an effective way to naturalize.
These seeds are prestratified, fresh (undried),
refrigerated and stored in moist coir. Sow
ASAP upon receipt. Plant seeds in forest nursery bed, gallon pots, or deep trays. Emergence
may take several seasons.
20 seeds/pkt $4.95
Sorrel, Sheep . . . . . . . . . . .Rumex acetosella
Family: Buckwheat (Polygonaceae)
Herbaceous or evergreen spreading perennial.
This is the exact species called for as an ingredient in the much-repressed Essiac anticancer
formula and is thus in high demand. Plants
prefer moist to mesic soils in full sun and are
good grass competitors. Space plants 6 inches
apart. Flowers to 1 foot.
300 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$/10 g (~ seeds),Organic
Spearmint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . see MINT
Spikenard, California . . .Aralia californica
Family: Ginseng (Araliaceae)
Herbaceous perennial. Native to the Pacific
Northwest. Largest herbaceous member of the
Ginseng family. The rhizomes, as thick as an
arm, exude aromatic oleoresin. Spikenard root
is an antitussive, partus preparatour, adaptogen, mildly stimulating like Eleuthero, and also
a sexual tonic like American Ginseng. Plant
prefers water, gravely soil, and shade. Sow in
fall or early spring.
50 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic


(Toothache Plant, Para Cress)

Family: Aster (Asteraceae)
Annual. 120 days to maturity. Ancient, distinctively beautiful, and highly entertaining
Spilanthes is an indispensable
immune-enhancing tonic and dentifrice. Sow
in spring. Average. germ 10 days. Plant
prefers plenty of sun, good, rich soil, water.
Space 2 feet apart. Grows 12 inches tall.
SPILANTHES SET (1 seed packet each of
the 3 varieties following.)
$9.90/4 pkts
Price shown is a discount.
Brede Mafane . . . . . . . . . Spilanthes acmella
Native to the E. African coast of the Indian
Ocean. Principal ingredient of the national
dish of MadagascarLe Romazava. Makes
multitudes of yellow flowers.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$5.95/g (~700 seeds),
$17.85/10 g (~7,000 seeds), Organic
Kenyan Spilanthes . . . . . .Acmella calirrhiza
<<NEW FOR 2012>>
Miniature creeping perennial from the highlands of Laikipia province near Mount Kenya.
Typified by succulent red stems, shiny green
leaves, aerial rootlets and tiny yellow coneheads with radiating yellow petals. Good grass
cohabitor. Moist soils. Native medicinal plant
used in treating gum disease, toothache, malaria and in water purification.
30 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Official Spilanthes . . . . .Spilanthes acmella
Native to South America. Striking golden,
bud-shaped flowers with deep red eyes on
glossy green spreading plants. We find this
type to be the strongest and most dependable
for medicine making, thus the officialadage.
(If you do not specify which Spilanthes you
prefer, this is the one we will send you.)
200 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$5.95/g (~700 seeds),
$17.85/10 g (~7,000 seeds), Organic
Velvet Spilanthes . . . . . .Spilanthes oleracea
Native to the Indian subcontinent. This largeleaved, purple-hued spreading plant makes
flowers with velvety-red centers.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$5.95/g (~700 seeds),
$17.85/10 g (~7,000 seeds), Organic
Stephania . . . . . . . . . . . .Stephania japonica
Family: Moonseed (Menispermaceae)
(Qian-jin-teng, Thousand Gold Medal Vine)
Herbaceous perennial vine native to Japan and
perfectly cold hardy. In the herbalscaope, is
most appreciated for its leaves like the scales
of dragons as well as its gentle climbing
habit.Plant prefers part shade and another plant
or a low trellis to cimb upon. Medicinally, the
plant is used for clearing heat and alleiating
toxins, and has been suggested as part of an
herbal regimen for treating Lyme disease.
*$15.00/potted vine, Organic

Plants ship April through July. Up to 6 plants marked with * ship prio for $14.90!


Stevia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Stevia rebaudiana

Family: Aster (Asteraceae)
Tender herbaceous perennial in the temperate
north and evergreen in warmer climates.
Native to Paraguay and Brazil. Hardy to 10 F.
The dried leaf is used for sweetening drinks
and is 250 times sweeter than sugar.
Medicinally, Stevia is a flavoring agent, a
wound healer, a treatment for hypoglycemia,
and a digestive aid. Plants thrive in rich garden
soil, full sun to part shade, high temperature
and humidity, and plenty of water. Sow seed
on surface and press in, keeping moist and very
warm. Germ in 1 to 2 weeks.
25 seeds/pkt $4.95, Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Stoneroot . . . . . . . . .Collinsonia canadensis
Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)
Herbaceous perennial. Native to rich woods in
the eastern, central, and southern states. Hardy
to -30 F. The sturdy, square stem springs from
the amorphous, rock-hard rhizome in early
spring, unfurling impressive ovate leaves and
eventually setting terminal panicles of bright
yellow flowers, which smell like lemon.
Shrinks varicosities. Plant prefers moist woods
or partially shaded garden.
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Swan Plant . . . . . . . . .Asclepias physocarpa
(Balloon Plant, Family Jewels, Monkeyballs)
Tropical perennial grown as an annual in temperate gardens. Growing to about 6 feet, the
white flowers give way to inflated balls covered in soft spines. Hairy, dangling, green.
30 seeds/pkt $2.95


Family: Aster (Asteraceae)

Although some might say these are prickly and
not so nice to have around, they are actually
very big earth protectors and variously edible
and/or medicinal. All zones.
Blessed Thistle . . . . . . . . .Cnicus benedictus
Annual or overwintering annual. Native to the
Mediterranean basin, and Asia Minor. Downy
and barely prickly. Tea stimulates appetite.
Old-time remedy against fever and headache,
said to dispel evil and prevent the plague.
Plant prefers full sun and regular garden soil.
Sow any time from fall to spring.
30 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$14.85/10 g (~300 seeds), Organic
Carline Thistle . . . . . . . . . . .Carlina acaulis
(Silver Thistle, Hunters Bread)
Perennial, native to alpine Europe. Spiny
leaves grow in a mounded basal rosette that
produces the flattened, silvery flowers.
Source of the antiseptic compound known as
carlina oxide. Plant prefers full sun, dry and
calcerous soil.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95
Milk Thistle . . . . . . . . . .Silybum marianum
Overwintering annual. Native to the Mediterranean. Giant, shiny-leaved plant with white
variegations and towering, purple flowers.
Unique hepatoprotective agent. Seed may be
ground as needed in an electric coffee mill.
Dosage is 1 tablespoon up to 3 times daily.
Direct-seed in the late summer or early spring.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Not for sale to WA state.

All our seeds are open-pollinated, untreated, and seed-saver friendly.




Family: Nightshade (Solanaceae)

A most popular yet maligned herb. Tobacco is
a heavy feeder and likes a well-fertilized soil
and a side-dressing of good compost or rotted
manure. 80 days to maturity. Sow seed in the
spring or early summer in flats or directly
on a fine seedbed. Press hard into surface of
soil (light-dependent germinator). Do not
allow to dry out or freeze. Germ in 10 to 14
days. Transplant or thin seedlings to 1 to 2 foot
TOBACCO SET (1 seed packet each of the
Tobaccos following.)
$11.90/5 pkts Price shown is a discount.
Hopi Tobacco . . . . . . . . . .Nicotiana rustica
Annual. Thick, rounded leaves with very
high nicotine content. This is the most northern
hardy of the Tobaccos, and probably one
of the first-ever cultivated plants. Flowers
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$6.95/g (~10,000 seeds),
$20.85/10 g (~100,000 seeds),Organic
Huichol Tobacco . . . . .Nicotiana langsdorfii
Annual, 60 days to flowers (super fast grower),
to 3 feet. Very potent ceremonial and smoking
tobacco, bushy, with lolling 8-inch leaves on
long petioles and pendulous, yellow-green
flowers. The entire plant is sticky with resin. If
you are fortunate, will self-seed.
100 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
Oneida Tobacco . . . . . . . .Nicotiana rustica
Annual. Narrow leaves with high nicotine content. Originally from the Oneida tribe of
Wisconsin. A northern hardy strain that makes
good smoking tobacco.
100 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
Smoking Tobacco . . . . . .Nicotiana tabacum
(Virginia Smoking Tobacco)
Annual. This is a very mellow, heirloom smoking Tobacco that matures readily, even if the
summer is cool or the growing season short.
Flowers lavender to 5 feet.
100 seeds/pkt $3.95,
$9.95/g (~10,000 seeds),
$29.85/10 g (~100,000 seeds),
$149.25/100 g (~1,000,000 seeds), Organic
Tree Tobacco . . . . . . . . . . .Nicotiana glauca
Perennial. Originally from Argentina and
Bolivia, this plant is now widely naturalized in
drylands around the globe. The bright yellow,
long-tubed flowers are characteristic, delighting those with imagination and also hummingbirds. A peculiarity of this species is that the
leaf contains largely anabasine, not nicotine.
Anabasine is a potent molecule that is largely
responsible for the unique effects experienced
by those who utilize this weed. A poultice of
the leaves is used to heal wounds and skin
infections. Give very dry, well-drained soil and
if wishing to perennialize, protect from frost.
Surface sow, germ 18 days.
100 seeds/pkt $3.95

Tormentil . . . . . . . . . .Potentilla tormentilla

Family: Rose (Rosaceae)
Herbaceous perennial native to Europe and
temperate Asia. A crown of yellow flowers
graces a widely mounding plant. A tea of the
root contains gentle tannins. Plant like full sun
and moist garden soil. Sow in spring.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic


Family: Trumpet Creeper (Bignoniaceae)

Perennial deciduous viney shrubs native to the
American Southwest and Mexico. Not spiney.
Plant prefers full sun and poor, sandy and/or
gravely soils. Sow seed in the spring. Easy.
Space 4 feet apart.
Tronadora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tecoma stans
Oversize yellow flowers on a perennial
self-supporting vine. A treatment for fungal
infections of the skin.
50 seeds/pkt $3.95
Trumpet Vine, Red . . . . . .Campsis radicans
Shiny, compound leaves graced by sprays of
red-orange, trumpet-shaped flowers. Hardy to 30 F. Antifungal, used as a douche for treating
candida or externally for fungal skin
infections. Provide trellis.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95
$7.95/g (~ 250 seeds),
$23.85/10 g (~2,500 seeds), Organic


Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)

Tea herb from the Ayurvedic tradition that is
uplifting to the spirit and healthy for the body.
Uses include stress reduction, immune
enhancement, promoting longevity, improving
metabolic oxygenation, increasing endurance,
fighting infections, and improving digestion.
We offer 5 different types. By growing different kinds, you get a chance to appreciate the
subtle differences in growth habit, color and
taste, and determine which ones grow best in
your area. Sow seed in the spring on soil surface and press in, then keep moist and in the
light. Germination may take up to 3 weeks.
Thin seedlings and pot up once they have
achieved the second set of true leaves. Indoor
plants need at least 6 hours of sunlight daily (or
grow lights) in order to prosper. Outdoor plants
prefer a warm exposure with full sun and rich,
moist soil. Planting by the doorstep is said to
bring good luck, and here at Horizon Herbs, we
have found this to be so. We thank Amma for
blessing our Tulsi!
Krishna Extra Purple Tulsi . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ocimum sanctum
<<NEW FOR 2012>>
This is a limited issue of seeds from our select
dark-colored, open-pollinated strain. You may
expect intense purple coloration on stem,
flower and adult leaf. We have used this wonderfully scented leaf in tea making as well as in
cooking. The clove aroma is strong, and the
taste is remarkable.
30 seeds/pkt $4.95, Organic
*$10.00/potted plant, Organic

Ordering plants and seeds? OK! Seeds ship right away; plants ship April through July.


TULSI SEED SET (1 seed packet each of

Krishna, Rama, Vana and Kapoor.)
$9.90/4 pkts
Price shown is a discount.
(1 plant each of these Tulsi plants:
Krishna, Rama, Vana and Kapoor.)
*$24.50/4 potted plants, Organic
price shown is a discount
Krishna Tulsi . . . . . . . . . .Ocimum sanctum
Tropical perennial grown as an annual in the
temperate zones. 120 days to maturity. Wide
leaves are colored dark purple. The plant is
mid-sized. Germination may take up to 3
weeks even in ideal circumstances!
50 seeds/pkt $2.95
$9.95/g (~1,400 seeds)
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Rama Tulsi . . . . . . . . . . . .Ocimum sanctum
Tropical perennial grown as an annual in the
temperate zones. 120 days to maturity. Open
formed, with small leaves showing purple
veination on leaves and stem. Flowers purple.
Lab tests of this cultivar showed highest concentration of immune-stimulating compounds.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Vana Tulsi . . . . . . . . . .Ocimum gratissimum
Perennial bush basil native to India and North.
and East Africa. Leaves large, soft, redolent
with oil of Eugenol.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Kapoor Tulsi . . . . . . . . . . .Ocimum sanctum
Self-seeding annual. 70 days. Best Tulsi for
temperate gardens, good, easy medicine.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$9.95/g (~1,200 seeds), Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Tulsi Tea (Organic India) .Ocimum sanctum
Oh most excellent tea herb, may we all be so
blessed as to partake of you first thing every
morning! Ready to brew.
$25.00/lb, Tea Cut, Organic
Book: Tulasi Devi, Goddess of Devotion . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .by Sarvaga and Gunavati
160 pages devoted to Tulsi, including uses in
Ayurveda, botany, cultivation, insights and
experiences, legends of Tulasi Devi, worship
and rituals, the 108 Names of Tulasi,
and Seeds of Hope. $7.00/book
Twin Leaf . . . . . . . . . . .Jeffersonia diphylla
Family: Barberry (Berberidaceae)
Herbaceous perennial forest dweller native to
the eastern US and hardy to -20 F. This beauty
has paired, plate-like leaves that are succulently green, and a large, perfectly white flower
that gives way to a seedpod that resembles, on
drying, a tiny elfen pipe. The root is an acrid
expectorant, making a workable wash for
treating sore gums or herpes lesions. Plant
prefers moist woods, mulch with leaves.
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic


Unicorn, False . . . . . .Chamaelirium luteum

(Helonias Root, Star Grub Root)
Family: Lily (Liliaceae)
Herbaceous dioecious perennial. Native to the
central and eastern hardwood forests of North
America. Hardy to -30 F. The most famous of
all uterine tonics. Root is quite valuable. Seed
is somewhat short-lived, so we offer only the
recent harvest. Sow seeds in acid soil in the
fall, midwinter, or very early spring. Use outdoor nursery bed technique, or sow in flats left
outdoors or in an unheated greenhouse. Space
6 inches apart. Flowers yellowish-white.
30 seeds/pkt $4.95
Unicorn, True . . . . . . . . . . .Aletris farinosa
Family: Lily (Liliaceae)
Perennial. Native to southeastern US. Hardy
to 0 F. Rare. Important vanishing medicinal.
Urn-shaped, mealy-surfaced flowers, white.
Plant prefers sun and moist, sandy, acid soils.
Press very small seed into surface of sandy soil
in fall or spring.
500 seeds/pkt $3.95


Family: Valerian (Valerianaceae)

Tender, edible leaves and narcotically scented
flowers typify these demure, sedative plants.
All prefer part shade and rich, moist but welldrained soils. If you grow no other medicinal
plants, grow at least some Valerian.
Indian Valerian . . . . . .Valeriana jatamansii
syn Valeriana wallichii
Diminutive dioecious evergreen perennial
native to the temperate Himalayas. Hardy to at
least 0 F. A rare accession. The plant makes
a basal rosette of heart-shaped, succulent, and
very green leaves, giving rise to the miniature,
white and pink sprays of flowers in the spring.
The aroma of the root evokes higher thoughts.
It is a secondary source of the biblical oil of
nard with which Jesus feet were annointed.
*$10.00 potted plant, Organic
Official Valerian . . . . . .Valeriana officinalis
Herbaceous perennial. Native to Europe and
temperate Asia. Hardy to -20 F. Probably the
strongest herbal cerebral sedative. All parts of
the plant are active. Valerian prefers full sun to
part shade and moist soils. Seed is short-lived;
sow within 1 year of receipt. Light-dependent
germinator. Sow in spring and keep moist.
Germ in 10 to 16 days. Space plants 1 to 2 feet
apart. Flowers white in the second year to a
height of 5 feet.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$9.95/g (~1,200 seeds),
$29.85/10 g (~12,000 seeds), Organic
$4.00/bare root, Organic
Red Valerian . . . . . . . . . .Centranthus ruber
Herbaceous perennial. Native to Europe.
Hardy to -20 F. Root is rich in valeric compounds, but not considered to be interchangeable with Valerian, Official. Highly aromatic,
crimson flowers are excellent for cutting.
50 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic

More seeds available beyond this list! Check or call (541) 846-6704.




Family: Vervain (Verbenaceae)

Blue flowered, upright herbaceous perennials
significant in medicine and ritual. Plants
prefer full sun to part shade, regular garden
conditions. Sow in very early spring or give
2 weeks cold-conditioning. Germination in
2 to 4 weeks.
Blue Vervain . . . . . . . . .Verbena hastata
Native to US. Hardy to -40 F. Flowers in
multiple, long-lasting, handsome spikes. Bitter
remedy for indigestion, colds, and fevers.
200 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$5.95/g (~2,400 seeds),
$17.85/10 g, (~24,000 seeds), Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
European Vervain . . . . .Verbena officinalis
Native to Europe and the Mediterranean.
Hardy to -30 F. Astringent, antispasmodic,
and fever-reducing agent. Druidic altar plant.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Western Vervain . . . . .Verbena lasiostachys
<<NEW FOR 2012>>
Native to California and Oregon. Growing 2
to 3 feet tall, the plant makes multiple upright
stms crowned with pretty racemes flowered
blue. The plant makes an excellent, dark and
bitter tincture. Also a great choice for stabilizing slopes and repopulating disturbed ground.
Butterflies and native pollinators are drawn to
this worthy medicinal and permaculture plant.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Vetch, Kidney . . . . . . . .Anthyllis vulneraria
(Kidney Vetch, Ladies Fingers)
Family: Pea (Fabaceae) <NEW FOR 2012>
Hardy to 0 F. Herbaceous perennial native to
Europe and flowering yellow in globular heads
to about 8 inches. Plant prefers full sun to part
shade and calcerous, sandy or regular garden
soils. With its soft and pretty flowers and forgiving, slightly downy foliage, the plant makes
a natural emollient treatment for the skin, having been poulticed against wounds since time
immemorial. Scarify the seed on medum grit
sandpaper and sow in spring. An overnight
soak in water will help speed germination,
which occurs in 1 to 3 weeks.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$10 g (~ seeds),Organic

Family: Violet (Violaceae)

The use of Violets in medicine is a disappearing art and worthy of reconsideration. Ranging
from treatment of cough to cancer, the effects
are gentle, unique, and pervasive. Plants form
slow-spreading colonies in moist shade to part
sun. Barely cover this small seed and keep
moist. Germ best in cool soils.
Blue Butterfly Violet . . . . . . . .Viola sororia
Bright blue flowers garland this creeper that
will form a lovely mat in the moist shade.
*$7.95/plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Heartsease Violet . . . . . . . . . .Viola tricolor
(Johnny-Jump-Up, Heartsease Pansy)
Annual, self-seeding. 60 days to maturity.
Deep velvety blue, purple, and yellow colors.
Traditionally used to treat childrens allergies.
Germ in 16 days.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$5.95/g (~1,200 seeds), Organic
Sweet Violet . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Viola odorata
Perennial. Native to Eurasia. Hardy to 0 F.
The flowers are wonderfully scented and
much-used in perfumery. Traditional treatment
for cough, oral cancers. Fall-planted seed usually germinates in first spring. This is the official plant.
50 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Vipers Bugloss . . . . . . . . . .Echium vulgare
Family: Borage (Boraginaceae)
Herbaceous perennial will self-seed. Native to
Europe, the Ural Mountains, and Siberia. All
zones. Growing in dry and gravely places, this
hairy-stemmed beauty bears large, delicately
perfumed, bright blue, tubular flowers in a
scorpioid inflorescence from summer to frost
on an upright plant. Root is a source of the red
pigment shikonin. Considered one of the
best bee plants on Earth, because the nectaries
produce for an extended period of time and are
protected by the hooded flower. Sow seed on
sandy soil in the spring, press in hard and keep
evenly moist and in the light.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$5.95/g (~400 seeds),
$17.85/10 g (~4,000 seeds), Organic
Virginia Snakeroot .Aristolochia serpentaria
Family: Birthwort (Aristolochiaceae)
Rare woodland perennial upright vine native to
the eastern US hardwood forest. Butterfly
attractor with an extremely strong-smelling,
terebinthe rootstock traditionally employed at
very low dosage for short-term use only, for
treating headache, fever, snakebite, etc. Plant
prefers dappled shade, mesic soils.
*$20.00/potted plant, Organic

All our seeds are open-pollinated, untreated, and seed-saver friendly.



Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)

Highly decorative, with tall, whorled spikes
holding arrays of long-tubed and curving
orange flowers that resemble lions ears.
Smokeable euphoric and medicinal plant.
Sow seed just under soil surface and keep
warm and evenly moist until germination.
Cordao . . . . . . . . . . . .Leonotis nepetaefolia
Annual. 120 days to flowers. Faster to flower
than Wilde Dagga. Plant prefers full sun, normal garden soil, and regular watering. Get an
early start in the spring. Plant 2 feet apart.
Flowers to 9 feet.
100 seeds/pkt $3.95,
$7.95/g (~400 seeds),
$23.85/10 g, (~4,000 seeds), Organic
Wilde Dagga . . . . . . . . . . .Leonotis leonurus
Woody perennial. Native to South Africa.
Hardy to 20 F.
Highly decorative
hummingbirds love them. Plant prefers fertile
soil, regular watering, and full sun. Space 1 or
2 feet apart. Flowers to 5 feet.
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3, Organic
Wild Indigo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see INDIGO
Wild Yam, American quaternata . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dioscorea quaternata
(Four-Leaf Yam, Medicinal Wild Yam)
Native to the Eastern American hardwood
forests. Hardy to -10 F. Dried Wild Yam root
very hardnot a foodthe tea, decoction or
tincture eases all types of uteral pain. Plant
prefers partial shade, trellis. Space 1 foot
apart. Sow fall, midwinter, or early spring.
Medicinally interchangeable with Dioscorea
villosa. Large-leaved self-supporting vine
rises from the heavy, hard, knuckled rhizome.
*$7.95/potted vine, $19.50/3 vines, Organic
Chinese Wild Yam . . . . . .Dioscorea batatas
Family: Yam (Dioscoraceae)
Native to China. Produces large underground
tubers that are a delicious nutrient tonic.
Exquisite vining herbaceous perennials preferring a sunny exposure and a sturdy trellis.
Large underground tubers are starchy and
crunchy when fresh, turning soft and delicious
when baked, or sliced and pan fried. Plant aerial bulblet 1 inch deep. Sow in warm garden
soil or deep pots. . May require some weeks
of warm, moist conditions to show above soil.
Flowers exude Cinnamon fragrance. No international sales on Wild Yam tubers
6 aerial tubers/$3.95
20 aerial tubers/$10.00, Organic
Woad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Isatis tinctoria
(Da-qing-ye, Dyers Woad, Isatis)
Family: Mustard (Brassicaceae)
Biennial. Native to southeastern Europe and
west Asia. Volunteers freely. This is Dyers
Woad, which makes a natural blue dye.
Antiviralused in treating hepatitis. Average
to poor soils, sun. Sow in spring.
25 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Not for sale to CA, OR or WA states.


Wood Betony . . . . . . . . . .Stachys officinalis

Family: Mint (Lamiaceae)
Herbaceous perennials hardy to -20 F.
Native to Europe and Russia. This moistureloving plant has beautiful red-purple flowering
spikes. The tea or tincture of fresh leaf is a
general pain reliever and tonic nervinea
practical and useful herb. Sow in the early
spring. Space 2 feet apart. Flowers from 2 to
3 feet.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$6.95/g (~900 seeds),
$20.85/10 g (~9,000 seeds),
$99.25/100 g (~ 90,000 seeds) Organic
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Wormwood . . . . . . . . . . . .see ARTEMISIA


The pharmacological activity of the visionary

brew known as yage is actually a synergistic
interaction between the bark of the Ayahuasca
(Banisteriopsis caapi) vine, which is a potent
MAO inhibitor, and the leaves of the companion plant Chacruna (Psychotria spp.). Both
plants prefer tropical understory conditions,
but will thrive in pots in a shady greenhouse.
Protect from frost.
Ayahuasca . . . . . . . . . . .Banisteriopsis caapi
Family: Malpighiaceae
Tropical liana native to the Amazon basin.
Vigorous climber loves warmth and moist,
fertile ground in the part shade. Does well in
potted culture in the greenhouse.
*$20.00/vine, Organic
Family: Madder (Rubiaceae)
Tropical shrubs to small trees related to
Coffee, native to the Amazon. Bears upright,
cream-colored flowers on a multistemmed
bush with shiny, dark green leaves. Although
they must be protected from frost, the plants
are surprisingly robust in a cool greenhouse,
surviving and making merry, red fruits all
winter long, then basking in the summer sun.
Sow warm. Place seeds flat on sandy medium
and cover with 1/4 inch of soil, keep evenly
moist and in bright light. Germination takes
about 3 months, after which the plants grow
very quickly. Weve compiled some of the
current types. Recently dried seeds:
Chacruna, Campos . . . . . .Psychotria alba
Mother stock originally from the garden of
Don Jose Campos in Peru.
10 seeds/pkt $9.95, Organic
Chacruna, OTJ . . . . . . . .Psychotria viridis
Robust and cold tolerant strain originally
obtained from ... of the jungle.
10 seeds/pkt $9.95, Organic
*$15.00/plant, Organic
Chacruna, Broadleaf . . . .Psychotria viridis
High yielding strain with broad leaves and
large espina, alternate, fleshy appendages on
the backs of the leaves that are sometimes considered to indicate high potency.
10 seeds/pkt $9.95, Organic

More seeds available beyond this list! Check or call (541) 846-6704.


Yopo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Anadenanthera sp
Protect from frost. Tropical hardwood tree.
Source of aboriginal psychoactive snuff.
Feathery leavesMimosa-like tree does well
in pots. Plant prefers part shade to full sun and
well-drained soil. Sow warm, quick germ.
20 seeds/pkt $4.95
$44.25/100 g (~700 seeds)
*$10.00/plant, $27.00/3 plants, Organic


Family: Aster (Asteraceae)

Evergreen perennials giving rise to thick stalks
that robustly hoist the dense, aromatic flowers.
Plant prefers full sun and fast-draining soils.
Sow seed in spring.
Coastal Yarrow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .Achillea millefolium var. litoralis
Native to the coast of Oregon and California.
Hardy to 20 F. This is the largest flowered
Yarrow worldwide, with flattened heads that
can reach to 8 inches. Aromatic to the max.
100 seeds/pkt, $2.95,
$5.95/g (~1,700 seeds), Organic
Official Yarrow . . . . . . .Achillea millefolium
(Mountain Yarrow)
Native to temperate zones worldwide. All
zones. Spreads joyfully. This is the hardy,
white-flowered type. Contains high levels
of the active essential oils. Antiseptic, antiinflammatory, and hemostatic.
200 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$6.95/g (~ 1,700 seeds),
$20.85/10 g (~ 17,000seeds),
$99.25/100 g (~ 170,000seeds) Organic

Yerba del Lobo . . . . . . . .Helenium hoopesii

Native to the mountains of the Pacific
Northwest and hardy to all zones. Makes
dense clumps in moist shade to sun, an easy,
bright yellow florific display. Plant used as a
substitute for Arnica.
100 seeds/pkt $3.95
*$10.00/potted plant, Organic
Yerba Mansa . . . . . .Anemopsis californica
Family: Lizard Tail (Saururaceae)
Creeping herbaceous perennial. Native to the
southwestern US and California. Hardy to
10 F. The succulent, ovate leaves give rise to
beautiful, rose-tinged, white-flowered coneheads. The tincture of dry root is useful against
athletes foot, tinea, influenza, and arthritis.
Creeping plants like moist or sodden soil, hot
sun, and spread by runners. Heat-dependent
100 seeds/pkt $3.95,
$7.95/g (~1,400 seeds)
*$10.00/potted plant, Organic
Zhi-mu . . . . . . .Anemarrhena asphodeloides
Family: Lily (Liliaceae)
Evergreen perennial. Native to China and
Japan. All zones. One of the Chinese herbs
that drains fire, the rhizome is used in treating fevers, cough, and oral ulcers. Cooling and
antiseptic. Flowers are very fragrant, especially at night. Plant prefers moist soils and
dappled shade. Sow in fall for germ in the
spring. Flowers to 18 inches.
30 seeds/pkt $2.95

Yellow Dock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .see Dock

Plants ship April through July. Up to 6 plants marked with * ship prio for $14.90!




Family: Asphodel (Asphodelaceae)
Frost-sensitive perennial succulents with
showy flowers. Sow in spring or summer, in
very fast draining potting soil, in moist, warm
shade. Lay seed on surface, then barely cover
with sand. Grow seedlings close together for
several months before individuating to pots.
Plants prefer frost-free rock garden or a pot on
the windowsill. Aloes do best in ceramic pots.
Cover the hole in the bottom of the pot with a
shard, then fill 1/3 with sand. Then fill the
middle section of the pot with compost. Then
fill up to the brim with sand. Plant the aloe
down into these layers. Do not water for the
first 2 weeks. Then, water once every 3 weeks
or so, more often during the summer, infrequently in winter.
Aloe africana . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Aloe africana
(African Aloe)
<<NEW FOR 2012>>
Protect from frost. Native to the Eastern Cape
of S. Africa, this is one of the handsomest of
Aloes worldwide, the classic, toothed rosette
giving forth oversize, upturned flowers of yellow with excerted stamens of bright orange.
Growing to 6 feet tall in the wild, the plant
thries in containerized culture.
*$15.00/plant, Organic
Aloe arborescens . . . . . . . .Aloe arborescens
(Krantz Aloe)
Hardy to 22 F. Perennial succulent native to
South Africa, growing to 8 feet tall, flowering
coral-red in the fall and winter. Excellent
choice for Coastal California and the South, the
plant is drought tolerant. Krantz is the
Afrikaner word meaning rocky ledge or cliff,
referring to the natural habitat. Like Aloe Vera,
this is a preferred species for production of
Aloe gel. The softly forgiving leaves of the
plant are traditionally taken internally in treating advanced stages of cancer, being antiproliferative, immunostimulatory and antioxidant.
10 seeds/pkt $3.95
*$15.00/plant, Organic
Aloe peglerae . . . . . . . . . . . . .Aloe peglerae
<<NEW FOR 2012>>
Perennial succulent native to the Highveld
grasslands of South Africa, where the rain falls
in summer and the winters are cold and dry.
Plants are small, with distinct, incurved leaves
clustering around the short, red, densely flowered spike. Purple stamens protrude from the
corolla. These are rare and very interesting
winter flowering specimens for potted culture
or rock garden. Keep dry in winter.
10 seeds/pkt $3.95

Cape Aloe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Aloe ferox

(Umhlaba, Bitteraalwyn)
Succulent, single-stemmed perennial native to
South Africa flowers in conspicuous spikes of
and red. The large plant contains copious leaf
mucilage and is the main commercial source of
aloe-emodin. These are easy from seed, trouble-free in culture, and will live for an extended period of time in a pot on the windowsill,
thriving on neglect.
50 seeds/pkt $3.95
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants,Organic
Quiver Tree Aloe . . . . . . . . .Aloe dichotoma
(Krantz Aloe)
<<NEW FOR 2012>>
Rare (CITES listed) tree aloe native to South
Africa. Living for hundreds of years, the elegantly tapered trunk grows to 20 feet tall, giving rise to a candleabra of branches tipped by
aloe rosettes that produce butter colored flowers in winter. Hollow stems for carrying
arrows, roots used for treating asthma and TB.
5 seeds/pkt $3.95
Boophane . . . . . . . . . . . . .Boophane disticha
<<NEW FOR 2012>>
Bulbous plant native to S and E Africa, hardy
to 25 F. The leaves are distinctively fanshaped, arising gracefully from the top and
center of the heavily ridged and scarred bulb
that shoulders up out of the dry soil. The plant
is deciduous, leaves drying back during late
winter and spring, which is also the season
when the flowers appear. These are decorative
and fragrant, very showy, dark pink to red, a
rounded inflorescenceThe herb is potentially
TOXIC but the native Sangoma are known to
administer (orally or by means of the enema)an
extremely dilute tea of the dried bulb scales.
This is used externally as an astringent and
analgesic application to wounds and pustules,
or internally against headaches, abdominal
complaints and general weakness of constitution. Plant prefers full sun and well-drained,
dry to mesic soils. Probably best to keep potted for the first few years, but eventually may
be transplanted to the cactus garden or rockery.
Bowiea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bowiea volubilis
(Igibisila, Gifisila, Umagaqana, Knolklim Op)
Family: Lily (Liliaceae)
Scaled, green, aerial bulb native to the eastern
parts of South Africa. Protect from frost. The
fascinating bulbs give rise to convoluted,
smooth stems that flower in the spring to early
summer. Containing cardiac glycosides, the
plant is used externally in native medicine for
treating headache, ascites, sterility, and bladder
woes. Internal use not advised. Sow warm,
well-drained. Window light is sufficient to
keep these easy plants healthy.
10 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic

Plants ship April through July. Up to 6 plants marked with * ship prio for $14.90!




San Pedro


Family: Cactus (Cactaceae)

Zerophytic, spiny plants prefer full sun,
perfectly draining soils. Protect from frost.
Standard potting soils for Cacti contain 50%
pumice, 25% coarse, sharp sand, and 25%
organic matter. Inoculate with a handful of
soil taken from around other established Cacti.
Sow seed on surface of cactus mix and keep
warm and humid until germ. Many cover pot
with plastic wrap. The soil surface ought to be
very coarse in order to support sprouting seeds
and keep them upright as they elongate and
germinate. Sow in spring.
Bolivian Torch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Trichocereus bridgesii
Perennial Cactus native to Bolivia. This bluegreen skinned columnar Cactus sports
star-shaped clusters of long spines. It is a
traditional sacrament that can easily be grown
in a bright window. Protect from frost.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95
Cactus Grandiflorus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Selenecereus grandiflorus
(Night Blooming Cereus)
We supply beautifully live and vibrant cuttings
of this rare and significant epiphytic Cacti.
These make fast-growing house plants, requiring minimal sun, soil, and water. Flowers
intoxicatingly fragranthuge, white, frilled
usually expressing during full moon in summer. The tincture of the plant is a low-dose
botanical used to tonify the heart muscle,
improve its strength, and regulate the heart
beat. Cultivation directions included.
*$10.00/cutting, $27.00/3 cuttings, Organic

Dragon Fruit . . . . . . . . .Hylocereus undatus

Perennial vining Cactus native to Central
America. Night-blooming and exotically
scented, the flowers can reach more than a foot
long and wide. The fruits are red, edible, and
delicious, reaching up to 5 inches long (illus.
above). Trellis. Protect from frost.
50 seeds/pkt $3.95
*$20.00/potted plant, Organic
Cactus, Giant Saguaro . .Carnegia gigantea
Long-lived, upright, branchingtreelike.
Native to the SW, hardy to 25 F. Waxy, white
4-inch flowers crown this most classic of
Cacti, a source of diverse medicines, edibles
and an inebriating beverage. Spines for tattoo.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95
Peruvian Torch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Trichocereus peruvianus
Blue-green columnar cactus with long spines.
Native to the Andes. Rare and powerful ally
similar to San Pedro. Keep dry in winter!
100 seeds/pkt $2.95
Queen of the Night . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Peniocereus greggii
Native to American SW, the jointed, greygreen stems rise up from a fleshy root that
mandrake-like, takes on the shape of a little
cactus man, with the straight stalk of the cactus
rising up directly from the middle of his head.
The plants snake up through the chaparral, hiding amongst woody vegetation or rocks. The
night-blooming flowers emit one of the most
intoxicating odors that the desert can offer.
Michael Moore considered the herbal preparation made from this plant to be a heart tonic on
the same level as Cactus grandiflorus.
Standard cactus culture.
10 seeds/pkt $3.95
$20.00/potted plant, Organic
San Pedro . . . . . . . . .Trichocereus pachanoi
Dark blue-green, nearly spineless, ribbed, psychoactive, columnar cactus native to Ecuador
and Peru bears 10-inch, night-blooming, white
We strive to give big ones.
Cultivation directions included. May be
grown indoors in a bright window or outside
hardy to 15 F. Keep dry in winter!
30 seeds/pkt $4.95
*$30.00/potted plant, Organic
Hen-and-Chicks Sempervivum tectorum
Family: Stonecrop (Crassulaceae)
Hardy to -20 F. Perennial succulent. Lemony
crisp oral astringent for treating sore throat.
Highly adaptable pathside eye candy. Sow
very tiny seed in spring on surface of soil and
keep moist until germ. Grow out in pots or in
flats and transplant or direct-seed with care.
300 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
*$3.50/bare-rooted rosette, Organic

All our seeds are open-pollinated, untreated, and seed-saver friendly.



Life Plant . . . . . . . . .Bryophyllum pinnatum

(Air Plant, Siempre viva, Mpovupovu Ziwa)
A curious upright succulent in the Stonecrop
family (Crassulaceae) that is a true house
plant, thriving on the windowsill, unphased by
occasional neglect. These are fascinating,
especially when they bear their charming
seedlings on the leaf margin. We collected
mother leaves from the island of Pemba in the
Zanzibar archipelago. Use as a cooling poultice
against beesting, sunburn, or aggravated
*$7.95/plant, $19.50/3 plants, Organic
Orpine, Stone . . . . . . . . . . .Sedum telephium
Family: Stonecrop (Crassulaceae)
Perennial evergreen succulent to 18 inches,
native to Eastern Europe and hardy to -10 F.
With leaves of gray-blue and large flowering
corymbs of yellow, this is one of the most
assertive of the stonecrops. Our seed hails
from the mountains of Russia. Oldtime remedy against warts and sores that will not heal.
Surface sow in spring and keep evenly moist.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95


Family: Milkweed (Asclepiadaceae)

Perennial succulents native to the Kalahari
Desert and hardy to 28 F, but best protected
from cold and damp. Suppresses appetite.
Rare and endangered. Clump-forming, very
cute in a punky sorta way, covered with harmless spikes, flowering in time with multicolored disks. Keep warm and barely moist until
germ. Plants prosper indoors, best placed on a
south-facing windowsill.
Hoodia gordonii . . . . . . . . .Hoodia gordonii
Flowers dark maroon. This is the standard
species used in medicine.
5 seeds/pkt $5.95
*$30.00/potted plant, Organic
Hoodia officinalis . . . . . . .Hoodia officinalis
Flowers brick red with yellow centers. A very
pretty plant which tends to lie nearly prostrate,
barrel shaped, with many ridges capped by
harmless spines, barrel-shaped, a sort of Friar
Tuck to our H. gordonii, which by the same
(gold) token would then be Robin Hood.
10 seeds/pkt $5.95
Jade Plant, Gollum . . .Crassula portulacea
(Horseshoe, Spoon Jade)<NEW FOR 2012>
A fun plant that becomes exquisite with age,
thriving in a pot of fast draining soil on windowsill, greenhouse or summer patio. Protect
from frost and water sparingly in winter.
$10.00/potted plant, Organic
Kanna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Scletium tortuosum
Family: Ice Plant (Aizioaceae)
Perennial creeping succulent native to S. Africa
and hardy to about 20 F but best protected
from frost. Source of the alkaloid mesembrine,
which is a seratonin reuptake inhibitor, an
herbal antidepressant if you will. Scletium
flower delightfully in late winter and early
spring. Standard Cactus culture.
20 seeds/pkt $3.95


(Golden Root)
Family: Stonecrop (Crassulaceae)
Perennial, fleshy succulent. Native to high
northern mountains; circumpolar. The dried
roots are rose-scented and demonstrate adaptogenic properties similar to Eleuthero. Seeds
benefit greatly from 6 weeks cold-conditioning
in refrigerator in moist medium or in flats kept
outdoors in fall or early spring. Press seed into
surface. Snow on flats is good. Germ as soil
warms in spring. Transplant in fall of first year
or in second year. Widely adaptable to various
soil types and drought tolerant once established. Plant prefers northern latitudes, full sun
or part shade, good drainage. When grown in a
good setting, will be ready for harvest after 3
years, and probably better to wait 5.
RHODIOLA SET (1 seed packet each of the
Rhodiolas following.)
$11.90/3 pkts
Price shown is a discount.
Alpine Rhodiola . . . . . . . . . .Rhodiola rosea
Seed originally from a wild accession hailing
from the Austrian and German Alps. Tall form,
reddish flowers.
100 seeds/pkt $4.95
Russian Rhodiola . . . . . . . . .Rhodiola rosea
Seed originally from inside the Russian Arctic
Circle. This is our standard type. Very dependable. Yellow flowered. Mass spec analysis of
plants from this seed shows high levels of
bioactive Rosavins. If you do not indicate preference, this is the one well send.
100 seeds/pkt $4.95
Scandinavian Rhodiola . . . .Rhodiola rosea
Seed originally from Norway. Shorter form.
Yellow flowered.
100 seeds/pkt $4.95

Ordering plants and seeds? OK! Seeds ship right away; plants ship April through July.





Family: Agave (Agavaceae)

Pointy-leaved monocots that produce deeply
textured rosettes of spiny leaves topped by the
large, decorative plumes of creamy flowers.
Excellent landscaping plants for dry and sunny
spots. They rarely need water, and are much
more tolerant of dry cold than wet cold. Source
of steroidal saponins used in treating arthritis.
Sow in spring.
Banana Yucca . . . . . . . . . . . .Yucca baccata
(Broadleaf Yucca)
Native to the American SW. Hardy to
-10 F. Pointy-leaved monocots. The flowers
are fat plumes of goldish white, giving way to
large and succulent fruits. The stem and root
are a source of potent compounds known as
steroidal saponins. High temperatures assist
germ, and bottom heat is helpful. Water sparingly and allow the soil surface to dry before
the next watering.
20 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$11.85/10 g (~500 seeds)
*$15.00/plant, Organic
Century Plant . . . . . . . . .Agave havardiana
(Chisos Agave)
Perennial succulent native to mid elevations of
Texas, New Mexico, and Mexico. Hardy to -5 F.
The plant makes a bold rosette of spiny-tipped,
flat, leathery leaves, giving rise occasionally to
the 12-foot flowering spike garlanded with reddish-yellow flowers. Agave produces a sweet
juice that can be concentrated into a honey-like
sweetener, or fermented to make tequila.
20 seeds/pkt $2.95
Red Yucca . . . . . . . . .Hesperaloe parviflora
(Texas Red Yucca)
Evergreen bunching succulent hardy to -20 F.
The plant produces a fountain of narrow leaves,
gray-green, to 4 feet long, with fibrous margins. Bright red, tubular flowers on multiple
flowering stalks to 6 feet. Widely used as a
landscape plant, this is also a good nectar producer and hummingbird attractor. The leaves
contain a fiber that can be retted and used in
paper production.
20 seeds/pkt $2.95

Soap Lily . . . . .Chlorogalum pomeridianum

(Soap Plant, Soaproot)
Native to Southern Oregon down through
California. Hardy to 15 F. Drought-tolerant
monocot unfurls its lovely blossoms and
exudes its intoxicating fragrance in the
evening and at night. The fresh roots can be
grated and put in a linen bag, lathered up into
a shampoo. Imparts shine and removes dandruff and lice. This soap also used in restoration of old fabrics and old paintings. It leaves
no deleterious residue, yet has a preservative
effect. Give 90 days cold, moist conditioning.
20 seeds/pkt $2.95
Soap Tree Yucca . . . . . . . . . . . . .Yucca elata
Evergreen succulent tree Yucca to 18 feet.
Thrives in the American SW, especially the
Chihuahuan Desert, where it is native. Hardy
to 20 F. The plant produces a bristling globe
of leaves atop the fleshy trunk. Flowers
creamy, bell-shaped, on a long plume. Trunk
and roots source of a fine soap. Hair washed
with Yucca soap is hydrated and protected
from dry wind and sun. Source of saponins
that are used in agriculture, to make water
wetter, for growing large-size plants!
20 seeds/pkt $2.95
Soapweed Yucca . . . . . . . . . . .Yucca glauca
(Narrowleaf Yucca)
Pointy leaved monocot native to the Rocky
Mountain states and hardy to -30F. Drought
tolerant and northern hardy. Traditionally,
poultices are made of the stem to alleviate
inflammations. The tea of the root makes an
exemplary hairwash and is a folk cure for baldness and arthritis.
20 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$11.85/10 g (~500 seeds)
*$15.00/plant, Organic

More seeds available beyond this list! Check or call (541) 846-6704.





Amla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Emblica officinalis

(Emblic Myrobalan, Amalaki)
Family: Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae)
Deciduous tree with delicately feathery-leaved
branches. Native to central and southern India
Hardy to about 30 F. Vitamin C-rich fruits
used for treating asthma, bronchitis, dysentery,
and anemia. Scarify and soak seed overnight.
Sow warm.
20 seeds/pkt $3.95,
$14.85/10 g (~530 seeds)
*$10.00/potted tree, $27.00/3 trees, Organic
Amalaki (Amla) dried powdered fruit
$18.00/lb, Organic
Bamboo, Moso-chiku . .Phyllostachys edulis
Family: Grass (Poaceae)
Running, evergreen Bamboo native to China
and growing to 18 feet tall, hardy to 0 F. This
is probably the most multipurpose of all
Bamboo species. Sow seed just under surface
of flat and tamp well. Keep evenly moist, in
the light, and warm (70 F or so). Germ
begins in 28 days and ongoing.
20 seeds/pkt $3.95
Banana, Golden Lotus . .Musella lasiocarpa
Family: Banana (Musaceae)
Protect from frost. Native to SE Asia. Does
excellently in (large) potted culture, preferring
a warm and sunny exposure and rich soil.
Produces in the second year a golden, crowned
flower that lasts for months and is highly ornamental. Plant used in indigenous culture for
plates, basketry, fodder, and as a hemostatic.
$30.00/potted tree, Organic
Baobab, Mbuyu . . . . . . .Adansonia digitata
Family: Bombax (Bombaceae)
Perennial succulent tree native to Africa.
Protect from frost. Surely one of the most
unusual trees on earth, the Baobab is elephantlike, with a barrel-shaped trunk and humanoid
branches, hanging with elongated, drooping
calabashes. Scarify the large, roundish seeds
until white endosperm is just exposed. Sow
very warm, in sandy soil, and keep in the
bright light. Water sparingly. Volcanic.
10 seeds/pkt $3.95
*$10.00/seedling, Organic

Bayberry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Myrica cerifera

(Wax Myrtle, Candleberry)
Family: Myrtle (Myricaceae)
Perennial evergreen shrub to small tree to 25
feet. Native to the Southern US and hardy to
10 F. The root bark is an oldtime apothecary
item, and the berries produce wax that can be
extracted and used for making candles.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95
Burning Bush . . . . . . .Dictamnus purpureus
Family: Rue (Rutaceae)
Flowers in showy, pyramidal spikes to 3 to 4
feet tall that emit combustible essence into the
humid air of summer evenings. Plant produces
shining, compound, orange-scented leaves.
Seed pods sticky with aromatic resin.
*$15.00/potted shrub, Organic
Bilberry . . . . . . . . . . . . .Vaccinium myrtillus
Family: Heath (Ericaceae)
(Blaeberry, Whortleberry, Fraughan)
Short woody shrub growing in acidic, nutrient
poor and subarctic soils throughout the world.
Bilberries promote night vision, improve vascular health, prevent and treat macular degeneration, and are useful in treating diarrhea,
being antibacterial and astringent. to plant,
soak berries in water overnight, smash them,
and remove the seeds, either manually or by
flotation. Sow in fall or early spring in outdoor
conditions, in pots or flats, and expect germination in the spring. Or, give 90 days refrigeration, then sow in cool, moist shade, in acidic
loam medium. Size up in a shaded place for a
year or two before transplanting to 3 feet apart.
50 seeds in dried berries $4.95, Organic
Dried Bilberries
Excellent for making into jam, syrup, tincture
or glycerite. Berries may be soaked overnight,
then blended into smoothies in AM. Sweet,
tasty and a little goes a long way.
$20.00/100g, Organic
The colour is deep violet blue, the flavour like
that of fresh bilberries, sweet-sour, astringent
and aromatic, and certainly not unpleasant.
-- Rudolph Fritz Weiss, MD



Butchers Broom . . . . . . . .Ruscus aculeatus

Family: Lily (Liliaceae)
Evergreen, dioecious, perennial shrub to 3 feet.
Native to central Europe and the Mediterranean basin and hardy to 20 F. Tough,
erect stems profer glabrous, perfectly globular,
bright red berries, as big as cherry tomatoes.
Root tea is a famous urinary antiseptic. Plant
prefers dappled shade. Sow in fall or spring in
gallon pots, with germ in the ensuing cycles
very slow to germ. The plant is quite rare in
the Westa potential focal point.
10 seeds/pkt $5.95
$30.00/potted shrub, Organic
Calabash Tree . . . . . . . . . . .Crescentia alata
Family: Trumpet Creeper (Bignoniaceae)
Evergreen tree to 30 feet, native to the tropics
of Central and South America. Protect from
frost. Gourds used extensively to make containers, utensils, and especially maracas. Trees
prefer full sun to part shade and moderate to
heavy watering. They will work as a container plant, kept indoors during the winter.
Scarify, soak overnight and sow warm.
10 seeds/pkt $3.95
Caper Bush . . . . . . . . . . . .Capparis spinosa
Family: Caper (Capparaceae)
Evergreen shrub native to Europe and hardy to
about 10F. This plant is the source of the
tight, green buds that are preserved in vinegar
to make the pickled condiment capers.
Germ best with consistent warmth and can
take weeks.
20 seeds/pkt $3.95
Carob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ceratonia siliqua
Family: Pea (Fabaceae)
Handsome, dioecious, spreading tree. Native
to the Mediterranean and the Middle East.
Will withstand frost down to about 20 F.
Scarify. Sow warm and very well-drained.
7 seeds/pkt $3.95
$14.85/10 g (~50 seeds)
Cascara Sagrada . . . . . .Rhamnus purshiana
(Chitum, Chittam, Shit-em, Sacred Bark)
Family: Buckthorn (Rhamnaceae)
Deciduous tree hardy to -30 F. Native to the
Pacific Northwest and the Rockies. Good
small-size landscape hardwood, excellent for
wildlife and tree houses. The cured bark is
one of the most efficient laxatives known.
Tree prefers moist soils, sun to part shade.
$10.00/potted tree, $27.00/3 trees, Organic
Cedar of Lebanon . . . . . . . . . .Cedrus libani
(Lebanon Cedar)
Family:Pine (Pinaceae)
Evergreen tree native to the Mediterranean and
capable of reaching 130 feet, hardy to -10 F.
Bark and wood of this stately icon, through the
ages, has been extensively used in medicine
and construction. Mentioned 75 times in the
Bible. Soak seed overnight and give 30 days
cold, moist refrigeration before planting.
Germ in 30 days. Space trees at least 30 feet
20 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
$10.00/potted tree, $27.00/3 trees, Organic

Cedar, Incense . . . . . .Calocedrus decurrens

(California Incense Cedar)
Family: Cypress (Cupressaceae)
Evergreen tree native to western US, growing
to 120 feet tall in the best of circumstances, but
suitable for smaller landscape or potted tree
applications. Source of soft, aromatic wood
for carpentry, fence posts, and pencils.
Primary source of fronds for smudging and
sweat lodge. Tree prefers a cool, partly shaded exposure.
*$10.00/potted tree, $27.00/3 trees, Organic
Chaparral . . . . . . . . . . . . .Larrea tridentata
Family: Caltrop (Zygophyllaceae)
Evergreen perennial bush native to the SW US
and Mexico. Hardy to 5 F. Antimicrobial,
anticancer, and free radical scavenger. Lowdose botanical. Plant prefers full sun, welldrained and sandy soil. Sow seed in spring or
summer. Germ in 3 to 5 weeks.
50 seeds/pkt $3.95


Family: Verbenaceae
Perennial, deciduous bushes to small trees to
15 feet. Foliage and beautiful lavender flowers exude exotic perfumes. Prefers sunny,
dry exposure. Easy, but a bit spotty. Scarify
lightly and sow in spring in pots. Average
germ time 18 days. Plant 15 feet apart.
Chaste Tree . . . . . . . . . . .Vitex agnus-castus
Native to the Mediterranean. Hardy to
-20 F. Foliage and beautiful lavender flowers
exude exotic perfumes.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$23.00/lb (~37,600 seeds), Organic
Planting or extraction quality.
$10.00/tree, $27.00/3 trees, Organic
Nirgundi . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Vitex negundo
(Huang-ping, Cut-Leaf Chastetree)
Native to China, E. Asia and the Himalayas,
hardy to -5 F. Significant herb in Ayurvedic
and TCMleaves and seeds used in treating
chronic bronchitis, also as an antibacterial,
antitumor, and tonic agent.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic

Trees without a * are too big to ship prio so will ship via UPS.


Cinnamon, True . .Cinnamomum zeylanicum

Family: Laurel (Lauraceae)
Tropical tree native to India and Ceylon.
Protect from frost. Bark is the source of true
Cinnamon spice. Pot to gallons on receipt.
Tree prefers warm, moist shade as a seedling,
but eventually will withstand full sun. Does
fine in pots.
*$20.00/seedling, Organic
Dried Cinnamon Bark (quills, for spice use)
50 g for $4.50
Clove Tree . . . . . . . . . . .Eugenia aromatica
Family: Myrtle (Myrtaceae)
Tropicasl hardwood. Protect from frost. Does
excellently in pots. Repot frequently and keep
very warm and in the bright light. The Clove
has a myriad of uses in culinary arts and medicine. In dentistry, oil of clove is used as an
analgesic that helps ward off infection. We are
pleased to offer this rarity.
*$20.00/seedling, Organic
Dried Cloves (for spice use)
50 g for $4.50
Coleus forskohlii . . . . . . . .Coleus forskohlii
Perennial shrub native to India and E Africa.
Protect from frost. Vigorous woody grower to
10 feet, producing multiple upright racemes of
shockingly blue/purple flowers (check Source of molecule known as
forskolin, the root has profound anabolic
effects on the human organism, used in weight
loss and as a preventive of heart attack.
Originally from Kenya. Pot to gallons on
receipt. Does fine in pots, placed outdoors
during the summer and brought indoors for
*$20/potted plant, Organic


Cramp Bark . . . . . . . . . . .Viburnum opulus

Family: Honeysuckle (Caprifoliaceae)
Perennial deciduous bush. Native to cool,
boggy areas of North America, Europe, and
Asia. All zones. Attractive, heady, white flowers. The tea of bark helps alleviate menstrual
cramps. Prefers full sun, moisture, and tend to
spread out as much as up, so spacing at least 10
feet apart is recommended. Seeds are fresh,
cold stored and should be planted soon after
receipt. Plant 1 inch deep in gallon pots, 5 or so
seeds per pot, and keep in cool moist shade until
germination, which may take as long as 2 vernal cycles. Once sprouted, they grow fast.
Individuate seedlings and work up in gallons
for a year before transplanting to landscape.
20 seeds/pkt $7.95, Organic
$10.00/bush, $27.00/3 bushes
Curry Leaf Tree . . . . . . . .Murraya koenigii
Family: Rue (Rutaceae)
Tropical to subtropical deciduous tree to 18
feet, native to Southern India. Protect from
frost. The pinnate leaves are handsome, as are
the small, white, fragrant flowers that give way
to clusters of black berries. Spiritual offering,
Ayurvedic medicine, and essential ingredient in
Indian cuisine. Keep warm and in the light.
*$10.00/seedling, $27.00/3 seedlings, Organic
Desert Willow . . . . . . . . . .Chilopsis linearis
Family: Trumpet Creeper (Bignoniaceae)
Willowy shrub or small tree, hardy to 20 F.
Native to the deserts of the southwestern US,
Baja, and Mexico. The large, trumpet-shaped
flowers emit heavenly aromas. Sow in spring
and grow out in pots for a year before transplanting. Easy and rewarding germinator.
30 seeds/pkt $2.95
Dragon Tree . . . . . . . . . . . .Dracaena draco
Family: Asparagus (Asparagaceae)
<<NEW FOR 2012>>
Tree-like monocot to 25 feet tall and equally as
broad, hardy to 20 F but best protected from
frost. Native to the Canary Islands, Cape Verde
and Morocco, this other-worldly plant is one of
the main sources for the aromatic garnet-red
resin known as Dragons Blood, an ancient
herbal agent used to treat wounds and a plethora of other ailments including diarrhea, ulcerations and eczema. The flowers are white and
heaily perfumed. Plant prefers fast-draining
soil and full sun to part shade. Sow seeds in
Cactus mix in the greenhouse or under lights.
Scarify by rubbing on sandpaper, bury seed 1/2
to 1 inch deep, tamp well, and keep evenly
moist until germination, which takes 30 to 90
days. Bottom heat is helpful. Work up
seedlings in pots and water weekly during the
summer months and sparingly in the winter.
Keep plants in potted culture or space at least 30
feet apart.
20 seeds/pkt $2.95

Trees and shrubs not marked with an * are too big to ship prio so will ship via UPS.




Family: Honeysuckle (Caprifoliaceae)

Perennial, deciduous, multistemmed bushes to
small trees, native to temperate zones worldwide and hardy to -30 F. Berries are healthily
endowed with antiviral compounds and procyanidinsexcellent for treating the flu or
common cold. Elders prefer moist, rich soil
and grow best as an understory to taller trees.
They can be grown in full sun if root zone is
kept moist. Sow seed in cool, moist, shade in
fall or early spring for germination in the spring
and summer. Soak dried berries overnight,
then smash, float and plant.
Black Elderberry . . . . . . . .Sambucus nigra
Wild form native to Europe. Probably the most
dependable type for making the antiviral medicines. Germinates spring. As for the trees, they
are really rather nice, as we grew them from
seed last year and worked them up in pots to be
big enough to transplant well. Were planting a
row of these on our new farm
50 sds/pkt (in dried berries) $4.95, Organic
$20.00/tree, Organic
Dried Black Elderberries
Perfect for making syrup, tincture or glycerite.
See for fully illustrated
instructions on making elderberry syrup.
$20.00/100g, Organic
Blue Elderberry . . . . . .Sambucus caerulea
Wild form native to Pacific Northwest.
Deliciously edible berries are a favorite of
herbalist and bird alike. Germinates summer.
50 sds/pkt (in dried berries) $4.95
Red Elderberry . . . . . .Sambucus racemosa
Wild form native to Pacific Northwest. Fast
growing shrub for shelterbelt or hedgerow
bears heady clusters of red berries that attract
and feed the birds. Sow anytime in outdoor
conditions to germinate in first or second
50 sds/pkt (in dried berries) $4.95, Organic
Eleuthero . . . . . .Eleutherococcus senticosus
(Ci-wu-jia, Siberian Ginseng)
Family: Ginseng (Araliaceae)
Woody perennial with clusters of blue-black
berries. Native to North Korea, northern China,
and Siberia. Hardy to -40 F, but not very heattolerant. Classic adaptogen. Rare and desirable.
20 fresh seeds/pkt $9.95, Organic
or 150 dried seeds/$9.95, Conventional
Fresh seeds available starting in November
until they sell out. Dried seeds always
available. (Only dried seed available
*$10.00/potted shrub, $27.00/3, Organic
Empress Tree . . . . . . .Paulownia tomentosa
Family: Figwort (Scrophulariaceae)
Deciduous, dioecious tree. Native to central
and western China. Hardy to -15 F. This is
one of the most impressive trees growable from
seed, with huge elephant-ear leaves and commonly growing 15 feet per year. Source of a

fine wood used for making boxes, clogs, musical instruments, and pharmaceutical-grade
charcoal. Coppice to grow poles for farm use.
Poles straight, light weight, excellent for
tripods and trellises.
Reduction of soil salinity; increases soil fertility; boasts one of the highest carbon uptake
rates of all trees, converting pollution into
wood; and releases large amounts of beneficial
oxygen into atmosphere. Prefers sun to part
shade and a moist soil surface. Sow in spring.
Space trees at least 20 feet apart.
200 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$7.95/g (~1,800 seeds), Organic
Gardenia, Common . .Gardenia jasminoides
(Cape Jasmine, Zhi-zi)
Family: Madder (Rubiaceae)
Low-growing evergreen shrub native to China
and Japan and hardy to 30 F. Grown worldwide for its waxy, delightfully fragrant blossoms. Plant prefers part shade to full sun and
moist, rich, slightly acid soil. Sow in spring.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$6.95/g (~270 seeds), $20.85/10 g (~2,700 sds)
Ginkgo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ginkgo biloba
Family: Ginkgo (Ginkgoaceae)
Perennial, deciduous, dioecious tree. Native to
eastern China. Hardy to -40 F. Ginkgo figures strongly in legend and lore of China.
Ginkgo is resilient, adaptable, and cold hardy.
We provide moist, cold-stored seed that may be
further cold-stored, but is best planted soon in
a warm place. Plant 1 inch deep. Germ begins
at 33 days after planting and continues for
weeks. Typical germ is 40%.
20 seeds/pkt $9.95
$10.00/tree Organic
Goji . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lycium barbarum
Family: Nightshade (Solanaceae)
Deciduous woody shrub to 9 feet tall, hardy to
-5 F. Native to Northern China. Goji berries
are delicious fresh, juiced, or (more commonly) dried and used like raisins. They are a yin
tonic. We deliver these in the fruits because
the fruits have a preservative effect on germination. Soak fruits in water overnight, then
remove seeds and sow warm, just beneath the
surface, tamp in, and keep in strong light.
100 seeds in fruits/pkt $3.95, Organic
$9.85/100 g (~800 multi-seeded fruits), Organic
Grape, Sweet Wild . . . . . . . . . .Vitis riparia
Family: Grape (Vitaceae)
(River Bank Grape)
Vining perennial hardy to -40F. Native to the
US. Fruits are very round and about half the
size of a domesticated grape. These are best
harvested in the late season. Excellent eaten
fresh, pressed into a flavorfully strong juice or
wine, or dried into raisins. Plant prefers part
sun and trellis, and of course likes to grow near
rivers and streams. Fresh, pre-stratified seed is
best sown upon receipt in warm shade.
30 fresh seeds/pkt $5.95
Not available internationally.
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants,

More seeds available beyond this list! Check or call (541) 846-6704.



Family: Rose (Rosaceae)

Deciduous thorny bushes to small trees.
Native to Europe. All temperate zones.
Hawthorn berries or the leaf and flower are the
most effective, broadscale, and gentle heart
medicine known to herbalist. Also good for
relieving food stagnation, treating distended
abdomen and gas. Large doses not advised
during pregnancy, but otherwise well-tolerated
and helpful. Sow very hard seeds in the spring,
summer, or fall for germ in the following
spring. May take 2 vernal cycles to germinate.
Use gallon pots and label well.
Plant prefers sun to part shade and moist soil.
English Hawthorn Crataegus laevigata
<<NEW FOR 2012>>
(Syn. Crataegus oxyacantha)
(Midland Hawthorn, Mayflower)
Famously native to the Midlands of Britain,
the tree enjoys a wide distribution throughout
western and central Europe. The flower color
is variable, from pink to red. Fruits are plump
and meaty, each with 2 seeds. Does well as a
yard tree, roadside, or lined up close in a row
and kept trimmed back as a hedge. Heavenly.
10 seeds/pkt $3.95
Chinese Hawthorn Crataegus pinnatifida
(Shan-zha, Mountain Hawthorn)
<<NEW FOR 2012>>
Deciduous tree to 18 feet tall, multistemmed,
thorned or sometimes unarmed, with a wide
native distribution in China. Fruits are larger
than European Hawthornes, being multi-seeded, over 1 inch in diameter. Official to the
Chinese pharmacopoeia.
20 seeds/pkt $3.95
$8.85/10 g (~90 seeds)
Wild Hawthorn
Crataegus monogyna
Tough landrace from the West Coast with
white flowers and large, single-stoned fruits.
This tree does well in the yard or naturalized
along woodlands, pastures, roads or shoreside.
20 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
$10.00/tree, $27.00/3 trees, Organic
Hawthorn Berries, Dried Whole
100 g (3.5 oz) bag $6.00, Organic
Henna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lawsonia inermis
Family: Loosestrife (Lythraceae)
(Mhina, Mehndi, Mignonette, Egyptian Privet)
Tropical evergreen perennial tree to 30 feet,
Protect from frost. Famous dye plant colors
hair and skin. Tree prefers sun to part shade
and dryish soils. Sow the seeds in fast-draining medium. Warmth, even bottom heat, is
recommended, with germ. in 3 to 6 weeks.
50 seeds/pkt $3.95
He-shou-wu . . . . . . .Polygonum multiflorum
(Fo-ti is a misnomer, Ho-shou-wu)
Family: Buckwheat (Polygonacea)
Perennial vine, native to E. Asia, hardy to 5 F.
Beautiful climber giving birth to large, orangebrown, underground tubers (the part used). It
is a longevity herb of great renown.
*10.00/vine, $27.00/3 vines, Organic


Indigo Bush . . . . . . . . . . .Amorpha fruticosa

(False Indigo Bush, Desert False Indigo)
Family: Pea (Fabaceae)
Woody perennial bush, a trouble-free
nitrogen fixer and giver of shade and habitat
for beneficials. Scarify seed and sow in spring.
30 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$6.95/g (~270 seeds),
$20.85/10 g (~2,700 sds), Organic
Jatropha, Biodiesel . . . . . . .Jatropha curcas
Family: Spurge (Euphorbiaceae)
(Barbados Nut, Purging Nut, Green Diesel)
Protect from frost. Tropical woody perennial
shrub to small tree to 20 feet, native to the
American tropics. Large seeds contain up to
40% oil, useful in production of biofuel.
Source of anticancer alkaloid known as jatrophine. Oil used externally for treating rheumatism. Emollient to hemorrhoids. Bark of plant
produces a blue dye. Yield of seeds begins 9
months after planting, and will continue for
years, with maximum production after 2 or 3
years of growth. Plant prefers to grow in open
sun, dry to mesic soils. New seeds just in.
Plant 1 inch deep in Cactus mix and keep barely moist and very warm until germination,
which occurs within 3 weeks. Highly drought
tolerant plants can be grown in desert or tropical wastelands. Protect from frost.
5 seeds/pkt, $3.95
$15.00/tree, Organic
Jequirty . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Abrus precatorius
Family: Pea (Fabaceae)
(Rosary Pea, Cocks Eye, Gunja, Gunchi, Rati,
Mkanga uchawi)
Perenial tropical vine native through the plains
of India, Ceylon, East Africa. The leaves are
heated and used in poulticing. Historically, the
powdered seeds boiled in milk were considered a powerful tonic and aphrodisiac.
Fascinating vine with flowers of purple. New
harvest seed from Zanzibar, very fertile.
Scarify and sow warm. Plant is fine with full
sun and fast-draining soil.
20 seeds/pkt $2.95
Jojoba . . . . . . . . . . . .Simmondsia chinensis
(Goat Nut, Pig Nut, Coffeeberry)
Family: Jojoba (Simmondsiaceae)
<<NEW FOR 2012>>
Perennial, evergreen,dioecious, woody shrub
native to the Sonoran and Mojave deserts,
growing to 6 feet and preferring full sun and
very dry conditions. Can be grown in potted
culture. Protect from frost. Seeds are source
of a liquid wax known as jojoba oil, a.k.a. vegetarian whale oil. Valuable in cosmetics and
medicine. Sow seeds 1 inch deep in welldrained soil and keep barely moist and very
warm until germ in 10 to 20 days. Work up in
pots and transplant out at 5 foot spacing.
10 seeds/pkt, $2.95
*10.00/plant, Organic

Ordering plants and seeds? OK! Seeds ship right away; plants ship April through July.




Family: Cypress (Cupressaceae)

Common Juniper . . . . .Juniperus communis
Evergreen tree. Native to Europe, Asia, and
North America. All zones. Official species.
Juniper makes a good bush or tree for
landscaping and is particularly well-suited for
desert and high altitude gardens. Juniper
berries (cones, actually) are a very effective
urinary antiseptic. Low-dose botanical. Sow
anytime. Multicycle germinator.
50 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Red Cedar Juniper . . .Juniperus virginiana
(Eastern Red Cedar, Pencil Cedar)
Evergreen bush to small tree. Native to eastern
North America. All zones. One of the first
trees to repopulate burned or abused land, this
is a handsome earth healer that produces longlasting, aromatic wood, handshake-friendly
leaves that are burned for offerings, and scads
of berries (cones) that are a secondary source of
urinary antiseptic Juniper berry medicine. Tree
is both drought and cold tolerant and is an
excellent choice for shelterbelts. Sow anytime.
Multicycle germinator.
20 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Ku-shen . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sophora flavescens
Family: Pea (Fabaceae)
Herbaceous perennial or woody shrub to 5 feet,
native to China and Japan, hardy to -30 F. The
dried root of this handsome, nitrogen-fixing
plant is commonly used as one of the Chinese
herbs that clears heat. Scarify, soak overnight
and sow warm. Easy
50 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Linden, Little Leaf . . . . . . . . . .Tilia cordata
(Lime Flower Tea)
Deciduous tree to 70 feet tall with a handsome,
dense, rounded crown and flowers that make
much nectar. Multipurpose beauty on the landscape. The flower bracts, with their honey-like
aroma, may be dried and used to make a sweetly fragrant and relaxing tea. Shade to sun,
good, moist, loamy soil of neutral pH.
$15.00/potted tree
Manzanita . . . . . .Arctostaphylos manzanita
Family: Heath (Ericaceae)
Evergreen shrub to small tree, native to the
western US and hardy to -10 F. Excellent
habitat shrub for small birds, providing
protection and food. Perfect subject for
bonsai. The leaves are highly astringent and
make a good wash for treating poison oak.
Scarify seed vigorously, sow warm and welldrained. Slow to germ, greenhouse or full
spectrum lights recommended.
20 seeds/pkt $3.95

Mimosa . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Albizzia julibrissin

(Silk Tree, Persian)
Family: Pea (Fabaceae)
Native to Asia and especially the Himalayas
and hardy to 0 F. Mimosa is familiar to us
here in the US, an extremely comely tree of
high-class yards, city streets, and country lanes,
with characteristically outstretched branches, a
flat-topped beauty with lacy leaves and arrays
of puffy, pink flowers. The entire tree is used
in medicine. Scarify, soak overnight in hot
water, keep warm to germ.
10 seeds/pkt, $2.95
$9.95/10 g (~210 Seeds)
Neem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Azadirachta indica
(Mwarobaini, the tree that treats 40 diseases)
Family: Mahogany (Meliaceae)
Native to India and growing to 60 feet. Protect
from frost. Flowers fragrant and white. All
parts of the tree are used in herbal medicine.
The fixed oil from the seeds is an effective and
harmless antifungal and insecticide. The bark
is used for treating malaria and making sandals.
The leaves and twigs are an effective dentifrice,
reducing plaque and fighting gum disease. The
leaves are consumed as a bitter tonic. Tree
prefers fast-draining soil and is extremely heat
and drought tolerant. Sow seed as soon as possible after receipt, in very well-drained soil in a
very warm and light location. Water sparingly
and plant up to successively larger pots.
10 seeds/pkt, $9.95
*$20.00/seedling, Organic
Neem leaf, powdered
$25.00/lb, Organic
New Jersey Tea . . . . . . . . . .see RED ROOT
Nirgundi . . . . . . . . . . . .see CHASTE TREE
Orange, Bitter . . . . . . . . .Poncirus trifoliata
Family: Rue (Rutaceae)
Shrub to small tree native to northern Chjina
and hardy to -4 degrees F. Excellent northern
hardy rootstalk for grafting citrus, and producing a well-respected medicinal fruit in its own
right, an aromatic digestie that is laxatie, antispasmodic and stimulating to the circulation.
Plant prefers full sun and well-drained soil.
$20.00/potted tree, Organic
Oregon Grape, Tall . . .Mahonia aquifolium
Family: Barberry (Berberidaceae)
Woody perennial shrubs native to the Pacific
Northwest and hardy to -15 F. The stoloniferous roots are loaded with bright yellow
berberine and the leaves contain unique
flavonoids that enhance the antibacterial activity of the root. Make teas or tinctures of both
root and leaves. Used to gently stimulate the
liver, fight infection and purify questionable
drinking water. Plant does well in full sun or
on forest edge. Seeds are cold stored in moist
medium and are best planted immediately upon
receipt. If sprouted plant root firmed down into
soil, leaves ready to break into the light.
Reaches to 7 feet tall. Space 4 feet apart.
30 seeds/pkt $5.95

Trees and shrubs not marked with an * are too big to ship prio so will ship via UPS.


Osage Orange . . . . . . . . .Maclura pomifera

Family: (Moraceae)
(Bow Wood, Hedgeapple)
Deciduous, dioecious tree to 60 feet tall,
native to south-central US. The brainlike,
bright yellow-green fruit of this thorny tree has
a long history of repelling spiders and other
insects. Avoid getting white sap in eyes. Wood
extremely flexible and durable for bow making
and fenceposts. Hedgerow maker and wildlife
protector. Tree withstands a wide range of soil
types and rainfall. Sow in fall or early spring
for germ in the spring. Grow out in containers
for a year before transplanting to landscape.
30 seeds/pkt $2.95
$14.85/10 g (~360 seeds)
Pagoda Tree . . . . . . . . . . .Sophora japonica
Family: Pea (Fabaceae)
(Scholar Tree, Huai-mi)
Deciduous tree to 60 feet tall, native to the dry
plains of Western China and hardy to
-15 F. Weeping form with lustrous, pinnate
leaves that cast only a light shade. Long clusters of fragrant, creamy blossoms. In TCM,
one of the herbs that helps regulate the blood.
Sow in fall or spring. Nick, drop in very hot
water, and soak overnight before planting.
30 seeds/pkt $2.95
Palm, Desert Fan . . . . .Washingtonia filifera
Family: Palm (Arecaceae)
Perennial evergreen palm native to the deserts
of Southern California, Arizona, and Mexico,
hardy to 20 F, colder if kept dry. Growing in
the full sun and alkaline soil of the proverbial
desert oasis, the Fan Palm gives freely of its
copious shade and date-like fruits.
$20.00/tree, Organic
Pau dArco . . . . . . . .Tabebuia impetiginosa
(Para Todo, Lapacho)
Family: Trumpet Creeper (Bignoniaceae)
Tropical tree native to South America. Protect
from frost. Increasingly rare. The flowers are
an exotic, bright pink. The inner bark,
occurring in thin flakes, is made into a tea,
decoction, or tincture, used for blood purification and as a folk anticancer agent. Rewarding.
Excellent in potted culture. Sow in pots in
warm, well-drained soil with germ in 1 to 3
10 seeds/pkt, $5.95
$14.95/10 g (~150 seeds)
$74.85/100 g (1,500 seeds)
*$10.00/seedling, Organic
Pawpaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Asimina triloba
Family: Custard Apple (Annonaceae)
Perennial deciduous tree, hardy to -20 F.
Native to central and southern US. America's
largest edible fruit, the banana-like Pawpaw
looks like an escape from the tropical rainforest. The Pawpaw fruit, tasting like banana
custard, is a sedative and laxative medicine.
Tree prefers rich, well-drained, slightly acid
soil and shade. Cold-stored seed. Sow in fall
or spring. Grows 10 to 25 feet tall.
10 seeds/pkt $5.95


Peacock Flower, Red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Caesalpinia pulcherrima
Family: Pea (Fabaceae)
(Poinciana, Peacock Flower, Maua ya Bustani,
Red Bird of Paradise, Mexican Bird of
Paradise, Pride of Barbados, Flamboyan de
jardin, Ratnagundhi, Ayoowiri)
Woody shrub to 6 feet, hardy to 15 F.
National flower of Barbados. The bush is
ever-blooming in sunny, dry places and
extremely attractive. In the Amazon, the juice
of the leaves is used as a febrifuge, the juice
from the flowers is used externally against
open lesions, and the seeds are used for
treating upper respiratory problems. The root
is considered abortifacient, so clearly not to be
used during pregnancy.
Scarify, soak
overnight, and sow warm.
10 seeds/pkt $2.95


Family: Ebony (Ebenaceae)

Prefers sun to part shade, good garden soil, and
water. Seeds are cold-conditioned and delivered in moist medium (a big plus over dried
seed). Germ within 6 months of planting.
Work up seedlings in successively larger pots.
American Wild Persimmon . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diospyros virginiana
Deciduous tree to 50 feet, hardy to -25 F.
Native to N. America (eastern and gulf coasts,
midwest). Smooth bark and comely form.
Astringent tea of inner bark a folk remedy for
sore throat, thrush, and to tonify digestive
tract. Hemostatic. Fruits plumlike, extremely
tannic but reasonably edible after first frost.
10 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
Lotus Persimmon . . . . . . . .Diospyros lotus
Deciduous, dioecious tree to 50 feet, hardy to 20 F. Native to China. Fruit deliciously edible. Seed used in TCM as a sedative.
10 seeds/pkt $3.95
*$10.00/tree, Organic


Family: Buckthorn (Rhamnaceae)

Perennial woody shrubs native to the US and
Canada. Hardy to -20 F. Extremely tough,
drought tolerant, and cold-hardy. Permaculture
nitrogen-fixer and highly respected astringent
and lymphatic. Full sun to light shade. Dryish
and/or depleted soils OK. Scarify seed and
sow in fall or early spring.
New Jersey Tea . . . . .Ceanothus americanus
Native to the Eastern US. Showy, lilac-like
flowers of white. This is the official species.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95
Snowbrush Ceanothus Ceanothus velutinus
Native to the mountains of the Western US.
Leathery leaves glisten with resin.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95,
$8.85/10 g (~2,500 seeds)

All our seeds are open-pollinated, untreated, and seed-saver friendly.


Rose, Rugosa . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rosa rugosa

Family: Rose (Rosaceae)
Tough, upright, thorny bushes useful in shelterbelts and hedges. Plant thrives in almost all
soil types including heavy clay. Hardy to -30 F.
The Rugosa Rose bears many small, sweetly
aromatic, deep pink blossoms that give way to
hefty hips. Wait until after the first frost to
harvest. Fleshy skin is high in pectin and vitamin C. Prune back in fall.
$7.95/bush, $19.50/3 bushes
Sea Buckthorn . . . . .Hippophae rhamnoides
Family: Oleaster (Eleagnaceae)
Dioecious, spiny shrub to small tree. Native to
temperate Europe and Asia. All zones.
Excellent in the shelterbelt. Bears handsome,
silvery leaves, and yields copious quantities of
bright orange fruits that remain long among
the thorns. The fruit juice is loaded with vitamins, amino acids, and antioxidants. Oil of
seeds is an unparalleled sunblock. Plant
prefers full sun. Scarify and sow in the spring
in pots in greenhouse. Space 10 or more feet
apart. Grows 30 feet tall.
20 seeds/pkt $3.95,
$11.85/10 g (~900 seeds),
$59.25/100 g (~9,000 seeds),
$10.00/tree, $27.00/3 trees
Spice Bush . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lindera benzoin
Family: Laurel (Lauraceae)
Perennial deciduous bush to 12 feet. Native to
Appalachia. Hardy to -30 F. Shrub bears
glossy green leaves and waxy, spicy-smelling
berries. The bark and small twigs make an
aromatic tea used for colds. Plant prefers part
shade and moist, rich, loamy soils. Stratified
seed. Sow warm, immediately on receipt.
$10.00/tree, Organic
Sumac, Smooth . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rhus glabra
Family: Cashew (Anacardiaceae)
Small deciduous tree to 15 feet. All zones.
Throughout North America, the several
species of Sumac decorate field, roadside and
yard with their deep-red fall colors and erect,
cone-like clusters of fruit. The fruit is covered
with a fuzzy layer of malic and ascorbic acid,
very high in vitamin C. Scarify and sow fall or
early spring. Ingredient in Zaatar.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
Sweetsop . . . . . . . . . . . . .Annona squamosa
(Custard Apple, Sugar Apple)
Family: Custard Apple (Annonaceae)
<<NEW FOR 2012>>
Perennial tropical tree, growing 20 feet tall,
native to South America. Does well in potted
culture. Protect from frost. Popular fruit with
excellent dessert qualitiesone can literally
bathe ones face in one, if one had one. Sow
seeds in warm soil and keep barely moist and
very warm until germination, which requires 3
to 6 weeks. Individuate to pots.
7 seeds/pkt $2.95
$9.85/10 g (~40 seeds)


Tamarind . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tamarindus indica

<<NEW FOR 2012>>
Family: Pea (Fabaceae)
Protect from frost. Stately tropical hardwood
native to Sudan. Bears sticky pods, sweet and
sour, a stomachic, culinary and beverage ingredient. The pulp of the pods is high in tartaric
acid and pectin, as good source of niacin,
calcium, phosphorus, iron, thiamin, and
riboflavin. The tamarind pod is a highly significant food in the Aftrican continent. Tree
prefers full sun and dry to mesic soils.
Although it grows to a lstately size in nature, it
can do nicely in pots. Seeds are quite large.
Scarify and sow warm, well-drained. Easy
7 seeds/pkt $3.95
$10.00/seedling, Organic


Family: Tea (Theaceae)

Perennial evergreen shrubs to small trees with
shiny leaves and waxy flowers. Plants prefer
partial shade and protection from drying
winds; moist, acid soil (pH 4.5 to 5.5). Shortlived seeds must be planted soon after receipt.
Crack, soak overnight, then plant 1 inch deep.
Use greenhouse or grow lightsbottom heat is
relished. Germ within 3 months at 75 F.
The new seed is expected to arrive February,
and is good until July or so. Orders received
outside these months will be backordered.
Chinese Tea . . . . . . . . . . . .Camellia sinensis
Perennial evergreen shrub with shiny leaves
and nodding, cup shaped, waxy flowers that
occur in winter. Native to China and hardy to
20 F. The young leaves are the source of
catechin-rich Green Tea and the fermented
leaves become Black Tea.
20 seeds/pkt $9.95
*$10.00/seedling, Organic
Tea Oil Camellia . . . . . . . .Camellia oleifera
Small evergreen tree to 20 feet tall. Native to
China and hardy to 0 F. Sturdy and picturesque pathside grower. Leaves shiny and evergreen, with white, fragrant flowers in late
winter. The seeds produce an edible oil similar to Olive oil. Given that the tree is more
hardy than Olive, and the oil it produces is
very similar to Olive oil, this is a worthy tree!
10 seeds/pkt $9.95

More seeds available beyond this list! Check or call (541) 846-6704.


Tea Tree, Australian .Melaleuca alternifolia

Family: Myrtle (Myrtaceae)
Native to Australia. Spongy-white trunk,
gently aromatic foliage and flowers like white
gossamar. Plantation gradesource of the
popular germicidal essential oil. Hardy to 20 F.
Prefers full sun and ever-moist soil. Sow in
spring or summer. Sprinkle tiny seed on top of
very light potting soil and press in. Keep
warm, moist and in the light until germ.
100 seeds/pkt $3.95
Tomato, Tree . . . . . . .Cyphomandra betacea
(Tamarillo, Tomate de Arbol)
Family: Nightrshade (Solanacea)
<<NEW FOR 2012>>
Protect from frost, although a quick freeze will
not kill the tree. . Subtropical evergreen shrub
to small tree, native to the Andes, that bears
red, pendulous fruits that taste like a blend
between kiwi and tomato. Sow warm, germ in
30 to 90 days.
10 seeds/pkt $2.95, Organic
$15.00/tree, Organic
Uva Ursi . . . . . . . . .Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
(Bearberry, Kinnickinick)
Family: Heath (Ericaceae)
Spreading perennial evergreen ground cover.
Circumpolar. All temperate zones. The herb
covers entire hillsides and has been adopted by
landscapers for use in the city as a droughttolerant, glossy-leaved ground cover.
Smokeable. Tea or tincture treats mild urinary
infections. Plant prefers acid soils, full sun.
Scarify vigorously. Fire-dependent germinator or multicycle-germinator. Sow in fall,
spring, or summer. Space plants 1 foot apart.
30 seeds/pkt $2.95
*$7.95/potted plant, $19.50/3 plants
Willow, Weeping . . . . . . . .Salix babylonica
Family: Willow (Salicaceae)
Deciduous, fountaining tree native to China,
hardy to -20 F and growing to 50 feet tall.
Growing tips make a safe and organic homemade rooting hormone. The bark contains antiinflammatory salicylic acid. Branches used in
basketry and for swings.
$10.00/tree, Organic
Wintergreen . . . . . . .Gaultheria procumbens
(Creeping Wintergreen, Teaberry, Canada Tea
Family: Heath (Ericaceae))
<<NEW FOR 2012>>
Glossy leaved evergreen groundcover to 6
inches, with drooping, waxy, white flowers
that give way to large red berries that persist.
Hardy to -30 F., flamboyantly producing reddish foliage after frost. Source of essential oil
methyl salicilate, much employed as a flavoring agent. The tea is a well-known tonic beverage, used for treating headache, rhuematism,
skin diseases and tooth decay. Plant prefers
part to full shade and moist, sandy or peat soils
that are rich in forest-derived organic matter
and low in pH. Space plants 2 feet apart and
mulchwill crawl and cover interstices.
$10.00/plant, $27.00/3 plants



Family: Pea (Fabaceae)

Long-lived, deciduous, woody, nitrogen-fixing,
clockwise climbing vines to 60 feet, native to
E. Asia and hardy to -30 F. Valued for their
shade and aromatic flowers. Excellent in large
pots and half-barrels, climbing porch or pergola. Scarify and soak seed overnight and sow
warm. Do not eat the seeds, they are TOXIC.
Seeds germinate quickly. Grow in pots for a
year or 2 before transplanting out. Roots relish
constriction. Provide trellis.
Chinese Blue Wisteria . . . .Wisteria sinensis
Densely flowering species that can be trained to
be self-supportive, with a gnarled trunk, fountaining foliage, and enticingly fragrant flowers.
10 seeds/pkt $2.95
Japanese Wisteria . . . . .Wisteria floribunda
Spectacular flowers grow in long racemes,
showy and fragrant.
10 seeds/pkt $2.95
*$10.00/vine, Organic
Witch Hazel . . . . . . . .Hamamelis virginiana
Family: Witch Hazel (Hamamelidaceae)
Perennial shrub or small tree to 15 feet. Native
to the Missouri Ozarks. Hardy to -20 F. The
leaves make an astringent and hemostatic wash
for wounds and varicosities. Tree prefers sandy
or rocky soil, partial shade to full sun. Sow fall
to early spring.
20 seeds/pkt $3.95, Organic
$10.00/tree, $27.00/3 trees
Yerba Santa . . . . . .Eriodictyon californicum
Family: Waterleaf (Hydrophyllaceae)
<<NEW FOR 2012>>
Erect, branching, evergreen shrub flowering to
6 feet tall, native to California and Southern
Oregon. The long, lance-shaped leaves of this
drought tolerant sun lover are coated with
sticky, shiny, aromatic resin. The seed is small
and light, and is best mixed with sand to stretch
it, strewn on mildly acidic, moderately rich,
disturbed soil of garden bed, flats or pots in the
fall to early spring and pressed in hard, then
kept evenly moist and in the light. Fire treating
improves germ, which is in the spring.
100 seeds/pkt $2.95
Ylang Ylang . . . . . . . . . . .Cananga odorata
Family: Custard Apple (Annonaceae)
Tropical tree to 70 feet, native to IndoMalaysia. Protect from frost. The drooping
branches produce flowers and leaves that bear
an amazing perfume, considered to be the sexiest of all aromas. Potted culture in the greenhouse is fine. Lightly scarify seeds and plant in
fast-draining mix, warm and in the light.
10 seeds/pkt $4.95




You may order by mail, phone, fax, or online:



WILLIAMS, OR 97544-0069
phone: (541) 846-6704
fax: (541) 846-6233
For online ordering visit our website at
e-mail for customer service:
Business Hours: 7:00 am 5:00 pm, Monday Friday (Pacific time)
Payment Methods:
Phone, Fax, or Online orders: Credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Am. Express).
Mail Orders: Check or money order or give us your credit card number.
We do not give out your name and information to anyone.
(This includes your phone number, physical address, and your e-mail address.)
Your phone number is written on UPS packages to help assure delivery, is needed
for credit card orders, and gives us a chance to call you if we have any questions
about your order.
Your e-mail address gives us a way to contact you if we have any questions
about your order. Also we are sending out an e-mail newsletter about 5 times a year.
Backorder Policy for Seeds:
Many seeds are viable for a short period only and are best delivered in season.
If these seeds are ordered out of season, they will be backordered and delivered
from the new crop.
Credit cards will not be billed until the seeds are actually sent and no additional
shipping will be charged.
For best results, sow these seeds immediately upon receipt.
Our SPRING/SUMMER PLANTS shipping season is April through July.
Please enter the Plants shipping charge on your order form
If you are ordering seeds and plants, we will send your seeds right away and then
send your plants as soon as they are ready. (If you are ordering seeds and plants,
2 shipping charges need to be filled in (one for seeds and the other for plants).
Ordering early helps assure availability. Supply of any given species subject to the
success of our crops and weather conditions. Some slow-developing plants may not
be available until early June. If you have a specific delivery date in mind, tell us!
Prepayment is necessary to reserve your plants/roots. Send check, money order,
or credit card number. (Credit card will be charged when we ship your order.)
Please contact us if you have any questions, including shipping quotes.
We aim to please!
Shipping charts are on the next 2 pages, order form following.




Please figure your shipping and handling charges
according to these basic charts. If your order doesnt
fit these charts (too heavy or too high of dollar
amount) you may give us a call at (541) 846-6704
for a shipping quote. Or, easier yet, if you are paying
by credit card, simply check the figure my shipping
for me box on the order form and well assess the
appropriate shipping and handling fees for you.
Seeds Packets
Up to $15: ... + $2.90
$15.01$30: ...+ $4.20
$30.01$45: ...+ $5.50
$45.01$60: ...+ $6.80
$60.01$90: ...+ $9.40
$90.01$120: +$12.00
$120.01$150: $14.60
$150.01$180: $17.20
$180.01+: ...... $19.90

Bulk Seeds or
30 g: ...+ $2.90
50 g: ...+ $4.20
100 g: ...+$5.50
200 g: ...+$6.80
300 g + $7.90
1 lb: ... + $9.90
23 lbs: $14.90
45 lbs: $17.90
5 lbs+: Actual

Books ONLY:
Can go Media Mail
Slower (~2 weeks),
but thriftier (1/2 cost):
Up to $30: .....+ $5.95
$30.01$60: ...+ $7.45
$60.01$90: ...+ $8.95
$90.01$120: +$10.45
$120.01$150: $11.95
$150.01$180: $13.45
$180.01+: Actual Ship

Things or Books with

anything else
Up to $9.00:
$9.01$15: ...+ $9.90
$15.00$30: + $11.90
$30.01$60: + $14.90
$60.01$90: + $17.90
$90.01$120: +$20.90
$120.01$150: $23.90
$150.01$180: $26.90
$180.01+: Actual Ship

Extracts shipping US ONLY (not able to ship extracts internationally):

1 to 2 1-oz. bottles or 1 4-oz. bottle: $7.90; 3 to 4 1-oz. bottles or 2 4-oz. bottles: $11.90
Orders under $120: $14.90; Orders of $120.01$180: $19.90; Over $180: Actual shipping.
Seed-Cleaning Screens and Tincture Press shipping:
Actual shipping; Please call (541) 846-6704 or e-mail
SHIPPING TO CANADA via Air Mail (Please specify "Payable in US dollars."):
Seed Packets ONLY:
Up to $15: + (add) $3.90
$15.01 to $30: ...... + $6.30
$30.01 to $45: ...... + $8.25
$45.01 to $60: .... + $10.20
$60.01 to $90: .... + $14.10
$90.01 to $120: + $18.00
$120.01 to $150: + $21.90
$150.01 to $180: + $25.80
Over $180: ........... + $29.85

Bulk Seeds or Herbs

30 g ..................add $3.90
50 g .................add $6.35
100 g ...............add $8.25
200 g ..............add $10.20
300 g ..............add $11.85
1 lb:................add $14.85
2 lbs to 3 lbs: add $22.35
4 lbs to 5 lbs: add $26.85
5+ lbs: Actual Shipping

Things and/or Books :

Up to $9.00: ...... + $11.85
$9.01 to $15: ..... + $14.85
$15.01 to $30: ... + $17.85
$30.01 to $60: ... + $22.35
$60.01 to $90: ... + $26.85
$90.01 to $120: + $31.35
$120.01 to $150: + $35.85
$150.01 to $180: + $39.85
Over $180: Actual Shipping

SHIPPING INTERNATIONALLY via Air Mail (Please specify "Payable in US dollars."):

Things and/or Books:
Bulk Seeds or Herbs
Seed Packets ONLY:
Up to $8.99: ....... + $15.80
30 g .................add $5.80
Up to $15.00: + (add) $5.80
$9.00 to $15: ...... + $19.80
50 g .................add $8.40
$15.01 to $30.00: . .+ $8.40
$15.01 to $30.00: + $23.80
100 g ..............add $11.00
$30.01 to $45.00: + $11.00
$30.01 to $60.00: + $29.80
200 g ..............add $13.60
$45.01 to $60.00: + $13.60
$60.01 to $90.00: + $35.40
300 g ..............add $15.80
$60.01 to $90.00: + $18.80
$90.01 - $120.00: + $41.80
1 lb:................add $19.80
$90.01 to $120.00: + $24.00
$120.01 - $150.00: +$47.80
2 lbs to 3 lbs: add $29.80
$120.01 - $150.00: + $29.20
$150.01 - $180.00: +$53.80
4 lbs to 5 lbs: add $35.80
$150.01 - $180.00: + $34.40
Over $180: Actual shipping
5+ lbs: Actual shipping
Over $180.00: ...... + $39.80
1 Lightweight Thing: Special shipping charge for only 1 of any of the following items:
Tulasi Devi book, Therapeutic Herb Manual, Neem Oil bathsoap bar, Sweetgrass Braid,
Bio-Tags (100 count), Replacement Hose or Filter Bag for Horizon Herbs Tincture Press.
Within the US $4.50; CANADA: $6.75; INTERNATIONALLY: $9.00.




We are working very hard to maximize your shipping dollars by customizing
your plants shipping to the size of the plants! We are plant advocates and
make sure there is enough soil in the pot to nurture healthy roots!
Please note your least expensive shipping optionup to 6 * (starred) plants will
fly anywhere in the US via Priority Mail for only $14.90!
We aim to ship plants on Monday or Tuesday to arrive by Friday.
Plants shipping season April through July.
Plants/Trees shipped via Priority Mail (US ONLY):
Up to 6 Plants/Trees* (size *).................+ (add) $14.90 (standard flat rate box)
Up to 8 Plants/Trees* (size *)...........................+ $19.90 (large flat rate box)
Up to means up to and including.
For plants that are too large to fit in a flat rate Priority Mail
box, we charge actual shipping via UPS Ground to Middle and
Neighboring States and UPS 3-Day to Eastern States.
Use the charts below to figure your shipping charge. If your plant order goes off
the charts, either because the chart doesnt extend to your large order amount or
because the plants you ordered are too heavy or too large, then we will phone or
e-mail you to let you know what shipping charge to expect. Sturdy packaging and
fast shipping are a good investment in great plants!
Basic Shipping for Plants/Trees shipped UPS within the continental US.
Eastern States via 3-Day:
$15 & under: + (add) $29.90
$15.01 to $30: .... + $41.60
$30.01 to $45: .... + $48.40
$45.01 to $60: .... + $55.00
$60.01 to $75: .....+ $62.40
$75.01 to $90: .... + $69.35
$90.01 to $105: + $80.50
$105.01 to $120: + $90.20
$120.01 to $135: + $99.10
$135.01 to $150: + $108.70
$150.01 to $165: + $117.90
$165.01 to $180: + $127.30
(Larger orders actual shipping.)

Middle StatesGround
$15.00 & under: + $19.90
$15.01 - $30:.... + $27.70
$30.01 - $60: ... + $31.10
$60.01 - $90: ... + $39.30
$90.01 - $120: + $47.15
$120.01 - $150: + $54.35
$150.01 - $180: + $61.30
$180.01 - $210: + $68.15
$210.01 - $240: + $75.20
$240.01 - $270: + $84.40
$270.01 - $300: + $91.40
(Larger orders actual.)

$15.00 & under: + $14.90
$15.01 - $30:.... + $19.55
$30.01 - $60: ... + $23.05
$60.01 - $90: ... + $29.65
$90.01 - $120: + $39.30
$120.01 - $150: + $45.70
$150.01 - $180: + $53.15
$180.01 - $210: + $60.10
$210.01 - $240: + $69.15
$240.01 - $270: + $76.35
$270.01 - $300: + $83.25
(Larger orders actual.)

Hawaii and Alaska larger orders of Plants/Trees are shipped Priority Mail for
the same charges as Eastern States, above. (We do not ship roots/plants internationally.)

Basic Shipping Comfrey/Valerian/Celandine/Petasites roots (US ONLY)

1 to 6 Roots, please add $9.90; 7 to 20 Roots, add $14.90; 21 to 60 Roots, add $19.90;
61 or more RootsActual Shipping.

Basic Shipping for Wild Yam Tubers use Orders with Seed Packets ONLY
on previous page. (US ONLY, No international sales on Wild Yam Tubers, Sorry.)



Postal Address:
Name ________________________________________
Business Name ________________________________
Address ______________________________________
City _________________________________________
State _____________________ Zip ____________________


UPS Address: Needed for continental US orders.
Name _________________________________________________
Business Name _________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________
City __________________________________________________
State _________________________ Zip _____________________
___check/MO ___Visa ___Discover ___MC ___Am. Express

credit card number

name on card (please print)

expiration date, security code



Please write in all applicable shipping

charges (see lines to right), then add it all
up, enter the TOTAL, and pay that amount.
phone: (541) 846-6704
fax: (541) 846-6233

Unit Price

Total Reverse Side

Shipping Seed Packets ONLY
Shipping Bulk Seeds/Herbs
Shipping Plants
Shipping Otherenter here or
check box below if applicable.
Please figure my shipping
for me. (More information
on top of page 85.)






Item Description

Unit Price Amount

Send a Catalog to a Friend!

Enter on front side

Filling out the space below means well send a free copy
of our catalog to your friend. (This does not put your
friends name on anyones mailing listincluding ours.)
State _____________________ Zip _________________

A United Plant Savers Conference
in Williams, Oregon

Saturday, May 26, 2012

A gathering in the midst of Herb Pharms spectacular gardens, this is a rare
opportunity for us all to get together and do what we like best--Hands-on
planting, identification and cultivation of herbs, cacti, show and tell,
milling around the gardens, circling up, networking, and having fun!
Amanda McQuade, Kevin Spelman, Ed Smith, Richo Cech, Jane Bothwell,
Tim Blakely, Cascade Anderson Geller, Kathi Keville, Mark Wheeler, Autumn
Summers, Mark Disharoon, Holly Crosson, Greg Tilford.
Conference Topics Include: Come-free all about Comfrey (Richos talk),
Aromatherapy, Herbs for Anmals, Ecological Water-Garden Design,
Plant ID Walks.
Call (802-476-6467) or visit

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Join us for a day full of herbal wisdom and lore to celebrate the first season
of the Memphis Herb Garden. Richo Cech, Steven Foster, Susan Bellsinger
will lead tours, talks, culinary demos, and hands-on workshops.
Call 901-636-4128 or g o to

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