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Part 1
General Information about each company
If you heard about The smallest price in Romania that means you know about Altex. Altex is the leader
on the IT&C, multimedia, electronics and household appliances market in Romania, for over 20 years
now. But not only te price makes the difference: in the same time, they offer a big variety of innovative
products, in addition with optimum financing solutions and adaptation to your own needs.
In what concerns Altexs strategy towards consumers, we can take a look on their mission. What can we
see there, is the fact that they (when Im reffering to they, I mean Altex) offer accessible products and
services at the highest quality standards. Another thing they state in the mission is that they have the
couraje and availability to positively influence the future and they dedicate themselves to their clients in
order for them to have complete shoppig experience, not only in their stores, but online too.

DOMO's vision is to be present each and every home in Romania with any kind of electrical, electronical
or IT&C products comercialized, with the aim to help and inspire people in their daily domestic life.
DOMO is the most dynamic retailer of household appliances and IT&C from Romania, a market leader,
with a large portfolio of national and international brands.
In 1994, the company was established as importer and distributor of some well-known international brands (Zanussi,
Bosh, Electrolux, and Siemens).

DOMOs portfolio includes over 8000 products belonging to the most important international brands.
More than that, Domo develops its own brands like Expert Digital, Westwood and Technolux, offering to
its consumers affordable ranges and products, which satisfies in the same time the quality demandings.
The current Romanian Domo retail network includes 90 stores with a total area of more than 81.000
square meters, in 76 grand cities of the country and has over 1000 employes.The 10th Bucharest shop
will be opened in Vulcan Value Centre on 4th of September 2014. The logistic service is insured by KLG
from 3 main regional warehouses in Bucharest, Cluj, Targu Secuiesc and other 5 warehouses of transit.

Flanco is the second retail leader on the electronics and IT&C market in Romania, along with eMAG and
Network One Distribution. Flanco Retail SA owns 80 stores in the whole country and a team of 900
employees, which serve 1.3 million clients annualy.
The company was established in 1990 by the businessman Florin Andronescu, which start the activity
with import-export.
In 2012, Iulian Stanciu becomes the only owner of Flanco, and Violeta Luca becomes the CEO.

Part 2
Analysis on the selling process stage
Before going in details about each step, I note that I collected the information by going as a possible

The opening
In what concerns the opening, there isnt much of a difference between sellers. When I approached the
seller, I didnt see the professionalism I was expecting. The seller never introduced himself, or say why is
he there. He just asked me directly what am I looking for, which is not actually that bad, because he
goes straight to the point, which is the clients needs, but still, an introduction would help more in what
concern the clients approachability. And this I observed at all the sellers, nothing different here.
What I did noticed different is the body language. For example, at Flanco, the seller approached me with
a very bored and tired face. He was talking as if the only thing he waits for is to go home, thing that
doesnt leave such a good impression.
On the other hand, when I went to Altex, the seller was smilling, and talking very openly, and the same
for Domo. This creates a little bit more confidence towards the seller, showing that he does actually
enjoy working there, thus showing something about how good the company is.

Need and problem identification

As I was saying earlier, all the sellers skipped the intro part, and went straight to the needs. What makes
the sellers differ from one-another, is the key points they stress. For example, the seller from Altex,
when I told him that I want a desktop, he asked me what I want to use it for: gaming? office work?
web/graphic design?, whereas the seller from Flanco asked me more technical questions: if I want a
strong processor, or a big screen, which doesnt actually help me that much, because maybe Im dont
actually now what to say about the components. Its easier to match the need (ex: I need a computer for
huge games, or I need just to send some emails, make some skype calls, etc.) with the product, rather
than asking the consumer what should the product include.

Dealing with objections

To see how they react to objections, after they already told me a lot about a product, I told them that I
dont quite feel that this computer is for me, because it is too expensive for me, or I dont like how it
looks. In the Altexs seller case, he replied me with a question: So, what are your budget restraints and
would you like me to show some other cases for this computer?, and after that he tried to find me a
more price suitable and better looking computer.
The seller from Flanco, when I told him my objections, he seemed more down than in the beginning. He
asked me about how much am I willing to spend on a computer, and just showed me what he had on
the shelves that fitted my price.
In the case of Domo, the seller seemed pretty much relaxed and confident through the whole time I was
telling him what I dont like and what I want. He listened to me and after that showed me a few
computers and even told me that they will receive some new ones in a few days, so if I dont find
anything now, I can come then to try again.

There isnt much of a negotiation here, because you cannot bargain with the seller about the price. All
that the sellers did was to tell me what discounts they have.

Closing the sale

Since I was there just as a fake client, the closing wasnt actually ended with the real sale of the
computer, but I can say something about if I wouldve or wouldve not bought the product from them.
The seller from Altex closed the selling very nicely, saying that he waits for me to come next time to buy
the computer, and if I have any other question I can ask him, and then wished me a good day. My
answer wouldve been Yes, because he should me interest in meeting my needs and confidence in the
products he sells.
In the case of Flanco, wether or not I caught him on a bad day or not, his positive attitude towards the
clients needs lacks. He didnt talk in a language every knucklehead would understand. I did, but lets
suppose I dont know that much about computers, so this is a minus for him, and my answer wouldve
been No.

And last but not least, at Domo, the seller kept his neutral and straight to the point attitude. He told me
that he waits for me to come when they receive the new stock, and wished me a good day. My answer
wouldve been Yes.

Although Domo and Altexs sellers told me that they expect me to come again, this is the level on which
the follow-up stops.

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